Emergency Response Plan - Owen Sound

Emergency Response Plan City of Owen Sound Emergency Response Plan Schedule A Revised: January 21, 2019 By-law # 2019-022

Transcript of Emergency Response Plan - Owen Sound

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Response Plan

City of Owen Sound Emergency Response Plan Schedule A Revised: January 21, 2019 By-law # 2019-022

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Table of Contents



• Aim 7

• Purpose 7

• Authority 7

• Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act 7

• City of Owen Sound By-laws 8

• City of Owen Sound Emergency Management Program Committee 8


• Introduction 9

• Requests for Assistance 9

• Request - Provincial/Federal Assistance 9

• Definition of an Emergency 9

• Action Prior to Declaration 10

• Declared Municipal Emergency 10

• Declaration of a County Emergency 11

• Protection from Liability and Compensation 11



• Locations 14

• Incident Management System 14

• Incident Management System (IMS) Function Descriptions 15


• Operations 16

• Planning 16

• Logistics 16

• Finance/Administration 17


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Bluewater District School Board & Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board 19 Grey Bruce Health Services 19



• COMMAND SECTION 22 Mayor 22 EOC Command Chief (City Manager) 22 Liaison Officer – (CEMC) 23 Safety Officer (HR Supervisor/Health & Safety Coordinator) 24 Emergency Information Officer 24

• OPERATIONS SECTION 26 Operations Section Chief 26 Police Chief, Owen Sound Police Services 27 Fire Chief, Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services 27 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Director, Grey County 28 Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health 28 Emergency Site Manager (ESM) 29 Hydro One 29 Union Gas 29

• PLANNING SECTION 30 Director of Community Services 30 City Clerk 30 Chief Building Official 31 Manager of Parks and Open Spaces 31

• LOGISTICS SECTION 33 Director of Corporate Services 33 Supervisor of Human Resources 33 Manager of Information Technology 33 Purchasing Agent 34 Manager of Property 34 Director of Social Services – Grey County 34 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) 35 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) 35 Red Cross 35 Salvation Army 35 St. John Ambulance 36 Grey Bruce Health Services Administrator 36 Victim Services 36 Critical Incident Stress Team 36

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• FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION 37 Citizen Inquiry Supervisor (Manager of Revenue) 37


• Municipal Emergency Control Group & Emergency Site Manager 39

• ESM and Command & Control Structure of Emergency Responders 39

• City of Owen Sound, adjacent municipalities and Grey County 39

• Testing of the Plan 39

• Internal Procedures & Processes 39

• General and Government 42

• Legal 42

• Operational 43

• Economic and Financial 44



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ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service

CAO Chief Administrative Officer, Grey County

CBRN(E)Team: Chemical Biological-Radioactive-Nuclear-(Explosive) Team

CEMC Community Emergency Management Coordinator

COOP Continuity of Operations Planning

DND Department of National Defense (Canadian Forces)

DO, Assistant DO Duty Officer and Assistant Duty Officer

EIO Emergency Information Officer

EMO Emergency Management Ontario

EMS Emergency Medical Service

EOC Emergency Operations Centre

ESM Emergency Site Manager

IAP Incident Action Plan

IC/ICP Incident Commander/Incident Command Post

ICS Incident Command System

IMS Incident Management System

MECG Municipal Emergency Control Group

MCSCS Ministry of Correctional Safety and Community Services

OFMEM Office of The Fire Marshall and Emergency Management

OSPS Owen Sound Police Services

PEOC Provincial Emergency Operations Centre

PERT Provincial Emergency Response Team

PLAN Post Disaster Long Term Assistance Network

PNERP Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Team

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INTRODUCTION Emergencies are defined as situations or impending situations caused by forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an intentional act that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life and property. Emergencies affect public safety including the health, welfare and property of residents, businesses and visitors, as well as the environment and economic health of the City of Owen Sound. In order to protect residents, businesses and visitors, the City of Owen Sound requires a coordinated emergency response by a number of agencies under the direction of the EOC members. These are arrangements and procedures that are distinct from normal day-to-day operations carried out by emergency services. The Incident Management System (IMS) has been adopted in this Emergency Response Plan (Plan) to define the basic command structure and to identify roles and responsibilities to ensure effective management of an emergency. There has been a conscious change to IMS and encompassing the positions within the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) within the key areas of IMS. Every official, municipal department and agency must be prepared to carry out assigned responsibilities in an emergency. The Plan has been prepared to provide key officials, agencies and departments of the City of Owen Sound with important emergency response information related to: • Arrangements, services and equipment; and • Roles and responsibilities during an emergency.

In addition, it is important that the residents, businesses and interested visitors be aware of its provisions. Copies of the City of Owen Sound Emergency Response Plan may be viewed at City Hall and on-line at: Owen Sound Emergency Planning Website For more information, please contact: Community Emergency Management Coordinator 519-376-4440 ext. 3302 [email protected]

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• Aim The aim of this Plan is to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect the health, safety, welfare, environment and economic health of the residents, businesses and visitors of the City of Owen Sound when faced with an emergency. It enables a centralized, controlled and coordinated response to emergencies in the City of Owen Sound and meets the legislated requirements of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. For further details, please contact the Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC).

• Purpose The purpose of the City of Owen Sound Emergency Response Plan during an emergency is to facilitate the effective coordination of human and physical resources, services and activities necessary to: a) Protect and preserve life and property b) Minimize and/or mitigate the effects of the emergency on the residents and physical infrastructure of the City of Owen Sound; and c) Quickly and efficiently enable the recovery and restoration of normal services

• Authority The legislation under which the City of Owen Sound and its employees are authorized to respond to an emergency is found in: • The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9 as amended, and • City of Owen Sound By-law #2019-022.

• Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act Subsection 4 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. E. 9, as amended states that: “The head of council of a municipality may declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the emergency area.”

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• City of Owen Sound By-laws Council approved the Emergency Management Program and the Emergency Response Plan (By-law 2019-022) with the enactment of this By-law on January 21, 2019.

• City of Owen Sound Emergency Management Program Committee The Emergency Management Program Committee is comprised of the primary Municipal Emergency Control Group members. The CEMC is appointed as the Chair of the Committee with enactment of By-law 2019-022, dated January 21, 2019.

