En ENGLISH MODULE - · PDF fileENGLISH MODULE Would and Used to ... In private Without other...

ENGLISH MODULE Grade 10 MIA Academic Year 2016 – 2017 Compiled by: Theresia R. V. H., S.Pd YAYASAN WIDYA BHAKTI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS SANTA ANGELA TERAKREDITASI A Jl. Merdeka No. 24 Bandung 022. 4214714 – Fax.022. 4222587 http//: www.smasantaangela.sch.id, e-mail : [email protected] 043 URS is member of Registar of Standards (Holding) Ltd. ISO 9001 : 2008 Cert. No. 47484/A/0001/UK/En Would and Used to Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

Transcript of En ENGLISH MODULE - · PDF fileENGLISH MODULE Would and Used to ... In private Without other...


Grade 10 MIA Academic Year 2016 – 2017

Compiled by: Theresia R. V. H., S.Pd



Jl. Merdeka No. 24 Bandung 022. 4214714 – Fax.022. 4222587

http//: www.smasantaangela.sch.id, e-mail : [email protected]


URS is member of Registar

of Standards (Holding) Ltd.

ISO 9001 : 2008 Cert. No. 47484/A/0001/UK/En

Would and Used to

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

[English Module Page 2

I. Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar

3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan

faktual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya,

dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya

untuk memecahkan masalah.

4 Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan

ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang

dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu

menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

4.16 Menyusun kalimat sederhana dengan unsur

kebahasaan would and used to; adverbs and adverbial


II. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Memahami penggunaan would dan used to pada

kebiasaan di masa lampau dengan tepat.

2. Membedakan penggunaan adjective dan adverb

dengan tepat.

3. Menggunakan adverbs dan adverbial phrases dengan


3.11 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dengan topic In and Out of Fashion.

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Conceptual Map

Materi Pembelajaran

A. USED TO and WOULD When we talk about things that frequently happened in the

past but don’t happen anymore we can use used to/ didn’t

use to or would (not).

1. Used to

We can use ‘used to’ to talk about repeated past states/

situations (state verb)…

We used to live in New York when I was a kid.

There didn’t use to be a petrol station there. When was it


… or we can use ‘used to’ to talk about repeated past actions.

I used to go swimming every week when I was at school.

I used to smoke but I gave up a few years ago.


t H



Used to

Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases

Time (When)

Place (Where)

Manner (How)

[English Module Page 4

Remember that ‘used to’ can be used for both action and

stative verbs.


Subject + did not + USE TO + Infinitive

I didn’t use to eat rice in the morning. Now I have breakfast

with fried rice.


Did + Subject + USE TO + Infinitive ?

Did you use to eat rice when you were ten?

2. Would

We can use ‘would’ to talk about repeated past actions.

Every Saturday I would go on a long bike ride.

My teachers would always say “Sit down and shut


Often either ‘would’ or ‘used to’ is possible. Both of these

sentences are possible.

Every Saturday, I would go on a long bike ride.

Every Saturday I used to go on a long bike ride.

Yet remember that only ‘used to’ is possible when we talk

about past states (stative verbs).

We would love Barbie when we were kids. We used to love Barbie when we were kids.

In conclusion,we use ‘used to’ and ‘would’ to talk about past habits. We use used to/ didn’t use to with both action and stative verbs. We only use would with action verbs.

[English Module Page 5

List of Stative Verbs

Be Think

Have Dream

Like Believe

Love Imagine

Hate Mind

Dislike Need

Wish Promise

Prefer Remember

Live Understand


B. ADVERBS and ADVERBIAL PHRASES Adjectives and adverbs are often tangled. To differentiate the

use of adjectives and adverbs let us read the following


Flash mobs are sudden impromptu gatherings in

public places.

We all suddenly started fighting using the pillows that

we brought.

Sudden (first sentence) is classified into ADJECTIVE. Adjectives

are used to add information to nouns.

Suddenly (second sentence) is classified into ADVERB.

Adverbs are used to add information to verbs.

