ENAS 2012 presentation

Networking for better Students Sport


European Network of Academic Sport Services. Networking for better students sport!

Transcript of ENAS 2012 presentation

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Networking for better Students Sport

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What is ENAS?NETWORK of higher education institutions with university sport services, since 1997

Focusing on Recreational & Leisure sports

Members: Academic Sports Services

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ENAS missionENAS promotes and develops sport for all in Higher Education and encourages communication and mobility between Academic Sports Services.

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ENAS purpose?

to develop communication between members

to exchange ideas and experiences

to encourage the mobility of professionals (people involved in sport services) and students

to promote recognition of the Academic Sport Services

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Ireland University College DublinIreland University College CorkIreland University of LimerickIreland National University of Ireland, MaynoothIreland Trinity College DublinIreland Dublin City UniversityIreland Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)Ireland Limerick Institute of Technology Sports Council

Israel Tel-Aviv University Elite Sports Center L.T.D.

Lithuania Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education

Netherlands University of GroningenNetherlands University of MaastrichtNetherlands Utrecht Sportcentrum OlympusNetherlands Radboud University NijmegenNetherlands University of TwenteNetherlands University and Research Center of WageningenNetherlands Technical University of DelftNetherlands Technical University of EindhovenNetherlands University of AmsterdamNetherlands University of LeidenNetherlands Erasmus University of Rotterdam

Norway Student Sport, OsloNorway University of StavangerNorway Norwegian University of Science and Tec. NTNU

Belgium University of AntwerpBelgium University de LiégeBelgium University of GentBelgium University of LeuvenBelgium AUHL Associated Universities Hogescholen Limburg

Croatia University of Zagreb

Estonia Tallinn College of EngineeringEstonia Tallinn University of Technology

Finland University of OuluFinland University of HelsinkiFinland University of TampereFinland University of TurkuFinland University of LaplandFinland University of Aalto

France University Lille 2France Universite de France-Comte - SUAPSFrance Université d'EvryFrance SUAPS University of Lille 1

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Germany University of PaderbornGermany University of CologneGermany University of WuppertalGermany WWU Hochschulsport MunsterGermany Aachen Uni. Of Technology RWTH SportGermany Technical University BraunschweigGermany University of Applied Sciences - FH DarmstadtGermany Universität HamburgGermany University of DortmundGermany University of KielGermany Bochum UniversityGermany Free University of Berlin

Greece Panteion University of Athens

Portugal University of AlgarvePortugal University of LisbonPortugal University of MinhoPortugal Estádio Universitário de LisboaPortugal University of PortoPortugal Polytechnic Institute of PortoPortugal Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Slovenia University of Maribor

Spain University of VigoSpain Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Spain Universidad Carlos III de MadridSpain Universitat de AlmeriaSpain University of ValenciaSpain University of Jaume ISpain University of GranadaSpain University of Abat Oliba CEUSpain Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Sweden Lund University

Switzerland University of ZurichSwitzerland Universitätsport/Akad. Sportverband St. GallenSwitzerland University of BaselSwitzerland University of FribourgSwitzerland University of NeuchatelSwitzerland University of BernSwitzerland University of GenevaSwitzerland University Sport of LucerneSwitzerland University of Lausanne

Turkey University of Inonu

United Kingdom Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom University of LeedsUnited Kingdom University of KentUnited Kingdom London South Bank UniversityUnited Kingdom Coventry UniversityUnited Kingdom Keele UniversityUnited Kingdom Loughborough UniversityUnited Kingdom University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom City University London

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ENAS main activitiesENAS annual conference

ideas & best practices exchange



staff exchange programmes

students exchange support

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ENAS contactswww.enas-sport.net

[email protected]


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See U @ ENAS ConferenceUniversity of Lisbon 2012 – November, 7th to 10th

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