Empire State Hibernian - September 2009

Volume 5 No.8 Issue 3 September 2009 President’s Message Charles ‘Chip’ McLean Brothers, by now I hope that all of you have recovered from our Convention held in Albany and have settled back into the nor- mal routine of both your per- sonal/family lives and your Hibernian activities; I for one am still getting my feet back on the ground from what proved to be a very exciting week. I would like to take this opportu- nity to thank all of you who be- lieved in me and stood with me while I worked my way through the chairs to the office of State President. So many good friends and outstanding Brother and even Sister Hibernians were so very supportive and I will be forever grateful to them for placing their trust in me. I also add a great big thank you to my family, who took time out from their busy schedules to share the week in Albany with me and all of you. Congratulations to the newly elected District Directors, all of whom have great potential, they can truly help advance the work of the State Board in all corners of our State. I look forward to working with them and expect great things from each one. Please, give them your whole- hearted support, because with it they can make each of the Dis- tricts in the State a model of Hibernian activities and values. Good luck and thanks also go out to the Brothers who have accepted the various chairs that make up our multi-issued or- ganization. Each one of them brings to their position skills and a certain passion for Hiber- nianism that will make them key elements in conveying in- formation to our members on the local levels. Utilize these chairmen to benefit our Order. Just because they have received the medallion for the office doesn’t mean they don’t need your help. Contact them and utilize their skills or offer them assistance in advancing the work of the particular chair they are in. Don’t sit idly by. Congratulations also go out to the members of Rockland County who successfully put together a bid, as well as a very convincing presentation, for the 2011 State Convention. The Convention Delegates voted decisively for the Pearl River site. A hearty thank you goes out to the Brothers and Sisters of both Rockland County and Syracuse; who also dedicated much time and work in submit- ting a bid for the next Conven- tion. Your State Board looks forward to working very closely with the members of Rockland County to put together a great 2011 Convention. As a matter of fact, we will begin sit-downs with the members in Rockland very soon to begin that process. It is my pleasure to announce that the Fall State Board meet- ing will be held on Saturday, October 17th in Elmira. The Board Meeting will be preceded by our Annual N.Y. State Pro- Life Mass to be held at St. Mary’s Church in Elmira at 9 AM. The Board Meeting will be followed by the Fall Mixed Doubles Bowling that after- noon. The Brothers & Sisters in Elmira are hard at work prepar- ing a great weekend for all of us. I ask each of you to make every effort to attend. Through my years as a Hibernian, I have found that you have to go far to beat the Elmira AOH/LAOH hospitality. If anyone has digital pictures of the Convention, please forward them to our Webmaster Al Nor- ton at NYAOH.com Be safe and enjoy the rest of the summer …God Bless.


NY AOH Newsletter

Transcript of Empire State Hibernian - September 2009

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Volume 5 No.8 Issue 3 September 2009

President’s Message Charles ‘Chip’ McLean

Brothers, by now I hope that all of you have recovered from our Convention held in Albany and have settled back into the nor-mal routine of both your per-sonal/family lives and your Hibernian activities; I for one am still getting my feet back on the ground from what proved to be a very exciting week. I would like to take this opportu-nity to thank all of you who be-lieved in me and stood with mewhile I worked my way through the chairs to the office of State President. So many good friends and outstanding Brother and even Sister Hibernians were so very supportive and I will beforever grateful to them for placing their trust in me. I also add a great big thank you to myfamily, who took time out from their busy schedules to share the week in Albany with me and all of you.

Congratulations to the newly elected District Directors, all of whom have great potential, they can truly help advance the workof the State Board in all cornersof our State. I look forward to working with them and expect great things from each one. Please, give them your whole-hearted support, because with it

they can make each of the Dis-tricts in the State a model ofHibernian activities and values.

Good luck and thanks also go out to the Brothers who have accepted the various chairs that make up our multi-issued or-ganization. Each one of thembrings to their position skillsand a certain passion for Hiber-nianism that will make them key elements in conveying in-formation to our members on the local levels. Utilize thesechairmen to benefit our Order. Just because they have receivedthe medallion for the officedoesn’t mean they don’t need your help. Contact them and utilize their skills or offer themassistance in advancing the work of the particular chair theyare in. Don’t sit idly by.

