Email: [email protected] …

John Wesley United Methodist Church 270 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540 Telephone: 508-548-3050 Fax: 508-540-7273 Email: [email protected] The WesleyanDear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, “You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 What counter-cultural words these are in today’s world, where advertisements tell us we deserve to have more, where there is an attitude of entitlement, where ‘bigger and more’ is the name of the game. Jesus, on the other hand, tells us how much better it is when we give, rather than get. And God sets the example for giving, as He gave us the ultimate gift when he gave Jesus to us. And as we make the transition from Thanksgiving, where we think about giving thanks for all we have received, to Christmas, where we think of giving to others, I want to share with you a poem by Wilfred Peterson that capture the true spirit of both thanks and giving, and how we should live our lives. The Art of Thanksgiving The art of thanksgiving is thanksliving. It is gratitude in action. It is applying Albert Schweitzer's philosophy: 'In gratitude for your own good fortune you must render in return some sacrifice of your life for other life.' It is thanking God for the gift of life by living it triumphantly. It is thanking God for your talents and abilities by accepting them as obligations to be invested for the common good. It is thanking God for all that men and women have done for you by doing things for others. It is thanking God for opportunities by accepting them as a challenge to achievement. It is thanking God for happiness by striving to make others happy. It is thanking God for beauty by helping to make the world more beautiful. It is thanking God for inspiration by trying to be an inspiration to others. It is thanking God for health and strength by the care and reverence you show your body. It is thanking God for the creative ideas that enrich life by adding your own creative contributions to human progress. It is thanking God for each new day by living it to the fullest. It is thanking God by giving hands, arms, legs, and voice to your thankful spirit. It is adding to your prayers of thanksgiving, acts of thanks…living. So during this Christmas season, consider all you have been blessed with, and remember that our lives, our time, our energy, our money, are not only blessings to be received, they are also gifts to be given. So give, thanks, give gifts and give love. Because as Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” ~ Pastor Rebecca

Transcript of Email: [email protected] …

John Wesley United Methodist Church 270 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540

Telephone: 508-548-3050 Fax: 508-540-7273 Email: [email protected]

“The Wesleyan”

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

What counter-cultural words these are in today’s world, where advertisements tell us we deserve to have more, where there is an attitude of entitlement, where ‘bigger and more’ is the name of the game. Jesus, on the other hand, tells us how much better it is when we give, rather than get. And God sets the example for giving, as He gave us the ultimate gift when he gave Jesus to us. And as we make the transition from Thanksgiving, where we think about giving thanks for all we have received, to Christmas, where we think of giving to others, I want to share with you a poem by Wilfred Peterson that capture the true spirit of both thanks and giving, and how we should live our lives.

The Art of Thanksgiving

The art of thanksgiving is thanksliving. It is gratitude in action. It is applying Albert Schweitzer's philosophy: 'In

gratitude for your own good fortune you must render in return some sacrifice of your life for other life.'

It is thanking God for the gift of life by living it triumphantly.

It is thanking God for your talents and abilities by accepting them as obligations to be invested for the common good.

It is thanking God for all that men and women have done for you by doing things for others.

It is thanking God for opportunities by accepting them as a challenge to achievement.

It is thanking God for happiness by striving to make others happy.

It is thanking God for beauty by helping to make the world more beautiful.

It is thanking God for inspiration by trying to be an inspiration to others.

It is thanking God for health and strength by the care and reverence you show your body.

It is thanking God for the creative ideas that enrich life by adding your own creative contributions to human progress.

It is thanking God for each new day by living it to the fullest.

It is thanking God by giving hands, arms, legs, and voice to your thankful spirit.

It is adding to your prayers of thanksgiving, acts of thanks…living.

