Employability Week Programme 2014 / University of Kent

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 3 – 7 November 2014 At the University of Kent EMPLOYABILITY WEEK/ PROGRAMME OF EVENTS A week to inspire you


Co-ordinated by the Careers and Employability Service, both the Academic Schools and the professional services are coming together to offer you an exciting week of events.

Transcript of Employability Week Programme 2014 / University of Kent


3 – 7 November 2014At the University of Kent




Here at The University of Kent, we are committed to preparingyou as best we can for the world of graduate employment. Co-ordinated by the Careers and Employability Service, boththe Academic Schools and the professional services are comingtogether to offer you an exciting week of events.

Get some valuable advice for personal development on topics such as CV writing,interview tips, work experience, learning what employers want from graduates,balancing part-time work and study and much more. You will receive EmployabilityPoints for attending talks and workshops see below for more information.

We also have three large fairs; the Careers Fair (Tuesday) where you can meet andspeak to graduate employers looking for students just like you, Teaching Expo(Wednesday) where you can find out more about the routes into teaching, and the KentOpportunities Fair (Thursday) showcasing many of the extra-curricular activities youcan get involved with on campus.

Use this programme to keep track of what’s happening to help you decide what youwant to get involved with, and don’t forget to join the conversation using #KentEW2014

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Employability Week: Programme of Events

Monday 3Tuesday 7Wednesday 10Thursday 14Friday 17Careers Fair 20Careers Fair list of exhibitors 58Careers Fair exhibitors map 62Teaching Expo 65Kent Opportunities Fair 66Canterbury campus map 70

There will be photography and videographyfor publicity being undertaken throughout theweek. If you would like to discuss this, pleasecontact [email protected]

EMPLOYABILITY POINTSThe Employability Points

scheme rewards students for active engagement in extracurricular activities.Employability Week activities all haveEmployability Points shown using the EPlogo . For more information on the EP scheme see www.kent.ac.uk/employabilitypoints







Booking is essential – [email protected] for furtherinformation.

The Legal Market andTypes of Legal Employers10am-11am, The Marquee(All students)Thinking about your career in Law?Understand more about the LegalMarket and types of legalemployers that you could beapplying to.

Our Legal Market Update will giveyou the most recent statistics andfacts so you can plan where you'llslot in effectively. We'll help youconsider the types of firms andlegal employers out there that youmay not have thought of. Expandyour hunt for legal employment andfeel confident about what you canadd to the sector.

Graduate Careers in the Army10am-11.30am: PK127, Medway campus(All students)The army is recruiting now. You cantrain for hundreds of differentcareers in the Army. With thousandsof jobs available, there's more thanone way to be the best. As agraduate, you may want a job withgreat prospects, excellent trainingand a competitive salary, but ifyou’re looking for something thatalso gives you excitement andadventure, then step up to a careeras an Army officer. Officer Cadetsare paid a starting salary of over£24k rising to over £30k oncompletion of training. You canexpect to reach the rank of Captain

in 3 years which also sees a payincrease to over £38k with annualrises to follow. You will also benefitfrom free health and dental care anda competitive pension.

CV Writing for Computing Students10am-12pm: SW101 (Computing students only)This presentation is on how to puttogether a good CV in terms ofcontent and style. It will be followedby an opportunity for students towork on their CVs so they shouldfeel free to bring along their currentCVs for input from School ofComputing staff.

How to become aStudent Ambassador10am-12pm: DLT1An introduction to The StudentAmbassador Scheme, outlining itspaid, voluntary and credit-bearingroles, the work available and howyou can apply.

Mock Assessment Centre Day10am-3pm: JCS1, JCS2 andJCS3 (All students)Want to see what attending anAssessment Centre is like before thereal thing? Fun and interactive, yougain an insight into real AssessmentCentre activities, which can coverproblem solving, team work andpsychometric tests among others!

You will find that often graduateschemes or competitive roles willinclude an Assessment Centre intheir recruitment process. Being

Poster Fair9am-5pm: SW101 (Stage 1 and 2 Computingstudents only)Posters will be exhibited capturingthe experiences of returningplacement students anddemonstrating the benefits of doinga placement. This will show secondyears the diversity of industries,companies and roles available forthe Year in Industry.

EDA Careers Day 9am-4pm: Jennison (EDA students only)A careers day for all thoseinterested in a career withinEngineering or Digital Arts (EDA).Come meet and network withindustry employers who havegraduate and undergraduateopportunities and are looking forstudents just like you. There will alsobe talks from EDA Alumni who havebeen successful in their graduatecareers; you will get insight into theirjob roles as well as their top tips! Ifyou are interested in pursuing apostgraduate degree then comealong to one of our course talks.

Pro Tools 101 9am-5pm Monday and 9am-5pm Tuesday: BW204, Medwaycampus (Open to all students, butsubsidised for SMFA studentsonly)Fantastic opportunity to gain aprofessional qualification in ProTools 101. There is a cost for this twoday training session which is greatlysubsidised for SMFA students.


























Employability Week: Programme of Events

Advice Bureau; how it has helpedher gain valuable experience forfuture job prospects and hasrevealed to her a side of British lifethat is normally hidden.

School of Arts CVWorkshop12.30pm-1.30pm: The Marquee(School of Arts students only)Want your CV to stand out from thecrowd? Come to a free CVWorkshop hosted by Dr LaviniaBryson, Lecturer in Film and find outhow. The School of Arts has got awhole host of subject specificevents & training sessions aimed athelping students make the most oftheir time at University. Make sureyou get involved!

Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM) – VisitingGuest Speaker12pm-1pm: KS17(Stage 1 KBS BBA Marketingstudents only)Led by the Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM), this event willprovide detailed information aboutthe professional qualifications linkedto their CIM accredited studies.Benefits of CIM membership andcollaborations with a local studycentre are fully explained.

Parallel CoachingPresentation12pm-1pm: G2-03, Medwaycampus(All students)Would you like to become a fitnessprofessional and kick-start yourcareer? Parallel Coaching will betalking about careers in health andfitness, the qualifications required

and how to make it in the fitnessindustry. They will also giveinformation on the courses they offerincluding fitness instructing andpersonal training.

Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM) – Visiting Guest Speaker1pm-2pm: KS17(Stages 2 and 3 KBS BBAMarketing students only)Led by the Chartered Institute ofMarketing (CIM), this event willprovide detailed information aboutthe professional qualifications linkedto their CIM accredited studies.Benefits of CIM membership andcollaborations with a local studycentre are fully explained.

EmploymentOpportunities with NHS Professionals 1pm-3pm: KS12(All students)NHS Professionals is the leadingprovider of managed flexibleworkforce services to the NHS withmore than 40,000 general andspecialist nurses, doctors, midwives,allied health professionals,administrative and other healthcareprofessionals signed to its bank,supporting around 70 NHS Trustclients across the UK. In the Kentarea we cover the following trusts:Kent and Medway NHS and SocialCare Partnership Trust, KentCommunity Health NHS Trust,Medway Community HealthcareCIC, Medway NHS Foundation Trust,and East Kent Hospitals UniversityNHS Foundation Trust. We arerecruiting for: Nurses, Care SupportWorkers, Porters, Domestic,

familiar with how an AssessmentCentre works can certainly increaseyour chances of putting your bestfoot forward and help you stand outfrom the competition. The day willbegin with an introduction toAssessment Centres and you willpartake in your first activity. You willthen be rotated to a different roomand activity until you havecompleted all 3. The activities will befacilitated by companyrepresentatives and employabilitystaff, with a lunch break in betweento re-energise. This event is free andopen to all.

60 Minute Takeover! 10am-4pm: Student MediaCentre (All students)Got a free hour? Fancy trying a newsport or learning a new skill? Whynot come along to the StudentMedia Centre where you will be ablegive it a go – each session will last60 minutes and be led by a KentUnion club or society. Each hour, onthe hour a new session will begin.Check outwww.kentunion.co.uk/60min forfurther details.

Improving Your CareerProspects by Volunteeringat the Citizens AdviceBureau11am-12pm: The Marquee(All students)Come to hear about the work of theCitizens Advice service and howvolunteering can boost your careerprospects. Victoria, a law graduateand Citizens Advice Bureauemployee, describes her experienceof volunteering at the Citizens
























Employability at Kent2pm-3pm: BW203, Medwaycampus(All students)Find out about how the University ofKent and GK Unions can help you todevelop your employability skills.Graduate employers across allindustries want more than just adegree; they want graduates whocan demonstrate a wide range ofother skills, attributes andknowledge, often called‘employability skills’. Come along tothis event to find out how you candevelop the skills valued byemployers. There will berepresentatives from the Careersand Employability Service, theEmployability and VolunteeringToolkit, Medway CommunityScholarships, Student Ambassadorsand Employability Points.

The British Army –Leadership in Practice 2pm-5pm: The Marquee (mightinclude some activities outside)(All students)The event will be split into 3 x 1 hoursessions and is aimed at givingstudents with no militaryconnections, an insight into somerelevant skills to aid them in theirtime at university and also for theirfuture workplaces, thus increasingtheir employability. The event willcover elements of; leadership,planning, communication, positivepersonal impact and effective timemanagement. Dependant on theweather, an element of the event isplanned to be held outdoors andtherefore an outdoor coat and sturdyfootwear (eg trainers) will berequired.

What Employers Look For 2pm-3pm: Cornwallis SW101(All students)Chris Wildsmith, CEO of KineticSolutions, will deliver a presentationon how to make yourselfemployable from a CEO’sperspective. Tips and practicaladvice on how to make yourselfstand out from the crowd.

Employment vs Self-Employment3pm-4pm: BW203, Medwaycampus(All students)Are you considering starting yourown business after university? Orare you looking to go straight intoemployment? Join the discussion toweigh up the pros and cons of bothoptions. The Employability Pointsand Student Enterprise teams aredebating the benefits and difficultiesrelated to employment and self-employment. Challenge theperceived risks of self-employmentor explore the possibilities ofemployment. Join in this livelydebate and weigh-up what careerpath is most suitable for you.

Getting the Most Out of the Careers Fair3pm-4pm: KS16(All students)You may think that all you need to dois turn up on the day – right? Butactually, if you take some time toprepare before going to theseevents you will find you get muchmore out of them. Come along andhear from an experienced CareersAdviser on what to do to get readyfor our annual Careers Fair to beheld on Tuesday 4th November.

Housekeepers, Admin and Clerical,Support Service. Drop in anytimebetween 1-3pm with your CV tospeak to one of our staff membersto find out if you qualify to registeron their bank. For more informationgo to:www.nhsprofessionals.nhs.uk/Pages/Join-Us.aspx

EmployabilityOpportunities withCharlton AthleticCommunity Trust1pm-2pm: G2-03, Medwaycampus(All students)CACT’s (Charlton AthleticCommunity Trust) ground breakingand innovative programmes aredelivered through a regularpresence in schools and workingwith disadvantaged or sociallyexcluded groups in society, throughcrime reduction initiatives andcommunity based football coachingsessions. The types of programmesdelivered by CACT fit under five keyaims: raising educationalachievement, creating pathways toemployment, building healthierlifestyles, bringing communitiestogether and reducing crime.CACT’s main areas of work include:Social Inclusion, National CitizenService, Education, HealthImprovement, Pathways toEmployment, Sports Development,Disability and Mental Health, andWomen and Girl’s Development.CACT delivers programmes acrossBexley, Greenwich and Kent as wellas in Johannesburg, Cape Townand Durban which all include someof the poorest townships in SouthAfrica. See more at:www.cact.org.uk

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Employability Week: Programme of Events

best tourist attractions in the area.We also provide careerdevelopment seminars with leadingindustry experts. This makes for asafe and valuable, career-boostingexperience in some of the mostexciting cities in the world.

Become a Red CrossEducator, Teaching FirstAid in the Community4pm-5pm: Eliot Hall(All students)We will show you how easy it is toteach, use and recall first aid skillsin an emergency. This will developyour skills further to become aCommunity Educator with the BritishRed Cross.

Unexpected careers – forStudents from the Facultyof Social Sciences 6pm-8pm: GLT3 and foyer(All students)Find out from past students howthey became successful.

An interactive forum with SocialSciences alumni and recruitmentprofessionals, comprising shortpresentations and case studiesshowcasing unexpected careerpaths. This is followed by an openQ&A session and an informal chatover drinks and nibbles.

Understanding ModernChina 3pm-4pm: KS15(All students)Absolute Internship is an elite globalinternship program for universitystudents in Beijing, Hong Kong,London, Shanghai and Singapore.The program is recognized by BBC,Forbes Magazine, Bloomberg andThe New York Times. We partnerwith 500+ top class internationaland local companies. Our all-inclusive programs range from 1 to3 months in length and provideguaranteed internship placement in20+ industries, accommodation,visa, transport to and from work andplanned program events visiting the



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Morgan Stanley –Assessment Centre Skills Session10am-11.30am: DarwinConference Suite(All students, particularly thoseinterested in a Year in Industry)Join us for an interactive workshopto learn about what you can expectto experience at an assessmentcentre. This interactive session isdesigned to explain what you mightexpect at an assessment centre andwhat employers are looking for.There will be a brief presentationbefore we will break out into groupsto allow you to participate in a mockgroup assessment and develop aclear understanding of the skillsemployers are assessing. Feedbackwill be provided on the day to helpparticipants understand how theyperformed and what to work on. Tobook your place, please go to:http://doodle.com/zs772qzi7qm7u6ht

Essential Guidance forAspiring Lawyers10am-11am: Rutherford LT1(All students)The talk will touch on: (1) Theimportance of good grades, (2)How to prepare for legal workexperience, (3) The key tosucceeding as an aspiring lawyer,(4) A brief outline of training postdegree (this is not the main focus).Chris White, Founder of AspiringSolicitors(www.aspiringsolicitors.co.uk) willtalk and take questions.

IBM/American StudiesSession10.30am-11.30am: RX12(All students)Find out from our panel how timespent in the States can offer you awealth of personal and professionalbenefits. Rachel Armstronggraduated from Kent in 2008 with aBA (Hons) degree in AmericanStudies and now works for IBM. Herrole with the company includesassessing applicants at its graduaterecruitment centre. Along withstudents and alumni who havespent time studying and working inthe States as part of their degreecourses, Rachel and the panel willdiscuss how this experience canincrease your career prospects.Refreshments provided.

How to Write a CV for Journalism and Media Jobs11am-12pm: The Marquee(All final year students)How to sell yourself to an editor inone page. Editors will not read morethan one page, so this workshop ishow to make sure every wordcounts. Speakers from BrightonJournalist Works will cover thebasics: presentation, missionstatements and skills tables. All youneed to get to interview stage in thiscompetitive industry, with real-lifeexamples of CVs that have gotstudents jobs.

The Careers Fair12pm-3pm: The Sports Centre(All students)For more information, see page 20or visit www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events

Poster Fair9am-5pm: SW101 (Stage 1 and 2 Computingstudents only)Posters will be exhibited capturingthe experiences of returningplacement students anddemonstrating the benefits of doinga placement. This will show secondyears the diversity of industries,companies and roles available forthe Year in Industry.

60 Minute Takeover! 10am-4pm: Student MediaCentre (All students)Got a free hour? Fancy trying a newsport or learning a new skill? Whynot come along to the StudentMedia Centre where you will be ablegive it a go – each session will last60 minutes and be led by a KentUnion club or society. Each hour, onthe hour a new session will begin.Check outwww.kentunion.co.uk/60min forfurther details.

CIPFA Presentation10am-11am: The Marquee(All students)Looking for a career in finance?Listen to what CIPFA and the PublicSector can offer you… CIPFA, theChartered Institute of PublicFinance and Accountancy, is theprofessional body for people inpublic finance. Our 14,000members work throughout thepublic services, in national auditagencies, in major accountancyfirms, and in other bodies wherepublic money needs to beeffectively and efficiently managed.



























Employability Week: Programme of Events

Q+A to BSkyB3.30pm-5pm: DarwinConference Suite 3(All students)Delivering Sky’s mix of TV thatpeople love, pioneering technology,award-winning customer serviceand superfast broadband is a realteam effort. Across Sky’s business,whether in front of the camera orbehind the scenes, we’re workingreally hard to deliver brilliantentertainment, products andservices to over 11 millioncustomers. But we want to be betterso we’re looking for bright, talentedgraduates to join us.

