Emergency Response Book Print

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  • 8/2/2019 Emergency Response Book Print


    Well Control EmergencyResponse PlanU.S. Oil and Gas Land Operations

    Provided by

    Wild Well Control, Inc.

    and Travelers

  • 8/2/2019 Emergency Response Book Print


    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    This emergency response plan is not intended

    to replace sound judgment. It is to be used as

    a guideline only in responding to a well control


    Well control emergencies require common sense

    and proessional judgment on the part o all

    personnel involved in the intervention. Wild Well

    Control, Inc. and Travelers cannot and do notguarantee, warrant or represent the accuracy

    o or accept any responsibility or the use o any

    inormation contained herein.

    No operation should be undertaken i it involves riskto personnel.

    Modication to the emergency response plan and its

    actions may be necessary depending on the

    circumstances o the event.

    Accurate inormation is essential to an eective

    blowout intervention project. Recommendations are

    included or the required inormation to be gathered

    both rom the well site and rom oce records.

    EARLY INTERVENTION IS CRITICAL!Call at the earliest detection o ANYincident regarding well control. The call

    and phone consultation are ree.



    Brian Krause, Vice President, Travelers Oil & Gas

    Wild Well Control, Inc.


    Phones answered 24/7 by a Wild Well Control

    employee who understands the importance

    o your call.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Table O Contents

    Shutting-In the Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

    Response Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11

    Immediate Response Actions Field . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

    Initial Evaluation and Inormation Gathering . . . . . . 14

    Immediate Response Actions Oce . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    Incident Command Structure Organization . . . . 16-17

    Interim Action Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19

    Evacuation o Area Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    Voluntary Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Response Methodology o Wild Well Control . . 22-23

    Typical Equipment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Typical Support Service Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    Site Saety Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    Hazard Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    H2S Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Communication/PR Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    Relie Well Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Emergency Contact Inormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32

    Well Control Inormation Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-35

    Emergency Response Plan

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    Procedures or handling emergencies are absolutely

    essential to ensure the protection o lie, property and

    the environment. Wild Well Control, Inc. has developed

    this Emergency Response Plan (ERP) or the operator/

    contractor to dene the procedures that are to be used

    in the event o a well control emergency at the well site.

    The equipment and procedures specied in this ERP

    address various well control scenarios ranging romroutine well control operations to situations involving

    a total loss o well control which necessitate the

    immediate mobilization o intervention equipment and

    personnel. This ERP is general in nature and is intended

    or use within U.S. land operations.

    This document is written with drilling operations as the

    primary ocus. However, it also applies to workover and

    production operations. This plan assumes that adequate

    oil spill contingency plans are in place and will be

    implemented in the event o a well control emergency.

    The primary objective o the ERP is to establish a process

    or responding to and saely managing well control

    emergencies. This process includes:

    1. Protecting the personnel at the site in the event o awell control emergency.

    2. Dening the notication protocols at the onset o a

    well emergency.

    3. Preventing urther damage or injury while adequate

    equipment and personnel are being mobilized.

    4. Dening the critical inormation that is required inorder to determine the appropriate response level

    and strategies.

    5. Organizing personnel and providing guidelines or

    their roles during the emergency response and the

    subsequent management.6. Pre-selecting sources and developing mobilization

    plans or personnel, equipment, materials and

    services typically required or implementation o

    well control procedures.

    7. Notication o the appropriate regulatory agencies.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 1

    Shutting-in The Well

    It is very important to shut-in the well as soon as

    possible when ow is suspected. The ollowing

    procedures are standard industry practices or a

    hard shut-in o the wellbore:

    Well Shut-in Procedures While Drilling/On Bottom

    1. Space out the drillstring and sound the alarm Position the Kelly or top drive so that no tool

    joints are in the preventers

    I possible, have uppermost tool joint at

    connection height above rotary table/rig foor

    2. Shut down the rotary/top drive and the pumps Stop rotating

    Stop the mud pumps

    3. Check or well fow. I well is fowing, continue with

    next step (4.)

    4. Shut-in the well

    Close the designated BOP (blowout preventer)

    Ensure the choke is closed

    Open the choke line hydraulic opening valve

    Veriy the well is shut-in and the fow hasstopped

    Emergency Response Plan

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    2 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Well Shut-in Procedures While Tripping

    1. Sound the alarm

    2. Stab the saety valve on drillstring

    Make up ully opened saety valve to uppermost

    tool joint

    Close saety valve once properly made up

    3. Space out the drillstring

    Position the drillstring so that no tool joints arein the preventers

    4. Check or fow. I the well is fowing, continue with

    next step (5.)