So during this Christmas season, consider all you have been blessed with, and remember that our lives, our time, our energy, our money, are not only blessings to be received, they are also gifts to be given. So give, thanks, give gifts and give love. Because as Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

~ Pastor Rebecca

December, 2015

Worship We will celebrate our Advent season, with our Sundays of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Come join us in “Hanging the Greens” on Saturday, December 5th from 4-7pm. We will decorate the church for Christmas, have crafts for all ages, share in a short worship service, with our children and youth participating, and enjoy a chili meal together, put on by Karyn and Larry Briggs. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Halll. Our choir will be presenting a Christmas Cantata, entitled, “Sing We All Noel” on Sunday, December 20th at the 10:30 service. There will be no 8:30 service this day, as we want everyone to hear our choir on this Sunday before Christmas! Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love


Love came down at Christmas, stars and angles gave

the sign. Christiana Rossetti

Join us for our Christmas Eve Services: 5:00 – Our children will help lead us in a family friendly service. 7:00 – Guest musicians join the John Wesley choir, as we share in the Christmas story with song and candlelight 9:00 – Chapel service, with John Yankee on dulcimer, and song and candlelight.

This is a half hour service in the chapel with hymn singing followed by a message delivered by Rev. Carl Evans from the Christ Lutheran Church. Lunch is served after the service. All are welcome. There is no cost, but donations are always accepted.

Food for the Soul Wednesday, December 2nd at 12noon

The Falmouth Chorale under the direction

of John Yankee presents

“Angels & Shepherds”

Saturday, December 12th at 4PM and 7:30PM Sunday, December 13th at 3PM.

Performances will take place at The First Congregational Church on the Village Green in Falmouth.

Tickets are $20/adult in advance, $25 at the door. Students $5. Buy on line at at

For more information call 744.392.2383.

Please, please sign up to host a Sunday Coffee Fellowship. We need your help to keep this ministry going. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. If no one signs up, there will be no coffee as I am going to have surgery on December 16th and will not be able to host until January.

Thank you very much for your help. If you have any questions, please contact

Linda Duane at 508-457-4407


Whew! AM I EXHAUSTED!! And all I did was just sit back and watch as everyone else around here was getting the church fair set up and going. Aline Ward and her crew did another amazing job. And so all I can say is, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... to... Larry Ward! Yes, Larry Ward, for all that I'm sure he had to put up with at home this past month. Larry, you're the real hero here! No one appreciates you like I do. (People, I am so mean, don't you think?) Speaking of people who have to put up with a lot... like the daily business of running the office, Pastor Rebecca deserting her by going on vacation, putting the newsletter together, getting out the stewardship packets, and so much more, is our wonderful and amazing church administrator, Laura Peterson. (3 cheers for L.P. everyone.) However, the other day I think I did notice a little crack in the otherwise cool and calm demeanor that she typically always displays. Perhaps it had nothing to do with the five or six people in the office asking her questions all at one time, or the phone ringing off the hook, or her 'TO DO' list getting longer and longer, or all the little waifs and strays coming in off the street looking for help from John Wesley... but I have to say that I think she was about to clobber someone and I didn't want it to be me since I'm such a sensitive guy and so vulnerable. So I discreetly left the office and cuddled up in Allison office where it's always nice and sunny and cheery and warm. (Okay, so I'm a little infatuated. What's your problem?) Okay, John Wesleyans, what's the issue with the %#@!àU furnace! Are we trying to save money by building the thing in China, and now we're having problems getting it delivered? Everything else seems to get across the border with ease. (Ouch! I had to say that!) Personally, I'd fire the whole lot of trustees you have and appoint Aline as the Grand Poobah & Supreme Exalted Trustee. She is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. And if you're a contractor or repair person who doesn't perform, she'll teleport you away before you even knew you had been hired. And don't you dare backsass her or she'll bamhammer you so hard you won't know what hit you. All this about the furnace may be none of my business, but "I'm just saying", and I'm offering you the perfect solution. You know, nowadays everybody has to be so on guard about what they say, and so politically correct about things as well. Most especially in the church newsletter. Except for me, that is, mainly because I operate under a veil of anonymity and generally get to say whatever I can push through the official church censors (Pastor Rebecca and Laura). But I personally take everything with a grain of salt, and so should you. For example the phrase, "Are you a man or a mouse?", might generally be considered somewhat offensive to me, a mouse. But when I take the time and think about it, I realize it's just a harmless expression that describes a person who is anxious and timid, and who twitches, and whose movements are uncertain, and who seems to scurry here and there, hoping not to be noticed. And that describes most of you here at John Wesley. And so, if you think about it, that really bonds us together as one! What a great feeling to belong to such a church family! I love you, sis, I love you, bro!! And so I won't ever again be offended by what I hear some of you are saying about me behind my back. Because I could say the same about you! (Talk about convoluted thinking!!) Finally, Pastor Rebecca asked me to say a few words about the upcoming stewardship campaign. Since my whole purpose in writing this column is to win friends and influence people through my superior intelligence and humor, I thought a pointed little joke might make my case the best. Here goes... A torn and ragged one-dollar bill discovered that it was about to be retired from circulation. As it slowly moved along the conveyor belt to the shredder, it became acquainted and struck up a conversation with a fifty-dollar bill that was meeting the same fate. The fifty began reminiscing about its travels all over the world. "Life has been good”, the fifty exclaimed. “Why, I’ve been to Las Vegas, the finest restaurants in New York, celebrity fund raisers, and I just returned from a cruise in the Caribbean." "Gee”, said the one-dollar bill, “You’re really lucky to have been able to visit all those wonderful places.” "Thank you", said the fifty, "So where all have you been in your lifetime, my little friend?" To which the one replied, “Well, I’ve spent most of my time at the John Wesley Methodist Church". “Excuse me,” says the fifty, “But where exactly is that?” "I've never been there." (OUCH again!) See you next month! And Merry Christmas to all!

