Elisse marie rodriguez final portfolio

Final Portfolio Elisse Marie Rodriguez Creative Writing at UMDCP July 31, 2015 1



Transcript of Elisse marie rodriguez final portfolio

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Final PortfolioElisse Marie RodriguezCreative Writing at UMDCPJuly 31, 2015 1

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IntroductionWith the help of the creative writing class at University of College Park, I was not only able to get great feedback,

build myself into a better writer, and create new pieces, but I was also able to have fun. This class challenged me to

express myself in ways I never had before.

Subsequent to taking this class, my writing style in school was only limited to analytical essays. With the few free

writes we were able to do, I realized how much I enjoyed writing stories! Within my whole high school experience, I was

never exposed to just writing a poem though. It was a noteworthy experience I will never forget! At first, I thought

poems came in only set forms such as Haikus, Acrostics, Couplets, etc. With this classes help, I found that writing

poems doesn’t have to come in any set form, poems are boundless! The feedback and workshop overall helped me

build up my robotic poem writing skills to be more creative and satisfying! Overall, I believe I’ve become a better writer.

Thanks Vivianne and everyone in this class for giving me a wonderful experience. 2

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IntroductionIf there were things I could fix, it would be including more concrete images. Although many of my

pieces do at least, let’s say, have three concrete images, I still have adjectives that present a weaker idea then if concrete images were to be used. I hope to chisel out my flaws more and through practice, include more concrete images.

My favorite poem in this portfolio would probably be Uninhabited. I do believe that the prose story is a little less developed than all the other pieces I’ve written, but I really enjoy the concept of the piece.

My favorite poem to write would be Unspoken Words because of the beauty of its prompt. I really enjoyed how Zein challenged us to dig deep into our emotions and write about the person we despise the most and go through a daily run through of their lives through their eyes. It sort of forces the writer to pull out of themselves a sort of empathy they have for the person they hate. Despite it not being one of my best written pieces, I still believe it was my favorite and also, most personal, piece to write.

Thanks Vivianne and everyone in this class for giving me a wonderful experience. 3

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Table of Contents1. The Linger 2. Unconditional 3. A Steed’s Gratitude 4. White Tops5. Daddy, I’m Smiling 6. Unspoken Words 7. Uninhabited 8. Death Wish


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The LingerRain season. Sunday. Seven in the morning.Having just woken up, I leave the air conditioned room.My feet feel heavy as I walk down the stairs towards the breakfast table soaked in sweat.With patience and composure, I wait to be served with the same scrambled eggs, sausages and bread as I had every other morning. My mind wandering into space.I look out the window hoping to see something to stir up my daily robotic morning. Tops of townhouses of white and yellow are covered with gray smog.The outside was dark and damp, rainwater filling every crack and dent in the pavement.I begin tapping the table with varied meters, fast then slow then fast again.An abrupt creek resonates through the house as the gate opens.A man screams at the top of his lungs, “taho,” and I rush out the door.


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UnconditionalWhether it’s the way his elongated jaw moves into an underbite as he smiles Or the way he leaves open his mouth when he sleeps, I have come to love him.Chivalrous, caring, playful and humorous, He is someone who teaches me a lot.With his sharp nose and angular facial shape, He is someone who smoothens my edges and keeps me well rounded.Legally an adult yet child at heart, He goes through a daunting day of ten hours of work at a dental clinic,blue scrubs, athletic shoes and surgical mask onAnd then rushes back to playing video games and talking to me, contacts out, glasses on, and the shirt that he wore the last time I saw him.Even if he wakes up after a nap and unleashes his horrifying morning breath, or comes to see me with his new uneven, choppy shaped hair cut,His underbite, sleeping habits, facial features, childishness - everything, really,Is what I consider, perfection. 6

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A Steed’s GratitudeAlone, afraid and tired,The abundant hot star heats the lands of the many kings and his warriors.Stronger than those who enjoy his heat, he wearily warms the eight planet's, second by second, Millennium by Millennium.Not a superhero like those fantasize him to be, he stands still, feeling companionless, forcing himself to light up the multiple world's.As he grows exhausted and lethargic, the universe, out of gratification, decides to create another large body.One not in need of his heat, but one who gives off the opposite effect,Their mixture of fever and frigidness interlock like ying and yang.The sun now happy and acquainted, warms the other lands alongside his high and mighty queen, La Luna, the moon.