Congratulations also go out to the members of RocklandCounty who successfully put together a bid, as well as a very convincing presentation, for the 2011 State Convention. The Convention Delegates voted decisively for the Pearl River site. A hearty thank you goes out to the Brothers and Sisters of both Rockland County and Syracuse; who also dedicated much time and work in submit-ting a bid for the next Conven-tion. Your State Board looks forward to working very closely

with the members of RocklandCounty to put together a great 2011 Convention. As a matterof fact, we will begin sit-downswith the members in Rocklandvery soon to begin that process.

It is my pleasure to announce that the Fall State Board meet-ing will be held on Saturday,October 17th in Elmira. The Board Meeting will be precededby our Annual N.Y. State Pro-Life Mass to be held at St. Mary’s Church in Elmira at 9AM. The Board Meeting will be followed by the Fall Mixed Doubles Bowling that after-noon. The Brothers & Sisters in Elmira are hard at work prepar-ing a great weekend for all of us. I ask each of you to makeevery effort to attend. Through my years as a Hibernian, I have found that you have to go far to beat the Elmira AOH/LAOH hospitality.

If anyone has digital pictures of the Convention, please forward them to our Webmaster Al Nor-ton at NYAOH.com

Be safe and enjoy the rest of the summer …God Bless.

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SecretaryJames Burke

Brothers, there is very little to report at this juncture. I am still in a transitional mode of wrap-ping up the finances of our re-cent State Convention before turning over the books to our incoming Treasurer, Tim McSweeney. That will takeplace very shortly.

I want to again thank you forthe confidence that you have placed in me by electing meyour State Secretary. I pledge to give you my best effort. In that role, I would like to remind all Divisions; and County Boards as well; that Form 9's not yet submitted are now well over-due. Please get them to me as soon as possible, even if there were no changes from last year. Thank you for your coopera-tion.

Remember the two upcomingState events. Our annual Jack Burns memorial golf tourna-ment will be held in Middle-town on September 26th, contact Dennis Browne at (845) 774-9436 for information. Also our Fall State Board meeting will beheld in Elmira on October 17th. In conjunction with that, the Elmira Division will be hosting our 2nd annual Pro Life Massand the annual mixed doubles bowling tournament which promises to be a great time.Mark your calendars and plan to attend these events. See you there.

District 3 Daniel Case

Brothers, I am delighted and honored to have been elected to the position of Director for Dis-trict #3.

I would ask that the divisions within my district (if they havetheir division on line) either email me their newsletter or; ifnot; send a copy to me at myaddress P.O. Box 147 Bald-winsville, NY 13027. I need your meeting date, in this way I can see what is happeningwithin my district area. Rest assured, I will be attending your meetings more that the requiredtime set forth by the NY StateBoard.

Please keep in mind that thisposition is new to me and I amrelying on you as my Brothers to keep me in the loop about things of concern to us and the Brotherhood. I will be with you in all matters concerning your relationship with the NY StateBoard, and will keep you in-formed of the happenings on the State level that have a direct impact on your division.

PLEASE feel free to contact meeither by email, phone or US Post with matters that I can as-sist you with. As your elected officer I stand ready to be of any assistance.

District 5 A. Warren Scullin

As I start my term as Director of District 5, a region that com-prises the Counties of Kings,

Queens and Richmond, I would like to thank all the brothers ofNew York State who supported my candidacy at the Conven-tion. I will always rememberyour input and enthusiasm dur-ing that time.

On August 1, I represented the State in assisting the brothers ofKings County at their Biennial Convention. At the conclusion of the County Convention I had the honor of installing Hugh Harvey as President as well as the newly elected County offi-cers. I wish the all officers of the County Board a very suc-cessful term.

District 5 has two recruitmentdrives planned for the month ofSeptember. The first one will be at Saint Rita Church located at 36-25-11th Street on Sunday, September 13 from noon to 5:00 p.m. The other recruitmentdrive will be at The Great IrishFair at Keyspan Park located at 1904 Surf Avenue, Coney Is-land, on the weekend of Sep-tember 19 and 20 from 11:00 am to 6:00 p.m. All brothers are welcome and encouraged to participate in the efforts to ex-pand membership in our order.

The Baile Na nGael Hall ofKings County will be hosting a Shamrock Ball on Saturday,November 8 at Resurrection Church, located at 2331 Gerrit-sen Avenue, 1229 at 8:00. Tick-ets are $25. For further informa-tion please call Jerry Callahanat (917) 582-7171.

