Ellsworth Trust Collection

The Ellsworth Trust Collection At Johnson State College



Transcript of Ellsworth Trust Collection

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The Ellsworth Trust Collection

At Johnson State College

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Latin American Collection

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Ceramic Duck: Vicus Culture

The Vicus Culture existed from 3500-3000 B.C. on a site in the northern Peruvian highlands near the present Ecuadorian border. This Vicus ceramic duck was purchased by Professor Ellsworth from an elderly Indian woman in Lima, Peru, who had it in a four-walled locked room in the back of her antique store. Admission to this special room was limited, because all items in this room were authenticated as Pre-Inca by the Peruvian Government using Carbon-14 dating.

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Flask-like Vessel-Resembles Bottle Gourd Cupisnique

750 B.C. The decoration on the flask-like ceramic vessel consists of an alligator consuming an anaconda snake while the anaconda consumes the alligator. This decoration expresses the Indian idea of the continuity of life. The early Cupisnique ceramics were produced by firing earthware and clay. This practice resulted in the production of dark ware, varying from dark grey to carbon black in color.

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Salinar Vessel

The Salinar (Chimu - 2000 B.C. to 500 B.C.) culture was located on the Northern Coast of modern Peru and dominated the Chicama and nearby valleys. Salinar ceramic pottery was adorned with ornamentation. It was superior to the Cupisnique pottery in that a method of controlled oxidation was used instead.

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Gallinazo Double-Spout Ceramic

The Gallinazo culture flourished in the Viru valley in northwest Peru about 200 A.D. The ceramics from the Gallinazo culture have the following characteristics:1. Dark decoration which was achieved by coating the vessel with a material which cured when exposed to fire. This caused carbon impregnation of the surface. 2. Spouts were usually modeled in the form of a head figure.

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Two Spouts (face beneath) and Connecting Handle

Paracas culture (formative period Chaviniod) existed from 900 B.C. to 700 B.C. in the Inca valley, Peru (South). The decorated handle connects the two spouts, and two figure heads are protruding from below the spouts.

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Guatemalan Mask

This mask was hand carved by a mask maker in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, in about 1972. The mask is modern and represents the mask maker's idea of what modern Guatemala represents: a combination of Indian and Spanish people. The headdress is thought to be a duplicate of the Quetzal headdress worn by the last Indian ruler of Guatemala, Uman. The Quetzal is a rare bird found in the rural highlands of Guatemala. The face of the mask seems to show a combination of Spanish and Indian features.

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Arey painting of Nuttall Codice

This painting was done by Thomas Arey, a 1969 graduate of Johnson State College. Mr. Arey's painting is an original oil work, a direct artistic rendering of page 71 of the Nuttall Codice. It was a gift to Professor Ellsworth from Thomas and Carolyn Arey.

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Los Llanos Spanish Meat Fork

By 1700 A.D., the Spanish had introduced horses and cattle into the Los llanos areas of Colombia. As small, isolated villages were established and grew, the custom developed of having fiestas for the holidays. The tradition developed into a ceremonial barbecue of a whole cow for the village fiesta. Since the cooking of the carcass took all night and day, the fiesta usually took place in the evening. The Spanish meat fork was developed in the Los Llanos area in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Notice the two candle holders attached to the meat fork. At about dusk, the carcass was removed from the coals, the meat fork was inserted into the carcass, the candles were lighted, beer was served, and village fiestas began. In the late 1950's, Professor Ellsworth attended several such fiestas. This 18th century Los Llanos meat fork was a gift to the professor as the guest of honor at one such event.

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God and Goddess ( San Augustine Culture, Colombia)

The San Augustin Indian culture existed in the southeastern part of Colombia. It was the fourth most important culture in pre-Columbian civilization: Inca, Maya, Aztec, and Chibcha (San Augustin). Professor Ellsworth visited the San Augustin area during the summer of 1964. It was a remote locale that only one road went to the area. There were no interior roads, and it was necessary to travel by horse to the archeological sites. One day, with two guides and two llaneros, the Professor went to the Mountain of the Kings, a burial place for leaders of the San Augustin Indians. Each burial place had a large stone statue which marked the location of the grave. At one remote site, Professor Ellsworth dismounted to take pictures of the stone statue and fell into a six-foot deep grave. The two llaneros pulled him out and went into the grave to investigate. They brought out the two stone statues: the God and Goddess. Even though these carved stone statues are old, one can determine that they represent a male and a female. This indicates that the grave was used for a king and his lady.