We will be holding a Q&A sessionon graduate opportunities at Sky, socome prepared to ask us lots ofquestions as we will be closingapplications for the 2015 graduateintake the following week. We arekeen to hear what you know aboutSky and the graduate opportunitieswe offer. If you have already startedyour application to one of our 2015graduate programmes, we hope youwill leave the talk with some hintsand tips to help boost yourapplication further. We look forwardto seeing you!

Please book your place athttp://tinyurl.com/bskybkent

Careers at the Gulbenkian Theatre and Beyond4pm-5pm: The MarqueeLooking to gain work experience ina theatre or in the arts industry moregenerally? Come along and find outmore from those in the know. The

School of Arts has teamed up withthe Gulbenkian Theatre to host aworkshop about breaking into thecreative sector. Whether you want tobe working on lighting and rigs orscheduling events come along andfind out more. Make sure you getinvolved! Mairi Coyle (CreativeProducer) and Jake Taylor(Technical Manager) will be on handto offer useful tips and advice aboutbreaking into the industry.

Study in Germany4pm-5pm: Grimond LT3(All students)Join us for the info session "Study inGermany" to learn about study andresearch at German universities aswell as funding options. Studying inGermany – A Good Idea!

• Many Master and PhDprogrammes taught in English

• One of the most populardestinations for internationalstudents worldwide

• Excellent universities with lowtuition fees

Working in the UK forInternational Students5pm-6pm: KBS LT(International students from theFaculty of Social Sciences only)A talk aimed at students fromoutside the European EconomicArea about how the UK labourmarket operates, including up-to-date information about differenttypes of work permit and tips abouthow to succeed with jobapplications in the UK.

Morgan Stanley –Assessment Centre Skills Session3.30pm-5pm: M3-04, Medwaycampus (All students, particularly thoseinterested in a Year in Industry)Join us for an interactive workshopto learn about what you can expectto experience at an assessmentcentre. This interactive session isdesigned to explain what you mightexpect at an assessment centre andwhat employers are looking for.There will be a brief presentationbefore we will break out into groupsto allow you to participate in a mockgroup assessment and develop aclear understanding of the skillsemployers are assessing. Feedbackwill be provided on the day to helpparticipants understand how theyperformed and what to work on.Limited spaces available, pleaseemail [email protected] tobook.

Being an Arts Practitioner: How to Work for Yourself3pm-4pm: The Marquee(All students)Thinking about setting up your ownbusiness? Then come along to thissession for practical advice andguidance. During this hour-longsession, Dermot O'Brien, SeniorLecturer in Drama and Theatre, willlead the session aimed at anyonewho is interested in finding out moreabout setting up a business in thecreative sector.




















expanding our technology solutionsin the mobile, cloud, security, IT, andbig data spaces, including softwareand consulting services. As Ciscodelivers the network that powers theInternet, we are connecting theunconnected. Imagine creatingunprecedented disruption.Revolutionary ideas will impacteverything from retail, healthcare,and entertainment, to public andprivate sectors, and far beyond.With roughly 10 billion connectedthings in the world now and over 50billion estimated in the future, youwill find exponential careerpossibilities at Cisco.

Economics AlumniEvening7pm-9pm: KLT1(School of Economics studentsonly)Recent Economics Graduates willtalk about how they got their jobs,what it is like to work in the financialsector and their own experiences

Cisco – The Internet ofEverything5pm-6pm: Darwin ConferenceSuite 2(All students)Find out more about what Cisco isdoing to expand the technologysolutions in the Cloud, Mobile,Security, IT and Big Data. TheInternet of Everything is aphenomenon driving newopportunities for Cisco and it'stransforming our customers'businesses worldwide. We arepioneers and have been since theearly days of connectivity. Today, weare building teams that are

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 9





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Employability Week: Programme of Events

Museum Careers Day10am-3pm: Royal EngineersMuseum(All students)The Royal Engineers Museum,Library and Archive will be openingits doors for a Careers Day. This‘behind the scenes’ day will consistof sessions led by the Museum staff.Each department will offer anoverview of what their job entails,and how they got into that position.The day covers: general guidanceto museum employability,marketing/commercial services,fundraising, conservationmanagement, collectionsmanagement, lunch and chance tolook around the museum, educationand events, communityengagement, and interpretation:exhibitions and galleries. Followingthe end of the day, participants aremore than welcome to stay andhave a further look around theMuseum, and to ask members ofstaff any questions.

The museum is located a short walkfrom the University of Kent’sMedway campus; transport will be provided from Canterburycampus via the campus shuttle.Please book your placedoodle.com/pzbfn34946w23cms orcontact Jon Beer [email protected](your booking includes a place onthe campus shuttle). Places arelimited to sixty students; you mustsign up before 29th October tosecure your place.

Teaching Expo10am-3pm: Darwin ConferenceSuite (All students)In partnership with Teach First, theUniversity of Kent brings you theinaugural Teaching Expo. As theroutes into teaching seem to changeand grow every year, this event aimsto provide students with access to arange of different Teacher Trainingproviders, all showcasing theirparticular training pathway. Comealong to find out the differencebetween school-based anduniversity-based routes and therange of options available to you.See www.kent.ac.uk/ces/teaching-expo for full exhibitor details.

Training providers will also beoffering a variety of short buthighly informative talks in DarwinConference Suite 1. Drop in andlisten at either 11am-12pm or 1pm-2pm.

Student Enterprise…How to be an Entrepreneur10am-12pm: G4-03, Medwaycampus(All students)Got a business idea? Want tobecome an entrepreneur? Thisinteractive session includes aworkshop from a business adviser,information on the entrepreneurialsociety Enactus and a competitionlaunch where you can put yourideas into practice!

Poster Fair9am-5pm: SW101 (Stage 1 and 2 Computingstudents only)Posters will be exhibited capturingthe experiences of returningplacement students anddemonstrating the benefits of doinga placement. This will show secondyears the diversity of industries,companies and roles available forthe Year in Industry.

Pro Tools 1109am-5pm Wednesday, Thursdayand Friday: BW204, Medwaycampus (Open to all students, butsubsidised for SMFA studentsonly)Fantastic opportunity to gain aprofessional qualification in ProTools 110. There is a cost for thisthree-day training session which isgreatly subsidised for SMFAstudents. Booking essential. [email protected] for further


60 Minute Takeover! 10am-4pm: The Marquee (All students)Got a free hour? Fancy trying a newsport or learning a new skill? Whynot come along to the Marqueewhere you will be able give it a go –each session will last 60 minutesand be led by a Kent Union club orsociety. Each hour, on the hour anew session will begin. Check outwww.kentunion.co.uk/60min forfurther details.



















Tom Christian SpeaksAbout His Experience atKent Union1pm-2pm: KLT5(All students)Tom Christian served in a number ofPart-Time Officer roles in Kent Unionbefore becoming Vice-PresidentEducation then Union Presidentbetween 2007 and 2009. He thenco-led the student wing of theLabour Party before joining Labour'sDigital Unit in 2010. He now focuseson building Labour's digital imageand manages film production for theParty. He will be talking about howhis experiences as a Kent UnionOfficer helped shape thecommunication skills he uses todayincluding how a tactic employed in aKent Union election was used tocreate one of Labour's mosteffective pieces of on-line content.

'What Am I Gonna DoNow?' The CompleteCoach1pm-2pm: W1-SR5(All students)Kerry is an empowering coach,skilled at finding what you want andwhere to start in accomplishing it! Ifyou are struggling with the ‘WhatNext?’ question – come and find anew way of looking for it. Apresentation to cajole, connect andcelebrate who you are and now youare educated – what are you goingto do next? www.kerryhales.com

Introduction to SECLEmployability Modules1pm-2.30pm: Cornwallis SE,COLT2(SECL students only)Find out about the modulesavailable in SECL (School ofEuropean Culture and Languages)which will help you gainemployability skills and prepare youfor graduate employment. A talkfrom SECL staff on modules withinSECL that have an Employabilitycomponent

Returning from a YearAbroad: EmployabilityWorkshop1.30pm-3pm: KS16 repeatedagain at 3:30-5pm(Returning year abroad final yearstudents only)Find out how to identify anddemonstrate the skills and attributesthat you have acquired from yourtime abroad to enhance youremployability. This is an interactivesession covering CVs, jobapplications and interviews. Tobook, please email:[email protected]

So You Want ToVolunteer? Litter Pick!1.30pm-3pm: Meet at the KentUnion Student activities Centre(above Essentials)(All students)The litter pick will help give campusa spruce and keep our communityclean and tidy! It’s a great chance tomake new friends, gainemployability skills such ascommunication, team-working andproblem-solving, and earn hours foryour KSCV Award!

Enhancing YourPresentation Skills11am-12pm: Digital Crit Space,Marlowe(All students)Looking to improve your interviewtechniques and feel comfortableabout presenting in front of groups?Come hear Prof. Don Gray from theSchool of Architecture give you tipson how to impress! Feel moreconfident about public speaking;learn how to inject humour into apresentation; understand how touse storytelling to get your pointacross.

Vanquis Bank: CVs and Applications12pm-1pm: G2-04, Medwaycampus(All students)Top tips on CV and applicationwriting by Vanquis Bank.

South East Water:Interview Skills1pm-2pm: M1-22, Medwaycampus(All students)Staff from South East Water will bejoining us to give tips on interviewskills from an employer’sperspective. This workshop will beuseful for any career path, but youwill also get the opportunity to learnabout the various roles offered atSouth East Water… there are morecareer opportunities than you mightthink. This workshop will prepareyou with the skills you need toperform well at an interview.

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Employability Week: Programme of Events

charge. The 30 places are allocatedon a first come first served basis. Toreserve your place, email IrenaJennings, [email protected]

Group Skills Workshop2pm-4pm: Cornwallis SW101(All students)A brief presentation outlining theskills looked for during groupexercises at graduate assessmentdays. This will be followed bypractical exercises giving studentsthe chance to practise assessedgroup work, and a plenary session.

How to Succeed withPsychometric Testing2pm-4pm: KBS LT(All students)Tips and practice session to giveyou a headstart for psychometricassessments. Before getting to thatcrucial interview, many employersuse psychometric testing as ameans to identify their idealcandidates' suitability. This hands-onsession will provide tips forcompleting numeric and verbalreasoning tests as well aspersonality assessments and givesyou a chance for practice.

Student Media CentreOpen Afternoon2pm-4pm: Student MediaCentre(All students)The doors to the Student MediaCentre will be open to all andpeople will have the chance to viewour facilities but also hear talks fromalumni and industry professionals.The afternoon will start with tours ofthe media centre by our media

volunteers. This is followed by aQ&A panel at 3pm, made up ofpeople from film, TV, radio andnewspaper who are all alumni fromthe University. A great opportunityfor anyone looking for a career in themedia, or if you just fancy hearingsome alumni stories. There will befilming and photography at the eventto be used for promotional purposesonly.

Fuel the Firework!Running a SuccessfulCampaign2pm-3pm: KLT5(All students)This training session will cover theessentials on successfulcampaigns, focusing on how toplan, organise, deliver and analyseyour campaign to ensure you makethe best impact. We’ll be lookinginto the best ways you can deliveryour message to the public, fromrunning events and public speaking,to using art and social media as acampaign tool.

Commercial Awareness Workshop2pm-4pm: ELT2(All students)An interactive session to help you todevelop your commercialunderstanding in a fun and practicalway. International law firm ReedSmith will help you to understandhow graduate recruiters will testyour commercial awarenessthroughout the recruitment process.There will be an introductory talkabout recruitment and commercialawareness, followed by aninteractive group-based activity,

Careers for Linguists inthe EU2pm-3.30pm: Woolf LectureTheatre(All students)Are you studying Languages? MrPaul Kaye, translator at theEuropean Commission, will talkabout opportunities in the EU forLinguists.

British CouncilOpportunities forLanguages3:30pm-4:30pm: Woolf LectureTheatre (All Students)Louise Murray, Product DeliveryOfficer – Language Assistants Teamat the British Council in NorthernIreland will give an overview of theopportunities available for bothundergraduates and graduatesoffered by the British Council. FromChina, to Latin America andelsewhere in Europe, the sessionwill provide a taster of possibleoptions for the future.

Excel for Business2pm-4pm: G4-05, Medwaycampus(All students)Improve your Excel skills and findout how to use it for businessanalysis. Excel is a crucial toolwhich is in high demand by today'semployers. This is a short stand-alone course designed to refreshstudents’ knowledge of thefundamentals of Excel and how tofurther use it as an analyticalbusiness tool. The course is run byKent Business School and is free of


























So you want to be anIntern?3pm-4.30pm: GS6(Politics and InternationalRelations focused, but allstudents welcome)Interested in an internship in Politicsand IR? Come along to thisinteractive workshop where staff,students and alumni will give youthe lowdown on life as an intern, andtips for getting the opportunity youwant. Run by the School of Politicsand IR, this event will look atinternships in this field and how bestto secure the work opportunities youwant.

Returning from a YearAbroad: EmployabilityWorkshop3.30pm-5pm: KS16(Returning year abroad final yearstudents only)Find out how to identify anddemonstrate the skills and attributesthat you have acquired from yourtime abroad to enhance youremployability. This is an interactivesession covering CVs, jobapplications and interviews. Tobook, please email:[email protected]

SMSAS CV Clinic4pm-5pm: Cornwallis NW SR9(SMSAS students only)Looking for advice on how toimprove your CV? Come to theSMSAS CV clinic, where a CVexpert will review your CV andprovide you with advice on how youcan improve it. You will need to bring

along a copy of your current CV,which will be reviewed andguidance provided on how you canimprove it. Please note that thisevent is for SMSAS students only,and attendance must be pre-booked viahttp://doodle.com/7c6frs6mfqv3k5hi

Radio, Television, Printand Online Journalism4pm-6pm: Darwin ConferenceSuite 3(All students)Interested in a career as a journalistin radio, TV, print or online? Learnwhat it takes to succeed. Many ofthe brightest graduates aspire tocareers as reporters, columnists orcorrespondents, but jobs injournalism are hard to get and theindustry is fiercely competitive. Sohow do you give yourself a realchance of success and what does ittake to build a media career?Professor Tim Luckhurst, Head ofthe Centre for Journalism, hasworked for the BBC at home andabroad, and edited Scotland'snational newspaper, The Scotsman.He will offer realistic, practicaladvice about what it takes to make itas a journalist.

which will allow you to practice yourcommercial awareness in asimulated assessment exerciseinvolving the analysis anddiscussion of recent news articles.To sign up for this event pleaseemail your name, course, year ofstudy and a sentence outlining whyyou wish to attend to Jayne Instoneon [email protected] ensuringthat you write “CommercialAwareness Workshop” in thesubject bar.

SMSAS EmployabilitySeminar2pm-3.45pm: Maths LectureTheatre(SMSAS students only)Looking for advice on how toimprove your employability? Cometo this SMSAS (School of Maths,Statistics and Actuarial Sciences)seminar, which will comprisepresentations and advice from anumber of different presenters,including financial servicesemployers and some from thebusiness world, who will give adviceon guidance on topics such ascreating a compelling CV, makingeffective job applications, anddeveloping strong interview skills.

Jobshop Drop-In3pm-4.30pm: GK Unions,Pilkington Building, Medway(All students)Looking for part-time work? Drop into GK Unions to chat with Louiseabout finding local part-time/temporary work that fits inalongside your studies.

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Employability Week: Programme of Events

Getting into Law11am-12pm: G4-04, Medwaycampus(All students)All you need to know to progressinto legal careers. This talk is forboth law and non-law students whoare interested in a career in the legalprofessions (solicitor, barrister orlegal executive). Careers in law arevery competitive; you need to beprepared to compete at the highestlevel. This talk will help you toidentify the extra-curricular activitiesyou should be getting involved inand how. We will also look at workexperience and how to get it andfinally, but importantly, the supportavailable to help you achieve youraims.

An Introduction to KSCV Platinum12pm-1pm: KLT5(All students interested incompleting this module during2015-16)The Kent Student Certificate forVolunteering (KSCV) Platinum awardis the highest level of volunteeringaward at the University of Kent. Itinvolves carrying out 3 volunteeringplacements or projects across 1academic year and building up aportfolio based on your volunteering.Throughout the year you are alsoexpected to produce a 500 wordreport, a written statement oflearning (essay) and give a panelpresentation.

