2015 ANNUAL CHURCH REPORT EMPOWERING PEOPLE FOR GOD’S MISSION Our mission is to empower people for the mission of Jesus Christ through transforming environments and meaningful relationships





GOD’S MISSION Our mission is to empower people for

the mission of Jesus Christ through

transforming environments and

meaningful relationships


Table of Contents

Annual Meeting Agenda ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Board Members & Staff of 2015 ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Membership Roster ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Church Attendance ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Budget & Finances .................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Pastor Fred’s Report ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

Church Administration & Associate Pastor’s Report ............................................................................................................ 10

Children’s Ministry Department ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Youth Ministry Department .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Worship & Music Ministry .................................................................................................................................................... 15

Prayer Ministry & Building Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 16

First Impressions Team ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Kitchen & Hospitality ............................................................................................................................................................ 18

Community Outreach ............................................................................................................................................................ 19


Annual Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ken Schmidtke

II. Prayer & Devotional ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ken Schmidtke

III. Duties of a Member / Roster ………………………………………………………………………………………… Ken Schmidtke

IV. Bylaw Changes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ken Schmidtke

V. Reading & Approval of Previous Year’s Minutes …………………………………………………………… Edee O’Connor

VI. Call for Approval of New Board Member ………………………………………………………………………………… Fred Fay

VII. Church Budget & Financials …………………………………………………………………………………… Leslie Montgomery

VIII. Pastor’s Report ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fred Fay

IX. Staff Reports

i. Church Administration ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Pam Fay

ii. Children’s Ministry …………………………………………………………………………………………… Jodi Thomason

iii. Youth Ministry ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Becca Fay

iv. Worship Team …………………………………………………………… Bill Hannon and Kevin & Martie Schultz

v. Prayer Ministry & Building Maintenance ………………………………………………………………… Ralph King

vi. Kitchen & First Impressions ……………………………………………………………………………………… Pat Olson

vii. Community Outreach ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Nic Sylvain