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Double Face Mask, Ecuador

This is an interesting mask because if one looks inside, one can clearly see that ancient Indians of Ecuador could imagine the inside of a face. This mask was found by Professor Ellsworth while wandering up the dry basin of Esmeralda River in 1959.

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Mitla-decorated Bowl, Mexico

Mitla, the Village of the Dead, existed in approximately 900 A.D. It is located in the southern part of Mexico, very near Oaxaca. This place was used for burial purposes. Mitla is located in a severe earthquake zone of Mexico. The dead were buried underground in long, shaft-like rooms. The roof, placed over the long rooms, rested on rollers. Thus, when an earthquake hit and the earth shook, the rollers rolled and the solid roof remained intact. Today one can still visit Mitla, view the burial places, the rollers, the solid top, and understand why it remains the same today as it was 1000 years ago.

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Eight Cocijo Heads, Monte Alban Archeological Zone, Oaxaca, Mexico

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These eight heads and figures represent the ancient Indian God, Cocijo. Monte Alban, the archeological zone in which they were found, is the largest archeological zone in the Oaxaca area of Mexico. The Indians who built and occupied Monte Alban from 1500 B.C. to 272 B.C. remain a mystery.

Cocijo Heads

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Cocijo Heads, cont.

In the period from 272 B.C. to 1 A.D., Cocijo, the Rain God, became the most important god in that civilization. Over one hundred graves have been discovered on and around Monte Alban, and all contain the most exquisitely carved decorations of Cocijo. From 1 A.D. to 900 A.D., the Zapoteca Indians occupied Monte Alban and brought the artistic stone carvings of Cocijo to its peak.

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Cocijo Heads, cont.

The story of Cocijo, the Rain God, according to Oaxacan Indian belief is that the people wanted to build a stairway to the sky. For this reason, Monte Alban was built on the highest mountain top, in order for it to be nearest to the sky. As the story goes, the people asked the main god for fire and the minor gods also wanted to give fire to the people. So the main god built a huge fire.

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Cocijo Heads, cont.

All the lesser gods were consumed by the fire except for Cocijo, the Rain God, and his brother, the God of Wind. As the God of Wind blew the flames away and cooled the fire, Cocijo dropped down water and conquered the fire.

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Cocijo became the most important god and his brother, God of Wind, became the second most important god. Professor Ellsworth has noted that the Oaxaca area is primarily agricultural. Rain is a very important factor in successful crop production-- more important than wind. Mixteca culture occupied Monte Alban from 1420 to 1521 A.D., when the Spaniards arrived, conquering and decimating Mixteca culture.

Cocijo Heads, cont.

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Cocijo Heads, cont.

Dr. Caso, a Mexican archeologist, began working on the Monte Alban archeological zone in the 20th century. These eight heads and figures were given to Professor Ellsworth during his many study visits to Monte Alban in the late 1960's.

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Two Obsidian Heads

These two Indian heads were carved from obsidian-volcanic glass. Although these obsidian heads are decorative, volcanic glass was used extensively by Pre-Columbian Indians. For example, obsidian knives were used by the Aztec priesthood in ritual sacrifice, and in the Mayan culture, obsidian was used in creating many limestone statues.

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Indian Wedding Band, Peru

During a trip up the Amazon River from Belem, Brazil to Iquitos, Peru, Professor Ellsworth was taken to visit a very remote Indian tribe. One of the customs of the tribe included using a band of wedlock to secure a bride. If the young man were successful in slipping the band on the woman's finger and pulling her down to his dugout canoe, he was considered married in the eyes of the priest and members of his tribe. This band was given to Professor Ellsworth by the tribal priest.

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Two Lake Titicaca Statues, Puno, Peru

These two Lake Titicaca statues were made in Puno, Peru, in about 1960. These statues are models of how the local rural Indians dressed in the mid 1960's. The statues were hand-modeled by Puno Indians.