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• Introduction Only members of the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) with the authority to activate the procedure as defined in the MECG Staffing Positions descriptions may initiate the notification procedure. The contact phone numbers of the MECG Members and their alternates, along with MECG Support Staff Members and their alternates are contained in Appendix A. When an MECG member, with the authority to activate the plan, receives a warning of a real or potential emergency, that member will immediately contact the Duty Sergeant of the Owen Sound Police Services. The MECG member will request that the Duty Sergeant initiate the notification of the City of Owen Sound Primary MECG response fan-out list. At minimum the Mayor, City Manager, CEMC, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Operation Section Chief, Planning Section Chief and Emergency Information Officer (EIO) or their alternates will be notified. The member initiating the call must provide pertinent details (i.e. a time and place for the EOC members to meet) as part of the notification procedure. If deemed appropriate, the individual MECG member may initiate his/her own internal notification procedures of their staff and volunteer organizations.

• Requests for Assistance Once an emergency has been declared, the City may request assistance from Grey County or any of its member municipalities who are parties to the Grey County Mutual Assistance Agreement (Schedule Q). This is done by the City Manager contacting the CAO of the municipality from which the City wishes to request assistance. The request shall not be deemed to be a request that Grey County assumes authority and control of the emergency. Assistance may also be requested from the Province of Ontario at any time without any loss of control or authority. A request for assistance is made by contacting Emergency Management Ontario.

• Request - Provincial/Federal Assistance If locally available resources, including those which might be available from bordering municipalities and/or County sources, are insufficient to meet emergency requirements, then assistance may be requested from the province. Such requests should normally be directed through Emergency Management Ontario in Toronto by the CEMC.

• Definition of an Emergency

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Under Section 1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, an “emergency” means: “...a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the force of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise.”

• While a wide variety or types of emergencies may occur within the geographical area of the City of Owen Sound, our Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) shows the most likely of these to occur are: weather related; transportation accidents; power blackouts; large scale uncontrollable fires; a breakdown in the flow of essential services/supplies, or any combination thereof.

• Action Prior to Declaration When an emergency exists, but has yet to be declared to exist, municipal employees may take such action(s) under this Plan as may be required to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the residents, businesses and visitors to the City of Owen Sound.

• Declared Municipal Emergency The Mayor or Designate (as appointed according to By-law No. 2018-166 is responsible for declaring an emergency within the City of Owen Sound. This decision shall be made in consultation with other members of the MECG. Upon declaring an emergency, the Mayor or Designate will notify: • Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services • City of Owen Sound Council Members • CAO and Warden of Grey County • Staff • Public • Neighbouring Municipal Officials • Local Member of Parliament (MP) • Local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) A municipal emergency may be terminated at any time by: • Mayor or Designate • City of Owen Sound Council Members • Premier of Ontario When terminating an emergency, the Mayor or Designate will notify: • Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

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• City of Owen Sound Council Members • CAO and Warden of Grey County • Staff • Public • Neighbouring municipal officials (as required) • Local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) • Local Member of Parliament (MP)

• Declaration of a County Emergency The Grey County Warden (or designate)is responsible for declaring an emergency within Grey County under circumstances deemed appropriate by the Warden, and in consultation with members of the County Emergency Control Group. Such circumstances may include, but not limited to: • The Mayor or Designate of an affected municipality requests that Grey County

Emergency Plan be activated • The emergency affects a large portion of the inhabitants of more than one area Municipality within the County; or • The emergency requires extraordinary actions or expenditures or monies by one or more County services for the protection of life and property. When the resources of the City of Owen Sound are deemed insufficient to control the emergency, the Mayor or Designate for the City of Owen Sound may request assistance from Grey County, Once the Grey County emergency Management Plan is implemented, and Grey County is coordinating the emergency response, the Mayor or Designate, or a delegate selected by him/her to represent the City, will serves as a member, and must attend all meetings, of the County Emergency Control Group. In this role, he/she is responsible to give advice to the County Emergency Control Group regarding the City and to act as the liaison between the City and the County. All decisions made by the County Emergency Control Group (as appropriate) affecting the lives and property of the inhabitants within the City of Owen Sound shall be communicated to the City by the City’s delegate on the County Emergency Control Group. The remaining municipal staff from the Owen Sound MECG will continue to act as a support group or support staff to the Mayor or Designate.

• Protection from Liability and Compensation The Emergency Plans Act identifies that: “No action or other proceedings for damages lies or shall be instituted against a member

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of Council, an employee, a minister of the Crown or a Crown employee for doing or neglecting to do any act in good faith or in the implementation or intended implementation of an emergency plan or in connection with an emergency”. “Where money has been expended or cost is incurred by the municipality or the Crown in the implementation of an emergency plan or in connection with an emergency, the municipality or Crown, as the case may be, has the right of action against any person who caused the emergency for the recovery of such money or cost, and for the purpose of this section, “municipality” includes a local board of a municipality, a county and local services board.”

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EMERGENCY RESPONSE LEVELS AND ACTIONS RESPONSE LEVEL INITIAL ACTIONS BY MUNICIPALITY 1-Routine A routine incident, which the municipality has the capability to

handle within its own Standard Operating Guidelines. Generally, this is an emergency of a short duration and low impact.


The Mayor, City Manager, Director of Public Works and Engineering, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Director of Community Services, CEMC and Emergency Information Officer monitor the situation from their normal workplace or home.

3-Enhanced Activation

Members of the MECG (Mayor, City Manager, CEMC, Director of Public Works and Engineering, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Planning Section Chief, Director EMS and Emergency Information Officer) meet to discuss the events, current actions and potential for the incident to require activation of the EOC and MECG. This would be activated by one with authority to activate.

4- Full Activation

The EOC and full MECG are activated through the Owen Sound Police Services Duty Sergeant.

Enhanced Activation – implemented when a situation requires continual monitoring by the municipality. A community emergency is not imminent, but unforeseen circumstances could result in the situation becoming a threat to the community. An example would be indications for extreme weather or an emergency occurring in an adjacent community. Full Activation – the entire Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) assembles at the designated EOC. Organizations contacted ensure that they undertake their own internal and external notifications and contacts. The EOC Command Chief in conjunction with the four IMS sections coordinates the emergency response.

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• Locations The locations of the City of Owen Emergency Operations Centers are: Primary Secondary City Hall Owen Sound Police Services 808 2nd Avenue East 922 2nd Avenue West Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H4 Owen Sound, ON N4K 4M8 519-376-1440 519-376-1234 The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) can be activated for any incident for the purposes of managing an emergency by maintaining services to the community and supporting the emergency site.

