Embedded ubiquitous services on hospital

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Transcript of Embedded ubiquitous services on hospital

1. Embedded Ubiquitous Serviceson HospitalInformation SystemsPresented bySachin L. KshirsagarWCE sangli 2. ContentsIntroductionUbiquitous EchographNetworked digital cameraID mapping behaviour of proposed systemPrototype of Networked digital cameraCommercialized Networked digital cameraConclusionReferences 3. Ubiquitous ComputingCoined by weiserubiquitous computing as access anytimeanywhereenhancing computer use by making manycomputers available throughout the physicalenvironment, but making them effectively invisibleto the user 4. IntroductionPaper discuss about two embedded systemsUbiquitous EchographNetworked digital cameraHospital Information SystemComputational servers processing EMRsInnumerable terminalsInformation networksMedical device embedded into hospital which is agigantic computer system 5. Ubiquitous EchographEchographSensing unitComputation unitDisplay unitembed the medical device by simply replacing thebus with the information network supporting theHIS 6. Continued.. 7. Continue..WorkingMobile probe obtain echo signal ,send it via wi-fiServer software reconstruct echogram and send todisplayAdvantagesIncreases mobility of doctorNo need to move patientsDecreases maintenance cost 8. Prototype of Ubiquitous Echograh 9. Two types of sensorsMechanical scan 1-D echo probeCompress resampled echo signal by LZ-77 compressionGenerate B-mode imagesSonoSite SonoHeart Echograph 10. Networked digital cameraDigital cameraCharge-coupled device(CCD)Storage(PACS)Displaysystem can be embedded by replacing bus withLAN of HIS 11. WorkingPhotos taken by cameraStored in temporal serverAfter QA process confirmed photos stored in PACSTo smoothen the process HIS use barcode toidentify the patient 12. The system works as a state machine 13. Prototype of networked digital camera 14. Continued..Clinician set camera to barcode reading modeTake barcode of clinician and patientCheck in QA interfaceConfirmed photos are sent to PACS 15. Commercial networked digital camera 16. Continued..System utilizes Eye-Fi to connect to networkchecks all incoming images and recognize patientid by barcodeFollowing images stored to patients temporalfolderFinally confirmed images are stored 17. Conclusionproposed to embed medical device, a smallcomputer system, into HIS, a gigantic computersystem. 18. References[1] M. Weiser, Some computer science issues inubiquitous computing,Commun. ACM, vol. 36,no. 7, pp. 7584, 1993.[2] J. E. Bardram, Pervasive healthcare as ascientific discipline, Methods Inf. Med., vol. 3, no.47, pp. 129142, 2008.[3] Siemens. (2008). ACUSON P50 ultrasoundsystem. [Online]. Available:http://www.siemens.pl/upload/images/Acuson_P50.pdf 19. Thank You!!