X. Tally of Board Member Approval …………………………………………………………………………………………… Fred Fay

XI. Meeting Adjourned ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Fred Fay


Board Members & Staff of 2015

Board Members 2015

Ken Schmidtke – Vice President

Edee O’Connor – Secretary

Kevin Schultz – Officer

Leslie Montgomery – Treasurer

Staff Members 2015

Fred Fay – Lead Pastor & President

Pam Fay – Associate Pastor & Church Administrator

Jodi Thomason – Children’s Ministry Director

Becca Fay – Youth Ministry Director

Kevin & Martie Schultz – Worship Team Directors

Bill Hannon – Worship Team Director

Ralph King – Prayer Ministry & Building Maintenance

Pat Olson – Kitchen & First Impressions Ministry

Nic Sylvain – Community Outreach Director & Bookkeeper


Membership Roster

1. Chelsie Beggin

2. Daniel Beggin

3. Vera Bussell

4. Jenna Carollo

5. Brian Chapman

6. Virginia Chapman

7. Cindy Couch

8. Hope Davis

9. Becca Fay

10. Fred Fay

11. Jessica Fay

12. Pam Fay

13. Nita Gyer

14. Walt Gyer

15. Bill Hannon

16. Pam Hannon

17. Kristin Haskins

18. Mark Haskins

19. Lavone Marie Holzborn

20. Corrie Jones

21. Ande Kerschner

22. Penny King

23. Ralph King

24. Harvey Kuartel

25. Greg Luke

26. Randy Luke

27. Sandi Luke

28. Margaret Lundberg

29. Ralph Lundberg

30. Cindy Manson

31. Don Manson

32. Kathleen McCloud

33. Leslie Montgomery

34. Eugenie Moore

35. Charlette Morse

36. Cherylan (Cheri) Nitz

37. Edee O'Connor

38. Pat Olson

39. Judy Schmidtke

40. Ken Schmidtke

41. Kevin Schultz

42. Martie Schultz

43. Candace Sessions

44. Eileen Sessions

45. Candace Strubhar

46. Steve Strubhar

47. Nicholas Sylvain

48. Jodi Thomason

49. Lance Thomason

50. Angie Zumek

51. Tom Zumek


Church Attendance

Date Attendance

4-Jan 131

11-Jan 76

18-Jan 98

25-Jan 92

1-Feb 113

8-Feb 91

15-Feb 75

22-Feb 87

1-Mar 94

8-Mar 72

15-Mar 92

22-Mar 92

29-Mar 92

5-Apr 112

12-Apr 87

19-Apr 88

26-Apr 96

3-May 114

Date Attendance

10-May 94

17-May 64

24-May 66

31-May 84

7-Jun 75

14-Jun 82

21-Jun 80

28-Jun 71

5-Jul 69

12-Jul 87

19-Jul 78

26-Jul 81

2-Aug 74

9-Aug 81

16-Aug 92

23-Aug 99

30-Aug 89

6-Sep 96

Date Attendance

13-Sep 78

20-Sep 94

27-Sep 88

4-Oct 92

11-Oct 83

18-Oct 79

25-Oct 99

1-Nov 79

8-Nov 90

15-Nov 90

22-Nov 90

29-Nov 90

6-Dec 79

13-Dec 86

20-Dec 154

27-Dec 86






















Sunday Attendance Comparison2014 vs. 2015

2014 2015


Budget & Finances

2015 Actual

Expenses / Revenue


Budget Variance



Ordinary Income/Expense


4000 · OFFERINGS 231,010.46 210,900.00 20,110.46 210,900.00

4010 · RENT 69,135.00 70,680.00 -1,545.00 61,080.00

4020 · PROGRAM SALES 850.42 0.00 850.42 0.00

4030 · INTEREST 17.88 0.00 17.88 0.00

4040 · MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,597.32 0.00 1,597.32 0.00

Total Income 302,611.08 281,580.00 21,031.08 271,980.00

Gross Profit 302,611.08 281,580.00 21,031.08 271,980.00


6000 · EMPLOYEE COSTS 161,862.07 160,260.00 -1,602.07 172,526.00


6100 · ADMIN EXPENSES 28,953.59 25,500.00 -3,453.59 28,945.00

6200 · MARKETING 1,449.59 2,400.00 950.41 1,525.00

6300 · TRAVEL 325.14 1,300.00 974.86 1,300.00

6400 · FACILITIES 68,809.33 71,286.00 2,476.67 71,280.00

Total OPERATING EXPENSES 99,537.65 100,486.00 948.35 103,050.00


6510 · CHILDREN 1,430.42 1,040.00 -390.42 840.00

6520 · YOUTH 1,201.76 1,200.00 -1.76 1,200.00

6530 · YOUNG ADULT 492.56 500.00 7.44 500.00

6540 · ADULT 629.50 500.00 -129.50 500.00

6500 · PROGRAMS - Other 90.17 0.00 -90.17 0.00

Total 6500 · PROGRAMS 3,844.41 3,240.00 -604.41 3,040.00


6610 · EVENTS 1,766.16 2,200.00 433.84 2,000.00

6620 · BENEVOLENCE 1,567.00 600.00 -967.00 600.00

6630 · SECOND SERVICE 60.12 600.00 539.88 600.00

6640 · FAMILY ACTIVITIES 927.50 0.00 -927.50 0.00

6650 · HOME MISSIONS SUPPORT 5,175.00 6,300.00 1,125.00 6,100.00

6660 · FOREIGN MISSIONS SUPPORT 4,500.00 5,100.00 600.00 5,400.00

Total 6600 · OUTREACH 13,995.78 14,800.00 804.22 14,700.00

Total Expense 279,239.91 278,786.00 -453.91 293,316.00

Net Ordinary Income 23,371.17 2,794.00 20,577.17 -21,336.00

Other Income/Expense

7000 · OFFERING - DESIGNATED 3,717.00 0.00 3,717.00

Net Profit 27,088.17 2,794.00 24,294.17 -21,336.00

Neighborhood Church 2015 Financial Statement


Pastor Fred’s Report

Psalm 67 speaks about God’s action throughout the earth. He is at work. Our church is part of that work.

“1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— 2 so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. 3 May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. 4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity

and guide the nations of the earth. 5 May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. 6 The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. 7 May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.”

That is a great prayer. May that truly happen as we partner with God. May nations know God. May nations praise God.

May all the people praise God throughout the earth.

