EMAIL ETIQUETTE No text speak or slang words Uses a suitable subject line in the email Add...


Transcript of EMAIL ETIQUETTE No text speak or slang words Uses a suitable subject line in the email Add...

EMAILETIQUETTE No text speak or slang words Uses a suitable subject line in the email Add signatures to emails Setup contacts Use CC and BCC Use high & low importance Use folders to store email Set automatic responses to respond within 24hours

Always writes emailswell by: Starting all emails by addressing the reader Using paragraphs Ending all emails with "Kind regards",

Regards or Thanks followed by their own name

Uses capital letters where appropriate

Keep passwords safe and do not share with others.

Do not open emails from people who you do not know as the may contain viruses

A strong password must contain the Passwords must be changed on a regular basis about every for weeks and follow following elements: A minimum of 8 characters long Combines upper and lower case letters Includes at least one number Contains alphanumeric characters.. e.g. !£$%*#

Online safety Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people

can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.

Keep your privacy settings as high as possible Never give out your passwords Don’t befriend people you don’t know Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are Think carefully about what you say before you post something online

Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your

computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.

Email evidence We need to send emails in this business as we are an online business. Here are a few main contacts you may need.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

To reply to an email that is received in your inbox you right click on your mouse and click “reply” or left click on the email itself and click “reply” then right your response to the email without having to create a new one. It will keep the same subject and go to the same person.

To open an E-mail you simply click on the email and it should appear on screen.


To send an email you click on the “new” link you will be entered into a screen were you type the name of the recipient in the “To...” box e.g – [email protected] send button is in the top left hand corner and you click this when you are done. You can also feature a subject so that the recipient knows what the email is regarding, try to make it short and to the point, then you write the message in the main box.


To forward E-mails you locate the message you want and then click the forward arrow in the top right hand corner you should then be put on the new E-mail screen and then you enter the name of who you want to send it to and the E-mail will be sent to the new recipient after you press send.


When you receive an email with an attachment that you wish to open , click on the hyperlink of the attached file and you will be asked to –open -save -cancel If you open you can open it as a read only copy or to edit then you can save it despite not choosing save it may be saved into your downloads file but you could move it to somewhere else. If you want to send an email with an attachment click on the paperclip on the message menu and find your attachment in your documents.


You should use an digital signature so that the recipients know were the email is coming from. Digital signatures are used to make the company look professional. You create an digital signature by going onto your email and go to options-see all options-settings-Type in digital signature (as shown below)-click save


We use carbon copy to send an email to more than one person We use blind carbon copy to send an email to someone were the other recipients do not see, we would use this to show someone that we have sent an email but the other recipients don’t need to know this so you use Bcc.


To create a new folder move your mouse over to notes and right click on to create new folder then enter the name. To move an email to a folder, right click on copy or move to folder then click on the folder you wish to move it to.


To create a new contact you click on contacts on the bottom left and then new and there you enter the contacts details such as phone number, name and job.

If you are going to send an email that is important you can change the importance level in the message options when you are writing the message, the importance of the message will be shown to the recipient.


If you are going to send an email that is important you can change the importance level in the message options when you are writing the message, the importance of the message will be shown to the recipient.

An E-mail that is important will be marked with a red flag.


To create an automatic response you must enter your email and go onto options, see all options, organize email and automatic response and enter what you want your response to be in the bottom box and also change the time period you want it to be active and click save.


To archive it involves moving certain E-mails to folders. So all the E- mails in this case will go to my ‘personal’ folder. To do this you right click on the E-mail and click ‘Create rule’ then tick the ‘It was received from’ and click select one then choose your folder you want the E-mails to now go to.

The inbox rule is good for keeping organised as you can save specific E-mails into folders. The inbox rule would also use for spam, you could create a folder for spam and set an inbox rule for the specific contacts that continuously send you E-mails.


If there is a lot of E-mails in your inbox it is bad as you might not be able to navigate and locate E-mails as easily. If the inbox is too full it will start to slow the application down or maybe stop emails from getting to you. If it is a problem with spam look back at page 15 on how to make an Inbox rule.

It is important to keep on top of your E-mails, once you have read it delete it or save it into the correct folder so that it will not be lost. Doing this means that your inbox will be organised and you will always be able to see what E-mails need reading.

You should prioritise your E-mail by reading the ones with high importance first, the decide if you are to keep it or not. You should permanently delete E-mails in the deleted items folder at the end of each month to follow company policy. Only do this if you are completely sure you do not need the E-mail.

Once you receive an E-mail with an attachment you should check that the attachment is from someone you know and trust before you open it, if not delete it straight away (this is company policy). If you need the attachment you should save it to an appropriate folder in your documents and then delete the E-mail.