The award requires you to getinvolved with a wide range ofvolunteering activities and focuses

on the skills and abilities that you willdevelop as a volunteer. Before youcan start the KSCV Platinum, youmust have already completed somevoluntary activity whilst you havebeen a student at the University ofKent and preferably undertaken theKSCV Silver (50 hours) certificate.Depending on your course, you maybe able to choose KSCV Platinumas a credit bearing module (15credits instead of another modulechoice). If that is not possible, it willshow on your degree transcript asan extra module on top of themodules that you would need toundertake in order to meet yourdegree requirements.

Think Big Choose Small12pm-1pm: PK127, Medwaycampus(All students)Thinking outside the box when itcomes to your graduate career. Wehear lots about big graduateschemes, but thousands ofgraduates find amazing careers insmaller companies. Come to thisworkshop run by STEP to find outmore about working in smallerorganisations, and where to findthose jobs.

Kent Opportunities Fair12pm-3pm: Darwin ConferenceSuite(All students)Showcasing many of the extra-curricular activities you can getinvolved with whilst studying at Kent.Find out more on page 66.

Poster Fair9am-5pm: SW101 (Stage 1 and 2 Computingstudents only)Posters will be exhibited capturingthe experiences of returningplacement students anddemonstrating the benefits of doinga placement. This will show secondyears the diversity of industries,companies and roles available forthe Year in Industry.

Careers at the MarloweTheatre and Beyond10am-11am: The Marquee(All students)Looking to gain work experience ina theatre or in the creative artsindustry more generally? Comealong and find out more from thosein the know. The School of Arts hasteamed up with the Marlowe Theatreto host a workshop about breakinginto the creative arts sector.Marlowe's Head of CreativeProjects, Daniel Lipman, will beoffering useful tips and advice aboutthe sector. Whether you want to beworking on lighting and rigs orscheduling events come along andfind out more. Make sure you getinvolved!

Interested in Working in a Gallery? Find Out More!11am-12pm: The MarqueeInterested in working in a gallery?Come along to find out more fromsomeone who already does the job!Katie McGown (Studio 3 GalleryAssistant) will deliver a presentationaimed at students who are thinkingabout applying for jobs in galleries.
























the wide range of career prospectsavailable to graduates from SACdisciplines as well as how best toconvey your value to potentialemployers.

Humanities PlacementYear – Find Out More!2pm-3pm: The Marquee(Humanities students only)Thinking about taking a placementyear or want to find out more aboutthe benefits of taking a placementyear? Students who have recentlycompleted a placement year will beon hand to talk about theirexperiences and offer practicaladvice and tips. Rachel Evans,Placement Year Co-ordinator for theFaculty of Humanities, will lead thesession aimed at anyone who isinterested in finding out more aboutundertaking a placement betweenstages 2 and 3 of their studies.

Excel for Business2pm-4pm: Eliot CT1(All students)Improve your Excel skills and findout how to use it for businessanalysis. Excel is a crucial toolwhich is in high demand by today'semployers. This is a short, stand-alone course designed to refreshstudents’ knowledge of thefundamentals of Excel and how tofurther use it as an analyticalbusiness tool. The course is run byKent Business School and is free ofcharge. The 30 places are allocatedon a first come first served basis. Toreserve your place, email IrenaJennings, [email protected]

Where Are They Now?2pm-4pm: Cornwallis SW101(Aimed at Stage 1 and 2Computing students, but allwelcome)Recent computing alumni will betalking about their experiencessince graduating. Q&A at the end.

Working in HumanResources3pm-4pm: The Marquee(All students)Considering a career in HR? Cometo find out about career paths,specialist versus generalist routesand how to get your first HR job.Caroline Montgomery – an HRManager at the University of Kent –talks about careers in HR, thevarious career paths andprofessional routes, how to get yourfirst job in HR and what skills andqualifications might be needed.Using a combination of presentationand short practical exercises andexamples, you will be able to identifyyour transferable skills, prepare foran interview for an HR job andconsider the personal qualitiesneeded for a career in HR.

Writing Skills Workshop3pm-5pm:CNWsr5(All Students)A two-hour tonic for your writingskills– from useful general tips inyour academic writing andpresentations, to presenting yourselfprofessionally via letters and emails,improve your writing now!

Meet members of the School ofEnglish's writing skills team for aninformal workshop designed to

Essex County Council'sNational GraduateDevelopment Programme1pm-2pm: G4-04, Medwaycampus(All students)Local Government is not only one ofthe most important parts of thePublic Sector, ensuring key serviceslike Public Health, Adult Social Care,Children's Services and Education,it is also the most efficient area ofthe Public Sector. With Essex CountyCouncil as an example, thispresentation will discuss a graduatescheme in Local Government facingeconomic and cultural challengesand the benefits of working in thepublic sector.

International Placements1pm-2.30pm: Rutherford LT1(All students)Find out about the opportunitiesavailable to study or work abroad aspart of your degree.

Identifying YourTransferable Skills2pm-3pm: The location for thisevent can be found at:www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events(School of Anthropology andConservation students only)Attend this event to help identifyyour transferable skills and openyour eyes to a range of careerprospects. Due to the breadth ofsubject areas studied at SAC, ourgraduates are welcomed in a varietyof professions. This talk will explore

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Employability Week: Programme of Events

5.30pm-8pm). Then this session isfor you! This free event will help youdevelop strong networking skills thatmight just help you get that idealjob, summer internship or researchopportunity. Refreshments will alsobe provided.

Getting the Most Out of the E&V Toolkit4pm-5pm: G4-03, Medwaycampus(All students)Are you currently volunteering orinterested in volunteering in thefuture? The E&V Toolkit is anexcellent package, free for studentsto use, which helps you to track theemployability skills you are gaining.Come along to find out how to makethe most out of the E&V Toolkit.

Focus on What Mattersand Gain Confidence5pm-7pm: RX11(All students – places limited)In this workshop, Vinita Joseph – anaccredited coach and tutor – willguide you through an enjoyable setof exercises designed to help youidentify what is most important toyou. Learn how to set achievablegoals and, in so doing, gainconfidence in your ability to getthings done.

You’ll come away with at least onesmall task to complete within thenext 24 hours, as well as apersonalised road map for thecoming year. Places are limited! To book go to: http://doodle.com/qff2ngtu7xysti7m

School of ComputingSocial5pm-7pm: KLT5(Aimed at School of Computingstudents, but all welcome)Opportunity to talk to School ofComputing alumni in a relaxedenvironment.

Alumni and StudentNetworking Event5.30pm-8pm: DarwinConference Suite 2 and 3(All students)Terrified of what happens aftergraduation? Alumni from a range ofdisciplines are here to help withadvice on job-hunting, interviewsand the real world of work, followedby a fun networking session with atwist. Get some tips and learn somenew skills – plus there’s free foodand drink! Places for students arelimited to 40 so registration isessential! Go to:http://tinyurl.com/kentalumni to bookyour place!

transmit some key principles inwriting well and preparingpresentations. The session will alsoincorporate a 'clinic' to deal withproblems raised by students.

The International Students of HistoryAssociation Presentation4pm-5pm: The Marquee(All students)Are you a student with an interest inhistory? Do you enjoy the prospectof traveling and meeting studentsfrom other countries? If the answerto these two questions is yes, comeand find out more! The InternationalStudents of History Association(ISHA) organises seasonalseminars, where students frommany countries come together todiscuss historical ideas. As well asshowing your future employers aninterest in the internationalcommunity, an important aspect inour globalised world, theseseminars are an opportunity topractise and develop yourpresentation and discussion skills ina fun and friendly environment.Please join us at our talk to find outmore about this exciting opportunity.

Networking Know-How4pm-5pm: Politics and IRMeeting Room (N4.N1Rutherford College) (All students)Looking to develop your networkingskills, and have the opportunity topractice them in a friendly andinformal setting ahead of theUniversity's Alumni and StudentNetworking Event (this evening,



















launching a business, as well asquestioning your knowledge ofentrepreneurship and providing youwith the motivation to start abusiness, secure funding &/or get ajob.

What it’s like working in Higher EducationProfessional Services10am-11.15am: KS17(All students)Did you know 3500 people work atthe University of Kent? And not allare academic roles? Are youconsidering a career in HigherEducation administration ormanagement? Melissa Bradley andLinda Lough, Faculty AdministrationManagers from the University'sadministration team talk about thepotential careers in HigherEducation. Come and join us forcoffee and cookies and hear moreabout the wide range of potentialcareers working in HigherEducation.

Kent IT Clinic10am-12pm: M1-22, Medwaycampus(Computing students only)Interested in IT consultancy? Do youwant to know what it is like to be aKITC consultant, and how you canbecome one too? Come along tothis interactive workshop where wewill help you to start acquiring theskills that you need to be asuccessful IT consultant and helpyou to prepare for the KITCapplication process.

IBM – EmployerPresentation11am-12pm: KLT6(2nd year Computing with a Yearin Industry students)Presentation about opportunities forplacement, and the recruitmentprocess.

Working in the Museumand Heritage Sectors11am-12pm: Cornwallis NWSR5(All students)The historic environment is a diversesector offering a variety ofemployment opportunities at local,national and international levels.Presentation by Dr. Labadi who hasworked for local museums, EnglishHeritage and internationally forUNESCO and the World Bank. Thiswill be followed by a session ofquestions and answers.

Self-Employment…What Is It All About?11am-12pm: The Marquee(All students)Be Your Own Boss! Work foryourself! Do it your way instead ofthe way someone else wants itdone! As some degree studentscannot immediately find gainfulemployment, The Enterprise Huboffers advice and support to thosestudents who might want toconsider working for themselves.So…. what’s it all about? How doesit work and how can I get into it?Come and meet our experiencedBusiness Adviser, John Earl, who for30 years has been guiding peoplethrough the process of how to start

Poster Fair9am-5pm: SW101 (Stage 1 and 2 Computingstudents only)Posters will be exhibited capturingthe experiences of returningplacement students anddemonstrating the benefits of doinga placement. This will show secondyears the diversity of industries,companies and roles available forthe Year in Industry.

Enterprise Society –Enactus Kent!9am-10am: The Marquee(All students)Enactus Kent is a group of inspiringstudents who are committed tousing the power of entrepreneurialaction to improve the standard ofliving for people in need. Find outhow you can get involved in theirlocal and international projects!

Being an entrepreneur is an achievement in itself10am-11am: The Marquee(All students)Multi Award-winning successfulentrepreneur Keith Mabbutt, CEO &Founder of GradFactor Enterprises,and CEO of CVSeeMe.com will berunning a workshop on ‘Why beingan entrepreneur is an achievementin itself’. In this workshop, Keith willtalk about his journey as anentrepreneur. From running the tuckshop at school, to setting up his ownrecruitment agency at the age of 22,and going on to gain Industryrecognition as an innovative leader.This workshop will provide practical,real-world advice and insights on



























Employability Week: Programme of Events

Mercedes-Benz UKGraduate and IndustrialPlacements12pm-2pm: Darwin ConferenceSuite 3(All students)The best or nothing- Mercedes-Benz UK is the sales and marketingorganisation responsible for allDaimler products and services inBritain.

As well as selling cars, vans, trucks,parts, and service, we runMercedes-Benz World atBrooklands in Surrey. TheMercedes-Benz UK group ofcompanies directly employs over4,000 people, and 11,000colleagues at independent retailers.Over 500 Apprentices have passedtheir professional qualifications atthe company’s in-house TrainingAcademy. The UK is also home toMercedes-Benz High PerformancePowertrains and the Mercedes AMGPETRONAS Formula 1™ team.

We are currently recruiting forGraduates and Industrial Placementin a wide variety of business areas.Mike Bickford – Group ResourcingManager, Jenny Pykett – HRBusiness Partner and Mike Hughes– CAReer Graduate – HR atMercedes-Benz are available to tellyou more!

Working Abroad: YourFuture Now! (CapitaEducation) 1pm-2pm: KS16(All students)Discover – Explore – Teach (inChina). Get paid to teach in China.Capita is one of the UK's leadingeducation recruitment specialist andthey have opportunities for teachingassistants, nursery nurses, teachers,lecturers and school support staff.See more at:www.discoverexploreteach.com orwww.capitaeducation.co.uk/international-school-services

The £10 ChallengeCompetition Launch!1pm-2pm: The Marquee(All students)Raise as much money as you canfrom a £10 investment. Gain somevaluable employability skills andrealise your potential. A greatopportunity to show futureemployers what you can do! Comealong to the launch to find out more!

EmploymentOpportunities with NHS Professionals1pm-3pm: G2-21, Medwaycampus(All students)NHS Professionals is the leadingprovider of managed flexibleworkforce services to the NHS withmore than 40,000 general andspecialist nurses, doctors, midwives,allied health professionals,administrative and other healthcareprofessionals signed to its bank,

and run a successful smallbusiness. Could YOU be the nextsuccessful entrepreneur?

Become a Red CrossEducator Teaching firstAid in the Community11am-12pm: KS16(All students)In our session we will show you howeasy it is to teach, use and recallfirst aid skills in an emergency. Thiswill develop your skills further tobecome a Community Educator withthe British Red Cross.

Internship Opportunities in theCreative Sector 11am-1pm: KS15(All students)Looking to secure an internship inthe Creative Sector or want to findout more about the benefits oftaking one? Come along to find outmore.

What Is Student Enterprise And How Does It Benefit Me? 12pm-1pm: The Marquee(All students)Would you like to find out moreabout Student Enterprise activitiesand how they can help you gainvaluable employability skills? Or doyou have a question you would likeanswered by a businessprofessional? Then come along toour drop-in for to have all yourquestions answered!





















pathways to employment, buildinghealthier lifestyles, bringingcommunities together and reducingcrime. CACT’s main areas of workinclude: Social Inclusion, NationalCitizen Service, Education, HealthImprovement, Pathways toEmployment, Sports Development,Disability and Mental Health, andWomen and Girl’s Development.CACT delivers programmes acrossBexley, Greenwich and Kent as wellas in Johannesburg, Cape Townand Durban which all include someof the poorest townships in SouthAfrica. See more at:www.cact.org.uk

Ideas GenerationWorkshop2pm-3pm: The Marquee(All students)Are you hitting a brick wall with yourideas? Stuck for inspiration or justdon’t know where to start? If you’vetaken part in the £10 challenge thenlet us help kick start your brain withour Ideas Generation workshop andget inspired!

Bring your CV to a Careers Adviser2pm-5pm: G0-05, Medwaycampus(All students)The Careers Advisers at Medwaywill be available from 2-5pm to giveadvice on your CV. No appointmentnecessary, just bring your CV alongwith you.

Employment vs SelfEmployment – The Gloves are off!3pm-4pm: The Marquee(All students)Are you considering starting yourown business after university? Orare you looking to go straight intoemployment? Join the discussion toweigh up the pros and cons of bothoptions. The Employability Pointsand Student Enterprise teams aredebating the benefits and difficultiesrelated to employment and self-employment. Challenge theperceived risks of self-employmentor explore the possibilities ofemployment. Join in this livelydebate and weigh-up which careerpath is most suitable for you.

