Em swedenborg-the-word-explained-volume-ix-indices-academy-of-the-new-church-bryn-athyn-pa-1951



Emanuel Swedenborg

Transcript of Em swedenborg-the-word-explained-volume-ix-indices-academy-of-the-new-church-bryn-athyn-pa-1951


2. ( 3. lie -";>t?)c~sXL...31(1l)~jJ4).~ Wc - .... f"W< eb-~)(>()qV I .5" ()~~ f/1THE WORD OF THE OLDTESTAMENT EXPLAINED 4. TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEIndex of Subjects3Index of Authors ]32Index of Scripture Passages. 134Appendices:Additions and Comments . 191Text of Deleted Passages . 197Corrections of Latin Text. 204Errata . 219Drawings illustrating nos. 6250-52 . 226 5. INDICES 6. SUBJECT INDEXAARON. An evil (profane, 4862) man, mar, 6775. A. and Golden Calf. First5535, ill., 5287; an idolater, 6473--4, act as high priest was for the devil, 5312.7208, 7255; worshiped (represented, His guilt, 5430; worse than people, 5426.7259) the devil, 5310; had no faith, 3340.His deceit, 5303, 5434, 5443--4; effect of,God could not meet with, 5195. Why5431. Was without excuse, 5435. Whycalled a Levite, 3396, 3454. Why not ad-spared, 5452, 7075. Did he repent?mitted to Sinai, 4654. Prepared before5428.he could enter tabernacle, why, 6473s.,ABEL. Taught by Messiah and Holy6477s. Why could enter holy place,Spirit, 122; how, 131; Moses spoke with,4780. Determined on in heaven as high by an angel, 1892. Messiah suffered inpriest, 5452. Why chosen, 3251, 4785- A., God (Advent); reps. M., 94. Cain7. How sanctified, 4797, 4989-90, and, rep. prince of world and of heaven,5011; anointed, 4900; effect of, 6551.90; the nat. and spir. man, 187c. Was prophet and priest, 4167; repd ABEL-MlZRAlM,3125.pro., 4130; phood (before consecration, ABlB, 3906, 3908, 3911.3454, 4209) and worship, 5429; headABlGAlL, 6122s.(5545) of church, 4252, 4869, 5429.ABlMELECH, sigs. gentiles (who would be Why priests associated with, in theblessed, 269), 234f, 237, 1237; third class repn, 6738. (By anointment, 7224)in k. of God, 5911. A. and Sarah, 234e-repd God Messiah (478, 4794) in the44. Repn of A. (364), Isaac, 362, and world, 4817. Repn in inmost and Rebekah, 362, 372. supreme sense, 6743; in evil sense, 7061. ABlRAM, Korah. His ministry carried on by angelic choir, ABORTION, Generation. 5838. Death of, 7331; character after ABRAHAM. Story of contains arcana, 325; d., 5454n. A. in spir. world, Sweden- a type of his posterity, 165, 169, even to borg. As garments, Priesthood. SignMessiah, 174-5; also of things future, of making of, 4798-9; why differed from 297, of which M. is the effigy, 164. gs of his sons, 4961-2; were a repn,State of the blessed descrd in, 229. 5046. As relation to Levites, 6739--40,When born, 4320n. Chosen from prim. 6922; repn of A., the Ls, and the ch. of Gentiles, 675, 748, 1107. Why people, 6748; A. and the p., distd, 4801,called (from Ur, 208) to Canaan, 7695, 4817; of A. and Hur, 5765, 5769, 5772.7951, 7973, and separated, 161. Mes- A. and Moses; and Elders, 4237; and siah (God, 5634) apprd to in His future Miriam. A., Nadab and Abihu, repn, human form, 199; was As God, 1273, 4629; how they and the Elders saw God,venerated by the nations, 1393. Spoke 4645. A. and his Sons dist., 4896; oneto A. (and Sarah, 198) by an angel, 1892; compound person, 7286-7; rep. the eel., by an internal way, 611, descr., 475. and the Levites the spir., 7297-8; oneCanaan promised to, nature of the p., priesthood, 4960-1, 4969; office of, 6759.5622. Why separated from Lot, 173--4. Consecration of Ss, 4898, 4902; why notSign of As wars, 177-82. Led to anointed, 4960, cf., 4993; why phood Bethlehem, 167. The first to offer continued to, 5045; office of, 6759.tithes, 570. A. and Melchisedek. K. of Eleazar, 5993, 6755; reps. intellectualGod revealed to, 186. Promise of seed mind, 7261, 7306; received spirit ofto, 185; did not believe his s. would in- Moses, 5497n; office of, 6773; of Itha- herit Canaan, 4267; asked for a sign, 3 7. 4 SUBJECT INDEXABRAHAM (Story of) borg was present with, 5621-2, heard,185, 4267; desired miracles, 5621, 5628. 4461,5922, saw, 4355, 5292, 5593,spokeWhy Sarais (194) and As nameswith A., 5314, 5593; wrote in his preschanged, 187f, 189; the ns distd, 1624.ence, 1645; experienced things from,Covenant with God in 3 Persons; was5905. As indignation on learning thatextended to gentiles, 193. As feast faith might be merely representative,compd with sacrifices, 200s; his conduct5588; attests truth of what Swedenborgto Ishmael, 255, 258; why a f. at Isaacshas written, 1645-6. Repd himself asweaning, 250; sacrifice of I., 416, 4927,sacrificing Isaac, why, 5905. A. (3142)a type of victory, 267-8; why notand sons admitted to heaven beforepermitted, 268, 3260; A. died in, 266-7; Advent, why, 840. A. (3180n) and thecompd with Joseph, 1922; with Moseselect are in superior heaven, 477. Wickson, 3424; knew Messiah was to be theedness of Jews concealed from A., 186,victim, 201; why angel appeared twice, 2886; regarded them as first born. 3422n;270. As purchase of a sepulcher, 276 unwilling to send Israel away from them,80. Observed law of Marriage. Why3422, 3425; supplicated for them, 3419,desired Isaac to marry in house of 3424; effect, 3450; does A. wish unionNahor, 282-5; his alternative provi with them? 2887; exhorts them, 1527-8.sion, 287, 306-8. As speech by EliezerConfesses man is dust, 4124. Does notcompd with Gods s. with Jews, 310. hear men in the world, 3420. DictatesWhy sons of concubines sent away,words to Swedenborg, 1527, cf., 1530.330-1. As age sigs time between 1stHouse of, def., 291; sign, 544. Seed of,and 2d advent, 332-3; his death, type of def., 4368. Father of all the righteous,Messiahs, 332, 334, 337, 381. From A. 184,4022,5375, and faithful, 184, amongto present day is 150 generations, 4320. peoples and nations, 1359; sh. in spir.Character, 695. A tent dweller, 1542.world, 1527. Became parent of spir.A spir. (internal, 5573) man, 187d, 270; men,270. Foresaw his offspring (wouldin inmosts, 3471; a prince of God, 279;form a perishing typical ch., 238-9, 322)a king, 1064. Was divinely led, 262. as a paradise, 288; repd them as trees,Perceived heavenly speech, 270. Knew why, 282. Three distinct stems in,sign of his acts, 262; correspondences, 557-9. H. of, included strangers, 211.2606. In types, saw effigies, 268, the A. (592) and his H. was in Ancient ch. ofK. of God, 186, Messiahs advent, 166-7. Gentiles, 589, or true ch. of Messiah,Had more of love to Messiah than fear, 463, 378. A. and some of his descend1329, Patriarchs. Had faith (3419) and ants were in genuine ch., 714. Hadobedience, 696, ill., 258, 5033, thoughprim. doct. of Gentiles, 693, 696.not at first, 2763. Nature and effect of Transmitted prim. ch. to Shechem, 1572.his faith. 2883; justified by f., 695, 4321; A., David, etc., were of truly Christ. ch.how, 5586; by what f., 5573n. Justicewithin Jewish, 690. Is parent of Jews,imputed to, 471 (by f. not works, 369) 189, and became p. of Gentiles also,for righteousness, 184, 536, 540; re187f; is p. of the dead, 277. Asgarded law as fruit of f., 579. Did A. posterity (Ancestry, 468); why did nothave justifying faith? 5586, 5588, 5988. end with Jacob, 1649. Sons of, def.,Promise and blessing to. Did not use 3413; Abrahamic stem not pure, 313;divorce, 7485. Representation. Reps became depraved, 1866, 2628, restoredMessiah, 389; inmost ch., 3471; (justifyand again d., 1781. Why preserved,ing, 5572) faith, 5538; his own posterity, 286. Where now are seed of A? 286,346. As servants rep. Moses and the 3276. Relations to house of Nahor,prophets, 378, the elders, 461, the faith 160, 570-2, 1558; why separated, 1191,ful, 4320. A. and Lot rep. Jews and1560, 1562-3. Descendants enumerIsraelites, 174. In Spir. World, Sweden ated, 1360; def., 256; why blessed, 688;b 8. SUBJECT INDEX 5why received their name from Ascompd to paradise, 880n; why placed ingrandson, 1784-5. Promise of seed top., 25; saw heavenly ps there, 787.Isaac, J acob and David, 234f. As seed,Angelic sphere around, 5180. Revela-5375; reps the true ch. among Jews andtion to, 1891-2. How instructed, H 19.Gentiles, 362, 366-7; those who kept theJehovah appeared to, 26; had kind oftrue doctrine, 387, up to time of first speech with J., H20; how, H 31; J.advent, 378; included Ishmael, 471; spoke with by an angel, 1892; in a realJews and Gen tiles, 259; covers the voice heard by A. alone, H 31; 51.world, 748; Jehovah, 162, 211, and A. Lived in both worlds, H 6, H 24; 27, 29,saw whole w. in, 239. Seed of A. and76. Saw nat. things from spir., 878.Isaac reps posterity which will inherit, Simplicity of, compd with men of today,497. As sons rep. ch. and K. of God, 851, 886, 1065. Named animals, how,1359; four classes, descr., 325-8. Swe- 29, 38, 878. Why given dominion, H 6;denborgs lament over As sons and14. Why forbidden tree of knowledge,Judahs, 748. A. and Sarah were 27. First Parents. State of, 603s,called before being elected, 208. Were7700; order of loves in, 982; no heredi-in conjugial love, 3072. Rep. stemtary evil in, 6817. Lived in heaven,whence Tree of life, 279; Messiah and how, 60S; saw spir. things under nat.,His ch., 336; ch. and its doct., 2174;60S, 876-8, ill., 896. Actions of, ruledwhen separated, rep. old ch. and new, by Jehovah, how, 983. A. and Eve.235, 237, 239, or Jew. and Christ., 234d. As dream of a rib, H 21; 31. How E.S. like Rebekah sigs true ch., 319; is was formed, Creation; A. ignorant ofmother of spir., 187d; like Isaac reps this, 30. Why E. was so called, 76.spir. man, 252-3; Israelitish nation, 170,Before Fall, were like each other, 486.and, like it, had no faith, 208; as mother, Conj. love with, H20; their marriagereps old ch., 324. Why called sister,imaged m. of Messiah and ch., 34.234e, 235.Speech of, was representative, H 24; 38;ABSCESS, 6573. Diseases.had oral s., 77. The Fall. Why firstABSTRACTIONS, 4791-2. parents let into temptations, 626; howACADEMY OF ROME, 1167, Palaestra. tempted, Devil; state of, in ts, 43.ACCIDENTS, Providence.Why woman offered A. to eat, H 29;ACHAN, 5899.why the eating so great a curse, H 28-9;ACHOR, Canaan.effect, 2149, 2155. Why Adam fell,ACHSAH, 5948n, 5949, 5955.H 38; 2972. Deceived by sciences,ACTION, Works.6689. Profaned 7th day, 6577. WhyACTIVE and passive necessary for (anforbidden tree of life, 23, 83, giveneflect, 66, 768) a unit, H. 32. Are inclothing, 46, ashamed, H 23, H 30; 46,all things, 4462-3, 4466, 4473. A.78, driven out of paradise, 74, 85, 609,forces, Man.664s, 851, 922, 5552, and way to p.ACTORS, Theater.guarded, 88, 92, compelled to tillADAM: The first man, 787. Formed from ground, H 40; 85. State of A. beforedust, how, H 14. Created into order,and after F., H 42; 23, 878; as to conj.H 6; 14; a type of K. of God; his body an love, H 23, H 30, H 36; 66; as to naked-image of grand b., 484. All creationness, H 30; 35, 46, 78, 5449; (n. of A.regarded, 18. The wisest (10, 81) and and N oah compd, 142); as to strength,most intelligent of men, 29, 30, 76;3373; compd to slaughter after goldenignorant of (had no, 851, 886) evil, H 27;calf, 5559. State of A. after F. (47-8,851; of truly false, 882, 957. Had free SO), all evil, 8222; like a wild beast, 1389;decision, def., 43. Why field of hisreturned to chaos, 76. A. alienated,understanding narrow, 957. A true Messiah restored, human race, 3253;Nazari te, descr., 6817. Sta te of, was still the most intelligent of men, 81, 9. 