Emergency Evacuation Plan Second Edition: 2017 Plan year 2017 - DEC 17... · This college emergency...

Sultan Qaboos University College of Medicine and Health Sciences Emergency Evacuation Plan Second Edition: 2017 Prepared by the: College of Medicine and Health Sciences Risk Management Committee

Transcript of Emergency Evacuation Plan Second Edition: 2017 Plan year 2017 - DEC 17... · This college emergency...

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Second Edition: 2017

Prepared by the:

College of Medicine and Health Sciences Risk Management Committee

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Message from the Dean

To: The College of Medicine and Health Sciences Community

In accordance with the commitments of Sultan Qaboos University to protect the health and

welfare of its employees, students and visitors, and to provide a healthy environment, the

College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CoM&HS) takes it as one of its prime responsibilities

to promote emergency awareness within its community and work places. The CoM&HS has set

plans for providing safety programs and guidance on actions needed to effectively handle health

and safety accidents in order to minimize resulting hazards and to prevent their reoccurrence.

Preplanned and practiced evacuation is one of the means for saving lives and properties,

therefore this plan is carefully written to direct individuals to evacuate rooms and college

premises safely and in an organized manner. In addition, it states out the responsibilities of the

College Risk Management Committee members, Safety Officers, Fire Wardens, and the expected

reaction to emergency from staff, students and visitors. Accordingly, I strongly urge all affiliates

and visitors of College of Medicine and Health Sciences to carefully read, familiarize

themselves, and comply with CoM&HS Emergency Evacuation Plan policies and procedures,

and to comply on routine basis with the safety rules in the course of their work performance. By

doing so, we will substantially minimize hazardous risks, thereby, safeguarding health,

environment and the assets of the CoM&HS. Finally, I would like to thank the Risk Management

Committee members for updating and revisiting this document.

Dean’s Signature: Date: 02/11/2017

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Message from the Dean ................................................................................................................... I

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ II

Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................... IV

Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. V

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

2. Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................................. 1

3. Definitions.............................................................................................................................. 2

4. Preparedness .......................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 Departmental Preparedness .................................................................................................... 3

4.2 Building Information ............................................................................................................. 3

4.2.1 Location of College of Medicine & Health Science ............................................................. 3

5. Department and Units in College of Medicine and Health Sciences .................................... 8

5.1 Main Building ....................................................................................................................... 8

5.1.1 Ground Floor ......................................................................................................................... 8

5.1.2 First Floor.............................................................................................................................. 8

5.1.3 Second Floor ......................................................................................................................... 9

5.2 Affiliated Buildings ............................................................................................................. 9

5.2.1 Medical Library .................................................................................................................... 9

5.2.2 Annex Building ................................................................................................................... 10

5.2.3 Small Animal House ........................................................................................................... 10

6. Protocols and Procedures .................................................................................................... 10

6.1 Emergency Evacuation ....................................................................................................... 11

6.1.1 If you Discover a Fire: ........................................................................................................ 11

6.1.2 If you Hear the Alarm: ........................................................................................................ 11

6.1.3 If Caught in Smoke: ............................................................................................................ 12

6.1.4 If Trapped in a Room: ......................................................................................................... 12

6.1.5 If Clothing on Fire: [Stop, Drop, and Roll] ........................................................................ 13

6.2 Assembly Areas .................................................................................................................. 13

6.3 Emergency Operational Areas ............................................................................................ 14

6.4 Special Considerations ........................................................................................................ 14

6.4.1 Personal limitations ............................................................................................................. 14

6.4.2 Visitors ................................................................................................................................ 14

7. Evacuation Procedures for People with Special Needs ..................................................... 15

8. Assignment of Responsibilities........................................................................................... 16

8.1 Responsibilities of the Fire Warden .................................................................................... 16

8.2 Responsibilities of the Department Safety Officer (DSO) ................................................. 17

9. Training and Fire Drills ...................................................................................................... 18

9.1 Training ............................................................................................................................... 18

9.2 Fire Drills ........................................................................................................................... 18

9.2.1 Fire Drills affecting all Building Occupants (employees, students, visitors, etc.) ............. 18

9.2.2 Department Fire Drills ....................................................................................................... 19

9.3 Fire Extinguishers .............................................................................................................. 19

9.4 Type of Fire Extinguishers................................................................................................. 20

9.4.1 Water and Foam ................................................................................................................. 22

9.4.2 Carbon Dioxide……………………..………………………………………………….....21

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4.3 Dry Chemical ..................................................................................................................... 22

9.4.4 Wet Chemical..................................................................................................................... 22

9.4.5 Clean Agent ...………………………………..................………………………………..23

9.4.6 Dry Powder………………………………………………………………………………24

9.4.7 Water Mist……………………………………………..………………………………....24

9.4.8 Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical …….....……………………………………………....25

9.5 Fire Extinguisher Use…………………………………………… ...... …………………..26

9.6 First Aid…...…………..………………………………………………………………… 27

9.7 Safety in Elevators………..………………….......……………………………………… 28

10. High Risk Areas ................................................................................................................. 30

11. Recovery Information ........................................................................................................ 30

12. Certification of Emergency Plan Awareness ..................................................................... 31

13. Emergency Staff Contact Information ............................................................................... 31

13.1 Contact Number of Fire Wardens ...................................................................................... 32

13.2 Contact Number of Paramedics ...................................................................................... 33

13.3 Contact Number of College Safety Officers (CSO) .......................................................... 35

13.4 Contact Number of Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) ....................................................... 35

13.5 Contact Number of Departmental Safety Officers (DSO) ................................................. 35

14. Emergency and Important Contacts List............................................................................ 37

14.1 Sultan Qaboos University Contact Numbers ..................................................................... 37

14.2 Other External Community Contact Numbers ................................................................... 39

15. Forms ................................................................................................................................. 40

15.1 Department Staff Head Count Form .................................................................................. 40

15.2 Department Emergency Team Contacts ............................................................................ 41

15.3 Immediate Post-Emergency Department Requirements .................................................... 42

15.4 Detailed POST- Emergency Department Equipment Assessment .................................... 43

15.5 Declaration Form ............................................................................................................... 44