Maximising yourPresentation Technique3pm-5pm: KBS SR5(All students)How to use your voice to improveyour presentation skills andtechnique. Dr Dan Petrovici fromKent Business School will give yousome helpful advice on presentationskills and techniques. Thisinteractive seminar provides youwith an overview of the role of voiceadapted from drama studies. Thefocus will be on the role of voice inpresentation in front of variousaudiences such as prospectiveemployers and colleagues. 30places are allocated on a first comefirst served basis. To reserve yourplace, email Irena Jennings,[email protected]

supporting around 70 NHS Trustclients across the UK. In the Kentarea we cover the following trusts:Kent and Medway NHS and SocialCare Partnership Trust, KentCommunity Health NHS Trust,Medway Community HealthcareCIC, Medway NHS Foundation Trust,and East Kent Hospitals UniversityNHS Foundation Trust. We arerecruiting: Admin and Clerical,Support Service, Nurses, CareSupport Workers, Porters, Domesticand Housekeepers. Drop in anytimebetween 1 – 3pm with your CV tospeak to one of our staff membersto find out if you qualify to registeron their bank. For more informationgo to:www.nhsprofessionals.nhs.uk/Pages/Join-Us.aspx

EmployabilityOpportunities withCharlton AthleticCommunity Trust2pm-3pm: KS14(All students)Using the power of football,Charlton Athletic Community Trust(CACT) works in partnership withlocal communities to empowerindividuals to improve their lives andtheir environment. CACT’s groundbreaking and innovativeprogrammes are delivered througha regular presence in schools andworking with disadvantaged orsocially excluded groups in society,through crime reduction initiativesand community based footballcoaching sessions. The types ofprogrammes delivered by CACT fitunder five key aims: raisingeducational achievement, creating

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Employability Week: Programme of Events

Tuesday 4 November

12pm-3pm: The Sports Centre

Over 100 employers will be showcasing their opportunities for Kentstudents and graduates, most of whom are recruiting students fromall degree subject areas. Come and speak to them about theirgraduate vacancies, work experience and volunteering opportunities.

This year’s event is bigger than ever, and spans two halls. Please see page 62 for an exhibitor map.

Thank you to our sponsors:



Absolute Internship is an elite global internship program for universitystudents in Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Shanghai and Singapore. Theprogram is recognized by BBC, Forbes Magazine, Bloomberg and The NewYork Times.

We partner with 500+ top class international and local companies. Our all-inclusive programs range from 1 to 3 months in length and provideguaranteed internship placement in 20+ industries, accommodation, visa,transport to and from work and planned program events visiting the besttourist attractions in the area. We also provide career development seminarswith leading industry experts. This makes for a safe and valuable, career-boosting experience in some of the most exciting cities in the world.

Absolute Internship absoluteinternship.com/programs/london-internships Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 86)••




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 21

Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) are the largest multi-academy sponsor inthe country. We aim to inspire young people to make their best better. TheAET are fortunate to have a team of talented, experienced and passionatepractitioners, who work together to drive up standards and achievementwithin all of our Primary, Secondary and Special academies. We want toensure that our expertise in curriculum knowledge, inspirational lessonplans and innovative activities, including the design and delivery of in-houseprogrammes for both students and staff are shared with you!

Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) sites.google.com/a/aetinet.org/academies-enterprise-trust/careers Recruiting from all subjects

Accenture is a world-leading provider of strategy, digital, technology andoperations expertise that’s transforming the way many of the biggestorganisations approach business. The Client Delivery & Operations part ofthe business is a global network of IT specialists and experts, who develop,deploy and maintain the systems and software that help boost our clients’performance. Everything we achieve calls for exceptional innovation,unprecedented teamwork and a deep understanding of changeshappening in technology. Our genuine passion for technology means weroutinely work in partnership with industry leaders like Microsoft, Oracle andSAP, as well as with emerging market innovators.

Accenture careers.accenture.com/gb-en/Pages/index.aspx Recruiting from selected subjects:Engineering and Digital Arts,Computing, Maths and relatedsubjects

Access is a leading author of fully integrated business managementsoftware. The portfolio spans solutions for ERP, finance, HR, Payroll,warehousing, business intelligence, professional service automation andmanufacturing. More than 10,000 UK businesses and not-for-profitorganisations use Access solutions to improve their performance,profitability and drive growth, unlocking their business potential throughimproved business insight.

Access is one of the top five fastest growing UK software developers in TheSunday Times Buyout Track 100 2012 and featured in last year’s Profit Track100. On-going commitment to excellence, customers and employees hasalso placed the company among the UK’s top employers in The SundayTimes’ 100 ‘Best Companies to Work For’ 2014.

Access UK Ltdwww.theaccessgroup.com/about/careers.aspx Recruiting from selected subjects:Computing, Business and relatedsubjects

(Stand 63)

(Stand 21)

(Stand 20)




Employability Week: Programme of Events

Aldi Stores Ltd, a leading global retailer, has opportunities for you to join ourfast track Area Manager graduate scheme. At Aldi only the best will do.That’s why we offer a starting salary of £41k plus a fully expensed Audi A4.Deep down, you’ll know if you have the required amount of drive anddetermination to become an Area Manager.

In return for your commitment and hard work, you can look forward to anoutstanding benefits package, a great deal of job satisfaction andspectacular prospects and the knowledge that we are always looking tokeep, as well as attract, the very best candidates. There are opportunitiesNationwide but particularly in the Chelmsford region which covers the SouthEast and East Anglia. This is an ongoing rolling application with various startdates throughout the year.




www.aldirecruitment.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

ARK Schools is an education charity and one of the country’s top-performing academy operators. We know that great teaching changes lives.That’s why we’re looking for the best graduates to join our programme andtrain to teach with us. ARK Teacher Training gives you the opportunity tomake a real difference to the lives of pupils, whilst working towardsQualified Teacher Status and a PGCE. You’ll be supported by the bestpeople in the profession as you start your career in teaching with us.

ARK Schoolswww.arkschools.org/ark-teacher-training Recruiting from all subjects

Our aim is to attract high quality trainees and organise a stimulatingprogramme of development opportunities across our schools and with arange of outstanding practitioners.

The Ashford Teaching Alliance leads teacher training with School Direct forour partner primary and secondary schools. The programmes provideroutes to Qualified Teacher Status with the opportunity to gain PGCEalongside QTS if eligible. The training opportunities available are inconjunction with our Higher Education partners.

Being a student teacher with the Ashford Teaching Alliance gives theopportunity to train in a base school along with the flexibility of placementsin our partner schools thus giving a wide range of rich and diverseexperience.

Ashford Teaching Alliance www.ashfordteachingalliance.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 13)

(Stand 102)

(Stand 106)••


www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 23

We’re a global online fashion retailer. And, with around 2,000 new productlines being introduced each week, we’re ambitious and we certainly knowour stuff.

We have websites targeting the UK, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Italy,Russia, Australia and China. Plus, we ship to over 230 countries andterritories from our central distribution centre in the UK. As a place wherefashion and technology make perfect partners, it’s understandable the onething all of us have in common, wherever we work, is a real sense ofexcitement about the future and the possibilities it can bring.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to go places and really take your careerforward, we could be the perfect fit for you!

ASOS asoscareers.asos.com Recruiting from all subjects

Aspiring Solicitors, is a unique diversity organisation committed toincreasing diversity throughout the legal profession. It will achieve this goalby providing increased access, opportunity and assistance to aspiringsolicitors who are undergraduates, postgraduates and graduatesunderrepresented in the profession whilst also raising awareness of theimportance of diversity among the next generation of lawyers. We offerlegal work experience at Banks and other institutions as well as hundreds oflegal opportunities with Founder and Affiliate Members.

Aspiring Solicitors www.aspiringsolicitors.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Avante Community Support provides care at home services supportingindividuals to maintain or regain their independence. We currently provideservices within Kent, Medway, Bexley and Greenwich which includepersonal care and support, meal preparation, live in care, housework,shopping, end of life care, respite and reablement. We provide on the jobtraining, support and opportunities for career progression within theorganisation. Recruiting people who are passionate about making a positivedifference to our service users lives by contributing to their health,happiness and well-being.

Avante Partnership Ltd www.avantecommunitysupport.org.ukRecruiting from all subjects

(Stand 70)

(Stand 48)

(Stand 103)



Employability Week: Programme of Events

AXA is a global leader in financial protection. With 160,000 employees weare now protecting the physical and financial assets of over 102 millioncustomers across the world. We are constantly redefining standards todeliver maximum value to our clients and shareholders. We also championcontinuous learning, encourage innovation, promote diversity and investheavily in the development of everyone on our team.

What makes us different and makes us increasingly successful, is thequality of the people who work for us – and that includes the graduates whojoin our Graduate Development Programmes every year. So it will come asno surprise that we are recognised as one of the Top 25 Best BigCompanies to work for by The Sunday Times, or that we are ranked as the20th Best Company for Graduates to Work For by the Job Crowd.




jobs.axa.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Join us and you’ll quickly become involved in developing some of the mosttechnologically advanced defence, security and aerospace systems on earth.

We work with local partners to develop, engineer, manufacture, and supportthe innovations that sustain economies, increase defence sovereignty and safeguard commercial interests. With some 88,000 employees in six continents, our story is about talented people who are relentlesslycommitted to creating solutions that protect and strengthen nations. That’swork that inspires us. That’s BAE Systems.

Our Graduate Development Framework, Finance Leader DevelopmentProgramme, Sigma Leadership Programme, all combine formal learning with real world challenges across a number of placements to help you realise your potential.

BAE Systemswww.baesystems.com/graduates Recruiting from all subjects

Now, let’s get properly acquainted. We’re Baker Tilly, an independent firm ofaccountants and business advisers, with more than 4,000 partners andstaff generating a fee income in excess of £350 million. This places us asone of the three principal mid-market accountancy firms and the 7th largestin the UK. Our people are dedicated to delivering the complete spectrum ofaudit, tax, consulting and enterprise risk services across all imaginablesectors and from offices right across the UK.

Baker Tilly careers.bakertilly.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 54)

(Stand 22)

(Stand 55)••



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 25

As the country’s central bank, we play a fundamental role in the UKeconomy – ensuring monetary stability and contributing to financial stability.Our work is challenging, high profile, and truly fascinating. Our graduaterecruitment programmes are open to first degree graduates from all degreedisciplines and offer experience within many areas of the organisation. Joinone of our structured career paths, and you will benefit from excellentdevelopment opportunities as well as the chance to be supported andmentored by seasoned colleagues.

Bank of England www.bankofengland.co.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

BDO is about exceptional client service. So we recruit people who havecolourful personalities as well as brilliant skills, who can give truly creativebusiness advice.

If you want to make real progress, then our firm is the ideal size – combiningnationwide presence with local expertise. We have 22 regional officesacross the British Isles, and our international network covers 144 countries.We offer a whole spectrum of services, so you can find your specialist area.We give you all the training you need to attain your professionalqualifications, along with extensive practical experience that includes on-siteclient work.

BDO LLP www.bdo.co.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

The Beadles Group represents Kia, Land Rover, Nissan, Skoda, Toyota,Vauxhall and Volkswagen from eleven motor retail centres across Kent andSouth-East London. We employ over 400 staff dedicated to providingexceptional customer service.

We recognise that a successful business is built around the quality andcontentment of its people – they are the biggest asset. We strongly believewe work best on the simple virtues of trust, sincerity, commitment and pride.Moreover, at Beadles Group, the aim is to create an environment that isenjoyable and non-adversarial, providing challenges, career developmentand professional fulfilment.

Beadles Groupwww.beadles.co.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 51)

(Stand 49)

(Stand 12)




Employability Week: Programme of Events

Join us to learn more about our different worldwide programs. Make themost of your youth, gain more experience and live life to the max. We offerunique Summer, Winter and Gap Year programs. Work in USA, Canada,New Zealand, Australia, Africa. We have a host of Au Pair work available.

One life. One chance. Go with Bounce.




www.gowithbounce.com Recruiting from all subjects

Do you want to work in journalism? Journalist Works can help you get yourcareer started. We prepare you for jobs on newspapers, magazines, onlineas well as TV, Radio, Marketing and PR. Graduates from our Fast-trackNCTJ Diploma in Journalism are in demand from all UK media employersas well as many overseas. You will get the essential NCTJ qualification,three weeks of guaranteed work experience, a valuable portfolio of yourpublished stories – and help to get that important first job.

We look forward to helping you.

Brighton Journalist Workswww.journalistworks.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

You can train for hundreds of different careers in the Army. With thousandsof jobs available, there’s more than one way to be the best.

As a graduate, you may want a job with great prospects, excellent trainingand a competitive salary, but if you’re looking for something that also givesyou excitement and adventure, then step up to a career as an Army officer.Officer Cadets are paid a starting salary of over £24k rising to over £30k oncompletion of training. You can expect to reach the rank of Captain in 3years which also sees a pay increase to over £38k with annual rises tofollow.

The British Army www.army.mod.uk/join Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 92)

(Stand 58)

(Stand 34)••



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 27

Delivering Sky’s mix of TV that people love, pioneering technology, award-winning customer service and superfast broadband is a real team effort.Across Sky’s business, whether in front of the camera or behind the scenes,they’re working really hard to deliver brilliant entertainment, products andservices to over 11 million customers. But they want to be better so they’relooking for bright, talented graduates to join them.

And because you’ll be doing such an important role for Sky, they’ll makesure you have everything you need to shine. This includes giving you astructured and tailored plan to progress your career with plenty ofdevelopment opportunities. What’s more, you’ll have access to greatrewards such as free Sky+HD.

BSkyB www.workforsky.com Recruiting from all subjects

The Faculty of Education is recognised as a centre of excellence for teachereducation and development. We are actively helping to shape educationpractice regionally and nationally, through research and teaching. Our initialteacher education (ITE) programmes are considered to be among the bestin the country. Our inspiring Postgraduate programmes enable you todevelop the key skills, understanding and knowledge you need to beginyour career in teaching in the best possible way. We have a wide range ofpostgraduate routes into teaching, including: PGCE Primary, 7-14, 11-18,14-19; School Direct and School Direct Salaried.

Canterbury Christ Church Universitywww.canterbury.ac.uk/study-here/train-to-teach/train-to-teach.aspx Recruiting from all subjects

Our services are impartial, free of charge and open to all students of theUniversity of Kent, whatever your year of study, and to Kent graduates for upto three years after graduation.

Our friendly, helpful team of professional advisers are available to help youwith all aspects of your career planning and decision-making, such as:making decisions about your future career, getting relevant work experience,planning your job search strategy, making applications and preparing forinterviews, looking at postgraduate study options and changing or leavingyour course of study.

Careers and Employability Servicewww.kent.ac.uk/ces

(Stand 68)

(Stand 110)

(Stand 18)


Employability Week: Programme of Events

CFA Institute: Your Path into Finance.

We are the global association of investment professionals that administerthe CFA Program®, CIPM® and Claritas Investment Certificate®. We haveover 111,000 members in 141 countries across the globe, all practicing theirprofessions within a huge variety of roles in finance, which shows just howfar our programs can take you. In what is one of the most competitivegraduate markets in the world, come and see how we can make you standout from the crowd.

CFA Institute



www.cfainstitute.org/programs/Pages/index.aspx Recruiting from all subjects

Childhood First is a charity with a long and successful history of providingcare, education and treatment for traumatised children and young peoplewith emotional, psychological and behavioural problems.

We create therapeutic environments in which we work with the childrenenabling them to live together, learn and heal. We place much emphasis oncaring and thoughtful relationships and creating a sense of belonging.

Greenfields Therapeutic Community in Tenterden, Kent, comprises ofGreenfields House, Gables House and Greenfields School and is for agroup of 14 young people with complex emotional needs aged 5-14 years.

Childhood First childhoodfirst.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

CIMA is the only professional body that qualifies accountants solely forbusiness. It’s a proven path to fantastic career prospects and high earningpotential. A CIMA qualification is highly regarded by leading organisationsworldwide and could be your passport to global employability.

CIMA has taken the lead in developing the most relevant financialqualification for business today and is the preferred qualification of theworld’s top employers.

CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)www.cimaglobal.com/Study-with-us Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 53)

(Stand 107)

(Stand 50)•••

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 29

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, is theprofessional body for people in public finance. Our 14,000 members workthroughout the public services where public money needs to be effectivelyand efficiently managed.

As the world’s only professional accountancy body to specialise in publicservices, CIPFA’s portfolio of qualifications are the foundation for a career inpublic finance. They include the benchmark professional qualification forpublic sector accountants as well as a postgraduate diploma for peoplealready working in leadership positions.

We also champion high performance in public services, translating ourexperience and insight into clear advice and practical services. Globally,CIPFA shows the way in public finance by standing up for sound publicfinancial management and good governance.

CIPFA www.cipfa.org/students Recruiting from all subjects

Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how peopleconnect, communicate and collaborate. Business of all sizes, governments,service providers and consumers leverage the value of the network usingCisco hardware, software and services to improve collaboration, simplifyoperations, increase customer satisfaction and improve competitiveadvantage. Our vision is to change the way the world works, lives, plays andlearns. We’re entering the next era of the Internet, the Internet of Everything,an era where we’ll create unprecedented value by connecting theunconnected. It’s a global industry phenomenon, driving the biggest markettransition for Cisco and our customers through the intelligent connection ofpeople, process, data, and things.

