Elocution 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Elocution 2013



    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Alhamdullillahirabbbilalmin . Assalamualaikum w.b.t and a

    very good morning to the respected chairperson, honourable judges, faithful timekeeper,

    beloved lecturers and my fellow friends. Greetings 1 Malaysia. My name is Farah Farhana

    binti Ayob from G 2.8. This is my pleasure for having a chance to present my speech at this

    stage. I am here seeking for your ears to listen carefully. My topic for today is about UNITY



    Unity means work or helps each other. It means the development and progress of the

    reforms that lead to a better standard of living. Thus, it is clear to us that the practice of

    unity among the people is the basis of a country's progress in line with the modernization



    1 Malaysia concept has been introduced by Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime

    Minister. It is a step coincided with the mood and taste of the people. This concept is in line

    with what is enshrined in the Constitution and the Fundamental Principles of the State.

    1 Malaysia brings aspirations to improve race relations to ensure that Malaysians can forge

    closer unity. The basic thing that needs to be created in the spirit of unity is due respect,

    sincerity and mutual trust between the communities. '1 Malaysia 'will also create a

    government that gives priority to the people as the Prime Minister of the slogan "People

    First, Performance Now".

    '1 Malaysia 'aims to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity which has always been the

    strength of Malaysia and its people and this advantage will be maintained as our best hope

    for any challenge. It also would create a government that gives priority to people like that

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    emerge through the slogan YAB Dato 'Sri Najib Tun Razak, the' People First, Performance

    Now ".

    There are eight values instilled by YAB Dato 'Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the concept of

    '1 Malaysia'. These values are expected to unite Malaysians with thoughts and actions that

    lead to the common good of the country. Eight values are:

    They are culture of excellence, perseverance, humility, acceptance, loyalty, meritocracy,

    education and the last one, integrity. All of these are prime conditions to reach 1Malaysia.

    This concept is neither too hard nor too easy to be achieved. Since Malaysia is being

    developed, current Prime Minister espoused 1Malaysia concept and it is purposely takes

    into considerations to the interests and aspirations of all communities in moving country

    forward. So, today, I will focus on 5 concepts of 1Malaysia; culture of excellence,

    acceptance, loyalty, education and lastly integrity. To achieve this success, we have to

    develop unity among the nations to achieve 1Malaysia success.

    Ladies & Gentleman,

    Outstanding cultural practice will bring Malaysia to greater success and high achievement.

    Success depends on how the culture of excellence practiced by people.

    Culture of excellence should be implemented on an ongoing basis with the revolutionary

    performance measurement achievement or progress through the principle of accuracy in

    determining the elements of excellence. Accuracy of time management is very important in

    determining the progress and acceptance of others, especially when dealing with foreign

    parties. Besides that, accuracy of measurement which it delivers schedule and quality. It is

    closely related to ensuring excellence and success. The other countries will recognize

    Malaysia as concerned about quality and accuracy in all fields, especially in the world

    trading system that is based on exports.

    Ladies & Gentleman,

    The second point is acceptance. The concept of acceptance and tolerance are two different

    things either from expression or implementation. Acceptance will demonstrate positive

    behaviours that fully accept with a sincere heart without some elements had to. Meanwhile,

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    tolerance will occur because there is no other choice or forced. Behaviour or tolerance

    occurs when a party has no other choice and it is received with dishonesty. Malaysia needs

    people who can accept whatever good things together and get agreement. Acceptance of all

    races to get the best is needed to build a nation. The best things from the Malays, Chinese,

    Indians and others should be adopted and get acceptance from the society of the country.

    For example, all programs and financial allocations from the government should be

    distributed in a fair, comprehensive and fair as required without restriction, walks of life,

    race, ethnicity, religion and political affiliation. Malaysia should give opportunity such as

    education, scholarships, subsidies, financial assistance and fair distribution of projects

    should reflect the needs of '1 Malaysia '. Lastly, it is important in the development of self

    without taking regardless of gender and ethnic background otherwise determined by one's

    personal ability and talent.

    Ladies & Gentleman,

    The third point is loyalty. The principle of fidelity is needed in any situation. Loyalty to King

    and Country is the second principle of the Rukun Negara must closely hold by every citizen

    of this nation unequivocally. All people need to prioritize the importance of loyalty to the

    nation and loyalty to the people and overcome their own group. Loyalty to the leader or

    leaders in an organization is central to the integrity, stability, success, and excellence. For

    instance, followers must show loyalty and obedience to the leader for the organization. This

    loyalty will build trust and forge a personal bond between the two parties. Next,

    communication and strong bond through loyalty should be done with honesty and sincerity

    of the relationship either with friends, family or leader. Then, loyalty alsomust be

    accompanied by the ability to perform the duties with excellence. The value of loyalty or

    rewards should be based on ability; achievement and progress are implemented in every

    relationship. Lastly, loyalty or contact blindly without any progress is worthless. The

    relationship is based on how propping should be avoided in order not abused by those who

    often take advantage of their own group.

    The fourth point is education. Education and knowledge are essential prerequisites for any

    country to achieve success. Strength and durability are based on educated and

    knowledgeable society overcome military strength. For instance, countries should have a

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    society that emphasizes education and knowledge of everything such as in reading culture

    as Malaysians capable of producing a mind that is always open. Besides that, in all streams,

    whether national schools, Chinese schools and Indian schools should always look for

    opportunities to interact with the conduct of joint activities. It is important for the

    curriculum development for the three flows where it should emphasize shared values that

    need to be nurtured to form Malaysia.

    And lastly, the fifth point is integrity. It is important for the government to gain the trust

    and confidence of the people. Trust and confidence earned through integrity values. This

    value should be practiced by all parties to all levels of leaders, regardless of position. For

    instance, be honest about any action and speech although the truth is bitter things to serve.

    Then, meet the promise and the time is from the claimed nature of Islam. Promise could

    erode trust and loyalty. Accepting criticism and reprimand with an open although this is

    difficult to accept by some. All the criticism and reprimands should be the lesson and a

    guide to correct the errors and offenses committed. Lastly, set aside personal interests in all

    actions and behaviours. National interests should be placed above all other interests.

    Specializes inquisitive, families and certain groups should be avoided.

    Ladies & Gentleman,

    In conclusion, the concept of '1 Malaysia will lead aspiration to strengthen community

    relationships and to ensure that Malaysians can forge closer unity as requirements and basic

    tenets. Things that need to be created in the spirit of unity are a feeling of mutual respect

    and trust between people. People need to understand and practice that all actions must

    place the interests of the country. All people have to assume that they are Malaysians

    where everything should be enjoyed in common. Malaysia is a country where there are no

    people or people who are marginalized from enjoying the development and defence of the


    These values are expected to unite Malaysians with thoughts and actions that lead to the

    common good of the country. Through the concept of '1 Malaysia would not exist

    discontent to any race because all the people are 1Malaysia and Malaysians who have a

    sense of direction and ambition to jointly develop the country.

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