6 SUBJECT INDEXADAM (The Fall) 110. Adults only can have charity, 85; recovered div. image, 468. God 5232. Mans state in old A., 1060, spoke to, 5599. Will be led back to6926; decay in, 1794, why, 276; sigs of paradise, H 40. State of society had o. A. in different senses, 1881, 2804; there been no F., 34; s. of man beforespir. o. A., 333, 396. Nat. and spir. and after F., 810, 861, 983-6,1287,2119;A., 2693. A. of the world, cf., 3105, as to his four faculties, 782, 814, 851,3171. Gold and Silver A., 4667-8. 2170-1; service of angels to man b. andTime. a. F., 1853. State of man after F., 29; AHAZ, 7608. viler than the brute, 814; became devils, AHOLIAB, Oholiab. 1735; the human became profane, 4898. AIR, Atmosphere. After F. man is born Jacob, 2793; nat.ALIENS, Status of in Jew. ch., 6564. mind is formed from animus, 860, 984; ALLEGORY, Correspondence.is opposed to spir. m., 911; men think ALMONDS, Vegetable K. life from themselves, 644; reformationALTAR, sigs (body of, 5157n) Messiah,possible only by temperings of good and388, 1653,5166; worship, 5719-20. 6360,evil, 1027, ill., 1154; influx through the 6887. Compd to a man, 4427, 4980,senses (especially hearing, 782) the only5168. Ancient use of, 4425, 5315-6.way of learning, 708, 732, or becoming Why of earth or stone fashioned withoutwise, 860; compd with former way, 905.(iron, 4763) tools, 4427-32. As ofBy F. earth separated from heaven, stone and wood compd, 5155. Direc3546; h. closed, 185; superior way totions of, 4687. Sanctification of, amind dosed, H 40; 666-8, 3006 (inprim. custom, 5103. Jacobs A., 1677.Adam, 781, 922, by Messiah, 814); why, Jeroboams A. A. of Sacrifice, sigs1042; except with some, 611; not dosed (instrumental of, 4995) worship, 5810;for influx of light, 667, 816, 851, 3008;Messiahs human essence, 5021. Whyorder inverted, 88, 664s, 732, 878,outside tent, 4997,5153. Why portabledescr., 851; effect on devil; on physicaland hollow, 4770-1. Why no steps to,universe, H 37, and body, 69, 70.4433. Why overlaid with brass, 5173,After F., J ehovah no longer God of7260. Horns of, 4765, 4978, 4980, 5211;human race, 3028; h. r. damned, 619; why blood put on, 4977, 4980, 5211,can be justified only by Messiah, God. 6353; why b. sprinkled on ground, 4995.How integrity is to be restored, 810, 883. Rings and staves of, Rod. Pillars of,ADULLAlIIITE, deL, 1983, sigs idolatry, 4636. Instruments of, 4765s. (Per 2014, 2018, 2052. Hirah the A., apetual, 5054, 6358, 6363) fire on, sign,Canaanite, 1980; of sons of Ham, 1984;6358. Initiation of, 6886s; confirmed,character, 2058; why called friend, 2013, 6904, 6906. Sanctification of (5021; a 2046.div. arcanum, 5086-7) by a lamb, 4992;ADULT, Age.by blood (and oil, 5102), 5009-10, 5102s;ADULTERY, Marriage.why done daily, 5114. Why anointed,ADVENT. The three As descr., 7509.6391. Why called holiness, 5104.First A., God. Second A., Church. Making atonement for, 5096. Why toAFAR OFF, 4419-20. be cleansed perpetually, 6363. A. ofAFFECTIONS, Man. Incense. Cone. A. of 1., 5152s. SigsAFFIRMATIVE and Negative, 782; orig. of, charity, 5809. Why of cedar (5157)957. The N., 7687. overlaid with gold, 5168; rings (5182)AFRICA, 3276.and crown (5169, 5172) of, 5178. WhyAGE. The six (three, 2220) As of man, with staves (5157, 5177) overlaid with182, 2222. The old and the young sig. gold, 5175. Horns of, 5165, 5168.those before and after the Advent, 3678.Why placed before veil, 5191; why HolyWhy years of life shortened after flood,of holies, 5215. Sanctified continually, 10. SUBJECT INDEX 7why, 5215. The two As compd, 5206, 6407; sig. Messiah or devil, 14, 338; theas to dimensions, 5159s; continuity of d. (129, 1938) and his crew, 53. S. ofservice, 5210; sig. Jew. and Christ. ch., (clean, 6686, 7464; unci., 6405) evil As, 5158, 5206; an A. of rest and an A, of6693; e. As could be vowed but notgrace, 5153. Why carried by Levites, sacrificed, 6690, 6692. Sign of (evil wild5176.beast, 6664) b. of field, 4580; of carcaseAMALEKITES, Nations. of an A. accidentally killed, 4525. AsAMBITION, H 38. Is of love of self, 95.in Spir. World. As of Flock. F. in-AMORITES, Nations. cludes she goats and rams, 1314; sigsANAKIM, 5934-5, 5952, 6000. Nephilim, Messiah, 1105; K. of God, 1004; gentiles, 110, 7130, 7350; Schmidius translation,824; ch., 870; ch. called a F. or fold, 7797. Rephaim, 7783; meaning of 4267, why, 846. Feeding (watering,101. (word, 7777; in spir. world are princes in 553, 559, 3296, 3298; shearing, 1201,the infernal crew, App. s.v., Rephaim.1204, 2012, 2023) the F., 3312. F. andValley of R., 7697.pasture, 6042. Messiahs fold, 842.ANALOGUES, 877.Ms F. enumerated, 546, 839; the threeANATHOTH, 8253.Fs sig. the three churches, def., 546,ANATOMY, Philosophy. 54&, 569; the old ch., 552; Rachels F.ANCIENT, Sign of, 6084. sigs. the (true, 555) new ch., 552. FsANGEL, Spir. World. A. of God. of Jacob and Laban, 1058, distd, 1021s,ANGER is murder, 4352s; is punishmentColor; Js and Abrahams Fs compd, (why, 7838) and restoration, 5351. 1434; Js F. conceiving, sign, 1026; JsState in, descr., 1233. Growth of, F. sigs (inmost, 1063) ch. of Christ,3676. Affects whole body, 4349; even 1334; Jew. ch., 1363, up to now, 1925.to ultimates, 6193. Manifested by fire,Labans F. descr., 1321; sigs the world,3640"-1; compd to f., why, 4032-3. 905; the ch., 853; congregations not ofIs from devil, 1600. Double orig. of,ch., 872; gentiles outside Canaan, 555,3737. Inherent in love, 717. How from whom Messiah will choose His F.,judged, 4604. A. and fury, distd, 2889. 1020, 1033; ch. of gs from First AdventA. ascribed to God, 7242; why, 7643; on, 872; truly Christ. ch., 569. F. ofwhen, 1302, 3394-5, 4032, 4404; (sourcesheep sigs three classes in ch., 4583,and, 4604) effect of, 3532; sigd by lambs, she goats, he goats, 862-7, 1021,quaking of Mount Sinai, 4289. Jews 1067, 1389. Why sons of ch. (veryoften taught no A. in God, 8048. commonly, 846) compd to sheep andANIMAL KINGDOM and Divine K. in man, lambs, 1065. Sheep, sign, 866; s. of523. Messiah, def., 842; gift of s., rams, sheANIMAL SPIRITS, Blood. goats and he gs, sign, 1427, 1429, 1434.ANIMALS, Birds. Soul of, 54, 4950; are Sign of she gs, 5801; of lambs, 4944;affections, 54. Instinct def., 919;connate men as Is, descr., 859, 867, 1031, 1033-4;knowledge, 29. Sight and hearing con-Is and kids distd, 853; sig. Messiah,joined in, 699. Emulate human society, 409, not the animals but the delicacies1858. Analogues of love to neighbor in,from them, 404; ks and rams, 1320; r.5230. Why given for food, 129; why same as a k., 4927; Is, rs, and ks,unlawful to eat unclean As, 6405, 7469; 4926s; Is, rs and he goats sig. the wor-is now lawful, why, 4533. Representa-ship of reasoning minds, App., s.v.tion of K. of God in, 3041. As in spir. Arabia. Paschal L., Feast; why a r. wasworld, 54. Commonly thought that dis-substituted for Isaac, 268, 416, 4927;position of, is according to their color,red rs, 4672; red rs, badgers andill., 1056; sign of, according to their d., shittim wood, 4672, 5801, 5841; rs3406, ill., 1417, 1435,2902, 2988; how S.before the F., 8262; sacrificial r., sign,of learned, 3406. Have opposite Ss, 4990, 4997, 5021; r. of in fillings, 5002, 11. 8SUBJECT INDEXANIMALS (As of Flock)why, 1072, 1177, 1296: principal servile5016,5028, def., 5052-3, 5055s; bullocks,affections, why, 1435; the ten tribes,rs (4926-7) and ls (4944) rep. three290-2, 310, after the dispersal, 302-3, classes (6896-8) in heaven, 5113. 311, and so the gentiles, 322, 324. Dog,Goats (sign 6897) are (a species of, 853, 3735. Hind, 2988s. Lion, sign, 2902859) sheep, 4671; can become Is, how,7, 6282, 6830, 7728, 8066; Messiah1125; flesh oC gs and rs anciently a compd to, 7543. Ls whelp, 7547. delicacy, 1320. Men descr. as she goats,Moles and bats distd, 7582. Sign oC 866; as he gs, 859, 865, 1133; first mules and horses, 1807n, 1812; oC Hs, conception oC ch. from latter, 1135; he 2142, 2756, 2964, 4065. Hs (hooCs, and she gs distd, 1028. Scape goat, 6055, 7600) heels, 2965, 2968. Biting 6469s. Flocks and Herd (bullocks, of Hs, 2969, 2973. Hs and horsemen, cows, asses) distd, 1389, 3861-2.2966, 2968, 3969, 4019. Hs and Sign of oxen, 6870-1; oC o. under mol tenchariots, 5926-7. Rider of a h. falling sea, 6280; of yoke of 0.,6113; oC stoning backward, 2973, 2976-7, 2986. Hough (unstringing,2888-9) an 0., 4517, 4524; ing Hs, 5927. Panther and tiger, 4033. of a goring 0.,4513,4516-7,4527; of o.Pigs, similitude taken Crom, 6318. and ass, 4335, 4522; oC bullocks, 4926, Swine, 8031; evil spirits entering into, 4928, in sacrifices, 4976; bs of sin, def.,650, 1458. Unicorn, 7378; horns of, 5098; of the heifer of a b., 7476; of red 7535. Wolf, sign, 1735; Messiah likened h., 7301s, 7309s; gifts of hs and calves,to, 2647. As and men, sign of, distd,sign, 1436. Cattle def., H 6n, 3753n,4284. Messiah (gentiles, 291) likened to3758. Hebrew words for; sig. gentiles As, 2852. (Nat., 135) men (Roman (1188) and congregation of ch., 1593; Pontiff, 3733; commonly, 846, 1811)inCerior ministry, 1773; what ministers compd to As, why, 360-1, 846, 1389,to understanding, 7816; men (3605;6407. As and men compd as to those in second place, 4580) distd into knowledges, 6750, speech, 3920, action,classes, 3605, 3608; posterity (Israelites, 4307, lumen, 3700, memory and imag.,3609) called c., why, 836; c. in field and4950, nat. mind, 4865, faculties, 916-21,in stables distd, 3612; c. and sheep 2973, charity, 4697, will, 1051, delights,(distd, 853) were the wealth of the950, moral good, 4652, 4866. As haveancients; c. and horses, sign, 2756; c.inferior, 643, or nat. mind, 865, 3722of Egypt, 3621. Kine in Pharaohs (animus, 897, 916) and will, 817, indream, Egypt. Calf, sign, 5414,common with M., 130a, 813,984; cannotGolden c. Cattle and asses, sign, 2754,live without spirits, 1849; difference3929. As sig. body (2892) and animus,bet. As and M. in this respect, 3681.2665; nat. mind, 2928; servants, 3406;Rays oC evil fires flow into animus andlowest service, 1072, 1377; things stupid,wild beasts, 1000. Distinction bet.,1807n; slaves to cupidities, 1812; menafter Fall, 814. Essential parts of As who think they live from themselves, and of M., 917-8. As rep. the nat. 2930; the proCane, 8192. Sign oC liftingmind, and M. (the spir., 3583, 3617) the grain upon As, 2525; She As sig. rat., 3637-8. Evil M. (sons of Jacob, corporeal affections, 1436. Sign of As 2540; worse than, 988, 5094) like As, in the different senses, 1807n. Lighting how, vol. I p. 2; 888, 1056, 1241. M. from an A., 6002; white As, 6041; As (born, 5384) viler than As, 3605; why, foal, 2925; r. (and son, 2927, 2929) and 922. Nat. M. almost like As, 574. A., distd, 2926. Bone of an A., 2952, Every M. draws something from some 2954. A. and ox distd, 4562. BaA., 1389. Lovers of self worse than As, laamsA. Asand Camels, distd, 1072;why, 988. Infracel. spirits are like wild Cs, bullocks and (she As, 1427) As, As, 1052. M. who are like poisonous 1418. Cs sig. more eminent services,As, 1241. M. now live like As, why, 12. SUBJECT INDEX 9860; without Messiah (reformation,what ts? 6290, 6711, 6965. Moses1811), they would be ferine, 1395-6.writing laid at side of, 5537. WhyCan judge Ms affections from As,1427. touching of (save by the anointed,All As fear M., why, 128-9.6768-70) punished, 6472, 6528, 6744.ANIMUS, Man.Propitiatory (or mercy seat, 4690),ANOINTING, Oil. 4693-4; why p. and cherubs provided,ANTEDILUVIANS, Anakim.5513, 5525--6; why exposed to view,ANTICHRIST, 3840. The Roman School,4707. Was holy of holies, 6476. A.3533. The beast is, 3554, 3583, 3638,and breastplate compd, 4869, to Table3842-3. The A. of Rome, 3360, 3498.of shewbread, 4701, 4703. Why peopleANXIETY. Cause of, 4111-2, 6652. Use permitted to construct, 6669. Whyof A. and anguish, 1386; of A. and lost, 4705; carrie:l to universe by angels,dismay, 914. As called spir. tempta4686. Noahs A.tions, 1381. Nat. and spir. anguish, ARM, Body.1386. Care. ARMAGEDDON, 3556-7.APOCALYPSE, Word. ARMY, War.ApOLLO, 6155. ARNON, passage of, 7687.ApOSTLES, Disciples.ARRABON, 2040.ApPETITIONS, 865, Desires.ARROWS, War.ApPLES, Vegetable Kingdom.ASHES. A. of the furnace, 3615; ofApUD, Words.sacrifices (sign, 6354) are holy, 6360-1;ARABIA. Sigs hell, 7887; the enemy,why put outside camp, 6360-1. A. of7920. Enigmatic wisdom flourished in, red heifer, 7302, 7305, 7310; why mixed7732. Arabians, Nations.with water, 7304, 7311, 7318.ARCANUM, as to Ishmael, 1764; as toASHTORETH, Idolatry.human affections, 3640. An A. knownASIA,3276.