16. College of Medicine & Health Sciences Risk Management Committee Members ........... 45

16.1 Emergency Response Team ............................................................................................... 45

16.1.1 Emergency Team ............................................................................................................... 45

16.1.2 Recovery Team .................................................................................................................. 46

16.1.3 College Risk Management Committee Speaker ................................................................ 46

17. References .......................................................................................................................... 45

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan



The Chairman of Risk Management committee would like to thank the working group who

updated and modified this document. The working group members are:

1- Dr. Khalaf Al-Gharibi

2- Dr. Ikhlas Said Ali

3- Mr. Abdulgaffar El Hag

4- Mr. Mohammed Nasser Al-Kindi

5- Ms. Ibtesam Nasser Al-Maskari

In addition, the Chairman of Risk Management committee appreciate the feedback offered by

Risk Management office.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan



A&E: Accident and Emergency

CoM&HS: College of Medicine and Health Sciences

CRMC: College Risk Management Committee

CSO: College Safety Officer

CPR: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

DSO: Department Safety Officer

HOD: Head Of Department

RMO: Risk Management Office

SN: Special Needs

SQUH: Sultan Qaboos University Hospital

SQU: Sultan Qaboos University

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


1. Introduction

Emergencies and disasters are unpredictable and may occur at any moment; they usually

occur without warning. When an emergency occurs, the safety of all college employees,

students and visitors is endangered. Prompt rescue of personnel will depend on the level of


This college emergency plan is designed to provide fundamental support to the University

Emergency Plan. The plan outlines how the college will protect staff, students and visitors in

the college in coordination with the Risk Management Office (RMO), SQUH (A&E), Civil

Defense, Police and emergency response procedures.

It is the responsibility of each college staff member, for their safety and the safety of others,

to study and understand the emergency plan so that they can follow it during emergency


2. Purpose and Scope

This emergency evacuation plan provides the necessary information and guidance to all

employees, students and visitors for their safe evacuation in the case of a fire and/or other


Each Department in the college should provide their supplementary evacuation plan with

the spcific relevant to their situation where necessary and applicable.

The plan includes:

Procedures for the evacuation and relocation of staff, students and visitors in the college.

Information on reporting emergencies, the duties of staff during emergencies, and

example evacuation floor plans identifying exit routes and fire safety items.

Staff training requirements.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Information to help department heads identify emergency roles, responsibilities, and to

plan ahead for safe evacuation as well as develop strategies for resuming departmental

function once emergency conditions have subsided.

3. Definitions

College Risk Management Committee (CRMC): Members of this committee are

appointed by the Dean. The committee is responsible for enforcing the CoM&HS risk

management, safety and security regulations and developing safety and security policies

for implementation by the college departments.

College Safety Officer (CSO): The CSO is responsible for ensuring that the risk

management and safety systems are strictly observed by departments and individuals by

carrying out regular inspections. He/She is also expected to provide professional advice

and assistance in all aspects of safety and security to staff, students and visitors. He/She

reports to the CRMC.

Departmental Safety Officer (DSO): The DSO is responsible for ensuring that the risk

management and safety rules are strictly observed in his department. He/She reports to

the College Safety Officer with copy to Department Superintendent.

Fire Warden: He/she is responsible for ensuring that the workplace is provided with

suitable firefighting facilities that are maintained regularly and that fire escape routes and

exits are clear and well sign-posted. He/She is the prime person to lead the department in

personnel evacuation during emergencies. He/She reports to the College Safety Officer

with copy to Department Superintendent.

Departmental Superintendent: He/she plays supervisory and managerial roles to ensure

that all the departmental risk management, safety and security procedures are

successfully executed.

College Risk Management Committee (CRMC): CRMC is an authorized office in

charge of implementing safety protocols within the College. It collates all the activities,

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


records, issues and information relating to safety and produces documents regarding

safety in the CoM&HS.

4. Preparedness

The first step in boosting the college preparedness is to assemble appropriate human and

physical resources for combating hazardous circumstances.

4.1 Departmental Preparedness

Each department should:

Nominate a “Departmental Emergency Response Team” that should include a fire

warden, a safety officer, a superintendent and, if necessary, additional staff from the

department. The team should be divided into:

o “Emergency Response Crew” that should be trained to help disseminate

emergency instructions, assist in performing evacuations effectively, and, if

necessary, provide first aid. All members must be trained to provide first aid.

o “Emergency Recovery Crew” that is trained to document the post-emergency

results and to organize a fast resumption of the department functions.

Arrange for relevant staff education and training

Ensure that they have department emergency supplies (first aid kits, laboratory spill

kits, fire extinguishers … etc.)

Establish “telephone trees” to initiate rapid emergency notifications.

4.2 Building Information

The College Emergency Plan has set evacuation plans for each of the three floors of the

CoM&HS building. They are posted on the mid-walls of the building corridors. They

contain information on how to evacuate the building by well-marked exit routes as well

as information on the location of firefighting equipment on each floor.

4.2.1 Location of College of Medicine & Health Science

The main College of Medicine building is located north to block 9, Hospital Laboratories and

Blood Bank building. South to the CET and old Library building, west to University

Administration building, Faculty Club, and east to the College of Agriculture.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


The College building consists of:

1. Main Building: which includes College administration, College departments, teaching

rooms laboratories, offices, and stores.

2. Medical Lecture Theater: East to the main Building, and is comprised of the main

lecture theater, the service rooms, and offices.

3. Medical Library: North to the main medical lecture theater, and is comprised of

reading rooms, main library reading area, offices, and stores.

4. Annex Building: North to the main medical lecture theater, and to the west of medical

library. It is comprised of skill lab, computer teaching labs and related offices, Medical

Education Unit, and seminar rooms.

5. Small Animal House: This building is not adjacent to the main building, but located

North to the main building of University.

Note: Detailed information about departments are mentioned in charts below.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Example Ground floor West (e.g. Department of Biochemistry and Department of

Physiology) evacuation map:

See if you can locate the assembly points – this is very important.