Cisco www.cisco.com/web/about/ac40 Recruiting from selected subjects:Computing, Maths, Business,Economics and related subjects

The Citizens Advice service is made up from over 300 individual charitieswhich are members of the national Citizens Advice body. CABs offer freeadvice to the public on debt, housing, employment, benefits and otherissues. There are many volunteering opportunities at the CAB such asbecoming a gateway assessor, who performs an initial triage interview, ageneralist adviser who gives full advice, a social policy campaignerlobbying for change in policy or law, or as a trustee, helping to manage abureau. See our website for more details about volunteering vacancies atyour nearest CAB.

Citizens Advice Bureau www.citizensadvice.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 52)

(Stand 23)

(Stand 61)



Employability Week: Programme of Events

We all need leaders. People who are prepared to commit themselves tosolving the big issues – like improving people’s employment prospects,widening access to public services and defending the country againstnatural disasters. For more than 65 years we’ve been recruiting talentedpeople to lead the Civil Service. During that time, the Fast Stream has neverstopped creating new ways of developing and supporting leaders whoembody the highest levels of professionalism, integrity and impartiality. Ouraim is to equip you with the skills you need to become a senior leader in theUK Civil Service.

Civil Service Fast Stream



faststream.civilservice.gov.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Clifford Chance is a Times Graduate Employer of Choice and one of theworld’s foremost law firms, with more tier one ranked practice areas thanany other firm.

Because the challenges of modern business rarely fall within a singlejurisdiction or practice area, we’re used to tackling problems in international,multi-disciplinary teams.

A career with Clifford Chance means the opportunity to develop your talentsto their utmost potential in a refreshing and stimulating environment. Onewhere your unique talents will have the space to shine, develop and make areal impact.

Clifford Chance LLP www.cliffordchance.com/content/cliffordchance/careers.html Recruiting from all subjects

Communication matters. CNC is an international consultancy firm whichadvises multi-nationals, large corporations, mid-cap companies, institutionsand individuals on all aspects of strategic communications. We have aparticularly strong focus on cross-border mandates. CNC sets itself thehighest professional standards and implements quick and efficientsolutions. CNC consultants take a thorough approach, ask the rightquestions and develop appropriate and results-orientated communicationstrategies for their clients, and also assist in applying them.

If you feel comfortable in a dynamic environment where a high degree offlexibility is required, then you’ll be well suited to us. We also prize groundedand charismatic personalities. Beyond the professional qualifications, it is allabout the right chemistry. One thing that we all have in common is ourpassion for communication. Communication matters!

CNC (Communications and Network Consulting) www.cnc-communications.com/en/career0.html Recruiting from selected subjects:Business, Economics, Journalism,Law, Politics and related subjects

(Stand 96)

(Stand 35)

(Stand 15)••



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 31

Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with it: theraw materials for success are right here. But still, success depends on ourgraduates having the same thirst as all of our people: a thirst for exploringnew territory, a thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigour andchallenge of a fast-moving business.

Do you have a personality with the power to influence and connect? Canyou sustain the pace to keep on growing? Will you make an impact with yourdesire to win?

Coca-Cola Enterpriseswww.cokecce.co.uk/careers.aspx Recruiting from all subjects

Concordia is a charity committed to international volunteering as a means topromoting intercultural understanding and peace. We support hundreds ofpeople to have amazing international volunteer experiences all around theworld. For 70 years now, we’ve provided volunteering and workopportunities overseas and here in the UK. Today we work with 80 like-minded, non-profit partner organisations from 60 countries, to offer mediumand short term community volunteering, around the world. Types ofinternational volunteer projects include conservation, restoration,archaeology, construction, arts, children’s play-schemes and teaching.

"It was one of the best experiences of my life and I will think about differentaspects of my time there for the rest of my life!"Joanna, social project in India

Concordiawww.concordiavolunteers.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Core Assets Group Limited is an international provider of social careservices, delivering a range of children, family and authority support across3 continents. The group began life in 1994 in the Midlands, UK with a newapproach to foster care through the Foster Care Associates Ltd brand. Nowmore than 15 years on, the Group’s growth and diversification includesbrands working not only in fostering but in: • disability, contact and education services to families; • recruitment and consultancy for authorities and trusts, • academic and practice research development and • benevolent support to not for profit and charitable organisations acrossthe world.

Core Assets Children’s Services www.coreassetsjobs.com Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 11)

(Stand 88)

(Stand 100)


Cushman & Wakefield is the world’s largest privately-held commercial realestate services firm. The company advises and represents clients on allaspects of property occupancy and investment, and has established apreeminent position in the world’s major markets, as evidenced by itsfrequent involvement in many of the most significant property leases, salesand management assignments.

It has approximately 250 offices in 60 countries and offers a complete rangeof services, including leasing, sales and acquisitions, equity, debt andstructured finance, corporate finance and investment banking, corporateservices, property management, facilities management, projectmanagement, consulting and appraisal. A recognized leader in local andglobal real estate research, the firm publishes its market information andstudies online at www.cushmanwakefield.com/knowledge

Cushman & Wakefield www.cushmanwakefield.com/en/careers Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events

CRCC Asia specialises in connecting China and the global communitythrough internships, study abroad programs, and consulting services. Theorganisation has offices in Beijing, London, Madrid, Shanghai, Shawnee(Pennsylvania), San Francisco, Sydney and Venice. As the leading providerof internships in China, CRCC Asia is partnered with a variety of companiesin Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Sanya, to provide students andgraduates the opportunity to further their personal and professionaldevelopment in a dynamic international setting.




www.crccasia.com Recruiting from all subjects

Cummins are global leaders in the diesel engine, power generation,turbocharging and emissions solutions markets.

With manufacturing plants in 14 countries, 45,000 employees, turnover of$17.3 billion in 2012, you would be joining an organisation that offersmassive opportunities on a global basis. Key markets are off-highwayvehicles, industrial equipment and power generation. In addition, Cumminsprovides turbochargers for the automotive sector, along with filtration andacoustic systems, natural-gas engines, engine components and electronicsystems.

All positions are detailed on our website where applications must be madeonline – there is no closing date so apply as soon as possible.

Cummins www.careers.cummins.com Recruiting from selected subjects:Psychology, Law, Economics,Business, Physical Sciences,Maths, Engineering and DigitalArts, Computing and relatedsubjects

(Stand 43)

(Stand 93)

(Stand 19)



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 33

Decathlon is a large sports retail company with over 700 stores worldwide.Decathlon stores have over 70 sports under one roof, which allowscustomers to get all their sports equipment in one place. With a globalturnover of over 7 Billion Pounds, Decathlon is one of the biggest sportingcompanies in the world and is continuing to grow.

Starting at Decathlon you will run your own department as if it were you ownbusiness from day 1. Recruit and develop your own team, manage your ownstock, ensure your customers are happy and successfully implementDecathlon’s purpose: “Make the Pleasure and Benefits of Sport Accessibleto All”.

Decathlonwww.decathlon-jobs.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

As the world’s largest professional services firm, we offer graduate careerswithin Audit, Tax, Consulting, Corporate Finance and Technology.

What’s more, with a culture that offers high reward for high performance andgreat career development opportunities, it’s the chance to work for a firmyou can be proud of. And with the breadth of experience on offer, you’ll getthe complexity and challenges you yearn for. Apply for one of 1,500vacancies on our website. All degree disciplines are welcome and weoperate on a first come first served basis.

It’s your future. How far will you take it?

Deloitte www.deloitte.co.uk/graduates Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 5)

(Stand 56)



At DHL, people mean the world to us. We aim to attract and retain the besttalents. We provide challenge and opportunity for personal and professionaldevelopment. We make sure that you know what a difference you make toour business and how you can be proud of building THE logistics companyfor the world.

Under the DHL Supply Chain umbrella, one of the business units of DHL,our mission is to provide customized logistics and industry solutions in theareas of supply chain management, warehousing, distribution, value addedservices, and lead logistics provider services for our customers – helpingthem deliver better results every day.

DHLwww.dhl.co.uk/en/careers.html Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 71)•

EmployAbility is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to assisting studentsand graduates who have a disability, dyslexia, long term illness or mentalhealth condition into employment.

We offer support, guidance and advice throughout the recruitment process,from how to make successful applications and CVs, to approachinginterviews and assessment centres, as well as providing pertinentinformation on disclosure of disability and information on your adjustmentrequirements. We offer a range of internship and graduate programmeswith leading employers including Google, Wellcome Trust, Dow, Shell,Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, NationalAudit Office, Herbert Smith and The Guardian.

EmployAbilitywww.employ-ability.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

As the UK's most visited student jobsite, companies come toEmployment4students (e4s) to post over 10,000 job vacancies on our site,where students can search and apply for free of charge. We have a hugerange of companies of all sizes across all sectors looking for students to fillpart-time, full-time and seasonal roles as well as internships andplacements.

Want to work at film premiers, VIP parties, sports events or awardceremonies? Have spare time for paid online user testing? Enjoy selling orteaching?

Employment 4 Students (E4S)www.e4s.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) ensures thatinnovative science and technology contribute to the defence and security ofthe UK. We are an executive agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence.

We recruit around 80 graduates and offer around 150 student-placementopportunities every year from a wide-range of scientific, technology,engineering and mathematic disciplines and backgrounds.

Usually graduates work in one of the following areas:• graduate analyst: covering analysis, operational research, technologyand social science

• graduate engineer: covering engineering and technology• graduate scientist: covering science, social science, technology,information science, mathematics and statistics.

DSTLwww.gov.uk/government/organisations/defence-science-and-technology-laboratory Recruiting from selected subjects:Biosciences,Computing, EDA,Maths, Physical Sciences, Sportand Exercise Science, Law, Politics,Psychology and SSPSSR.

(Stand 74)

(Stand 77)

(Stand 1)




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 35

An annual turnover of more than $15 billion and 8,200 locations worldwide,Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a business that’s grown into the largest car rentalcompany in the world.

Something else is for certain too – and that’s the fact that we owe oursuccess to each and every one of our people, from senior managers tomanagement trainees alike.

We firmly believe in empowering our people to make the decisions that willaffect their work and their career. This philosophy, along with our unyieldingcommitment to customers, is what has made Enterprise a genuine successstory and a truly special place to work.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car www.enterprisealive.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 72)••••

Entity offer consultancy and implementation services for Big Data, MasterData Management, Data Modelling and Data Analytics. Our goal is tobecome EMEA’s leading Information Management specialist. We work with leading software vendors IBM and Informatica to exploit the value ofinformation and deliver real-world advantage to our clients. We have officesin Kent Science Park and Dubai and a consultancy practice of over 60people.

To help achieve our vision we are looking for bright, eager graduates andpostgraduates with a passion for computer science.

Entity Group Ltd www.entity.co.uk Recruiting from selected subjects:Computing, Maths and related subjects

EURES (European Employment Service) will be available to offer advice onlocal, national and international job opportunities across all sectors as wellas signposting to other organizations as appropriate. Depending onavailability, we will have a selection of highlighted jobs available at that time,including any graduate specific opportunities we are aware of. Please note,we will also have sector specific web sites for over a hundred occupations –available via email on request.

EURES (European Employment Services)ec.europa.eu/eures/page/homepage Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 24)

(Stand 94)••••


FactSet has been voted one of the UK’s ‘Best Work Places’ for the last sixyears in a row.

FactSet is a leading provider of financial data and analytic applications. Our products are used by analysts, portfolio managers, researchers andinvestment bankers at major financial institutions throughout the world. Our business is built on the creative use of technology and an unwaveringdedication to client service. FactSet is a growing company where hard workand achievement are acknowledged and rewarded and we offer a uniqueopportunity to gain a breadth of knowledge and experience within thefinancial industry.

Factset www.factset.com/careers Recruiting from all subjects

FDM Group is an international IT services provider, offering excellent career opportunities. We are currently seeking a number of high-calibrecandidates with the drive to work in IT and business, to join our award-winning Graduate Programme on our Business or Technical Pathway.

Fast-track career progression is a key focus of FDM, and our programmewill put you on a path that could lead into senior and leadership rolesworking within some of the world’s largest companies. If this role excitesyou and you would like to kick-start your career, apply online at forimmediate review.

FDM Group www.fdmgroup.com/uk/apply Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



Explore Learning is a fast growing company making a difference inchildren’s education. In 2014 and 2013 Explore were ranked in the top 50Best Companies to work for in the UK by The Times Top 100.

Launched in 2001, now running 100 centres across the UK benefiting over100,000 children, Explore work closely with children and parents to create alearning programme that meets their individual needs and maps to theschool curriculum. Explore recruit graduates to make an impact as AssistantDirectors- both on running centres as a business, and on the lives of themembers who attend.

Explore Learning careers.explorelearning.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 46)

(Stand 27)

(Stand 99)




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 37

Fidessa is a global company providing trading software and solutions tofinancial institutions including 85% of the world's tier-one investment banks.Established in 1981, the company has continued to grow and currently hasmore than 1700 employees worldwide.

Fidessa recruits approximately 40 graduates each year and has a limitednumber of 12 month internships. Graduate roles are available in softwaredevelopment, client support, consultancy and implementation. The UKvacancies are based in London, Woking and Belfast and a comprehensiveprogramme of technical and interpersonal skills training is provided.Successful applicants will require a computer science, maths or othernumerate degrees.

Fidessawww.fidessa.com/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Engineering and Digital Arts, Mathsand related subjects

(Stand 45)••

The European Union Institutions offer an international career to ambitiousand capable people. When you join, you take the first step in a long-termcareer that could take you anywhere you want to go. Based in the heart ofEurope, you will enjoy a fast-moving international environment and realresponsibility from your first day. The EU Institutions serve 500 million peoplein 28 member states, so you can expect exceptional scope and scale – andthe chance to make a real and lasting difference.

There is a significant under-representation of UK nationals working in the EUinstitutions. The UK Government, and EPSO (the European Selection Office),are working together to promote the interesting career opportunitiesavailable to you in the EU institutions once you graduate.

Foreign and Commonwealth EU Careerseuropa.eu/epso/index_en.htm Recruiting from all subjects

Fujitsu Services is the UK & Ireland subsidiary of the Fujitsu Group, one ofthe world’s largest IT providers. We are the largest Japanese employer inthe region with 14,000 employees who work every day to keep the UK andIreland running smoothly.

We see Information Technology as part of the bigger picture and we workwith our customers towards shaping the future of society. In the UK alonewe’re collaborating with high profile clients such as The Post Office®, VirginMedia and the UK Home Office. Fujitsu is also a proud supporter of theArmed Forces Corporate Covenant.

Fujitsu Serviceswww.fujitsu.com/uk/about/local/jobs Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 95)

(Stand 28)••


Gap 360 is a Gap Year Travel company based in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Weoffer a range of trips including; paid work, volunteering, adventure tours,teaching & much more. In fact Gap 360 has 200+ trips in 50+ countries.Become a Gap Assistant at an Australian school, work or have an internshipabroad, have a Thai Adventure or volunteer overseas.

Gap 360 is all about helping people who want to head off travelling.Whether taking a full gap year, or a few weeks’ break, we help people withevery aspect of their trip. Our Travel Advisors are full of knowledge becausethey have been there and done it therefore we can offer the best advice.

Gap 360www.gap360.com Recruiting from all subjects

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest fundingorganisation in the world supporting the international exchange of studentsand academics. It is a registered association and its members are Germaninstitutions of higher education and student bodies. The DAAD Londonbranch office is the contact point for all students and academics from Britishand Irish universities. We provide information about studying in Germanyand offer funding to study and carry out research at German institutions ofhigher education. Scholarships are available for all disciplines.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)www.daad.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



GAAPweb is the UK’s #1 job board for accountancy and financeprofessionals from Part Qualified Accountants to Finance Directors acrossthe UK and abroad. Roles vary from graduate and Part Qualified positionsall the way up to management & director level.

GAAP web www.gaapweb.com Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 91)

(Stand 89)

(Stand 76)



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 39

GForces is Europe’s leading provider of digital solutions to the automotiveindustry. Working with more of the UK Top 200 dealer groups, more OEMsand more international businesses than any rival, we help our clientsnavigate and maximise their online presence across mobile and desktopplatforms. GForces’ NetDirector software suite, combined with market-leading insight and data governance, ensures that our customers have allthe tools they need to drive their digital dealerships.

