Embrace Design Simplicity for Effective Communication


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Page 1: Embrace Design Simplicity for Effective Communication

Embrace Design Simplicity for Effective Communication

Page 2: Embrace Design Simplicity for Effective Communication

“Only great minds can afford a simple style”, these words of French Writer Stendhal aptly reflect the simple style of Apple which was brought about by the legendary Steve Jobs. The product just strives to offer value to its customers with minimum distractions. To fully exploit the potential of simplicity let us go through these rules of simple, clear and good design:

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Less is more!

Your goal is not just aimlessly reduce things from a design but rather aim to keep the space clear, clutter free yet elegant and complete. It may sound simple but it would be quite difficult to work out but with genuine effort it would yield wonderful results.

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Ease of access

Your web design should aim for making way for your viewers to reach the content they are looking for, effortlessly rather than making them lost on their way.

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Communicate honestly

It is important that your website design, the information in your site, flyers, posters or brochures are in harmony with what you sell or do – your product, your strategies and your goals. Contradiction in your design and content would mislead your customers.

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Make it classic

The world is changing with such a fast pace that trends become obscure within no time and therefore, it is advisable that you keep your designs away anything that is current trend to gift longevity to your design. Rather stick to the fundamentals of design to get a creative classic outcome.

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Prioritize content

Remember ‘content is king’. Your job is to make way for content and not to outshine it. You rather need to assemble each component of web content and not highlight design as ornamentation.

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Eye for minute details

When your design is simple with more white space then it is obvious for flaws to be conspicuous. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you pay attention to minute detail and do not misunderstand that keeping simple means keeping it incomplete.

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Smaller footprint

When you are putting all your efforts to keep your design simple and minimal then it is better to strive for making it such that it occupies less drive space. Your users would definitely appreciate this feature.

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Devote optimal time

Keeping your design simple doesn’t mean that it would take less time. On the contrary, it may take more time for you to get a clean and clutter-free outcome that looks effortlessly elegant.

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Keep it straightforward

Strive to keep your design such that your customers can intuitively connect with it and the message gets conveyed in a straightforward manner. That is it has to be self-explained to serve its purpose as a powerful design.

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Make it appealing

Embracing simplicity doesn’t mean ignoring aesthetic quality of your site. Simple can be elegant and graceful at the same time depending on the taste of the designer. So, take care of the look and feel and inspire others with your great designs.

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Wrapping up

Simplicity is not for the weaker minds that just get carried away with trends but for great powerful minds that set new trends! So when you pursue simple designs you would understand that it is a tough process and as you get deep within it you would gain more knowledge about what works with your audience and what doesn’t.

Originally posted by : https://goo.gl/p5dZ4z