Note: The map as shown here is an example and may not be clear to read, it is important to study

and become familiar with the actual maps in your building corridors.
















Fire e






Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Example: First Floor West (e.g. Dean’s Office Complex) evacuation map:

See if you can locate the assembly points – this is very important.

Note: The map as shown here is an example and may not be clear to read, it is important to study

and become familiar with the actual maps in your building corridors.
















Fire e






Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Example: Second Floor West (e.g. Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Radiology

& Molecular Imaging (Medical Physics Unit), Examination Office and Child Health)

evacuation map: See if you can locate the assembly points – this is very important.

Note: The map as shown here is an example and may not be clear to read, it is important to study

and become familiar with the actual maps in your building corridors.
















Fire e






Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


5. Department and Units in College of Medicine and Health Sciences

5.1 Main Building

This section lists the departments in the different blocks of the CoM&HS and their location.

5.1.1 Ground Floor

Location North-East North-West South-East South-West




Human & Clinical





Human & Clinical

Anatomy Laboratory



College Store




5.1.2 First Floor

Location North-East North-West South-East South-West






SQU Medical



Family Medicine

& Public Health

Allied Health



Hematology &

Pathology Teaching


Pathology Museum

Preparation Room







Teaching Laboratory

Preparation & Store

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


5.1.2 Second Floor

Location North-East North-West South-East South-West






Child Health




Physics Unit

(Radiology &



Obstetrics &


Allied Health





Oman Medical






Physics Unit

(Radiology &





& Clinical


5.2 Affiliated Buildings

5.2.1 Medical Library

Location Ground Floor First Floor

North-East Store

Study carrels

16 cubicles for individual study


Study carrels

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


5.2.2 Annex Building

Location Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor

North-East Skills Lab Computer


IT Offices








Staff Office

5.2.3 Small Animal House

Location Ground Floor







6. Protocols and Procedures

This section describes what one should do in the case of an emergency. The presented steps

are for emergency evacuation in the case of a fire, but also apply to any other emergency

occurring in any department. When calling the Civil Defense (fire emergency) you should

specify the exact nature of emergency if possible (e.g. Chemical and biological spill,

Physical attacks, gas, smoke or radiation).

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


6.1 Emergency Evacuation

If an emergency occurs (e.g. fire), evacuation is MANDATORY. Additional procedures

are observed for specific situations based on the nature of the emergency situation.

6.1.1 If you Discover a Fire:

Only a fire extinguisher or a fire blanket can be used if the fire is very small and if you

have been trained to handle it safely. If you can’t put out the fire, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Activate the fire alarm (Applied for other emergency)

Step 2: Inform Civil Defense on telephone (9999 – 2414 4444)

It is critical to provide the (Fire Emergency) Center with the following information:

Nature of emergency

Building name (College of Medicine and Health Sciences)

Location of the fire in the building (e.g. Department of Surgery on the

second floor)

Steps 3 & 4: See instructions below

6.1.2 If you Hear the Alarm:

Step 3: Evacuate the building whenever the fire alarm sounds.

Stop working immediately.

Switch off any electrical systems, open flames and equipment you are working


Leave the room immediately through the nearest exit even if someone else tells

you it is a false alarm.

Do not go back to collect any property.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


If you are the last one to leave the room, you must close the doors and windows

behind you (DO NOT LOCK).

Do not use elevators, use the stairs, and keep to your right.

Go to the assembly point as defined below and shown on the evacuation map.

Do not re-enter until authorized by emergency personnel.

Note: If an occupant is unable to evacuate from the 1st or 2

nd floor, he/she must proceed to the

closest and safest area then inform the Civil Defense (call 4444) of his/her location and that

he/she is unable to leave the facility.

Step 4: Assemble at safe location and perform headcounts.

All occupants must assemble at the designated area away from the building.

HOD’s or superintendents in charge must assemble with their staff, students and


Those who evacuated on the wrong side should report to their respective HOD or

superintendent in charge.

HOD’s or Fire Warden must proceed by taking attendance of department

employees, students and visitors to ensure that everyone has escaped the

hazardous scene. If it is known or even suspected that someone is still in the

building, notify the emergency response personnel (either Civil Defense or fire

brigade) and provide the location of the missing person(s) within the facility.

6.1.3 If Caught in Smoke:

Drop to hands and knees and crawl towards the nearest exit.

Stay low as smoke will rise to the ceiling level.

Hold your breath as much as possible; breathe through your nose and use a filter

such as a shirt or towel.

6.1.4 If Trapped in a Room:

Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Place a wet cloth material around or under the door to help prevent smoke from

entering the room.

If the room has an outside window, be prepared to signal someone outside for


6.1.5 If Clothing on Fire: [Stop, Drop, and Roll]

Roll the endangered person around on floor to smother flame.

Cover him/her with a fire blanket, if available.

Only drench with water if safety shower is immediately available.

Obtain medical attention. Call 4777 (A&E).

Report incident to Department Safety Officer who will notify the College Safety

Officer (CSO).

6.2 Assembly Areas

The primary and secondary assembly areas for individuals to gather in an emergency

evacuation are shown on the map. You are advised to make sure that you know where

they are located before you settle down to work in the CoM&HS.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


6.3 Emergency Operational Areas

In the event of an emergency, the areas immediately adjacent to the building will be

utilized as operational areas for emergency services (Police and Civil Defense)

equipment and personnel.

These areas must be kept clear at all times once individuals have evacuated from the

building. Operational areas provided for police and fire services can become dangerous to

building occupants during emergency situations.

Therefore, once building occupants have evacuated to safe areas they are not to re-enter

the operational areas until an all-clear message has been communicated to them by Civil


6.4 Special Considerations

In addition to the outlined emergency responsibilities of the department member, the

following precautions must also be considered and understood:

6.4.1 Personal limitations

Adult occupants are held responsible for their safety by following the common-sense

precautions as well as the above-mentioned procedures. Occupants with physical

limitations are expected to be attended to by the nearest capable person(s) and hence such

attention to incapable and young occupants should be considered by everybody.