• Incident Management System The direction and control structure for the City of Owen Sound’s emergency operations is based upon the Incident Management System (IMS). IMS is an internationally recognized, standardized emergency response system, which defines the basic command structure and the roles and responsibilities required for the effective management of the emergency. IMS is endorsed by Emergency Management Ontario. The benefits of using IMS include: enhanced technical and functional interoperability, integrated communications; and standard terminology. IMS consists of five key functions: 1. Command (Emergency Operation Centre) Management 2. Operations 3. Planning 4. Logistics 5. Finance/Administration

Figure 1: The 5 Key Functions of the Incident Management System




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• Incident Management System (IMS) Function Descriptions The Incident Management System (IMS) is a model for command, control and coordination of an emergency. It provides a way of coordinating the efforts of agencies and resources as they work together toward safely responding to an emergency incident. IMS consists of five key functions: EOC Management (Command), Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance/Administration.

Figure 2: The 5 Key Function Descriptions of the Incident Management System



Police Fire

Public Health Utilities

Engineering Public Works

Water & Wastewater Airport Transit


Situation Resources

Advanced Planning Documentation

LOGISTICS Telecommunications

IT Supplies




Recovery Donations





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EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRE – COMMAND UNIT The EOC management section has overall authority for the control and direction of the emergency response. EOC management has three (3) supporting functions: 1. Risk Management/Safety Officer (ensures good risk management practices are applied throughout the emergency) 2. Liaison (coordination of agencies involved in the response) 3. Emergency Information (dissemination of information to the media and public) The Command Staff are specifically designated, report directly to the Incident Commander, and are assigned responsibility for key activities that are not a part of the General Staff functional elements. Command Chief directly manages all incident tactical activities and implements the Incident Action Plan (IAP). The Emergency Information Officer (EIO) is responsible for interfacing with the public and media and with other agencies with incident related information requirements. The Emergency Information Officer (EIO) assembles accurate, accessible, and complete information on the incident’s cause, size, and current situation; the resources committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and external audiences. The Safety Officer monitors incident operations and advises Incident Command on all matters relating to operational safety, including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel. The Liaison Officer (CEMC) is Incident Command’s point of contact for representatives of other governmental departments and agencies and/or the private sector.

• Operations Operations coordinates the operational requirements and the response, directs resources and equipment as required to fulfill emergency management requirements. The Emergency Site Manager (ESM) / Incident Commander (IC) at the scene of the emergency are part of Operations away from the EOC.

• Planning Planning gathers information critical to the incident in order to develop, disseminate and evaluate Incident Action Plans (IAP’s).

• Logistics Logistics arranges for and coordinates all material, services, equipment and resources required to manage and resolve the emergency. Logistics tracks usage and current locations of these same items. Logistics is responsible for all service support requirements needed to facilitate effective and efficient incident management, including ordering resources from off-incident locations.

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Logistics also provides facilities, security, transportation of personnel, supplies, food services, communications and information technology support, and emergency responder medical services.

• Finance/Administration Finance/Administration perform duties related to administrative, financial, compensation, and claims specific to the emergency. This includes keeping track of incident related costs, staff compensation and claims.

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EOC STAFFING POSITIONS POSITION SECTION Mayor Command City Manager Command – Command Chief Engineering Services Administrator Command – Liaison Officer/CEMC Deputy Fire Chief Command – Liaison Officer/Alt CEMC Manager of Information Technology Command – Emergency Information Officer (EIO) HR Supervisor/Health & Safety Coordinator Command – Safety Officer Director of Public Works and Engineering Operations Section Chief Police Chief Operations Fire Chief Operations Grey County EMS Director Operations Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health Operations Emergency Site Manager – to be appointed Operations Hydro One and Union Gas – as required Operations Director of Community Services Planning Section Chief City Clerk Planning Chief Building Official Planning Manager of Parks and Open Space Planning Director of Corporate Services Logistics Section Chief Director of Grey County Social Services Logistics Supervisor of Human Resources Logistics Purchasing Agent Logistics Manager of Property Logistics Manager of Information Technology Logistics Victim Services Logistics Manager of Accounting Finance/Administration Section Chief Manager of Revenue/ Citizen Inquiry Supervisor Finance/Administration

Note: The Emergency Operations Centre may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency.

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OTHER AGENCIES In an emergency, many agencies may be required to work with the MECG. Two (2) such agencies are detailed below. Others might include Office of the Fire Marshall and Emergency Management (OFMEM), industry, volunteer groups, conservation authorities and provincial ministries.

Bluewater District School Board & Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board

The school boards are responsible for: • Providing any school (as appropriate and available) for use as an evacuation or reception center and a representative(s) to coordinate the maintenance, use and operation of the facilities being utilized as evacuation and reception centres • Ensuring liaison with the municipality as to protective actions to the schools (i.e.

implementing school stay in place procedure and implementing the school evacuation procedure).

Grey Bruce Health Services The Grey Bruce Health Services is responsible for: • Implementing the hospital emergency plan, as required • Ensuring liaison with the Medical Officer of Health and local ambulance representatives with respect to hospital and medical matters, as required • Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/ medical triage teams • Ensuring liaison with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as appropriate. PLAN Network The PLAN Network is responsible for:

1. PLAN stands for Post Disaster Long Term Assistance Network 2. PLAN is the group of social service providers in the Counties of Grey and Bruce 3. Victim Assistance is the lead contact for PLAN, which includes: Red Cross, 211,

Salvation Army, Bruce and Grey Social Services, Family Y Housing, Ontario Works Emergency Assistance, Ontario Disability Support Program, Habitat for Humanity, United Way Bruce-Grey, Safe N’ Sound

4. PLAN will work with those affected to guide them to the proper service providers 5. PLAN will set up and staff a registration center as required

OPERATING CYCLE Members of the MECG will gather at regular intervals to inform each other of actions taken and problems encountered. The EOC Command Chief will establish frequency of meetings and agenda items. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible thereby allowing members to carry out their individual responsibilities. The Clerk will maintain a status board and maps, which will be prominently displayed and kept up-to-date.

