Elite development program - Connection - Minh Vũ, Việt Chinh (2.0)


Transcript of Elite development program - Connection - Minh Vũ, Việt Chinh (2.0)

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[Việt Chinh – Minh Vũ]

Page 2: Elite development program - Connection - Minh Vũ, Việt Chinh (2.0)

• Human is the most evolved creature on the planet Earth, modern human has beenhere for 200,000 years. Biologically speaking, we have unique bone structure andbrain structure.

• There are many things only human could comprehend Humor, Appreciation ofbeauty, Self-consciousness, Awareness of death, Understanding time, Connections between words,Meaning of life, Malleability, Lack of harmony with nature, A sense of morality, Character, Freemoral agency, Capacity for wisdom, Desire for worship, Love.

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• First of all, animals do not do business, machine do not do marketing ( at least not

the existing machines right now ). But this is not what we are implying when we ask

ourselves the question.

• “From the begin of civilization, battles after battles, wars after wars, there is only one

weapon that haven’t changed, HUMAN.”

• And as they say marketing is a battle of strategy and business is war.

• Here are the 3 easiest things to explain why.

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• To do marketing or business we have to understand the consumers or customers. Knowing

what they need to provide or convince them that we provide is the basic or business and


• To understand consumers we have to walk in there shoes, try to live their lives, think the way

they think and feel the way the feel. And to do that we must be able to imagine, to compare,

to think, to feel like human do.

• Why this is truth: Human is capable of great imagination and mimicking (Behavior

synchronization). If actors/actresses can study fictional people and then act like them then

marketers can at least see people’s reasoning, demand and fulfil it.

At least until someone builds a machine that can read human mind and behavior.

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• The whole point is that human are great, we can do anything, think of anything, nothing is

really impossible to us.

• And yet we still have weaknesses.

• Animals only have to potentials to survive but us human with unlimited potentials and self-

conscious of our weaknesses can strive to thrive.

• We always want more, to have more, to develop and to progress. And that’s exact attitude is

what pull us from swinging a spear in a cave covered in animal furs to pressing the keyboard

in a skyscraper covered in Italian suits.

• Why this is truth: Remember when people was using horses for travelling and now we are

using cars. What happened? Scientists with their devotion, create the technologies. Workers

makes the technologies. Marketers figure out the way to tell people about it and then

businessman sell it.

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• As human, we have moral, compassion, empathy, sympathy, love which enables us to act in

the interest of others.

• Doing marketing and business isn’t just about making profits for ourselves and the rich

people sitting above us, it’s about giving people what they need, what they want and how we

can make more people happy everyday.

• Why this is truth: This one is easy. How many businessmen have donated and help society?

How many times did you hear a brand or company talk about saving the environment? All

products are made to meet people’s needs and therefore at the core, they are meant to help


• Being human is important marketing and business because human can understand each

other, can make things grow without limitation and giving back to society.

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First of all, we should continue to be human as we are. Everyday, when we should wake up and

remind we look in the mirror and see a human but not a perfect human. What non-perfect means is

that there are lots and lots of room for us to improve, to make ourselves better.

Everyday, we should learn, to know more, to feel more, to unlock our potentials. That is always

good for doing marketing, business or whatever else.

When you know more about people and feel more for people, you will know deep in your heart that

helping people is the right thing to do.

So in conclusion, we should focus on

making ourselves better because the better

man will do the better things and make the

world around him a better place.

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