G-Forces Web Managementwww.gforces.co.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 30)•••

GradsKent advertise permanent and temporary employment opportunitiessuitable for the graduate and student market on our website.

Whether you are looking for that first graduate job to get your foot on theindustry ladder, or you are a professional looking for a change in directionthen we may have the opportunity for you!

GradsKentwww.GradsKent.com Recruiting from all subjects

graduate jobs | graduate schemes | internships | placements

Established in 2000 graduate-jobs.com has the best track record in actuallyplacing students and graduates into jobs & placements! We pride ourselveson having a better range of Graduate and Undergraduate roles. CoveringALL sectors and ALL locations, there is bound to be a role that suits you. Wecurrently have graduate and placement roles in London and throughout theUK. Most jobs start at between £19,000 – £25,000 per annum. Sign up onone of our iPads to receive exclusive job information and advice.

graduate-jobs.com www.graduate-jobs.com Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 75)

(Stand 79)••••••


Headstart Group Ltd. is Hong Kong and Macau’s leading Englisheducational institution. We are dynamic, driven and full of energy. We offerbespoke curriculum design and development, English programmes,teacher training, online English platform and dually accredited TEFLprogrammes to meet our clients’ needs. Our clients are kindergartens,primary and secondary schools, and universities. We are renowned in theindustry for our superior team of teachers, quality curriculum professionalsand excellent operational management. Today, we are working closely with anetwork of more than 200 schools and are proud to be touching the lives ofmore than 50,000 students.

Headstart Group www.headstartgroup.co Recruiting from selected subjects:Arts, Music, Law and relatedsubjects

The Role of the National Offender Management Service is to protect thepublic and reduce reoffending by delivering the punishment and orders ofthe courts and supporting rehabilitation of offenders. Prison officers workdirectly with prisoners, helping them to address offending behaviour. Workstarts in prison and continues into the community. Key tasks: • Work with colleagues to provide a safe, decent and secure environmentfor prisoners

• Establish professional relationships with prisoners• Encourage and support prisoners to break free from crime• Liaise with resettlement partner agencies• Explain prison rules to new prisoners• Want to know more? Please go to www.nomsjobs.com

HM Prison Servicewww.nomsjobs.com Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



At G-Research we research investment ideas to predict price returns infinancial markets across multiple asset classes. We also develop theresearch and execution platform to deploy these ideas in markets globally.Our investment research, software and IT Systems are used to: • Evaluate, forecast and simulate investment ideas• Test for and control risk in investment portfolios• Maximise investment returns across a range of markets and products

Our software and services are used in markets around the globe andaround the clock. We offer a dynamic, flexible and highly stimulatingworking environment, where good ideas are prized and rewardedcorrespondingly.

G-Research www.gresearch.co.uk/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Engineering and Digital Arts andrelated subjects

(Stand 105)

(Stand 66)

(Stand 36)



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 41

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) makes sure that the money is available tofund the UK's public services. Its responsible for collecting around £475.6billion of tax from UK businesses and individuals as well as administeringNational Insurance, Student Loans, tax credits and ensuring compliancewith the national minimum wage.

The Tax Specialist Programme is a structured four-year course built arounda combination of on-the-job skills-building, in-class training, and self-directed study. On commencement of the programme employees willreceive a starting salary of approximately £27k. Upon successfulcompletion, trainees can expect a salary of £46,983. The recruitmentprocess is comprised of three stages; initial application, online testing and aone day assessment centre. Applications close on 26th November 2014.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-revenue-customs/about/recruitment Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 98)•••

We’re a simple concept, we make it easy for people to go on holiday. Weoffer Holiday Add-Ons Airport Hotels, Parking, Lounges, Insurance and awhole lot more. Sounds exciting right? The way we do it is... We build arelationship with everyone (and we mean everyone) as this helps us providea great service to them and the right products for each of their trips.

This is driven by our awesome bunch of talented individuals who are giventhe freedom to experiment, innovate and make a real difference. Our peoplemake us what we are.

Holiday Extras join.holidayextras.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

IBM and innovation have always been great partners. Over the last 100years, we’ve worked to make technology faster, more effective and moreaccessible. Today, we’re focused on how to make the planet a better placeto work and live, creating systems to improve people’s lives, make energygrids more effective, improve water management, make healthcare moreaffordable and transform the global supply chain.

IBM employ talented, smart people in almost every area and country, so nomatter where your talents and aspirations lie, it’s not hard to find like-mindedpeople who share your interests.

IBMwww-05.ibm.com/employment/uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 29)

(Stand 2)•••


IdeasTap: Creative inspiration and support.

IdeasTap helps creative people get to where they want to be. We're acharity that works with leading arts organisations to create industryopportunities for our members. Join for free and get access to funding,competitions, arts jobs, training and advice.

IdeasTap www.ideastap.com Recruiting from all subjects, butparticularly creative

The Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) is the professional body forthose who work within the field of biomedical science. The Instituterepresents over 20,000 members employed predominately within thehealthcare arena, but also within university and veterinary laboratories,government agencies and other services. Other members also work inrelated commercial fields and academia.

The IBMS is dedicated to the promotion, development and delivery ofexcellence in biomedical science, supporting our members in their practiceof biomedical science, and set quality standards for the profession throughtraining, education, assessments, examinations and continuous professionaldevelopment.

Institute of Biomedical Science www.ibms.org Recruiting from Biosciences

Employability Week: Programme of Events



ICAEW is a professional membership organisation, supporting over 142,000chartered accountants around the world. Through our technical knowledge,skills and expertise, we provide insight and leadership to the globalaccountancy and finance profession.

You can become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant by taking ourprofessional qualification, the ACA. You start your training on graduationthrough one of our 2,850+ authorised training employers and earn andlearn at the same time whilst achieving a globally recognised qualificationafter 3 years.

You don’t need an accountancy or business-related degree, so come andtalk to us about kick-starting your global career in accountancy, finance andbusiness.

ICAEWwww.icaew.com/en/join-us Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 59)

(Stand 97)

(Stand 42)




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 43

The Institute of Education, University of London (IOE) is the world's leadingcentre for education studies and related social sciences. We top the leaguetables in education research and were ranked 1st in the world for the studyof education (QS World University Rankings 2014).

We offer teacher training – including primary, secondary and post-compulsory PGCE and School Direct routes – as well as masters degrees(MA, MSc, MRes and MBA), doctoral level study (MPhil, PhD, EdD andDEdPsy) in education and related social sciences. Whatever course youchoose, you will be taught and supported by staff who are leading voices intheir field; we have twice as many world-leading scholars in education asany other UK university.

Institute of Education www.ioe.ac.uk Recruiting from selected subjects:Arts, English, SECL, History, Musicand Fine Arts, Biosciences,Computing, Maths, PhysicalSciences, Economics, Journalism,Law, Politics, Psychology, SSPSSR

(Stand 104)•

ISG is an international construction services company delivering fit out,construction, engineering services and a range of specialist solutions. Ourconsistent delivery across geographies makes us the partner of choice formulti-national and local organisations building, refurbishing or fitting out theirspaces. We are focused on the communities where we work – employinglocal people and building networks of local suppliers. Whether we areworking on small, bespoke works, or a large-scale project of globalsignificance, our focus is on setting the standard for construction services.

ISG www.isgplc.com/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Maths, Physical Sciences,Architecture, Engineering andDigital Arts

We are a charity providing support for adults with autism to have a happyand fulfilling life. We have services in Medway, Ashford, Canterbury andFaversham.

We can offer flexible working and permanent hours. Full training andsupervision is provided and we offer every opportunity for development.Everything we do is about putting the people who use our services first. Wepride ourselves on the quality of support and the professionalism with whichthe Trust operates and we want to recruit the right people; people that shareour passion to get the support right for each individual.

Kent Autistic Trust www.kentautistic.com/jobs/current_vacancies.php Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 25)

(Stand 60)•


King’s College London is one of the UK’s most historic and prestigiousuniversity institutions, the fourth oldest in England, and ranked 19th in theworld (QS World Rankings 2013/14). With over 15,000 undergraduates andsome 10,000 graduates, the College is committed to high quality educationin a stimulating learning environment which seeks to contribute and servethe society through its teaching and research.

Our four Thames-side campuses offer a vibrant and cosmopolitanenvironment in which to study, with superb access to the academic, culturaland social riches of London. We can truly claim to be the most central ofLondon's university institutions.

King’s College London www.kcl.ac.uk/study/pg Recruiting from all subjects

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is a three-way project between agraduate, an organisation and a university. Covering a huge range ofprojects, KTP is one of the largest graduate recruitment programmesacross the UK having worked with over 3,000 organisations and over 6,000graduates.

With a KTP you take ownership of a project that is core to the developmentof the organisation’s strategy; you can apply your degree as well as developyour own skill base with continued support from both the organisation anduniversity. Projects last for a period of between 6 months to three years withapproximately 70% of graduates offered employment by the hostorganisation at the end of the project.

Knowledge Transfer Partnershipswww.kent.ac.uk/enterprise/practical-partnering/ktp.html Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



The student advice centre is a free, confidential and impartial adviceservice run by Kent Union for all students of the University of Kent.

We can offer you help with any problems you may experience which affectyour studies. The main areas we cover are money and funding, housing,immigration and visas, but we can also check your right to work in the UK,review your employment contract, advise you how to obtain a nationalinsurance number or a tax refund and much more! For further informationgo to our website or email us at [email protected]

Kent Union Student Advice Centre www.kentunion.co.uk/advice

(Stand 80)

(Stand 84)

(Stand 85)


www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 45

Lloyd’s is the world’s specialist insurance market. Unlike many otherinsurance brands, Lloyd’s is not a company; it’s a market where ourmembers join together as syndicates to insure risks. From insurancespecialists and finance managers to marketing professionals and businesssupport, Lloyd’s has a diverse range of opportunities on offer. If you want tobecome a business leader, our graduate programme offers a range ofexperience in both the Corporation and the market.

Lloyd’s of London www.lloyds.com/lloyds/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 57)•••

With over 200 stores nationwide, Majestic Wine is the UK’s largest wineretailer specialising in selling mixed cases of wine. We pride ourselves onour enthusiastic, knowledgeable and friendly staff.

We offer a Retail Management Scheme that is exciting and unique;sponsoring all of our staff though industry recognised wine qualifications.

As a Trainee Manager you will be involved in all areas of running a storefrom merchandising and selling to making deliveries. At Majestic WineWarehouses we are proud to promote our retail staff internally, allowing youto progress to Store Manager level within as little as three years.

Majestic Wine careers.majestic.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Marie Curie Cancer Care is a national charity which gives people with allterminal illnesses the choice to die at home, surrounded by the people andthings they cherish. Our nurses give free hands-on care to terminally illpeople, and vital emotional support to their loved ones. But the sad fact is,every five minutes someone in the UK dies without the care they need at theend of their life. That’s why we fundraise to provide more nursing hours toreach more people. A placement year at with us will be interesting,challenging, office-based and in the community.

Marie Curie Cancer Care jobs.mariecurie.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 10)

(Stand 67)••••


Market Data Services Limited (MDSL) is the leading internationalprovider of market data and telecoms expense management solutions,with offices in London, New York, Paris, Gothenburg, Tokyo, Hong Kongand Macau. The company has previously been listed in the Top-25 of theSunday Times International-100, was recently nominated "TopInternational TEM Provider" by AOTMP and won the "Best SupportingServices Provider" category in the 2011 Inside Market Data Awards.

Market Data Services Limited (MDSL)www.mdsl.com/about-us/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Computing, Maths, Business,Economics and related subjects

Mercedes-Benz UK is the sales and marketing organisation responsible forall Daimler products and services in Britain.

As well as selling cars, vans, trucks, parts, and service, the company runsMercedes-Benz World at Brooklands – a brand experience centre inWeybridge, Surrey. Mercedes-Benz World has welcomed 1.5 million visitorssince it opened in 2006.

The Mercedes-Benz UK group of companies directly employs over 4000people, and 11,000 colleagues at independent retailers. Over 500Apprentices have passed their professional qualifications at the company’sin-house Training Academy. The UK is also home to Mercedes-BenzHighPerformancePowertrains and the Mercedes AMG PETRONAS Formula1™ team, where 1000 dedicate their work to Grand Prix Engineering.

Mercedes-Benz UK Ltdcareers.mercedes-benz.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



Whatever you're looking for from a job, you can find it with us. We offerflexible hours, accredited training, fantastic career prospects and a wholehost of other rewards and benefits that fit around you and your lifestyle. Ajob with us offers a culture of flexibility, opportunity, equality anddevelopment. Our employees come from all walks of life, but share acommon approach: positivity.

Being a McDonald's employee can be the launching pad to a wide varietyof opportunities. We have the training and the opportunities to suit yourambitions.

Happy employees help make happy customers. Our employees receive upto six weeks holiday, flexible working, employee discounts and many morebenefits.

McDonald’s www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/People/Join-the-team.html Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 44)

(Stand 14)

(Stand 4)




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 47

Milkround is the UK's number one graduate recruitment website. Whetheryou are looking for internships and work placements whilst at university orgraduate schemes and jobs when you finish we work with the UK's topemployers to bring you hundreds of opportunities throughout the UK as wellas advice and guidance to help you take the next steps with your career.Sign up to Milkround today to kick start your career.

Milkroundmilkround.com/sign-upRecruiting from all subjects

(Stand 73)••••••

The National Trust protect some of the most important spaces and places inEngland, Wales and Northern Ireland, opening to the public over 350historic houses, gardens and ancient monuments.

Our purpose is to look after special places, forever, for everyone and to growthe nation’s love of special places is how we express that, putting therelationship between people and places at the heart of what we do.

The National Trust www.nationaltrustjobs.org.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Pave is a bespoke internship provider that specialises in developingstudents and graduates both personally and professionally to becomehighly sought after individuals through career-focused internships in India.We work with many leading organisations from multinationals and nationalbusinesses to social enterprises and not for profits across various industriesin India who can provide challenging, value adding and engaginginternships.

All Pave internships come with a comprehensive package to take away anyhassle pre-departure and maximise every opportunity in India. See ourwebsite to find out what's included and to explore current internshipopportunities.

Pave Internships www.paveinternships.com Recruiting from selected subjects:Arts, Architecture, History,Economics, Business, Law andrelated subjects

(Stand 65)

(Stand 90)•••


Porchlight is one of the foremost charities supporting vulnerable andhomeless people in Kent, Medway and Croydon. We have supportedaccommodation services in Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Ramsgate andTonbridge, a homelessness prevention service and a dedicated roughsleeper team. We provide a range of services supporting people withcomplex needs, with specialist services for young people, ex-offenders andpeople with enduring mental health issues. Our focus is on long-termsolutions, breaking the cycle of homelessness and ensuring that people canlive independently in the future.

Porchlight www.porchlight.org.uk/about/careers Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



At Philips, we strive to make the world healthier and more sustainablethrough innovation. Our goal is to improve the lives of 3 billion people a yearby 2025. We will be the best place to work for people who share ourpassion. Together we will deliver superior value for our customers andshareholders.

Philips is a diversified Health and Well-being company, focused onimproving people’s lives through meaningful innovations. As a world leaderin healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, Philips integrates technologies anddesign into people-centric solutions, based on fundamental customerinsights.

Philips UK www.careers.philips.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 62)

(Stand 8)



The Port of Dover is Europe's busiest ferry port, a vital international gatewayfor the movement of people and trade. It is also an award-winning cruiseport, the second busiest in the UK and hosts some of the world's mostprestigious cruise lines. Other successful businesses include a cargoterminal, a top award-winning marina and several niche activities. Thebusiness mix is diverse. Our commitment is to be the Best Port in the Worldfor the benefit of our Customers and Community.

