Emergency Action Plan HRPA

Hampton Roads Psychological Associates Emergency Action Plan


Emergency Action Plan

Transcript of Emergency Action Plan HRPA

  • 1.Hampton Roads Psychological Associates Emergency Action Plan

2. The success of this Emergency Action Plan in times of emergencies hinges on employees knowing the procedures outlined in this plan and acting upon them in an appropriate manner Employee Responsibilities 3. Before an emergency Become familiar with the content of this plan to include who to report emergencies to, the assigned evacuation routes, and designated meeting locations Actively participate in emergency drills and treat them as if they are real During an emergency Assist an Emergency Response Team member if ask Listen and wait for direction on how and when to evacuate the facility from emergency response team members, police, security or fire personnel, if safe evacuation is not immediately available Follow assigned escape route procedures to avoid crowding at exits Report immediately to your designated meeting location Never go back into the facility to retrieve personal belongings Employee Responsibilities 4. Emergency Information to Report Facility Hampton Roads Psychological Associates Address 3101 American Legion Rd Ste 12 Major Cross St Taylor Rd and Western Branch Blvd, behind 711 Phone Number 757-484-0616 Notify the Emergency Coordinator : Laura Lanoue Notify the Floor Monitors: Primary: Greg Griffin Secondary: Front office staff When able, call 911 Order of Notification Reporting Emergencies 5. Evacuation Route Office 4 Office 3 Office 2 Office 1 Break Room Waiting Area Storage/ office Admin. Area Office 5 Hallway EXIT 6. Once you evacuate the building, everyone is to meet BEHIND the building. Call 911 if previously unable Do not return for any personal items After 2 minutes from the evacuation, take attendance Report any missing persons to Emergency Personnel Meeting Place EXIT 7. Unfortunately, in todays society this plan is very important. Working directly with the public in the field of mental health puts our practice at higher risk. Please pay close attention to the plans, as well as ways to identify potentially dangerous behavior. These plans of actions may save lives, and they are EVERYONES responsibility. Potential for Violence 8. While ALL staff, administrative and clinical, should remain alert to cues, violent behavior may indeed erupt without warning (especially in patients with acute medical illness). Clinicians should not feel overly confident in his or her ability to sense impending danger. In one study, psychiatrists were only 60% sensitive and 58% specific in their ability to predict violence overall, and were even less accurate regarding violence by women. Still, many authorities suggest that the clinicians and staff listen to their gut regarding a potentially dangerous situation Patient observation is the first step in predicting potential violence. An angry patient should be considered potentially violent. Increased motor activity is one of the most consistent signs of an impending attack. Provocative behavior, an angry demeanor, pacing, loud speech, tense posture, frequently changing body position, pounding walls, or throwing things are all signs of impending violence. Anyone who is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol needs to be immediately reported to management regardless of demeanor Identifying Potentially Dangerous Behavior From Our Patients 9. Remove the angry patient from contact with other patients. If identified in the waiting room, bring them directly to a treatment room The potentially violent patient requires urgent intervention to prevent escalation. Often, preferential treatment will defuse patient anger. Make the patient aware that you understand; attempt to establish communication. Tell the patient that you are going to get your manager in order to better help the patient Notify the manager of the situation, as well as any indications of violence including potential intoxication, violent history, verbal or physical threats, and identification or threat of a weapon Interventions and De-escalation Techniques 10. Decreased productivity Inconsistent work patterns Lingering depression Poor on-the-job relationships Safety concerns Inability to concentrate Poor concentration Fascination with weapons Poor hygiene and health Chronic excuses or blaming Evidence of Substance abuse Issues requiring increased supervision Evidence of chronic stress in employees personal life Poor Attendance Identifying Potentially Dangerous Behaviors in Other Employees Employees who are at risk for workplace violence may exhibit one or more of the following behaviors: 11. An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation. Profile of an Active Shooter 12. Front Office Staff If you are able, evacuate and dial 911. Follow evacuation plan Lock Office Door Retreat to the back storage room/manager office Lock office door Pull the EMINENT DANGER CORD Barricade yourself in office (move heavy furniture against the door) Dial 911 Clinical Staff: LOCK YOUR DOORS IMMEDIATLY Do Not Open Your Doors to check on other staff, or release patients If able, barricade yourself in your office (move heavy furniture against your door) If you are able, break your windows to escape Help anyone who is disabled or trapped, if you can do so safely If you are trapped, hide behind heavy furniture to avoid any shots potentially coming through the walls Call 911 Active Shooter Protocol 13. The EMINENT Danger Alarm is the RED PULL string cord located in the storage/managerial office area During a situation of EMINENT danger, or POTENTIALLY EMINENT danger, the cord will be pulled and the alarm will sound Once you hear the alarm, every one must follow the Active Shooter protocol Do Not Follow Evacuation Plan LOCK YOUR DOORS and Dial 911 Alert the operator that the EMINENT Danger Alarm has been activated in the office. Identify the potential for an active shooter, whether you hear shots or not EMINENT Danger Alarm 14. If you are in a EMINENT danger, and are unable to leave your office, push the panic button located under your desk This button will emit a signal to the interior lobby, flashing a light and chiming The Office Manager, or acting staff member, will be THE RESPONDER EMINENT Danger Alarm- Hostage Clinician 15. Once the interior lobby alert is noticed, every clinician will be paged on their office phone If you ARE the hostage, DO NOT PICK UP YOUR PHONE An intercom conversation will continue as to not alert your patient. DO NOT PICK UP YOUR PHONE IF YOU ARE IN DANGER The responder will ask [Clinician] Do you have Mrs. Psych.s chart? Clinician will respond, Im in session right now- I will look when I break. Responder will apologize Responder will call 911 alert operator of potential hostage situation Responder will manually EVACUATE each treatment room, and waiting room immediately The EMINENT DANGER ALARM WILL NOT BE ACTIVATED EMINENT Danger Alarm- Hostage Clinical COMMUNICATION CODE 16. Remain calm, and follow officers instructions Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets) Immediately raise hands and spread fingers Keep hands visible at all times Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises How to React When Law Enforcement Arrives 17. All drills will be held after each staff member has received CLEAR notification of the exact time of the drill and all staff has clear expectations All Emergency Action Plan Drills will be loudly accompanied by continuous announcements from the Emergency Coordinator - This is a Drill! Any alarm activation, or established hostage communication is NEVER to be treated as a drill if you Have not been notified of a drill Do not hear continuous This is a drill announcements Drills