Energy drink research pro forma

Energy Drink Research Name: Olivia Bolt


My research for my energy drink

Transcript of Energy drink research pro forma

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Energy Drink ResearchName: Olivia Bolt

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Overview of Product - Monster

Use this space to give an overview of the product. You should include:Target marketLogoCorporate colours LookWebsiteOwnership

The target audience of monster is a male market by appealing to their desires and ambitions. Not only are attractive women used to sell Monster, but the allure of the action sports. The brand is known for its multimillion-dollar sponsorship of popular extreme sports, gaming events, and hip-hop dance competitions. Monster has also tapped aspiring athletes as endorsers. The age range of this target audience is boys between 16-35. This age range because they or more immature to be into the type of elements that monster sponsors with it’s drink like the extreme sports and the attractive and unreal women.

Logo: This is the famous monster energy logo. Graphic in the logo spells out a big M this represents the name of Monster. The main colour is green and this gives the logo a monster/scary affect for example a monster is Frankenstein and he was green. The writing underneath the logo is very cult like by using a symbol as the O, this has a monstrous connections as cults are looked on as dark and demon like. The black background gives a high contrast to the M standing out and using very high contrast colours like green and white with the black background these makes the text and the graphic stand out to the target audience.

Coperete Colours: The main colours that are involved with this energy drink is black, green and white. These colours are dark and have connotations of darkness and monsters. The green in particular stands out to be as being a monster like colour as being the main colour of Frankenstein and the “jealousy monster”. The white is for the main name and this really stands out against the dark background so your eyes are immediately taken to the word monster by glancing at the logo once. The colours are very striking and the green is very bright and is two toned. This makes is interesting and more creative than just one dull colour. It’s almost made to look like slime as the coloring looks almost dripping.

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Overview of Product

Overall look: The overall look of this energy drink is pretty simple. The packaging is very minimalist. It only contains one graphic and two pieces of text. The energy drink is presented in a typical can so by first glance you can tell by the look of the container that it is an energy drink. The dark and demon like look about the drink gives it the idea that it is aimed at males. By the colours and the name there is not any female aspects towards this energy drink. It has a very striking and extreme look which links it up to the extreme sports that it sponsors. It is very clean cut and is not fussy and gets straight to the point that reflects the people that they are targeting the drink at. I really like how simple this monster can is. It does not have lots of graphics and texts that Its hard to tell what the drink in. You can just tell that its an energy drink by the way it looks and the big E N E R G Y that it has clearly showing on the front.

Ownership: Monster is owned by Monster beverage cooperation. This is a large cooperation that manufacturers energy drinks, natural soft drinks and fruit drinks. The drinks that this company produce include Monster energy, Hansen’s natural soda, Hansen’s junior juice, Hubert’s lemonade and peace tea. There is also many more not as popular ones. This is a forever growing and large company that Today Coca-Cola Coca-Cola said it would pay a premium $2.15 billion for a 16.7% stake in energy drink giant Monster Beverage. This company is becoming very popular and the drink is sold in most wholesale shops across the country. In 1935 the company started off as Hansen hence the soda’s and juice then in 2007 reinvented itself to monster because of the very popular drink Monster Energy. This company is still growing and has brought out different versions of Monster Energy such as Monster Energy Rehab, Monster Energy The Doctor, Monster Energy Absolutely Zero and Monster Energy Khos. Each drink carries its own unique blend of energy and something else such as the Khos includes energy and juice. And the rehab includes energy and lemonade. So they have to advertise each monster drink separately and each drink has an individual style that is influenced by the original monster.

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This is the main news page for the website of monster energy. The main page is a very male environment with the likes of cars and motorbikes. The website is full of videos that monster sponsor of extreme sport stars. This uses star power to advertise their products by showing the top extreme sport men in action. It is also using reward power as it is suggesting that if you drink this energy drink then you will be like these kind of people and have the energy to go out and do these extreme sports. The website for monster shows a lot of elements for the drink. As you can see from the top bar you can look at sports, events, promotions and the products themselves. This is advertising the drink all the way through the web page. By having promotions and events they are getting people interested in their product. The ‘monster girls’ are very male orientated. They are very unrealistic women that men want to see. The girls are all over this monster website as if they are enticing men to come and drink the drink. They are very much like playboy bunnies. The website follows the same colours as the packaging of the drink. The same kind of dark colours such as black, green and white. This is continuous throughout the whole website. The font is very bold and is white so it has a high contrast from the background. The website mentions the likes of Lewis Hamilton F1 in Italy. This is as to show that you can achieve things like him if you drink the drink.

