ELIJAH A MAN OF - Herbert W. Armstrong › other_materials › youth › l6_08...ELIJAH A MAN OF...


Transcript of ELIJAH A MAN OF - Herbert W. Armstrong › other_materials › youth › l6_08...ELIJAH A MAN OF...


W e learned in our last lesson ofGod's great power and of the

many miracles He worked through Hisservant, the prophet Elijah.

As you will recall, Elijah was sent byGod to proclaim a drought as punish­ment upon the nation of Israel, whichhad forsaken God. King Ahab, his wifeJezebel and the false prophets of Baalwere largely responsible for leading thepeople into sin.

After three and one-half years ofsevere drought, God finally sent muchneeded rain to the land of Israel. Also atthat time, 450 prophets of Baal wereexecuted for their part in leading thepeople of Israel into idolatry.

This lesson will continue with thestory of Elijah, and introduce a mannamed Elisha who was to eventuallyassume Elijah's responsibilities.


Ahab's story of the death of the 450prophets of Baal enraged Israel's idola­trous queen, Jezebel.


Remains of a gateway in the ancient Israelite capitalcity of Samaria.

Photo by Keren Hayesod


"If Ahab won't do anything aboutElijah," she thought, "I'll do it myself!"Jezebel plotted to kill the prophet andeven sent a messenger to tell him of herthreat.

Her words conveyed a haughty anddetermined attitude. "I promise you'llbe dead by tomorrow about this time. Ifnot, I hope the gods destroy me!"

What did God's servant do afterhearing this threat against his life?(I Kings 19:3-4) -------

Even though God had just performedgreat miracles through him, Elijah'sfaith nevertheless faltered when helearned of Jezebel's intention to killhim.

Elijah was very discouraged. He hadput all his effort into the job God hadgiven him to do. He worked ferventlyand prayed fervently. Yet the Israelitescontinued in their idolatrous ways.

Elijah must have felt alone and verytired - both physically and mentally.He wanted to give up and quit. As far ashe knew, he was the only one who fearedand obeyed God.

"It is enough," he prayed, "take my

Illustrations by Basil Wolverton

life now, God!" Elijah then lay downunder the juniper tree and fell asleep.

Rather than take his life, Godstrengthened Elijah for the work yetahead. While he was sleeping, an angeltouched him and said, "Arise and eat!"Elijah awoke and looked around. Hesmelled a wonderful aroma. Nearby, hesaw a loaf of freshly baked bread. Nearhis head, Elijah found a container offresh water.

After eating and drinking, Elijah onceagain lay down under the juniper treeand fell asleep.

While Elijah was sleeping, the angelagain touched him and said, "Arise andeat, for you will be going on a long. "Journey.

Elijah awoke to see a loaf of freshly bakedbread and a container of cool water.

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After eating the second time, Elijaharose and traveled the next forty daysand nights. His destination was Mt.Horeb (also known as Mt. Sinai), wheremany years earlier God had given theTen Commandments to the nation ofIsrael. At M1. Horeb, Elijah found acave in which he took refuge (I Kings19:8-9).


"What are you doing here, Elijah?"God asked the prophet.

"I am alone," Elijah said. "I haveworked very hard, but the people haveforsaken you! They have destroyed youraltars and killed all your prophets exceptfor me. Now they want to kill me,too!"

God wanted to remind Elijah that hewas not alone, that He was still verymuch with him. So God told him to goout and stand on the mountain. Soon agreat wind began to blow. The windblew so strongly that it dislodged hugeboulders, causing them to come crashingdown the mountainside.

After the wind stopped blowing, anearthquake shook the mountain withtremendous force. After the earthquake,Elijah saw an awesome display of fire!These dramatic events demonstratedGod's great power to Elijah.

God again spoke to Elijah, this timein a clear, quiet voice.

"What are you doing here, Elijah?"asked God.

Once again Elijah told God how alonehe felt and how zealous he was for God'sway. When Elijah finished speaking,


God told him that there was importantwork to be done.

"You are to leave here and anointHazael to be king over Syria, and Jehuto be king over Israel," God told Elijah."Also, you are to anoint a man who willlater take your place as prophet toIsrael. His name is Elisha" (I Kings19:15-16).