Richmond County Division 4will also be sponsoring a Golf tournament on Friday, Septem-


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ber 18 at LaTourette Golf Course located at 1001 Rich-mond Hill Road. The shotgun start is at 8:00 a.m. The cost is$110 which includes a post tournament dinner at the club dining hall. Division 4 will alsobe celebrating Rev. Michael Martine’s (Division 4 Chaplain)installation as Pastor of Saint Joseph’s Church located at 466 Tompkins Avenue, on Saturday, September 20 at 3:00 p.m. Ifyou are interested in attending these events please call BrianNutley at (718) -351-6380.

At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Oc-tober 17, at Saint Peter’s Church, located at 55 Saint Mark Place, Richmond County will be participating in a memo-rial service for victims of theIrish Hunger who died while being treated for infectious dis-eases at the Marine Hospital of Staten Island during the years of 1845 to 1858. Following the service victims of the Hunger whose remains were recovered a few years ago at the Rich-mond County Courthouse Mu-nicipal Parking lot will be en-tombed at Moravian Cemeterylocated at 2205 RichmondRoad. The Hibernian coordina-tor is Bill Reilly and can becontacted at (347) 628-6188.

The Cu Chulainn Celtic Warrior Degree team of RichmondCounty will be conducting the Major Degree of our order on Saturday, October 24 at the Holy Rosary Church Hall lo-cated at 100 Jerome Avenue, Candidates are required to ar-rive at 2:00 P.M. with the De-gree commencing at 2:30 P.M. Reservations are due on Octo-

ber 15 and can be placed with Brian Nutley at (718)-351-6380.

Queens County will be having their County Dance on Satur-day, November 7 at the Irish American Center located at 295 Willis Avenue, Mineola. The Man of the Year is Walter Coo-per. Tickets are $60. For ticket information and if you are in-terested in placing a journal ad please contact Edward Rice at (917) 209-5829.

I can be reached at 917-751-1661, and I am looking forward to working with my fellow offi-cers of the State as well as theofficers of District 5 to promotethe good works of our order.

District 6 Vic Vogel

Greetings to all of our New York State Hibernian brothers from Nassau and Suffolk Coun-ties; there are many excitingevents taking place around the district. The Tara Court Major Degree Team will be perform-ing a major degree on Sunday, November 15th, at the Hiber-nian hall in Babylon. Division 2 President Pat Shannon re-quests that all candidates andtheir sponsors arrive and regis-ter by 1:00 pm. Ronnie Allen, president of Division 1 in Bay Shore, announced that his divi-sion will hold its annual picnic on September 12th. PresidentDominick Feeney reported that Division 4 held its annual Jim Reagan Memorial Golf Outing on August 31st at the BethpageRed Golf Course. Proceedsfrom the event benefitted the

food pantries of the local par-ishes in the Huntington area. Division 7 President, Jerry De-laney, announced that his divi-sion is holding its annual picnic on Saturday, September 12th. Chairman Tom Snyder and his crew will prepare food and fun for the multitudes at HeckscherState Park. Division 7 will holdits annual 5K Run on Sunday morning, September 20th. Forregistration information, call 631-581-9317. Division 11 President, Nigel Williamson,reports that they held their an-nual Hampton Bays St. Patrick'sParade fundraiser at the famousBoardy Barn on August 29th.

The Nassau County Hibernians are also having a busy summer.President Phil Baumgartner andthe brothers of Division 11 will host a golf outing on September12th at Rock Hill Country Club. Call Harry Deegan at 516-931-6661 for further information.Division 14 President Tim Myles is the newly appointed New York State Chairman ofFreedom for All Ireland. He will be reaching out to the divi-sion chairmen for continued support of the annual FFAI Christmas Appeal. PresidentKen Ferguson announced that his own Division 15 will hostits 3rd annual Pig Skin Pig Roast on Sunday, October 18th, at 3:00 pm at the Division 15 hall. Admission is $30. Con-tact Bernie Gilmartin at [email protected]. Tick-ets are limited. President RichO'Neill and the brothers of Di-vision 7 are organizing a fishing trip for September.


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For information regardingHibernian activities taking placein Nassau and Suffolk Counties, please feel free to contact me at631-513-9721. I will do mybest to get the right informationto the right people. Go mbean-nai Dia duit!

