Ender's Game

Ender’s Game By Orson Scott Card Picture of Ender’s Game book cover


IRA Book Project

Transcript of Ender's Game

The Theme: I think the theme of the book is a mixture of science fiction, action, and fantasy all in one book. One example is when in the following quote “…”(Orson ..) takes place way beyond our time. Also there is action whenever he goes to battle in the battle room with his army in the following quote ”…” (Orson ..). Aliens are not real so the book could be a fantasy because no one has ever really discovered an alien presence in their entire life. In the book, there are aliens so that tells us that it is science fiction and also fantasy. To back up my proof, here is a quote from the book, “…” (Orson ..) Another way you can tell that it is science fiction is because of the technologies that are involved in this book. In the quote “…” (Orson ..) you can already see all the technologies Orson has created that may be the future. The fantasy part is how in the book, Ender plays this fantasy game where things happen that are weird and confusing, but it actually happens when Ender visits a distant place. Here is an example to show you a glimpse of the fantsy. “…” (Orson ..).

Author’s Purpose: I think the Orson Scott Card’s purpose to write this book was to entertain people and show them the possibilities of the future. I also think that he wrote this to express his imagination in literature. He does this by giving details to everything to give a really good picture of what he’s thinking about. Orson also brings out what the character thinks or feels towards another person or object. At the beginning of each chapter, there is a conversation between two people talking about what to do about Ender. I think this helps the reader understand what is going on and kind of foreshadows what is going to happen in the book. I also think Orson changed the perspectives to help the story flow.

Summary: Ender’s Game is about a young genius child, named Ender, who gets sent to battle school to learn how to fight in space. His enemy: the buggers. Ender left everything he loved behind, including his sister, to help mankind beat the buggers. He had been sent with other rookies, but exceeded their level and advanced a lot sooner than anyone else. He became a very good fighter and later became famous throughout the whole school. He got his own army compete in the battle room a lot sooner than anyone else and had tactics no one knew could be executed. Everyone knew his name and also knew about his perfect record he had for years. However, Ender graduated and was sent to a school where they trained him to be a captain. If he succeeded in becoming a captain, mankind was saved. If not, then the human race will never exist again. To find out how it ends, read the book.

Author’s Page: Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card was born in August 24, 1951 at Washington. He grew up in California, Arizona, and Utah and is currently living in Greensboro, North Carolina. His career started when he was a poet at Brigham Young University. He was a major at theatre in the university and eventually got his very own theatre. He also had a small job at the BYU Press, but got a full time job as a copy editor. He even got to be an assistant editor at a church’s official magazine. His first fiction short story appeared in 1977 and his short story, Ender’s Game, was published in 1977 as well. He got his master’s degree in English at the University of Utah and has been writing books like Ender’s Game since then. Throughout the years of his career, he had seven different pseudonyms.