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Haitian Head of Male

This head of a Haitian man was carved from a solid piece of Haitian mahogany by the leading Haitian sculptor, Decembre.

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Haitian Head of Female

This head of a Haitian woman was also carved from a solid piece of Haitian mahogany, by an unknown artist.

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Many years ago Professor Robert Hutchinson gave Professor Ellsworth a stone from his garden in Morrisville, Vermont. He requested that Professor Ellsworth drop his stone in the headwaters of the Amazon River at Equitos, Peru. Professor Ellsworth did as requested. Later that summer, the Professor visited Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas in Peru. He found that the severe earthquake of 1959 had chipped off a small piece of rock from the larger rocks which formed the Palace of the Three Windows. Professor Ellsworth brought the piece of Machu Picchu rock back to Professor Hutchinson who has in turn made it a gift to the Robert Alden Ellsworth Trust Collection.

Machu Picchu Stone

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Chichicastenango, Guatemalan Waiter

Every Indian village in Guatemala has a special costume and headdress for men and women. This is a portrait of the waiter, complete with dress and headdress, who always waited on Professor Ellsworth during his many trips to the village. The painting was done by Guatemala artist Senor Eliezer Canul.

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Ocelot Hide, Wall Hanging

Ocelots run wild in the high Andes of Peru and Columbia mainly, but may also be found in the flatlands of Columbia.

Interesting to note is that the ocelot has huge claws despite the relatively small size of the body.

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Six Prints: Guatemalan Indians on Lake Atitlan

These six prints are by Frederic Crocker, Jr., an American artist who has painted many native Guatemalans. Each one of the six prints represents one of the twelve Indian tribes surrounding Lake Atitlan.

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Detail of the Six Prints:

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Detail of the Six Prints:

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Detail of the Six Prints:

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Indian Painting on Tree Bark, Mexico

The Tarascan Indians in central Mexico used tree bark as canvas for their paintings. These paintings depict their concept of El Faison (the pheasant) and El Venado (the deer).

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A metal painting of the most important Mayan God, Kukuklan, by the Mexican artist Señor Eliezer Canul.

Metal Painting of Mayan God: Kukulkan

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Colorado Indian Hand Wood Carving, Ecuador

The Colorado Indians live in very remote, rural areas of northwestern Ecuador and have been influenced very little by Spanish culture. This statue, representing a traditionally dressed Colorado man, was purchased by Professor Ellsworth in a very remote Indian village.

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Llama Candlestick and Modern Peruvian Dish

These were made by the Uru Indians on Lake Titicaca, Peru, in about 1960. This type of candlestick was used by the Uru for illumination: they live on balsa rafts on Lake Titicaca without electricity.

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Two Ceramic Heads: Monte Alba, Oaxaca, Mexico

These two heads were purchased by Professor Ellsworth from local children on the road from Monte Alban to Oaxaca. The boys said that they found them in the graves on Monte Alban. The age of these pieces in unknown.

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Three Pieces of Decorated Pottery

These Three pieces of pottery were dug by Professor Ellsworth in 1958, while he was visiting the off-shore islands in Roatan. These islands were once occupied by the Mayan Indians during the pre-Columbian period.

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Piranha Fish, Amazon River

This set of teeth and dried body of a piranha fish were purchased by Professor Ellsworth 1961 in Manaus, Brazil. He took a Brazilian river boat up the Amazon River from Belem, Brazil to Iquitos, Peru. The piranha fish are very dangerous because of their teeth; when closed, the teeth fit very closely together. Since the jaws are also very strong, when closed, the piranha swims backward, tearing off a bit of flesh. Interestingly, piranha fish are very calm, except when excited when blood is sensed in the water. In the Los Llanos areas of the tributaries of the Amazon River, swarms of piranha fish are known to have stripped a horse of all its flesh in three minutes.

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Things of note include the good cotton imbedded in the wall fragments, the very small ears of corn, which were typical of very early Indian corn, and some broken pieces of pottery.

Miscellaneous Artifacts, Pachacamac, Peru

These artifacts were dug up out of a wall at the ruins of Pachacamac, Peru, by a local archeologist in 1961.