District 7 John O'Herron

Congratulations to all newly elected and appointed NYS Board Officers. I myself am honored to have been elected as District 7 Director. I look for-ward to meeting with the offi-cers and members of the divi-sions in my district as we work together to advance the goals of our order. Although regular meetings are suspended for the summer months, the divisions in District 7 remain active.Broome County's Msgr. Donal O'Callaghan Division hosted an AOH Golf Tournament on Au-gust 8th and had a bus trip to a Mets game with Andy Cooney on August 13th. The division participated in an Our Lady of Knock Mass organized by Broome County's LAOH Divi-sion # 2 at St. Paul's Church in Binghamton on August 30th. Regular meetings resume on September 22nd.

Chemung County's Msgr. John J. Lee Division has adopted nearby Cypress St. Park and the City of Elmira has posted a sign acknowledging their efforts. The division will host its Irish Festival on September 19th and is active in organizing the 10th Annual Josh Palmer Golf Tour-nament scheduled for October

4th. Division President Mark O'Herron and Corporation President Jut McInerny are busywith preparations for the up-coming Pro Life Mass, AOH NYS Board Meeting and Mixed Bowling Tournament to held in Elmira on October 17th.

The newly formed Otsego County Division #1 in Oneonta has named itself, "The Fighting 69th." Under the leadership ofPresident Bob Morrissey thedivision is making its presence known in the local community. They will hold their First An-nual Halfway to St. Patrick'sDay Party with music by Glen Ravel on October 26th at the Rainbow Inn in Oneonta. The proceeds of this event will be used to support the Wounded Warrior Project. The division is in the process of adopting a stretch of Otsego County High-way 47. Also a new website is in the workswww.fighting69thAOH.com,which will offer a forum exclu-sively for AOH members. This forum will require a passwordwhere members are able to dis-cuss AOH issues amongst each other excluding the general pub-lic.

Steuben County's Sons of Ire-land Division has committed toa member rotation on the 5o'clock hour for Perpetual Ado-ration each Tuesday afternoonat a chapel in St. Ann's School in Hornell. Hopefully this will start a trend for other divisions to follow. Also on St. Ann'sgrounds, the division hosted its Third Annual Irish Fest on Au-gust 15th featuring Pat Kane, the Drumcliffe Irish Dancers

and the Wild Geese as enter-tainment. Finally the division will run the 30th annual Irish Open Golf Tournament on Sep-tember 26th.

As a member of the John J. LeeDivision in Elmira, we offer our hospitality and hope for a solid turnout for the Po Life Mass as well as a productive Board Meeting and a successful Bowl-ing Tournament.

District 8 Kevin R. Cummings

First, I would like to thank theoutgoing state officers for their very successful and productive terms in office. Additionalthanks go out to our Albany brothers for hosting another great convention. I congratulate my incoming fellow officersand wish them well over theirtenure. As I assume the posi-tion of District 8 Director, I would like to extend specialthanks to Phil Sheridan, outgo-ing District 8 Director, for all his support, guidance and ad-vice during this transition.

Many district brothers are on well-deserved vacations andquite a few divisions have sus-pended meetings during the months of July and August. Come September, I look for-ward to working closely with our district divisions and plan on visiting as many as I can. I ask that they include me on their mailing/email lists so that Iam kept informed of their meet-ings and events. I will attemptto attend as many as possible.


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Congratulations to Rockland County on their successful bid to host the 2011 State Conven-tion in Pearl River, and for holding another successful an-nual feis in July at Bear Moun-tain. Congratulations are also in order for our Brother Hiber-nians in Ulster County for hold-ing the ever popular “Hooley on the Hudson” over the Labor Day weekend. Both events are yearly crowd pleasers and ex-emplary displays of Irish culture at its best. Keep up the good work!

I ask all Hibernians to support the Jack Burns Memorial An-nual Golf Tournament which will be held on Saturday, Sep-tember 26, 2009 at the Wallkill Golf Course in Orange County. Additional information, regis-tration and tee-sponsor formscan be found on the NYS -AOH website.