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White TopsSummer. Seven in the morning. Wednesday.White hats on.Humidity in the air.The temperature has gone up to 90 degrees. Sweat dripping down their necks, soaking into their once white, now yellow torn up t-shirts. Under the blazing sun,They work as construction workers for a “bottom class” salaryA wage and career often looked down on in society


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White TopsThey build houses and castles,Parks and museumsRoads and schools,All under the scorching heat,Rain, snow or shine.Never do they receive the recognition they deserve.They physically struggle despite their buff arms and defined legs,And although people despise themHoping they would stop their distorted music,Little did they know that those same, "dirty," "loud," "obnoxious" construction men worked for hours a day or even years a decade just to make the structure they are standing on. 9

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Daddy, I’m Smiling“Sweety… Just wait here, okay? Everything will be alright. Daddy will come back tomorrow, I promise.”

I hate it when he says that. I can tell he always puts on his biggest grin, but deep inside he knows it’ll always be bad news. How long has it been? One year? I don’t even know how long I have been in this stupid hospital.

It happened back in January during my tenth birthday. Daddy invited all my friends to celebrate my first “double digits.” I remembered it being a happy day too - loads of presents and a lot of love. Throughout the party though, I kept coughing up and wheezing. Thinking it was my body’s reaction to an overproduction of adrenaline, I ignored it. As I heard the jittery “happy birthday” song begin, I couldn’t help but blush and smile to the point the ends of my mouth reached my ears. As the song reached to an end, everyone cheered as I blew out the candles one by one. With a birthday tiara on my head and the newest lip smackers daddy got me last month, I felt like a princess. Finally, as I reached the last candle, the room that was once lively and vivacious, flipped upside down.

I was on the ground, gasping for air. I could see people crowding around me - Daddy pushing his way through. As he got closer to me, his eyes grew larger, his chin moved backwards towards his throat and his gelled up hair fell out of place in a state of panic. Tears began to gather in his eyes, and he hastily knelt onto the ground. “Honey, are you okay?!? What’s wrong? Please, baby girl. Don’t leave me too” he screamed as his eyes met mine. My vision began to fade as well as my hearing and slowly but surely, my surroundings eventually turned black and silent.


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Daddy, I’m SmilingAfter what felt like a couple hours, I woke up months later next to a beeping noise that sounded

every second. I opened my eyes, feeling nauseous and weak. Unable to prop myself up, I laid there like a corpse. Only being able to move my eyes, I glanced around the room and to my surprise found all these weird machines connected to my body as well as flowers on one side of the room. It was a dimly lit room - quiet... but very… clean. I heard the door slide open and in came a man whom had lifeless eyes - both empty and dark. His hair was beginning to turn gray, and he also had a stubby beard growing. He walked towards my bed, eyes pointing towards the ground with a lip smacker in one hand and a green rose in the other.

He finally reaches the side of my bed, his eyes now focusing on the side table next to me that I hadn’t seen yet. Slowly, he puts down the green rose in a pile and the lip smacker next to ten others. He then deeply exhales. It’s him. It’s the daddy that I’ve missed oh so dearly. The Daddy who looked like he aged ten years. The Daddy that loves me so much. Not being able to move, I excitedly began to smile with my eyes. I was so happy to see him. He didn’t look at me though. He just kept staring at the two items. During that time frame, that’s when I realized. It’s not the same anymore. I was the reason for all his suffering. All his pain. I closed my eyes again as he turned to face me. That’s when I remembered everything. 11

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Unspoken WordsI never wanted her to hate me. I never actually thought she really would. Ever since that hectic night, dinners at the table and even family gatherings on the weekends

have been quiet. Too quiet. Parties are no longer fun and just coming back home is so lonely. I don’t get to see her often. Living in the Philippines by myself has been hard, but she’s usually there for me so I can manage. I miss her so much. Her loud, annoying laugh, her lame jokes and her flawless fashion advice. All she wanted was for the both of us to be happy.I ruined that.