6.4.2 Visitors

Each department is responsible for the safety of its visitors. Visitors are expected to

comply with the risk management and safety rules of the college. Departments should

provide directions and assistance to visitors for evacuating the facility in an emergency


Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


If the visitors are attending classes in the training rooms, instructors should always

identify the emergency exits prior to starting instructions as well as assist in an actual

emergency evacuation.

7. Evacuation Procedures for People with Special Needs

The following guidelines will assist you in planning for the evacuation of people with Special

Needs (SN).

In all emergencies, after evacuation plan has been started

People with SN should evacuate themselves from the building if possible.

Always ask someone with a SN how you can help before attempting any rescue technique

or giving assistance. Ask how he or she can best be assisted or moved, and whether there

are any special considerations or items related to his safety and well-being that need to be

taken with the person.

If it is safe to do so, assist persons with SN as indicated by that person, or direct them to

the nearest stairwell or a safe area within the building, whichever is safer. Notify

emergency personnel of the person’s location.

If an individual with a SN cannot evacuate him/herself from the building, he/she should

go to the nearest stairwell or a safe area within the building, if it is safe to do so, and tell

someone who is evacuating from the building that he/she is trapped there.

Attempt a rescue evacuation ONLY if you have had rescue training or the person is in

immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.

DO NOT use elevators unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel.

Note: There is no specific designated area for this purpose. Rescuers will determine where to

take somebody who is stranded.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Hoe to respond to an emergency in case of mobility impairment

It may be necessary to help clear the exit route of debris (if safe to do so) so that the

person with SN can move out or to a safer area within the building.

If people with mobility impairments cannot exit, they should be moved to a stairwell or

assistance area, whichever is safer.

Notify Civil Defense or fire personnel immediately about any people remaining in the

building and their location.

Civil Defense or fire personnel will decide whether people are safe where they are and

will evacuate them as necessary. Only the Civil Defense may determine whether it is safe

to override the rule against using elevators.

8. Assignment of Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities should be determined and established by HOD’s. Each department

should assign tasks to members related to their duties and responsibilities. HOD’s are

responsible for maintaining proficiency and certification of certain staff members in CPR and

first aid.

8.1 Responsibilities of the Fire Warden

Prior to an emergency (During Normal Business) fire wardens have an important role

to play by observing the fire safety guidelines provided in training and should be

continually on the lookout situations such as:

Possible malfunctioning fire extinguishers, fire alarm points and smoke detectors

Fire exits that are blocked

Missing keys for exits

Missing fire evacuation maps

If any other potential hazards are identified, they should be reported without delay to the

College Safety Officer who should then report the matter to the CRMC.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


On hearing the fire alarm, fire wardens should:

Immediately leave the rooms they are in safely according to fire evacuation


After allowing time for the main body of people to evacuate, and only if safe to do so,

fire wardens should then check the rooms in the immediate area working through the

rooms systematically and closing doors as each area is cleared.

Assist individuals with special needs to a designated rescue area, or with evacuation


When all rooms have been checked clear, fire warden must leave the building via the

nearest available exit.

At assembly areas, fire wardens should assist HODs/supervisors with a head count.

Communicate whether all staff have exited the building to the College Safety Officer

who should then communicate to civil defense officers.

8.2 Responsibilities of the Department Safety Officer (DSO)

Prior to an emergency, during normal business the DSO should:

Put together an easy to carry container of important items to take with them during an

evacuation. Items should include:

o Copy of emergency evacuation plan

o Important keys

o First aid kit

On hearing the fire alarm DSO’s should:

Shut down equipment/operation (e.g. research, testing, special equipment, laboratory

equipment, items generating heat or open flames, etc.).

Shutdown building facilities, e.g. utilities (electricity, gas and water (If necessary),

special building equipment, exhaust fans and elevators etc.).

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Fire wardens and safety officers from each department will ensure safe evacuation of the

facility, directing occupants to the designated assembly point, and preventing re-entry to the

facility (prevention of re-entry apply to all except emergency personnel to ensure the

protection of life and property).

9. Training and Fire Drills

9.1 Training

Training is an integral part of the safety program for the CoM&HS and it is the responsibility

of each department to ensure all their employees are trained on the Building Emergency Plan.

HODs are responsible for providing emergency evacuation information to all employees and

should be certain that each employee reads and understands the plan. It is the responsibility

of all staff, students, visitors, etc. to become familiar with the Emergency Evacuation Plan

and to know the evacuation routes and assembly areas, and to attend training.

Initial fire safety and evacuation training courses, specific to the Emergency Evacuation Plan

will be provided to all building occupants within 60 days of plan approval. All department

members will receive evacuation plan refresher training specific to fire safety, annually

thereafter. A schedule for these courses will be organized by the CRMC in conjunction with

the University Risk Management Office. All new employees must attend initial fire safety

training within 90 days of their appointment.

9.2 Fire Drills

There are two types of fire drills that should take place on a regular basis:

9.2.1 Fire Drills affecting all Building Occupants (employees, students, visitors,


These must be conducted once per semester to test the emergency procedure components and

to determine if changes are needed to improve the emergency evacuation plan. Such drills

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


will involve all employees following evacuation procedures and physically moving to the

designated safe areas. In addition, fire drills will be conducted anytime there is a change in

the building layout that involves significant plan modification.

9.2.2 Department Fire Drills

These should occur:

Annually without actually setting off the fire alarm

When there are any changes in building floor plans

At the time of each fire drill department phone tree (list of staff) procedures will be

implemented, tested and evaluated for effectiveness. The department safety officer and fire

warden should submit a report to the College Safety Officer who should submit it to the


9.3 Fire Extinguishers

This is the fire triangle. Actually, it's a tetrahedron, because there are four elements that must be

present for a fire to exist. There must be oxygen to sustain combustion, heat to raise the material

to its ignition temperature, fuel to support the combustion and a chemical reaction between the

other three elements.

Remove any one of the four elements to extinguish the fire.

The concept of Fire Protection is based upon keeping these four elements separate.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. Types of Fire Extinguishers

9.4. 1 Water and Foam

Water and Foam fire extinguishers extinguish the fire by taking away the heat element of the fire

triangle. Foam agents also separate the oxygen element from the other elements.