(only by revelation, 5003, 5007) toAsp, Serpent.]ehovah God alone, 1048, 1059; A. of ASPHALT, Dead Sea.God Messiah, 3071, 4438n. SanctificaAss, Animal.tion of altar, etc., a div. A., 5086-7. A. ASSEMBLY, sign, 2886.not yet revealed, 8051.ASSYRIA ASSHUR, sign, 7403, 7716, 7790.ARCHER, War.Kingdom of A. sigs Roman Syrian,ARIEL, 7802.6310; cupidities, 7718, 7722; the devil,ARK, Mercy Seat and Veil, sign, 5806.7619 (k. of, 7614) Babel, 6323; the oldA. of Testimony, why so called, 4689,learning, App., s.v., Assyria. Shur and4697, 5188. Sigs heaven and Messiah,Asshur distd, 7715.4694; rites, 8073. God effigied in, 4682;ASYLUM, the guilty to be taken from, 4492. Choirs of angels in. Was inmost ofATAD,3123.tabernacle, 4734, 6287. Dimensions,ATMOSPHERE. Use of As, H 1; in crea4681-2; compd to ds of altars, 5160-3; tion, H 10; order of, 4561; are as manywhy low, 5163. Why gilded, 4683-4, as are mans faculties, 4044; things in,4690, 4830. Why (staves) were of correspond to (heaven, 4034) precious(cedar, 5157, 6449) shittim wood, 4673,things of h., 7527; called h., 3640.4686; why ss not seen in holy place,Sigs Divine Spirit, 3995. Spirits dwell6289; rings, corners and ss of, 4685--6,in four As, descr., 7122. Active forces4688. Why A. and altar, etc., coveredor spheres of universe corres. to passivewhen moving Tabernacle, 6765s. Why fs in man, 6455. Mans superior andA. went first, 6979s. Contents ofinferior As are rational and nat. mind,(Commandments) the source of holiness, 3640. Auras defd, H 11; called heaven,4696-8, 5270. Contained Law, why,3180,3640; purer a. is originlof soul, H 6;4707; Aarons rod, 7283, tables, 7250; a. or wind, 4034. Air. Creation of, 13. 10 SUBJECT INDEXATMOSPHERE (Air) BALAAM. Nationality of, 7348; was ofH 2. Use of, 21. Is vital spmt, 22;prim. ch., 7349; a prophet (7351)called (spirit, 4693) heaven, H 2; 21, divinely inspired, 7348; a div. man,6035; why, 8. Evil spirits fill, 3670. 7358; an oracle, 7383, 7386; avaricious,Spheres lower than A., 4045. A. and7368; seduced by avarice, 7359, 7362s;Ether called heaven, H 11, 4423, 4645; captivated by idolatry, 7373-4; becamenutrient parts in, their use to men andan idolater, 7407; a perverse (profane,spirits, 1457. E. in creation, H 10; 7396) man, 7388. Had visions, 7388.called water, H 2, why, 4645; div. spirit, Seduced (plotted against, 7405-6) Israel,H 1, H 15. Light caused by, 9, 11. 7445; doubted as to fate of Israelites,Celestial aura, 3995.2760; why not permitted to curse Israel,ATONEMENT, Imputation. 2882, 3420; could c. and bless, 7355.AUTHOR. An A. taken for his writings,Sign, 5943, as soothsayer, 5943. Bs3293; an A. quoted, 6996.first prophecy, 7371; second, 7375s;AVARICE, Wealth. third, 7389s; fourth, 7398. Knew theAVENGING, Revenge. Messiah, 764viii; angel of M. spoke with, 7358, 7370, 7398; B. perceived this, 7383. Sigd (was an, 7365) internal BAAL, BAAL-PEOR, Idolatry. man, 7362-3. Reps the Word, 7359n; BAllEL, BABYLO~ sigs Iew. ch., @ the devil, 7355. Bs Ass. Story of, a ~tivity, 3865 1.fi.04; persecution, 3202; kind of allegory, 7361. Speech of,idolatrous ch., 8225n, 8256, kingdom expld, 7352; strife with, 7363-4. Sigsof devil, App. s.v. Sheshach. Sign in nat. mind, 7361-2. B. and his A. rep.u~l sense, 8258.Prophecies prim. ch. perverted, 7364, 7367. cone., 3363-6. Fall or, foretold, 3361.BALAK. Sigd devil, 7346, 7354, 7378. Was destroyed, 1745; how, 3724. B. or Attributed all to himself, 7356. WhyRome, 1085, 3116, 3365, 3509. B. is wished Balaam to curse Israel, 7369; Egypt, 1345. ~urday, 367. Beginsmonth before passover, 4258. NOAH TOfrom night, 1445. Requires those whoMOSES. Was the Anc. (or prim., 671)serve, 1068. Built up from ministering C., 579; the prim. or infant C., 4322,things, 717n. Persecution of, orig., 5586, prior to Abraham, 5612, which2092. Purification of, compd to worshiped Messiah, 6659; to be calledmenses, 1301. Is internal and external,C. of antiquity, 589, or C. of gentiles,779-81, nat. and spir., 1104; inmost and 592, 681. Prim. C. called the old C.,posterior, 602, which cannot be sepa4003; was in many lands, 7349; amongrated, 782. Int. C. cannot be deceived,descendants of Ham and principally in1268. Ex. C. does not know of inmost Canaan, 7973. Balaam, Nations (Hit.: 2592 inm. C. h~ted, why-andhQ;., tites). State of prim. (anc., 579, 82452593. Ex. C. must have a nexus with7) C., 2986, 5142; was the true Apostolicinm., Josepii (Beri]am[n) ;-;.ithout inm.C. throughout world, 1116; its first age,C., world would be ferine, 1223. In580,582-3; a practical c., 7367; was ledmore into C., angels seen almost as areby Messiah immediately, 717n; wasmen, 1351. Three Classes in (King pleasing to M., 5796; M. dwelt in, 581;dom, Patriarchs), 2878, 2924; like the loved (anc. c., ill., 581) prim. C. (5755)faculties in man, 173; how divided, 3882.of gentiles, 1062, 2986, 3274, why, 682,Cls (3d CL, 2901, 3173, 4933) descr., 1065, cf., 397. Appeared to them in5365-8, (3d Cl., 4773, 4926) in mind,simple and shining garments, 682;3180, 4628-30, 4926; in body, 2854,dwelt with them as a father, how, 875.4893; in animals, 3862, 3930; in JosephIn anc. C. (times of Abraham and lsaac,and his sons, 2783; in ss of Israel, 2687,2782) men spoke by correspondences,3048; Cs are at right and left hand and 7001, ill., 2917; understood Word fromat feet of Messiah, 2817. Each Cl. cs, 2962; saw little, save things div. and 23. 20 SUBJECT INDEXCHURCH (Churches) ~J:made by dreams, 1892, visions, 1144;heavenly, 875; knew inmost arcana, living voice, 6097. Prim. C. of Christ8255--6; being thus superior to moderns, spoke with heavenly genii and effigied2605, 8064. Anc. C. effi ied (fl2L;lildaffections, how, 732. Abrahamic C.,was almost like new C~ but in simple sigd by Rachel, 750; five ages of, 185;type, ill., 589; saw Messiah as l~ c., gentiles in, sigd by Israel, 1701; thebut dimly, 585. Messiah willed toWord in, 3766; style of Word in, 4003.institute kingdom at end of anc. c., 592.Consulted God, how, 7383, 7386; knewHis service in prim. C. before Abraham,the law, 4653. Is prim. C. of gentiles3169; served prim. C. for the new c.,from Noah to Moses, 764viii n. Qual673; men of prim. C. were shepherds, ity, 752, 770. Is inmost c., 756; the1064. (Conjugial love, 4359) law contrue C. throughout world, 748, 1592.cerning servants in prim. c., 4444; Abraham transmitted representatives tocompd with 1. today, 4003. Patri Shechem. Revelations to Patriarchs.archal government in prim. c., 7441; g.Messiah appeared to (how, ill., 1696)in C. of gentiles, 4218. Faith the father and spoke with, 1694; sp. with Isaac,of prim. c., 7080. Prim. C. ended in418. Messiah was revealed to Jacob,Jacob, 3434, cf., 3414; survived in 537. C. of true God preserved in Js time,(Jacobs time, 1572, cf., 1574) Salem, 1574, cf., 1572. Messiah willed to be1563; was corrupted by illegitimate separated fromJ., 1466, cf., 557. A. C.,Marriages, 569; prim. C. in Greece and the mother of Jew. c., 3434-5. True C.Rome, 5316-7; fell into Idolatry, 80n;of God to be named from A., not frompreserved in midst of idolaters, 1573;Judah, 748. Jew. c. separated fromvastated at first Advent, 8245; resusA., 771, 793, and the latter was then citated by Messiah, 752; will return attransferred to gentiles, 757, 805. In second Advent, 7573. Idolatrous C. ofthe midst of Jews was the New C. of theheathen attacks true c., but yet MessiahGentiles, 764iv. Abra. C. and C. of G.,takes wages from it, 1121. Indignationdistd, 748. Orig. of C. of G., 543. of prim. C. at end of days, 1092,Was from Abraham to Messiah, 295.Nations. Representation in Prim. C. Often mentioned in Word, but less A symbolic C., 8227; the first rep. c.,specifically than Jew. c., 718, 8403. 8071. Was in rep. worship, 4763. Prim. C. joined to true Christ. c., but Knowledge of repns revived in, 732. fell into idolatry, 5748; was in Canaan, Was it representative or internal? 5572 7695. Comparison with ~. Prim. 3. Men of, were in ult. coverings, 2706; C. was to be restored in Jew. c., 5555. had representative aspect of the MesRepns in prim. and Jew. c., compd, siah, 3879; looked to redemption by5472, 5748. In prim. c., ext., worship blood of Messiah, 3751. Sacrifices in, was joined to int., but not in J. c., 5846.Rites; (up to time of Isaac, 3745)J. C. resembled prim. C. and merely perceived spir. things in (nat., 878)repd Christ. C., 5796; separated from repns, 4003, 4777; had no set rites, 8064,C. of gentiles, 236-7. Anc. C. (c. of cf., 5315; no circumcision, 1617. Itsantiquity, 592) and J. C., distd, 588-9, simple types (708) sigd Messiah, 1196.592. J. C. compd with (Anc. 6122s; Altars in, 5103. Use of tents in.true C. of gentiles, 783; w. Abrahamic Revelation to. Messiah taught them asand gent., 592; w. prim. and true Apos little children, 580-1, 671, 2215; compdtolic, 1116) Christ. c., 234d; w. prim. c., with his teaching after Advent, 1108,672, 678, 1116, as to rites, 3434. Mes- cf., 1860. His speech to, 560. Future Isiah loved prim. C. of gs more than Jew. revealed to, 1144. Oral revn to C. c., 401, 741, 744, 764viii, 3266, 4457; from Adam to Abraham, 545, 8064; why, 678, 717n, 875; willed to make them many revns to, undescribed, 1572; one, but could not, 1609. Messiah 24. SUBJECT INDEX 21desired to serve for C. of gs, 696, which genuine C. of gs, 675, 682; as the N. C.thought Jew. C. more loved, why, 737.of Christ, 593n; as the good everywhere,Messiah left prim. C. for Jew., 689, 3434, 555. The O. C. and N. not separated inwhy, 716. Prim. C. prefigured Jew. c., Abraham and Isaac, but wholly s. in671; but Y.as..hated by Jw. c., repd in J acob, 557; conflict bet. their leaders,spir. world, 3274. MOSES TO MESSIAH. 349. Those who sigh for deliverance,There were two Churches, 403, the anciseparated by Messiah and reserved,ent or Jewish, 401, 525, and the new 1086. The N. C. is within the 0., 578.