EN ES FR IT DE User’s Guide · 4 5 EN EN 1.3 Charging You can charge the headset by connecting...

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Transcript of EN ES FR IT DE User’s Guide · 4 5 EN EN 1.3 Charging You can charge the headset by connecting...

Page 1: EN ES FR IT DE User’s Guide · 4 5 EN EN 1.3 Charging You can charge the headset by connecting the supplied USB power & data cable into a computer’s USB port or USB wall charger.

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Page 2: EN ES FR IT DE User’s Guide · 4 5 EN EN 1.3 Charging You can charge the headset by connecting the supplied USB power & data cable into a computer’s USB port or USB wall charger.


8.9 Delete All Bluetooth Pairing Information ....................... 278.10 Factory Reset ............................................................... 278.11ExitVoiceConfigurationMenu ...................................... 28

9 FIRMWARE UPGRADE ..........................................29

10 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................2910.1 Intercom Failure............................................................. 2910.2 Intercom Reconnection ................................................. 3010.3 Fault Reset..................................................................... 3010.4 Factory Reset ................................................................ 30

11 OPERATION QUICK REFERENCE .......................31

CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY APPROVALS ............33• FCC Compliance Statement .............................................. 33• FCC RF Exposure Statement ............................................. 34• FCC Caution ...................................................................... 34• CE Declaration of Conformity ........................................... 34• Industry Canada Statement .............................................. 34• Bluetooth License ............................................................. 35• WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) ......... 35

1 GETTING STARTED .................................................41.1 Button Operation ............................................................. 41.2 Powering On and Off....................................................... 41.3 Charging.......................................................................... 51.4 Checking the Battery Level ............................................. 51.5 Volume Adjustment ......................................................... 61.6 LRPDeviceManager ...................................................... 6

2 PAIRING THE HEADSET WITH BLUETOOTH DEVICES ...................................................................72.1 MobilePhonePairing-MobilePhone,

Bluetooth Stereo Device ................................................. 72.2 MultipointPairing-SecondMobilePhone,

GPS,andSR10 ............................................................... 82.3 Advanced Selective Pairing: A2DP Stereo or

Handsfree ........................................................................ 92.4 Intercom Pairing ............................................................ 11

3 MOBILE PHONE, GPS, SR10 ................................123.1 MobilePhoneCallMakingandAnswering................... 123.2 Speed Dialing ................................................................ 133.3 GPS Navigation ............................................................. 143.4 LRPSR10,Two-WayRadioAdapter ............................. 15

SAFETY INFORMATION .............................................36• ProductStorageandManagement ................................... 36• Product Use ....................................................................... 36• Battery ................................................................................ 38

PRODUCT WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER ...............39• Limited Warranty ................................................................ 39• Warranty Exclusions .......................................................... 42• Warranty Service ................................................................ 44• Return for Full Refund ........................................................ 44

4 STEREO MUSIC .....................................................154.1 BluetoothStereoMusic ................................................. 154.2 MusicSharing ............................................................... 16

5 INTERCOM ..............................................................175.1 StartingTwo-wayIntercom ............................................ 175.2 EndingTwo-wayIntercom ............................................. 185.3 IntercomandMobilePhoneCall .................................. 18

6 UNIVERSAL INTERCOM ........................................196.1 Universal Intercom Pairing ............................................ 206.2 Two-wayUniversalIntercom ......................................... 20

7 FUNCTION PRIORITY ............................................21

8 CONFIGURATION SETTING .................................218.1 MobilePhonePairing .................................................... 238.2 MultipointPhonePairing ............................................... 238.3 Phone Selective Pairing ................................................ 238.4 MediaSelectivePairing ................................................ 248.5 Assigning Speed Dial ................................................... 248.6 Enabling/DisablingVoicePrompts ............................... 258.7 Enabling/DisablingSidetone......................................... 268.8 Enabling/DisablingAdvancedNoiseControl™............ 26


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1.3 ChargingYoucanchargetheheadsetbyconnectingthesuppliedUSBpower&datacableintoacomputer’s USB port or USB wall charger. You canuseanystandardmicroUSBcabletocharge the unit. You can also charge them on theroadusingthecigarettecharger.Thecharging LED turns red while charging and turnsbluewhenfullycharged.Ittakesabout2.5hourstobecompletelycharged.


AC Adapter

1.4 Checking the Battery Level

1.4.1 LED IndicatorWhentheheadsetortheHandlebarRemoteispoweringon,theirredLEDflashesrapidlyindicatingthebatterylevel.


1.4.2 Voice Prompt IndicatorWhenyoupowerontheheadset,keeppressing the Center Button and the (+) Button simultaneouslyforabout5secondsuntilyouhearthree,hightonedbeeps.Thenyouwillhearavoicepromptindicatingthebatterylevel.However,ifyoureleasethebuttonsassoonastheheadsetturnson,youwillnothearthevoicepromptforthebatterylevelindication.


1.1 Button Operation

1.2 Powering On and OffTopowerontheheadset,presstheCenterButton and the (+) Button at the same time whilehearingascendingbeepsandavoiceprompt,“Hello”.Topowerofftheheadset,press the Center Button and the (+) Button at thesametimewhilehearingdescendingbeepsandavoiceprompt,“Goodbye”.