Veterans Affairs John M. Ryan

I want to take this opportunity to thank President Mc Lean forappointing me the new Chair-man of Veteran’s Affairs. As of the July Convention, this has become a permanent Chair ofthe State Board. County and Division Presidents are encour-aged to appoint their own Chairman of Veteran’s Affairs in their jurisdiction. In conjunc-tion with the establishment of the Veteran’s Chair a Veteranslink has been added to the state web site atwww.nyaoh.com/Veterans.html. The site contains much of the information I have reported

on in the past two years and contains links to many VA benefits and programs. Wehope that this will not only keep our AOH Veterans informed,but will be used as a recruitingtool by Organizers in signing up returning Veterans.

THE POST 9/11 GI BILL This bill differs in many ways from the “Montgomery GI Bill. You can down load the bill from the Department of Veter-ans Affairs web site. Click onEducation benefits. The Post 9/11 Bill is for individuals who have served on active duty for at least 90 days since Sept. 11, 2001 or individuals discharged with a service-connected dis-ability after 30 days. It pro-vides funding for tuition and fees, monthly housing allow-ance, and books and supplies. Check the web for further in-formation.

Adopt-A-Soldier Platoon, Inc., P.O. Box 1111, Fair

Lawn, N.J. 07410 www.adoptasoldierplatoon.org/This is a 501 c (3) organization that regularly sends supplies and care cartons to specific sol-diers or platoons overseas. It is a worthy activity for a Division or County Board to be involved in. They stay in direct contact with the soldier or the unit as their sponsor. The ChristmasSeason will be here before you know it. This is a wonderfulproject to be involved with.

HELP FOR MILITARYHOMEOWNERSThe stimulus package signed inFebruary by the President con-

tains a provision titled MILI-TARY HOMEOWNERS ASSIS-TANCE PROGRAM. Benefitswill be extended to certain mili-tary homeowners who bought homes before 7/1/06 and who sell homes before 9/30/12. HAP will provide assistance to military homeowners who re-ceive PCS orders and are unable to sell their homes. HAP will also assist wounded warriors who must relocate due to medi-cal reasons and survivingspouses of fallen service mem-bers who are forced to move.

Keep all our Veterans in your prayers. God bless America.

Charities & MissionsArnie Nagelhout

I am grateful to President"Chip" McLean for appointing me to be the New York State AOH chairman of Charities and Missions during his administra-tion. I held this position for 10 years before moving on to the National Board in the same ca-pacity. Now I am back where I started. I have always felt the works performed and moneyscontributed to others by all ju-risdictions should be reported. We need to know the good weare doing as an Irish Catholic organization for our church, charitable institutions and theunfortunate in our communitiesand around the world. Weshould not be keeping this in-formation a secret. A reminderto all, the National AOH bylawsrequire all jurisdictions to report their Charities and Missionswork to the State and National Boards for tabulation of the Or-


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der’s work. This information is also beneficial to our Organizerin his recruitment for new members. Irish Catholics are interested in joining an organi-zation that is doing some thingfor the community they live in. To facilitate reporting of infor-mation there are 2 forms avail-able on the NYS Web page. If you do not have access to the Internet, your District Directorwill have some copies you cansubmit.

With so many people in our country now struggling to sur-vive the hardships of life during this economic down turn, it should be easy for your jurisdic-tion to come up with some kind of program to help the unfortu-nate. Consider a food collection for the local food kitchen and/or assisting in serving food. Withthe winter months not long off, how about a program to collect bed linens and blankets for the local shelter? Most parishes have a St. Vincent de Paul So-ciety that is there to assist fami-lies get through a temporary tough time.

During the next 2 years I will beasking you to continue support-ing the charities of our Order through "Hibernian Charity", programs include ProjectSt. Patrick, Hibernian Hunger Project and Irish Way Scholar-ship Fund. Information will be coming soon about the Freedom for All Ireland Christmas ap-peal. Our state has been the largest contributor to this fund for years. In order for the New York State Board to makecharitable contributions, please support the NY State calendar

program, $25 per calendar. Chairman John Hennessy will have information available at the fall State Board meeting.Every jurisdiction should buy atleast one; if you are a larger di-vision; consider buying morethan one.