We exist as part of that grand vision. We exist to lift up Jesus and see him change people’s lives. This year we have seen

Jesus do so much in our church. We have had 12 people baptized – the most ever. Their stories are amazing. What I heard

is that people came to know Jesus in a very real way. Seven People accepted the Lord. When I stop and listen to what this

church means to people, I am always humbled. God is working among us!

We are a welcoming accepting church. This is not just my opinion. It is what I hear people say all the time. We are doing

our best to live out what Jesus calls us to live. We are to “Love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, all of our souls, all

of our minds, all of our strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.” (Thank-you to Margaret Lundberg for painting that

in our foyer!)

It’s awesome to watch the church express their love for Jesus in worship every Sunday. It’s heartening to see our church

show great love to each other. It is also great to work together to serve others.

Last year we did the following:

We’ve participated in a concert of prayer with other churches. The Spirit of the Lord is working in our city! We

desire to see every church flourish.

Our youth grew and moved to the sanctuary on Wednesday night.

We’ve shown the love of Jesus by giving Christmas baskets.

We built two houses in Mexico

We served at Families Unlimited Network food bank

We sent gifts to children through Samaritans purse.

We participated with Youth for Christ.

We partnered with missionaries around the world.

We prayed for the city at the National Day of Prayer in University Place.

We remodeled and repaired the church platform.

We improved the sound in the sanctuary and the hallways.

All of this is because of God at work with us. Everything is for God’s glory as we follow the mission of Jesus and depend on

his spirit.


We have a great team here. The members here are embracing the mission of Jesus through the church in greater ways.

Thanks for all your prayers, your financial support and your encouragement. Thank you Jodi Thomason and the children’s

ministry team for caring for children and helping them to know Jesus better. Thank you Becca Fay for moving the youth

ministry to the next level. It is amazing to hear their stories and see them take leadership. Thank you Nic Sylvain for keeping

us financially accountable. Thanks for your leading others to be involved in community outreach and the mission’s trip to

Mexico. Thank you Ralph King for caring and encouraging so many people in our congregation and all your hard work in

making the building a better place. Thank you Pat Olson and your team providing a welcoming environment. Bill Hannon,

Kevin and Martie Shultz, thanks for helping us all to worship. To see our team grow and develop a young worship band is

so exciting. Randy Luke thanks for taking care of the church ground and Sunday morning preparations.

Thank you, Pam, my wonderful wife. Together we are believing for greater things in and through us.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Fay


Church Administration & Associate Pastor’s Report

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at

work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!


– Ephesians 3:20-21

My responsibilities for 2015 included Preaching, Women’s Ministries, member of the Family Ministries team, overseeing

publications, coordinating the calendar, Children’s Ministries advisor, Sunday offerings, back-up for church finances, and

helping in the decisions concerning the building and the ministries of Neighborhood Church.

As an Ordained Assemblies of God Pastor, I have been able to reach out to other Women Pastors and Pastor’s Wives as a

part of the NWMN Alongside Ministries. This includes quarterly gatherings to share on a deeper level the challenges and

victories of doing ministry.

I volunteer on the YFC Auction Committee as the co-chair with Angie Zumek. It is great to see so many from our church

volunteering for this event. Another way we are reaching out beyond the walls of the Neighborhood Church.

I love bringing women together to encourage each other’s faith and share our lives together. I am currently meeting with

several ladies from our church on a weekly basis, I look forward to our “chats” and discussion about the books we are

reading together.

This year’s activities included:

Ladies Study called “Café Chocolat” about God’s grace.

A Ladies Tea in May-Thank you Judy Schmidtke, Cory Jones, Hope Davis and Angie Zumek.

Dinners at Harbor Greens with the ladies of all ages from our church.

Helped with activities at NC including a garage sale benefitting kids and youth.

One of my goals for the coming year would be to incorporate some of the ideas we have done on a greater scale to

involve more ladies. This coming year we are looking at more dinners, a ladies’ tea, craft days/nights, girl’s movie nights,

bunco nights and more!

I am continually amazed at the number of loving and talented people that God has brought to Neighborhood Church. I

feel blessed to work at this great church. I love working beside such an amazing man of God, my husband, Pastor Fred.

In His power!