Port of Doverwww.doverport.co.uk/about/recruitment Recruiting from selected subjects:Engineering and Digital Arts,Maths, Economics and relatedsubjects

(Stand 69)•••

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 49

As professional advisers we help our clients solve complex businessproblems and aim to enhance their ability to add value, manage risk andimprove performance. Our business areas include: Assurance, Tax,Consulting, Deals, Actuarial and Technology. Also part of the network isPwC Legal LLP. We operate in 158 countries and have around 180,000people worldwide including 34 offices and around 18,000 in the UK. Wehave recently been voted as number 1 in The Times Top 100 GraduateEmployers survey for a record-breaking 11 years. We offer over 1200 full-time graduate and school and college leaver opportunities and over 700work experience opportunities every year.

PwC www.pwc.co.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

RateMyPlacement.co.uk is the UK’s leading undergraduate resource to helpstudents find their dream placement or internship.

Read over 25,000 reviews from students just like you and browse throughhundreds of job opportunities, including vacancies from the likes of PwC,Warner Bros, Linklaters, Barclays and Microsoft. Check out our expertadvice and industry zones on RateMyPlacement.co.uk too!

Interested in finding out who the top placement and internship employersare to work for, as voted by students like you on RateMyPlacement.co.uk?Come and grab a copy of our publication from our stand, A Students’ Guideto the Top Undergraduate Employers 2014-2015, to find out who has madethe top spot!

RateMyPlacementwww.ratemyplacement.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 37)

(Stand 78)



Reeves is one of the major accountancy and financial services firmspractising in the South East of England. Established over 100 years ago inLondon, we have built a growing reputation for our award winning tax andfinancial advice. Today, we have offices in Kent, Gatwick and London andwe employ over 300 staff including more than 40 partners. A trainingcontract with Reeves is the key to a secure future. In return for your hardwork and study in early years, we can promise diverse and fascinatingtraining.

Reeves and Co LLP www.reeves.co/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 39)•••

The Royal Engineers Museum is Kent’s largest military museum. It holds itsown Designated Collection of historical and international importance. Thenumerous galleries tell the story of Britain’s military engineers from theRoman period to the modern Corps of Royal Engineers. The extensivecollection contains many a treasure from the expected uniforms and medalsto poems, Chinese Silks, Ethnographic material as well as a largephotography collection.

Royal Engineers Museumwww.re-museum.co.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



REL Field Marketing is the fastest growing and most innovative outsourcedfield sales agency in the UK. You may not have heard of us but you willcertainly have heard of the customers who we deploy field sales team onbehalf of, including: Red Bull, Molson Coors, Nikon, Mondeléz International,News UK, and Logitech. We are proud of the culture here which from thetop down is focused on our people and creating an outstanding andengaged environment. We are committed to promotion from within andinternal succession and our continuing growth is creating numerousopportunities for our people.

REL Field Marketingwww.relfm.com/recruitment Recruiting from all subjects

Whether in the skies above Britain or in airspaces around the world, it's theRAF's job to protect the UK against any form of threat. To fulfil this role, weneed highly-trained people throughout our organisation. There is somethingfor everyone, from engineering to logistics, communications and intelligenceto medical and personnel support. Each of these jobs would see you play akey role in one of the worlds most advanced military forces.

RAF (Royal Air Force)www.raf.mod.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 64)

(Stand 17)

(Stand 31)



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 51

Britain is an island nation, so we’ve always understood the importance ofcontrolling and defending our seas. This is still a big part of what the RoyalNavy does, but by no means all. We are first and foremost a fighting force,serving alongside our allies in conflicts around the world. We also protectBritain’s ports, fishing grounds and merchant ships and help tackleinternational smuggling, terrorism and piracy. Increasingly, we’re involved inhumanitarian and relief missions, where our skills, discipline andresourcefulness make a real difference to people’s lives.

Royal Navy and Royal Marines www.royalnavy.mod.uk/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Engineering and Digital Arts andrelated subjects

As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiplemarket segments, including leadership positions in energy andinfrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and datacentres/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications.

Focused on making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green,the company's 150,000 plus employees achieved sales of 23,6 billion eurosin 2013, through an active commitment to help individuals and organisations“Make the most of their energy.”

Schneider Electricwww.schneider-electric.co.uk/sites/uk/en/company/careers/careers.page Recruiting from specific subjects:Computing, Engineering and DigitalArts, Maths and related subjects

(Stand 33)

(Stand 26)



startmybiz is a partnership of various organisations in Canterbury, includingthe University of Kent, committed to supporting people starting businesseshere and to making the city and district a great place in which to do so. Thepurpose of startmybiz is to give each individual every opportunity to get theright information, advice, connectivity and support they need to besuccessful in their business venture.

There is a lot of help out there but finding it can be time consuming andfrustrating and you never know what you haven’t found yet! So, we try to takethe pain away from the gain and help you get on with the job with the bestinformation around.

startmybiz www.startmybiz-canterbury.com

(Stand 16)•

TJX Europe is part of the TJX Companies, Inc – the world’s leading off-priceapparel and home fashions retailer with sales of over $27 billion. TJXEurope operates TK Maxx, HomeSense and an online retail business in theUK, with over 400 stores in the UK, Ireland, Germany and Poland.

Graduates join TJX because we offer unique career progression prospectsand the training and development we offer are unparalleled. We are lessstructured than many businesses and we are constantly evolving.

We offer Graduate Programmes and 12-month Industrial PlacementProgrammes in Merchandising and Buying, Business Technology andFinance. We’ll consider all degree disciplines, and we are always looking forpeople with natural curiosity, strong analytical aptitude and relationshipbuilding skills.

TK Maxx www.graduates.tjxeurope.com Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



"Founded on a true entrepreneurial spirit"

Sterling Insurance Group Limited is a UK insurance group that operatesacross a number of different specialist market sectors and offers a diverserange of products and services. Our business partners range from highstreet brokers to the UK's leading retail banks and financial institutions. Oursuccess has been achieved by our client focused philosophy and ourcommitment to developing and marketing a wide range of bespokeproducts.

Sterling Insurance Group Ltdwww.sterlinginsurancegroup.com/contact-us/careers.aspx Recruiting from all subjects

Teach First is all about becoming a leader and achieving success – bothfor yourself and for others. It’s an intensive two years. Beginning with theSummer Institute, our Leadership Development Programme combinesworking, qualifying and training as a teacher with leadership developmenttraining, coaching and mentoring, and a range of networking andinternship opportunities. Through completion of your PGCE, you will alsogain credits which you can put towards a Masters qualification, this iscompletely paid for; you even gain a salary. Sponsored by manycorporates, you have the opportunity to continue to teach or go into thecorporate world.

Teach Firstwww.teachfirst.org.uk/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 7)

(Stand 38)

(Stand 101)




www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 53

TotallyLegal is the UK’s #1 legal job board for solicitors, lawyers, barristers,paralegals, legal PAs and legal executives, working in private practice or in-house. We promote finance, accounting and legal roles on behalf ofrecruitment consultants and recognised global brand, including Coca-Cola,Walt Disney and Harrods. Roles vary from graduate and Part Qualifiedpositions all the way up to management & director level.

Totally Legal www.totallylegal.com Recruiting from all subjects

An original "redbrick" university and founding member of the Russell Group,the University of Birmingham is a truly vibrant, global community including11,800 postgraduates from 131 countries. With over 500 postgraduatecourses available, Birmingham is one of the UK’s most popular universitiesfor further study.

As a Birmingham postgraduate, you will work alongside world-leadingacademics, with outstanding training and development opportunities at yourfingertips. A postgraduate degree from Birmingham is therefore much morethan a continuation from your studies: it's a real investment in your future.Visit our stand to learn more, or go to our website.

University of Birmingham www.birmingham.ac.uk/students/courses/postgraduate/index.aspx Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 76)

(Stand 82)


Our postgraduate programmes are informed by a commitment to researchexcellence. As a highly ranked UK university, Kent provides a dynamic andchallenging academic environment.

The University offers students a wide choice of well-structured andambitious postgraduate programmes. At every stage, students aresupported by inspirational teaching and supervision, first-class library andIT facilities and a diverse schedule of seminars, workshops and events.

University of Kent www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 109)•

The University of Sussex is an internationally recognised research institutionranked amongst the Top 10 universities in the UK, and 60th in the world forresearch influence (Times Higher Education World University Rankings2012-2013). Our high quality research brings innovative solutions to realworld problems that benefits and enriches society and influences policy atinternational, national and regional levels. We offer a range of Masters andPhD courses and funding that few other universities can match and arecommitted to providing outstanding teaching and learning resources andhelping highly qualified graduates with the next step in their career.

University of Sussex www.sussex.ac.uk/study/pg Recruiting from all subjects

Employability Week: Programme of Events



At The University of Law (formally The College of Law) you’ll get the bestpossible start to your legal career. We are the world’s leading professionallaw school and, with centres in Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Guildford,Leeds, London and Manchester, we’re the first choice for aspiring futurelawyers. Our range of innovative postgraduate courses, including theGraduate Diploma in Law, LL.M Legal Practice Course and Bar ProfessionalTraining Course are designed and taught by lawyers. All have a clear focuson building the practical skills, commercial awareness and independentthinking you’ll need to succeed in the modern world of law.

The University of Law www.law.ac.uk Recruiting from all subjects

Ranked 6th in the UK by The Guardian League Table 2015, the University ofSurrey is one of the UK’s leading research universities with a globalreputation for academic excellence. Only 33 minutes by train from London,Surrey is renowned for producing some of the most employable graduatesin the UK. Postgraduate students are part of a wider academic communitythat will support and challenge you as you learn and develop together.

With nearly 16,000 students from 145 countries, the University of Surrey is avibrant place to live and study. The campus offers cutting-edge facilities andthe new Surrey Sports Park provides world-class sports, dance andexercise facilities. Surrey also offers high-quality accommodation providinga home from home.

University of Surrey

www.surrey.ac.uk/postgraduate Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 81)

(Stand 83)

(Stand 108)

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 55

Vanquis Bank brings the advantages of a credit card to under-servedcustomers, many of whom are excluded by mainstream card issuers. Weare specialists in the non-standard market.

At Vanquis we lend responsibly to new and existing customers, and provideinformation and support to help them manage their finances. Our ‘low andgrow’ approach to extending credit and high levels of customer contactunderpin our successful business model

Vanquis Bankwww.vanquis.co.uk/about/careers Recruiting from selected subjects:Maths, Economics, Business andrelated subjects

We’re passionate about helping people get the most out of greattechnology. Join our Graduate Discover Programme and you’ll play animportant part in helping us do just that. The Discover Programme will helpyou develop core skills and make a difference to our customers from thestart.

The Graduate Discover Programme is a fantastic and unique opportunity toexperience life at one of the world’s most innovative companies. During yourtwo years with us you’ll work on real business projects, with realresponsibility from the start. You’ll get to know all about us, how we workand what we stand for. And you’ll learn lots about yourself too.

Vodafonewww.vodafone.co.uk/about-us/careers-with-vodafone Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 41)

(Stand 6)


Looking at Risk from a Different Perspective. Do you want to understandwhat makes us different? Willis Group Holdings plc is a leading globalinsurance broker and we have opportunities for intelligent, ambitious andtalented Graduates across several aspects of our international business.

Willis is rich in culture and backgrounds, from our global workforce to ourclients and suppliers and has an established campus programs acrossEurope, the United States, China and Australia. By sourcing our talent froman international pool, we have created a global campus network withopportunities for intellectual and cultural exchange. Graduate ApplicationDeadline: Monday 5th December 2014. Summer Internship Deadline:Monday 5th December 2014.

Williswww.willis.com/careers Recruiting from all subjects

(Stand 40)•

Employability Week: Programme of Events



Xerox is the world’s leading enterprise for business process and documentmanagement. We provide true end-to-end solutions, from back-officesupport to the printed page, to help you operate your business and manageinformation.

Our Industrial Placement Programme is designed to give students support,development opportunities and maximum exposure to the corporateenvironment. This means students can get involved in what's at the veryheart of the business and make a real difference right from the start.Success during your placement year can even lead to a full time job aftergraduation. We offer placement positions in Finance, IT, Business andMarketing.

Xeroxwww.xerox.co.uk/jobs/engb.html Recruiting from selected subjects:Business, Maths, Economics,Computing, Engineering and DigitalArts and related subjects

(Stand 3)•

Train in the heart of a daily newspaper

Guaranteed work experience

NCTJ accredited courses

Top exam pass rates

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Great jobs for our graduates



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o find out more visit .journalistworks.co.ukwwwwww.journalistworks.co.uk01273 540350 or email [email protected]

[email protected]

KEW-NET Kent Experiences of Work Network

Kent Experiences of Work Network (KEW-NET) is aprofessional mentoring and networking platform just forstudents at the University of Kent. The network is made up of alumni and business professionals connected to the University who are offering their support.

Register on: www.kent.ac.uk/ces/student/kew-net.html and youcould get:• Advice via email or telephone• Help reviewing a CV or application form• Visits to workplaces or insight days• Possible work experience or internship

Register on: www.kent.ac.uk/ces/alumni if you are an employer or alumni and wish to mentor a University of Kent student.


www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 57

Employability Week: Programme of Events



Absolute Internship • •

Academies Enterprise Trust(AET) • •

Accenture • •

Access • • •

ALDI • • •

ARK Schools •

The British Army • •

Ashford Teaching Alliance • •

ASOS • •

Aspiring Solicitors • • • • • •

Avante Community Support •

AXA • •

BAE Systems • • •

Baker Tilly • •

Bank of England • • • • •

BDO LLP • • • •

Beadles Group • • • Part-time roles

Bounce • • • • •

Brighton Journalist Works • • • •

Canterbury Christ ChurchUniversity •

Careers and EmployabilityService •

CFA Institute • Qualifications

Childhood First •

CIMA • • •

CIPFA • • • • • •

Cisco • • •

Citizens Advice Bureau •

Civil Service Fast Stream • •

Clifford Chance LLP • • • • • Intelligent Aid Comp

CNC • •



Year in Ind















Advice and








BSkyB • • •

Decathlon • • •

Deloitte • • • • •


DSTL • • •

E4S (Employment 4 Students) • • • • • •

EmployAbility • • • • • Scholarships

Enterprise Rent-a-Car • • • •

Entity • •

Foreign and CommonwealthEU Careers • •

EURES • • • •

Explore Learning • •

Factset • •

FDM Group • •

Fidessa • •

Fujitsu • •

GAAP web • •

Gap 360 • • •

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 59

Concordia •

Core Assets • Casual work

CRCC Asia •

Cummins • • • •

Cushman & Wakefield • • • •

German Academic ExchangeService (DAAD) •

G-Forces Web Management • • •

GradsKent • • • • • • •

graduate-jobs.com • • • • • •

G-Research • •

Headstart Group • • • • • • •

HM Prison Service •

HM Revenue and Customs • • •

Coca-Cola Enterprises • •



Year in Ind















Advice and








Employability Week: Programme of Events60

ICAEW • • • •

IdeasTap • • • • •

Institute of BiomedicalScience • • •

Institute of Education •

ISG • • •

Kent Autistic Trust • Casual care work

Kent Union Advisory Service •

King’s College London •

Knowledge TransferPartnerships • •

Lloyd’s of London • • •

Majestic Wine • •

Marie Curie Cancer Care • • • •

McDonald’s • •

MDSL • • •

Mercedes-Benz UK Ltd • • •

Milkround • • • • • •

National Trust • •

Pave Internships • • •

Philips • • •

Porchlight • •

Port of Dover • • •

PwC • • • •

RAF (Royal Air Force) • •

RateMyPlacement • • • •

Reeves • • •

REL Field Marketing •

Royal Engineers Museum • • •

Royal Navy and RoyalMarines • •

Schneider Electric • •




Year in Ind















Advice and








Holiday Extras • • •

IBM • • •

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 61


Sterling Insurance Group • • •

Teach First • • • • • •

TK Maxx • •

Totally Legal • •

University of Birmingham •

University of Kent •

University of Law •

University of Surrey •

University of Sussex •

Vanquis Bank •

Vodafone • • •

Willis •

Xerox •



Year in Ind















Advice and








Employability Week: Programme of Events62


Hall 11 DSTL2 IBM3 Xerox4 McDonald’s5 Decathlon6 Vodafone7 TK Maxx8 Philips UK9 TBC10 Majestic Wine11 Coca-Cola Enterprises12 Beadles Group13 Aldi14 Mercedes-Benz15 Communications and Network