[English Module Page 6

Adverbial phrase is the term for two or more words that play

the role of an adverb. Thus, in line with adverbs, adverbial

phrases are also used to describe:

when (Adv of time),

where (Adv of place),

and how (Adv of manner)

something happens.

In this unit, we only focus on the adverbial phrases that are

used to describe how something happens.

The form of adverbial phrases can be derived from

preposition + adjective and also preposition + noun.




By accident Not intentionally

In a hurry Needing to do something quickly

In private Without other people being


In public So that the other can hear

In secret Without other people knowing

In a row One thing happening after another

In a panic Without thinking properly

On purpose Intentionally

[English Module Page 7



A. For each of the following sentences, choose either "used to" or "would. If both are possible, use “would”. 1. Do you remember how your Uncle David _________sit

in that chair and smoke those disgusting cigars.

2. Your mother _________ have a Yorkshire Terrier when

she was a young girl, didn't she?

3. For years, they _________ go on holiday to the

Rockies, but then it became very fashionable and,

hence, expensive.

4. Years ago, I _________ write a diary every day but

then I got bored with doing it and I stopped. Maybe it

was my life that was boring!

5. At the start of their marriage, they _________ be very

happy - but then it all went wrong!

6. You _________ spell so well. Whatever happened?

7. When I was five, I _________ be able to do incredible

gymnastics. Now I can't even touch my toes.

8. Before getting my driving licence, I _________ ride a

bicycle everywhere.

9. On Sundays, after his football match, Bob _________

often come home exhausted.

10. You _________ like him... Yes, but now I hate him !

[English Module Page 8

11. She _________ live in London before the war, then

she moved to New York.

12. I remember we _________ go fishing every morning

when I was a child. It was great. Now, I am an

accountant and I don't have any free time.

13. The children _________ often help me to make a

cake. They still do sometimes.

14. He _________ be a very good tennis player, until he

broke his ankle.

15. My grandfather _________ swim in this river.

Unfortunately, now it's forbidden.

B. Complete the text using USED TO and the verbs in the box:

do give have learn read wear

School has changed since I was a student. We used to wear

school uniform and I didn’t like that very much. We

……………………..……. a lot of lessons and most of them were

difficult. We ……...…………………….. homework every day. We

………………………....... lots of books and we …………….…………….

everything by heart. And our teachers ……….…………………… us

a lot of tests and examinations. Some of them were

impossible! I think school is easier now than it was 50 years


[English Module Page 9

C. Rewrite the following sentences with would. In some cases both used to and would are possible. 1. My father often worked overtime when he was


2. We lived near the mountains, and sometimes our elder brother took us climbing.

3. In the 1980s only a small number of people knew how to use the Internet, now it’s very different.

D. Correct the errors.

1. When we lived in Pontianak, we didn’t used to ate cheese. While here, we eat cheese almost every day.

2. Did she used to spoke French in Brooklyn? She lived in United State since she was born but she can speaks French fluently.

3. When he was a child, he would think that the world is


4. I remember my Aunt Susan very well. Last time she came to our house, she would gives me a kiss and pinch my cheek.

[English Module Page 10

5. You and I are from different cultures. You would to have noodle for breakfast. I would to have rice for breakfast.

6. Nial used to orders milkshake. Now he prefers juice.

7. Trains used to be the main means of cross-continental travel. Today, most people take airplanes for long distance travel.

E. Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Do not

change the word. Use between two or five words including the word given.

1. He told me I was late. He didn’t say it in a nice way.


He told I was late ______________

2. My little brother annoys me intentionally.


My little brother disturbs me _______________

3. He didn’t tell anyone he had bought the engagement



He bought the engagement ring ________________

[English Module Page 11

4. They didn’t mean to smash the window.


They smashed the window ________________

5. The students did all the activities one after another.


The students did all the activities ________________

6. She never relaxes and she always seems so anxious.


She always does things _______________

F. Think back when you were a child. Then write a short paragraph talking about your past habits. Use would and used to.

[English Module Page 12


Azar, B.S. 1989. Understanding and using English

Grammar. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Pucht, et al. English In Mind Teacher’s Book 4

Second ed. Anson: Cambridge University Press, 2007.