December, 2015

December, 2015


Starting Sunday, November 29th, both Sunday School and Youth Group will be participating in an Advent Study (similar to the rest of the church), entitled "Under Wraps." Each Sunday School Class will learn what it looks like to wait on God, be surprised by God, chosen by God and loved by God. The Youth Group will uncover what's been Under Wraps in the Christmas Story. Is God expectant, dangerous, jealous and faithful? Join us each Sunday and find out!


Hanging of the Greens (Saturday, December 5, 2015, 4:00 - 7:00 pm) Join us for our first "Hanging of the Greens" Advent Celebration on Saturday, December 5th from 4:00-7:00 pm as we decorate the church for Christmas, participate in arts and crafts and enjoy a chili supper together. This is a perfect event for the whole family, all are welcome!

Kid’s Sunday Position Training (Sunday, December 13, 2015, after 10:30 am service) Is your child interested in participating in our monthly Kid's Service on the first Sunday of the month? A training is open to all who are eager in becoming an Acolyte (lighting alter candles), Liturgist (reading call to worship), Usher (offering and pass out bulletins). Training is after the 10:30 am service on Sunday, December 13th and is mandatory if your child would like to serve during Kid's Sunday. Contact Allison for more details: (508) 548-3050 and [email protected].


Food Drive (Saturday, November 14, 2015) Thank you to the Youth Group for putting on a great Food Drive outside Shaw's Supermarket in Falmouth on Saturday, November 14th! Although it was extremely chilly and windy, three chart were overflowing with non-perishable goods. With the cash donations received, the Youth Group was able to purchase six turkeys which will be included in their Thanksgiving baskets. All the other remaining goods were used to stock their community Food Pantry as well as the Thanksgiving Baskets for families.