    5. Shut-in the well

    Close the designated BOP

    Close the choke and open the choke line HOV

    (hydraulic operated valve)

    Veriy the well is shut-in and the fow

    has stopped

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 3

    Response Levels

    This section will aid in determining the requirements

    needed or personnel and material or dierent well

    situations. Wild Well Control, Inc. personnel should be

    consulted in the initial mobilization, but the operator/

    contractor personnel and the drilling consulting

    company involved in the project should be amiliar

    with the dierent response levels. Many well control

    emergencies are preceded by a period in which, the

    potential or sudden escalation is high, even thoughprimary well control is maintained. The actions taken in

    this period oten make the dierence between a

    well control problem and a well control emergency.

    Well control situations involve an innite number o

    variables that make precise classication dicult.Oten, seemingly insignicant event characteristics can

    have a major eect on the resolution and potential or

    escalation o a minor problem. This section attempts

    to classiy various situations according to the amount

    o risk involved, the procedures required to deal with

    the situation and other experience-based aspects.

    There is no attempt to classiy the situations according

    to the probability and/or requency o occurrence.

    The ollowing sections contain specic situations and

    trigger points that are viewed as adding signicantcomplications and/or hazards. Each response level has

    certain activities associated with it including notication

    and/or mobilization o specialized personnel,

    inormation to be obtained, equipment requirements

    and considerations that should be analyzed.

    The levels are intended or use solely as guidelines

    and have been made applicable to onshore

    environments. It is highly probable that situations

    could develop that dey denition via one o the

    response levels. These situations will require the useo judgment and experience in order to determine the

    appropriate actions to be taken.

    Operators/contractors are encouraged to contact well

    control specialists any time there is a doubt about the

    nature o any well control situation.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    4 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Level 1 Event Defned

    Level 1 events involve situations that are either

    common to routine operations or do not pose

    signicant risk to personnel. In most instances, Level

    1 events can be resolved using standard operating/

    drilling procedures, commonly available equipment,

    personnel and techniques.

    Examples o Level 1 events include, but are not limited

    to, the ollowing scenarios:

    a) Well kicks (infuxes) o manageable volume and

    intensity (usually < 1 ppg) that are not complicated

    by mitigating circumstances.

    b) Mild to moderate loss o circulation.

    c) Loss o production tubing integrity resulting in

    sustained pressure on production casing < 50% o

    casing burst rating. Loss o tubing integrity includes

    ailure o wellhead seals and downhole equipment.

    d) Loss o production casing integrity resulting in

    sustained pressure on intermediate casing < 25% o

    casing burst rating. Loss o casing integrity includes

    ailure o wellhead seals.

    e) Minor surace leaks that can be isolated via remote

    means or accessed and isolated manually without

    signicant risk to personnel.

    Level 1 Response

    Level 1 events should be corrected through the use

    o standard industry operating/drilling procedures.

    Notication o Wild Well Control, Inc. will be made at

    the discretion o the operator/contractor.

    No specialized equipment or personnel should be

    required unless the Level 1 event escalates.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 5

    Level 1 Considerations

    Weighting materials and mud chemicals should

    be evaluated or kick circulation (consider using

    drillers method i materials are low or i suspected

    swabbed kick).

    Monitor surace equipment during kick circulation

    in order to quickly identiy any leaks.

    Monitor pressure on outer casing string duringkick circulation in order to quickly identiy pressure

    communication between the strings o pipe.

    Be prepared to immediately close pipe ram i

    annular begins to leak.

    I productive zones are exposed, monitor well

    closely or signs o fow during circulation losses.

    Small surace leaks that can be isolated should

    be isolated remotely i possible. Adequate saety

    precautions should be in place beore approaching

    even small surace leaks.

    Closely monitor outer casing strings i sustained

    casing pressure results rom tubing or down hole

    equipment ailures.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    6 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Level 2 Event Defned

    Level 2 events involve circumstances that are not

    commonly encountered during routine drilling

    operations and pose the potential or signicant risk

    to personnel, equipment and/or the environment.

    A Level 2 event may require specialized well control

    personnel, equipment and/or techniques in order to

    be saely resolved.