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Analysis of advert

Monster Energy is advertised mainly through sponsorship of sporting events, including motocross, BMX, mountain biking, snowboarding, skateboarding, car racing and speedway. They advertise this product by the logo being on banners and the clothing that the sports men are wearing also they put the logo’s on the cars, snowboards, skateboards and bikes.

Here is an example of the monster advertising on a car. Again this advertising is a very man orientated advert. This is by having having the monster on the side of a very manly car. As you can see they have reflected the car from the can by having it very minimal and a black background.

Monster Energy do not tend to advertise on the TV. They advertise through sporting events and print. I have been looking at moving picture adverts online but most of them are student made ones or TV adverts that never made the TV. This shows just how big there event advertising must be to not have to advertise on the TV. The intended audience for the adverts is male aged 16-35 as some are quite immature by having pictures of half naked girls and animated characters such as sonic. Some of the adverts are exactly like the packaging just plain and simple. They all contain the colours of green, black and white. These three colours seem to be the representing colours of Monster Energy as you start associating them with this drink. The adverts all use the same font. It’s the same one that is on the packaging and logo this cult like font where the O has a line through it. There is nothing much different from the packaging to the adverts except some of the adverts include more real life graphics like the half naked girls and the animation character sonic. I have found that Monster energy advertises a lot through adverts of competitions to win experiences with extreme sports starts. This is star power through the factors of persuasion for example one of the adverts says “A chance to meet Jamie Whincup” and you must buy a can to win. Each advert uses the same kind of layout by using the M from the monster. It involves this in every Monster Energy advert. The adverts for monster do not involve much content actually on the advert as they are minimal and follow the normal M and the typical monster text. However on some adverts like the one on the side of this car there is added green graphics. The content of their adds is extreme sports which they have their logo stuck on. They use this content of the sports to advertise the brand as that is where their target audience is at.

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Analysis of advert

These are the types of advertisements print version that I found. As I talked about before they are seemed to be quite immature and aimed at younger men who wouldn’t have families and a lot of commitment as a mature adult.

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Overview of Product

Target Audience: The target audience for lucozade is a very wide. It’s from 16-55. Both male and female drink lucozade. The original lucozade energy is bought a lot more by the older generation compared to the new drinks that lucozade have brought out like lucozade sport. The original lucozade has a lot of older generation in it’s favor as they use it as a pick me up for when they are ill. Lucozade is known for it’s energy benefits for when people are ill. Comparing the original to the sport the sport lucozade has a target audience of professional sport man and women in their 18-35. Where they are constantly on the go and playing a lot of sport in which they need that energy to keep them going. The different energy drinks that lucozade have different target audiences. The lucozade revive has a target audience of sporting women from ages 18-35. Women who are playing sports a lot. The packaging is pink which suggests the gender of what the drink is aiming towards. It has the front in bold text that it is low calories and that is what women want to hear when they are trying to achieve good bodies by wanting to loose weight.

Logo: The lucozade energy logo is a lot more creative compared to monster. But also it Is similar to monster as it is simple and not fussy. The logo uses bold colours like red which has connotations of danger and warning. Almost like drinking this drink will give you a lot a power so be warned. It also uses yellow, black and white. These colours together are very contrasting with each other so they all stand out. This makes this logo stand out and make the text very bold to the target audience. The shape of the background is bullet like. This is almost saying that drinking this drink will make you as fast as bullet. This is very enticing to people who want a lot of energy and want to be really fast. The grey also links with the bullet idea of this logo. There is a drop shadow to the text which allows it to stand out.

Coperate colours: The colours of lucozade are bright and bold which reflects the brand. It uses the colours yellow,black,white and red through out the logo and the packaging these colours together on everything allows the target audience to relate these colours together to that brand. It is very clever how they have used these colours as on the lucozade packaging they use the same red and yellow’s and after looking at it you associate this brand with the colours.

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Overview of Product

Look: The overall look of this product is much like an energy drink. For instance the packaging includes the normal lucozade colours that I discussed in the previous slide this is of reds, yellows, blacks and white. The original lucozade packaging come in a plastic bottle which is suitable for carrying around when you are playing sports. You do not have to drink it all at once compare to the monster has it has a screw lid. The look on the packaging suggests bubbles and this links with the fact this could be a fizzy drink. So by looking at the packaging you know what to expect. I really like the look of this packaging because it stands out and is bold and unique to this in particular product.

Ownership: Lucozade is an umbrella name for a series of energy/sport drinks. Lucozade have a lot of different types of energy and sport drinks that are all different in their own way. Lucozade was originally owned by GlaxoSmithKlein which is a is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics and consumer of health care company. Then in 2013 along with Ribena was taken over by the Japanese conglomerate Suntory for £1.35 billion.Lucozade is now apart of Suntory and has been since the 9th of September 2013. They produce lucozade in the Royal forest factory in Coleford.

