Endocrine influence on periodontium



this ppt shows the endocrine system in brief and endocrine influence on periodontium

Transcript of Endocrine influence on periodontium

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Endocrine influence on periodontium

Dr. Guru Ram (P.G)

Dept of Periodontics

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Introduction Endocrine system

Central endocrine glands


Pituitary gland

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Pituitary gland



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Source Hormone Target tissue Principle function Periodontium

Hypothalamus Prolactin inhibiting hormone(dopamine)

Anterior pituitary gland Inhibits prolactin release

Stimulates periodontal ligament cell proliferation

Anterior pituitary

Growth hormone (somatotropin)

Bone, soft tissues and liver

Promotes growth, affects lipids and carbohydrate metabolism

Presence of growth hormone associated with protective effect on periodontium

Thyroid Thyroid hormones (tri iodothyrosine, thyroxine)

Most cells of body Regulators of numerous tissues including cardiac and brain involved with growth and metabolism

Deficiency may be associated with destructive periodontal diseases

Adrenal Cortisol,Weak androgens and estrogens

Most tissues of bodySex accessory tissues

Important for glucose, protein and lipid metabolismLow potency of secreted hormones diminishes effects on target tissues

Excess cortisol associated with destructive periodontal diseasesKnown effects on periodontal tissues including growth as well as disease progression

Pancreas Insulin (β cells) Skeletal muscle, liver, adipose tissue

Lowers the blood glucose, fatty acid and amino acid levels

Decreased insulin production associated with destructive periodontal diseases

Parathyroid Parathyroid hormone Bone, kidneys, intestine

Increases plasma calcium

Decreased cortical bone density and increased PDL width no effect on periodontal parameters

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Effects of central endocrine gland hormones on the periodontium

Britto et al 2011- LIMITED EVIDENCE

M. Partovi et al in 2002

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Mechanism proposedL- DOPA


Dopaminergic systems in the anterior position of hypophysis

To release

Growth hormone

 Promoter of healing process

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Peripheral Endocrine glands

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Peripheral endocrine glands






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Peripheral endocrine glands

Adrenal gland hormones

The hormones produced by the adrenal cortex include mineralo-

carticoid hormones e. g., Aldosterone, Glucocorticoid, hormones e.

g., cortisol, gonodal hormones e. g., dehydro-epi-androsterone

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Effects of adrenal gland hormones on the periodontium

Association between elevated cortisol levels and periodontitis were demonstrated by clinical studies by Rosania et al and Rai et al in 2009 and 2011.

ByPotential psycho-neuro-immunologic mechanism

Potential behavioural mechanism

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Potential psycho-neuro-immunologic mechanism

Negative emotion

Polypeptides from sympathetic nor adrenaline transmitting and sensory nerve fibres and from endocrine glands


Bacterial antigens trigger immune responses

Hypothalamus release corticotropic hormone

Adreno-carticotropic hormone from pituitary

Adrenal cortex release


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Short term elevations of cortisol reduce inflammation and mobilize immune components


Decreases immunocompetency by inhibition of IgA, IgG and neutrophil function.

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Potential behavioural mechanism

The higher cortisol and β endorphin concentrations significantly up regulates expression of MMP-1,2,7,11 and TIMP-1 in human

gingival fibroblasts


Increased periodontal breakdown



Patricia et al 2007

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• Various kinds of psychologic stress activate HPA(hypothalamus

Pituitary Aderno cortical) system and SM(sympathetic aderno

medullary) system and consequently induce significant increases in

salivary cortisol and catecholamine levels respectively

• Chromagranin A released by exocytosis from the sympathetic nerve


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Thyroid hormoneEffect of thyroid hormone on periodontium:

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Parathyroid gland hormoneHormones- parathormone

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Ca- Regulation

The resorption of calcium from bones by PTH is by

Rapid phase

Slow phase

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Rapid phaseAfter reaching bone

PTH gets activated to receptors on cell membrane of osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Hormone receptor complex

Increases permeability of membranes of these cells for ca-ions

Accelerates ca-pump mechanism

Ca-ions move to bone cells into blood at faster rate

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Slow phaseWhen Osteoclasts are activated by PTH

Lysosomes release enzymes and citric acid and lactic acid

These substances dissolve organic matrix of bone releasing ca ions

Ca ions release to plasma

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Effect of parathyroid gland hormone on periodontium

Primary hyperthyroidism

Secondary hyperthyroidism

Suggested as therapeutic aid

Lindhe et al

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Sex steroid hormones

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Action of sex steroid hormones on periodontium

Sex steroid hormones

Microbiota immune cells

Cells of the periodontium


Altered gene expression


Changes in clinical phenotype

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Proposed mechanisms

Sex steroid induced increase in specific microbiota

kumare et al in 2013

Immune endocrine interactions exaggerate periodontal


Shiau, Reynolds in 2010

Specific populations of fibroblasts and epithelial cells are

modulated by sex steroid hormones:

Mariotti. In 1994

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Sex steroid hormones and the cells of periodontium

Hormone Fibroblasts Androgens

(testosterone & hydrotestosterone)

Decrease proliferationDecrease IL-6 production

Progesterone Decrease proliferationDecrease protein synthesisDecrease cytokine production

Estradiol Increase proliferationIncrease cytokine productionIncrease growth factor

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Factors influencing sex hormones on periodontium



Hormone supplements

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Studies by Lau et al 2001 showed that gender plays an

important role in changes associated with bone density

throughout the entire skeleton.

It was showed that 80% of decreased bone density patients

were females.( 80% osteoporotic patients were females)

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Regarding periodontal anatomic differences:

Residual ridge height was lower in women compared

to men + decreased amount of estrogen in post menopausal

women was associated with decreased crestal/subcrestal bone


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With regard to age, females undergo more biologic changes

(hormonal imbalances) compared to males such as during

puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause

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Hormone supplementsThese are common used drugs that stimulates a state of pregnancy to prevent ovulation.

HRT has helped in overcoming bone loss in menopausal women, it also has been associated with side effects like thromboembolism, irregular bleeding, fear of cancer,.

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Longitudinal studies have examined the transformation of

subgingival flora from pre puberty to puberty and have

demonstrated a significant increase in the frequency of

Eikenella corrodens,

Prevotella intermedia,

Bacteroides melaninogenicus ,

Prevotella nigrescens,

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Etiology of gingival responses to elevated estrogen & progesterone

during pregnancy

Subgingival plaque composition

Maternal immuno-response.

Sex hormone concentration

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Pancreatic hormones

Effect of pancreatic hormones on periodontium

The metabolic disturbances and the resulting disease sequallae of diabetes mellitus are ultimately the result of a complete or partial reduction in insulin secretion from the β cells

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Oral manifestations

Oral changes described in diabetic patients including


Mucosal drying


Burning mouth and tongue

Diminished salivary flow

Altered oral cavity flora

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Complications of diabetes mellitus

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Mechanisms of diabetic influence on periodontium

These are primarily related to changes in

GCF glucose level

Periodontal vasculature

Collagen metabolism.

The subgingival microbiota

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