Pam Fay


Children’s Ministry Department

Mission: To provide a stimulating environment where kids can learn about, share, and experience Jesus’s love for


Let me start out by giving a BIG Thank you to the Volunteers who make Children’s Ministry happen every week here at

Neighborhood Church. Greg Luke, Bekah Vreeland, Annika Fraga, Kendra Jenkins, Lance Thomason, Daniel & Chelsie

Beggin, Maddy Luke, Sarah Thomason and Thomas Luke. Without these people there would be no Children’s church!

I would also like to give thanks to all of you who helped with the events throughout the year, in particular Summer Jam. I

believe we had close to 50 volunteers for that week-long event! From set design and construction to acting in a skit, or

leading worship! Thank you so much for your commitment!

2015 saw NCKids taking great strides in finding ways to engage our kids and encourage their spiritual growth. While our

demographics are continually fluctuating we have been able to engage every age level and learning ability. We just

completed the curriculum “Buck Denver asks: What’s in the Bible?” with the preschool and elementary ages integrated.

This seems to work well although it creates a few challenges too. We also have some awesome adults who come along

side our kids each week to love and teach them. These teachers include Greg Luke, Bekah Vreeland, and Annika Fraga.

These are some amazingly gifted people that demonstrate Gods love for our kids every Sunday!

Our nursery is very fortunate to have Kendra Jenkins and Annika Fraga overseeing the care of our 0 to 3 year olds. They

are supported by Lance Thomason as needed. It has also been a great area for some of our middle-schoolers to serve as

assistants. They all do an incredible job of loving and playing with these little ones.

Overall we had 19 registered children in NCKids and 8 to 10 that attended regularly throughout the whole ministry.


Kids Club – we welcomed kids from the community every Wednesday night to learn about what God wants for their lives and how much he loves them.

Summer Jam – ‘Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a kid’. We had wonderful participation from the church body to help produce this event. Attendance saw a drop from previous years but the talent and effort that went into the project gave 35+ kids a wonderful experience.


Yard Sale - we raised $788.50, which provided funds for our new curriculum and for VBS.



Bowling at Narrows Lanes – families came together for an evening of fun and fellowship! A great mix of all ages enjoyed Christian music while knocking down a few pins (in some cases it was a very few pins!)

Tacoma Rainiers Game – another great family event that was enjoyed by about 30 of our NC family members.

Ice Cream Social – Yum! We invited Kids from U.P. and Church congregants of all ages to come and enjoy some great ice cream sundaes and ‘Minute to Win it” games. What a fun time!

Popcorn, PJ, Movie nights – We had multiple movie nights this past year. All of which were very well attended. Kids would camp out on the floor in their pj’s while enjoying a movie!

Jodi Thomason


Youth Ministry Department

Youth Director: Becca

Student Leaders: Jake, Mandy, Rowan, Cody, Kendra

Adult Leaders: Jenna, Nic, Michael

Quick Updates:

With an increase in attendance we have now relocated to the sanctuary! We have had various accounts of students stepping up to new roles in leadership.

Our worship team is thriving, with new members joining all the time (Special thanks to Zach, Kevin, Chris, Samantha, Abby, and Malorie)

Youth leaders have taken on even more responsibility! They plan youth group themes, games, and events. They also have specific responsibilities for running the service on Wednesday Nights and tear down.

Mission: Creating a safe and friendly environment that provides opportunities to deepen their relationship with God,

other students, and leaders.

A few quick updates on how God is working in NC’s youth: Jake is now the leader of the student leaders, encouraging and

supporting them. Kylee and Kendra accepted Jesus into their lives and dedicated their lives to serving Him at YFC summer

camp, Grant began taking bass guitar lessons and is now on worship team alongside our other new members Malorie and

Maddy. Rowan prayed for Jesus to be in her heart and give her security, she also received her first Bible and is reading

through John. Our media is now run by Thomas each week. The list of amazing things each youth is doing in their lives

would take fill the whole annual report booklet. Here is a glimpse into what not our youth group but into our youth and

what Jesus is doing. One week after studying the verse Joshua 1:9 about being strong and courageous they wrote the

following prayers down:

“God be with me even when I can’t feel your presence.”

