Empire film magazine analysis

The layout for this magazine is not how the audience would normally see a empire magazine laid out. The different layout of the magazine makes it appealing to the target audience as they are seeing something different to what they would normally see. The magazine doesn’t have headings in a linear format it is going in towards the actor shown on the front cover. The Main title ‘Inception’ is in the middle of the page as it is the first thing the actor looks at and It is important information that will intrigue the audience into getting the magazine. The title of the film is almost as big as the title of the magazine. The audience get an idea from this that it is going to be a really good film and that they must go and watch it. Most of the information that is on the front cover is surrounding

Transcript of Empire film magazine analysis

Page 1: Empire film magazine analysis

The layout for this magazine is not how the audience would normally see a empire magazine laid out. The different layout of the magazine makes it appealing to the target audience as they are seeing something different to what they would normally see. The magazine doesn’t have headings in a linear format it is going in towards the actor shown on the front cover. The Main title ‘Inception’ is in the middle of the page as it is the first thing the actor looks at and It is important information that will intrigue the audience into getting the magazine. The title of the film is almost as big as the title of the magazine. The audience get an idea from this that it is going to be a really good film and that they must go and watch it. Most of the information that is on the front cover is surrounding the actor. This shows the audience the importance of the actor and the power he holds. The actor has been in many well known films therefore the audience already know that this film is going to be a big release. Therefore, the use of this layout is so the audience focus on Leonardo DiCaprio.

Page 2: Empire film magazine analysis

The use of the character Leonardo dicaprio featuring on the front cover of this magazine is important and a main selling point because he is a well known character staring in many well known films. This means the audience will be able to notice him on the front cover of this magazine and if they think highly of him from previous films this is more likely to draw them in to watch inception. Also, many films that he has been in such as: The wolf of wall street, Titanic , The great Gatsby are successful films. This shows the audience that inception is more than likely to be a successful film too which will definitely be worth watching. The pose that Leanardo is pulling is serious as if he wants revenge or is trying to solve something. It also comes across to the audience that he has power and confidence in himself. Therefore, this is releasing some of the storyline to the audience and making them more interested to find out what actually happens in the film, without releasing too much information. His facial expressions also fit in with the fact that the film genre is mystery/thriller ; involving some action. In my magazine I will make sure I use my main character of my film as it means the audience will start to connect with them straight away and it is more appealing for them because they know who to expect the main character to be.

Page 3: Empire film magazine analysis

The colours used are red, grey, black and white. The colour red has been used for the more important information such as ‘Empire’ and ‘Inception’ which is important for the audience to see first as it tells them what they are going to be reading about. The colour red as connotations of importance which means the audience are straight away looking at the titles in red. The colour black is effective as it stands out from the page due to the light background. Therefore, the audience are going to read it because it stands out. The colour scheme used really fits in with the genre of the film being mystery/thriller with action involved as they are basic colours but work together to create a action effect.

Page 4: Empire film magazine analysis

There are various subheadings on the front cover which allows the target audience to see what else it has to offer and what other articles will be promoted in the magazine. We can see all the subheadings are in bold san serif font as this stands out to the target audience and when they read the magazine they will remember to read about this certain films promoted on the front cover. Furthermore by having an Anchorage text at the top of the page ‘ The dark knight returns’ we are reaching out to a specific target audience and grabbing their attention. It is suggesting that the film has returned to the big screen. Therefore, any reader that has watched or enjoyed the dark knight are immediately going to be interested in how it has returned and will want to know what the magazine is all about.

The tagline for the magazine ‘ The world’s biggest movie magazine’ is in small writing but is very important because it helps sell the magazine. It does this because it is claiming to be the ‘ worlds biggest’. This straight away is grabbing the audiences attention as they think it is going to contain a lot of interesting/important information to do with the film industry. If the audience are interested in the film industry this tagline is going to straight away appeal to them.

Page 5: Empire film magazine analysis

The background of the magazine front cover is very effective because it makes everything stand out from the page especially the main character. This is important because Leanordo DiCaprio is a main selling point for this magazine and because he is a well known actor the audience are going to want to see him standing out of the page. The background also makes the actor look powerful as everything is behind him and he is standing tall in front of it all. This suggests to the audience that in the film he is going to be a strong character and maybe overcome something.

The use of low key lighting around the actor also shows he is a main character in the film inception and makes him stand out from the page as his suit is dark against the light behind him.

Leonardo is also holding a gun in the front cover which shows the audience that he is a powerful character and also reveal some of the storyline for the film. This is important that the audience know some of the storyline or a baseline of what is going to happen as it allows them to decide whether they are going to enjoy the film or not. Also, if they have an idea of what the expect they are more likely to give up time to watch the film than to have no idea and be disappointed.