(+) Button

Fault Reset Button

Status LED

Center Button

(-) Button

DC Power Charging & Firmware upgrade Port

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Before using the LINKIN Ride Pal Bluetooth headset with any other Bluetooth devices for thefirsttime,youwillneedtopairthemtogether. You can pair the LINKIN Ride Pal with Bluetoothmobilephones,BluetoothstereodevicessuchasMP3players,ormotorcyclespecificBluetoothGPSnavigation,andwithotherLRPBluetoothheadsets.Thepairingoperation is required only once for each Bluetoothdevice.Theheadsetremainspairedwith the devices and automatically reconnects to them when they are within range. You will hearahightonedsinglebeepandavoiceprompt whenever the headset reconnects to the paired device: “Phone connected” to a mobilephone,“Media connected” to a Bluetooth stereo device.

2.1 Mobile Phone Pairing - Mobile Phone, Bluetooth Stereo Device

1. Press and hold the Center Button for 12 secondsuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Configuration menu”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Phone pairing”.

3. Search for Bluetooth devices on your mobilephone.SelecttheLINKINRidePalin the list of the devices detected on the mobilephone.

4. Enter0000forthePIN.Somemobilephones may not ask for the PIN.

5. Themobilephoneconfirmsthatpairinghasbeencompletedandtheheadsetisreadytouse.Youwillhearavoiceprompt,“Your headset is paired”.

1.5 Volume AdjustmentYoucaneasilyadjustthevolumebypressingthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Button.Youwillhearabeepwhenthevolumereachesthemaximumorminimumlevel.Thevolumeissetandmaintained independently at different levels for eachaudiosourceevenwhenyoureboottheheadset.Forexample,onceyousetthevolumeformobilephonehandsfree,itwillnotchangeeven if you adjust the volume for your Bluetooth MP3music.However,ifyouadjustthevolumeduringstand-bymode,itwillaffectvolumelevels of every audio source.

1.6 LRP Device ManagerTheLRPDeviceManagerallowsyoutoupgradethefirmwareandconfigurethedevicesettings directly from your PC. Using this software,youcanassignspeeddialpresets,FMradiofrequencypresetsandmore.ItisavailableforbothWindowsandMac.

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1. The LRP SR10 is a Bluetooth two-way radio adapter for group communication, and uses Hands-Free Profile. The incoming audio from the two-way radio via SR10 is heard in the background while having an intercom conversation or a mobile phone call.

2. The GPS navigation or a radar detector could be connected to the SR10 by wire. The GPS voice instruction or the radar detector alarm is also heard in the background via SR10 while having an intercom conversation or a phone call. Please refer to the SR10 User’s Guide for details.

2.3 Advanced Selective Pairing: A2DP Stereo or Handsfree

Whenyouareusingasmartphone,sometimesyou may need to selectively use the headset forA2DPstereomusiconlyorformobilephonehandsfreeonly.Theseinstructionsareforadvanced users who want to pair the headset to their smartphones with only one selective profile:A2DPforstereomusicofHFPforphonecalls.Ifyouhavepreviouslypairedamobilephonetotheheadset,youmustclearthepreviouspairinglistonbothdevices:themobilephoneandtheheadset.Toclearthepairinglistontheheadset,pleasedoafactoryresetorfollowingthepairinglistclearingproceduredescribedinsection 8.10,“FactoryReset” or 8.9,“DeleteAllBluetoothPairingInformation”.Toclearthepairinglistonthemobilephone,pleaserefertothemobilephonemanual.Formostsmartphones,deletetheheadsetfromthelistof Bluetooth devices in the settings menu.

6. If the pairing process is not completed withinthreeminutes,theheadsetwillreturntostand-bymode.


1. If the Bluetooth connection between the headset and a mobile phone is disconnected, press the Center Button for 3 seconds to recover the Bluetooth connection immediately.

2. If the Bluetooth connection between the headset and a media player is disconnected, press the Center Button for 1 second to recover the Bluetooth connection and play.

2.2 Multipoint Pairing - Second Mobile Phone, GPS, and SR10

1. Press and hold the Center Button for 12 secondsuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Configuration menu”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Multipoint pairing”.

3. Search for Bluetooth devices on the HFP device. Select the LINKIN Ride Pal in the list of the devices detected on the HFP device.

4. Enter 0000 for the PIN. Some HFP devices may not ask for the PIN.

5. TheHFPdeviceconfirmsthatthepairingis completed and the headset is ready to use.Youwillhearavoiceprompt,“Your headset is paired”.

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2.4 Intercom Pairing

2.4.1 Pairing with Other LINKIN Ride Pal Headsets for Intercom Conversation

Theheadsetcanbepairedwithuptothreeother headsets for Bluetooth intercom conversation.

1. Turnonthetwoheadsets(AandB)thatyou would like to pair with each other.

2. Press and hold the Center Button of the headset A and B for 5 seconds until red LEDsofthebothunitsstarttoflashrapidly.Youwillhearavoiceprompt,“Intercom pairing”.

3. TaptheCenterButtononanyoneofthetwoheadsetsAandB,andwaitunittheLEDsofbothheadsetsturntoblueandintercomconnectionisautomaticallyestablished.ThetwoheadsetsAandBarepairedwitheach other for intercom conversation. If the pairing process is not completed within one minute,theheadsetwillreturntostand-bymode.