    Examples o Level 2 events include, but are not limitedto, the ollowing scenarios:

    a) Well kicks complicated by infux size or intensity

    (under-balance), pipe o bottom, plugged tubing /

    drillstring, washout, plugged choke, etc.

    b) Severe loss o circulation.

    c) Small surace leaks that cannot be easily or saely


    d) Loss o production tubing integrity resulting in

    sustained pressure on production casing >50% o

    casing burst rating. Loss o tubing integrity includes

    ailure o wellhead seals and downhole equipment.

    e) Loss o production casing integrity resulting insustained pressure on intermediate casing >25%

    o casing burst rating. Loss o casing integrity

    includes ailure o wellhead seals.

    ) Loss o protective casing integrity resulting in

    sustained pressure on surace casing (any pressure).

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 7

    Level 2 Response

    Certain Level 2 events can be dealt with according

    to established procedures; others require special

    consideration be given to personnel saety while

    implementing these procedures as well as specialized

    techniques. The ERP should be activated and

    the appropriate personnel should mobilize to

    the company oce and well site. The operator/

    contractor emergency response team should

    remain in operation until the situation is resolved ordowngraded to a Level 1 event.

    Operator/contractor should contact and advise Wild

    Well Control, Inc. at the onset o a Level 2 event. The

    operator/contractor should consult with the well

    control specialists/engineers or advice on saehandling o the situation. Completed well control

    inormation orms (Page 33-35) should be sent along

    with any other pertinent and/or related inormation.

    Arrangements or the mobilization o well control

    specialists/engineers should be made or, at

    minimum, two well control specialists/engineers.

    These arrangements should be continually updated

    to ensure the most expedient mobilization route until

    the Level 2 event is resolved or downgraded to Level 1.

    I mobilization o well control specialists/engineers

    personnel is not deemed necessary, the operator/

    contractors oce should maintain open and

    requent communications with Wild Well Control,

    Inc.s oce in Houston, Texas. Inormation related to

    the situation, as well as results o technical analysis,

    will be conveyed via telephone, ax, email and

    electronic le transer as deemed appropriate.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    8 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Level 2 Considerations

    Weighting materials and mud chemicals should

    be evaluated or kick circulation (consider using

    drillers method i material supplies are low or i

    suspected swab kick).

    Monitor surace equipment during kick circulation

    in order to quickly identiy any leaks.

    Monitor pressure on outer casing string duringkick circulation in order to quickly identiy pressure


    Be prepared to immediately close pipe ram i

    annular begins to leak.

    I productive zones are exposed, monitor well

    closely or signs o fow during circulation losses.

    I the thrust created by the current or anticipated

    surace pressure acting on the cross sectional areao the pipe approaches or exceeds an amount equal

    to the buoyed weight o the pipe string, the pipe

    should be secured at the surace. This may require

    the use o conventional equipment such as drillpipe

    clamps, chains and/or cables. The situation may

    eventually require the use o slip rams and othermeasures. The well control specialists/engineers

    should be consulted and mobilized i such a

    situation develops.

    Monitor mud/gas separator equipment or signs o

    overload while circulating large gas infuxes.

    Consider mobilizing additional liquid mud and

    LCM (loss circulation material) i conventional lost

    circulation techniques are ineective.

    Consider the possibility o stripping/snubbing o

    slick BHA (bottom hole assembly) versus perorating

    or severing drill collars to accommodate high

    concentration LCM placement and/or barite pills,

    gunk pills, etc.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 9

    Evaluate the possibility o casing ailure due to wear

    as a cause o lost circulation. Note that this could

    quickly become a Level 3 event i an infux is taken.

    Consider using temperature log to determine

    exact point(s) o losses (ambient temperature

    fuid pumped rom the surace will enhance


    Prepare to deal with gas migration while preparing

    to strip pipe to bottom (water-based mud systems).

    Annular BOP (blowout preventer) ailure can

    be expected while stripping i closing pressure

    is not reduced. Consult with BOP manuactureror recommended procedures and practices

    or stripping.

    Improper bleed-o during pipe stripping can lead to

    underground blowouts or additional infuxes. Reviewprocedures careully beore attempting to strip

    pipe to bottom. Allowances must be made or gas

    migration and infux elongation due to pipe entry in

    water-based systems.

    I no pressure increase or a transient pressurefuctuation is observed while lowering pipe

    (stripping), an underground fow may be in

    progress. I this is conrmed, a Level 3 event

    should be declared.

    I surace pressures are too high or sae stripping

    operations (including situations where the pipe is

    light), an o-bottom kill should be considered

    using volumetric and circulation techniques (i.e.,

    volumetric control until infux is above bit then

    constant bottom hole pressure circulation).