Water extinguishers are for Class A fires only - they should not be used on Class B or C fires.

The discharge stream could spread the flammable liquid in a Class B fire or could create a shock

hazard on a Class C fire.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. 2 Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers extinguish fire by taking away the oxygen element of the fire

triangle and also be removing the heat with a very cold discharge.

Carbon dioxide can be used on Class B & C fires. They are usually ineffective on Class A fires.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. 3 Dry Chemical

Dry Chemical fire extinguishers extinguish the fire primarily by interrupting the chemical

reaction of the fire triangle.

Today's most widely used type of fire extinguisher is the multipurpose dry chemical that is

effective on Class A, B, and C fires. This agent also works by creating a barrier between the

oxygen element and the fuel element on Class A fires.

Ordinary dry chemical is for Class B & C fires only. It is important to use the correct

extinguisher for the type of fuel! Using the incorrect agent can allow the fire to re-ignite after

apparently being extinguished successfully.

9.4. 4 Wet Chemical

Wet Chemical is a new agent that extinguishes the fire by removing the heat of the fire triangle

and prevents re-ignition by creating a barrier between the oxygen and fuel elements.

Wet chemical of Class K extinguishers were developed for modern, high efficiency deep fat

fryers in commercial cooking operations. Some may also be used on Class A fires in commercial


Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. 5 Clean Agent

Halogenated or Clean Agent extinguishers include the halon agents as well as the newer and

less ozone depleting halocarbon agents. They extinguish the fire by interrupting the chemical

reaction of the fire triangle.

Clean agent extinguishers are primarily for Class B & C fires. Some larger clean agent

extinguishers can be used on Class A, B, and C fires.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. 6 Dry Powder

Dry Powder extinguishers are similar to dry chemical except that they extinguish the fire by

separating the fuel from the oxygen element or by removing the heat element of the fire triangle.

However, dry powder extinguishers are for Class D or combustible metal fires, only. They are

ineffective on all other classes of fires.

9.4. 7 Water Mist

Water Mist extinguishers are a recent development that extinguish the fire by taking away the

heat element of the fire triangle. They are an alternative to the clean agent extinguishers where

contamination is a concern.

Water mist extinguishers are primarily for Class A fires, although they are safe for use on Class

C fires as well.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.4. 8 Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical

Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical fire extinguishers extinguish the fire primarily by

interrupting the chemical reaction of the fire triangle.

Like the stored pressure dry chemical extinguishers, the multipurpose dry chemical is effective

on Class A, B, and C fires. This agent also works by creating a barrier between the oxygen

element and the fuel element on Class A fires. Ordinary dry chemical is for Class B & C fires

only. It is important to use the correct extinguisher for the type of fuel! Using the incorrect agent

can allow the fire to re-ignite after apparently being extinguished successfully.

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College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.5 Fire Extinguisher Use

It is important to know the locations and the types of extinguishers in your workplace prior to

actually using one.

Fire extinguishers can be heavy, so it's a good idea to practice picking up and holding an

extinguisher to get an idea of the weight and feel.

Take time to read the operating instructions and warnings found on the fire extinguisher label.

Not all fire extinguishers look alike.

Practice releasing the discharge hose or horn and aiming it at the base of an imagined fire. Do

not pull the pin or squeeze the lever. This will break the extinguisher seal and cause it to lose


When it is time to use the extinguisher on a fire, just remember PASS!

Pull the pin.

Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire from the recommended safe distance.

Squeeze the operating lever to discharge the fire extinguishing agent. Starting at the

recommended distance.

Sweep the nozzle or hose from side to side until the fire is out. Move forward or around the fire

area as the fire diminishes. Watch the area in case of re-ignition.

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College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.6 First Aid

Based on the concept of saving lives and minimizing the consequences of injuries or

emergencies in workplace, a minimum of two people should be designated as paramedics in a

building. They should be well trained in First Aid and must know how to deal quickly with

critical situations until the ambulance arrives to take the patient to the nearest health care center.

The paramedics should also evaluate the risks surrounding the work location and identify unsafe

sites and advise on how to manage work according to injury type. They should be aware of

hazardous substances in the workplace in order to deal safely with all potential injuries.

Task and Responsibilities of the First Aid Provider in Case of injury

1- Provide accurate and fast diagnosis of injuries to determine the cause.

2- Conduct an initial patient examination and to pay attention to the injury based on observed


3- Provide immediate treatment based on the injury type or illness.

4- Call the ambulance or transfer the patient to the hospital as necessary.

5- Record injuries and inform the relevant authorities.

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College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


9.7 Safety in Elevators


• Watch your step when entering or exiting an elevator.

• Stand aside and allow exiting passengers to get off before entering.

• Push and hold the DOOR OPEN button if doors need to be held open for someone approaching

to get on; don't hold open using your arms or feet.

• Use the stairs if there is a fire in the building or other situation that could lead to a disruption in

electrical service. Elevator shafts are often not sealed and act as a chimney when fire is present.

• Check the posted capacity of elevators and not get onto an elevator that is already at capacity.

Wait for the next elevator if the car is full or if there is not enough room to stand comfortably in

the elevator cabin.

• Discourage unsafe behavior by others in and around elevators.

• Report elevator vandalism promptly to the College Safety Officer or College Administration.

• Report any elevator‐related accidents promptly to the College Safety Officer.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


• Push the alarm button and as many floor buttons as possible if you suspect trouble or are

attacked so that the elevator will stop quickly at the next floor. Don't get into an elevator with

someone who makes you feel uneasy.

You Should NEVER:

• Interfere with closing doors. Wait for the next elevator.

• Attempt to pry open elevator doors.

• Attempt to enter the hoistway outside the elevator cabin.

• Jump up and down.

• Cram into an elevator that is exceeding its capacity; actively discourage anyone else from

cramming into an elevator.