December, 2015

Vision 20/20

Love God….Love Others…Serve the World

Hopefully you’ve seen our updated Vision 20/20 information and pictures either on the poster board in the narthex, or the bulletin board in the fellowship hall! Here you will find information specific to each of our focus groups – Spiritual Growth, Fellowship, Invitation & Hospitality, Outreach, Children & Youth, and Building. Read about the initiatives that have already been accomplished, like the kitchen remodel, and our new red umbrellas, as well as new initiatives, such as the Dessert Social on December 7th, to be implemented over the next six months. Each of the focus group leaders have been working hard to bring about fresh and energized thinking that will chart the course for John Wesley over the next few years. We thank these leaders, as well as our at-large members who continue to keep us on track with plans and priorities. Our goal as a church is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, and we are seeking to find new and exciting ways to do this. If you haven’t already, please take a few moments to read and reflect on our Vision 20/20 program, and if you have any questions, please see Larry Ward or Pastor Rebecca.

JohnWesley Christmas Card Last Chance to add your name!

It’s getting to that time of year again! We will have the Church Christmas Card again this year.

Would you like to send a card to every member of the church? We will do it for you! Get started early before the hustle and bustle starts.

Each person (family) donating a minimum of $5.00 will have their name(s) put on our John Wesley Christmas Card that will be sent to all members.

Please fill out the form below with the name(s) you want on the card along with your donation and send to the office or put it in the offering plate labeled marked Christmas card.

For more information contact Sharon Mulcahy @ (508) 457-0950 or [email protected].

Please put the following names on the John Wesley Christmas Card. (Please print clearly)




Donation (Minimum $5.00______________________

Please make checks out to: JWUMC (marked for Christmas Card)

Hanging Out With God

A Day of Silent Prayer and Reflection ~ October 3, 2015 by Demaris Kooker

I decided to attend this event though I wondered how I could keep silent for five hours and what could I possibly reflect on for that long! I do live alone but the TV, I Pad, computer or stereo, are usually going. If not that, I’m talking on the phone.

There would be an opening service, a lot of worship type books to read and the many rooms of the church to settle in to read, write and contemplate. Snacks were provided. As always Bobye Anderson had carefully planned the day. During the worship service I discovered I had not put my reading glasses in my purse! I thought there might be a pair in my glove compartment or in my choir binder. There were none in either place. I was left to contemplate and reflect!

I started to think about all that happens at John Wesley. Many memories are associated with the fellowship hall, the goodbyes and hellos of beloved pastors and staff members, Christmas Fairs, yard sales, fellowship and refreshments after church, Church Conferences, pot luck dinners, brown bag auctions, chorale practices and ladies nights out, to name a few.

My thoughts traveled to the small groups that meet for book and Bible study, crafts, and the business of the church. Often in these groups we are seeking spiritual guidance for our personal growth as well as the growth of John Wesley, and the spreading of the Gospel in our community and the world.

The chapel is set in sort of a nature reserve, with the sound of water falling and plants that reach to the light above encourages peaceful refection. The 8:30 service each Sunday is informal and offers communion. It is also where Soup for the Soul services are held.

Finally the Sanctuary came to mind. Memorial services of beloved persons, Gospel Night Sings, choir practices and Sunday Services are held here. It is here that sermons have inspired and challenged me, and music has uplifted me. The few hours went quickly. I became aware of how God works through us to make this a better world, in a world that desperately needs the Gospel.

Would you like to share a “Hanging Out with God” experience?

Please contact Worship Chair Betty Smith at (508) 540-1073 or email me at [email protected]

December, 2015

New Years Silent Prayer Retreat

Calm. Silence. Serenity. Spirituality. With busy December behind us and a New Year ahead, it may be time to give a gift to yourself, take a deep breath, and sign up to spend part of a day with others in our church

family and with God. The New Year's Silent Prayer Retreat will be on

Saturday, January 9th from 9-2. Try something new. Ask a friend to come with you. It has guidelines, snacks and drinks, all materials, and

brief worship gatherings. Call Laura at the Church Office or Bobye Anderson at

508-540-1283. Bring a box lunch if desired.

Home-made Desserts!

