endf akjkasd f kjasdf jadfs j jjksa ajskd jkaf

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Transcript of endf akjkasd f kjasdf jadfs j jjksa ajskd jkaf

The listed .msi files each install its enclosed components to a specific location on the destination computer. This helps to ensure serviceability and technical support. The .dll files enclosed in these .msi files are also available separa tely in this redist.txt. However, distributions of these separate .dlls may res ult in issues of serviceability. For more details, please see http://go.microso ft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=94589 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 ------------------------------------------------SSCERuntime-ENU.msi SSCERuntime-DEU.msi SSCERuntime-FRA.msi SSCERuntime-JPN.msi SSCERuntime-RUS.msi SSCERuntime-ESN.msi SSCERuntime-ITA.msi SSCERuntime-KOR.msi SSCERuntime-CHT.msi SSCERuntime-CHS.msi sqlcese35.dll sqlceqp35.dll sqlceoledb35.dll sqlceca35.dll sqlceme35.dll sqlcecompact35.dll sqlceer35en.dll sqlceer35cn.dll/sqlceer35zh-CHS.dll sqlceer35de.dll sqlceer35es.dll sqlceer35fr.dll sqlceer35it.dll sqlceer35ja.dll sqlceer35ko.dll sqlceer35tw.dll/sqlceer35zh-CHT.dll sqlceer35ru.dll System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.Net v1.0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.dll Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server.dll Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe.dll Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.resources.dll The listed .cab files each install its enclosed components to a specific locatio n on the destination mobile device. This helps to ensure serviceability and tec hnical support. The .dll and exe files enclosed in these .cab files are also av ailable separately in this redist.txt. However, distributions of these separate .dlls and exes may result in issues of serviceability. For more details, pleas e see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=94589 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 ------------------------------------------------sqlcese35.dll sqlceqp35.dll sqlceoledb35.dll sqlceca35.dll sqlceme35.dll sqlcecompact35.dll sqlceer35en.dll

sqlceer35cn.dll/sqlceer35zh-CHS.dll sqlceer35de.dll sqlceer35es.dll sqlceer35fr.dll sqlceer35it.dll sqlceer35ja.dll sqlceer35ko.dll sqlceer35tw.dll/sqlceer35zh-CHT.dll sqlceer35ru.dll System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll System.Data.SqlClient.dll isqlw35.exe upgrade.exe dbnetlib.dll language: CHS, CHT, DE, ENU, ES, FR, IT, JA, KO, RU device: ppc, phone platform: wce4, wce5 processor: armv4, armv4i, mipsii, mipsii_fp, mipsiv, mipsiv_fp, sh4, x86 sql.dev.[language].[device].[platform].[processor].CAB sql.dev.[language].[platform].[processor].CAB sql.[device].[platform].[processor].CAB sql.[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.[device].[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.repl.[device].[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.repl.[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.dev.[language].[device].[platform].[processor].CAB sqlce.dev.[language].[platform].[processor].CAB