4. YoucanmakeotherpairingbetweenheadsetsAandC,andbetweenheadsetsAandDbyfollowingthesameprocedureasabove.

5. Theintercompairingqueueis‘Last-Come, First-Served’. If a headset has multiple paired headsets for intercom conversations,thelastpairedheadsetisset as first intercom friend.Thepreviousintercomfriendbecomessecond intercom friend, and third intercom friend.

2.3.1 A2DP Stereo Music Only1. Press and hold the Center Button for 12 secondsuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Configuration menu”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Media selective pairing”.

3. Search for Bluetooth devices on your smartphone. Select the headset in the list of devices detected on your phone.

4. Enter0000forthePIN.Somemobilephones may not ask for PIN.

2.3.2 HFP for Phone Call Only1. Press and hold the Center Button for 12 secondsuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Configuration menu”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Phone selective pairing”.

3. Search for Bluetooth devices on your smartphone. Select the headset in the list of devices detected on your phone.

4. Enter0000forthePIN.Somemobilephones may not ask for PIN.

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• Enternumbersonyourmobilephone’skeypadandmakeacall.Thenthecallisautomatically transferred to the headset.

• Press the Center Button for 3 seconds in stand-bymodetoactivatethevoicedialerofyourmobilephone.Forthis,thevoicedialingfunctionmustbeavailableonthemobilephone.Refertoyourmobilephonemanual for further instruction.


1. If you have two phones connected to your headset and you have an incoming call from the second phone during the call of the first phone, then you may still receive the call from the second phone. In this case, the call from the first phone is on waiting mode. If you end a call, then it will automatically guide you to the first phone call.

2. If you have a mobile phone and a GPS connected to your headset, you may not be able to listen to the GPS voice instruction during the phone call.

3.2 Speed DialingYoucanquicklymakeaphonecallbyusingthe voice speed dial menu.

1. Toenterintothevoicespeeddialmenu,press the (+) Button for 3 seconds until you willhearamid-tonedsinglebeepandavoiceprompt,“Speed dial”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttontonavigatebetweenthemenus.Youwillhearvoice prompts for each menu item.

3. TaptheCenterButtontoselectavoicemenu among the followings:

(1) Last number redial(2) Speed dial 1(3) Speed dial 2(4) Speed dial 3(5) Cancel


For example, after the pairing procedures listed above, headset D is the first intercom friend of headset A. Headset C is the second intercom friend of headset A, and headset B is the third intercom friend of headset A.

2.4.2 Pairing with Other LRP Headset Models for Intercom Conversation

TheLINKINRidePalcanbepairedwithallotherLRPheadsetmodelssuchasthe20S,10C and the 10S for intercom conversation. Pleasefollowthesameprocedureasabovetopair with these headset models.


3.1 Mobile Phone Call Making and Answering

1. Whenyouhaveanincomingcall,simplytap the Center Button to answer the call.

2. Toendacall,presstheCenterButtonfor2secondsuntilyouhearamid-tonesinglebeep,orwaitforthecalledpersontoendthe call.

3. Torejectacall,presstheCenterButtonfor2secondsuntilyouhearabeepwhilethephone is ringing.

4. Thereareseveralwaystomakeaphonecall:

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3.4 LRP SR10, Two-Way Radio Adapter

Youcanuseatwo-wayradioandtheheadsetBluetoothintercomsimultaneouslybyusingtheLRPSR10,aBluetoothTwo-wayRadioAdapter(please refer to section 2.2,“MultipointPairing-SecondMobilePhone,GPS,andSR10”). Incomingaudiofromthetwo-wayradiowillnotinterruptanintercomconversationbutisheardinthebackground.Thisisusefulwhenyouhave an intercom conversation with a passengeronthebackseatanduseatwo-wayradio for group communication with other motorcycle riders.


4.1 Bluetooth Stereo MusicTheBluetoothaudiodevicemustbepairedwiththeheadsetbyfollowingthe“MobilePhonePairing-MobilePhone,BluetoothStereoDevice”proceduresdescribedinthesection2.1.TheheadsetsupportstheAudio/VideoRemoteControlProfile(AVRCP),soifyourBluetooth audio device also supports the AVRCP,youcanusetheheadsettoremotelycontrolmusicplayback.Notonlycanyouadjustthevolumebutyoucanalsousefunctionssuchasplay,pause,nexttrackandprevious track.

4. Afterselectingthelastnumberredialmenu,youwillhearavoiceprompt,“Last number redial”.Then,toredialthelastphonecallnumber,taptheCenterButton.

5. Tocalloneofthespeeddials,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttontonavigatebetweenthemenusuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Speed dial (#)”.Then,taptheCenterButton.

6. If you want to exit the speed dial immediately,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearvoiceprompt,“Cancel”,andtaptheCenterButton.Ifyoudonotpressanybuttonwithin15seconds,the headset will exit the voice speed dial menuandgobacktostand-bymode.


1. Make sure that you connect the mobile phone and the headset to use the speed dial function.

2. You need to assign speed dial numbers before using the speed dial (please refer to section 8.5, “Assigning Speed Dial”).

3.3 GPS NavigationIf you pair a Bluetooth GPS to the headset as describedinsection2.2,“MultipointPairing-SecondMobilePhone,GPS,andSR10”,youcanlistentoGPSinstructionswirelessly.Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttontoadjustvolume.TheGPSvoiceinstructioninterruptsintercomconversationbutitisautomaticallyreestablishedaftertheGPSvoiceinstructionends.

