EMRA 101 Info for Med Students

What medical students need to know about the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association 101


Medical Students. Do you want to accelerate your involvement with the field of Emergency Medicine? EMRA can help! Enjoy the benefits of membership for only $55/year. Learn more at http://www.emra.org/students.aspx.

Transcript of EMRA 101 Info for Med Students

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What medical students need to know about the

Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association


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What is EMRA?

An organization devoted to the development and advancement of emergency medicine

Created in 1974, it is the only independent resident organization in the world, and the largest and oldest organization serving emergency medicine physicians-in-training

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EMRA promotes excellence in patient care through the education and development of

emergency medicine residency trained physicians.

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What Can EMRA Do For You?• Free Publications for Student Members:

– EM Resident Magazine– Medical Student Survival Guide– Emergency Medicine’s Top Clinical Problems– Clinical Prediction Card

• EMRA Match Guide: A comprehensive database with information about all EM residency programs.

• EMRAcast: Podcasts for students applying to EM• Mentorship Program: Find a resident mentor to guide you

through the transition from medical school to residency.• Residency Fairs at major EM conferences• Discounts through our partners: Office Depot, PEPID,

EM Practice, EMCoreContent.com, etc. • Amazing products: EMRA is always working to develop

new and useful tools to enhance the lives of our members

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EMResident Magazine is EMRA’s bi-monthly periodical featuring articles pertinent to emergency medicine physicians-in-training. All EMRA members can be published, including students!

The Medical Student Survival Guide is the most comprehensive

guide to the specialty of emergency medicine

Top Clinical Problems is a pocket reference and quiz tool that simulates the format of an EM oral or written board exam

Clinical Prediction Card A great reminder for

commonly-used prediction rules in the ED

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EMRA Match• A comprehensive database created by

residents for students. Contains information about each EM residency, including:– Demographic and contact information– Subjective questionnaire giving additional

insight into the specifics of the program• Also includes an EM electives database to

help plan rotations and clerkships

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EMRACast• Podcasts designed to help students

applying to emergency medicine• Advises students on topics including, but

not limited to: how to do well on EM rotations, getting letters of recommendation, and the pearls and pitfalls of interviewing

• Available for download on www.emra.org and in iTunes Podcasts.

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Mentorship Program

• Open to all medical student members of EMRA

• Students who sign up are paired with resident mentors all across the nation

• Residents answer questions about daily life, benefits and challenges of EM residency, and factors to consider when choosing EM as a specialty.

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Student Forum & Residency Fair• FREE Events for Medical Students

held each year during ACEP’s Scientific Assembly

• Dynamic speakers provide essentialinformation about applying to EM, interviews, etc.

• Meet with over 100 EM residency programs from around the country

• Network with Program Directors, faculty, and current residents

• Faculty panels on applying to residency programs

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…PLUS with your joint membership in EMRA & ACEP, you will receive ACEP benefits as well, including member

publications such as Annals of Emergency Medicine andCritical Decisions in Emergency Medicine

Member Discounts & EMRA Partners(visit www.emra.org/memberbenefits.aspx for a full listing)

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Products and ProjectsEMRA is constantly working to produce tools and

products that help EM students in their daily lives. Examples include:

• EMIG Ops Kit – a collection of advice, ideas, and wisdom on how to run a successful EMIG program. See www.emra.org/emigs.aspx for more details.

• Residency Interview Trailblazer iPhone App – soon EMRA will have this resource available to help medical students track their residency interviews, rate programs, and make the transition smoother as they take the next step in their medical careers. Coming soon!

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How to get involved• Join your school's Emergency Medicine Interest

Group (EMIG)• Become the EMRA Rep to your EMIG • Apply to join the Medical Student Council• Join an EMRA Committee • Find EMRA on Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in• Write an article for EMResident• Attend EMRA events at the annual ACEP

Scientific Assembly • Email your Medical Student Council

Representative to see how you can get more involved regionally, or host multi-school events for local EMIGs

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Medical Student Governing Council

• Ensures that EMRA addresses concerns and issues pertinent to medical students

• Links EMIGs across the country to EMRA• Organizes medical student programming• Leadership Positions Available each spring:

• Chair• Vice-Chair• Student Editor• Tech Coordinator• Northeast, Southeast, West Regional Coordinators• International and Mentorship Coordinators• Osteopathic Coordinators• 8 Regional Representatives

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EMRA Committees• Students can apply to participate in EMRA

committees to help the board of directorsaccomplish the work of the Association

• Standing Committees– Critical Care– International Emergency Medicine– Research– Technology– Health Policy

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For more information:www.emra.org/students.aspx

Contact your school’s EMIG representative, MSGC regional

representative, or the EMRA Office Staff