Employer Benefits Under ETP

GOOD AFTERNOON Manoj Nair (Manu)


What are the benefits to the employer from training delivered under the Employer Training Pilot

Transcript of Employer Benefits Under ETP

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Manoj Nair(Manu)

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“What are the benefits to the employer from training

delivered under the Employer Training Pilot?”

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Problem Recognition

Majority of adults with basic skills difficulties are ordinary people. Difficulties may be due to a number of reasons…

Their skills are barely adequate due to missed or poor schooling.

Their skills and confidence need supporting, e.g. skills are rusty through lack of use.

Their current skills are adequate, but new working practices and technologies demand new skills.

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Hidden Problem?

The introduction of new technology. The implementation of quality initiatives. Restructuring and flattening management

structures. Multi-skilling and flexibility requiring new skills

and training.

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Bigger Problem

Workmates cover for their colleagues. Not taking up training opportunities. Assisting in paperwork and documentation by

superiors or line managers. Turn down promotion.

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Poor basic skills can cost you!!

If you are a company employing 51-100 employees, poor skills could cost you £86,000 per year.

If your organisation employs 1000 or more employees then the cost of poor basic skills could be as high as £500,000.

(Source: The cost to industry, BSA) (Survey: Gallup Poll Ltd)

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7 Million adults in England lack basic literacy and numeric skills up to NVQ Level 2 standard, costing the industry an estimated £10 billion a year.

Across West Yorkshire, these levels are higher than the national average.

(source: LSC, UK)

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Lack of good basic skills can make it difficult for employees to…

Understand and work with new procedures and activities.

Put them into practice. Take up the challenge of new technology. Undertake new ways of learning.

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Leads to a lack of confidence which may result in reluctance to…

Accept change to established practice. Develop new ways of thinking and initiative. Learn new skills and be flexible. Participate fully in team work. Deal with increased customer demand and

expectation. Take on increased responsibility and seek

opportunities for promotion.

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Work related benefits from improving basic skills

1. Written instruction Signs, notices, job instructions understood

and followed

2. Improvement to quality Product produced correctly first time. Quality procedures in written document

followed and understood. More workers able to communicate effectively

to solve problems.

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3. Increased accuracy Less wastage of materials Forms filled in accurately

4. Better customer relations Fewer customer complaints

5. Better team performance Workers able to participate, share ideas, create


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6. Improved workforce morale Greater confidence and job satisfaction Less absenteeism Less staff turnover

7. Fewer accidents Better understanding of safety procedures Hazards identified

8. Equal employment opportunities Increased ability and confidence to participate in

training & take on increased job responsibility.

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On a much BIGGER LEVEL Business strategies by SME’s are defined for optimum returns.


Maximum Profit and cost-effectiveness

High Job performance and adaptable change

Innovation and better problem solving

Good Communication and Information


Low Turnover, Absence and Grievances.

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“Train2Gain”, a government initiative piloted in West Yorkshire through LSC, aims to encourage employers to invest

in their Human resources.

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Essential skills can raise standards of literacy, numeracy and communication which are needed to…

Do routine yet critical calculations and to

manage time. Meet health and safety regulations; for example,

the ability to read and understand notices. Handle petty cash and banking procedures. Deliver positive customer satisfaction. Increase productivity through effective

communication, accurately evaluating and interpreting information.

Deal with changes such as new technology and new ways of working

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NVQs can help employers improve productivity and competitiveness. Many major companies use NVQs and report significant benefits including…

Improved employee performance. Improved motivation. Lower staff turnover. Better staff-supervisor relations. Improved staff recruitment.

NVQs make sure your employees have the skills and knowledge to meet the company’s business needs.

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Train2gain can…

Maximise resource utilisation Enhance efficiency and effectiveness Raise employee morale Reduce resource wastage Improve productivity and profits Increase product and process quality Enhance customer service and satisfaction

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“The train2gain initiative is an excellent means of investing in the futures of our employees and meeting their training needs.”

Carol Elderfield, Personal Director, Greggs

“It’s important the employees get something out of this

as well. It was important to me from the start that I wouldn’t have to make anyone go on the courses and I am glad to say that all of those doing training volunteered. They have shown they’re dedicated and I am sure they’ll get the most out of it

Martin Lambert, Managing Director, Henry Shaw and Sons

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Magic solution or common sense?

Profits at Chicago-based Juno Lighting, an equipment manufacturing company, increased 15 percent through a combination of new technology and the increased capacity of WEP-trained employees to use the technology effectively.

At Baker Enterprises, a sheet metal fabrication company in Michigan, WEP graduates' skills led to reduced overheads and a requirement for fewer supervisors, and contributed to a 5 percent sales increase that enhanced the bottom line.

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British Petroleum (BP)

BP introduced its ‘Developing People’ program in 1998, to help address some pressing business challenges.

The company needed to:

1. Implement very stringent health and safety standards.

2. Develop its outlets from petrol stations into genuine retail stores, which required an improvement in operational standards.

3. Reduce staff turnover and consequent recruitment and training costs.

4. Improve the status of petrol stations jobs and develop BP into an employer of choice.

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Since the introduction of the programme, over 4000 staff in total have achieved the qualification and there have been very significant benefits for the business…

Staff turnover has been reduced by 43%. Days away from work have been considerably

reduced. Increases in fuel and non-fuel incomes have been well

above the industry average, and costs have been reduced.

BP has achieved a culture of health and safety. The training program is now delivered to 2500 staff

every year, with 1000 a year achieving the NVQ.

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“Status Quo”

No short route to success.

Employee gain is employer’s gain.

Exploiting human capital and investing for their continuous development is the mantra for long term business success

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