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Typical Guatemalan Indian Dress

This small doll was made and dressed by local Indians in Antigua, Guatemala, in 1963.

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Two San Augustin Figures, Columbia

These two Indian figures were purchased from the local Indians by Professor Ellsworth while he was visiting the ancient sites. These figures are modern and are used as trading items.

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Some of the world's most beautiful onyx pieces come from Tehuacan, Mexico's center of huge onyx rock fields. There is a very large rock factory which makes unusually beautiful pieces. Professor Ellsworth spent the summer of 1963 in Mexico. He drove to Tehuacan and the onyx factory where he watched huge rocks of onyx (some 20 feet high and wide) being sawed by a very narrow saw under a stream of water. As the onyx rocks are being sawed into smaller pieces of onyx rock, the saws become smaller and more fine. These two onyx pieces were made at the Tehuacan factory.

Two Onyx Pieces: Elephant and Ash Tray

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Round Marble Aztec Calendar from Mexico City.

Aztec Calendar

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Far East Collection

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Gold Inlay Tray & Rose Petal Box

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Many years ago, Professor Ellsworth spent time in Japan (1949-1952). While in Japan, he was invited to visit Kyoto, the ancient cultural center of Japan, in order to visit the Golden Pavilion. He was then invited to have tea at the home of a mutual Japanese friend. During the tea ceremony, Professor Ellsworth learned that his host was in danger of losing his home since he had been unable to pay his taxes for the past two years. Professor Ellsworth decided to give his host enough money to save his home from foreclosure. At that time, Professor Ellsworth did not realize that according to Japanese custom, upon receiving a gift, the recipient must give another gift in return. As Professor Ellsworth was leaving, his hostess presented him with these two lacquer gifts: the tray and the rose petal box.

Gold Inlay Tray & Rose Petal Box cont.

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The tray is inlaid with pieces of gold forming Japanese fans. In the fans are pieces of gold which form the Japanese royal flower: the chrysanthemum. The rose petal box is inlaid with gold pieces which form the Golden Pavilion. It took two years to produce lacquer boxes and trays like these. The gold inlay is designed and then inlaid into the wood. Then for each of the next twelve months a very wet coat of Japan lacquer (wood paint and varnish) is applied, permitted to dry in a very moist closet, and at the end of each month polished. The whole process is applied over again for the next months.

Professor Ellsworth used the tray as a receptacle for cards in his Tokyo home. The rose petal box has been a constant reminder of the beauty of the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan.

Gold Inlay Tray & Rose Petal Box cont.

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Woodblock prints are a very highly developed art form in Japan. Artists carve a separate piece of wood for every color desired. Each carved piece must fit perfectly with the others so that when they are all together and a single piece of paper or silk is passed over, a picture will appear. These four prints are of a samurai, his wife, a geisha, and the stage on which they appear. Note the difference between the clothing of the wife and the geisha.

Four Woodblock Prints: Samurai and His Ladies

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Detail of Four Prints:

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Samurai Sword

The Japanese Samurai sword is an important part of the life of a Samurai. It is given only to an individual, and then passed down through the generations. The han (name or signature of the owner) is located just under the handle. Every Japanese male has a han which he uses for a signature. This han was carved from a piece of wood, the name carved on top, and then inserted into the sabra.

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American-made Japanese Design Lamp

When Professor Ellsworth went to teach at Princeton, his parents furnished his suite at the university. This lamp of Japanese design, made in the USA was placed on his Magnavox to celebrate the end of World War II.

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Japanese Doll

Each Japanese doll must be perfect and the dress authentic. This dress is a genuine Japanese wedding dress and the bride's hair is dressed exactly as a bride's hair would be.

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Two Cloisonné Rose Petal Containers

The Japanese excel in making cloisonné. These were made in the early 19th century.

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Book of Ancient Japanese Wood-Block Prints

This book contains collections of very old, probably late 19th century, wood block prints. The prints appear as singles, doubles and triples.

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Japanese Vase

This is a modern Japanese vase used by Professor Ellsworth in his home in Tokyo, from 1949-1952.