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This website is very fun looking and full of information about the drink. They advertise all the different types of drinks they do on the page and you can get involved with competitions and use social networking sites such as twitter to get involved with the brand.The lucozade website uses similar colours to the packaging and the logo it is very much like monster in this way. It uses reds and yellows and this makes the website very colorful and fun. The website uses reward power. This is by having people doing amazing activities that make you want to do. This appeals to the target audience. The website is very audience orientated as there is a lot for them to get involved in. You can tell from the website that this is sports by the types of images that it shows. The image are all to do with sport like people jumping out of a plane and a go pro.

The websites advertises their drinks by having competitions why you must buy a drink to win something. The lucozade energy logo is at the top of the page so you know what company it is. Use boxes to organize the website and put each bit of information in each box. I think this is a really good idea because you can choose what box to read and it’s a lot easier to read.

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Analysis of advert

The TV advert for lucozade original is targeted at young people from ages 18-22. This is because it shows a lot of young people from the ages 18-22 at a party in summer. They are drinking lucozade and they are bouncing up and down and dancing. This shows that if you drink this drink you will have a lot of energy to be able to party for a long period of time. This is to catch the target audiences attention of this purposely young advert. The advert uses good looking people having lots of fun which is almost like very unrealistic this uses the reward power of factors of persuasion. It does this by showing if you buy this drink you can have that much fun because you will have the energy to do that. I really like this advert because I think it is reinventing the drink as something trendy and young. As it has been around for such a long time I think that this message the advert is giving across is important for the brand. The layout of this advert is very jumbled up. It uses a lot of close up people dancing and there is activities going on everywhere. I think this is creative as you have a lot to look at, at once which makes the advert exciting. It uses a bold font (Ariel Black) so the text stands out on the busy background. It is a bright yellow colour which goes with the colours scheme of the brand. The imagery of the advert focuses on partying. This is because of the loud music playing and the amount of young people there is dancing. I love the imagery for this advert. It really wants to make you join in and have a good time like that which involves the drink.

This is a print advert which follows the same imagery and content as the TV. This links well as if you see this advert then you automatically know its lucozade because of the TV advert. The target audience for this advert is 18-22 years old. This is because the girls and boys on the advert look that type of age. So the target audience is reflected by that. This advert is again fussy and a lot going on in the background there is not any blank spaces. You can clearly tell it’s for lucozade as it advertises the bottle. This advert has the same factors of persuasion as the TV advert. It also has a lot of the same aspects like the font, imagery, concept.

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Overview of Product

Target Market: The target market for this drink are people that are health conscious and that are aware of what they are consuming. This drink is aimed mostly at women as women are a lot more health conscious than men. This is why the work organic is used in the name of the drink. This is to show what the drink is about by reading the name. It’s a healthy energy drink. Compared to normal energy drinks that are aimed at a more male audience like Monster energy. This energy drink is aimed at women around there 20’s, 20-30. Who like to be healthy. I understood this from the can as it states on the green label “100% natural” and it says “power by nature.” This shows that it is a healthy drink aimed at healthy people which are typically young females. It also targets at women as it’s a pretty and attractive looking can compared to monster energy. Women would more likely to be seen with this kind of can.

Logo: The logo is unlike any others that I have researched. This logo actually contains the name of the company. I think this is because they want to show this is family run business. Unlike Monster where it is just a graphic. They wanted to put their own name in their logo to show that they are proud of the product. That what it seems like to me. The name ‘Sheckters’ is in a handwritten font. This is a serif font. This makes the logo a lot more personal and links in with the idea of it being a little homemade family run business. They wanted to make it more personal. I think to a product like this a personal touch is important because it goes with the theme of the drink. What I like about the organic energy in the logo is that the organic is in lower case and the energy is in capital letters. You can’t tell unless you look closely but I think it is really clever how they have made it look all the same. The Energy in capital letters is effective because it’s standing out and is bold almost as if the energy has energy. The use of green for the organic is used very well as organic has connotations of it being green and healthy. This colour works really well with the word. The colour red goes really well with the energy part especially in the caps as red has connotations of danger and is a warning colour. It shows the target audience that it is an energy drink and not just an ordinary healthy drink. It’s all aligned and in a very neat layout. This is really effective as it makes the logo easy to understand as it’s 90% text and 10% graphic. The small leaf graphic links with the healthy aspect o the drink.