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5 INTERCOMPlease make sure your intercom devices are pairedasdescribedinsection2.4,“IntercomPairing”.

5.1 Starting Two-way IntercomYou can start an intercom conversation with oneofanyintercomfriendsbytappingtheCenterButton:TaptheCenterButtononcetointercom with the first intercom friend,taptheCenter Button twice to intercom with the second intercom friend,andtaptheCenterButton three times to intercom with the third intercom friend.

1st intercom friend

2nd intercom friend

3rd intercom friend

Start Two-way Intercom Conversation

1. Toplayorpausemusic,presstheCenterButtonfor1seconduntilyouhearadoublebeep.

2. Toadjustthevolume,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Button.

3. Totrackforwardortrackback,pressandholdthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonfor1seconduntilyouhearamid-tonesinglebeep.

4.2 Music SharingYou can start sharing music with an intercom friend using Bluetooth stereo music during a two-wayintercomconversation(pleaserefertosection 5.1,“StartingTwo-wayIntercom”). Whenyouterminatemusicsharing,youcangobacktotheintercomconversation.Tostartorterminatesharingmusic,presstheCenterButton for 1 second during an intercom conversationuntilyouhearadoublebeep.Totrackforwardortrackback,pressandholdthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonfor1second.


1. Both you and your intercom friend can remotely control music playback such as track forward and track back.

2. Music sharing will be paused when you are using your mobile phone or listening to GPS instructions.

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Unlike other motorcycle Bluetooth headsets,thispreventsauserfrombeingdropped out of an intercom conversation byanincomingmobilecall.

2. When you have an incoming intercom call duringamobilephonecall,youwillheardoublehightonedbeeps,alertingyouthatthere is an incoming intercom call. You willalsohearavoiceprompt,“Intercom requested”.Inthiscase,theintercomcalldoesnotoverridethemobilecallbecauseintercomhaslowerprioritythanmobilecall.Youhavetohangupthemobilephonecallto make or receive an intercom call.

6 UNIVERSAL INTERCOMYou can have an intercom conversation with non-LRPBluetoothheadsetsusingtheUniversalIntercomfunction.Non-LRPBluetoothheadsetscanbeconnectedtotheLRP Bluetooth headset if they support the BluetoothHands-FreeProfile(HFP).Theworking distance may differ depending on the performance of Bluetooth headset that it is connectedto.Ingeneral,itisshorterthannormal intercom distance since it uses the BluetoothHands-FreeProfile.

5.2 Ending Two-way IntercomToterminateanintercomconversation,singletap the Center Button. Any intercom connection withanyintercomfriendwillbeterminatedbyasingletapping.Adoubleortripletappingwilldo nothing in this case.

End Two-way Intercom Conversation

5.3 Intercom and Mobile Phone Call

1. Whenyouhaveanincomingmobilephonecallduringanintercomconversation,you will hear a ring tone. You can choose whether to 1)answerthemobilephonecall and stop the intercom conversation,or 2) reject the phone call and stay on the intercom conversation.1) Toanswerthephonecallandstopthe

intercomconversation,taptheCenterButton. When you hang up the phone call,theintercomwillautomaticallyberecovered.

2) Torejectthephonecallandstayontheintercomconversation,presstheCenterButton for 2 seconds until you hear a beep.

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7 FUNCTION PRIORITYTheLINKINRidePaloperatesinthefollowingorder of priority:

(highest) Mobilephone Intercom MusicsharingbyBluetooth

stereo music(lowest) Bluetooth stereo music

A lower priority function is always interrupted byahigherpriorityfunction.Forexample,stereomusicisinterruptedbyintercomcall,andanintercomconversationisinterruptedbyanincomingmobilephonecall.



1. Toenterintovoiceconfigurationmenu,press and hold the Center Button for 12 secondsuntiltheLEDshowssolidblueandyouhearhightoneddoublebeeps.Youwillalsohearavoiceprompt,“Configuration menu”.

2. Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttontonavigatebetweenthemenus.Youwillhear voice prompts for each menu item as below.

3. Youcanenable/disableafeatureorexecuteacommandbytappingtheCenterButton.

6.1 Universal Intercom PairingTheheadsetcanbepairedwithnon-LRPBluetooth headsets for Bluetooth intercom conversation. You can pair the headset with onlyonenon-LRPBluetoothheadsetsoifyoupairwithadifferentnon-LRPBluetoothheadset,thepreviouspairingwillberemoved.

1. Turnontheheadsetandanon-LRPBluetooth headset that you want to pair with.

2. Press and hold the Center Button for 8 secondsuntiltheblueLEDwillflashrapidlyandyouwillhearmultiplebeeps.Youwillhearavoiceprompt,“Universal intercom pairing”.

3. Perform the operation required for handsfreepairingonthenon-LRPBluetoothheadset (refer to the User’s Guide for the headsetsyouwanttouse).Theheadsetwillautomaticallypairwithanon-LRPBluetoothheadset when each are in pairing mode.