    Emergency Response Plan

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    10 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Level 3 Event Defned

    Level 3 events present serious and immediate risks to

    personnel, the environment and assets. These situations

    require the immediate application o specialized

    techniques and well-developed saety assessment and

    hazard mitigation programs. Examples o Level 3 events

    include, but are not limited to, the ollowing scenarios:

    a) Surace blowout (drillpipe, BOP, production tree,

    broach, etc. with or without re)

    b) Underground blowout with insucient casing set

    so that the well cannot be brought under control

    by pumping heavy mud simultaneously down the

    drillstring and annulus using rig pumps

    c) Surace pressure beyond the pressure rating o

    equipment (including tubulars)

    d) Other situations that constitute a clear and present

    danger to personnel, environment or equipment

    that cannot be resolved via conventional means

    Level 3 Response

    Level 3 events will warrant the immediate activation

    o the emergency response plan, mobilization o well

    control specialists/engineers rom Wild Well Control,

    Inc. and other specialist personnel and equipment.

    operator/contractor should contact Wild Well Control,

    Inc. immediately upon the determination o a Level 3

    incident. Completed well control inormation orms

    (Pages 33-35) should be sent along with any other

    pertinent and/or related inormation.

    The activities dened in the intervention action plan sec-

    tion o this emergency response plan should be initiated

    immediately. These include, but are not limited to:

    Personnel should be accounted or and moved to asae upwind location.

    Medical attention should be provided or any

    injured personnel.

    The well site should be secured.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 11

    Further notications by The operator/contractors

    incident command structure (ICS) team.

    Notication to local/state/ederal authorities.

    Inormation gathering and assessment o the

    situation should be initiated.

    Complete or partial rig evacuation is likely under

    most Level 3 events. Re-manning o the rig should beattempted only under the direction o on-site well

    control specialists/engineers. I the arrival o the well

    control specialists/engineers is delayed, such action(s)

    should be discussed in detail and agreed upon with the

    well control specialists/engineers beore attempted by

    operator/contractor personnel.

    The rst task will be to determine the critical aspects

    o the situation, perorm a hazard analysis and establish

    sae working principles or the intervention (i.e., hot

    zones, sae areas, access control and accounting,

    emergency evacuation plans, etc.)

    A minimum number o personnel will enter the

    location. A well site command center will be designated

    in a sae area and all operations will be directed rom

    it. Restrictions will be placed on personnel movement

    between command post and the rest o the location;personnel accounting procedures will be established to

    monitor the personnel on location at all times.

    Rig evacuation and shut down will render critical

    equipment unusable. A plan will need to be developed

    to identiy components that will be required orintervention purposes and to provide sucient power.

    The equipment that may be needed during such an

    event includes, but is not be limited to:

    Drawworks Top driveMud pumps BOP hoists

    Air / hydraulic winches Hydraulic chokes

    BOP accumulator charge pumps Iron roughneck

    Emergency Response Plan

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    12 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Immediate Response Actions Field

    While intervention activities will be dictated by

    an event's severity and magnitude, the Immediate

    Response will be consistent and uniorm or any event.

    This action plan does not intend to replace sound logic

    or engineering judgment it is a guideline only.

    Well control emergencies require common sense and

    proessional judgment on the part o all personnel

    involved in the intervention. Wild Well Control, Inc.cannot and does not guarantee, warrant or represent

    the accuracy o, or accept any responsibility or, the

    use o any inormation contained herein.

    Evacuate All Rig Personnel

    Evacuate rig and move personnel to designated

    sae area

    Account or all personnel

    DO NOT re-enter area until authorized

    Secure Location

    Secure the perimeter to prevent area population, news

    media, etc. rom accessing the well site area. Seek

    assistance rom the local police/sheri agency.

    Shut Down Fired Equipment

    All red (or non-intrinsically sae) equipment should be

    shut down as per established rig contractor guidelines

    and procedures.

    NOTE! The above actions should only be undertaken

    i they do not involve risk to the saety o personnel.

    Establish Saety Zone

    Based on various criteria, the area immediately aroundthe wellhead is designated the hot zone. Access to the

    hot zone is strictly limited to well control personnel.

    Based on wind and other conditions, the hot zone

    may change throughout the course o the event. The

    boundaries should be closely monitored and changes

    made accordingly. The sae zone is located away rom

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 13

    the well and has minimal impact rom the blowout. The

    command center will be located within the sae zone.

    The sae zone should have two means o ingress andegress. Between the hot zone and the sae zone is the

    warm zone. Access to the warm zone will be monitored

    and restricted to essential support personnel only.