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Dharma, Japanese Buddhist God

Back in ancient, historical times, Dharma became a follower of Buddha in Tibet. Dharma wandered through India and into China and asked the Chinese emperor for permission to introduce Buddhism to China. The emperor refused him permission, and so Dharma spent seven years sitting, facing a wall and eventually went blind. When the Chinese emperor heard that Dharma had gone blind, he decided that there must be something to a religion that would have such a strong impact on a man. Dharma was then permitted to introduce the Buddhist religion. Soon it had spread throughout Southeast Asia.

By 600/700 A.D., the Buddhist religion spread to Japan.

Today, there are essentially two major religions in Japan: Shintoism (ancestor worship and somewhat of a political belief) and Buddhism (more of a religious belief).

The five servants living at Professor Ellsworth’s home in Tokyo were believers in both Shinto and Buddha. This statue of Dharma was given to Professor Ellsworth as a Christmas present in 1950 by his servants. The Japanese indicate that Dharma was blind by the whiteness of his eyes.

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Two Modern Ashtrays

While Professor Ellsworth was stationed in Japan, he was invited to visit a local porcelain factory and to advise them on what style and colors the Americans would like in Japanese porcelain vases. He advised them that ash trays would be popular.

These two ash trays were gifts to him after the factory began making ashtrays for sale in the United States.

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In the early 1950’s, Hong Kong became the center for the sale of Chinese antiques which had been smuggled out of Communist China. This small, exquisitely hand-carved Chinese fisherman was purchased by Professor Ellsworth on one of his many trips to Hong Kong. Interesting to note is the half-hat which is very unusual and found in very rural villages.

Antique Hand-carved Chinese Fisherman

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Antique Chinese Rose Petal Jar (now a lamp)

During the colonial times in America, trade between the colonies and China became extensive. New England became the site to which much Chinese art was brought. It is thought that this rose petal jar complete with hand-carved wooden base was brought from China to New England in the early 1700’s. It was not turned into a lamp until the 1930’s.

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This ancient Chinese scroll was brought to New England from China early in the 1700’s. Unfortunately, there is so much gold paint on the scroll that it became very difficult to unroll it. In the 1940’s it was decided to frame the scroll to preserve it.

Ancient Chinese Scroll

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Modern Chinese Carving

This modern carving came to Hong Kong about 1970 from mainland China. Of special interest is the smallness and fineness of the carving.

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This statue is of a classical dancer in Bangkok, Thailand. It is an unusually beautiful sight to see the Royal Classic Dancers in Bangkok. Both male and female children are trained at an early age to become classical dancers.

Thai Classical Dancer

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Paul Jacolai was a French/Korean artist. He developed the most beautiful, brilliant wood block prints in Korea. Using traditional techniques, his prints were produced by running a piece of silk or paper over each woodblock until the picture or print was finished. The number of prints was strictly limited and each one was numbered. The number of each print appears on the back.

Woodblock Prints by Paul Jacolai, Korea

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In the 1940s, the honey bucket carrier was still active in many parts of Japan. Honey buckets were the method of removing night soil from Japanese homes. The honey bucket carriers balanced a long bamboo pole on their shoulders with one deep honey bucket on each end.

Honey Bucket Carrier, Modern Woodcarving, Japan

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The Ainu (pronounced eye-noo) are an ethnic group indigenous to Hokkaido in northern Japan. The second largest minority group among Japanese citizens, they are thought to be related to the Tungusic, Altaic, and Uralic peoples of Siberia. Historically, the Ainu were an indigenous hunting and gathering population who occupied most of northern Honshu as late as the Nara period (A.D. 710-94). As Japanese settlement expanded, the Ainu were pushed northward, until by the Meiji period they were confined by the government to a small area in Hokkaido, in a manner similar to the placing of Native Americans on reservations. The Ainu people have a heavy amount of body hair: face, trunk, arms and legs, while the Japanese people have very little body hair; the beard indicates that the statue is Ainu. 

Ainu, Porcelain, Japan

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Modern Japanese continue the ancient and important custom of exchanging gifts on all social occasions. This elegant tray was a such gift to Professor Ellsworth.