Consulting 16 startmybiz17 REL Field Marketing18 Careers & Employability Service19 Cummins20 Access UK Ltd21 Accenture22 BAE Systems23 Cisco24 Entity Group Ltd25 ISG26 Schneider Electric27 FDM Group28 Fujitsu Services29 Holiday Extras30 G-Forces Web Management31 RAF32 TBC33 Royal Navy and Royal Marines34 The British Army35 Clifford Chance36 G-Research37 PwC

38 Sterling Insurance Group Ltd39 Reeves and Co LLP40 Willis Group41 Vanquis Bank42 ICAEW43 Cushman & Wakefield44 Market Data Services Ltd 45 Fidessa46 FactSet47 TBC48 Aspiring Solicitors49 BDO LLP50 Chartered Institute of

Management Accountants 51 Bank of England52 CIPFA53 CFA Institute54 AXA55 Baker Tilly56 Deloitte57 Lloyd’s of London58 Brighton Journalist Works59 IdeasTap60 Kent Autistic Trust61 Citizens Advice Bureau62 Porchlight63 Academies Enterprise Trust 64 Royal Engineers Museum65 The National Trust66 HM Prison Service67 Marie Curie Cancer Care68 BSkyB69 Port of Dover70 ASOS71 DHL72 Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Hall 373 Milkround74 EmployAbility Ltd75 GradsKent76 GAAPWeb and Totally Legal77 Employment 4 Students 78 RateMyPlacement79 Graduate-jobs.com80 King's College London81 University of Sussex82 University of Birmingham83 The University of Law84 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships 85 Kent Union Student Advice

Centre86 Absolute Internship87 TBC88 Concordia89 German Academic Exchange

Service (DAAD)90 Pave Internships Ltd91 Gap 36092 Bounce93 CRCC Asia94 European Employment Services

(EURES)95 Foreign and Commonwealth EU

Careers96 Civil Service Fast Stream97 Institute of Biomedical Science 98 HM Revenue and Customs 99 Explore Learning100 Core Assets Children's Services101 Teach First102 ARK Schools103 Avante Partnership Ltd104 Institute of Education 105 Headstart Group Ltd106 Ashford Teaching Alliance107 Childhood First108 University of Surrey109 University of Kent110 Canterbury Christ Church









Sports CentreReception


Main Entrance















15 16

9295 9394

5 4 3 2 1








7 6









17 18 19 20 21 22 23











































8481 8382

108 110109

101 99100

96 9897

107 105106

102 104103
















www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 63

Hall 1

Hall 3


Employability Week: Programme of Events64

TEACHING EXPOsponsored by

“I wanted to make a difference, so I did”

Robin Hartfield Cross Taught: Maths Now: PwC Graduate Scheme

teachfirst.org.uk/graduates Charity No 1098294

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www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 65

between school-based anduniversity-based routes and therange of options available to you.See www.kent.ac.uk/ces/teaching-expo for full exhibitor details.

Training providers will also beoffering a variety of short buthighly informative talks in DarwinConference Suite 1. Drop in andlisten at 11am-12pm and again at1pm-2pm.

10am-3pm: DarwinConference Suite (All students)In partnership with Teach First, theUniversity of Kent brings you theinaugural Teaching Expo. As theroutes into teaching seem to changeand grow every year, this event aimsto provide students with access to arange of different Teacher Trainingproviders, all showcasing theirparticular training pathway. Comealong to find out the difference


“I wanted to make a difference, so I did”

Robin Hartfield Cross Taught: Maths Now: PwC Graduate Scheme

teachfirst.org.uk/graduates Charity No 1098294

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Cambridge English www.kent.ac.uk/cewl/current-students/exam/cambridge.htmlCambridge English exams arelifelong qualifications with aworldwide reputation. They are anemployability asset, as employerstrust them as an internationalbenchmark.

Cambridge English: First, alsoknown as First Certificate in English,is an exam for people who need toprove they can use every-daywritten and spoken English at anupper-intermediate level for work orstudy purposes.

Cambridge English: Advanced, alsoknown as Certificate in AdvancedEnglish, is a high-level qualificationin English for demanding academicand professional situations.

Cambridge English: Proficiency, alsoknown as Certificate of Proficiencyin English, is our most advancedexam, for learners who have anextremely high level of skill in theEnglish language.

Careers EmployabilityAward on Moodlewww.kent.ac.uk/careers/moodle.htmThe Careers Employability Award onMoodle is entirely done on-line viaquizzes and assignments. A fewhours spent completing this awardwill greatly improve your careerplanning and job hunting skills andcan transform your chances ofgetting a graduate job.

On completion you receive anAward Certificate which will impressemployers and 60 EmployabilityPoints.

CELTA www.kent.ac.uk/cewl/courses/celta The Cambridge Certificate inEnglish Language Teaching toAdults (CELTA) enables you to applyfor a teaching post overseas or inthe UK. It is an excellent means ofenhancing your employability.

CELTA is an internationallyrecognised qualification, whichprovides you with the minimum entrylevel for the English languageteaching profession. You needCELTA to teach in British Councilaccredited schools in the UK.

Development Office www.kent.ac.uk/developmentThe development office isresponsible for the University’sgraduation ceremonies, events,alumni relations, fundraising and our50th anniversary celebrations.

We work with donors and volunteersto provide students with

Thursday 6 November

12pm-3pm: Darwin Conference Suite

Showcasing many of the extra-curricular activitiesyou can get involved with whilst studying at Kent,including volunteering, on-campus employmentand more.


66 Employability Week: Programme of Events

ExhibitorsAcademic Peer Mentoringwww.kent.ac.uk/learning/school-support/mentoring.html “Students supporting students” Thisscheme is a partnership betweenSchools and the Student LearningAdvisory Service (SLAS)

• Targets subjects and notindividuals

• Helps improve mentees’understanding of subject

• Helps develop mentors’employability skills

• Helps improves performance• Helps improves retention• Helps enrich the StudentExperience

B-KEW Work ExperienceBursarywww.kent.ac.uk/kewIf you have secured some unpaidwork experience, you could beentitled to a B-KEW bursary from theCareers & Employability Service.Please visit the website for termsand conditions, and details of howto apply.



www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 67

Degree. Participants will attend aseries of lectures on global issuesand workshops designed toincrease employability, such asinterview skills, CV and cover letterwriting, leadership, networking andpresentation skills.

Go Abroad www.kent.ac.uk/goabroad Employers seek graduates withglobal employability skills tosucceed in an increasinglycompetitive internationalmarketplace. Recent reports showthat students who havestudied/worked abroad achievebetter degrees, are moreemployable, and earn highersalaries. The University of Kentoffers many opportunities for you tostudy or work abroad. Come andmeet the Go Abroad Team and findout more!

Jobshop www.kentunion.co.uk/jobs [email protected] is a recruitment agencystyle service run by Kent Union forstudents at the University of Kent tohelp them find temporary, part-timeand seasonal work whilst they arestudying. We also advertisegraduate opportunities both on andoff campus for University of Kentgraduates. Sign up to our mailing listto receive emails of our latest jobsstraight to your inbox.

Kent Experiences of Work(KEW) www.kent.ac.uk/kew In a competitive and fast-movingglobal economy, graduates need to

stand out to get the jobs they want.If you want to gain some experiencewhile studying to boost your CV butyou’re not sure where to start, KEWbrings together the ways in whichyou can get involved in experiencesof work while you are studying atKent:• Short-term and year-longplacements

• Part-time work, volunteering andmembership of sports clubs andsocieties

• Working for a Universitydepartment or as a StudentAmbassador

• ...and more!

Kent Extra www.kent.ac.uk/extra Enhance your CV and improve youremployability by taking a Kent Extracourse.

Kent Extra helps to broaden yourhorizons by offering additional andcomplementary learningopportunities. It’s a way to get extravalue from your time at Kent andgives you the chance to studysomething new and different. Someof our courses will help you with job-hunting and employment skills,while others help you todemonstrate your versatility byadding to your skills and knowledge.

Examples of Kent Extra coursesinclude: Business Mandarin,Japanese, Journalism, Employmentand professional development in thecreative arts sector, Gaining workexperience in the UK and abroad,and Employability skills

scholarships, bursaries, mentoringand work-based experiences toincrease student employability andsupport whilst at Kent. We are alsoresponsible for keeping our alumniand friends in touch with Kent andoffering opportunities for them to getinvolved on and off campus throughvarious events and initiatives.

The 50th anniversary provides uswith a lot of activities to engage ouralumni community and for studentsto develop their skills andexperience.

Employability Pointswww.kent.ac.uk/employabilitypointsThe University of Kent’sEmployability Points Schemerewards students for their extra-curricular activity by offering avariety of opportunities to improvetheir skill-set and help them standout from the crowd in the graduatejob market. The scheme’s 110employers offered 410 rewards in2013-14, which included paid-internships, work experience,project placements, vouchers andbespoke training.

Global Skills Award www.kent.ac.uk/graduateschool/skills/programmes/gsa.html The Global Skills Award programmeis open to all taught postgraduatestudents and is designed toincrease your knowledge of globalissues, current affairs and developpersonal skills which will enhanceyour employability. The programmeis free of charge and will runalongside students’ Master’s

Employability Week: Programme of Events

Kent Union – Volunteering www.kentunion.co.uk/eandv Volunteering is a great way to gainhands-on experience and meet newpeople whilst giving back to thelocal and campus communities anddeveloping your employability skills.Currently there are a number ofvolunteering opportunities availablefor students to get involved with,including Volunteering Societies,one-off opportunities and localcharities.

Our Toolkit can help connect youwith these opportunities and givesyou a place to quickly and simplyrecord all your extracurricularactivities and log your volunteeringhours, whether it be volunteering ona committee, helping out with charityevents or taking part in anorganised litter pick – all of whichcan count towards your KentStudent Certificate for Volunteering(KSCV).

KEW-NET Mentoringwww.kent.ac.uk/ces/student/kew-net.html Our online mentoring network linkscurrents students and recentgraduates with professionals whoare willing to share advice, givecareer insights or offer workexperience. Sign up today to get aninsight into the sector of work you’reinterested in!

Language Express www.kent.ac.uk/language-express Develop your internationalcommunication skills and enhanceyour employability with our easy-access language courses. Choosefrom: Arabic, French, German,Italian, Japanese, Mandarin,Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

All courses run for 10 weeks in theautumn term and 10 weeks in thespring term. Classes are taught inthe evenings so you can fit themaround your timetable.

Learning and Developmentwww.kent.ac.uk/hr-learninganddevelopment When an organisation gets the bestout of its people and combines theirskills and capabilities, it boosts itsperformance. What’s more, it helpsthose individuals discover their ownstrengths and potential. It adds upto a rewarding role for learning anddevelopment (L&D) professionals.

As an L&D specialist, you could bedelivering firearms training for policeofficers or developmentprogrammes for fund managers. Oryou could be supporting managerswho are acting as coaches andmentors. L&D professionals helporganisations implement strategy byaligning learning with businesspriorities. You’ll need to be able tothink on your feet and you’ll benefitfrom having strong analytical skills.

Kent Union – HRDepartmentwww.kentunion.co.uk/jobsKent Union is the voice of allstudents at the University of Kent;we represent our members to theUniversity, the communities in whichthey live and to wider societythrough our membership of thenational student movement.

Kent Union is a successful, vibrantand exciting organisation, we haveachieved a great deal in the last fewyears, more than doubling in size toour current £11million turnover, 600employees and 2,000+ volunteers.We have 350 students working forus mainly within our Licenced Tradeand Retail Departments. The start ofthe Recruitment process for theseroles mainly takes place in Januaryat our two ‘Recruitment Days’.

Kent Union – StudentAdvice Centrewww.kentunion.co.uk/advice [email protected] The student advice centre is a free,confidential and impartial adviceservice run by Kent Union for allstudents of the University of Kent.

We can offer you help with anyproblems you may experiencewhich affect your studies. The mainareas we cover are money andfunding, housing, immigration andvisas, but we can also check yourright to work in the UK, review youremployment contract, advise youhow to obtain a national insurancenumber or a tax refund and muchmore!


Student AmbassadorScheme www.kent.ac.uk/ambassadors The Student Ambassador Schemeprovides an exciting opportunity forundergraduate and postgraduatestudents to work on a range ofchallenging and rewarding paid,voluntary and credit bearingplacements and projects, with localschools, colleges and communitygroups. These opportunities aredesigned to help developtransferable employability skills,whilst greatly enhancing the studentexperience. Prospective applicantsto the scheme can choose to applyfor work in the following areas:

Outreach – working with theUniversity’s PartnershipDevelopment Office, delivering andsupporting the PartnershipCurriculum in our partner schools,colleges and community groups.The chance to help raise aspirationsand promote further learning to arange of students from non-selective schools, partner collegesand local community groups, whomay not otherwise considerprogressing to higher education.

Recruitment – working with theRecruitment Team, promoting andrepresenting The University of Kentand its courses on campus-basedactivity. The opportunity to work onthe University’s Open Days,Academic School Visit Days (UCASDays) and recruitment-basedactivity with local schools.

Student Enterprisewww.kent.ac.uk/enterprise/studentsMake your Mark’ with studententerprise. A range of activitiesdeveloped to increase enterpriseawareness, enhance yourentrepreneurial skills and ultimatelyimprove your employability potential.

Student Learning AdvisoryServicewww.kent.ac.uk/uelt/about/slas.htmlThe Student Learning AdvisoryService (SLAS) is a free, friendlyadvice service providing guidanceand information on all aspects ofeffective learning and study skills toALL students from the minute theyarrive at the university until theyfinish their studies. This is a popularresource for all students.

MyFolio myfolio.kent.ac.uk/myfolioMyFolio is the University of Kent’sonline, multimedia e-portfolio whichallows you to record and reflect onyour personal and academicprogress, create a visual record ofyour study placements or KU andEPS work experience, and share orpublish to the web. You will continueto have access to MyFolio for atleast two years after graduation tosupport you in your progression toemployment or further study.

Placementswww.kent.ac.uk/employability/working/students/year-in-industry.html What are the benefits? A Year inIndustry (sometimes called aProfessional Placement Year or aSandwich Year), is your opportunityto put what you have learned intopractice. It enables you to increaseyour practical understanding of yoursubject, gain further knowledge anddevelop skills vital for your future. Itis also a great way to try out apotential future career, and offershuge benefits to you, no matter whatsubject you are studying.

Your School can help you find theright types of companies, and theCareers and Employability Servicewill support you through theapplication process. If you want totalk through whether a placementyear is right for you, come and talkto us or [email protected]

www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events 69

to Canterbury

to Whitstable

to Whitstable and Herne Bay

No vehicularaccess

to Canterbury

No vehicularaccess








































Other buildings

Visitors' parking

Staff/student permit-holders

Staff parking areas

Main roads

Minor road


Main entrance, suitable for disabled access

Main entrance

Alternative access forwheelchair users

Cycle path

National cycle route

Cycle lock up

Cycle lock up, sheltered with secure access


Other buildings

Visitors' parking

Staff/student permit-holders

Staff parking areas

Main roads

Minor road


Main entrance, suitable for disabled access

Main entrance

Alternative access forwheelchair users

Cycle path

National cycle route

Cycle lock up

Cycle lock up, sheltered with secure access


Other buildings

Visitors' parking

Staff/student permit-holders

Staff parking areas

Main roads

Minor road


Main entrance, suitable for disabled access

Main entrance

Alternative access forwheelchair users

Cycle path

National cycle route

Cycle lock up

Cycle lock up, sheltered with secure access

Sports Centre



Employability Week: Programme of Events

to Canterbury

to Whitstable

to Whitstable and Herne Bay

No vehicularaccess

to Canterbury

No vehicularaccess







































The MarqueeCareers andEmployabilityService

DarwinConference Suite

Kent Enterprise Hub



The Careers and Employability ServiceUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7ND T: +44 (0)1227 823299 E: [email protected]/ces


@UniKentEmploy #KentEW2013

University of Kent Student Employability

DPC 11585210/13

FIND USONLINEFacebook:www.facebook.com/ukces andwww.facebook.com/ukmemployability

Twitter:@unikentemploy and @ukmemploy

Join the conversation #KentEW2014

For more information about the events inthis booklet visit:www.kent.ac.uk/ces/events

The Careers and Employability ServiceUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7ND