(modern, 828) C. of the gentiles, 589, Are like type and effigy, 669. The719-20, cf., 682; distd, 686; compd, N. C. within the O. did not commence1557; called daughters, 573 (Family) till the Effigy appeared, 552. In se, thethe C. of entiles bein . of Zion,O. and N. Cs are one, 295, 311. The295, repd by Rachel, .Tacoo. The C. ofN. C. of Christ is the firstborn, 593n;gentiles def., 716, was a quasi, 577, andprior in se, posterior in time, 314, 357,servant c., 718, cf., 1494; was sure of573. The O. C. dead without the N.,Messiahs love, 722; was led immedi 552; like a barren VHe, 348; Messiahately, 717n. Messiah declared his love prayed it might not be barren, 348.for C. of gentiles, or C. to be formed Messiahs espousals to, Marriage. JEWfrom them fromearliest times, why, ISH CHURCH. On the Jewish c., 764.6 8; was the true wife of Messiah, 793;Jacobean c. defd, 1429. Commencedwas invited to Jew. c., 4454; waswith (Aaron, 4748) Moses, 454,764 i, vi;inmost in Jew. c., 295, and also eXistsafter flight from Egypt, 454. ItsThroughout the world, 741, 748; co~natal day, 5471. At first was a sisterof spir. men amon Jews-ancLg ntiles, to true Christ. c., 3277; called as.,323. esslah was not so fully present why, 8071. Why named from Judah,with C. of gentiles as with prim. c., 741; 715. Offspring of prim. c., 1107, 7078,C. of wtiJe!Ll.=ed...Je.w. C. why, 3274. 7080. A servant c., 752, 764xi. AnDuring second septennial (time), Jew. C. ecclesiastical state, 1067; e. and politicalwas substituted for C. of gs, 764iii. government sometimes (at first, 6114)Messiah left C. of gs for Jew. c., why, conjoined in, 4289; e. things came from716 (cf., 400), 7493; saw C. of gs in gentiles, 350, 676. The norm of allnames of Leahs sons, Jacob (sons);contemporary Cs, 756. A light to allrivalry (wrestling, 764viii) between C.nations, 2909; was means of propagatingof gs and Jew. c., 723; cause (721) K. of God to whole world, 7369, 7468,and object of, 736-7; unsettled whichtherefore (chosen, 8067) preserved,would prevail, 350; C. of gs prevailed, 3808, 7014. Why instituted, 776, 833,807, but not until Advent, 764viii.5748. Why Israelites chosen (397;From Moses to Advent was time of favored, 764viii, 5284; shown grace,Leahs births, 764iii, viii; C. of gs then747-8; loved, 4404, 8071) above othersbarren, 742, save by a servant c., 795;of Abrahams seed, 764viii, 3802, 4267,why, 690; became fruitful in third 7468, Blessing. Though spurious, was yetseptennial, 794-5, how, 808. Why itadopted,393. Necessary before Advent,desired dudaim. C. of gs received both592. Nature of promise to, 285, 5872;Rachels and Leahs sons, 807; despisedhow p. fulfilled, 3903. Why offspringopulence, 440; was idolatrous, 720; i. C. 1so numerous, 764ix. Saw God at backdeemed true C. a servant, 1165n; C.:....2f(in shade, 5194), 5575; God conjoinedgs and Jew. C. rep. spir. and materialto only in outmosts, 5427, 5451; how,understanding, .i!57. Old Church and Choir. Wh ----;;Ued a ec liar eo le,New, defd as C. before and after /7468. Atrue C. was (might have been,Advent, 552; as the Jew. and Christ., l2911, 5252) with Jews, 753, cf., 1930-1.311, 348s, 408. The N. C. defd as A (merely, 5173, 5287, 5472, 5573, etc.) 25. 22SUBJECT INDEX CHURCH(Old Church and New) 4438n, 4472) years, 1841, 3133, 3197,, rep. c., 4595, 4991, 5139, etc.; was savedwhy, 453, 3156-7. Why preserved,I, by rep. worship, 3741s, 3747; taken from 3802, 3893; their life in E. not descr.,prim. C., 3745; could rep. C., but not K. why, 3197, 3349. Were the worst ofof God, 5428. Corresponded to Christ. men, 5688; in dense darkness, 3254,c., 4813. Salvation in, was by rep.3313, 4421; almost without law, 4438n.worship, 3741s. 3747; by types, 3802,Were reducedto ignorance, 587, 2015;how, 3808, why, 3785; by repns of why, 3356;why kept i-;:; i., 6472. Wereblood, 3779, 3794. Rep. C. is a humanlike slaves, 4438n;-~ (worse than,body, how, 5769, 5}73 reps all types 5278,8065) Egyptians, 3742, 3955~453, and states in whole wor1d~1448; repnssh., 3833; ruled by En devil, 5289; in in,Correspondence. A C. outside the idolatry, 3956, 5453. Had lost all temple, 1103; separated from the man, kUQldedge of Jehovah, 3197, 37~n 5106; therefore idolatrous, 5591. Its what God did they believe? 4013, 5280; worship consisted in sacrifices and in the E tian od, 3936, 4046, 5290, rituals, 6382; could not rep. into w.,5299, 6346-7. Messiah had little to do 6386, 6400; merely the shadow ofwith them while in Egypt, 583; why future W., 5638. Could regard onlycalled from E., 1102, 3473, 3484, 3742. externals, 3815; was profane, 5283. Why Loved life in E., 3973, 3976; YW1ed-to rituals so strictly enforced (5201) by ( (splritua y did, 7013) return, 3974, punishments, 7211, 7218; especiaily after4069n, 5304, 7135s. Did they suffer the second covenant, 7191, 7195, 7205.plagues of E? Goshen. Looked only to Rewards and punishments in, were(wished to worship, 4013; worshiped, purely corporeal, 5318n, 5319-21; evils 5442) Moses as God, 5532, 5576. Whyof people concealed, why, 3873, 5285,( firstborn sanctified, 3892. Their flight, 5432, Choir. Why internal things not 3 50-1. Why permitted to borrow ( revealed to, 4656. Precepts of Marriagefrom Egyptians, 3853; to take wealthin. Not all Abrahams seed w"ws with them, 3710. Were led (by Sea (only a few 32nor alls, Israelites,Suph, 3938, 3957; round about, 5157) to 148-:- NO worse C. possible 5032.wilderness, 3974, why, 3937; to beVishe to pass for a genuine C., 410; tempted, 4069, 40745, 4182; yet led toa C. turned into a (vision and dream, Mount Sinai, 4250. Why could not7069) deformed woman 764iv 1116.enter Edom, 453, 7328, 7335. WhyScepter remove from, 2910s, 2920-1. then led by circuitous way, 7463. WhyState of, before Advent, 396, 1303,2413,led back to Suph, 7147, 7167. Why2417; with A., its sun went down, 4552. not at once led to Canaan, 3925; onlyWhat it might have been, 708. First requirement for div. protection, 5451,( end for Judah was end of first~, and for entrance into Canaan, 5876,l ~ond Advent will be second e., 2918s. 7207, was abstinence from idolatry,History. Why Israelites ~o Egypt, 5983; was (strict, 7205) obedience to ext.451; presignified in Abraham, 170-1; ( law only. 7214. Were tempted by God,were warned not to go, 365; those who4088; why, 52~discussed with ews indid not go, called the fathers, 1416-8;spir. w., 4005, 5325. The first (4072),were there in captivity, 3119, 3131, 4421; second, 4072-3 (and third, 4081) tempdesJ2ite harsh servit!1~e, the et became tation; the first to fourth, descr., 4097,more stubborn -and rebellious, 3481. 4102 ~_often succ~mbed even inThe darkest period of their history, 453.!lght 15, 5281 j why, 5286, 5289, 5320.l Their captivity a blessing, 3137; signof, 5294, Their second period in E.,2730, 3133-4, 3137; remained four Loathed manna, why, 7337. Messiah contended w. Moses, 764 i, vi. Their forty years in wilderness, a type ofhundred (four hundred and thirty, 3664,Lords temptations, 7015. I~~o 26. SUBJECT INDEX 23 worshi b ma nificence ofade, Sacrificed to idols, 6511; ne to human etc., 5795s, 5819, 6659. Rep. C. seems sacrifice, 6708. Had (magical and dia to have been abrogated in wilderness,bolical, 5385) only ex. wors lp, 5877; 7191; C. in w. and in Canaan, compd,why 4906; no div. w" 3741, 3921. 7194. Why only (very few from Egypt,Driven b fe~ 1369n,1370; why, 4413. 3253) their children entered Canaan, Could be moved only by miracles, 3576, 5948, 7084, 7136s, 7191; doubtful3877, 5685, 5687; desired rns, 5874, whether even they could, 3336. Why 7810; attributed rns to Egyptian gods, numbered (instructed, 7463-4) before 3936, 5454; abominably incredulous, entering Canaan, 7414. Their last3972, despite rns, 3974, and signs, 3460. temptation, 7415. Messiah, not they,Innately malicious, 764vi; stiffnecked, fought for Canaan, 7193, 7415, cf., 587; 3421, 5330-1, 5516, 5680; cruel, 2884, they wept for fear of losing C., 6013. 6337-8; delighted in crueltY;; (hated,( Why introduced to (promised, 6011)7516; were themselves, 7829) gentiles, C., 3338, 3873, 3955. Not tempted2548; disobedient, 538; dom~g, after first entrance into c., why, 5983. 4387; ~l, 2482; willed to deceive Under Joshua (were faithful, 5992) Messiah, 410, 415, 422, 1116, sh., 420; abstained only from open idolatry, 5983, hyp;;;;:jtical, 418; despised al1 save them 6014. Under Judges repd state ofs~hy, 4005; their arrogance sh. damnation, 6021n. Entirel erverted in spir. world, 7932; fraudulent, 409; under Eli, 6098. Why demanded aunfaithful, 369, 5525; even in their rtes, king, 6101-2; effect, 3252; profaned the 4272,""5078. BLoke (covenant, ~71, temple, 6292. Fro.oflomonill., 5739, 5789) their ledges, 2058. were in ni ht, 321. Why divided into Forgot benefits, sh., 3905. AV.l:f~to C two kingdoms, 173-4, 5978, 5980. Judah helped preserve Israelites, 179instruction, 4014; disputed (d~ed,5875) r~ction, 5945. Merely cor 80. Expel1ed from Canaan (frequently,poreal, 4100, 7322. Saw only (the 430) seventy years after Messiah, 3868;sacrifices, 538) ex. (pomp, 752; cover cast out and scattered (among gentiles,ings, 676) rites, 574, 3803, 3820, 3852; 302), 507; and still remain exiles, 285, worshiped rs like idolaters, il1., 593, why, 283, 285,468,2436,3132; yet fore 764x. Most were separated from in t told they were to remain and see glory ternals, 783. Could....!!.ot did n wish .... of God, 3477. WI1 endure to end ofto, 3802; not permitted to, 4651, 4656) a es 764viii. Character of people, be rought to were Ignorant of, 4259) ....J!.b (Sons of). General treatment, internals, w y, 3808; thought ex. 6337-8. Shown by worship of Golden Calf. Held themselves to be the elect, 5682. Though gently led, were mostrobeaience enough, 4635. Weak in intemal si ht, 574, 1510; wishe~ndar ness, 4406; utter! blind, 3426; had prone to idolatry, 8065, il1., 5519. n~ for spir. things, 404-5; spir. Idolaters in principle and act, 5454; even famine with, 2418, 2424, Thoul@!:only to worship of a man, 3382; of golden of-;or!dly inheritance, 3491, 5875, earrings, 6070; of sun and moon, 7472. il1., 5~in spir. ~o~ld, 5876, 6011. Abstained only from open i" 6014.Wished to. attribute heaven to themI fDespite their fear, they turned to manyselves, 6725. Expected earthly domin V gods, 1395; became idolaters, 5143;J~ 146. Their idea of integrity,-~48. changed gs, why, 1656; worshipedRe}e1;.ted Gospel, 677. Nature of their strange gs, descr., 5991; ~be confession. 714-5. Their works were worshi ed ass 022. Acknowledged without fruit, 501.h sad on Jehovah only as a man of war, 4024.Sabbath, 6588, 7470. Why subect to Some worshiped Jehovah the Creator,j;"prosy, etc., 6415:8; were whol1y ~p- 837, but without Messiah, why, 1393.~us, 70J1-8. Why so severely pun 27. 