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Overview of Product

Corporate colours: The corporate colours of this drink is green, red and black. It only uses these three colours and they work really well together. The green represents the healthy lifestyle that the drink is about. Green has connotations of health, fresh, new life, It symbolizes growth and harmony which shows that the drink is something that is healthy and fresh to the market. The colour green really represents what the drink is about. The red is really effective because it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. It shows that this is an energy drink as it uses a colour that has connotations of power and strength. The connotations with this colour fit the drink idea really well. This is why I really find the corporate colours interesting to the drink as the connotations represent what the drink is about.

Look: The look of this design and can is very simple and minimalist. It has not got a very fancy design and It is pretty straight forward. The design of the can has a plain look by just using mostly text. It does not contain any main graphics compared to other cans that I have looked such as Monster Energy and Lucozade. These looks heavily use graphics in there designs. I really like this look as it is very minimal. The text design gives the can a unique look as I have not come across another drink design like it. It really suits the target audience of people who are health conscious and it does not take away attention from the fact that it is a healthy drink. You can see that it is a healthy drink from looking at the can. I think this is why the producers have not give it such a strong look. To show it is a healthy energy drink. The can has a sophisticated look with this text design as well it shows that it is aimed at a more up market audience than a 16 year old teenage boy.

Ownership: This is a very small company and has not yet been sold to a larger company. Schechter's was founded by Toby Schechter in 2010. he founded this company because he was sick of drinking the same sort of artificial caffeine consumed and bad tasting energy drinks. He wanted to create something new. So this is what brought him to create a 100% natural energy drink. (This website explains all of this.)

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Website: This is the website for the organic energy drink. It has green grass and a blue sky for the background which is a very natural setting. This works really well for the nature of this energy drink as it is organic. This shows exactly what the drink is about just by looking at the background. You do not even need to have read anything to understand the concept of the drink. It is showing happy young people looking like they have energy. This gives the audience an insight of what this drink can do to them. It shows that these people are happy and full of energy and they could be like this if they take this drink. Using both male and female shows that it is a drink for both genders. Social media links can be found at the top left hand page this links with the type of audience that they are aiming their drink at. These are the type of people that will have social media accounts. Information about the drink is found really big as they can not stress enough how much is artificial. It shows the good qualities and that bad qualities that it does not have to lure the audience into wanting the drink. The picture of the can is important and is placed in the middle of the screen. This is to draw your eye to the centre and so the audience knows what to look out for when wanting to buy the drink. Awards are shown to entice the audience. This shows that it must be a good drink if it is receiving awards. This is really effective because It is a really effective advertising element.

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Analysis of advert

Advert: There is not actually an official advertisement for this product. As it is very new compared to drinks such as Lucozade. When searching the internet I found this which could be a advertisement of some sort. But this energy drink does not have an official TV advertisement of anything on a social media platform. This is the closest I have found to an advert. The intended audience for this are people that are health conscious and that are aware of what they are consuming. This drink is aimed mostly at women as women are a lot more health conscious than men. This is why there is a women running on the front of this advert. She is a young women which shows that this drink is aimed at a younger audience. It has a more upper class market being ABC1 females ages 20-25. The medium of the advert is what could be a magazine advertisement as it is a A4 advert. It is a vertical and it looks like it could be found in a sporting magazine. There is also a promotional video that is found on the website. It uses a lot of close up shots of the drink in cocktail glasses I think they do this to show how trendy the drink is. You can find more video like this on their YouTube channel.

The layout style of this advert is straight forward and simple. It uses house colours that it uses on the drink. So green and red. This is important so you associate the advert with the drink. Ariel fonts are used through out the advert. These fonts are easy to read and understand. They have a lot of text on the advert so they need a clear font so everyone can understand what the advert is explain. The imagery that is used in this advert is healthy and fresh. This is a very healthy women doing a run and this is just what this drink is about. It takes it’s target audience into consideration when showing this. The imagery of health is spread all over this advert as it has lots of health information all of it for example in green it ticks off the benefits that are in this drink. The layout is straight forward and is very typical and universal. This is so everyone can understand the advert. As thy are a small buisness they have to be straight forward about there product unlike Lucozade as they are not well know yet to create a unordinary layout style which one will understand like Lucozade did with the YES campaign.

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Content: The content of this advert has included a women running which is showing what the drink is about. It uses the green colours to represent how healthy the drink is. It does this because if it didn’t people would confuse it with the other energy drinks and put them in the same category of being bad for you. The content includes social media links like Facebook and Twitter. It has contains stickers suck as vegetarian friendly and fair-trade. These are important as they also link with the target audience that they are aiming the drink at. These are the type of people that are interested if something is vegartian or fair-trade.