Every time I see her, she looks at me with a disgusted look… That’s if she does look at me. She acts as if I’m a monster and always tries to avoid me at all costs. It’s like she does it because she knows it breaks me the most when really I’m the one who caused her to be like this. For starters, it’s all because of that one night. That one night, my naiveness and power-greedy-self took over. That’s how I know I fucked up.

It was on a Saturday night in May. The air was hot and humid with the television on in the background. This whole week, she had already started ignoring me because I called her degrading names that often exaggerated the truth. My boyfriend and I were watching a sitcom while she ate in the dining room facing away from us. 12

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Unspoken WordsTired and hungry, I walked over to the kitchen and dining area, and looked over my

mom’s shoulder as I passed by. I continued walking towards the fridge next to the dining table and the dark figure moved its eyes in the opposite direction. Intrigued, I found it quite fun to feel that sense of authority over my little sister again. I tauntingly walked in her direction, getting as close to her face as possible. In a hushed tone, I whispered “You stupid lying thief,” and even smirked as I did it. Realizing how much fun it felt like to put her down, I began to say it louder, smiling larger each time as I continued. After her moments of trying to hold it in with a straight face, she began to pout and tears began welling in her eyes. “Say it again and see if I punch you or not,” she threatened me, not moving one bit. I began to laugh and make bigger of the situation by saying “Aw, Mom! Did you hear what she said to me?” and “Oh really? Why don’t you go ahead and do it? See what happens.” Her eyes began to bawl. Mom walked up to us, overhearing the conversation and waited for an explanation.


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Unspoken WordsWhat’s wrong with you?” she screamed.“I didn’t do anything, Mom. Why don’t you ask her?”Still seated at the dinner table, she slammed her utensils on the table and fled upstairs

leaving unfinished food on her plate. “What is going on, Malex? Tell me right now.”The door upstairs slammed in the background.Mom continued to bother me over and over again, asking me more about what happened,

until finally, she decided to ask my sister herself. I couldn’t hear any of their conversation from downstairs. The sitcom continued to play

whilst echoing throughout the house. I waited for my sister to come down crying or for mom to break the sitcom with loud, angry remarks. I waited to no avail.

The next time I saw my darling sister, she had cuts on her arms and emptiness in her eyes. It was the first time I have ever seen her that broken, that lifeless, that hateful.


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Unspoken WordsWeeks passed and my sister’s everlasting glare made me think about the

situation, long and hard. The reason why I did it at first was for bitchy, entertainment reasons but it did eventually turn into a situation where I cared for her actions and hoped she’d learn from them. Despite my reasons, she continued to ignore me and avoid me at all costs. At family gatherings, she would act like I wasn’t there. At church, she wouldn’t even make eye contact during peace tradings. At meals, she would eat her food as quickly as possible and then run upstairs. It really just… hurts.

To this day, there have been so many instances where I have tried to talk to her… to just sit her down and have a normal conversation together. Ever since it even happened in May,, nothing has changed. She has learned her lesson about stealing… and also her fair share of learning to “hate” someone. I’m sorry, I miss you, and I love you so much, my little sister. I’m just stupid enough to have fucked up. 15

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Uninhabited“Aaron! Wake up! You’re going to miss the school bus again!”

I frantically open my eyes and realize I missed my alarm for school twenty minutes ago. I throw my covers off and stumble as I get up from the bed. I sprint to the bathroom still half awake and begin brushing my teeth in super speed while I look at myself in the mirror. Sweet! I’m finally growing a few more stubbles on my chin! I can’t wait until Pa thinks I’m “manly” enough to shave my almost-not-really beard! I rinse my mouth and sprint back to my room, changing into my favorite MineCraft t-shirt, blue jeans and worn out sneakers.“Aaron! Your teacher is going to get even more mad at you!” “Jeez, Ma! I’m leaving, I’m leaving!”