• Block the doors open with any kind of equipment or box, or with your foot or arm. In newer

elevators, holding the doors open will cause the elevator to “time out” and shut down as a safety

feature. In that situation, a mechanic must reset the controller to re‐start the elevator. Use the

DOOR OPEN button on the floor selector panel to hold doors open longer than the normal

timing sequence allows.

If the Elevator Is Not Working and You Are Inside:

• When the elevator stops, first try the DOOR OPEN button. If the doors won't open, ring the

ALARM button and wait for assistance. Use the emergency phone if one is available.

• Remain calm and communicate with those outside. Cell phones may work inside an elevator. If

you have one and it is receiving a signal, call the maintenance department (2414 3333). If you do

not have a cell phone, ask those outside the elevator to make the call.

• Sit down and stay in the elevator, away from the doors, in case rescue personnel open them.



• Never attempt to get off a stalled elevator without emergency personnel present.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


• Do not attempt to exit an elevator that is not properly aligned with a floor unless there are

emergency personnel present to assist in evacuation.

Staffs or students who tamper with or abuse any of residence hall elevator equipment or controls

or who create an unsafe environment for themselves or others in or around elevators are in

violation of community living standards.

10. High Risk Areas

Departments should identify high risks areas and then determine if there are ways to

minimize the risks. Two areas that should be considered are:

Risk to college’s business/assets e.g. personnel records, student records etc. To minimize

the risks, all important files and department backups should be stored in fire proof


Risks that department’s work may cause hazardous conditions or exposure to occupants

(e.g. flammable substances, toxic materials, radioactive substances and/or other items

requiring special shutdown procedures to prevent unsafe conditions/exposures). To

minimize these risks:

o All chemicals should be stored properly according to their nature of hazard (e.g.

flammable, poisonous, volatile, etc.).

o Departments should keep a record of all risk areas and submit a copy to the College

Safety Officer (e.g. Chemical stores, laboratories, volatile, carcinogenic and

radioactive substances etc. in laboratories), who should submit to the CRMC.

11. Recovery Information

Documenting Emergency Outcomes

Once the safety and status of staff has been ensured, and emergency conditions have

subsided, each department should assemble their Emergency Recovery crew to begin the

restoration of the department’s programs.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


It will be important to begin a timely and comprehensive assessment of the effects of the

emergency on departments both physically and operationally. Departments should plan ahead

for how they will collect this important impact information.

Upper management will need ongoing status reports after the emergency to estimate

when department programs can be fully operational and to identify special facility,

equipment, and personnel issues or resources that will speed normal work resumption.

The college administration may need detailed facilities data on the affected area to

estimate temporary space reallocation needs and strategies.

Documentation of damaged facilities, lost equipment and resources should be performed.

All documentation on the impact of the emergency should be coordinated with upper

management. A suggested format is provided in section 15 for summarizing this crucial


12. Certification of Emergency Plan Awareness

All employees in each department must read the emergency plan and review it annually or

whenever there are changes in floor plans. Each individual must print, sign, and date the

declaration form; a copy of which can be found in Section 15.5. In addition, on an annual

basis, all staff must maintain proficiency in the use of portable fire extinguishers. Each

department should keep its own training records and send a copy to the College Safety

Office, who should submit to the CRMC.

13. Emergency Staff Contact Information

This section lists the names, departments and contact numbers for designated emergency

staff team members. You should not hesitate to contact them if you have any questions about

this document or general college safety issues.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


13.1 Contact Number of Fire Wardens

Department Staff Name Contact Details

Accident & Emergency Mr. Ahmed Al-Shaqsi Tel: 2414 4613

Mobile: 99255969

Administration Ms. Zakiya Al-Omairi Tel: 2414 1103

Mobile: 99459992

Allied Health Science Ms. Rajaa Al-Sadairi Tel: 2414 3594

Mobile: 92553880

Behavioral Medicine M.Govindan Tel:2414 3443

Mobile: 92232598

Biochemistry Ms. Manal Al-Khanbashi Tel: 2414 3537

Mobile: 994422305

Child Health Mirfat Al-Kharusi Tel: 2414 3403

Mobile: 95372056

Family Medicine & Public Health Ms. Ambreena Fatima Tel:2414 7217

Mobile: 94864067

Genetics Mr. Sultan Al-Salhi Tel:2414 3568

Mobile: 93585494

Hematology Mr. Mohammed Al-Rawahi Tel: 2414 4986

Mobile: 95144864

Human & Clinical Anatomy Dr. Nawal Al-Mukheini Tel: 2414 3548

Mobile: 92194140

Medical Education& Informatics Unit Ms. Rahima Al-Maashari Tel: 2414 3490

Mobile: 95133736

Medical Library Ms. Khadija Al-Yahyai Tel: 2414 1142

Mobile: 99823604

Medicine Mr. Ibrahim Salim Al-Shoaibi Tel: 2414 3404

Mobile: 92372732

Microbiology Ms .Atika Ali Al-Bimani Tel:2414 3593

Mobile: 98888300

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


13.2 Contact Number of Paramedics

Department Staff Name Contact Details

Accident & Emergency Mr. Ahmed Al-Shaqsi Tel: 2414 4613

Mobile: 99255969

Administration Ms. Zakiya Al-Omairi Tel: 2414 1103

Mobile: 99459992

Allied Health Sciences Ms. Buthaina Saif Al-Dhahli Tel:2414 1195

Mobile: 95143295

Biochemistry Ms. Manal Zaid Al-Khambashi Tel:2414 3537

Mobile: 94422305

Child Health Mirfat Al-Kharusi Tel: 2414 3403

Mobile: 95372056

Pharmacology Ms. Jamila Al-Kalbani Tel:24143455

Mobile: 99622601

Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Saba Mubbashir Tel:2414 4312

Mobile: 96792459

Ophthalmology Mr. Harith Al-Ahsani Tel: 2414 4548

Mobile: 92122004

Radiology Molecular Imaging

(Medical Physics Unit)

Mr. Hilal Al-Zeheimi Tel: 2414 3425

Mobile: 92885560

Pathology Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Nabhani Tel: 2414 3520