If you have a Chairman forCharities and Missions please ask him to contact me with his name, address and phone num-ber. If you haven't appointed a Chairman, and will be doing the work yourself let me know. You can email the information to meat: [email protected]. If you are not on the Internet send theinformation to me at 8422 Munson Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14304. I look forward to working with each jurisdictionin the state to make this a suc-cessful 2 years. PresidentMcLean has authorized a "2009 - 2011 New York State Chari-ties and Missions Award that will be presented to all jurisdic-tions that submit reports to this committee. You can use either the Single Event Form if you don't have much activity or the Long form to report quarterly, semiannually or annually.

F.F.A.I.Tim Myles

I want to thank the worthy President for my appointment to this important committee. As chairman I have three goals. 1) To keep the brothers informedof any issues regarding a united Ireland. 2) To encourage 100% participation of NYS divisions and county boards in the Na-tional Board Freedom for All

Ireland Christmas Appeal and 3) have more NYS AOH par-ticipation in the annual Bloody Sunday Commemoration March and tour.

A campaign is underway to have municipalities pass resolu-tions supporting a united Ire-land. This has to be done by lo-cal jurisdictions. Just like get-ting resolutions passed for Irish-American Heritage Month, thisneeds your involvement.Thanks to the brothers from Syracuse and Rockland Co. for their efforts in getting this done.Please work with your FFAI chair as well as PEC and public-ity chairman. The National PEC committee has set up a UnitedIreland campaign and blog. To be part of this, contact Jeff Nisler at [email protected].

More information will be com-ing from the National Board’s FFAI Christmas Appeal. There is no reason why every division and county board cannot make adonation and/or have membersjoin the $10.00 club. As Hiber-nians we commit ourselves to support a united Ireland. I am planning a downstate fundraiser for the Christmas Appeal. This was done upstate last year and was a great success. I will needthe support of District Direc-tors, Presidents and FFAIchairman to make this effort a success.

The annual Bloody Sunday Commemoration March and tour will be the last weekend in January. A tour will be arrangedby the national FFAI commit-


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tee. It is without a doubt a very rewarding experience. This is where the Christmas Appeal funds are distributed. Besides marching in solidarity with the Bloody Sunday families, you get to bond with brother and sister Hibernians from all over the USA as well as the brothers of Board of Erin. Please think about being part of the tour or join us for the weekend and you can see how grateful the people are for our donations.

Finally I want to thank the for-mer chairman Frank Corcoranas well as each Hibernian for your support. There are two Hibernians who passed recentlyand I would be remiss if I did not remember them. David Burke from Massachusetts whowas a great friend, fundraiser and someone I could rely on for advice. This past week Kevin Smith, an Irish entertainer andRepublican, died of a heart at-tack. Kevin was always there for any fundraiser. They will be missed.

ImmigrationDan Dennehy

I am honored to have been re-appointed Immigration Chair-man by our NYS AOH Presi-dent Chip McLean. I look for-ward to working with the new Board. The Immigration Caucus was very well attended and I have communicated with the participants since the Conven-tion. Thanks to National Treas-urer Jim McKay, State Organ-izer Ed Rice and Jim O’Brien, President Division 1, Erie for their assistance. Since the con-

vention, I have been working with our National Immigration Chairman Danny O’Connell to improve the Immigration sec-tion of our National AOH Web-site. The new page should be ready by the time you read this at www.aoh.com Thanks to Danny for attending our immi-gration caucus at the conven-tion.

In the past, our Order has taken the lead on immigration issuesfor the Irish in America. Thiswas accomplished by presentinga strong educated and unified voice. In order to achieve that goal, I am asking each County and Division President to ap-point an Immigration Chairman.Your Immigration Chairmanwill liaison with the National Chairman and myself.I am working with the Coalitionof Irish Immigration Centers to set up a visitors program forIrish Immigrants held in US de-tention centers. Please contact me if you are interested in par-ticipating.

Irish Senior Helpline - Irish President Mary McAleese andour Irish immigration centers in NY have established a senior helpline to listen to the issues ofour Irish seniors. The Irish Cen-ters in New York have been working with the support of theIrish Consulate in New York to develop this valuable new re-source for seniors in the New York area. The toll free numberfor the helpline is 1-877-997-5777

J1 Exchange Program – AOH members who are businessowners and are interested in

employing an Irish student for one year as part of a culturalexchange program please con-tact the Irish Immigration Cen-ter’s International ProgramsDepartment on 617-542-1900 ext. 38 or e-mail:[email protected].