6.2 Two-way Universal IntercomYou can initiate the Universal Intercom connectionwithnon-LRPBluetoothheadsetsusing the same intercom connection method as youwouldbetweenotherLRPheadsets.YoumaysingletaptheCenterButtontobeginanintercomconversationwiththefirstintercomfriend,doubletapwiththesecondintercomfriend,andtripletapwiththethirdintercomfriend.Non-LRPBluetoothheadsetsmayinitiatetheUniversalIntercomconnection,byactivatingthe voice dialer or using the redialing operation. You may also disconnect the existingconnectionbyusingtheoperationtoend a call (refer to the User’s Guide of the headsetsforvoicedialer,redialing,andendinga call).

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8.1 Mobile Phone PairingVoice Prompt “Phone pairing”

Factory Default N/A

Togointomobilephonepairingmode,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearthevoiceprompt,“Phone pairing”. Please refer to section 2.1fordetailsonmobilephonepairing.Ifyoutapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Button,youcan exit from the phone pairing mode.

8.2 Multipoint Phone PairingVoice Prompt "Multipoint pairing"

Factory Default N/A

Togointomultipointpairingmode,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearthevoiceprompt,“Multipoint pairing”. Please refer to section 2.2fordetailsonsecondmobilephonepairing.Ifyoutapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Button,youcanexitfromthesecondmobilephone pairing mode.

8.3 Phone Selective Pairing

Voice Prompt "Phone selective pairing"

Factory Default N/A

Togointophoneselectivepairingmode,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearthevoiceprompt,“Phone selective pairing”. Please refer to section 2.3.2 for details on phone selective pairing. If you tap the (+) Buttonorthe(-)Button,youcanexitfromthephone selective pairing mode.

4. Ifnobuttonispressedwithin10seconds,theheadsetwillexittheconfigurationandgobacktostand-bymode.

5. Ifyouwanttoexittheconfigurationimmediately,Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Exit configuration”,andtaptheCenterButton.


(1) Phone pairing(2) Multipoint Pairing(3) Phone selective pairing(4) Media selective pairing(5) Speed dial(6) Voice prompt(7) Sidetone(8) Noise control(9) Delete all pairings(10) Factory reset(11) Exit configuration

Phone pairing

Multipoint Pairing

Phone selective pairing

Media selective pairing

Speed dial

Voice prompt


Noise control

Delete all pairings

Factory reset

Exit configuration

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4. Callaphonenumberyouwanttoassignandyouwillhearavoiceprompt,“Save speed dial (#)”.Thephonenumberisautomatically assigned to the selected speeddialnumber.Thenthephonecallwillhangupbeforebeingconnected.

5. Toexitthemenu,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Cancel”,andtaptheCenterButtontoconfirm.Youwillthenhearavoiceprompt,“Cancel”.Ifnobuttonispressedwithin1minute,theheadsetwillexittheconfigurationmenuandgobacktostand-bymode.


After assigning a phone number to one of three speed dials, you can continually assign another phone number to the rest of two speed dials.

8.6 Enabling/Disabling Voice PromptsVoice Prompt “Voice prompt”

Factory Default Enable

Enable/Disable TaptheCenterButton

Youcandisablevoicepromptsbyconfigurationsetting,butthefollowingvoiceprompts are always on.• Voicepromptsforconfigurationsettingmenu• Voicepromptsforbatterylevelindicator• Voice prompts for speed dial

8.4 Media Selective Pairing

Voice Prompt "Media selective pairing"

Factory Default N/A

Togointomediaselectivepairingmode,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearthevoiceprompt,“Media selective pairing”. Please refer to section 2.3.1 for details on media selective pairing. If you tap the (+) Buttonorthe(-)Button,youcanexitfromthemedia selective pairing mode.

8.5 Assigning Speed DialVoice Prompt "Speed dial"

Factory Default N/A

Execute TaptheCenterButton

1. Toassignaphonenumberasaspeeddial,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Speed dial”.

2. TaptheCenterButton,andyouwillhearavoiceprompt,“Speed dial one” and “Phone connected”.

3. Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttontoselectoneofthreespeeddialnumbersandyouhearavoiceprompt,“Speed dial (#)”.

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8.9 Delete All Bluetooth Pairing InformationVoice Prompt “Delete all pairings”

Factory Default N/A

Execute TaptheCenterButton

TodeleteallBluetoothpairinginformationoftheheadset,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Delete all pairings”,andtaptheCenterButtontoconfirm.

8.10 Factory Reset Voice Prompt “Factory reset”

Factory Default N/A

Execute TaptheCenterButton

TorestorefactorydefaultsettingsontheLINKINRidePal,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Factory reset”,andtaptheCenterButtontoconfirm.TheLINKINRidePalpowersoffwithavoiceprompt,“Headset reset, goodbye”.

8.7 Enabling/Disabling SidetoneVoice Prompt “Sidetone”

Factory Default Disable

Enable/Disable TaptheCenterButton

Sidetoneisaudiblefeedbackofyourownvoice. It helps you to naturally speak at the correct level according to varying helmet noise conditions.Ifthisfeatureisenabled,youcanhear what you are speaking during an intercom conversation or a phone call.

8.8 Enabling/Disabling Advanced Noise Control™Voice Prompt “Noise control”

Factory Default Enable

Enable/Disable TaptheCenterButton

WhenAdvancedNoiseControlisenabled,thebackgroundnoiseisreducedduringanintercomconversation.Whenitisdisabled,thebackgroundnoiseismixedwithyourvoiceduring intercom.

