eLuxRL 3 10 0 Live.dd

download eLuxRL 3 10 0 Live.dd

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Transcript of eLuxRL 3 10 0 Live.dd

  • [HEAD]Name=eLux RL V3.10.0 Evaluation and RecoveryDescr=Required:\tUSB stick >= 512 MB\nContent:\tThe resulting USB stick boots and runs eLux RL.\n\t\tOptional a recovery installation can be processed.\nApplications:\tVMWare View, Citrix Desktop ReceiverName_DE=eLux RL V3.10.0 Evaluation und RecoveryDescr_DE=Erfordert:\tUSB stick >= 512 MB\nInhalt:\t\tAuf dem erzeugten USB-Stick bootet eLux RL.\n\t\tOptional kann eine Recovery Installation erfolgen.\nApplikationen:\tVMWare View, Citrix Desktop Receiver