Monday, December 7th at 1pm In the Fellowship Hall

Bring a friend and enjoy dessert, coffee, and tea, along with entertainment at our

first Dessert Social.

Call the church office if you need a ride—(508) 548-3050

December, 2015

Mission Memos The Golf Marathon was a huge success. It was over $9,800 raised (net profit) to give to local charities. Fore!

At our Nov. meeting we distributed our quarterly charitable contributions for the 2015 year. Thank you so much for your monthly contributions for the food collection on the fourth Sunday for the Falmouth Service Center! It is greatly appreciated! Thank you, as well, for the monthly contributions to the battered women's shelter as an ongoing annual project! They are very, very grateful for our help!

The Change the World program is going strong! Contributions were well received from the Mayan children organization. In December we are raising money for UMCOR Global Human Trafficking #333615. Thank you, again, for all your help by donating your change!

We would like to thank all the volunteers for the Alternative Gift Market for their time, including the Bike Lab staff/volunteers! The money raised will send bikes for medical personnel in Africa. We appreciate everyone's support in this crucial need! We raised $4,430 for this important program—the highest amount raised at this year’s Market!

We will not hold a meeting in December, but would love to have you join us on

the fourth Monday in January! Start 2016 off just right!

We meet at 7 o'clock in the Lyman Lounge. Come and bring some ideas or suggestions!

Christmas Fair Appreciation

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who helped with our wonderful Christmas Fair this year! We served so many people in our community, and our “red shirts” and enthusiasm exuded joy and excitement. We particularly thank Aline Ward for all her hard work all year long, and her co-chair, Sharon Mulcahy. So many people gave so much time and energy, and we thank God for the fellowship and well as for the money we made, which totaled over $14,000.00 as of this publishing date!!!

December, 2015


All Church Conference – our “state of the church” gathering will be held on Tuesday, December 1st at 5:30pm. We will welcome Rev. Nancy Bishoff, pastor of the Chatham United Methodist Church to preside over the meeting, as we share in worship, planning, and hearing about the future of John Wesley. Everyone is invited to share in this special time together.

Blue Christmas Service – Wednesday, December 16th at 5:30pm. This ecumenical service will be held at the Falmouth Congregational Church, 68 Main St., Falmouth with several pastors participating, including Pastor Rebecca. It is a service when we, with others, acknowledge the “blue” feelings we have at Christmas time. It can be memories of past experiences or pain of present ones, but it is a time to offer them up to our great sign of hope – the Christ child. There will be song, short meditation and Communion. Everyone is welcome.

In the event of a major snowstorm and we have to cancel our worship services, we will post the cancellation on our website at, as well as on the local radio stations WQRC – 99.9, Ocean 104.7, Classical 107.5, WCOD – 106.7, Cape Country 104. Our primary concern is safety for our church family, so please use prudence and common sense in deciding whether to attend.

Baptism of the Lord Sunday is January 10th. If you or your child has not been baptized, and you would like to participate in this sacrament, please see Pastor Rebecca.

It’s that time of year when we think and plan for how we will financially support John Wesley in the coming year. Pledge packets and information went out, but if you have not received yours, please contact the office, and we will make sure you get one.

Don’t forget—our next Falmouth Eats Together is Thursday, Dec. 10th at 4pm. You are welcome to come and eat. And if you would like to help, please contact Bonnie or Tim Valade at (508) 563-9578.

The 2016 flower chart is now posted on the door on the left as you exit the Sanctuary for you to sign up for altar flowers for the 10:30am Sunday service. Please print information clearly and don't forget to include your name. Additional information is listed to the right of the chart. The cost is $40.

The Men's Breakfast and Discussion Group will be on Tuesday, December 15th at 7:30am at Friendly's Restaurant. All men are invited to share in breakfast and informal discussion of one of Pastor Rebecca's sermons. The cost, including meal, coffee, and gratuity is $10. A sign-up sheet will be in the Narthex. Any questions, contact John Mincieli at 508-776-8653.