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9 FIRMWARE UPGRADETheLINKINRidePalsupportsfirmwareupgrades.YoucanupdatethefirmwareusingtheLRPDeviceManager(pleaserefertosection 1.6,“LRPDeviceManager”).


10.1 Intercom FailureWhen you try to start an intercom conversation withanintercomfriendwhoisunavailablewithin range or already having a conference intercomwithotherridersoramobilephonecall,youwillhearalowtonedoublebeepsignifyinganintercombusysignal.Inthiscase,youhavetotryagainlater.

8.11 Exit Voice Configuration MenuVoice Prompt “Exit configuration”

Factory Default N/A

Execute TaptheCenterButton

Toexitvoiceconfigurationmenuandgetbacktostand-bymode,tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Buttonuntilyouhearavoiceprompt,“Exit configuration”,andtaptheCenterButtontoconfirm.

Tap (+) Button or (-) Button

Tap Center Button

Phone Pairing None

MultipointPairing None

Phone Selective Pairing None

MediaSelectivePairing None

Speed Dial Execute

Voice Prompt Enable/Disable

Sidetone Enable/Disable

Advanced Noise Control Enable/Disable

Delete All Pairings Execute

Factory Reset Execute

ExitConfiguration Execute

Voice Configuration Menu & Button Operations

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Type Function Button Command LED Beep

Basic Function Power on Press the Center Button and the (+) Button for 1 second

Solidblue Ascendingbeeps

Power off TaptheCenterButtonand the (+) Button

Solid red Descendingbeeps

Volume adjustment Tapthe(+)Buttonorthe(-)Button

- -

MobilePhone Answermobilephonecall

TaptheCenterButton - -

Endmobilephonecall Press the Center Button for 2 seconds

- -

Voice dial Press the Center Button for 3 seconds

- -

Speed dial Press the (+) Button for 3 seconds

- Mid-tonesinglebeep

Reject incoming call Press the Center Button for 2 seconds

- -

10.2 Intercom ReconnectionIf your intercom friend goes out of range while havinganintercomconversation,youmayhearstaticnoiseandeventuallytheintercomwillbedisconnected.Inthiscase,theLINKINRidePal automatically tries to reconnect the intercom every 8 seconds and you will hear hightonedoublebeepsuntiltheintercomisreestablished.Ifyoudonotwanttomakeareconnection,taptheCenterButtontostoptheattempt.

10.3 Fault ResetWhen the headset is not working properly or is infaultystatusforanyreason,youmayresetbypushingthepin-holeresetbuttonbelowthe(+) Button . Insert a paper clip into the reset pin-holeandpresstheresetbuttonforasecondwithlightpressure.TheLINKINRidePalwillbeswitchedoff.Restartthesystemandtryagain.Thiswillnotrestoretheheadsettofactory default settings.

10.4 Factory ResetIf you want to restore the headset to factory defaultsettings,usetheFactoryResetintheconfigurationmenu.Theheadsetautomaticallyrestores the default settings and turns off. Please refer to section 8.10,“FactoryReset” for more details.

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CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY APPROVALSFCC Compliance StatementThisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCrules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:

(1) Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and

(2) Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycause undesired operation.

Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycause harmful interference to radio communications.However,thereisnoguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentonandoff,theuseris encouraged to try to correct the interference byoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antennae• Increasetheseparationbetweenthe

equipment and the receiver

Type Function Button Command LED Beep

Intercom Intercom pairing Press the Center Button for 5 seconds

Redflashing Mid-tonesinglebeep



TaptheCenterButton - -

Music Play/PauseBluetoothmusic

Press the Center Button for 1 second

- Mid-tonedoublebeep

Trackforward/back Press the (+) Button orthe(-)Buttonfor1second

- -

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(2) Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Bluetooth License TheBluetooth® word mark and logos are ownedbytheBluetoothSIG,Inc.andanyuseofsuchmarksbyLRPisunderlicense.Othertrademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. TheproductiscompliantwithandadoptstheBluetooth®Specification3.0andhassuccessfullypassedallinteroperabilityteststhatarespecifiedintheBluetooth® specification.However,interoperabilitybetweenthedeviceandotherBluetooth®-enabledproductsisnotguaranteed.

WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)

Thecrossed-outwheelbinsymbolontheproduct,literature,or packaging reminds you that all electrical and electronic products,batteries,andaccumulatorsmustbetakento

separate collection at the end of their working life.ThisrequirementappliestotheEuropeanUnion and other locations where separate collectionsystemsareavailable.Topreventpossibleharmtotheenvironmentorhumanhealthfromuncontrolledwastedisposal,please do not dispose of these products as unsortedmunicipalwaste,buthanditinatanofficialcollectionpointforrecycling.

• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.

FCC RF Exposure StatementThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCradiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specificoperatinginstructionsforsatisfyingRFexposurecompliance.Theantennausedforthis transmitter must not transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or transmitter,exceptinaccordancewithFCCmulti-transmitterproductprocedures.

FCC CautionAnychangesormodificationstotheequipmentnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoiduser’sauthority to operate the equipment.

CE Declaration of Conformity ThisproductisCEmarkedaccordingtotheprovisionsoftheR&TTEDirective(99/5/EC).Hereby,LRPdeclaresthatthisproductisincompliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.PleasenotethatthisproductusesradiofrequencybandsnotharmonizedwithinEU. Within the EU this product is intended to beusedinAustria,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,TheNetherlands,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,UnitedKingdomandwithinEFTAinIceland,NorwayandSwitzerland.

