Email (3)

Selection of an Email System and Creating an Email Account

Transcript of Email (3)

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Selection of an Email System and Creating an Email Account

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Email System

This application was developed for a intranet

project, and would be usefull for any small to

medium sized organisation who use a Windows

NT Server, or even just a Networked Windows 95

solution running the personal web server, and

who want an e-mail system, but don't want the

associated costs.


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This system could also be used for a

community based website, as to allow

members only to send email to other


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Email System

Alice enters email and sends through the Internet to an SMTP server The SMTP Server sends the email to the POP3 server associated with

Bob's address Bob retrieves the mail from his POP3 Post Office Protocol server.

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The benefits of an Email System include:


Reach and Penetration

Ease and Efficiency

Low Cost


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What is email?

Email (or e-mail) is electronic mail that "works" quite like conventional correspondence.

There is a sender and a recipient and the contents are called the message of the email.

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In addition to textual content, email

allows you to send photographs, video

or sound clips in digital form or files.

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What is an email address?

When you create an email account, you

get an email address to which people

"write" to you.

Each email address is unique which

means no two people in the world can

have the same email address.

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Just like your postal address, which is

one of its kind, your email address

belongs only to you - unless of course

you share it with people.

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Email and security

Typically, you access your email

account with a username (also called

a login name) and a password. 

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These are your login details

In order to keep your email

communication secure from others,

you have to make sure that your login

details and known only to you and the

password is complex enough to make it

difficult for people to guess it.

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Having a good strong convoluted

password is the first step in making

your account secure.

The password to your email account is

akin to the key to the door of your

postal address (your house?).

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So how to you create your first email account

The easiest way to create your

email account and get your first

email address is to use a free online

service. The only thing you need is a

web browser.

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There are four major online email account providers

Gmail (run by Google),

Windows Live Hotmail (owned by


AOL and


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Everyone, except those living under

rocks for the past decade, know about

Google and their free web based email

called Gmail. The service was launched

with great fanfare and was 100% free

from the start but one could only create

a Gmail account through special invites.

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• Online email account provider

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How to create a Gmail account?

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Step 1 -Open the Gmail web site

To create your Gmail account you only

need a web browser.

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Step 2 - Enter all the required information in the "Create an Account" online form

Once you click on the signup link, you

shall be shown the Create an

Account form with several fields that

need your inputs

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Step 3 - How to choose a login name or username for your email address

Choosing a login name is part art and

part common sense. And because it

determines what your email address

will be,

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Since, email addresses need to be

unique which means no two people

in the world can have the same


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Your login name needs to be catchy and

at the same time describe you so people

are able to recall it without much difficulty

and associate it with you. For instance, if

you are a docile accountant from a small

town, choosing "hells-angels" as the login

name would be unwise.

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Step 4 - Choosing a password for your email

Securing your Gmail email account

with a strong> password is imperative.

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Step 5 - Protecting your Gmail account with a security question

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Step 6 - Word verification and confirmation

Now that everything is set, you can go

through the Terms of Service and click

on the "I accept. Create my account."

button which will create your very own

free Gmail account! Hurrah and


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Advantages of Gmail

Capacity Google’s Gmail online, storage

clocks in at seven gigabytes of space.

Available Anywhere available on literally any computer

that has an internet connection.

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Disadvantage of Gmail

Password Recovery The only thing you need to enter

into your Gmail account and retrieve your online files is a password.


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Yahoo!mail. Online email account provider

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Yahoo is one of the Web's most reliable

and long-standing email providers. This

service is free and it's fast and easy to

set up your own email account at


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 How to Set up a Yahoo! Mail Account?

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1. Visit the Yahoo! Mail home page.

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2. Click on the 'Sign Up' link that appears near the top right of the Yahoo home page .

Then select "Create New Account".

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3.Enter your name and other requested information in the fields provided. 

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4.Create a username that you will be comfortable using for a long time and will identify you to your email recipients.

Remember that you can use numbers and letters and even a single dot.

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5. Type the username you choose in the field provided.

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6. Choose a password when you have successfully entered a unique username.

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7. Verify your registration by typing the characters you see shown in the last section of the registration page into the field provided.

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Advantages of Yahoo!Mail.

Accessibility Access other email accounts Multiple yahoo addresses Choose your ‘from’ address Folders Attach Large Files Unlimited storage

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• advantages

All your favorite apps Email tabs Yahoo Mail Plus

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Windows Live Hotmail

Online email account provider

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1.Visit the Hotmail website.

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2.Click on the Sign Up button.

The sign-up option is on the left of the

page next to "Don't have a Windows

Live ID?"

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3. Fill out the sign up page.

This is where you'll decide what your

email address will be, as well as

entering personal and security


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4. Choose an address Type in what you want your email address to be, then pick a domain.

You can use or

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5. Fill in the form, and click on the 'I Accept' button.

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6. Agree to the terms of service and privacy policy

At the bottom of the page, there are two

blue links to Microsoft's terms of service

and privacy policy documents. You don't

have to read these to set up an account,

but you do have to agree to them. Click

"I agree" at the bottom of the page to

complete the process.

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7. Log into your email account.

. Visit the Hotmail website again to log

into the email account you just


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Advantages of Hotmail

Like most email services, the biggest advantage of using Hotmail is having instant communication access

friends Family Business across the globe

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Own address book Lots of storage space Connect you account to your Microsoft

Outlook email

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Disadvantagesof Hotmail

Few and it is highly-rated service.

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The Bottom Line

There are various email providers

across the web and each person has

the favorite. Before signing up to your

account, take the time to research

providers and decide which one suits

you best.

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In the end,

You have the choice to pick one you like.