24SUBJECT INDEXCHURCH (Character of people) this they might have known, 764v; ished, Choir. C0converted,prayed for them, 5484, 5488; sh~d 6020-1. Their damnation, 5989.them love even to the end, 2882, Would have possessed (might stiTfh;ve Blessing given to them; labored to been in, 284) Canaan, had they been perfect them, 5318n, 5319-21, how, different, 3975. Why powerful and 5506; guarded them, how, 507; servedII wealthy, 3017; preeminent, why, 2899; fr~litft;"C689-90-cf. 29. - h desired offsprin , 6459. Why became barren, 807. Thcirinheritance forfeited by them, 674, 828-9, 840, why 679; butonly for a time, why, 442; did not servefor Jew. c. as such, 828. Willed to lead them first by externals, 4272-3; to mixed Marriages. Slew (crucified,instruct them as children, 4069, how,l( 2504) Messiah in elI mmd before Advent 1919 1935-6. Became Ca- naanites, 2461; worst (most stubborn,4014. Thtt persecuted their tei.hers,wh 678 c.QU1d Dot be t.lHght. why, 8.15.To make of them a genuine C., 7151-2, 3135) peo le in wOiTcl, 2271; worse fIlan7179, were later (3803) instructed as to Idolatrous C. 0eathen, 752; none interiors of types, 756. Had into law1 could be reformed, why, 5239. hy before them more than others, 5631. cursed, 409. ~Qod offered them (Messiah foresaw from eterni78) then and D~70-1. The goodthei~ss, 593, and fall, 696, 708; amonews. Some (very, 719, 748, thaTfbey cOliTd not bear yoke of law, 1557n; few, 764x) wer~n (internals,r5331; repudiated bllt id not dismiss 776; charity, 5141) inmost c., 2087, ill., them, why, 4459 4461. Despite (signs, 714, 1387, 2507; c~to a kernel,3460) revelation, P. did not believe in 1720,1872. The true C. was (necessar-Messiah, 2469, 3190; ~!1 Lbelieve Iily, 2507) among them, 371, 715, 1063. after death, 2470. M~iah contended Some (few 3744) good man simple, w~ (justly grieved against, 450; com 4933) among them,7812, 8004, caUedplainecr-over, 1115 the P-.,-i302-4. ~he remnant, 7949, wer.e J:!.e trulyor ull of complaints of (lamenta- Cnrist. C. m their mi st, ; wors Ipedtions over, 695) t e P., 764v, why, 674.e ovall J~rt,9, 720; ~wl-1/ Messiah willed to~ipe them out, 3893;edged Mes lah, 720, 3956; saw Messiah to cast them off, 4059; often wished,in their sacrifices 879 su eredrd to se alate from them 2882; would have.724-72. any awaited separated but for Moses, 764viii, 3420 )Jand desireirits, 7968, cf., why, 7743; his regrets over As descend1928. Learned from dreams, 4872; ants, 198; may Jehovah God pardonI. ,.igns in ds, 1894;-1. spir. sense (of (pity, 3873) them, 1345. Abhorred to"shoulder," 5012) in ad" 5857; allowed write thus of Jacob, therefore the wordsin a d. to enter more interior churchare brought in by others, 1712; would5012; revelation to, in visions andexcuse J., but dare not, why, 1510, 1963;ds, 1351, cf., 7387; his usual ds, 5141. defends J. because obliged to write theSpirits astonished at his just anger,truth, 1511; knows not if J. was softened3641. Nature of his speech w. spirits, by Josephs death, 1764; cannot say6885. If allowed, will describe rewhether ]s descendants might be saved,generation from things nat., 4983. 3799. Wishes Reubens speech couldConsiders writing account of his life, be interpreted differently, 2565. Open 117. 114SUBJECT INDEXSWEDENBORG (Opening of SpiT. Eyes)1801, up to Feb. 1746, 1801n; for nine ing of SpiT. Eyes, that he might kp-.S!.wor ten months, 1847. March 1746, inspirations effected by angels, 1353; 3116. Had experiences for (almost, might learn nature and action of sI:Jirits,2973; about, 3374) a year, 3323. May 1847; lest mortals err, 2973. How com- 2, 4107; May 16, 4402; June 8, 4659. menced, 1894. Before spirits spoke Had a more int. sense for two years, with him, saw flames when writing [the 4663. June 23, 4920. June s;-"5044. An. Kingdom], 6905. Has seen ang~lsHad speech w. spirits for fifteen months, in dreams for many years, 1353; fre- 5292. July 8, 5314. July 11, 5386n. quently experienced visions in full wake-l1arvelous things happened July 18, fu)ness when as spoke, 1144; saw spirits5602. July 20, 56SS:--NJght~y with eyes closed, 1511, cf., 6377; first in27,5857. Has learned during a p~;iod sleep, then in wakefulness, 541; saw "";f (sixteen, 6010) many months, 6040. repns at noon with eyes closed, 4918.July 22, 6657. Had experience for now Heaven is opened in him, 3420; has been almost sixteen months, 6765; for al;-ost admitted into h.--;ith mind and bodyone and a haif years, 7387. Nov. 7, while fully awake, 475. At first, could7868. Had experiences now for many not tell whether a spirit was good ormonths, 8037. Nov. 20-21, 8113. evil save by exploration, 1928; learned Feb. [? Jan.] 23, 1147, 8203. Feb. 9, to dist. between influx from ss and evil 8263. SpiT. Experiences: S. learned byss, 4920. How he saw into spir. Es (2211) peculiar to him, 6815. Es world, five ways descr., 1351-3, cf., 1893--4, 2255. "Had various kind~ ofIwhich he ~ishe? t2..Jb_e_si~t abo~t,J 5588n) for~et, 3274, 5659, 5906; no-.!.. to viSions, d~r., 1351, 7387. Int. sensesbe spoken of, 5602. Arcana not as yetsometimes w.drawn from ext., how,tobe divulged, 4779; will be told in the3347. Nature of his speech w. spirits, description, 4663. Not allowed to tell3347. Talked w. angels as w. familiars all he heard, 3340n, 5650; save w.on earth, 1746. Learned to speak prudence, 5905, why 6155. Saw repnslanguage of ss, 4023, cf., 4400. Heard Ihe dared not and cannot tell of, 5003.ss, without perceiving what they said,Things not as yet to be divulged insave when Messiah granted, 1148.detail, 4779. Es ,(he dared not reveal,Claims no holiness from his speech w.5386) 1l0t_.x"~.Lsomprehended, 5437.ss, 529, but it was a great happiness,Were so numerous he forgot to count475, 541. Experiences ineffable-joy, them, 1149. His purpose in making7758; spir. bitterness, 7759. His ext. them known, 541;-ro03; was a boundensight became mqre acute, 57Kci., 1/ dutY:~. Bears sacred witness to;771; once or twice enJoyed inmost s.,I . truth of his Es, 1215, 1353,4451; are so---- 4918. Date of Opening, and otherDates. Vision in 1745, April, 3357.Has seen K. of God several times, 541; familiar, they ought not to be (cannot be, 644, 647-8~ 33"23)" doubted, 1801, 1892,1894. Could tell (marvels, 6021n,r spoken w. spirits for eight months, save 6022) mystical things, were it useful,, during a journey, 475; for almost eight4944. Fears his marvels will not bemonths, up to Jan. 1746,943; for several believed, 1856n;ther:-I;{0;;-;as~es themmonths, 967; almost continuously for by, 2619, 6701. If he told all, meneight months, from middle of April 1745would be convinced tha:tiO;es rule theto Jan. 29, 1746, save for a journey,mind, -967. --Expera holy fear, 4415.I 1003.Noticed for eight months that spOice by repn, 5084. His speechnothing came f~om hil-;;~e~1147. torments nat. spirits, 5764, 5768., Experiences were of utmost frequ~ncy, /Speaks w. a J~w. spirit, 2227; Jews of1269. Had experiences for a great ,-ancient times speak w., in his sleep,space of time, 1695; for nine months,5141; challenges their. cJ< an one, 2606) be understood by ew be said cone. saints, 3222; love, 4148)only 520; the learned will perhaps cry to use a certain illustration, 1702n. Myout against it, 2162. Statements so readers, 210, 750; appeals to ~pwnmystical, the nat. man cannot creditexperience. Will W. E. go outsidethem, 5183. His writing is a si n thatEurope? 1365. An exposition to be IL. J. is at hand, 152~ Will tell elsemore (clearly, 3744) fully set forth, 1652,whe~ wheth~r it will force men to come 1883,2213; explained (4371) more skillto the feast, 1298, cf., 1348, 1352.fully, 7735; demonstrated, 4576. LookExplanations sometimes given himup the words when the light is clearer,piecemeal, 2757. Exposition was made3827. A statement to be (that can be,by typical and symbolic path w. D. V., 4147) better expressed, 3048;confirmations from Word;-5; seemlooked up more closely and then appliedobscure, 2107, 2109. Must labor !9 to the text, 2280; set forth (in another. find inmost sense, 693; s. to be gatheredway, 3323) more fully (D. V., 4147,from parallel passages, Word (Expos.).4382, 4407, 4653), 1620n, 2303, 4164,Judges sign on basis of spir. experiences, 4309, 4377; better, 3580, because S. was5658; a sign revealed in a marvelous confused, why, 2226, 3522; betterway, how, 7006; sign of a shoulder rd inexpld, 4366; described more fully (1924)a dream, 5012. Hebrew text must beif allowable, 2914; in greater detail,consulted. Spirits discuss (disp.!!,te, 3542; further (more deeply, 5034)7884) his interpretation, 7942; deliberatelooked into (2147, 3664, 5705) lest iton what he should write, 425l;Cf.,give rise to errors, 3209; state second which favor the d., 2900. Sign of theAdvent, 3178~9, 3181. Visiting insix Es, not yet apparent, 5563. Esiquity, 5722. Visitation, 5723, 7786. are to be loved, but not the evil itself,VOICE, Speech.4562-4. Weapon~wo"Td sigs faith,Vow. Vs customary in prim. ch., 6691.4211; ones own power, 4041; arousedBetter not to make Vs except in law anger, 7502; torment of conscience,courts, 7442. A singular V. defd, 6682,6664; S. of J ehovah full of blood, sigs6690. Redeeming a V. is theft, 6700.vengeance, 7841; drawn s., true doct.,Vowing ones house, 6694-6. V. made 7362n; S., famine and pestilence, truth,by a woman, 7439. Devoted, 67000; poverty and torment, 8220; Jiving by s.,vowed and d., distd, 6709. temptations, especially ts of Messiah, 441; falling by S., falling in ts, 7138,WAGE, Jacob.being tormented, 6665; edge of s.,WAGON, Carriage. truth, 5999; pierced by s., falling fromWAILING, Death, Weeping.faith, 7317, when there is no truth, 7734.WALK, sigs to believe, 2915. To W. in aFencing, 4294; S. on thigh and arrow way. To go upright, 6671. To W. sig. faith, 5463; as sig. truths and goodbefore God, 2820, 2822.nesses, 6200; darts of devil, 6323; spir.WALL. Walking on (climbing, 5401; depunishments, 7502; truths which penefending, 5468) a, 3003-8, 3011-2, 3020.trate, 7600; sign of drawing the bow, Assailing, 6085. Ws of Jericho, 5894.3016; brazen b. sigs understanding of Leprosy in, Diseases. nat. truth, 6221; b. and quiver, faith,WAR. Hatred, the cause of, 4353, 4489, hope and charity, 399. Archer, 3012.but not of defensive W., 4032. W. in Shield and spear sig. Word, 6039; sh. ofheaven is aroused by devil, 5401-5.salvation sigs saving faith, 6222; sps Spir. W. is bet. into and ext. (men,sig. darts of devil, 4283. Sling, 6118.5402-3) man, 4405; is wholly different WARP AND WOOF, Weave.) from nat. W., 6153; age at which oneWASHING. Sign of W. (4947) garments can enter into, 6684, 6765, 6925-6. (4279) by Nazarite, 6452. Why (fre Sigd by voice of W. in camp, 5400. quent, 6777) Ws instituted in Jew. ch., Abram saw his Ws as living types, 177. 6345. W. of body by Aaron, 6498, Why priesthood said to wage W., 6924s.6500; by priests before entering taber Vs of Israel were fought by Lord alone, nacle,5251. W. of face, 2683; of hands 5937, being types of what will take (1658) and feet, 5246, distd, 5250. place at Last Judgment, 5938. What in V. the feet, an ancient custom, why, man opposes W., 3818. Combats in2663; sign, 303, 837, 2664; why in man, the ch. and heaven, 5463-4;stituted by Messiah, 199; enjoined on object of spir. and nat. man in c., 5467-8. Swedenborg, 3327; should it be prac Fights bet. servants, Le., ults, 4526. ticed? 4949. Why vessels of sacrifice Assailing (a wall, 6085) the gate, 6039.were to be scoured, 6379. Spir. W., Defending a wall, 5468. Bulwarks of 4946. W. and water, sign, 6376. the mind, 4590. Captain of the guard, WATCHMAN,7728. 2256; tertian cs, 3966, 4027. Annies WATER, sigs righteousness of Messiah, sig. congregations in heaven, 3825, and 5250; (gift of, 383, 4095, 4175) the Holy on earth, 3871; classes in the ch., 3881-2. Spirit, 553; that which makes spir. seed "The host," a general formula, 3969;germinate, 7392; spir. things (7683) in sigs all who are like the Egyptians, understanding, 4614; knowledge conc. 4026, Camp. Troop, 2979, 2981. TheGod, 7341; the ult. sphere, 4045; spir.e-neII1le"S are se ent ~nd his head~ magical or nat. knowledges, 3550; 4030; the devil and his crew, why, 6665,damnation, 3235, 3237, 3792; thereforc exper., 403l:-8; evils in man, 4605, 4618, W. of sea Suph divided, 3996. Ae 129. 