Thank you, Jan Brooks and Louise Bailey for putting together last month’s newsletter for you!

Emergency Contact Information. Would you like John Wesley to have phone information for a loved one or good friend in the unlikely event you fall ill while at church? Should something happen, this would give us the ability to contact them as quickly as possible. All information will be kept in the office. Please fill out the forms in the narthex, or stop by and see Laura in the office.

A huge thank you for the great response to the request for hats, gloves, socks, and fleece throws throughout November. We will continue collecting winter hats, gloves, and warm socks throughout the month of December. And we are adding adult warm coats to the list. Please donate new or gently used adult coats to be distributed to the unsheltered homeless and the Falmouth Service Center. We are hoping to collect enough to be able to pass them out through the cold winter months. For more information, contact Bonnie Valade at (508) 563-9578.

December, 2015

Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected

Our Church-Wide Bible Study for Advent 2015

Don’t let the holiday bustle steal your Christmas Spirit! We invite EVERYONE to join us for Under Wraps, an all-church Advent study that explores the character of God described in the Old Testament and then revealed through Jesus Christ. Each week centers on a key word that describes a characteristic of God that is evidenced in the Old Testament and then seen more clearly through Jesus: faithful, dangerous, expectant and jealous.

Groups will meet weekly, starting November 29, with meeting times designed to make it easy to participate. Every group will be following the same format, so you can drop in at whatever time works for you that week. Even the children and youth will be using this study, so it will truly be a church-wide study. Meeting times planned include: Sunday 9:30 a.m., Monday 12:00 p.m., Monday 7:00 p.m., Tuesday 10:30 a.m., and Tuesday 7:00 p.m. We’re also planning to set up an online option for those who just can’t get to a meeting.

Sign up using the form in Sunday’s bulletin, or contact Jenn Linton (508-548-2792 or [email protected]). The study book costs $9 and can be purchased in the narthex on Sundays or in the office M-F. A large-print version is available, as well as a daily devotional.

December, 2015

Outreach—Be a Part of It!!

The Big Fix is an annual effort by the Housing Assistance Corp. of Cape Cod to do minor repairs and yard work on homes of disabled veterans, elderly or those otherwise unable to effect repair work on their homes. The HAC solicits volunteers, both skilled and unskilled, who want to donate about 5 hours of their time on a Fall Saturday to help with the "Big Fix". And yes, that's what it's called! Each year a Cape town is chosen for the work, this year it was Bourne and next year it will be Brewster.

The Big Fix was originally scheduled for October 3, but due to inclement weather was postponed to October 24. Because of this, we lost some of those who signed up from John Wesley. But a few managed to get there! Henry Brown, Ken Roth and Cyndi Jones, who represented Heroes in Transition, met at the Upper Cape Regional School with about 140 other volunteers at 8 AM. We met our fellow volunteers and headed for the client's home. We were about 15 people strong, and I wondered how we could possibly all find something to do, but we did! Ken got to work on the front walk, pulled up and re-set a number of bricks, and helped clean out the entire front area along. Henry went to work with AmeriCorps people and was very impressed with their work ethic and knowledge - they just got the work done without taking a break! The entire backyard needed clearing, and we eventually filled about 25 leaf bags with clippings, as well as creating an enormous pile of brush to be picked up by the Bourne DPW later that day. We cleared old wood and pallets from the back yard, and started to fill up the construction dumpster which was on site for some carpentry work. One of our volunteers was a carpenter and re-decked the back porch steps of the house. When we were done at 12:30, the place looked entirely different! We departed and headed back to the school to a lunch hosted by the Wareham 99 Restaurant. One of the comments heard from volunteers was " I haven't worked this hard in years!" And it was true, but the results were worth it - a grateful client with a nice looking property and the satisfaction of a job well done. And don't forget, we were only one of many teams of volunteers that went out to do good work!

