embriogenesis telur ikan komet pada suhu yang berbeda

Embriogenesis and Hatching Rate of Rainbowfish Eggs (Melanotaenia boessemani) at Difference of Temperature Uswatun Khasanah (141111056) Academic Advisors: 1. Dr. Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi., MP. 2. Dr. Juni Triastuti, S. Pi., M.Si.

Transcript of embriogenesis telur ikan komet pada suhu yang berbeda

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Embriogenesis and Hatching Rate of Rainbowfish Eggs (Melanotaenia

boessemani) at Difference of Temperature

Uswatun Khasanah (141111056)Academic Advisors:

1. Dr. Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi., MP. 2. Dr. Juni Triastuti, S. Pi., M.Si.

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• rainbowfish is originated or endemic indonesia that high value and considerable commercial interest but have danger status

• rainbowfish culture have hatchery problems is long hatching

• temperature have limiting effect of rainbowfish because rainbowfish is poikilotermic animal

• important information of organism's reproductive biology especially embryogenesis and hatching rate of rainbowfish

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Problem Notation

• Is it temperature have influence of embryognesis and time incubation rainbowfish eggs?

• How many optimal temperature to maximal hatching rate?

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The Aim

The aim of research is knowing influence of temperature to embryognesis, time incubation, and optimal temperature to

maximal hatching rate of rainbowfish eggs

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Provide information about optimal temperature to embriogenesis and

hatching rate for maximal production of rainbowfish eggs

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Literature Review

Phylum : Vertebrataclass : ActinopterygiiOrdo : AtheriniformesFamili : MelanotaeniidaeGenus : MelanotaeniaSpesies : Melanotaenia


Classification of Melanotaenia boesemani by Allen (1980) in Yuliani dkk. (2013) :

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Sketch of embryogenesis

rainbowfish (Glossolepis

incisus) (Nugraha, 2004)

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Research Methodologi

• pre research for event of eggs reversal (eggs at substrat) so knowing high current with needed and get optimal type sieve for eggs rainbowfish culture (flat or concave).

• primary research use RAK with eksperiment. this research there are 4 treatment and 4 frequent. Treatment temperature culture at 27°, 28°, 29° dan 30°C, and class of this reseach is days.

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Variable of Research

• independet : temperature• dependent : embryogenesis and hatching rate • control : spesiess of fish, nutrient, tools,

water quality (pH and DO).

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• A1, B1, C1, D1 = first dayA3, B3, C3, D3 = third day• A2, B2, C2, D2 = second day A4, B4, C4, D4 = fourth


















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