126SUBJECT INDEXWATER Metals (gold and silver, 1065), the fountcursed and blessed Ws, 5926. Sign ofof evil, 93; s., a general term signifyingeasy dissipation of, 2874; of bitter W. (W., 2641) acquired possessions, 4500;made sweet, 4083, 4087; of W. mixed idols of s., sig. trust in W., 7580. Tal with wine, 7572. -Vs of atonement, ent (2321) of gold, 6332. Lending6913, 6918. Variously colored W., 850.money, 4590. Usury forbidden in Jew.Living Ws sig. things spir., 6450. Wsch~,_4~~0. Avarice, defd. 1262:-N"a of Merom, probable sign, 5926. -Vaterture of, 4386. Is the worst idolatry,ing the flock, Animals. Fountain, sigs 1284, 1699; the devil, 275~ God of,the Word, 362, 545, 3000; why, 381;descr., 1699. Covetousness, 4384s.inmostly the Messiah, 385. Digging a I The avaricious are worst of all,1665;F. sigs searching doct. from Word, 381, suspicious, 1282; fearful, 1220; deaf to382a, 7341. W. of F. sigs the Holyall, 1330; selfconfident~li70;Ta:rthSpirit, 553. F. of Ws sigs gift ofbreakers, 1279, 1340; ever grasping, (Spirit of God, 292) Holy Spirit, 262, 1338; almost like beasts, why, 1665; do290. Stopping up F. by Philistines not seek dignities, 3168. How A. persigs wrong interpretation of Old Test., suades (blinds, 1954) man l --.lJ5}.378. Rolling stone from F. (openingRiches: The god of Rs, 7251, Devil;F., 839) sigs revelation at first Advent, lust of Rs is of love of world, 95; why554, 559. Springs of upper and lower honors and Rs are called the world, 343;Ws, 5954; u. and I. F., 6003. Why ill-gotten Rs soon lost, 5675. TheTamar sat at entrance to Fs, 2028,Richand Poor, sign, 6086, 6088; re2051. Thirst, 4186.quired to give the same offering, why,VAVING, 6590, 6596, 6599, 6917; by5236. The R. think little of God, 6024.Aaron and Moses, distd, 6919. I Rs bring forgetfulness of God, 2230-1,WAX, 2603. 2503; induce_feeling of supereminence,WAY, sigs life, 2568; truth, 2967-8. W. 1699. ~Wfth abundance comes lack ofof truth, 3666. On the W. sigsfaith, 2289. After death, the R. will beknowledges of truth, 6931. To walk P., and the P. R., 2954. The P., defd,(in, 2967) a W., 6041. A W. of three 6656. The P. and cattle, distd, 4581.days, 3599. Highway and crooked W.,Doing good (giving, 4568; charity,6037. Turning from the W., 5326-7, 4664-5) to P., 4561. (Spir. and nat.,Sojourn. 4580) poverty, defd, 4569; p. witIl theWEALTH. In primitive ch., riches littlegood, 2371; sons of ch. prefer p. toesteemed, 6339. Prim. W. consisted inriches, 3012; represen-tersofGod live-inflocks and herds, 1064, 3708, 3710;p. and despise rs, 6339; man is judgedthree classes of, 1178; compd to modern according to his p. or rs, i.e., hi~!!~W., 1065, 1178. Ch. of gentiles deor talents, 6685.spised, 440. Why Jews forbidden to WEAPON, War.display, 5223. Pertains to devil, why, -VEA VING of inner veil of Tabernacle,1773. Jacobs W. W. given to Jews, sign,4754. Why W. done by women,Blessing. Effect of W. and dignities on5830, 5840. W. she goats, 5841.the good and on the evil, 2231, 2371.Weaver, 5851-2. Warp and woof,There will be W. in true ch., 1287, with 6441.Jews and gentiles who worship Messiah, WEEPING. Jacobs V. sigs Messiahs377. Prosperity, defd, 2116; p. of relove for ch., 560. Josephs W. sigs theformed man, 2126. Riches sig. all(mercy, 3088; m. from love, 3273)learning, 7749; the things contained inlove and grief of Messiah, 2680=1; whydoct. of saving faith, 5975; spir. knowlJ. wept by himself, 2682. Messiahsedges, 1170; in themselves are uses, weeping (1502) over Jerusalem, sign,1287. Money is vile, 2516, 2521, Shekel. 7503, 7736. Swedenborg wept when 130. SUBJECT INDEX 127reading about King J osiah, 6328. WhatWOMB, Generation.is involved in tears, 1501. W. is also aVOOD, Tree, sigs worship, 3672; thesign of gladness, 3151. Lamentation, family, why, 3644; science of vanities,3734. Wailing at Last Judgment, 3125.8135. W. of tabernacle sigs Messiah,Mourning, Death. 4763. Ws and stone compd, 5155;VVHEAT, Grain.mean water vessels, 3538. Carving V.,WHEELS, Carriage. sign, 5262. Sticks, 8068.WIDOW. The church as a W., 2044-5. WOOF, Weave.Sign of Ws (6567) and orphans, 4548.VOOL. Use of woollen covering overWILDERNESS, Desert.vessels, 7316. W. of goats, 4671.IIND, 4043; sigs Holy Spirit, 119n; Garments of W.vanities, 8195. East W., 2288; sigsWORD, THE: Is the Messiah (356, 378)heavenly influx, 3995; spir. power, 4034;who went forth from Jehovah, 317.the devil, 3684. W. of the sea, defd, Divine Love is inmost of, 706; i. of,3693.reveals Messiah, 1398; treats plainly ofWINE, sigs all (drink, 5126) gladness,Messiah, why, 8217. Messiah and5131; all that (refreshes mind, 2706)Prince of World principally repd in,flows from understanding, 7573; spir.338. Is like rays of light, 250. Isnourishment, why, 2936; Messiahsliving, 3541. Presents an archetype ofblood (2196, sh., 2931) and love, 2935n. (is an image of, 1195-9) creation, and Why forbidden (Nazarite, 6848) high so of a living body, 414. (Is like, 854)priest, 6400. Corn and W., 436, 438.a created "thing wherein is a soul, 854, W. mixed with water, 7572. Sign ofcf., 689; like a body with a soul, 936, W. and milk, distd, 2937-8. Drink cf., 1196. God now appears in, in great exhilarates and refreshes, 2700. Winelight, 3487. Is sole source of Revelation, press, 2196. 361; of all doctrine, 903. Without W.,WINGS, Birds, Cherubs.no knowledge/of spir. things possible,WISDOM is when understanding and will 904-5. Repn in, goes on to infinity, are conjoined (4474) and ends are fore3423. Within, is an infinitude of seen, 4798; sees and foresees best es,things, 366. Everything in (is a 5260. Consists in simul taneously exuniversal truth, ilL, 2431; involves ecuting what is foreseen, 2314. Looksthings heavenly, 4776) the marvelous to K. of God in all things, sigd by a speech of, refers to ch. and heaven, 4587. woman wise in heart, 5839. Is filled The spir. is seen in every single letter, with Spirit of God, 5867; is obtained289. Things most arcane in single jots from S. of God through soul, 5262; isof words, ilL, 210-1; every jot involves light of s., 4863. W. loves truths and an (infinitude of things, 5008) arcanum, understands them, 2993. Science, in 3576, 3852, 4105; contains Div. Truth, telligence, and, 5260-2; W., i., knowl1510 [2]. Efficacy of, 8052, 8057-8. edge, 5849, 5853, distd, 5804. When Effect of reading, ilL, 5826, 6328, cf., an ignorant man is wiser than a learned, 6348. From a center, has spread to 2342, Philosophy. Ancient and modern whole world, 5709. Must not be W., distd, 875-8, 5367, 7709, 7718. doubted because not comprehended, The wisehearted among builders of8213. Letter of Word: Why spir. temple, 4798,5263,5851, cf., 5899. W.things expressed naturally, 4508. (En that ruled in Egypt, descr., 2250. tirely, 1442, 2710) Divine form (style, Mystical W. of East, 7718. 2304, 2811) of speech in, ill., 844; D.WITCH, Magic. expression in, ilL, 2710, 2713, 3667, 3896;WITNESSES of violence, 4559.a sing. noun w. plural verb, a Div. styleWOMAN. Why W. should cover head inof speech, 1020; st. of, applies itself to ch., 6793. Marriage. inmosts, 2260; flows from things inmost, 131. 128SUBJECT INDEXWORD (Letter of Word) mention, 735; would not have super 2350; concise st., ill., 3186. Full of fluous additions, 1523; discussed, 5575; allegories, 876.Tenses in, 1155. unnecessary (repetitions, 846, 861) Double meanings in, ilL, 1261, 1407, relations, 1545. Evidence from W., 2128, 3400, 3441. What is doubled in,that it contains a spir. sense, 841, 854, ill., 4661. Uncertainty as to person 1374. Int. s. of story of Esau can be involved, why, 843, 864, 1525; ill., 1726, learned only from New Test., 358. V. 1734. Incomplete sentences, 6985, howcannot be understood without knowl to be filled in, 831; obscure ss, 2554. edge of (mans faculties, 2767, c., 936) Repetition means confirmation (1450, correspondence, and nature of allegories, 5149, 5661, and sealing, 279) and cer 876; can be learned only from many tainty as to the event, 1906; emphasis,(parallel, 7428, 7899) passages, 1487; 6043,6899; double meanings, 330, 2304; cf., 3221, 5035, 5690; attention must be so that a di. person is meant, 342, 469;paid to minutest details, 138, 1525, 1664; progress to interiors, 1278. Why literal to whether ]acob or Israel is mentioned, sense so disjointed, 4004; sometimes 1714; to the series, 362, 378, 3417, 5264; ambiguous, 869, 3417-8, 3959, 3989,spir. s. to begathered from series, 683, why, 4408. Particulars often omitted,735; and not from a few words, 1671, why, 3284. The L. alone, no more 2566; orig. text must be considered, useful than other histories, and therefore 2432, Hebrew. Spir. s. is indicated by its divinity is denied, 2073. Studying use of singular and plural, 3837. history in the W. is not seeing spir.Predicates must (correspond, 2364) things therein, 2259. There are good agree with subjects, 2364, 4599. How men who study merely the L., 2950. to learn sign of (trees, 893) animals, Few go beyond L., 2916; few, as yet, 1417. Int. Sense: On the different Ss admitted to inmost contents, 2625. in the W., 5392-8. The interior, more Even the so-called wise unwilling to into (defd, 445) and inmost Ss, defd, admit any other sense than that of L., 445, 554, 1200; the interior or internal 5483. W. serves some that they may or superior and universal and inmost, reject it by false interpretation, why,defd, 505; the wider or next interior, the 2241, 2272. Why W. misinterpreted, still broader and more interior (defd, 1149,1151. Human philosophy, though828, 1164) and the inmost, defd, 1061 studying W., yet denies it, 904-5, 908,3; the wider, more universal and most u., cf., 810. W. is now denied, 904, 1167; defd, 1140; broad, broader, and broad called a desert, because obscure, 3313;est literal, b., br, and bt interior, the to the evil, it is a stench, 3536, 3540; inmost and the supreme, defd, 2073;they cannot read it without horror, why,the more interior (defd, 752), inmost 3539; it is a dowry given the ch., and and superior, defd, 544; supreme, consumed by Rom. Caths, 1167. defd, 835,1190,1727,2345,2624,3085; Necessity of unfolding, 4003. Exthe wider, more universal, and most U., position: Only Messiah can reveal into defd, 1345, 1446. The proximate in sense, 559. Outmost covering drawn ternal 5., 4424; mystical (155, 5359, off at first Advent, into cs by Apostles, 5879) and spir. 5., 154; every S. is m., and inmost will come to view at end of 5392. Interior S. treats of ] acobs days, 1196. re W. did not have spir. s., posterity, 505, 1102. (Human, 1057) would be of no use, 542; meaningless,genuine (3197) or more interior 5., 1597. 