The factors of persuasion used is reward power. The website shows a list of benefits and elements that can and cannot be found in the drink. In my opinion this is reward power as it shows you what you are not putting into your body that you could be. It shows you that you are going for a healthy option all the bad things that cannot be found in the product. So you are getting all these good supplements in your body as you are chosing a healthier option with this drink which is a reward.

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Overview of ProductTarget Audience: The target audience for this product is people that are very active and are very into fitness. It is more targeted to males than women as it is shown as a more masculine fitness energy drink compared to the Organic Energy. Looking at their audience on a socioeconomic level, they fit into the ABC1 category. This drink is targeted at more professional sports men. It uses the colour blue as a main gender colour. This is how I know that it is mostly aimed at more men than women.

Logo: The logo for PowerAde is shown in the top right. It features bold black letters which are really affective as they stand out a lot in front of the blue background. This is the name of the drink. It involved the name instead of graphics like the organic energy compared to a logo like Monster Energy. A white outline and a blue fade is also used. The blue fade is the same colour as the most original flavour of PowerAde. I find the graphic on this logo really interesting because it is shaped like a P for PowerAde and this is a very clever mix as if you look at this from a sideways angle it looks like a heart rate. This is something very clever and I really like the twist that they have give this. It just makes the logo go from something quite bland to something very creative.

Corporate Colours: The main colours used here are blue, black and white. These are all high contrasting colours between each other so they all stand out. This is really effective as they stand out with each other and compliment each other. They create a professional look to the logo and the drink design. They use high contrasting colours like in the Monster Energy design. The blue gives the logo a almost glowing effect which I really like the use of.

Look: As is aimed at professional sports persons a bottle is easier to use during fitness activities. So one of the big differences of this drink is that it is in a bottle and not a can. Which makes a lot more sense for a professional sports person. One of their competitors, Lucozade, also use a bottle for their energy drinks. The bottle uses a thin black label. It is just very simple and sophisticated looking to bring the level of professionalism to the drink. The look is very minimal and simple and I think this really works for the drink because of the target audience.

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Overview of ProductOwnership: The Coca-Cola Company manufactures and markets the sports drink PowerAde. They invented this drink in 1988.

The website is very much like Monster Energy with the layout style. There is a main image on the home page which they want to concentrate on just like on the Monster Energy website. The house colours of blue, black and white are used on the website as well as the bottle. This is really effective as you associate these colours with the drink and the website. It gives the website a trademark. Also featured on the front page of the website is one of their female sponsors, Olympian Jessica Ennis she is a world class sportswoman, she is there as an inspiration for the audience. It’s a very effective way of selling the drink as she is such a strong role model. There is a very strong social media aspect coming through from the website. As the drinks audience are young that they are very involved in social media. You can see many links on the page and the big one ‘Join us on Facebook’ This is really effective way of advertising the drink to their target audience. The website includes different ways to get involved with the drink. This is making the drink personal to you and the audience. I like this aspect as it is communicating with the audience.

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Analysis of advertThis advert is intended to be aimed professional sports men. It also aimed at women but more men due to the colour of the drink and this advert shows a very sporty looking man. This is for the audience to be inspired by. People will notice these advertisements & will hopefully be inspired to purchase this sports energy drink the next time they decide to go to the gym.

This is a PowerAde medium which could be a magazine advertisement. It’s targeted at people who enjoy sporting events and such. It also could be a poster in a gym to inspire people going to the gym. Or advertise the drink in the gym as this is where they will get most of their target audience.

Most of the poster is image. This is split into two sides. The first side you can see the bottle of PowerAde and in the other half you can see a basketball player. These two images merge together with blue like mist which is linked with the colour of the PowerAde. This is really effective as it show that the PowerAde can make you into something like this. This surrounds him and the bottle. This shows how the PowerAde stays with him whilst playing his sport. The text is in a bold font that stands out. It uses the same house colours and they are high contrasting colours so they stand out. This is like the Monster Energy adverts. This is really effective as is does not take attention away from the image. This advert has the imagery of sports and professionalism in the industry.

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Analysis of advert

Content: This advert contains all sports. It really pushes and enforces sports with the basketball player. I think this is really effective as it is showing what the drink is about. It contains DNA this shows that the drink gets into your DNA and can create you into this different person. I think this is really effective as well as it is a very strong aspect into wanting the target audience to have the drink. They need to make it strong for the target audience to listen to the advert.

This uses the factor of pursation as reward power. As it show that if you take this drink you will become this very strong and sport person. It does this by putting this very unrealistic man on their advert. This is to inspire and reward their audience to look like this.