    Initiate Fire Watch

    Identiy any engines that may have been let running.

    Identiy any other possible ignition sources.

    Implement Operators Emergency Response Plan

    Notiy operators oce give status o the incident.

    Notiy Wild Well Control, Inc. (281.784.4700).

    Identiy Hazardous Materials on Site

    Identiy the material and location on the well site o

    any hazardous material. Present inormation to the well

    control specialists upon their arrival at the well site.

    Monitor Well Conditions

    Appoint a rig crew member to observe the well rom

    a sae location outside the hot zone and record all

    changes in the fow at the wellhead. Recorded changesshould include changes in fow, noise, etc. The collected

    inormation will be important to the well control

    specialists/engineers in completing their investigation

    and analysis o the situation.

    Implement Pollution Abatement Measures

    Working in the sae zone only, use heavy equipment to

    establish the sae drainage and storage o well fow

    away rom the wellhead area.

    Prevent any well fow runo rom entering any publicditch, drainage, culvert or septic system, streams,

    waterways, roadways, etc.

    A fuid containment plan should be discussed with the

    well control specialists/engineers and implemented as

    quickly as possible.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    14 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Initial Evaluation andInormation Gathering

    Certain inormation is crucial in developing an eective

    intervention plan and immediate response. This duty

    will all upon the operator/contractors personnel at the

    rig. The ollowing inormation should be gathered and

    documented so that it can be passed on to well control

    specialists. Well control orms are shown on pages 33-

    35 or the collection o this inormation.

    Operation at the time o the incident

    Last observed pressures

    Present conguration o the well bore casing, drill

    pipe, drill collars, packers, depths, geology, fuids,

    etc. at the time o the incident

    BOP equipment in use at the time o the incident

    position o all rams, subsea BOP pod status, and

    top drive saety valves, etc

    Last known status o wellhead or BOP components

    open, closed, locked, damaged, etc

    Rig equipment shut-down level initiated, well

    control actions implemented

    Estimate o fow rates and fow characteristics

    (gas and water)

    Extent o damage sustained by the rig

    Size and location o any boil at the surace

    Other inormation as dictated by the situation

    The inormation rom the initial evaluation will

    be conveyed to Wild Well Control, Inc. or

    planning purposes and should be included in the

    permanent records.

    In the initial stages, the inormation will be used todetermine the easibility o a quick resolution (i.e.,

    pumping kill fuids, bridging agents, etc.) i it exists.

    I possible, this should be done beore the situation

    deteriorates, eliminating this type o intervention.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 15

    Immediate ResponseActions Ofce

    Upon notication rom the eld, the incident

    commander (the person designated to manage well

    control emergencies) shall review the inormation

    and, i deemed necessary, enact the ERP which

    activates the incident command structure (ICS).

    A command center should be designated within

    the operator/contractors oce, i possible, and thedesignated command sta and operations sta shall

    meet to review the current situation and initiate the

    various assigned tasks and duties.

    The operator/contractors oce should immediately

    contact Wild Well Control, Inc. to discuss the incident

    and possible mobilization o well control personnel

    and equipment.

    Wild Well Control, Inc. (281.784.4700)

    Discussion with well control specialists regarding

    the initial mobilization o equipment and personnel

    will be done at this time. A list o all equipment

    and services ordered should be noted. Inormation

    regarding the location, route details, trucking or

    fying time and a ull maniest, etc. will need to begathered and properly documented.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    16 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Incident Command Structure(LCS) Organization

    A well-developed organizational structure is crucial to

    eective emergency response. The incident commandstructure (ICS) is generally adhered to in dening and

    establishing a response organization. The ICS denes

    an organizational ramework with designated positions,

    stang o the positions, responsibilities, notication

    protocols, and lines o authority. The ICS is activated

    with implementation o the operator/contractors

    emergency response plan. A typical ICS organization

    or a well control emergency would look similar to

    the ollowing:

    ICS CommandIncident Commander Absolute authority and

    responsible or all emergency response eorts and

    reports to Management

    Deputy Incident Commander Acts as liaison

    between incident commander and the variousoperations and source control teams

    Command Sta Reports directly to the incident


    Communications Ofcer Responsible or all

    media/public relationsFinance Ofcer Provides accounting analysis o all

    associated costs to Management

    Regulatory Ofcer Acts as liaison with regulatory

    and governmental agencies

    Risk Management Ofcer Responsible or legaland insurance

    Operations Sta Reports directly to the deputy

    incident commander

    Engineering Team Provides engineering support

    or source control teamEnvironmental Team Responsible or implementing

    pollution abatement measures as required

    Logistics Team Provides operational and support

    resources as requested by the source control team

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 17

    Operations Team Responsible or executing action

    plan with the source control team

    Planning Team Responsible or developing action

    plan with the source control team

    Saety Team Responsible or saety o operations

    and source control team. Responsible or the site

    saety plan and enorcement o saety regulationsSource Control Team Reports to the operations

    team leader

    Well Control Ops Team Responsible or well

    intervention activities at the well site

    Well Recovery Team Responsible or planning andexecuting well recovery operations

    Relie Well Team Responsible or planning and

    executing the relie well operations

    The ICS Organization is designed to be easily

    expanded or minimized based on the size and severityo the event. In smaller organizations, a single person

    may be responsible or more than one role within

    the organization.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    18 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Interim Action Plans

    The ollowing tasks can be assigned and implemented

    while waiting on the well control specialists to arrive

    at the well site. I there are any questions or concerns,contact Wild Well Control, Inc. beore initiating any task.

    Do not attempt any task that will endanger personnel.

    Monitor Well Conditions Maintain time log as to the wells condition

    Secure Location rom Public

    Set up a no-fy zone

    Utilize local police and re to handle securityand trac

    Organize Well Site Layout

    Designate the on-site command center

    Identiy and designate staging area or wellcontrol equipment

    Establish communications

    Identiy and Secure Sourcing o Water

    Establish storage or water at the well site

    Arrange transportation o water to well site; initiate

    civil work away rom wellhead

    Establish second point o access to the wellhead

    Grade or pollution drainage and containment

    Prep staging area and wellhead site

    Initiate Saety Measures

    Set up gas monitoring system

    Identiy saety hazards on location

    Initiate development o site saety plan (Wild Well

    Control will provide assistance in nalizing)

    Secure emergency medical services/medevac or

    the well site

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 19

    Other Considerations

    Potential or event to escalate

    Protect collateral assets

    Evacuation o population

    Voluntary ignition o uncontrolled fow. See page 21

    or additional inormation on Voluntary Ignition.

    Special Considerations or Suburban Settings

    Air pollution

    Gas plume concentration/dispersion


    Hydrogen sulde gas (H2


    Ground pollution

    Contamination o local water supply

    Contamination o ditches/public drain systems


    Explosions Heat radiation

    Other wells

    Collateral assets (buildings, homes, etc)

    Broaching o surace

    Utilities Power lines


    Emergency Response Plan

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    20 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Evacuation O Area Population

    Collect critical inormation; make inormed decision as

    to requirements or evacuation o population

    Once the decision is made, react quickly Arrange transportation rom the area

    Identiy and secure temporary housing or


    Set up accounts or meals, groceries,

    medicines, etc. Designate company spokesperson to assist evacuees

    Communicate directly to evacuees at regularly

    scheduled times

    Be prepared to assist evacuees with incurred

    expenses Utilize local law enorcement and re personnel

    or assistance

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 21

    Voluntary Ignition

    Voluntary ignition o a blowout should be

    considered i:

    Immediate threat to human lie (H2S gas cloud) High uncertainty o successul well intervention

    at surace

    Pollution rom well fow (oil) is unrestricted and/or

    threatens environmentally sensitive areas

    I the ollowing conditions exist, it may not be

    necessary to ignite. It is essential that all acts be

    careully evaluated and assessed. It is advisable to

    solicit assistance rom the Wild Well Control, Inc. as to

    what should be the course o action.

    These additional considerations include:

    Minimal threats (remote area, minimal

    population involvement)

    Uncertainty as to whether burning o fow can

    be sustained

    Ignition creates unacceptable threat to other

    collateral assets

    High certainty o successul surace intervention

    Other options possible (diverting, isolation, etc.)

    The decision to ignite or not to ignite requires quick

    and thorough assessment o the ongoing acts at the

    well site.

    Due to the many variables and unknowns, assistance

    rom Wild Well Control, Inc. must be sought in making

    the nal decision.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    22 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Response Methodology oWild Well Control

    Intervention activities will be dictated by the event's

    severity and magnitude.

    The activities required to regain control o the blowout

    well will depend on specic circumstances and will

    vary with each scenario. The course o action(s) will be

    discussed and mutually agreed upon by the operator/

    contractor and the well control specialists/engineers. Insummary, the major activities o a Level 3 blowout and

    re usually include:

    Assessment/Evaluation An initial assessment or

    evaluation by the operator/contractor(s) and Wild WellControl, Inc. personnel will determine the course o

    action, which will result in well control being regained

    saely in a minimum amount o time. Equipment

    requirements beyond those given in the initial response

    will be identied.