845; some of its allegories would be farThe more interior treats of spir. things fetched, 894; would (have omitted, alone, 1568; of church (of Christ, 689) 2665) not contain many (trifling, 1686,in general, 689; of whole world, from 1949,6824; unnecessary 875,1544,1811,time of Noah, 1103. The more uni 3656, 7901) particulars unworthy ofversal S. treats of things to come in 132. SUBJECT INDEX129whole world prior to second Advent,truth wherein is affection, 961; why W. 1222; the most universal concerns wholeof Jehovah is called a W., 4270. Every.of creation, 2364; can be learned fromDivine Truth is called a W., 1477.ult. S., 1248. Inmost S. regards spir.Every W. of God is a thing, 7376. W.things only, 1204; universal world, 715;is a commandment, 4150; a truth, 1616, treats of inmost ch., 1104; of Messiah 2714; why occurs so frequently, 1437,alone (2073), and so of the conjugiallove 2775. To do a W., defd, 6097; is a div.of Messiah and ch., 785, 1398; is the form of speech, 3227; why, 844. To dogenuine S., 1407. Supreme S. treats ofaccording to thy W. a (div. style, 858,Messiah alone, 1105. Reciprocationdefd, 2710) holy formula, anciently inbet. inmost and supreme Ss, 1407,2122, common use, 2779, Customs. In what5579, 5830; expld, 1611. Ancient W.sense Ws are garments of holiness,Style of, 4003. Now obliterated, 3766.4790-1. Few Ws are more expressiveWars of Jehovah, why lost, 7340; whythan verbosity, 969. To go up (5482)mentioned, 7349. Old Test. Whyand go down are common expressions,(preserved by, 3808) revealed in Jew. 1159. Derivation of pecunia, 3678n,ch., 776, 833. In O. T. are nothing but 4178.Distinction between adeps andtypes representing Messiah in first and pinguis, 4596n, 5012n; admitted andsecond Advent, 213-4, 264. Historicalsconjoined, 3567; altus and excelsus,in, are examples which concern whole6108n; apud and cum, 1288n, 5636n;world, 2139; are true as to (Noah and byssus,linum and xyJinum, 4671n; caligoFlood, 115, 141) life of Jacob, 542, 587, and tenebrae, 3703n; compassion and735, 875. Pentateuch treats of wars ofmercy, 5632; correspondence and similiJ ehovah, why this is not apparent, 7340. tude, 4507; fortitudo and robur, 4020n;Genesis, was from mouth of Moses, 445,fundus and funda, 4825; Jacob and1869. Who wrote last chap. of Deut.?J ames, 5617n; Judgments and laws, etc.,5536. Joshua, 5886. Are Chroniclesmisereri arid miserari, 5631n; peccatuminspired? 6330-1. How songs and and Peccatum, 6354n; pecoris andPsalms were inspired, 4023, 6884-5. pecudis, 6579n; pomum (malum, 4880n),Prophets cannot be understood in thefructus (1008n) and poma, 7110n;letter, 3426; persons and places in,referre and representare, 5127n, 5796n,rarely real, 7910; repns in, are rs in7194n, 7264n; rep. and signify, 5060,spir. world, 6458. O. T. stopped up by5572; significative and type, 1196.Jews up to time of Advent, 548. MesWith one and in the way w. one, 1663n.siah unfolded it, 559. Historicals of ~Olll and plOD (tabernacle), 530n; OlliZlO. T. in place of similitudes of Newand Ollv (cattle), 5729.* lDi and 1Di0lTest. O. and N. T., distd, 1108, 1938. CliZl (holy place), 5056n. ]111:J1D and 11:J!VApoc. treats of (K. of God, 1861, and its V: p. 294. Defn of: aes, 4667n;coming, 178) state of Christ. world,azymus, 4930n; candor, 4942n; exta,1731; that there will be no faith, 2413.4997n; from-with, 331, 1279, 1709-10,Schmidius Translations of W. praised,5791; herba, 5304n; justitia, 4795n;2,2073. T. should be literal and exact, lucerna, 4774-5n; malum oblongum,2431, and not, as is usual, dominated by4723n,4727n; motitatio,6459n;regard to elegance of style, 2073. WhyNazarite, 6824n; ordo, 4844-5n; pensidifferent Ts. useful, 2. A wrong T.bilis, 5650n; pomerarium, H 16n; to risenoted, 6707. Commentators on, 1741. from under, 3766; saeculum, 6080n,WORDS. Lack of Ws in ancient times,6641n; simpulum, 6060n; spathi, 661211;H 2; in a. ts, a thing was called a W.,tiara, 4970n; tortura, 5129n; vindicare,237; its sign in dif. senses, 4923. Ws6043n; Hebrew words for birds, 6406n;*are (ideas transferred, 947) forms of for precious stones, 4846n. 133. 130 SUBJECT INDEXWORDS (Distinction)!ll (it fell), 327n*C"NIAN, 8216.,m CIl(river, valley), 3255n II!m 29-333054-57, 3062-77 4-10 3462-8030 3069. 5949 5556730--1 5948n 10 3423, 539131-32 3072-75. 6000n11-153284-891758, 3045. 12 706733{ 3056-57.3076,3079 15 340413078, 3088 15-22 3290--30423079. 3081. 3104n16 34343083 3086. 3094. 19 32873 { 3099. 3105, 312423-25 .................... 3305-843099 25 328753107,3111Hi............ ,,34826, 7 3112-133312. 3453. 3455,7.83130 1{ 3600.4103,4225.539183118. 3131 1-24175. 556793121 3314. 3369, 3950,10 3087, 3099, 3113, 3123 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. { 4394, 4396, 4662 151. 148INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGESChap. Verse Number Chap.VerseNumberExodus (Hi)273398. 3453, 3600 3 332028-31.3458-61 4 3322, 3369, 688529-31.3742 4,7 3314303482 5 3066, 3324. 6495 v1-3 ,1166n 5.633691-193464--723314. 3328. 3341,2 3528 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {3348n, 33492.93486 6. 14 14856. 103680n 7 33326.10.13-5,193496 7 seq 33697-193333 83334, 3349, 3356. Canaan 9 3528 9-11. 3337-39 20-21 ...................... 3482 11 seq5501214104 12 3343, 3349, 3351. 3369 21-23 , 3461 12.18 3453 22, 23 3339, 34753339, 3348n,vi 13713. 3846 13" {3349, 5391, 7009 1-83482 13.143489 1-9 3482, 3485-98 14 387, 3352. 33893 5567 15 3354. 3369n6.4447 16 3349, 335593482 17 3348n. 335610.11 3558 18. 193357-6010-303499-503 19. 20 3528. 3529 11 1484n20-22 3361-6212,30 3339, 3385. 3475iv 3482 14 seq36641-9 3367-81 30 3385-86, 34431. 10, 13, 14. 19 3339vii13402, 3457, 3460. 3568. 66272 34093 3528. 35293-4 " 34114 .44473. 6. 243476 8 34996 3411. 64158-10,3510-199" 3411 103403103383 10-12 ...................... 337810, 113346 10 seq357710-12 3475 11 2140, 352010-16 ..................... 5845n 11.222142.2157,2163,356611. 339912 3521n. 352211, 12338813 3523n, 352512340113. 14, 22 ................... 352912-14 338214, 16,3558133392, 339915 , 354413, 16345215-25, 3531-45143394. 3454. 345616 1166n14. 16339317 seq 341114 fin3474193548, 355015.16 3399. 3457. 346021.(3547)163457, 4196, 423422.23352817-19 3403-4viii11166n, 3558203378,3405. 3453. 4225 1,2,20.21360620,21340~ 34922 3559, 3661213412, 35282-4 ........................ 3548223434n. 3440. 3442 2,16,21355122.233413-18, 34433356022-26 34163, 4 ,3564, 3569233431. 3441. 34463.5, 3548243429, 3444. 36333.16 3681n24-533494356224-6 3417. 3424. 3439, 3443 53550. 3552, 3564. 364025 3432. 3771. 3777, 3916 5,17 368325. 26 3426. 3446--48 6 3565, 368126 3435. 3437 72142,2157,2163,3566,3586 152. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES 149Chap. VerseNumberChap. VerseNumber8. 93567-68 73674, 36769.11 3556 837089.11.133562 8-10 " 3678-799. 13 3561 10. 11 3676, 384710 3570. 357211-133680-83113571 14 3681, 368711. 143570 15 3688. 3691123552. 3572. 3577. 3591. 4189 16,173690-113 3569. 3572. 357318 3650, 369214. 15 3574-75 19-20 ................... 3693-9615 3528, 357721-29 3697-71315.193529 22 372015. 32 3523n. 3525 23 3686163640 29 373616-193576--88:xi 1-10 , 3725--4017 3403. 3552. 36172,3385319 2144. 3528. 54543385520 3558. 36254-5352520-32 3589-603 4-8 ....................... 3442n223541 53811233610 10 ............. ,3528243607 :xii 1221, 1343. 3442323528 13747n. 3748. 3779ix1-73604-13 I-end .45891. 13 3558 23750, 3781. 390633614.3621. 3627 33753, 3764. 3766, 3781, 37846 3551 3.6,15,16,18 37527. 12.34.35, .3528 43756. 3757. 37878 3640 53755, 3758. 37888-12 3614-22 3751,3763.3789,103608 6{ 3827,3844,3851, 512312,35 3529 ~ 18 692713-153625-27 73769. 3777. 3790, 391616 ............... 3626, 3628. 3629 7, 13. . . . . ..463917. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .3629 7, 13, 22. 23, 27354518 3630. 36337, 22-23 354119 3631, 3655. 36893768. 3774. 3791,19. 213654 8{3797,3832,3852.692920 3634. 3651. 365493777, 379220.21 3631 10 3778. 3795. 3819. 3875213635 3808. 3814, 3826.22 3636, 364011 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. { 3850, 3866, 3942233640 12 381123-25 3608 12,13,23.27,29 3444243640, 3641, 3648n12, 23. 29 342925 3606n, 3643. 3672. 5920 13 3770, 381326 3541.3617.364513, 23 344527 , .364~ 3649, 369114 3814. 383527.30 3659 15 3817, 382828-293648-50 163752n. 382329.33 3692 16-20385630 , 3652. 367517-213824-31313654 223791, 383231.323633. 36383446. 3447. 3525.32 3640. 365623. . . . . . . . . . . . .. { 3633. 3834. 3892333657 23,29533533, 343640 24 3815,3816.3835343523n. 3525. 365825-273836--3735 3635, 366027 3803, 3838x 1 3663 28 3837, 38381.2 3529 3441 3529, 3633.1, 2. 20. 27 ................. 3528 29-32........... { 3839-48,67462-63664-73 33 2175. 3846, 3848, 3849 153. 150INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGESChap. VerseNumber Chap. Verse NumberExodus (xii)7.402734 ......................... 385083968. 4051 351284, 3853 9 3969 35.36(1169. 120~ 1209) 10 3970.3980 36 ......................... 3855 11.3972 37 3850, 3855n. 3858 3482. 3852. 3880.37.38 3841. 3842,388111, 12{3935, 3936, 407237,39.423850 12-143973-79383859 153980. 4085393850, 3852, 3864, 3880 16-183982-87 40 3868, 3870, 4438n193987n, 3988413870. 388220 3951, 399341, 42385120, 24 .410241, 51. . . . . . . . . . .(3825) 21 ,3995.4034,4191423850. 387221, 22 .400843-45 3859. 387322 (1451),3997,4035, 802643-493828 23 3998, 4000463874, 3875. 693024-253999-4000, 405047387625 4000, 402648. . . . . . ..3874, 3877, 640826.27.4000n49387826-28 4001503838, 388028 3211, 360851.3881 29-31 , .4006-13xiii 1 .......................... 3895xv 14015. 4026. 4068 1, 2. 13, etc 3414 1 seq 70412 3448, 3885. 3896I, 21 54062,12-165729 4016,4018,2. etc., etc.4593 2{4020,4051,405733903 3.40243.9. 14, .......... 3934 43966n, 40263-10 5728 4,5".40493. 8. 14.4081 5 .40293, 14-16.4300 5, 8.40434 3906, 39116. 7 4030-315-11 , , 3909-2383995n, 40346-16.4340 8. 10H 15; 229,16.4827 9-13 4037-5010. 11 6520 13 seq3989n11-133899 14.405612 3928 14, 15405212, 13 5700n15 .4058, Canaan, Edom133901, 392916.405614 , 3931 17 4060, 406314-163900 18 4062.521415-173932-3619 4065, 406917 3935, 3959, 3974. 4052 20, 21.4066-6817-223935-5321 seq7041n18 3938, 3984. Suph 22 .4072, Suph19(2453). 394422.23Shur20 3948 23. 244083-84(1347). 3988. 3989. 4082, 4084. 4085, 4102,21............. { 4600.4662.513925{4189,4685,4763. 5286n21, 22 3907. 3949. 4395 26 " .4089xiv 1221, 362827, 4080, 4095, 4103. 76841-23957xvi 1 4097n. 4103, 7684. 7950n, Sin2. 10-12, 19-31 Suph2410633958-592,3 .4177, Sin4 2175. 3957. 3960. 3986-72 seq 52884,17 4018 3 4107, 4121, 53044.5,8,17.18 .. "3528 4 (674), 4110. 5286n. 74704. 183529 4-26 Sin5 3847, 396254116, 41556, 73964-66, 3969 6 4118 154. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES 151Chap.Verse Number Chap. VerseNumber 6.7 ," 4105 7.8 4270-71 7 4120 8.94270. 4275 7.84106.4109.413094274. 4655. 5656 7-9. 12 4123 9.186940 7. 9. 12 .4107 10 4278. 4285. 4691 8 .4119. 4123.4134 10.12 4294n 8. 12. 137038. 704811 .4280 9 4127. 4130 12.4281. 4419 10 .4120. 4129. 4395. 7247 12 et seq.4631 11 , , .4132 13 234g n. 4283. 4398. 4644 12 4133. 413614 .4285 12-153576. 358915 4286. 4288.6459 13 .4136 16 4287. 4406. 5567 13-15 4102 16.186941 14. 15 4142-49. 4164 16. 196642 14-17 3799 17 .4288 16.4150. 7053 4287.4289.4406.4662. 16-18.4173 18{5642.5662.6036.6940n 17 .4151 18.19 .4394. 4434 17.18.4114 18.204423. 5656 184150. 4152 19 .4290 19-22 :4153-55 20-23 ............. .4291-94. 6940 22-24 5787 23.24 4284. 4644 23-304156-63 24. 25 4295-96 31.4142.4145-49.4164 xx 4689.4834. 5653. 5695 32-344166-68 1. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4298--99 35 4169. 54782.5 4298 36 .4173 2-11. 12 seq .4255xvii1Sin 2-17.19 5653 1-54178-90 2-17. 18-20. 22 5698 1 seq.4005. 5288. 7320 34302. 4424 3576. 3589. 4102. 5307. 