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Mayor The Mayor or Designate provides emergency policy and direction to the City’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). As Chair of the Command Group, the Mayor or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Activate the emergency notification system through the Owen Sound Police Dispatch Duty Sergeant • Provide overall emergency policy and direction to the EOC Command Chief (City Manager) • Act as the primary spokesperson for the Municipality. • Authorize the release of information on behalf of the City, or delegate that authority to the EOC Command Chief and/or Emergency Information Officer • Issue authoritative instructions, information and warnings to the general public by way of the media as authorized and requested by various agencies. • Declare an emergency within the designated area • Ensure the Members of Council are advised of the declaration and termination of an emergency, and are kept informed of the emergency situation. • Declare that the emergency has terminated (Note: Members of Council may also terminate the Emergency) • Notify Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of the declaration of the emergency and termination of the emergency. • Notify the Grey County Warden of the declaration of the emergency and termination of the emergency, or of the activation or partial activation of the EOC. • Notify the public of the declaration and termination of an emergency. • Request County government assistance, as required. • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

EOC Command Chief (City Manager) The City Manager is the EOC Command Chief for the City of Owen Sound. The EOC Command Chief or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Activate the emergency notification system through the Owen Sound Police Dispatch Duty Sergeant • Determine which management staff positions are required and ensure they are filled as soon as possible:

� Emergency Information Officer � Liaison Officer

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� Safety Officer � Scribes

• Determine what sections are needed, assign personnel as appropriate and ensure they are staffing their areas as required • Chair the EOC Section meetings • Exercise overall management responsibility for the coordination between response and supporting agencies in the Emergency Operations Centre, and set priorities for response efforts in the affected areas • Establish the appropriate staffing level for the EOC and continuously monitor organizational effectiveness to ensure that appropriate modifications occur as required • Liaise with the Mayor on policies and procedures, as appropriate • Approve, in conjunction with the Mayor, major announcements and media releases prepared by the Emergency Information Officer, in consultation with the EOC members • Appoint the Emergency Site Manager in consultation with EOC members from

the lead agency • Ensure that a communication link is established between the EOC members and the Emergency Site Manager (ESM) • Ensure risk management principles and procedures are applied to all EOC activities • Call upon additional municipal staff to provide assistance, as required • Ensure that operational periods are established and that initial EOC response priorities and objectives are decided and communicated to all involved parties • Appoint alternate EOC members when an identified position is vacant at the time of an emergency • Document all decisions/approvals • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Liaison Officer – (CEMC) The Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) acts as the Liaison Officer. As a support function of the Command (EOC Management), the Liaison Officer serves as the primary contact for assisting or supporting organizations and has the following responsibilities:

• Advises Command (EOC Management) of issues related to outside assistance and support, including current or potential inter-organization needs • Gathers information from and about organizations that are involved with the incident. This includes obtaining, from their representatives, information about standard and specialized resources they might have, or special support that they might need, and whether there are considerations or restrictions that may impact how such resources may be used • Serves as a coordinator for organizations not represented in EOC

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• Provides briefings to organization representatives about the operation • Activate the emergency notification system of the local amateur radio operators group, (if required) • Maintains a list of supporting and assisting organizations, and keeping it updated as the incident evolves • Ensure that the operating cycle is met by the Municipal Emergency Control

Group (MECG) and related documentation is maintained and kept for future reference.

• Maintain the records and logs for the purpose of the debriefs and post-emergency reporting.

• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.

Safety Officer (HR Supervisor/Health & Safety Coordinator) Consideration should be given to appoint a qualified individual to be become the Safety Officer for the duration of the emergency to primarily oversee safety and ensure:

• That good risk management practices are applied throughout the response organization at the EOC • Monitors safety conditions and develops safety measures • Provides advice on safety issues • In consultation with the Operations Chief and Planning Section Chief, create

systems and procedures related to the overall health and safety of all incident responders

• Safety Officer has the authority to halt or modify any and all unsafe operations within or outside the scope of the EOC • Monitors situations for risk exposures and ascertains probabilities and potential consequences of future events • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Emergency Information Officer The Emergency Information Officer acts as a support function to the Command (EOC Management). The Information Officer or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Serve as the coordination point for all public information, media relations and internal information sources for the EOC • Establish a communication link with the Information Officer for Grey County, the Citizen Inquiry supervisor and any other Media coordinators (i.e. agency, Regional, Provincial, Federal, private industry etc.) involved in the incident ensuring that all information released to the media and public is timely, full & and accurate • Liaison with the EOC to obtain up-to-date information for media releases, co- ordinate individual interviews and organize press conferences • Ensure that the following are advised of the telephone number of the Media Centre.

� Media

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� EOC members � Switchboard (City of Owen Sound) � Community Spokesperson � Police Public Relation Officer � Neighbouring communities, and Grey County � Citizen Inquiry Supervisor � Any other appropriate persons, agencies or business, including 211

• Provide direction and regular updates to the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor to ensure that the most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public • Provide Social Media coverage • Monitor news and Social Media coverage and correct any erroneous information and provide bona fide issues and concerns to the Command Chief • Maintain copies of media releases and newspaper articles pertaining to the emergency • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken • Ensure that the media releases are approved by the Command Chief (in

consultation with the Mayor) prior to dissemination, and distribute hard copies of the media release to Council, EOC members, Citizen Inquiry Supervisor and other key persons handling inquiries from the media

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• OPERATIONS SECTION The Director of Public Works and Engineering is the Operations Section Chief

Operations Section Chief As a member of Operations, the Operations Section Chief or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Provide the EOC with information and advice on engineering and public works matters • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assign the Site Manager and inform the EOC • Maintain a communications link between Incident Commanders at the site(s) for the purpose of coordinating the overall response, resource requests and event status information • Ensure liaison with the public works representative from the neighbouring communities and Grey County to ensure a coordinated response • Ensure provision of engineering assistance • Ensure construction, maintenance and repair of City roads • Ensure the maintenance of sanitary sewage and water systems, • Provide equipment for emergency pumping operations • Ensure liaison with the Fire Chief concerning emergency water supplies for firefighting purposes • Provide emergency potable water, supplies and sanitation facilities to the requirements of the Medical Officer of Health • Discontinue any public works service to any resident, as required, and restoring these services when appropriate • Ensure liaison with public utilities to disconnect any service representing a hazard and/or to arrange for the provision of alternate services or functions, • Provide public works facilities, vehicles, equipment and personnel as required by any other emergency services • Coordinating the acquisition, distribution and scheduling of various modes of transport (i.e., public transit, school buses, trains, boats, and trucks) for the purpose of transporting persons and/or supplies, as required, by members of the EOC and the support and advisory staff • Ensure liaison with the conservation authority regarding flood control, conservation and environmental matters, and being prepared to take preventative action • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

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Police Chief, Owen Sound Police Services The Chief of the Owen Sound Police Service or designate, as a member of Operations, has the following responsibilities:

• Activate the emergency notification system through the Owen Sound Police Dispatch Duty Sergeant • Maintain a communications link between Incident Commanders at the site(s) for the purpose of coordinating the overall response, resource requests and event status information • Ensure liaison with Grey County Social Services regarding the establishment, security and operation of evacuation and reception centers • Ensure the protection of life and property and the provision of law and order • Provide police services in other facilities, as required • Notify the coroner of fatalities • Ensure liaison with other community, provincial and federal police agencies, as required • Provide an Emergency Site Manager, if required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Fire Chief, Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services As a member of Operations, the Fire Chief or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Activate the emergency notification system through the Owen Sound Police Dispatch Duty Sergeant • Provide the MECG with information and advice on firefighting and rescue matters • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assign the Site Manager and inform the MECG • Maintain a communications link between Incident Commanders at the site(s) for the purpose of coordinating the overall response, resource requests and event status information • Inform the Mutual Aid Fire Coordinator and/or initiating mutual aid arrangements for the provision of additional firefighters and equipment, if needed • Determine if additional or special equipment is needed and recommend possible sources of supply, e.g., breathing apparatus, protective clothing • Provide assistance to other community departments and agencies and be prepared to take charge of or contribute to non-firefighting operations if necessary e.g. rescue, first aid, casualty collection, evacuation • Provide advice and clarification about the implementation details of the Emergency Response Plan • Provide an Emergency Site Manager, if required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

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Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Director, Grey County As a member of Operations, the Director, Grey County EMS or designate, has the following responsibilities:

• Ensure emergency medical services at the emergency site • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assign the Site Manager and inform the EOC • Maintain a communications link between Incident Commanders at the site(s) for the purpose of coordinating the overall response, resource requests and event status information • Obtain emergency medical services from other municipalities for support, if required • Ensure triage at the site • Advise the EOC if other means of transportation are required for large-scale response • Ensure liaison with the receiving hospitals • Ensure liaison with the Medical Officer of Health, as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health As a member of Operations, the Medical Officer of Health (MOH), or designate, has the following responsibilities:

• Activate the emergency notification system through the on-duty Sergeant, Owen Sound Police Service • Act as a coordinating link for all emergency health services at the EOC • Ensure liaison with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Public Health Branch • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assign the Site Manager and inform the MECG • Maintain a communications link between the senior health official at the site(s) for the purpose of coordinating the overall response, resource requests and incident status information • Ensure liaison with the ambulance service representatives • Provide advice on any matters that may adversely affect public health; • Provide authoritative instructions on health and safety matters to the public through the Emergency Information Officer • Coordinate the response to disease-related emergencies or anticipated emergencies such as epidemics, according to Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care policies • Ensure coordination of all efforts to prevent and control the spread of disease during an emergency • Notify EOC of the need for potable water supplies and sanitation facilities • Ensure liaison with Community and Health Services on areas of mutual concern regarding health services in evacuee centers

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• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Emergency Site Manager (ESM) The EOC Command Chief, in consultation with the EOC members, from the lead agency involved will appoint the Emergency Site Manger (ESM) in the specific type of emergency.

• Once appointed, this individual will no longer be responsible for the operations or command of his/her agency. The ESM will report directly to the Operations Manager • Request assistance from responding agencies for communications and other emergency site tools • Ensures priorities, tasks and tactics have been established in an Incident Action Plan to contain the event • Ensure that responding agencies are aware of human and material resources that are available to mitigate the emergency • Ensure agencies address the needs of their staff with regard to stress, fatigue, food, shelter and relief • Maintain a communication link with the Command Chief at the EOC for the flow of accurate information and assistance in management of the emergency; • Exercise foresight as to the future events in management of the emergency such as resource requirements, weather, lighting, etc. • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Hydro One As a member of Operations, the Utility Representative – Hydro One has the following responsibilities:

• Monitor the status of power outages and customers without services • Provide updates on power outages, as required; • Provide liaison with other area Hydro Utilities, as required; • Ensure liaison with the Operations Section Chief; • May provide assistance with accessing generators for essential services, or other temporary power measures.

Union Gas As a member of Operations, the Utility Representative – Union Gas has the following responsibilities:

• Monitor the status of outages and customers without services • Provide updates on outages, as required • Ensure liaison with the Operations Section Chief • May provide assistance with accessing providing for essential services, or other

temporary measures

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• PLANNING SECTION Planning gathers information critical to the incident in order to develop, disseminate and evaluate incident action plans. The Director of Community Services is the Planning Section Chief.

Director of Community Services The Planning Section Chief or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Collect, analyze, and display situational information • Prepare periodic Situation Reports • Prepare and distribute Incident Action Plan (IAP) and facilitate Action Planning

process • Conduct Advance Planning activities and report • Document and maintain files on all EOC activities • Provide technical support services to the various EOC sections and branches; • Keeps the EOC Command Chief informed of significant issues affecting the

Planning Section • In coordination with the EOC sections ensures that Status Reports are completed

and utilized as a basis for EOC Situation Reports and Incident Action Plan (IAP) • Provide staff to assist the Emergency Information Officer • Provide accurate up-to-date mapping for the Municipality and surrounding area, in

consultation with GIS staff • Provide property data as required by the EOC sections • Provide general planning assistance to the EOC sections • Coordinating the use of Municipal facilities in consultation with Grey County Director

of Social Services • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

City Clerk As a member of Planning, the Clerk or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Ensure all important decisions made and actions taken by EOC members are recorded • Collect, organize and file all completed event or disaster-related forms, including: all EOC Position Logs, Situation Reports, Incident Action Plans, and any other related information, just prior to the end of each operational period • Ensure that maps and status boards are kept up to date, in consultation with the Community Services Department and GIS staff • Provide a process for registering EOC members, and maintaining an EOC member list • Notify the required support and advisory staff about the emergency and the location of the Emergency Operations Centre • Arrange for printing of material, as required

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• Distribute EOC Situation Reports, Incident Action Plan, and other documents, as requested • Maintain a permanent archive of all Situation Reports and Incident Action Plans associated with the emergency • Maintain and record decisions made and actions taken • Upon direction by the Mayor, ensure that all Members of Council are advised of the declaration and termination of the emergency • Upon direction by the Mayor, arrange special meetings of Council, as required, and advise Members of Council about the time, date, and location of the meetings • Provides advice to the Mayor and IMS sections with respect to interpretation of legislation governing the control of response to an emergency by the EOC members • Seek legal advice to the EOC sections on matters, as they apply to the actions of the municipality in its response to the emergency, as requested • Protects the interests of all EOC members, agencies and organizations by ensuring due diligence in information collection, decision-making, and implementation • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Chief Building Official The Chief Building Official or designate shall:

• Undertake field review to determine overall safety of buildings or structures directly or indirectly affected by the incident - field review may require the assistance of an aircraft for photographing • Issue any orders as required for required remedial actions to be undertaken; • Proceed with any actions required to “make safe” any building or structure • Advise the Command Chief on the overall safety of buildings or structures directly or indirectly affected by the incident • Retain the services of a structural engineer(s) as required to assist in the review of buildings • Provide assistance to neighbouring municipalities as required • Receive assistance from neighbouring municipalities as required and when required, in the discretion of the Chief building official or alternate, engage and obtain the services and assistance of building officials from other municipalities • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Manager of Parks and Open Spaces The Manager of Parks and Open Spaces or designate shall:

• Undertake a review of the damage to all trees within the City • Issue instructions on the removal of trees that encumber utility or other access required, as well as vehicular movement within the City • Proceed with securing additional staff and resources as required

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• Provide assistance to neighbouring municipalities as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

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• LOGISTICS SECTION Logistics arranges for and coordinates all material, services, equipment and resources required to manage and resolve the emergency. Logistics tracks usage and current locations of these items. The Director of Corporate Services or designate is the Logistics Section Chief.

Director of Corporate Services The Logistics Chief has the following responsibilities:

• Coordinate the provision of all resources • Develop telecommunications plan • Provide incident telecommunication/IT services and resources • Set up food services • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Supervisor of Human Resources As a member of Logistics, the Supervisor of Human Resources or designate has the following responsibilities:

• Coordinate and process requests for Human Resources • Coordinate offers of, and appeals for, volunteers with the support of the MECG • Select the most appropriate site(s) for the registration of human resources • Ensure records of Human Resources and administrative detail, that may involve financial liability, are completed • Ensure that a Volunteer Registration Form is completed when volunteers are involved, and a copy of the Form is retained for City records • Ensure identification cards are issued to volunteers and temporary employees, where practical • Coordinate transportation of personnel to and from site(s), in consultation with the Command Chief at the EOC • Obtain assistance, if necessary, from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, as well as other government departments, public and private agencies and volunteer groups • Procure staff to assist, as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Manager of Information Technology As a member of Logistics, the Manager of Information Technology or designate has the following Responsibilities:

• Initiate the necessary action to ensure the telephone system at the Municipal offices and EOC function as effectively as possible, as the situation dictates • Ensure that the Emergency Communications Centre is properly equipped and

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staffed with appropriate technical staff to maintain equipment and trouble shoot problems • Provide GIS support • Maintain an inventory of community and private sector communications equipment and facilities within the community, which could, in an emergency, be used to augment existing communications systems • Make arrangements to acquire additional communications resources during an emergency • Arrange for the operation and integration of all fax machines, computers and other technological resources as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Purchasing Agent As a member of Logistics, the Purchasing Agent or designate is responsible for:

• Providing and securing equipment and supplies not owned by the City of Owen Sound • Ensuring liaison with Finance/Administration Section in order to assist with maintaining accurate records of expenses • Ensuring liaison with purchasing agents of the neighbouring communities and Grey County, if necessary • Ensuring liaison with Operations Section in the event any outside supplier or

contractor is required • Maintaining and updating a list of all vendors (including 24-hour contact numbers), who may be required to provide supplies and equipment • Ensuring emergency fuel contracts for vehicles and standby generators is active and in good standing • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Manager of Property As a member of Logistics, the Manager of Property or designate is responsible for:

• Arrange to have City facilities opened in a timely manner • Arrange for security at these facilities as required • Coordinate and oversee the management of essential facilities and sites • Coordinate the acquisition of additional facilities • Coordinate the restoration of utilities and critical services at essential facilities • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Director of Social Services – Grey County As a member of Logistics, the Director of Social Services – Grey County has the following responsibilities:

• Ensure the well-being of residents who have been displaced from their homes by arranging emergency lodging, clothing, feeding, registration and inquiries and

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personal services • Supervise the opening and operation of temporary and/or long-term evacuee centers, and ensuring they are adequately staffed • Ensure liaison with the Police Chief with respect to the pre-designation of evacuee centers that can be opened on short notice • Liaise with the Medical Officer of Health on areas of mutual concern regarding operations in evacuee centers • Ensure that a representative of the Bluewater District School Board and/or the Grey Bruce Catholic District School Board is/are notified when facilities are required at evacuee reception centers, and that staff and volunteers utilizing the school facilities take direction from the Board representative(s) with respect to their maintenance, use and operation • Ensure liaison with community support agencies through Victim Services (PLAN) • Ensure liaison with area Homes for the Aged and Nursing Homes as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) On request from the City: • Provide for the sheltering and feeding of animals. • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) On request from the City: • Provide a representative to the City’s EOC to determine the amateur radio communication needs and capabilities • Activate emergency notification procedures for the Saugeen Sector of the Amateur Radio Emergency Services operators • Ensure that the EOC is properly equipped and staffed • Establish an area wide radio network in the event of a telephone failure • Coordinate the deployment of amateur radio operators and resources during an emergency according to the needs of the EOC. • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Red Cross On request from Victim Services (PLAN): • Assist with registration and Inquiry functions at the reception centre(s) • Collaboratively work with the County of Grey Social Services to provide shelter and mass care • Assist in donation management and service group volunteer management. • Maintain a log of all actions taken

Salvation Army On request from Victim Services (PLAN):

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• Provide trained staff for personal services at reception centers • Provide support to site personnel • Assist in donation management and volunteer management • Maintain a log of all actions taken

St. John Ambulance On request from the City or Victim Services (PLAN): • Provide first aid services at reception centers • Provide assistance to EMS by providing first aid at the site level • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Grey Bruce Health Services Administrator During an emergency, the GBHS Administrator or designate is responsible for: • Implementing their respective Hospital Emergency Plan • Liaise with the Medical Officer of Health and local EMS representatives with respect to hospital and medical matters, as required • Evaluate requests for the provision of medical site teams • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Victim Services On request from the City: • Provide crisis counselling • Liaise with the members of PLAN (Red Cross, 211, Salvation Army, Grey and

Bruce County Social Services, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Habitat for Humanity, United Way Bruce-Grey and Safe N’ Sound)

• Maintain a log of all actions taken

Critical Incident Stress Team The CIS Team is available for stress debriefing during and succeeding emergencies and major incidents. Contact 289-239-7978 Canadian Critical Incident Stress Foundation Critical Incident Street Team Website

