Endangered Species Act: Jeopardy!

JEOPARDY! Endangered Species Act

Transcript of Endangered Species Act: Jeopardy!

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JEOPARDY!Endangered Species Act

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…it expressed concern that native WHAT were in danger of becoming extinct?

When Congress passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973…

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Answer: Imperiled species and the ecosystems on which they depend

The purpose of the ESA is to protect and recover what?

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Which two federal government agencies administer the ESA? -

Terrestrial and fresh water organism Marine wildlife

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Under the ESA, a species may be listed

as either:Answer: Endangered or Threatened

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Answer: a species is indanger of extinction throughout allor a significant portion of its range.

“Endangered” means:

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Answer: FALSE. “Pest” insects are not eligible for listing as endangered or threatened.

True or False? All species of plants and animals, including pest insects, are eligible for listing.

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In March 2011, the FWS listed_____ species worldwide as endangered

or threatened, of which ____ occurred in theUnited States.

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1)damage to, or destruction of, a species’ habitat 2) overutilization of the species for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes 3) disease or predation 4) inadequacy of existing protection; and 5) other natural or manmade factors that

affect the continued existence of the species.

When evaluating a species for listing, the FWS considers five factors:

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The FWS also maintains a list of “candidate” species. These are species for which the FWS has enough information to warrant proposing them for listing but is precluded from doing so by higher listing priorities.

While listing actions of higher priority go forward, the FWS works with States, Tribes, private landowners, private partners, and other Federal agencies to carry out conservation actions for these species to prevent further decline and possibly eliminate the need for listing.

What are “Candidate” Species?

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The ESA protects endangered andthreatened species and their habitats byprohibiting the “____” of listed animals

and the interstate or international trade inlisted plants and animals, including theirparts and products, except under Federal


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…defined as “to harass, harm,pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,

capture, or collect or attempt to engage inany such conduct.”

The ESA makes it unlawful for a person to take a listed animal without a permit. “Take” is… ?

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The term “____” is defined as “an actwhich actually kills or injures wildlife.”

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Who writes and implements these plans withthe assistance of species experts; other

Federal, State, and local agencies;Tribes; nongovernmental organizations;

academia; and other stakeholders?

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It is extremely rare that aproject ends up being withdrawn or

terminated because of jeopardy to alisted species.

True or False?

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The ESA also requires the designationof “________ _______” for listed species.

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So what if you own private land where there are

federally listed species?Options:

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Habitat Conservation Plans Landowners may

receive a permit to take such species incidental to otherwise legal activities, provided they have developed an approved habitat conservation plan (HCP).

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Habitat Conservation Plans Assessment of the likely

impacts on the species from the proposed action

Steps that the permit holder will take to avoid, minimize, and mitigate the impacts

Funding for HCP

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Safe Harbor Agreements Non-Federal landowners

voluntarily aid in the recovery of listed speciesby improving or maintaining wildlife habitat. Under SHAs, landowners manage the enrolled property and may return it to originally agreed-upon “baseline” conditions for the species and its habitat at the end of the agreement.

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Candidate Conservation Agreements Conservation

agreements (CCAs) are voluntary agreements between landowners and one or more other parties to reduce or remove threats to candidate or other at-risk species.

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U.S. is a party to C.I.T.E. S. -Convention onInternational Trade in Endangered

Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – 175 nation agreement

International Efforts to Protect Species

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Access the latest publication of listed animals and listed plants as published in the Government Printing Office's Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants 50

eCFR 17.11 and 17.12, which is updated daily.

Search Endangered Species Database