    Site Preparation Will involve various civil works

    designed to prepare the location or equipment

    placement, pollution containment and drainage.

    Rig-up Firefghting Equipment To establish necessary

    rewater cover will involve developing a method o

    supplying and storing the necessary water volume

    (rac tanks/trucks, nearby natural water supplies,

    earth pits, etc.).

    Debris Removal Will involve clearing o equipmentand damaged rig components that impede access to the

    wellhead. It may require abrasive jet cutting or severing

    o heavy structural pieces.

    Capping Placement o suitable control device(s) on

    wellhead. It may require removal o existing wellheadand installation o a new wellhead to capping.

    Preparations or Kill Operations Will proceed along

    with intervention and capping operations.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 23

    Divert The well may be diverted ollowing capping

    operations or additional diagnostics work or until killoperations are initiated.

    Kill Operations Appropriate kill operations will

    commence ollowing capping. Kill operations will be

    based on downhole conguration, casing integrity, and

    on other issues. Options include shut-in/bullhead,

    dynamic kill pump operations, snubbing, etc.

    Return Well to Normal Operations Will involve

    repair to wellhead components, casing repair, etc.

    Remediate Location Remove and properly dispose

    o any pollution on location.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    24 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Typical Equipment Requirements

    Heavy Equipment

    The heavy equipment typically required during thecourse o a well control operation is usually urnished

    through local suppliers which are already under

    contract with the Operator. Typical heavy equipment

    requirements may include:

    Bulldozers, caterpillar D-8 with tail winches Cranes, 75 125 ton, hydraulic or lattice boom

    Track hoe, caterpillar 235, 200 HP, 2 yard bucket

    Forklit, caterpillar 966, 30,000 capacity

    Air compressor, 185 CFM, 125 PSI, with 150 oot 300

    PSI hose

    Light towers, sel contained, diesel powered

    15 20 Frac tanks, 300-500 bbl capacity each or on

    site water storage

    Specialized Firefghting/Well Control Equipment

    Specialized reghting/well control equipment is

    usually provided by Wild Well Control, Inc. In response

    to a well control emergency, the ollowing equipment

    would typically be mobilized rom Houston, Texas:

    Athey wagon, with various accessories,conventional or hydraulic

    Fire pumps, 2,500 4,500 gpm capacity

    Fire monitors with portable shields

    Hose container with various suction and

    output hoses Fuel tank

    Blowout tool container, with miscellaneous

    support tools

    Air compressor

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 25

    Typical Support ServiceRequirements

    These services are typically required during the course

    o, or during some phase o, a well control operation.Support services are usually urnished through local

    suppliers, which are already under contract with the

    operator. These services should be put on standby

    notice, but not mobilized until requested by Wild Well

    Control, Inc. Typical support services may include:

    High pressure pumping equipment

    Drilling fuids specialist/supplier

    Wellhead specialist/supplier

    Vacuum tank truck services

    Welding crews Roustabout crew, supervisor with ve-man crew

    Personnel saety services

    Medical/medevac services

    Wireline logging services, ull diagnostic capabilities

    Machine shop services

    Once the initial assessment and planning is completed,

    the well control specialists/engineers will be able to

    provide the operator/contractor with a more detailed

    list o the support equipment and services that will

    be required.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    26 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Site Saety Plan

    Prior to initiating any well control operation, a

    comprehensive site saety plan should be developed

    and implemented through the saety section o the ICS.The site saety plan should cover all saety management

    aspects o the task at hand. It should be written so that

    it is fexible enough or modications and updates to be

    easily made and incorporated.

    The site saety plan should be comprehensive and

    include, at minimum, the ollowing elements:

    Site description and identication o sites zones

    Hot zone

    Warm zone

    Sae zone

    Site hazards

    Physical hazards

    Chemical hazards

    Toxic/gas hazards Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements

    Site access

    Check-in points


    Saety channel designation on radios


    Emergency medical services

    Environmental monitoring services required

    Saety meeting schedule Saety drills

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 27

    Hazard Assessment

    Sae, successul well control operations require

    risk identication, mitigation and management.

    Thus, the primary unction o the well controlteam (intervention and well control operations unit

    leaders) will be hazard identication via a thorough

    assessment o the situation.