“Dear God, I hope I do great on tomorrows test. I hope I do well in all my classes. I hope I can be positive every time

when I face challenges. I hope I can keep smiling every day because that’s the only thing I can do to make myself

tough. I hope my family and friends can be forever safe and happy. I hope I can keep reaching my goals. I wish my

dreams could all come true. Thank you for everything my Lord.”

“Dear God, please help to give me strength to not go along with the negative comments at school and to have the

courage to be myself and stand up for what I believe.”

“God, help me not judge people or get mad at anyone over little things.”

“But I’m scared, and tired. I’m tired of trying my best and failing. I’m scared that I’m going to let everyone down and

let you down. I’m scared that I’ll never go to heaven, how can I if I fail at everything? I don’t know how you could

actually love me, I’m not worth loving at all.”

“That school becomes less stressful and I stop worrying about the future. To stop felling so worried.”


Every 6th-12th grader is invited to varies weekly gatherings and events. We strive to know each youth by name and what is

going on in their lives. These are the following things we have done this year.

Regular Services:

Wednesday Evening services (7:00)

Quarterly Sunday Morning Youth Connect (9:15)


Lockins! What is a “Lockin”? An overnight experience where youth and leaders participate in games, food, worship, movies and fun times! This event is great for youth to invite friends to and to get to know each other better.

o Jan 30th- TGIF Lockin (28 youth) o June 12th Rockin’ Lockin’ (30 youth) o Dec 12th Rockin’ Lockin’ (32 youth)

Youth and Leaders put on the Sunday morning service. Showcasing their individual talents. o March 5th Youth Take Over Sunday

Summer Retreat is a chance to get away are refocus of Jesus in the youth’s lives. We camped at the Luke’s Cabin in Acme, WA (SUPER THANKS!!!!!) and played games, fellowshipped and talked about Jesus. It was beautiful location that matched the beautiful spirit of the students interacting.

o Retreat July 26th-29th (19 youth)

Events youth can invite friends and family to. o Summertime Outdoor Movies Aug 11th, Aug 25th o VBS Summer Volunteer July 14th-18th

Becca Fay


Worship & Music Ministry

“But the time is coming - indeed it’s here now - when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

The father is looking for those who will worship him that way.”

– John 4:23

Music without the power of the Holy Spirit is nothing more than entertainment. It is only when we surrender to Jesus as

open vessels and allow His power to flow through us that it becomes worship. This last year we have been very purposeful

about spending time as a worship team in the word seeking God through prayer and study. That is the foundation for

what we do. It has been awesome to watch God raise up new leadership within NC Worship, both musically and spiritually.

We are anticipating, with a childlike faith, the amazing things the Lord is going to do within us and through us in 2016!

A year and a half ago Chris and I started a youth worship band with the hope of engaging the younger generation in true

worship. Our original team of three has turned into a team of nine! The numbers, however, only tell half the story.

Watching my own daughter and her friends take ownership has been the most amazing part. From finding scripture to

share at service, taking on some of the speaking roles, helping set up and learning new instruments, these kids are really

stepping up.

Our worship team has also grown with the addition of our new drummer, Dan Bach. Not only has Dan brought an

incredible musical talent to the mix, but his on fire for Jesus attitude has lifted the bar spiritually. He has become a leader

and a very dear friend.

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”.

– Philippians 4:13

As a worship team we are choosing to believe this, we are taking the limits off our amazing God and believing for greater

things this year than we could ever imagine. So, as we continue to seek the Lord through the study of His word and prayer,

as we become more unified as a team and one with the Father, we know that all things are possible. Watch out world,

here we come!!!

Kevin Schultz Martie Schultz Bill Hannon


Prayer Ministry & Building Maintenance

First let me thank the good people of Neighborhood Church for your love. In 1 Corinthians 1:13, Paul writes that there are

three important eternal values: faith, hope, and love. He concludes with the greatest of these is love.

During this past year I've had the privilege of loving and serving the people of Neighborhood Church as a pastor and as a

construction project manager.

As a pastor, my heart is teaching and sharing the truth that we at Neighborhood Church are about: It’s all about Jesus, and

"He is enough". 1 Colossians 1:15-18.