This is just one of the Outreach efforts planned as part of Vision 20/20. We want to develop teams of volunteers who are willing to "Love God, Love Others and Serve the World", the motto of Vision 20/20. Be a part of it! Next year, we will be asking for Big Fix volunteers, but before then there will be other opportunities to live our motto-stay tuned!


1 2 3 4 5

7am AA 10:30am Advent Study

5:30pm CHURCH CONFERENCE 6:30pm Mothers

Recovery 7pm Fal. Chorale 7pm Advent Study

7am AA 12 Noon Food for the

Soul 7pm AA

7pm Yoga

7am AA 4:30pm Bible Study

(Mash) 7pm Bike Lab Open

Shop 7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 2pm AA Women 5:30pm AA Study


10am Bike Lab 4pm Hanging of

the Greens

6 Peace 7 8 9 10 11 12

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Advent Study

10:30am Worship/WoW 3pm Fal. Chorale 4pm Youth Group

5:15pm Fal. Chorale 6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 9:15am Women's Devot. 12Noon Advent Study 1pm Dessert Social

7am AA 10:30am Advent

Study 6:30pm Mothers

Recovery 7pm Advent Study

7am AA 7pm AA

7pm Choir 7pm Yoga

7am AA 4pm Falmouth Eats

Together 4:30pm Bible Study

(Mash) 7pm Bike Lab Open

Shop 7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 2pm AA Women 3pm JML Nursing 5:30pm AA Study


13 Joy 14 15 16 17 18 19

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Advent Study

10:30am Worship/WoW 11:45am Kids Sunday

Info 4pm Youth Group

6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 9:15am Women's Devot. 12Noon Advent Study

7pm SPRC

7am AA 7:30am Mens

Breakfast 10:30am Advent Study

Noon Fal. Women's Club

6:30pm Mothers Recovery

7pm Finance 7pm Advent Study

7am AA 8:30am LifeLine

7pm AA 7pm Choir 7pm Yoga

7am AA 4:30pm Bible Study

(Mash) 7pm Bike Lab Open

Shop 7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 2pm AA Women

2pm Atria Nursing 3pm Royal on the

Main 5:30pm AA Study


20 Cantata ~ Love 21 22 23 24 25 Christmas Day 26

No 8:30 am Service 9:30am Sunday School 9:30am Advent Study 10:30am Worship/WoW 4pm Youth Group

6pm Brazilian Church

6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 9:15am Women's Devot. 12Noon Advent Study

7am AA 10:30am Advent Study 10:30am Sight Loss

Group 6:30pm Mothers

Recovery 7pm Advent Study

7am AA 7pm AA

7am AA 5pm Christmas Eve Sanctuary Service 7pm Christmas Eve Sanctuary Service 9pm Christmas Eve

Chapel Service


2pm AA Women 5:30pm AA Study


27 Food on the 4th 28 29 30

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/WoW

4pm Youth Group 6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 9:15am Women's Devot.

4pm Trustees

7am AA 6:30pm Mothers


7am AA 7pm AA

John Wesley United Methodist Church

270 Gifford Street

Falmouth, MA 02540 (508)548-3050

Email: [email protected]

Dated Material

Rev. Rebecca Mincieli, Pasto

Allison Deyo, Dir. Of Youth Ministries

Laura Peterson, Office Administrator

John Yankee, Music Director

Robert Wyatt, Pianist/Organist

Priceless Gifts for Christmas

This Christmas why not give a gift To help to make one’s spirit lift,

Something that can’t be bought or sold, A gift that’s worth much more than gold?

A thoughtful word or a kind deed For someone in a time of need,

A visit to a lonely friend, Hugs for a broken heart to mend.

Compassion, understanding ways Help to brighten a person’s days. Sometimes silence gives one relief,

Aids in alleviating grief.

Have peace and love for everyone. Give thanks and praise for God’s great Son. With faith and hope and fervent prayer,

God’s glory will be everywhere!

Joy Stosz

November 3, 2015