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• FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION SECTION Finance/Administration performs duties related to administration, finance and staffing specific to the emergency. This includes keeping track of incident-related costs, purchasing and compensation and claims. The Manager of Accounting or designate is the Finance and Administration Section Chief. The Manager of Accounting has the following responsibilities:

• Provide information and advice on financial matters as they relate to the emergency • Activate units within Finance/Administration, as required • In consultation with the EOC Command Chief, confirm adequacy of expenditure

limits as identified in the Purchasing Policy • Ensure there is a continuum of payroll process for all employees • Ensure liaison, if necessary, with the Treasurers/Directors of Finance of neighbouring communities and Grey County • Ensure that records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes; • Ensure the prompt payment and settlement of all the legitimate invoices and claims issued during an emergency • Ensure all requirements under the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program are met by the municipality and submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing within 14 days of the emergency • Facilitates the Recovery Plan for the City of Owen Sound • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

Citizen Inquiry Supervisor (Manager of Revenue) The Financial Services Supervisor or designate is the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor. The Citizen Inquiry function is located at City Hall. This emergency position is part of the information function supporting the Command (EOC Management). The Citizen Inquiry Supervisor has the following responsibilities:

• Coordinate the provision of clerical staff to assist in the Emergency Operations Centre as required • Establish a Citizen Inquiry Service, including the appointment of personnel and designation of telephone lines • Inform the Emergency Information Officer of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number(s) • Inform the affected emergency services, the EOC and City switchboards of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone numbers • Ensure operators are informed of MECG members' telephone numbers in the EOC • Ensure liaison with the Emergency Information Officer to obtain current

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information on the emergency • Respond to and re-direct inquiries and reports from the public based upon information from the Emergency Information Officer (such information may be related to school closings, access routes or the location of evacuee centers) • Respond to, and redirect inquiries pertaining to, the investigation of the emergency, deaths, injuries or matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to the appropriate emergency service • Respond to, and redirect inquiries pertaining to, persons who may be located in evacuation and reception centers to the registration and inquiry telephone number(s) • Procure staff to assist, as required • Maintain a personal log of all actions taken

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• Municipal Emergency Control Group & Emergency Site Manager Depending on the nature of the emergency, and once the Site Manager has been assigned, the MECG relationship with the ESM is to offer support with equipment, staff and other resources, as required. The MECG will also ensure that the rest of the community maintains municipal services.

• ESM and Command & Control Structure of Emergency Responders The senior representative for each emergency responder (police, fire, EMS, public works) at the site will consult with the ESM so as to offer a coordinated and effective response. Regular briefings will be held at the site and chaired by the ESM to establish the manner and process to the emergency.

• City of Owen Sound, adjacent municipalities and Grey County In the event of an emergency, it is important that the two levels of local government operate in a cohesive, planned manner. This Emergency Response Plan contemplates the sharing of resources in order to provide the citizens of the City of Owen Sound and Grey County with an effective, planned and cooperative approach to emergency management. During an emergency, the City Manager may request assistance from other municipalities in Grey County. See Appendix Q for the complete mutual assistance program including, but not limited to, in the form of Building Official personnel, services, equipment and/or material. It is recognized that, in the event of a large scale emergency involving several or all of the nine area municipalities, the ability of Grey County to provide staff to all nine EOCs and the County EOC may become strained, in which case the local area municipality may receive assistance from those agencies by communications link, rather than a direct presence in the local EOC.

• Testing of the Plan Annual exercises will be conducted in order to test the overall effectiveness of this Plan and provide training to the Emergency Control Group and on-site personnel. Revisions to this Plan should incorporate recommendations stemming from such exercises.

• Internal Procedures & Processes Each department and service involved with this Plan will prepare functional emergency procedures or guidelines outlining how it will fulfill its responsibilities during an emergency. Each department and service will ensure that it designates a member of its staff to

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maintain and revise its own emergency procedures or guidelines.

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(Note: All references in this document refer to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.9, as amended 2003) *This checklist is for use by municipal heads of council considering the declaration of an emergency within their municipality. This checklist is not intended to provide any sort of legal advice – it is merely a reference tool. An emergency is defined under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act as “a situation, or an impending situation caused by the forces of nature, an accident, an intentional act or otherwise that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life or property” [Section 1, definition of an emergency]. Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, only the head of council of a municipality (or his or her designate) and the Premier have the authority to declare an emergency. These individuals, as well as a municipal council, have the authority to terminate an emergency declaration [Sections 4 (1), (2), (4)]. An emergency declaration may extend to all, or any part of the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the municipality [Section 4 (1)]. If the decision is made to declare an emergency, the municipality must notify Emergency Management Ontario (on behalf of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services) as soon as possible [Section 4 (3)]. Although a verbal declaration of emergency is permitted, all declarations should ultimately be made in writing to ensure proper documentation is maintained. Written declarations should be made on municipal letterhead, using the template provided by Emergency Management Ontario, and should be faxed. When declaring an emergency, please notify the Provincial Operations Centre. When considering whether to declare an emergency, a positive response to one or more of the following criteria may indicate that a situation, whether actual or anticipated, warrants the declaration of an emergency:

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• General and Government Is the situation an extraordinary event requiring extraordinary measures? [Section 4 (1) permits a head of council to “take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law” during an emergency.] Does the situation pose a danger of major proportions to life or property? [Section 1, definition of an emergency] Does the situation pose a threat to the provision of essential services (e.g., energy, potable water, sewage treatment/containment, supply of goods or medical care)? [Some situations may require extraordinary measures be taken or expenditures be made to maintain or restore essential services. A declaration of emergency may allow a head of council to expend funds outside of his or her spending resolutions and/or the regular approval process of the municipality. Does the situation threaten social order and the ability to govern? [Whether due to a loss of infrastructure or social unrest (e.g., a riot), a crisis situation has the potential to threaten a council’s ability to govern. In such cases, extraordinary measures may need to be taken. Section 4 (1) provides for extraordinary measures, not contrary to law. Section 55 (1) of the Police Service Act provides for the creation of special policing arrangements during an emergency.] Is the event attracting significant media and/or public interest? [Experience demonstrates that the media and public often view the declaration of an emergency as a decisive action toward addressing a crisis. It must be made clear that an “emergency” is a legal declaration and does not indicate that the municipality has lost control. An emergency declaration provides an opportunity to highlight action being taken under your municipal emergency response plan.] Has there been a declaration of emergency by another level of government? [A declaration of emergency on the part of another level of government (e.g., lower-tier, upper-tier, provincial, federal) may indicate that you should declare an emergency within your municipality. For example, in the event of a widespread disaster affecting numerous lower-tier municipalities within a county, the county will likely need to enact its emergency response plan and should strongly consider the declaration of an emergency. In some cases, however, a declaration of emergency by a higher level of government may provide sufficient authorities to the lower-tier communities involved (e.g., municipalities operating under the authority of a provincial or federal declaration).]