Industry Canada Statement ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustryCanadalicense-exemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:

(1) Thisdevicemaynotcauseinterference.

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• Do not cause impact to the product or touch it with sharp tools as this may damage the product.

• Donotusetheproductinhigh-temperaturesor apply heat to the product as this may causedamage,explosion,orfire.

• Keep the product dry and away from water. It may damage the product.

• Keep product away from pets or small children. It may damage the product or cause accidents.

• Do not use the product near a microwave oven or a wireless LAN device as this may cause malfunction or interference with the product.

• In any place where wireless communication isprohibited,suchashospitalsorairplanes,turn off the power and refrain from using the product. In a place where wireless communicationisprohibited,electromagneticwavesmaycausehazardsor accidents.

• Donotusetheproductnearhazardousexplosives. When there are near any explosionhazards,turnoffthepowerandheedanyregulations,instructions,andsignsin the area.

• Whenusingtheproduct,driveatalowspeed(slowerthan35km/h)forsafety.Inaddition,becertaintoconformtolawsregardingtheuse of communications devices while driving.

• Do not put the product where it may hamper the driver's vision or manipulate it while driving.Thismaycausetrafficaccidents.

• Beforedriving,fastentheproducttothehelmet,anddouble-checkthatitisfastened.Separation of the product while driving may cause damage to the product or accidents.

• Iftheproductisdamaged,stopusingitimmediately.Itmaycausedamage,explosion,orfire.

SAFETY INFORMATION Please ensure that the product is properly used byobservingthewarningsandcautionsbelowtopreventanyriskand/ordamagetoproperty.

Product Storage and Management• Keep the product free of dust. It may

damage mechanical and electronic parts of the product.

• Do not store the product in high temperatures as this may reduce the life spanofelectronicdevices,damagethebattery,and/ormeltplasticpartsoftheproduct.

• Do not store the product in cold temperatures.Abruptchangesintemperatures may cause condensation and damage electronic circuits. Do not clean the productwithcleaningsolvents,toxicchemicals,orstrongdetergentsasthismaydamage the product.

• Donotpainttheproduct.Paintmayobstructmoving parts or interfere with the normal operation of the product.

• Do not drop or otherwise shock the product. It may damage the product or its internal electronic circuits.

• Donotdisassemble,repairormodifytheproduct as this may damage the product and invalidate the product warranty.

Product Use• Insomeregions,itisprohibitedbylawtoridemotorcyclesorbicycleswhilewearingheadsets.Thereforebecertaintocomplywithallrelevantlawsintheregionbeforeusing the product.

• Use of the product at a high volume for a long period of time may damage your eardrumsorhearingability.Keepthevolumeat a modest level.

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PRODUCT WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMERLimited WarrantyLimited WarrantyLRPTechnologies,Inc.(“LRP”)guaranteestheproductqualitybasedonthetechnicalspecificationstatedintheproductmanual,anddataregardingproductwarranty.Here,productwarranty extends to the product only. LRP will notbeliableforanyloss,damageofhumanlife,orlossofpropertywhichmayresultfromusingtheproductbeyonddefectivepartsorflawsthatoccurduetoproblemsinmanufacture.

Warranty PeriodLRPguaranteesfree-of-chargereplacementsofdefectivepartsoftheproductorflawsthatmayhaveoccurredduetoproblemsinmanufacture for a period of 2 years from the date of initial purchase.

TerminationQualitywarrantyoftheproductbecomeseffective on the date of initial purchase. In addition,thequalitywarrantyoftheproductexpires when the warranty period expires. However,inthefollowingcases,thewarrantywillbeterminatedprematurely.

• Intheeventtheproducthasbeensoldortransferred to a third party.

• Intheeventthemanufacturer'sname,serialnumber,productlabel,orothermarkingshavebeenmodifiedorremoved.

• Intheeventanyunauthorizedpersonhastriedtodisassemble,repair,ormodifytheproduct.

BatteryThisproducthasanirreplaceablerechargeablebatteryinside.Therefore,whenusingtheproduct,makesuretoadheretothefollowing:• Neverseparatethebatteryfromtheproduct

as this may damage the product.• Thebatteryperformancemaybereduced

over time with usage.• Inrechargingthebattery,makesuretouseanapprovedchargerprovidedbythemanufacturer.Useofanon-approvedchargermaycausefire,explosion,leakage,andotherhazardsmayalsoreducethelifetimeorperformanceofthebattery.

• Storethebatteryattemperaturesof15°C~25°C(59°F~77°F).Higherorlowertemperatures may reduce the capacity and lifeofthebattery,ormaycausetemporarynon-operation.Donotusetheproductinsub-zerotemperature,becauseitmaycauseseriousreductionofthebatteryperformance.

• Ifyouapplyheattothebatteryorthrowitintofire,itmayexplode.

• Do not use the product with a damaged battery.Itmayexplodeand/orcauseaccidents.

• Never use a damaged charger. It may explodeand/orcauseaccidents.

• Battery life may vary depending on conditions,environmentalfactors,functionsoftheproductinuse,anddevicesusedwithit.