As a construction project manager it has been a banner year – with improvements and maintenance unending! We have

updated many areas of our building, including the sanctuary stage & carpeting, the sound system, & our parsonage


I take this time to think the many saints who have made this possible through their hard work and financial contributions.

This year 2016 has even greater things. We have begun with the kitchen and meeting hall remodels, parking lot projects,

and prayerfully a nursery remodel. I encourage you to get involved and do what will build this family called Neighborhood


With Jesus’ love,

Ralph King


First Impressions Team

Mission: To create a welcoming and loving environment where people can see Jesus.

“... Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in


– Matthew 5:16

I am privileged to oversee the First Impression Team. As a greeter, I am given the opportunity to welcome people into

God's House and share with them, the love and joy the Lord has given me. To keep it I have to give it away. I am also

involved with Summer Jam VBS and the Prayer Team.

I am blessed to serve with a team of wonderful Jesus loving friends. Team members are Angie Zumek, my assistant, Corrie

Jones and Don Manson who assist me with preparation of and serving Communion. Also we have, Nic Sylvain, Vera

Bussell, Kristina Jenkins, Thomas Luke, Becca Fay, Randy Luke, Jenna Carollo, Judy and Ken Schmidtke, Edee O'Conner and

Charlotte Morse. Angie provides the delicious snacks and Randy makes the wonderful coffee.

We believe God, his Word, believe in God, and we love Jesus with all our heart and soul!

Several months ago a young family, Tania, Chris and their baby Kaden came to our church for the first time. We welcomed

them with love and open arms. When Kaden smiled at me, with his beautiful blue eyes, my heart melted. During prayer

time, the Holy Spirit lead me to pray with this family. That prayer was the beginning of God's plan to establish a

relationship between them and myself.

Tania, Chris and Kaden relocated from the Los Angeles area to University Place. As a church we welcomed and loved

them. Tania shared with me, they had attended another church and did not feel the love there, that we, Neighborhood

Church, have given them. They have no family here. Chris said to me, with tears in his eyes, "all of the people in this

church are now our family. We love and appreciate everyone and everything you all do for us. We love you Pat. You are

grama to Kaden." My love and friendship with this family continues to grow. So has their family. Kaden has a baby sister,

Verah. This family came to visit us and now they are a part of our church family.

The other team members also have amazing stories about their connections with people. I love to watch and see how

God uses and works through each of us. I believe we are a great First Impressions Team!

Serving Him,

Pat Olson


Kitchen & Hospitality

Mission: To create a welcoming and loving environment where people are able to enjoy a meal and conversation


“Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

– Romans 12:13

My administrative tasks included the oversight of fellowship functions to maintain an environment that encourages Jesus,

love and friendly interaction within Neighborhood Church.

Events involved with in 2015:

Easter Pancake Breakfast

Summer Jam VBS

Several great potlucks!

And other family events such as hostess for weddings and memorial services

In May we had a "Dessert Event" to celebrate the achievements of our beloved Pastor Fred and his beautiful wife Pastor

Pam. Pastor Fred received his Doctorate for Divinity in Ministry from George Fox University. He worked long and hard to

reach his goal. Several of us, friends and family, worked to support him, keep him on task and remind him the end goal

was worth it! Pastor Pam was on a journey of her own. She listened to God's call and became an Ordained Minister with

the Assemblies of God Church. Pastor Pam received her Staff, Shawl and Certificate at a wonderful ceremony in Coeur

d’Alene, Idaho.

In June we celebrated the life of beautiful Rose Ehart. If you said "hi" to Rose you could plan on being in a lengthy

conversation with her. Rose had a passion for Jesus, which you could hear in every word she spoke...her eyes glowed with

the love she had for our Savior.

Also in June, we also celebrated the life of our lovable queen of Neighborhood Church, Inez Glass. Inez was a grand

lady loved by everyone she came in contact with. Inez loved Jesus with all her being and had no problem letting you know

that. If you were not a Jesus believer, you would be by the time you finished a conversation with her. When there was a

task to be done, Inez would delegate someone to "get the job done"! Inez was a Flight Nurse (Flight Angel) during World

War ll. I can only imagine how many lives she helped save. Not only physically but spiritually!