Modern Decorated Tray, Japan

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Almost every village in Japan has a small dragon dance in the fall. All of the large cities have a very large, long, dragon dance parade. Viewing the dragon dance in Nagasaki in 1950, Professor Ellsworth saw one dragon dance in which over one hundred men danced with the most elaborate and winding paper dragon on their heads. This dragon appeared real with its claws, scales and smoke coming from a fantastic dragon’s head.

Dragon Vase, Japan

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It is not known how old this antique soapstone vase is, but it is reputed to have been taken from mainland China in the late 1950’s. It is a solid piece of soapstone carved with floral designs and birds.

Soapstone Vase, China


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Ivory Geisha on Base

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Helmet on Pillow

“Kabuto on Zabuton." On May 5th, Japan celebrates Children's Day (Kodomono no Hi). On this day, boys ranging from infants to about ten participate in the boy's festival. The helmet resting on the pillow has become a symbol associated with the event because it has a shape similar to that of a young boy sitting crossed-legged on a pillow. This piece was donated to the Trust by Narumi Tsukeo-san.

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Portable Shrine Clock

This is a reproduction of a portable Shinto Shrine called a Mikoshi. Inside, a Shinto god is reposing. This type of shrine is carried through the street by men during festival times. This portable shrine has been donated to the Ellsworth Trust by artist Narumi Tsukeo-san.

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This is an example of Tsugaru lacquer ware from the Tsugaru area of Aomori Prefecture in northeast Japan, the home of artist Narumi Tsukeo-san. The process used to make this is very complicated and time consuming, involving the use of many layers of colored lacquer that are painted on in overlays, usually using five colors. The ripples that are caused by the layers are then highly polished to give the smooth appearance.

Bowl and Flower Stand

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International Collection

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The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum in Agra, India. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial to his wife, and begun in 1632A.D. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the wonders of the world and by many to be one of the most beautiful structures in the world. The Taj Mahal is built of local white marble which is inlaid with semi-precious stones. These three pieces were made of the same white marble as the building and inlaid with the same kind of semi-precious stones.

On one trip to Agra, Professor Ellsworth visited the factory in which these three pieces were made. There he spoke to a young boy, perhaps twelve years old. The boy carved the white marble pieces and inserted the stones. His pay was equal to our 11 cents, and his working day was from early morning until dark. The masterful craftsmanship here is surely recognized despite these conditions.

Three Pieces inspired by the Taj Mahal, Agra, India

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Detail of the Three Pieces:

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Elephants and camels are as common in India as horses are in the United States and llamas and alpaca in Latin America. Hand carved wooden elephants and camels are a common expression of Indian artists. When an elephant’s trunk it raised, it indicated extreme happiness or anger. Then the trunk hangs down, the elephant is docile or eating.

On one trip to India, Professor Ellsworth went to the Kaziranga Range in which it is possible to go by elephant to film white-horned rhinoceros. The trip began at daybreak and at 6 a.m. they came upon a very young white-horned rhinoceros. The young rhino was infuriated and charged the elephant and its passengers. For an instant, the elephant was placid. Then when he felt danger, the elephant raised his trunk and let out an ear-splitting trumpet. Frankly, the blast frightened Professor Ellsworth, along with the charging white-horned rhino. The rhino stopped, turned around and made a hasty retreat to his water hole. The elephant and his passengers followed the rhino until they reached his water hole. By this time Professor Ellsworth had recovered and was recording the whole event on camera slides!

Three Wooden Elephants and One Camel, India

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There are many semi-precious stones and rocks in India. It is the favorite pastime of Indian boys to collect these stones and sell them to tourists. Professor Ellsworth could not resist their appeal and purchased this assortment of stones in September 1975.

Five Semi-Precious Stones

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This oriental rug was purchased by Professor Ellsworth in Amritsar, India. The rug dealer said that it took one whole family an entire month to weave the rug, children and adults alike. The family made the design and each member knew the design by heart. There are 600 double knots of silk per square inch and the rug is 90% silk.

Oriental Rug

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Professor Ellsworth visited a Tibetan refugee camp in Nepal in 1975. There were about 500 refugees, mainly nomadic. Since they were wanderers, it was necessary for them to carry their salt. This bone container for salt is fastened to a belt and worn by both men and women.