Mobile: 99742066

Physiology Ms. Intisar Al-Lawati Tel: 2414 3553

Mobile: 96363434

Small Animal House Mr.Bader Rashid Al-Ruqaishi Tel: 2414 1250

Mobile: 99036665

Surgery Mr. Ruel Palad Natividad

Tel: 2414 3486

Mobile: 99832708

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Family Medicine & Public Health Ms. Ambreena Fatima Tel:2414 7217

Mobile: 94864067

Genetics Dr. Hamed Abdullah Al-Riyami Tel:2414 3412


Human & Clinical Anatomy Dr. Nawal Al-Mukheini Tel: 2414 3548

Mobile: 92194140

Medical Education & Informatics


Ms. Rahima Al-Maashari Tel: 2414 3490

Mobile: 95133736

Microbiology Ms. Zamzam Al-Bimani Tel:2414 3593

Mobile: 98869999

Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Saba Mubbashir Tel:2414 4312

Mobile: 96792459

Ophthalmology Mr. Harith Al-Ahsani Tel: 2414 4548

Mobile: 92122004

Pathology Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Nabhani Tel:2414 1180

Mobile: 99742066

Pharmacology Mr. Ahmed Salim Al-Mahruqi Tel:2414 3459

Mobile: 99771078

Physiology Ms. Hajar Baomar Tel: 2414 3553

Mobile: 99380877

Radiology &Molecular Imaging Ms. Amaal Juma Al-Rasbi Tel:2414 3595

Mobile: 99232246

Small Animal House Mr. Sultan Nasser Al-Maskari Tel:2414 1250

Mobile: 99476994

Surgery Mr. Ruel Palad Natividad

Tel: 2414 3486

Mobile: 99832708

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


13.3 Contact Number of College Safety Officers (CSO)

Department Staff Name Contact Details

Biochemistry Mr. Mohammed Nasser AL-Kindi Tel: 2414 1114

Mobile: 99431317

13.4 Contact Number of Radiation Safety Officers (RSO)

Department Staff Name Contact Details

Radiology & Molecular Imaging

(Medical Physics Unit)

Ms. Ibtesam Nasser Al-Maskari Tel: 2414 3595

Mobile: 92921251

13.5 Contact Number of Departmental Safety Officers (DSO)

Department Staff Name Contact Details

Administration Ahmed Mohammed Al-Saadi Tel: 2414 3463

Mobile: 95136337

Allied Health Science Ms. Buthaina Saif Al-Dhahli Tel: 2414 3594


Behavioral Medicine M.Govindan Tel:2414 3443

Mobile: 92232598

Biochemistry Ms. Zayana Al-Dahmani Tel: 2414 3537

Mobile: 99014856

Child Health Sheila Lutana Magpayo Tel: 2414 3403

Mobile: 92350787

Family Medicine & Public Health Dr.Imran Saad Azmi Tel:2414 7203

Mobile: 96946014

Genetics Mr. Feisal Al-Mahrizi Tel: 2414 3567

Mobile: 94200670

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Hematology Mr. Mohammed Al-Rawahi Tel: 2414 4986

Mobile: 95144864

Human & Clinical Anatomy Mr. Nasser Al-Hashmi Tel: 2414 3545

Mobile: 92667054

Medical Education & Informatics Unit Mr. Salim Al-Harthy Tel: 2414 3576

Mobile: 99798080

Medicine Dr. Mohammed Al-Ghailani Mobile: 99463608

Medical Library Ms. Khadija Al-Yahyaai

Tel: 2414 1142

Mobile: 96664684

Microbiology Ms. Zamzam Al-Bimani Tel:2414 3593

Mobile: 98869999

Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Anita Mohan Tel:2414 4525

Pager: 524

Ophthalmology Mr. Salim Said Al-Abri Tel: 2414 3516

Radiology& Molecular Imaging Ms. Amaal Juma Al-Rasbi Tel:2414 3595

Mobile: 99232246

Pathology Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Nabhani Tel: 2414 3520/1180

Mobile: 99742066

Pharmacology Mr. Ahmed Al-Mahrouqi Tel:24143456

Mobile: 99771078

Physiology MS. Intisar Al-Lawati Tel: 2414 3553

Mobile: 96363434

Small Animal House Mr. Bader Rashid Al-Ruqaishi Tel: 2414 1250

Mobile: 99036665

Surgery Ms. Luluwah Al-Farsi Tel: 2414 3486

Mobile: 92806456

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


14. Emergency and Important Contacts List

This section lists the names and contact numbers of general emergency services/persons.

14.1 Sultan Qaboos University Contact Numbers

SQU Campus Contact No.

Risk Management Office 2414 3051 – 2414 3052

SQU Hospital 2414 4615

SQH Emergency & Ambulance Service 2414 4777 – 2414 7307 – 2414 4615

Cardiac arrest 2414 4999

Fire Emergency 2414 4444

Hospital Elevator Emergency 2414 4999

Failure of Water, Electrical city, Gas, Sewage, Irrigation and


2414 3333

Kalhat Company 2414 3344

Public Relations & Information 2414 1062 / 2414 1043

SQU Hospital 2414 4615

Patient Service 2414 4648

SQU Security office 2414 5999

SQU Hospital 2414 4615

SQU Health & Safety Dept / Risk Management Office 2414 2701 or 2414 2702 or 2414 2703

OUTSIDE SQU Campus Contact No.

Contact in Oman 9999

Royal Oman Police - Emergency 24560099

Muscat Airport Information 24519223

Telephone Directory Enquiries 1318

Fire/Civil Defense Contact No.

Emergency 2414 4444

Non-Emergency 2414 4087

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


Departments Heads of Departments Contact No.