    There are numerous potential hazards associated with

    a serious well control situation. The well control team,

    under the direction o the well control operations

    unit leader, will assess the situation or the ollowing


    Combustible gas accumulation/dispersion

    Accumulations o combustible/fammable fuids

    Ignition hazards

    Explosive materials

    Radioactive materials

    Over-pressured surace equipment/potential

    catastrophic ailures

    Flow lines anchoring, erosion

    Leaking fanges

    Stability/competency o the sediment surrounding

    the rig Potential instability o rig equipment and tubulars

    Hydrocarbon inventories and potential hazards

    associated with production equipment

    The results o the hazard analysis will be incorporatedinto the site saety plan. Additional personnel,

    equipment, services and/or saety procedures/

    measures required to deal with the identied hazards

    will be specied and submitted to the eld operations

    team leader.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    28 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    H2S Operations

    When drilling in areas o known H2S, rig crews should:

    Be trained in H2

    S saety measures

    Have the appropriate saety equipment

    Use equipment with proper PSL (priority substance

    listing) rating or H2S service

    Any infux into the wellbore (kick) should be assumedto contain H2S. The size o the infux, amount o under

    balance, ormation character, weather conditions,

    etc should be considered when deciding to circulate

    out or pump away the infux. I the decision is made

    to circulate out the H2S kick, clear the rig foor and

    restricted area o all unnecessary personnel and takethe ollowing additional precautions:

    Rope o the rig substructure to include BOPs,

    choke lines, choke maniold and mud return areas

    and identiy as restricted area. No one shall enter

    these areas without proper breathing apparatus,H2S monitor, and specic approval rom the


    Continuously monitor the H2S concentration level in

    the mud returns.

    The drilling supervisor shall alert aected downwindacilities and population.

    The drilling supervisor shall implement any other

    precaution deemed necessary.

    When circulating, all personnel involved in the well

    control operation will mask-up at least 30 minutes

    prior to bottoms up. The fow rom the choke

    should be diverted through the gas buster and the

    gas should be fared. The mud stream will return

    to the active system where any remaining gas can

    be removed by the degasser and the use o an

    H2S scavenger.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 29

    Communication/PR Plan

    Media coverage should be addressed as quickly as

    possible to prevent incorrect inormation and minimize

    any negative impact to the operator/contractor.

    The operator/contractors communication ocer, as

    designated in the companys ERP, will be responsible

    or all communication with the media.

    No employee shall make comments, give interviews,

    answer questions, etc. to people outside the company.

    Any requests or inormation will be re-directed to

    the communications ocer as designated in the

    companys ERP.

    Once the acts and inormation are known and

    conrmed, the communications ocer should

    designate a time and place to make a statement on

    the companys behal and answer any questions.

    It is important to keep the media inormed as the

    inormation becomes available.

    I there are casualties or the event was catastrophic, it

    is advisable that the communications ocer seek legal

    counsel and the assistance o a proessional public

    relations rm.

    Emergency Response Plan

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    30 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Relie Well Considerations

    Relie wells should be considered or the ollowing


    Successul surace intervention unlikely

    low probability o surace intervention being


    Surace intervention operations require undue

    risks or well control personnel

    Well fow broaching the surace

    Signicant pollution or other environmental

    damage imminent during long-term well

    intervention operation

    Multiple relie wells should be considered or the

    ollowing scenarios:

    High hydraulic requirements or kill requires

    multiple wells

    High probability o drilling problems in single relie

    well eort

    High degree o uncertainty regarding blowing

    wells position

    Relie wells are typically engineered, planned

    and initiated with the assistance o the well

    control engineers who understand the technicalrequirements or a successul well kill operation.

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 31

    Emergency Contact Inormation

    Emergency Response Plan

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    32 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Emergency Contact Inormation

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 33

    Well Control Forms

    Emergency Response Plan

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    34 Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010

    Well Control Forms

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    Wild Well Control, Inc. 2010 35

    Well Control Forms

    Emergency Response Plan

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    The Travelers Indemnity Companyand its property casualty ailiates

    4650 Westway Park Blvd., Suite 110Houston, TX 77041


    The availability o the service reerenced in this noticeis subject to change without notice. This notice andthe providing o this service does not aect the terms,conditions or coverages o any insurance policy issued byTravelers and is not a representation that coverage does ordoes not exist or any claim or loss under any such policy.

    In no event will Travelers or Wild Well Control, Inc. or anyo their subsidiaries and ailiates be liable in contract or intort to anyone who has access to this publication or theaccuracy or completeness o the inormation contained