En Hfa II i Network App Note

HFA II- i Nework Conneciviy Goals and Reiremens Application Note CAUTION: Reer to the HFA II- i Uer Manual or warning, aety inormation, labeling and detailed operating intruction. Thi Application Note i only a complement to the Uer Manual. Wha is yor conneciviy end goal? The goal decribed here provide an overview o the required otware and licene or the HFA and erver baed upon the end connection goal. There are three end goal. HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware Verion 4.2.2 HFA-NET Pro Adobe ® Acrobat (or PDF) Window ® Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF) Verion 5.0 HFA-NET Pro Adobe Acrobat (or PDF) Window Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF) Verion 5.1 HFA-NET Pro Adobe Acrobat (or PDF) Window Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF) Goal 3: View Repor on a PC View an HFA report on a PC. Require exporting a PDF or TIFF image ile o the report to a network older, and browing to that older to view the ile. HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware Verion 4.2.2 HFA-NET Pro N/A Verion 5.0 HFA-NET Pro N/A Verion 5.1 HFA-NET Pro N/A Goal 2: View Repor in EMR View an HFA report in the patient record o an EMR. Require export o the HFA PDF or TIFF image ile to a hared network older that an EMR can import rom. 1 HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware Verion 5.0 DICOM Gateware 2.0 DICOM Gateway 2.0 Verion 5.1 DICOM Gateware 2.0 DICOM Gateway 2.0 Goal 1: View Repor in DICOM EMR View the PDF or TIFF o the HFA report in the patient record o a DICOM compliant EMR or Viewer/Archive application (Example: VitA, FORUM ® ). Export a DICOM-compliant image ile and raw data to the erver and attach the image ile to an EMR or Viewer/Archive application. 1  Thi EMR integration method uing HFA-NET Pro require an HFA-pecic interace. EMR that have created an HFA-pecic interace are OceMate ® ExamWRITER ® , Compulink, Verasuite and Medfow. Only thee EMR will be upported or connectivity with HFA-NET Pro. Connectivity to other EMR i available through FORUM.  // HumpHrey Field AnAlyzer mAde by CArl zeiss

Transcript of En Hfa II i Network App Note

Page 1: En Hfa II i Network App Note

8/2/2019 En Hfa II i Network App Note

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HFA II-i  Nework Conneciviy Goals and ReiremensApplication Note

CAUTION: Reer to the HFA™ II- i  Uer Manual or warning, aety inormation, labeling and detailed operating intruction.

Thi Application Note i only a complement to the Uer Manual.

Wha is yor conneciviy end goal?

The goal decribed here provide an overview o the required otware and licene or the HFA and erver baed upon the end

connection goal. There are three end goal.

HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware

Verion 4.2.2 HFA-NET Pro Adobe® Acrobat (or PDF)


Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF)Verion 5.0 HFA-NET Pro Adobe Acrobat (or PDF)

Window Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF)

Verion 5.1 HFA-NET Pro Adobe Acrobat (or PDF)

Window Picture and Fax Viewer (or TIFF)

Goal 3: View Repor on a PC

View an HFA report on a PC. Require

exporting a PDF or TIFF image ile o thereport to a network older, and browing

to that older to view the ile.

HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware

Verion 4.2.2 HFA-NET™ Pro N/A

Verion 5.0 HFA-NET Pro N/A

Verion 5.1 HFA-NET Pro N/A

Goal 2: View Repor in EMR

View an HFA report in the patient record

o an EMR. Require export o the HFA

PDF or TIFF image ile to a hared network

older that an EMR can import rom.1

HFA Sofware HFA License Server Sofware

Verion 5.0 DICOM Gateware 2.0 DICOM Gateway 2.0

Verion 5.1 DICOM Gateware 2.0 DICOM Gateway 2.0

Goal 1: View Repor in DICOM EMR

View the PDF or TIFF o the HFA report in

the patient record o a DICOM compliant

EMR or Viewer/Archive application

(Example: VitA, FORUM®). Export a

DICOM-compliant image ile and raw data

to the erver and attach the image ile to

an EMR or Viewer/Archive application.

1 Thi EMR integration method uing HFA-NET Pro require an HFA-pecic interace. EMR that have

created an HFA-pecic interace are OceMate® ExamWRITER®, Compulink, Verasuite and Medfow.

Only thee EMR will be upported or connectivity with HFA-NET Pro. Connectivity to other EMR i

available through FORUM.

 // HumpHrey FieldAnAlyzermAde by CArl zeiss

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HFA II-i  Nework Conneciviy Goals and ReiremensApplication Note


Server Pentium® 1.8GHz / 1GB RAM / 40GB minimum ree Hard Dik pace

HFA le ize (per exam) – average PDF: 30Kb

Operaing Sysems Window XP and Vita. Alo Window 2003 and 2008 erver.

Common Internet File sytem (CIFs) and/or File Traner Protocol (FTP) are required.

Swiches HFA equipped with otware verion 5.0 or le, mut ue a 10/100 Mbp ethernet

connection, orced through to the erver. 1000 Mbp (gigabit ethernet) connection

are not upported.

HFA equipped with otware verion 5.1 or greater will upport 1000 Mbp

ethernet. I two or more HFA are on the network, and one i 5.0, the network mut

be congured to run at 10/100 Mbp a decribed above.


Field Analyzer (HFA) HFA mut be an “i” erie. Non-i erie HFA do not have an ethernet port andthereore cannot be congured to run on a local area network.

Minimum HFA application otware and otware licene are required. Depend ing

on the conguration o the HFA, it mut be equipped with application otware

verion 4.2.2 or 5.0, and/or verion 5.1 or greater otware or newer HFA (ee 

What o coctvt goa? revere).

Depending on your nal connectivity goal, and the conguration o your HFA, you

may need to purchae an HFA-NET Pro or DICOM Gateway licene to connect to the

erver (ee What o coctvt goa? revere).

The HFA can tranmit exam report in two le ormat (PDF or TIFF) to a Window

hared older uing CIFs or FTP. In addition, the HFA can tranmit exam data (in a

protected ormat) to a Window hared older, or backup and retore purpoe.

(I more than one HFA i on the network – ee below.)

Two or more HFA connected to a network can hare data through a central

databae olution (uch a FORUM).2

The HFA can be connected to many Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application

through FORUM.

Nework Priners Printer mut upport either PCL 3 or 5 natively. Printer that emulate PCL 3 or 5 are

not upported.

Conguring an HFA or network printing require the HFA to rt be connected over

the network to a Window computer that hare acce to a upported printer.

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not: To network an HFA intrument with running otware ytem verion 5.1 with other HFA, all other HFA mut be running ytem

otware verion 5.0 or greater. A DICOM-compliant EMR that upport Modality Worklit and EPDF IOD i required.

2 Prior to the availability o FORUM, haring data between HFA ued the Archive/Retrieve proce uing HFA-NET Pro. Thi method i no longer

recommended or haring data between intrument, due to limitation in implementing ome type o change acro intrument. Now with the

availability o FORUM, HFA Archive/Retrieve hould only be ued a a econdary method to backup/retore HFA databae over local area network.

Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc.

5160 Hacienda Drive

Dublin, CA 94568



Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

Goeschwitzer Str. 51-52

07745 Jena




Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

Goeschwitzer Str. 51-52

07745 Jena



HFA 0297 FORuM