As I am writing, news of Presi-dent Obama pushing Immigra-tion Reform to 2010 is being reported. I believe that we will see immigration legislation billscoming, including one from Senator Schumer, within thenext 12 months. It will be up to our membership to make our legislators act in our best inter-ests. We must tell our legisla-tors that AOH members and our families, live in and serve thenation and community, as well as contribute to the economy.Politicians listen to groups and organizations that meet regu-larly and VOTE in their city,town, county and State.

Tell them that we, the AOH, represent all like minded Irish Americans and Catholics andare willing to stand up for the future of our heritage and cul-ture by promoting a fair and ra-tional correction to the US Im-migration and Nationality Act of 1965, which severely cut the ties between the US and Ireland.

Please let me know of any is-sues, questions pertaining to Immigration that you may have. I can be reached at (914)588-2710 or email [email protected].

Important ContactsEmerald Isle Immigration Center www.eiic.org


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59-26 Woodside Avenue,Woodside, NY 11377 Phone: 718-478-5502Fax: 718-446-3727

4275 Katonah Avenue, Bronx, NY 10740 Phone: 718-324-3039Fax: 718-324-7741 E-mail: [email protected]

Coalition of Irish ImmigrationCenters551 Washington Street, Suite 4 Brighton, MA 02135 Phone: 617-987-0193 Fax: 617-987-0193 Email: [email protected]

Irish Lobby For ImmigrationReform875 Avenue of the Americas,Suite 2100, NY, NY 10001 Tel: 718 598 7530 Fax: [email protected]

OrganizerEdward Rice

Hello, I want to introduce my-self, Ed Rice, as your new State Organizer, and I want to express my appreciation and deep honor on being appointed by our State President, Charles “Chip” McLean. There is nothing morethat I can say, but that I hope to meet his and our State Board’s expectations. I wish my fellowState Board members best wishes in their pursuit of ourgoals for the next two years. I look forward to speaking with all our State Directors out there.We have a lot to do; so you can expect to hear from me soon. I have been a State Director, and currently, I’m back as Queens County President. So, I have to

take a deep breath. I will be in communication with our Na-tional Director, Chris Norris, whose committee chair is Na-tional Organizer.

In addition I have acquired a reverse Hibernian ceremonialbadge from Kings County Div 22 circa 1900. A St. Patrick'sDay Parade By-laws from 1987 and a New York State By-laws,revised 1956.During the State Organizer’s

committee meeting at the Con-vention, it was brought out how important it is for the Divisions to start the “organizing” ball rolling, with having organizing committees, getting the A.O.H. exposure in positive local events, utilizing grant money, and using a newsletter to set goals for recruitment and reten-tion.

Please call me at (917) 582-7171 to help add to this collec-tion.

Buy Irish Robert L. Flaherty

As we enter the fall, everybody I'm sure is real busy. Buy Irish is a new area for me, but I will do my best. I have been in con-tact with the last Buy Irishchairman, Paul O'Donnell, and we have exchanged informa-tion. I have several ideas to try and will be contacting divisionpresidents.

Again, I have to take a deep breath. But, let me say that mypredecessor, Liam McNabb, has given me some good leads to follow-up on, and I really want to thank him for his help.

See you at the next State Board meeting. And, now I’m off to Grosse Ile.

I hope to produce an extensive list of Irish pubs and places to purchase Irish products, listing them by city, with their ad-dresses, on our NYS web site which would help brothers visit-ing different cities to find placesto go.

Archives CommitteeJerry Callahan

We are setting up an ArchivesDisplay in our Hibernian Baile na nGael Headquarters. If any-one has any interesting artifacts to add to this display pleasecontact me immediately. Someitems I have come across in-clude:

If you have any ideas or places to list, please drop me a line at [email protected].

The deadline for the December2009 issue of The Empire StateHibernian is November 15, 2009. All executive board members, directors and com-mittee chairmen are encour-aged to contribute. Remember,without your input, there is no effective communication.

Delegates badges from the fol-lowing conventions: St. Paul Minn. 1941 Albany NY 1950 Brooklyn, NY 1939 Atlantic City NJ 1952 Troy NY 1946 Boston Mass. 1950


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Make checks payable AOH/JDJ Monroe, NY 9

Page 10: Empire State Hibernian - September 2009

Room Reservations: Comfort Inn 20 Hatfield Lane

Goshen, NY 10924 845-291-1282 10