I hate how her voice always shakes the house every morning. I run outside, grabbing my lunch as I pass the counter and race past the door.

Mr. Pike smiled at me as I was the last to get on the bus and teased “Right on ‘late’ time again, huh, buddy?” I gave him the routinely high five and sat in the last empty space on the bus. 16

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UninhabitedWe finally reach Robert Frost Middle School and the bells chime for first period to start. One... Four... Eight hours… pass and finally the ending bell let’s us out. School is finally over for today! Upon getting home, I slump on my couch and begin to think about how much I hate going to school.I always

have to wake up so early and have to practice so many math problems/english essays/school. It also just ruins my mood how Billy tries to take my diamond sword in my desk from me or even tell on me when I’m playing with it during class. I really don’t like sitting there for hours, staring at the wall doing nothing when I could be doing everything. I then walk upstairs into my room and close my eyes, doing the “everything” I imagine of.

I open my eyes again and feel my skin peeling from the heat. I run around to find shade and notice the sand under my feet and the sound of waves hitting the shore in rhythm. I run towards the trees away from the shore and hide. Hearing a shuffling of the leaves to my left, I crouch down and squint my eyes towards that direction only to find a small, brown haired spherical creature with large, baby blue eyes. Its eyes smile at me and it then turns around to run away. I follow it on to a stream to find new beings like him, unusual and out of this world. Together, they take me around the what seems like an island and teach me how to survive in this uninhabited place. They become my brothers and sisters. As one, they cared for me and always made sure I was safe. After what seemed like months, they finally took me to their master, a large olive-green haired monster. He did in fact look scary, but I could feel he was kind and loving like his servants. 17

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Uninhabited“See here mortal. Where did you come from?”

He begins tapping his large bare foot to the ground, awaiting for an answer. I smile at him and say

“Another world, sir.”I wake up from the trance by a booming voice that can only belong to one

person in this household. Ma is in the room, tapping her foot on the groun“Aaron Coll! It’s way past your bedtime! ”“Ok, Ma! I’ll go to bed now, sheesh.”I push her out and shut the door and turn off the lights. I close my eyes meet

them again. We begin hunting together and striving for our lives in disastrous weather until the monstrous voice unleashes its wrath once more.

“Aaron! Wake up! You’re going to miss the school bus again!”18

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Death WishApolaki, my dear brother, had once showed me his true colors. As the God of

the Sun, he desired to burn the world with his fire. I thought that he and I could be as one, ruling the skies side by side as father would have wanted, but I was wrong.

It was our predecessor, Bathala, the God of Gods, whom raised us and taught us the way of life. Under his guidance, we learned how to control our rays of light. We learned how to spread beauty and happiness all throughout the land. From small, thin cracks in the ground to large purple mountains covered in white caps, we illuminated each and every crevice of the world. I, the God of the Moon, especially learned how to control the tides of the enormous dark blue bodies. Together, my brother and I made the greatest team, our flaws and perfections polishing one another. We acknowledged one’s power and were practically harmonious.

That is… until our father passed.19

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Death WishWhen the great God Bathala disappeared, things began to change. The world began to revolve against its axis, spinning in all directions. My brother and I’s relationship that was once benevolent and balanced, became disastrous and conflicting. I had thought the mighty Apolaki would carry on the teachings of our loving father, but instead he went against them. Rather than trying to become each other’s counterpart, he chose to rule the planet Earth all by himself. Young and naive, I told him otherwise. Just like the mortals need the sun to live, they need also the moon to exist as well. My selfish brother was not moved by my suggestion of equality. He was rather furious.

Apolaki challenged me to an Eskrima, a fight that consisted of pure physical power. Irritated with his immaturity, I agreed. Together, we met in a different universe far from the Earth called Breto. He hastily reached out of his pocket and unleashed two bamboo sticks, both the same length and weight. We waited until the seventh day of the seventh millennium and then began to fight.