Bone Container for Salt, Tibet

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Turkey has become famous for its production of excellent pieces of pottery. The name of this Turkish pottery plate is Kutahya. It was made in Ankara, Turkey, in 1948. This pottery plate is a gift to the Ellsworth Trust from Anne and George Sipp.

Pottery Plate, Turkey

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In 1958 Professor Ellsworth spent six weeks studying and traveling in the U.S.S.R. He visited Tamerlane’s tomb in the Tashkent/Bokara area, and while visiting the oldest temple/tomb in the world, he was interested to learn that it was badly damaged from earthquakes and not civil wars. While inspecting the temple/tomb, there was a slight tremor and the above piece of porcelain overlay fell to his feet. It should be noted that this very fine piece of porcelain was made about 1500 A.D.

Piece of Porcelain Overlay from Temple Bokara, U.S.S.R.

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Statue of Hunter and his Dog, Germany

The Germans in the area surrounding Oberammergau are especially skilled in hand-carving wooden statues from a single piece of wood. This statue of a hunter and his dog was carved around 1975.

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Two Marmot Bookends, Switzerland

Professor Ellsworth said that one would often spot marmots while riding up the cog railroad to view the Matterhorn in Switzerland. These very friendly rodents seem to welcome pieces of bread from passers-by. Picking up the piece of bread with its forepaws, they do not seem to mind having their pictures taken as they sit and eat.

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The foaming quart is a Royal Doulton porcelain #2162, made in England in 1954. It was a gift to Professor Ellsworth from Professor Chatterton.

The Foaming Quart, England

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These two Foo Dogs are reputed to have stood outside the entrance to a Hindu temple in Bombay, India. These dogs were used as incense burners and are made of bronze. It is not known when these Foo Dogs were brought from India to New England, but common consensus suggests late 18th century or early 19th century.

Two Foo Dogs, India

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Ruth Fickett Ellsworth was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on August 30, 1886. There was a cranberry bog on her father’s farm and this was Ruth’s personal cranberry picker.

Ellsworth Antique, Cranberry Picker

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This was a birthday gift from grandfather Harvey J. Hill to Harry J. Ellsworth on his fifth birthday, March 3, 1887. He treasured this gift for ninety years until he died March 1, 1977.

Ellsworth Antique, Wooden Box

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This knife tray was used by Newell Ellsworth’s family and was passed down through the years to his grandson, Professor Ellsworth.

Ellsworth Antique, Knife Box

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Several items from the Ellsworth Trust Collection have been given over the years to other institutions. A round table, end table, footstool, desk pen set, and Magnavox were donated to Morrisville Historical Society, as were two antique chairs, an open-back chair, and a cherry wood chair . These pieces date from the late 1880’s until 1973. Most were given to Professor Ellsworth by his parents, when he began teaching at Princeton University in 1946.

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These ivory elephants from New Delhi, India are hand-carved from one piece of ivory. It is interesting to note that the two elephants are fighting one another.

The ivory elephants are on loan to the Robert Alden Ellsworth Trust by John W. Anderson, Class of 1964, and Ellsworth Trust Member.

Hand-carved Ivory Elephants, India

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Jade Jaguar

The original Jade Jaguar is located within the Great Pyramid at Chichen Itza, which is entered through a narrow opening at the base. On loan from Camille Vickers.

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Three artifacts from a Central American Exhibit.

Kukulkan from “Chichen Itza”, above, “Chacmool” from “Chichen Itza”, left, and Corn God, right.

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Student Travels Collection

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African Fertility Doll

A student brought back this doll from their travels abroad.

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Lewis Chessman Replicas, Scotland, 2008

discovered on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides Islands of Scotland by a farmer and his highland cow. They were then sold to the Scottish Society of Antiquities and were then, in a roundabout way, sold to the British museum in London. Since then several have been sold back to the Scottish Society of Antiquities which became the Royal and National Museums of Scotland. The total number of pieces is estimated at ninety three but the exact number is unknown.

Reproduction pieces purchased during student Meredith C. Kenton’s time in Scotland.

Discovered in the 1800’s, the Lewis Chessmen are of Viking origin carved from walrus tusk. Several legends surround these figures but there is no evidence to give a clear story.

