Endeavour Pptver

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Transcript of Endeavour Pptver

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver



    A Math Enhancement Program

    For Grades 6,7,8

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    Why studyMathematics To count my money??? Or

     To argue better!!e, to get good G"A#E$


  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    Importance ofMathematicsMathematics is a uni%ersa 'art o( human cuture&

    Mathematics, it is )idey understood, 'ays a *eyroe in sha'ing ho) indi%iduas dea )ith the

    %arious s'heres o( 'ri%ate, socia, and ci%i i(e&

    +earning mathematics (orces one to earn ho) tothin* %ery ogicay and to so%e 'robems using

    that s*i& -t aso teaches one to be 'recise inthoughts and )ords& Math teaches i(e s*is& -t isdi.cut to /nd any area o( i(e that isn0t touchedby mathematics& e are surrounded by math&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    We drill Maths in

    childrens’ minds… To de%eo'the mathematica s*is i*e s'eed, accuracy, neatness, bre%ity,estimation, etc&ogica thin*ing, reasoning 'o)er, anaytica thin*ing, critica1

    thin*ing&'o)er o( decision1ma*ing&the techni2ue o( 'robem so%ing& The recognition o( the ade2uacy or inade2uacy o( gi%en data inreation to any 'robem&scienti/c attitude i&e& to estimate, /nd and %eri(y resuts&

    abiity to anay3e, to dra) in(erences and to generai3e (rom thecoected data and e%idences&heuristic attitude and to disco%er soutions and 'roo(s )ith theo)n inde'endent e4orts&mathematica 'ers'ecti%e and outoo* (or obser%ing the reamo( nature and society&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    A Stumbling Block  5et today, as in the 'ast, many students

    strugge )ith mathematics and becomedisa4ected as they continuay con(rontobstaces to engagement&

    -n order to brea* this 'attern it is im'erati%e,there(ore, that )e understand )hat e4ecti%emathematics teaching and earning oo*s i*e&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    School Mathematics –

    What we !pect-n our %ision, schoo mathematics ta*es 'ace in

    a situation )here

    hidren earn to enoy mathematics,

    hidren earn im'ortant mathematics,

    Mathematics is a 'art o( chidren9s i(ee:'erience )hich they ta* about,

    hidren 'ose and so%e meaning(u 'robems,hidren use abstractions to 'ercei%e

    reationshi's and structure,

     Teachers engage e%ery chid in cass&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    But what do we get""e identi(y the (oo)ing core areas o( concern

    A sense o( (ear and (aiure regardingmathematics among a maority o( chidren

    A curricuum that disa''oints both a taentedminority as )e as the non1'artici'atingmaority at the same time

    rude methods o( assessment that encourage'erce'tion o( mathematics as mechanicacom'utation

    +ac* o( teacher 're'aration and su''ort in theteaching o( mathematics

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    Who does not want to

    get a good score inmathematics"e ha%e to understand that

    Mathematics earning and then a''ying is not

    an easy tas* (or many& +earning abiity o( students may %ary& -t is

    de'endent o( many (actors&

     There are many students )ho strugge (or

    e%en 'assing the subect&$tudents commit errors )hie so%ing

    mathematica 2uestions& Errors can be ogica,

    conce'tua, arithmetica, misreading etc&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    #easons for committing

    mathematical errors…

    Forgetting the 're%ious *no)edge1

    Mathematics earning is cumuati%e&$tudent is under 'ressure and has to )or* on

    hard enough to gras' the ne) unearnedconce't&

    #oing the bare minimum to 'ass+ac* o( in%o%ement in the earning 'rocess

    ;ot reated to daiy i(e<

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    An urgent $eed for

    Inno%ation in &eachingMathematics Teachers try to achie%e mathematica goas ony

    through %erba and mechanica methods that areusuay used in the cass o( mathematics& The %erba

    methods o( instruction gi%e a im'ortance to s'eechand te:ts, to the boo* and to the teacher&

     Teacher9s tas* is to transmit to their 'u'is the*no)edge )hich has accumuated o%er the centuries,to stu4 their memory )hie as*ing them to )or*


    =erba method o( teaching in%o%es e:'anation& Teachers )ho use this method assume that the mentastructure o( the chid is same as that o( an adut9s&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    &eaching Mathematics The teaching and earning o( mathematics is a

    com'e: acti%ity )ith muti'e (actorsdetermining its success&

     The nature and 2uaity o( instructiona materia,

     the 'resentation o( content,

    the 'edagogic s*is o( the teacher, the earning en%ironment,

     the moti%ation o( the students

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    What do we o'erAn a1-ncusi%e curricuumon/rming to -ndian and Goba standardsom'rehensi%e

    oherent#ynamic>nderstanding based


    "eation to daiy i(eE:'oring interreationshi's bet)een %arious

    to'ics and disci'ines+ots o( Acti%ities )hich )i ma*e the chid thin*,

    'an, e:'eriment and understand the conce'ts

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    &he Working (limate-ncusi%eness $tudent engagement Togetherness en%ironment

    $tudents (ee sa(e to thin* (or themse%es, to as*2uestions, and to ta*e inteectua ris*s

    or*ing arrangements that are res'onsi%e to thechidrens9 needs

    o''ortunities to )or* both inde'endenty andcoaborati%ey

    A 'ositi%e attitude that raises com(ort e%es andgi%es students greater con/dence in their ca'acityto earn and to ma*e sense o( mathematics&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    &he two Scenarios The teacher instructs the students@ the teacher so%es

    sam'e 'robems )ith the cass@ the students'ractice on their o)n )hie the teacher assistsindi%iduas&


     The teacher 'oses a com'e:, thought 'ro%o*ing'robem@ students )or* together to gra''e )ith the'robem@ %arious students e:'ain ideas or soutionsto the cass@ the cass discusses the best a''roaches@the teacher summari3es the cass concusions andthe students then 'ractice simiar 'robems&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    It’s )I**#$&A''ro'riate e%es o( chaenges (or a students

    hanging moding the essons as 'er there2uirement o( the students

    o'en1ended and modeing tas*s

    A (ocus on both re'resenting and so%ing a'robem rather than on merey so%ing it

    )or*ing )ith rea i(e systems

    Bere, )e teach students di4erenty&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    And how so"Encourage them to de%eo' thin*ing, reasoning and

    communicating s*is&

    #e%eo' Cnumber sense9 and Cagebraic reasoning9,

    thin*ing and reasoning s*is rather than roteagorithmic s*is&

    Encourage students to discose their o)nunderstanding o( )hat they ha%e earned

    -ncude student e:'anation o( their thin*ing andreasoning as an integra 'art o( many essons&

    Bo) many teachers today actuay encouragechidren to come u' )ith di4erent soutions?

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    AssessmentA moment1by1moment assessment

    ontinuousy monitoring the studentsCunderstanding, noticing the strategies that they're(er, and istening to the anguage that theyuse&

    ee*y Formati%e Assessments

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    &he BASI( S+I,,S,-, The e%e 're'ares students (or basic math s*is&7 com'onents o( math s*is are co%ered in this course

    number sense,

    'robabiity,data anaysis and statistics,basic agebra,measurements and con%ersions,basic geometry, andmathematica reasoning&

     This course )i 're'are students to e:'and their abiityto )or* out math 'robems correcty and con/denty&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    *or Admission

    A diagnostic e:am )i be conducted )here the

    student )i be tested (or math s*is o( hisher're%ious grade&

  • 8/17/2019 Endeavour Pptver


    .rogram )etailsourse outine and Fees a%aiabe on re2uest

    E1mai neeam&samdaniDgmai&com

    &/A$+ 012