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Death WishA fair fight ‘till one surrenders, our mortals scattered in fear for days without our lights. After the fourteenth day of the seventh millennium, our battle ended. Blood had already flooded the Breto. My brother, Apolaki, had won, holding my eye in one hand and his bamboo club in the other. He returned back to the alternate universe and began to rule the lands with his scorching fire. With the cries of mortals ringing through his ears in pleads to cease the pain, he realized his sins. Ashamed and remorseful, he begged for me to come back.

Therefore, because of his requests to come back to planet Earth, I have arrived. I will be nourishing the mortals and their crops alike. As one, my brother decided to share his throne, leaving space for the both of us to rule, as our Father had once taught us. Although I don’t shine as bright as my brother because of the loss of my eye, I still forgive him for the faults he has granted me. With the world finally being in peace, I, Mayari, and my brother, Apolaki, have both come to a truce as well.


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Rough Drafts

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The LingerRain season. Sunday. Seven in the morning.Having just woken up, I left the air conditioned room.Sheepishly, I walked downstairs towards the breakfast table slowly soaking in sweat.With patience and composure, I waited to be served with the same scrambled eggs, sausages and bread as I had every other morning. Unconsciously, I look out the window hoping to see something to stir up my routinely robotic morning. Tops of townhouses of white and yellow were covered with gray smog.The outside was dark and damp, rainwater filling every crack and dent in the pavement.Feeling distressed and uninterested, I began tapping the table impatiently with varied meters.Suddenly, I heard the gate open and a man screamed at the top of his lungs, “taho” and I rushed out with elation.


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UnconditionalWhether it’s the way his elongated jaw moves into an underbite as he smiles Or the way he leaves open his mouth when he sleeps, I have come to love him.Chivalrous, caring, playful and humorous, He is someone who teaches me a lot.With his sharp nose and angular facial shape, He is someone who smoothens my edges and keeps me well rounded.Legally an adult yet child in heart, He goes through a daunting day of ten hours of work in a dental clinic,blue scrubs, athletic shoes and clearly groomedwho then rushes back to playing video games and talking with me, contacts out, glasses on, and the shirt that he wore the last time we saw each other.Even if he wakes up after a nap and unleashes his horrifying morning breath, or comes to see me with his new uneven, embarrassingly shaped hair cut,I have and always will love him and everything about him. 24

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A Steed’s GratitudeAlone, afraid and tired,The abundant, hot star heats the lands of the many kings and his warriors.Stronger than those who enjoy his heat, he wearily warms the eight planet's, second by second, Millennium by Millennium.Not a superhero like those fantasize him to be, he stands still, feeling companionless, forced to light up the multiple world's.As the he grows exhausted and lethargic, the universe (out of gratification) decides to create another large being:One not in need of his heat, but one who gives off the opposite effect.Their mixture of fever and frigidness interlocked perfectly like ying and yang.The sun now happy and befriended, warms the other lands alongside his high and mighty queen, La Luna, the moon. 25

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White TopsSummer. Seven in the morning. Wednesday.White hats on. Humidity high. The temperature has gone up to 90 degrees. Sweat dripping down their necks And soaking up their once white - yellow torn up shirts. Under the blazing sun,They work as construction workers for an average of $16 an hour, $37,000 a year.A wage and career often looked down on in society,


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White TopsThey build houses and castles,Parks and museumsAll under the scorching heat,Rain, snow or shine.Never do they receive the recognition they deserve.While they physically struggle with their strong, buff arms and large, muscular legs,People stare at them in dismay,Hoping they would stop their distorted music.Little did they know that those same, "dirty," "loud," "obnoxious" construction men worked for hours a day or even years a decade just to make the structure they are standing on. 27

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Daddy, I’m Smiling“Sweety… Just wait here, okay? Everything will be alright. Daddy will come back tomorrow, I promise.”

I hate it when he says that. I can tell he always puts on his biggest grin, but deep inside he knows it’ll always be bad news. How long has it been? One year? I don’t even know how long I have been in this damn hospital.