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Rooster Lamp, Sri Lanka, 2009

the Sri Lankan rooster lamp is a very important and practical cultural instrument. In Sri Lankan homes, these rooster lamps can tower up to six feet tall! On special occasions, the round base in the middle of the lamp is filled with oil, and cloth is lit on the spiked ends of the dish. The rooster lamp is often lit during weddings, family gatherings, and when welcoming special visitors into the home. This particular piece is a replica of the larger ones. This item comes from student Chris Moran’s time in Sri Lanka.

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Buddha, Sri Lanka, 2009

The role of religion is an extremely important part of day to day life in Sri Lanka. In most every home, there is an altar dedicated to the Buddha. They vary depending on the family’s personality, taste and budget, but every altar includes a statue of the enlightened one.

This particular statue, made of plaster of paris, was hand sculpted by a rather elderly member of one student traveler Chris Moran’s host families. Despite all the chaos and danger the civil war has caused, people’s devotion to religion has kept them strong. This Buddha was donated to the Ellsworth Trust by Chris Moran.

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The story of Krishna and Radha is a favorite among young lovers. Theirs is a story of hardships and battling long distances. But despite it all, they eventually find one another.

The Radha-Krishna story is a love legend of all times. It is indeed hard to miss the many legends and paintings illustrating Krishna’s love affairs, and of those affairs, the Radha-Krishna relationship is the most memorable. Krishna’s relationship with Radha, his favorite among the ‘gopis’ (cow-herding maidens), has served as a model for male and female love in a variety of art forms.

This Krishna and Radha figure comes to the Ellsworth Trust by student traveler Chris Moran.

Krishna and Radha, Sri Lanka, 2009

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Detail of Krishna and Radha:

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The Hindu God Ganesh is the god of good luck, fortune, happiness and prosperity. This hand carved wooden statue was a gift from student Chris Moran’s Hindu host family. It has been asked that “Ganesh make his home at Johnson State College, so that his blessing may forever bless its students.”

Ganesh’s head symbolizes the Atman or the soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies Maya or the early existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom and its trunk represents Om, the sound symbol of cosmic reality. Symbols are present in the objects Ganesh holds in his various hands. They are used to help humanity forward on the the eternal path. Though powerful, Ganesh is humble enough to ride the lowest of creatures, a mouse!

Ganesh, Sri Lanka, 2009

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This artifact was found at the Central Cultural Fund, a government run ministry specializing in religious status and replications of famous artifacts. The building is part store, part school, and part home. The store owner was also a geologist. The statue, chosen by her, is meant to represent Johnson State College.

Saraswati is the goddess of art, music and learning. She is usually depicted holding a book and a stringed instrument called a veena. She is the river of consciousness that enlivens creation; she is the dawn-goddess whose rays dispel the darkness of ignorance. Without her there is only chaos and confusion. To realize her one must go beyond the pleasures of the senses and rejoice in the serenity of the spirit. The peacock represents arrogance and pride over its beauty, and by having a peacock as her mount, the Goddess teaches Hindus not to be concerned with external appearance and to be wise regarding the eternal truth.

The Ellsworth Trust welcomes this donation by student Chris Moran.

Saraswati, Sri Lanka, 2009

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The child of student traveler Chris Moran’s host family gave these plates to him so that he “would remember them”. It is believed that the young boy either made these plates or bought them himself. His name is written on the back of each with a red permanent marker.

Golden Plated Sun & Moon, Sri Lanka, 2009

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Many centuries ago, the King of Sri Lanka was assassinated by his son, in order to gain the throne. Out of fear and paranoia that his brother would assassinate him, the newly appointed King set to build his kingdom atop a two mile high boulder, which has been dubbed “Sigiriya rock palace”. This rock was collected from the base of the boulder palace and donated to the Ellsworth Trust by student Chris Moran.

Piece of the Sigiriya rock palace, Sri Lanka, 2009

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Framed Photographs

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Guatemala; A Guatemalan youth of Mayan heritage.

San Antonio, Guatemala; A traditional back strap loom from a weaving village.

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Palenque: Mayan Indian woman.Cancun: Jose carving the Corn God

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Chichen Itza: The Jade Jaguar

Chichen Itza: The Ball Court

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