• Legal Might legal action be taken against municipal employees or councillors related to their actions during the current crisis? [Section 11 (1) states that “no action or other proceeding lies or shall be instituted against a member of council, an employee of a municipality, a minister of the Crown or a Crown employee for doing any act or neglecting to do any act in good faith in the implementation or intended implementation

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of an emergency management program or an emergency plan or in connection with an emergency.” Section 11 (3), however, states “subsection (1) does not relieve a municipality of liability for the acts or omissions of a member of council or an employee of the municipality….”] Are volunteers assisting? [The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act provides that persons who assist in connection with a declared emergency are considered “workers” under the Act and are eligible for benefits if they become injured or ill as a result of the assistance they are providing. This is in addition to workers already covered by the Act.]

• Operational Does the situation require a response that exceeds, or threatens to exceed the capabilities of the municipality for either resources or deployment of personnel? [Section 4 (1) permits the head of council to “take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan.” Section 13 (3) empowers a municipal council to “make an agreement with the council of any other municipality or with any person for the provision of any personnel, service, equipment or material during an emergency.”] Does the situation create sufficient strain on the municipal response capability that areas within the municipality may be impacted by a lack of services, thereby further endangering life and property outside areas directly affected by the current crisis? [Some situations may require the creation of special response agreements between the municipality and other jurisdictions, private industry, no government organizations, etc. Section 13 (3) states that the “council of a municipality may make an agreement with the council of any other municipality or with any person for the provision of personnel, service, equipment or material during an emergency.”] Is it a consideration that the municipal response may be of such duration that additional personnel and resources may be required to maintain the continuity of operations? [In the event of a large -scale crisis, such as an epidemic or prolonged natural disaster, municipal resources may not be able to sustain an increased operational tempo for more than a few days. This is particularly true if emergency workers are injured or become ill as a result of the crisis. In such a case, the municipality may need to utilize outside emergency response personnel. Section 13 (3) provides for mutual assistance agreements between municipalities.] Does, or might, the situation require provincial support or resources? [Provincial response (e.g., air quality monitoring, scientific advice, airlift capabilities, material resources, etc.) may involve numerous ministries and personnel. Activation of the municipal emergency response plan, including the opening of the Emergency Operations Centre and meeting of the Community Control Group, can greatly facilitate multi-agency and multi-government response.] Does, or might, the situation require assistance from the federal government

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(e.g., military equipment)? [Section 13 (2) authorizes the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, to enter into mutual assistance agreements with the federal government. In Canada, federal emergency assistance is accessed through, and coordinated by, the province. The declaration of an emergency may assist a municipality in obtaining federal assistance.] Does the situation involve a structural collapse? [Structural collapses involving the entrapment of persons may require the deployment of one or more Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) teams. Ontario has a HUSAR team. This team is specially equipped and trained to rescue persons trapped as a result of a structural collapse. Any municipality in the province can request a HUSAR deployment to a declared emergency. Requests for HUSAR resources should be made through your local mutual aid fire coordinator. Approval for the dispatch of the HUSAR team comes from the Commissioner of Public Security.] Is the situation a large-scale or complex chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) incident? [Response to CBRN incidents requires specialized resources and training. Ontario is developing three CBRN teams to respond to incidents throughout the province. CBRN teams are only dispatched to declared emergencies. Requests for a CBRN deployment should be made through your local mutual aid fire coordinator. Approval for the dispatch of CBRN teams comes from the Commissioner of Public Security.] Does the situation require, or have the potential to require the evacuation and/or shelter of people or animals [livestock] from your municipality? [Evacuee and reception centers often use volunteers as staff. As noted above, the declaration of an emergency enacts certain parts of the Workplace Insurance and Safety Act related to volunteer workers. Secondly, an evacuation or sheltering of citizens has the potential to generate issues pertaining to liability. Section 11 of the Emergency Management Act may provide municipal councilors and employees with certain protections against personal liability.] Will your municipality be receiving evacuees from another community? [The issues discussed in the previous bullet may apply equally to municipalities accepting evacuees.]

• Economic and Financial Does the situation pose a large-scale disruption to routine patterns of transportation, or re- routing of large numbers of people and vehicles? [The rerouting of people and vehicles poses a potential liability risk. Keeping persons from their homes and delaying commercial traffic are both sensitive issues. Section 11 of the Act may provide certain protection from liability. Section 4 (1) allows for extraordinary measures to be taken, providing they are not contrary to law.] Is an event likely to have a long term negative impact on a community’s

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economic viability/sustainability, including resulting unemployment, lack of available banking services and restorative measures necessary to re-establish commercial activity? [The declaration of an emergency may facilitate the ability of the municipality to respond to economic losses.] Is it possible that a specific person, corporation, or other party has caused the situation? [Section 12 states that “where money is expended or cost is incurred by a municipality or the Crown in the implementation of an emergency plan or in connection with an emergency, the municipality or the Crown, as the case may be, has a right of action against any person who caused the emergency for the recovery of such money or cost….”]

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I, ______________________________________ as Head of Council for the (Mayor or Designate)

City of Owen Sound hereby declare an emergency in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act RSO 1990, S. 4.(1) due to the emergency described herein:

For the geographical area within the City of Owen Sound described as:

Signed: ____________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Dated:__________________________________ at ____________ (time) Note: Fax to OFMEM Duty Officer at 416-314-6220 OR 416-314-0474. After faxing, a call must be made to the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) to ensure they have received the form. Please call them at 1-866-314-0472.

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I, __________________________________________ as Head of Council for the (Mayor or Designate) City of Owen Sound hereby declare the emergency described herein as terminated in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act RSO, 1990, s. 4.(2):

Signed: ____________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Dated:__________________________________ at ____________ (time)

Note: Fax to OFMEM Duty Officer at 416-314-6220 OR 416-314-0474. After faxing, a call must be made to the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) to ensure they have received the form. Please call them at 1-866-314-0472.