It happened back in January during my fifteenth birthday. Daddy invited all my friends to celebrate my first “double digits.” I remembered it being a happy day too - loads of presents and a lot of love. As I heard the jittery “happy birthday” song begin, I couldn’t help but blush and smile to the point the ends of my mouth reached my ears. As the song reached to an end, everyone cheered as I blew out the candles one by one. With a birthday tiara on my head and the newest lip smackers daddy got me last month, I felt like a princess. Finally, as I reached the last candle, the room that was once lively and vivacious, flipped upside down.

I was on the ground, gasping for air. I could see people crowding around me - Daddy pushing his way through. As he got closer to me, his eyes grew larger, his chin moved backwards towards his throat and his gelled up hair fell out of place in a state of panic. Tears began streaming down his cheeks, and he hastily knelt onto the ground. “Honey, are you okay?!? What’s wrong? Please, baby girl. Don’t leave me too” he screamed as his eyes met mine. My vision began to fade as well as my hearing and slowly but surely, my surroundings eventually turned black and silent. 28

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After what felt like a couple hours, I woke up months later next to a beeping noise that sounded every second. I opened my eyes, feeling nauseous and weak. Unable to prop myself up, I laid there like a corpse. Only being able to move my eyes, I glanced around the room and to my surprise found all these weird machines connected to my body as well as flowers on one side of the room. It was a dimly lit room - quiet but very… clean. I heard the door slide open and in came a man whom had lifeless eyes - both empty and dark. His hair was beginning to turn gray and he also had a stubby beard growing. He walked towards my bed, eyes pointing towards the ground with a lip smacker in his hand and a green rose in another.

He finally reached the side of my bed, his eyes now focused on the side table next to me that I hadn’t seen yet. Slowly, he puts down the green rose in a pile and the lip smacker next to ten others. He then deeply exhales. It’s him. It’s the daddy that I’ve missed oh so dearly. The Daddy who looked like he aged ten years. Not being able to move, I excitedly began to smile with my eyes, so happy to see him. He didn’t look at me though. He just kept staring at the two items. During that time frame, that’s when I realized. It’s not the same anymore. I was the reason for all his suffering. All his pain. I closed my eyes again as he turned to face me.

Daddy, I’m Smiling


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Daddy, I’m SmilingMy mother died when I was around seven years old. Just like all the

women on her side, she had cystic fibrosis. It came out of nowhere. During dinner on a Sunday night, we did our daily ritual of the talks about how our day went, how their co-workers were a pain in the ass, how my teacher yelled at some kid today, everything, really. As she was talking about her day, she suddenly collapsed to the ground and was immediately rushed to the hospital. Weeks later being in a coma, she was pronounced dead.

Just like my mom, I knew I had it. I knew I would be a goner within a couple weeks… days even. I waited everyday for my life to come to an end. I shut my eyes every time daddy turned to look at me. I wanted him to remember my last days of being awake as me being ecstatic and beyond happy.


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Daddy, I’m SmilingThe darkness in my eyes quickly turned into a churning of colors, almost crayola-like in

texture. That’s when my mother appeared. In my mind, a story, similar in form to a flip book, began to play.

During dinner on a Sunday night, we did our daily ritual of the talks about how our day went, how their co-workers were being a a-s-s-e-s, how my teacher yelled at some kid today, everything, really. As she was talking about her day, she suddenly collapsed to the ground, literally reaching for air and was immediately rushed to the hospital.

My mother died when I was around seven years old. Just like all the women on her side, she had cystic fibrosis. It came out of nowhere.Weeks later being in a coma, she was pronounced dead.

Just like my mom, I knew I had it. I knew I would be a goner within a couple months… days even. I waited everyday for my life to come to an end. I shut my eyes every time daddy turned to look at me. I wanted him to remember my last days of being awake as me being ecstatic and beyond happy. 31

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Unspoken WordsI never wanted her to hate me. I never actually thought she really would. Ever since that hectic night, dinners at the table and even family gatherings on the

weekend have both been quiet. Too quiet. Parties are no longer fun and just coming back home is so lonely. I miss her so much. Her loud, annoying laugh, her lame jokes and her flawless fashion advice. All she wanted was to be happy. I ruined that.