Allied Health Sciences Dr. Shadia Al-Bahlani 2414 3466 / 2414 3465

Behavioral Medicine Dr. Nasser Khalfan Al-Sibani 2414 1150/2414 4418

Biochemistry Dr. Khalid Al-Rasadi 2414 1113

Child Health Dept. Dr. Hussein Al-Kindy 2414 1137/2414 3433

Director of Medical Library Mrs. Maryam Al-Sinani 2414 1189 – 2414 1165

Family Medicine & Public Health Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Mahrezi 2414 1128

Genetics Dr. Abeer Al-Sayegh 2414 4389/2414 3526

Hematology Dr. Mohammad Al-Hunieni 2414 4947

Human & Clinical Anatomy Dr. Omar Habbal 2414 3531

Medicine Dr. Ali Saif Al-Mamari 2414 1133/2414 3404

Microbiology & Immunology Dr.Zakariya Al-Muharrmi 2414 4975/ 2414 3570

Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Lamiya Ahmed Al-Kharusi 2414 3475/ Pager 633

Ophthalmology Dr. Abdullah Said Al-Mujaini 2414 3515/2414 3516

Oral Health Dr.Abdulaziz Bakathir 2414 7269/2414 7268

Pathology Dr. Aisha Al-Hamdani 2414 1122/2414 3562

Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacy Dr. Yousuf Al-Suleimani 2414 1155/2414 1106

Physiology Dr. Khamis Al-Hashmi 2414 3540 / 2414 3514

Radiology & Molecular Imaging Dr. Humoud Al-Duhli 2414 4801 / 2414 3595

Surgery Dr. Hani Ahmed Al-Qadhi 2414 1119/ Pager 680

College Administrator Position Contact No.

Prof. Omar Awadh Al-Rawas Dean 2414 1102

Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Harthi Director of Admin 2414 1118

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


14.2 Other External Community Contact Numbers

Unit Unit Head Contact No.

Medical Education And Informatics Unit Dr. Rashid Khalfan Al-Abri 2414 3477

Small Animal House Prof. Badreldin Hamid Ali 24141160

SQU Medical Journal Prof. Lamk Al-Lamki 2414 4801

Al-Nahda Hospital 24831255

Armed Forces Hospital 24331997

Khaoula Hospital 24560455

Royal Hospital 24599000

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


15. Forms

15.1 Department Staff Head Count Form

This form should be used to check off and record the names of persons as they are accounted

for during an emergency situation. It should be completed with the details of department

members and ready to be taken to the designated assembly area in the case of an emergency.

During an emergency, if you know of someone in your area who could not exit the building,

notify the Chairman of College Risk Management Committee immediately.

Department ______________________

Name Accounted for? Room No. Phone No.

Note: In an emergency, take the list with you when you leave the building.

If your department would like to receive soft copies of any of the forms in section 15, please contact your department health and

safety officer.

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


15.2 Department Emergency Team Contacts

This form should be completed with the contact details of each department’s designated

emergency teams. Each member of the department should receive a copy of this form and it

should be regularly updated to incorporate any updates to contact details or team


Department: ______________________

Emergency Response Team Contact Details

Room No. Office Phone Home Phone Mobile

Department Head


Health and Safety Officer)

Fire Warden

Emergency Recovery Team Contact Details

Room No. Office Phone Home Phone Mobile

Department Head


Health and Safety Officer

Fire Warden

Other Team Members

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


15.3 Immediate Post-Emergency Department Requirements

This form should be used to request the facility, space and equipment your department needs

to become operational and should be completed after an emergency as needed. Send the

completed form to the college administration with a cover memo from the head of


Department: ___________________

Date: ________________________

Immediate Facility and Space Needs

Description (e.g. Chemistry Laboratory) Specifications (e.g. seats 20) Quantity

Urgent Equipment Requirements

Description (e.g. Computer) Specifications Quantity

Additional Comments

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


15.4 Detailed POST- Emergency Department Equipment Assessment

This form should be used to list and describe in detail damage done to equipment in your

department during an emergency. Send the completed form to the college administrator with

a cover memo from the head of department.

Department: ______________________

Date: ____________________________

1 Each college instrument has a technical affairs ID

Room # Item


Manufacturer Model # Technical

Affairs Item #1

Description of


Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


15.5 Declaration Form

This form should be completed by all CoM&HS staff. Photocopy, complete and sign this

form and send submitted to Department Safety Officer and send a copy to be send the

College Safety Officer.

I have received, read and fully understood the emergency plan booklet and agree to comply

with the guidelines it contains.






Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


16. College of Medicine & Health Sciences Risk Management

Committee Members

No. Members Contact no. Department E-mail

1 Dr. Rashid Khalfan Al-Abri 24143477


Chairperson /


[email protected]

2 Assistant Dean for Undergraduate



Deputy/ Dean’s Office [email protected]

3 Administrative Director 24141118 Dean’s Office [email protected]

4 College Superintendent 24141181 Dean’s Office [email protected]

5 Dr. Ikhlas Said Ali 24143432


Pharmacology& Clinical


[email protected]

6 Dr. Hamed Abdullah Al-Riyami 24143412


Genetics [email protected]

7 Mr. Mohammed Nasser Al-Kindi 24141114


Biochemistry [email protected]

8 Mr. Abdulgaffar El Hag 24143424




[email protected]

9 Ms. Ibtesam Nasser Al-Maskari 24143595




[email protected]

10 Ms. Zakiya Zakariya Al-Omairy 24141103




[email protected]

16.1 Emergency Response Team

16.1.1 Emergency Team

No. Members Contact no. Department E-mail

1 Dr. Ikhlas Said Ali 24143432



Clinical Pharmacy

[email protected]

2 Mr. Mohammed Nasser Al-Kindi 24141114


Biochemistry [email protected]

3 Administrative Director 24141118

Dean’s Office [email protected]

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


16.1.2 Recovery Team

No. Members Contact no. Department E-mail

1 Assistant Dean for Undergraduate



Deputy/ Dean’s Office [email protected]

2 Dr. Hamed Abdullah Al-Riyami 24143412


Genetics [email protected]

16.1.3 College Risk Management Committee Speaker

No. Members Contact no. Department E-mail

1 Dr. Rashid Khalfan Al-Abri 24143477


Chairperson / Surgery [email protected]

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Medicine & Health Science Emergency Evacuation Plan


17. References

1- Emergency Plan. First Edition: 2007

2- Evacuation Plane Guide in Emergency Cases. Sultan Qaboos University. Risk Management

Office: 2017