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• LRP;togetherwithemployees,managers,partners,subsidiaries,representatives,agents,supportingfirmsandsuppliers,solesellersofLRP(collectively referred to as "the company")recommendthat,beforeusingthe product and similar devices of any brandsincludingitsderivativemodels,you collect any relevant information in advanceandbeentirelypreparedintermsofweather,trafficsituation,androad conditions.

• When you use the product while you operating any vehicle or equipment such asmotorcycles,scooters,mopeds,ATVs,orquad-bikes(hereinaftercalledas"transportationmeans"),youmusttakecomplete caution regardless of the location of such operation.

• Use of the product on the road may causesuchrisksasfracture,seriousdisability,ordeath.

• Riskfactors,whichmayoccurwhenyouusetheproduct,maybeduetoerrorsofthemanufacturer,itsagents,orthirdparties which are involved in the manufacturing.

• Riskfactors,whichmayoccurwhenyouusetheproduct,maybeunforeseeable.Therefore,youmusttakefullresponsibilityforanydamageorlosscausedbyallriskfactorswhichmayoccur when using the product.

• Whenyouusetheproduct,usegoodjudgment; never use it under the influenceofalcohol.

6. You must read and completely understand all terms and conditions of legal rights and warnings that are involved in using the product.Inaddition,usageoftheproductconstitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions regarding waiver of rights.

Notice and WaiverBybuyingandusingthisproduct,yourelinquishconsiderablelegalrightsincludingany claim for compensation for damages. Therefore,becertaintoreadandunderstandthefollowingtermsandconditionsbeforeusingthe product. Use of this product will constitute consenttothisagreement,andforfeitureofrights to all claims. If you do not consent to all thetermsandconditionsofthisagreement,return the product for a refund. (Refer to the section “ReturnforFullRefund”.)

1. Youagreethatyou,yourdescendants,legalproxies,successors,ortransfereeswill not raise permanent volitional request foranysuit,claim,implementation,redemption or similar action from LRP with regardtoanyoccasionsuchasdifficulty,pain,suffering,inconvenience,loss,injury,or death which may occur to you or a third party during the use of this product.

2. You must completely understand and accept all risks (including those occurring duetoanycarelessbehaviorofyoursorothers) which may occur during the use of this product.

3. Youareresponsibleforensuringthatyour medical condition permits usage of theproductandthatyouareinsufficientphysical condition for using any device whichcanbeusedwithit.Inaddition,youmust ensure that the product does not limit yourabilitiesandthatyouareabletouseit safely.

4. Youmustbeanadultwhocantakeresponsibilitiesforusingtheproduct.

5. You must read and understand the following warnings and alerts:

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Liabilities DisclaimerIn addition to damages which may occur due totheuseoftheproduct,LRPwillnotbeliablefor damages of the product which occur due to the following events.

• In the event the product is misused or used for purposes other than its intended purposes.

• In the event the product is damaged becausetheuserdoesnotfollowthecontentof the product manual.

• In the event the product is damaged becauseithasbeenleftunattendedorhasundergone any other accident.

• In the event the product is damaged becausetheuserhasusedanypartsorsoftwarewhicharenotprovidedbythemanufacturer.

• In the event the product is damaged becausetheuserhasdisassembled,repaired,ormodifieditinsuchwayasisnotexplained in the product manual.

• Intheeventtheproductisdamagedbyathird party.

• In the event the product is damaged due to ActsofGod(includingfire,flood,earthquake,storm,hurricaneorothernaturaldisaster).

• In the event the surface of the product is damagedbyuse.

Warranty ExclusionsReasons for Limited LiabilitiesIf you do not return the product after purchasing it,yourelinquishallrightstoliabilities,loss,claims,andclaimsforreimbursementofexpenses(includingattorney'sfees).Therefore,LRPwillnotbeliableforphysicalinjury,death,oranylossordamageoftransportationmeans,possessions,orassetswhichbelongtoyouorthird parties that may have occurred while you usetheproduct.Further,LRPwillnotbeliableforanysubstantialdamagenotrelatedtothe,condition,environment,ormalfunctionoftheproduct. All risks related with the operation of the product depend entirely on the user regardlessofitsusebytheinitialpurchaserofathird party.Use of this product may violate local or national laws.Inaddition,beawareonceagainthatcorrect and safe use of the product is entirely yourresponsibility.


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Warranty ServiceToobtainproductwarrantyservice,sendthedefectiveproduct,atyourexpense,tothemanufacturer or the seller along with proof of purchase (a receipt that shows the purchase date,aproductregistrationcertificateoftheWebsite,andotherrelevantinformation).Takenecessary measures to protect the product. In ordertogetarefundorreplacement,youmustinclude the whole package as it was purchased.

Free-of-charge ServiceLRPwillprovidefree-of-chargerepairorreplacement service for the product when product defects occur within the scope of the product warranty during the warranty period.

Charged ServiceLRP will provide charged repair or replacement service for the product when the product warrantyperiodhasbeenexpiredorwhentheproductdamageisbeyondthescopeoftheproduct warranty. For further information on chargedservice,youmaycontacttheservicecenter of LRP.

Return for Full RefundShould you not agree to the terms and conditionsexplainedabove,youmayreturntheproductforafullrefund.Togetarefund,within 14 days from the purchase date you must return the product to the seller in such a condition as it was purchased.Unless you return the product within 14 days fromthepurchasedate,youwillhavereadandagreed to all the terms and conditions explainedabove,andLRPwillnotbeliableforany claim for damages related with the product.