Every time I see her, she looks at me with a distraught look. She acts as if I’m a monster and avoids me at all costs. It’s all because of that one night. That one night, I know I fucked up.

It was on a Saturday night in May. The air was hot and humid with the television on in the background. This whole week, she had already started ignoring me because I called her degrading names that exaggerated the truth. My boyfriend and I were watching a sitcom while she ate in the dining room facing away from us.


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Unspoken WordsTired and hungry, I walk over to the kitchen and dining area, looking over my mom’s

shoulder as I pass by. I continue walking towards the fridge next to the dining table and the dark figure moved her eyes in the opposite direction. Intrigued, I found it quite fun to have a sense of power and authority with my little sister. I tauntingly walked in her direction, getting as close to her face as possible. In a hushed tone, I whispered “You stupid lying thief,” and even smirked as I did it. Realizing how much fun it felt like to put her down, I began to say it louder, smiling larger and larger as I did it. After moments of trying to hold it in with a straight face, she began to pout and tears began welling in her eyes. “Say it again and see if I punch you or not,” she threatened me, not moving one bit. I began to laugh and make bigger of the situation by saying “Aw, Mom! Did you hear what she said to me?” or “Oh really? Why don’t you go ahead and do it? See what happens.” Her eyes began to bawl. Mom walked up to us, overhearing the conversation and waited for an explanation.


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Unspoken Words“What happened? Malex stop bullying your little sister! Why would you call her that? What’s wrong with you?” she screamed.“I didn’t do anything, Mom. Why don’t you ask her?”Still seated at the dinner table, she slammed her utensils on the table and fled

upstairs leaving unfinished food on her plate. “What is going on, Malex? Tell me right now.”The door upstairs slammed in the background.Mom continued to bother me over and over again, asking me what had

happened when, finally, she decided to ask my sister herself. I couldn’t hear any of their conversation from downstairs. The sitcom continued

to play whilst echoing throughout the house. I waited for my sister to come down crying or for mom to break the sitcom with angry remarks. I waited to no avail.


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Unspoken WordsThe next time I saw my darling sister, she had cuts on her arms and emptiness in

her eyes. It was the first time I have ever seen her that broken, that lifeless, that hateful. Weeks passed and my sister’s everlasting glare made me think about the situation,

long and hard. The reason why I did it at first was for bitchy, entertainment reasons but it did eventually turn into a situation where I cared for her actions and hoped she’d learn from them. She continued to ignore me and avoid me at all costs. At family gatherings, she would act like I wasn’t there. At church, she wouldn’t even make eye contact during peace tradings. At meals, she would eat her food as quickly as possible and then run upstairs. It really just… hurts.

To this day, there have been so many instances where I have tried to talk to her… to just sit her down and have a normal conversation together. Ever since May though, nothing has changed. She has learned her lesson about stealing. I’m sorry, I miss you and I love you so much. I’m just stupid to have fucked up.


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Uninhabited“Aaron! Wake up! You’re going to miss the school bus again!”

I frantically open my eyes and realize I missed my alarm twenty minutes ago that was set for 7:30 a.m. I throw my covers off and stumble as I get up from the bed. I sprint to the bathroom still half awake and begin brushing my teeth in super speed while I look at myself in the mirror. Sweet! I’m finally growing a few more stubbles on my chin! I can’t wait until Pa thinks I’m “manly” enough to shave my almost-not-really beard! I rinse my mouth and sprint back to my room, changing into my favorite Transformers t-shirt, blue jeans and the coolest light up sneakers Pa got me a month ago.“Aaron! Your teacher is going to get even more mad at you!” “Jeez, Ma! I’m leaving, I’m leaving!”

I hate how she has a thunderous voice that always shakes the house every morning. I run outside, grabbing my lunch as I pass the counter and swift past the door.