I am grateful I had the opportunity to be a friend of Inez's. Even more grateful for her dedication to God's Kingdom and

her service to our country. Inez we will never forget you!

In December, we celebrated the life of Mert Bussell, our precious Vera's husband. I did not have the pleasure of meeting

him, even though what Vera shared about him, he was a great husband, father and grandfather, brother and uncle. And,

he was a devoted Seahawks fan. All wonderful qualities in a man!

Each of these events and celebrations created a packed house. Our mission completed...a loving environment where

people could enjoy a meal and conversation.

Serving Him,

Pat Olson


Community Outreach

Mission: To demonstrate the love of Christ through our actions, both in our local community and across the world.

We will not only be hearers, but also doers of the World of God, bringing the Gospel message of Jesus in a tangible


I am incredibly grateful for the passion and faith of each and every person who attends our church! Faith by itself is

amazing; but faith together, in community and aligned with God does incredible things! Not only did we accomplish more

than we originally planned for last year, but God brought up new opportunities for us to serve in ways we had not done

before as a church. And in reflecting on that alone, how great is it we let God work His plans over our own?

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than

we might ask or think.”

– Ephesians 3:20.

As you take a moment to read over some of the events below, my hope isn’t that you see a list of what we did – but how

God has used us. In a lot of cases, how God has used YOU, every time you participated!

Events & Outreach Projects:

World Missions Experience

In January, we started off the year with a new event—a hands-on experience to better understand what the word

“missions” means for us as Christians, and us as Neighborhood Church. It was a great time of learning, praying

and some opportunities to take action. HUGE thanks to Becca for all her work on the project with me!

Mexico Mission Trip

An amazing first for our church! In April, I had the privilege of leading a team of 18 of us down to Baja-California,

Mexico on our church’s first mission trip. We partnered alongside a long-term organization down there to build

TWO houses (not the ONE we originally planned for!), and work in both children’s ministry & street evangelism.

We are excited to plan for another trip this summer!

Compassion Day

Partnering with other churches in UP & Fircrest, in May we participated in a one-day event to serve our

community! Everything from painting a fence & picking up trash to building a wheelchair ramp and a clothing

drive. Total we had over 45 individual projects, and we had about 25 people from our church participate.

Back to School Fair

This event took place in August at Curtis High School. Sponsored by Families Unlimited Network, churches in the

area were able to come together and work to provide backpacks and a wide variety of school supplies to any

family that needed them.


Food Bank Volunteering

In September a group of both adults and youth went down to the Food Bank at Families Unlimited Network and

worked for a Saturday prepping and serving! This was such a simple thing, but a great and tangible blessing for

the clients of the food bank, but also for a local organization right in our own backyard. I am excited to continue

in regular partnership with them throughout 2016!

Operation Christmas Child

In November our church again partnered with Samaritan’s Purse in their Operation Christmas Child shoebox

fundraiser! We sent 54 shoeboxes filled with toys and essentials all over the world!! These gifts go to children

who would otherwise go without.

Community Christmas

In December, we partnered with Families Unlimited Network to connect with families in University Place who

were struggling to provide for their children. Our church started with four families and ended up helping with 7;

a total of 11 parents and 20 children! This was a huge blessing and stress-reliever for the families, and what a

blessing for us to be able to help.

Looking back and looking forward, this passage of Scripture came to mind:

Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind

of faith can't save anyone. Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing, and you say, "Well,

good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well" -- but then you don't give that person any food or clothing.

What good does that do? So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good

deeds is no faith at all -- it is dead and useless. 18 Now someone may argue, "Some people have faith; others have

good deeds." I say, "I can't see your faith if you don't have good deeds, but I will show you my faith through my

good deeds."

– James 2:14-18

Our faith in Christ is accompanied by actions, and this past year our actions reflected the faith that we boast! I am truly

excited to continue in our efforts to reach our community; to reach the people around us. So as we continue to fill

ourselves up with faith and hope, and seek His love and His plans, my prayer for us as a church is that we never cease to

show this faith and this in greater ways to those around us! The world should be able to see the love that we claim – it

shouldn’t be able to be contained! As we move into 2016, let us look for ways for us to reach out – with our time, our

money, and our actions, always making known the great love that Jesus has for us all.

In love,

Nicholas Sylvain