5309 6 { 4175. 4192. 7515 4 430~ 4422.5443.5727 6.77513n. 7514 5 .. 4313.4422.5722.6394.6677.6680 74185.4187-89.4195.75155-7 5724 8-136045 64319. 5872 8-164197-215 7 4322n. 4323. 4559 9-147024n8-114332-36. 5731 12 .4195 9-10 .4443 16.4023n 12, 4344xviii.4253 13 ........................ .4352 1.4224 13-16.4349 2 .4225. 422914 , .4358 3. 4 4226-27 15 4369. 5600 53314. 4224. 422816 4375. 4386 6-10 4229-33 174384. 4494.6778 10. 11. 123312 18.4393n. 4394. 4419. 4434. 6642 113349. 4234 18-22 5698 12320. 423619 4394.4396-97.4406.4407.4413 13-194238-44 20 .4405. 4412. 4416. 5286n. 5307n 20424~ 4246214396. 4406. 4419.5656 20-22.264438n224422 21.4226. 424623 .4424 22-274247-52 24 4425. 4429xix1-24253-59 25 4428. 4763. 5155 3 ..................... 4077. 426026 .4433 3.4.4285 xxi .4634. 5698. 5737. 6681 4 4262 1. 4447. 4468. 4834. 5698 4-6 5319 1.2 4438n 5.4265. 4271. 4274. 5694 1-114444 5. 6 .4270. 69221-36,.4467 4269. 4291. 4801. 2 4443. 4448. 4469 6{ 4906.5320.7468.806734450. 4464. 4473 155. 152 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGESChap. Verse Number Chap. Verse NumberExodus (xxi) 27,28 Caoaao 4 (1282). 4449. 4451. 446531.,3983. 4009 5 .4451 xxiv.4689 5. 64452. 44761,24284. 4628, 4646. 5698 5-11.4466 1. 912700 7-104454-57. 7780-86 3 .4633. 4636 114460. 4486, 44873. 4 .4641. 5698 124489. 4492 3,4. 7 5697 13-19 .4490-97 4 4633. 4636, 4642, 4689 20-21.4477. 4498 4, 7 .4652, 5653, 5704. 5740 224501. 4504 4.7.8 4834,5737.5740 23-25 2563. 4504 5. 6 .4637-38 26 .451706.7.85308 26-32 4511-176-10 4435 33-354520-6. 452774642. 4689 36 45278 4636. 4638. 4643uii .4528, 4634. 5698. 5737 8.9 ........................ 44191 .4530 8. 10.4394, 56553-6. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4529-32 946447 2563. 4533. 45379. 10 .46478 453510{4423 4645. 4646, 5630, 5641,94535. 4536 . ...6340, 6341, 64490, 694010-15 ................... 4537-4110, 16. 17 563716 (234g) 10-265700016-21 4542-44 11, 12 .4646-48 20 .4578 13. 14 4654.6977, 7024022-27.4548-51 13. 14. 17 569827.4578 13,14,15-175698 28-30 .4553-55 145764,5769.5847 29-30 3891. 3926 15 .4651, 4655 314533, 4550, 4556. 4559 15-18 .4005xxiii569816 4657,56621-2 ..................... 4559-6016.17 7247 3 4561. 4569 16.17.18 seq .4733 4 4562, 4565 4395. 4396, 4404, 4657, 5.4565 174660, 4661. 5630, 5641. 64568. 4569. 5655{,5655-6. 6941. 7069 7457017-18 3477. 5218. 5642. 5664 8-11 .4573-79184276. 4648. 4661 11 .4336DV1-24664 11.1257312 5034. 5036. 5834. 5863 12, 13 4581-84 2-9.4667 12-13.14.16-19,24-5.32,33 .. 57000 3"4667 14 57334.4670, 5798 14-16 4587 54672 5700. 5728. 5730. 6, 7 .4674-75 15{ 6106, 6580. 7357 8 4664. 4676. 5514 16 , 4597. 5728. 5732 9 4678. 4721 17 ........................ 4594 10 4680. 5163 18.4595, 573511 4683 19 4597. 573611, 18 .4711 20 4600. 686411. 24. 25 ................. .46840 20. 215451 12 4685 20-22 4417 134685. 4686 20-25 573714. 154688 2Q-eod5606 164689,5703 21 4601,6416,6476,6864. 7876 17. 18.4690-91 21.224605-6. 6860194692, 4693 234605, 4606, 460720. 214693-94 24460722.4689, 4695. 5195, 5509 25-334610-2623-27 .4701 26462223-304700--14 27728 24. 25 .4711 156. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES 153Chap. VerseNumber Chap. VerseNumber28-294702 144830, 485130 .4712,6620 154838. 485431. ,4674,4720,4728 164834. 484331-40 .................. .4715-3317 .484431-end 6905 17-20 4816.4818,4819.4847.486432-36 .4724-2818 .484637, , 4729,6907 21-28 4847-5538.4732 282042n404721, 4733. 475328. 306162xxvi 1 4735. 4745. 4807, 4808n 29.4827, 48571. 31.4764. 4804. 4821n f 4780.4818,1.31.365799 30 ....... 4832-33.4858-59.48642 4739,4747 3148743.4740. 474832487544749 33 4877.71104. 5,.4741. 474434 4881, 49036 ................... .4744. 4809 35-36 4882-877 474~ 4747 35-383137-29 4745-5136-37.49558-10 4747-4936-38 2042n, 489411 .4750. 476136.38, 29712. 13 4746 37488912-294751 38 "4887, 489114.4672n39 4877, 4893.496618,204688 40 4896. 496818-21 ,4756 41 4674. 4788, 4896, 489718. 20, 22 4685 42.4893. 490321.4759 42-43 7721304752. 475343.4898. 4905314754, 4760.4821 xxix 638832 4755 1 4929, 5098n32-345189 2,34702, 4930-4333-37 4757-614 .4945, 4952xxvii 1. 5159 54952. 49671-84763-7164684. 4887, 495525173 7 .4674, 495645186 8, .496065186 8.9.49629-13 4773 94906, 4955, 496612 , 2945n10, 11 .4973-7416 5799 12 4977. 499520,6618 13498120-21 .4774-7513.32 6352215703. 609314 4985.499& 5095xxviii 318 15 .49881. 4784 16.4977. 49941,24817 174997, 4997n2 4776, 4789, 4797, 4887, 489617-18 38013 4783. 479718 4998.50524 .4783. 4802, 4805 18, 22 .49275. 64804. 480819.2050026.482119.2250246.8 .487721.5011,50296. 8. 15. 33 5799 22 5012, 50286 seq4675 22-25 50407, 4809 23 5017, 5018, 51238 4810. 4854. 4871, 496823, 25505294813 24 5052, 58249 seq4675 24.25293, 5018-21104818, 483626 5002. 5024114821, 482926. 27293n. 503712 .4826, 4861 5025. 5026. 5028.13 .................... 4824. 4829 27{5031.5032,5040.5053 157. 154INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGESChap. Verse.TJ"1: - .. NumberChap. VerseNumberExodus (uix) ..~4585127.28 5233 5-6 700928 5031. 50796 Dan29.30 5045-5012-17 5265-6931" 5052,5076 14. 15 658331-33 ...................... 5043 155781n. 6503n. 6586n. 6637n325028. 5052. 5058 185270-7533 5028. 5062][uii 7789343801n, 506915288. 5391, 5440355075 1. 23553236 5095. 51071-4 701336 seq .4995. 5086-106 1- 5426.5544 4889.4992. 5021. 5056.1-6 .4635.465437{ 5101.5107.5110,5215.5439 1 seq .405138 4944.5112 I-fin "389338 seq4944. 4991, 5110 2. 35298. 5823n39 ,5122 2.4,5,21,35 528739 seq5198 4013 4046. 4785. 4922.40532n. 5088. 5126 4 5299,5303, 5443. 5444n.41. 5114. 5134. 5152, 5153{ 5462, 5819. 707642 5137. 51994. 5725542.43.4944 4-6 .4272. 4289. 7029, 7259434992.5029.5144 4,83935. 393643. 44 ................. 5104. 5116 5 5519, 5744. 5988. 793444-465145-49 5.65290,5306. 5328. 5545. 7075u][ 1 , 5155 5318. 5352. 5353.1.8 ........................ 5220 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. { 5381. 5456. 55321.9 532n 7.85399.5546-471 seq.4702 7.14 54842. 3 5159-67 7-14 24913.4.4684n8 .4860. 53243.6 5206 9 ..................... 5329. 554845175. 51852760, 2882, 3430.55175. 518410, { 3443, 5333. 5549. 71516 5187 10 seq 532175196, 519711 5323, 5343. 55337,8 5210 11-13 .. 3420n.4005. 5550. 5693. 71518.9 5198-205 11 seq8107n10 5096.5209,5227.5439 12 5357. 538111~12 5220 135363, 6678. 8201n11-165216-41 13. 14 548412. 155220. 5236. 5241 145381, 5459. 555112-16297 155382.5400.5742135216. 5220. 5222. 5225-2615. 16 5270.5693.569513-155229-36 15-195552. 569816 5221, 523716,5384. 5391. 546917-19 5250 17 5392, 7024n17-21. 5242-52 18 5402186279 19 {3479. (5272). 5383. 5385. 5412.18-21.4951..5467. (5643). (7009). 750919.20-21.303 19.28543120-21. 5251-52 20 555322-335253-55 20.21 ................... 5419-2623,24 ...................... 2604 21.255431245235n22 543134,355156. 519622-245554. 778634--38 ................... 5256--59 235297.5391.5440355161 245303. 5305. 544337.38" 5205 24.255298][][][i 1-11 5260-64 255434. 5443. 54482 (5847) 25-2852512.3 4798 25.3554302-6 ........................ 5848 26 5455. 5482 158. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES155Chap.Verse NumberChap. VerseNumber 26--29 55555 5642, 5662 27 54636 5350. 5664 27.2866746.7 5676. 686~ 7156. 7174 27,2955966--95659. 5693 27-2954197 5670. 6677 28 5467, 5493. 5845n 8 5676. 5744, 5750 29 5469, 54708, 95663-64 30 5480.5485,555695679 31 5485105455.5684,5694.5707 31-32347710--265697.5699.5700 31, 32, 34 550711.5690, 5712. Canaan 325374,5484,5486,549211, 125694, 5713 32,33555712 5692n. 5713, 5725 33 3893n. 5489 12-145724 33. 34 5313, 707612-175700 33. 34. 35 389312-265702 34{4404. 5296. 5305. 5386. 5486. 13: 5719.5725 .... 5490. 5558. 5659. 5684. 778614 5721 35 5493, 5559155725. 6408xxxiii 1 5455. 5485. 5502. 5532. 5562 16 5692n. 5725, 5726. 6533 1-6 5495-531 17. 185727-38 1-235562-642 18, 23 5700 2 {5501 5509. 5512. 5563, 19 5729 . . . . . .. 5604. 5606. 5692n. Canaan19. 20 6690 2.35441205729n. 5730. 6106, 6580. 7357 3 4663.5501.5510,556421. 5700,5728,5731.5780 45520. 556521-234593 4,5575022-24 5732-34 4, 6, 8. 105460255701. 5735 5522. 5566. 26" 5736 5{5569, 5682, 5693 27 5699, 5706, 5740. 5752, 6965 65531,5567,565327,28 5652,5690.5693.5697.6290 7 5455. 5503, 5532, 5568. 5575 27-295695 85575285148, 5652 5741, 9.4945. 5569, 5577 295696. 5750 10 558030--315764-725533 5536. 5582, 325773, 5780 11 {5634, 7009, 7024n335772,5774 12 560434 5777 12 seq 5285355479, 5538, 5779 135383, 5616. 5617, 7154XllV 15780 13 seq 54562-4 5781-88 14 56235 5034,5036,5789,5799 14, 15 56055, 21.245233n 15 56255 seq5233 5609. 5626. 5633.6 5798. 5801 16{5677, 5680, 5682. 70106, 7 5830 16, 17 (764viii) 75801 17 56297,234672n 18 5629. 56308-205802-14 18-233477215816.5828 195362, 5631. 6513 21, 22. 29 5793 204413,5598.5634 225823. 5829. 5832 21 563622-24 ,5841 22 5636, 563723"5829 22, 23 .4678n245821,5827,5832 235638, 5644. 5664 25 5839xxxiv1{5272 5386. 5387, 5643. 5690,25, 26. 315804. 58305695-6, 5699, 5741. 671126--285841--42 1.4,28 5270295843. 5844 25654,5662 30 ......................... 5847 3565731. 5848, 5849. 5851 45656, 5661325847, 5851-52 159. 156INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGESChap. VerseNumber Chap. VerseNumberExodus (xxxv)v 6356 32-34 5849-50. 58511-14 6382 35 5849. 5851 5. 10. 13. 166354xxxvi 1 58537.11.6355 2 (4808n). 5347. 5854, 586711200 3-55855-71 14-196382 65860-61 16 6693 7, 5866 vi 1-76382 8-end of Exod p. 499, Translators5 6696n Note8-13 ,6382 19 .4672n 8-306357=81xxxvii 4684. 4727n 8 seq 6387 1, ,6449n 96357.6363 2. 11. 12. 26. 27.4684 10-116359-62xxxviii 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5186126363.6364 122945n12-13 5121.6357 234821n136363. 6364xxxix 510514. 15 6365 3.4821 16, 176368. 6374 5.496816. 265056n 7 2827. 4826. 486118 6370 10 .4844 18.226371 27 .489420-23 6371-74 29 (4808n), 4966. 496825.266375. 6402 30" ........ .4887. 4888,7761 25. 29 6369, 6382 30, 31297 27-30 6376-81 34 , , .. .4672nvii 1. 6 6402xl5, 26 51681,6,12,166382 9-11. 13, 15690211-345034 13,15 531 15 5069 21518915.165072 25 seq3477185053. 5070. 5144 30-32 634518-215066 30-32.34-36,38 .. 6340-48. VII,p. In20. 21 6383 31. 346340n 23-276385 34 4276, 6340, 7247 31-345036 35634132, 33 5038 36634432.345040 38 4276,6340,6343.647734 5039 36 5079 Leviticus 37 5053n. 5074. 5095. 6387 ................... 201,6349,7193viii.4901. 5105 3 ,1991-96388 3-fin,63876 .4871. 4903 5 50106 seq .4899 9,38017 .4871, 4968ii "1997,84870 1-16 ,3864. 63509 .4887 2 638210. 11530. 6389-90. 6392 2.9 636512 531, 4897, 6391 2.4-7. 15, 16 636613 4966. 4968 2 seq 333015,23-24.306390 3. 10 ,30418 4998 5,620018-214997 13692920" 4997n. 4998iii199, 5034n21,28-29 .................. 5053n 1-176351-52 25-295040 3,520227 5019 5. 16 638227-28294, 4897. 4901 8 501029 5024iv6353-55, 6382, 721130 " .4900 12, 20636032 3801n 21. 24. etc509533.35 5050. 5078 160. INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES 157Chap.VerseNumberChap.VerseNumber33.34.35 507613 6473ix , 514214 6489 6 seq 514514-16,34 5194 12-14 638715 6484. 6490, 6496 22-24 63935143,5173,5217.5241, 23, 51465283,5312,5325.5420,x 24 ......................... 5136 1 54455251. 5436. 6394. 1, 2. . . . . . . . . . . .. { 6495, 7246, 7284 16 16-19 1, 5525,5796.5833.6416. 6491, 6551, 6777, 74545137 17-18 6492-93 2.3 647218-1951953-56395-97 19 64946 6394. 6398. 6833n20 6495 7 639920-226487. 64919 6400.682121 6496 10. 13-206399