Mr. Pike smiled at me as I was the last to get on the bus and teased “Right on ‘late’ time again, huh, buddy?” I gave him the routinely high five and sat in the last empty space on the bus. 36

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UninhabitedThree… Four… Eight hours… And then finally school is over! When I finally get home, I

slump in my couch and begin to think about how much I hate going to school - I always have to wake up so early and have to do so much homework. It ruins my mood how Billy tries to take my transformers in my desk from me or even tell on me when I’m playing with it during class. I really don’t like sitting there for hours, staring at the wall doing nothing when I could be doing everything. I then walk upstairs into my room and close my eyes, doing the “everything” I imagine of.

Suddenly, I open my eyes again and feel my skin peeling from the heat. I run around to find shade and notice the sand under my feet and the sound of waves hitting the shore in rhythm. I run towards the trees away from the shore and hide. Hearing shuffling of the leaves to my left, I crouch down and squint my eyes towards that direction only to find a small, brown haired spherical creature with large, baby blue eyes. Its eyes smile at me and then turns around to run away. I follow it on an adventure to find new beings like him, unusual and out of this world. They become my brothers and sisters, all loving and appreciative towards me. 37

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UninhabitedThey then take me to their master, a robotic like figure who speaks in a deep serious

tone, “See here mortal. Where did you come from?”

and begins tapping his metal foot to the ground, awaiting for an answer. I smile at him and say

“Another world, Optimus Prime.”I wake up from the trance by a thundering voice that can only belong to one person

in this household. “Aaron Coll! It’s way past your bedtime! ”“Ok, Ma! I’ll go to bed now, sheesh.”I push her out and shut the door and turn off the lights. I close my eyes meet them

again. We begin hunting together and striving for our lives in disastrous weather until the monstrous voice unleashes its wrath once more.

“Aaron! Wake up! You’re going to miss the school bus again!” 38

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Death WishApolaki, my dear brother, showed me his true colors today. As the God of the Sun, he desired to burn the world with his fire. I thought that he and I could be as one, ruling the skies side by side as father would have wanted, but I was wrong.

It was our predecessor, Bathala, the God of Gods, whom raised us and taught us the way of life. Under his guidance, we learned how to control our rays of light. We learned how to spread beauty and happiness all throughout the land. From small, thin cracks in the ground to large purple mountains covered in white caps, we illuminated each and every crevice of the world. I, the God of the Moon, especially learned how to control the tides of the enormous dark blue bodies. Together, my brother and I made the greatest team, our flaws and perfections polishing one another. We acknowledged one’s power and were practically harmonious… That is… until our father passed.


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Death WishWhen the great God Bathala disappeared, things began to change. The world began to revolve against its axis, spinning in all directions. My brother and I’s relationship that was once benevolent and balanced, became disastrous and conflicting. I had thought the mighty Apolaki would carry on the teachings of our loving father, but instead he went against them. Rather than trying to become each other’s counterpart, he chose to rule the planet Earth all by himself. Young and naive, I told him otherwise. Just like the mortals need the sun to live, they need also the moon to exist as well. My selfish brother was not moved by my suggestion of equality. He was rather furious.

Apolaki challenged me to an Eskrima, a fight that consisted of pure physical power. Irritated with his immaturity, I agreed. Together, we met in a different universe far from the Earth. He hastily reached out of his pocket and unleashed two (almost infinite in size) bamboo sticks, both the same length and weight. We waited until the seventh day of the seventh millennium… Then.. we began to fight.


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Death WishA fair fight ‘till one surrenders, our mortals scattered in fear without our lights. After the fourteenth day of the seventh millennium, our battle ended. Blood had already flooded the separate universe. My brother, Apolaki, had won, holding my eye in one hand and his bamboo club in the other. He returned back to the alternate universe and began to rule the lands with his scorching fire. With the cries of mortals ringing through his ears in pleads to cease the pain, he realized his sins. Ashamed and remorseful, he begged for me to come back.

Here I am, Earth, nourishing the mortals and their crops alike. As one, my brother decided share his throne, leaving space for the both of us to rule, as our Father had once taught us. Although I don’t shine as bright as my brother because of the loss of my eye, I still forgive him for the faults he has granted me. The world is finally in peace as well as I, Mayari and my brother, Apolaki.


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Thank you, everyone!