God then gave Elijah some encourag­ing news: "Yet I have me_____________ III

_____, all thewhich have not unto_____, and everywhich hath not him"(I Kings 19:18).


Elijah quickly set out to fulfill God'sinstructions. Days later he found Elishaplowing a field with twelve yoke ofoxen. He walked up to Elisha andthrew his mantle upon him. Themantle (a type of coat) symbolized theauthority and office held by Elijah.Elisha was eager to begin assistingElijah, but asked if he could first saygoodbye to his parents.

"Of course! You shouldn't leavewithout seeing them and telling themgoodbye," Elijah said.

Elisha quickly returned home andgave a farewell celebration for hisrelatives. He killed a yoke of oxen andused the wooden part of his plow for thefire.

After the celebration, Elisha saidgoodbye to everyone and left to joinElijah.


Do You Remember?

1. , Israel's idolatrousqueen, sent a to tell

of her threat to killhim.

2. God showed Elijah three dramaticexpressions of His power - a great_____, an andthen _

3. God chose to be the nextprophet to the nation of Israel afterElijah.


Benhadad, the king of Syria, and hisarmy invaded Israel and surrounded itscapital city, Samaria. The army did notallow people or supplies to go in or outof the city. As time went by, the foodsupplies got lower and lower. Thesituation looked grim for Ahab and theinhabitants of the city.

Benhadad thought the city wouldsoon surrender. So he sent messengersto Ahab demanding tribute. "Thy

and thy is_____; thy also andthy , even the _are mine" (I Kings 20:3).

Ahab agreed to Benhadad's demands.However, when the Syrian king heard ofAhab's compliance, he decided to makefurther demands. Benhadad now wantedhis soldiers to go through the entire cityand take everything of value.

Ahab knew he could not allow suchpillaging. So he and the city leaders toldBenhadad's messengers that they wouldnot agree to this second demand.

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King Ahab is dismayed at the sight of thousandsof Syrian soldiers surrounding the city.

Benhadad was furious. "We'll seeabout that," he thought. "Get ready toattack!" he ordered his men. Benhadadreturned to his tent and celebrated whathe felt would be sure victory.

While the Syrians prepared to attack,God sent a prophet to Ahab. "Here is amessage from God," the prophet said."'Have you seen how great Syria'sarmy is? Behold, today I will give youvictory over this great army. You willknow that I am God!' "

Ahab quickly gathered a small armyof 7,000 men and 232 princes. The smallIsraelite army rushed out of the city andattacked the Syrians. With God's help,the Israelites won a swift and decisivevictory over the great Syrian army thatday. Benhadad, however, escaped onhorseback.

Benhadad was very upset at thesurprising turn of events. His servants,not realizing that it was God who helpedthe Israelites win the battle, tried tocalm him with a superstitious explana­tion. "The Israelite gods are gods of the

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hills," they told the king. "In the hillsthey are stronger. We must fight themin the plain where their gods areweak."

The explanation appealed to Benha­dad. He began rebuilding his army andmaking preparations to attack. Onceagain the Syrian army invaded the landof Israel. Ahab and his small army wentto the northeastern part of the countryto meet the Syrians.

Prior to the battle, God sent word toAhab that Israel would again bevictorious. "Because thehave said, The IS

_____ of the , but heis not of the ,therefore will I all thisgreat into thine_____, and ye shall _that____" (I Kings 20:28).

Israel's army defeated the Syrians asGod had said. Benhadad was capturedand pleaded for his life. Ahab unwiselyset Benhadad free and made an alliancewith him.

Freeing Benhadad was a big mistake.God informed Ahab that this act wouldsomeday cost him his life and the lives ofmany Israelites.

To the people of Israel, Ahab mayhave appeared to be a great king andmilitary leader. Twice he led the smallIsraelite army against massive armiesand twice won the battles.

Although Ahab knew that God hadgranted him the victories, there is noindication that he gave God glory andthanks for them.


In spite of God's help and mercy,Ahab continued to live a wicked life. Hisidolatrous, strong-willed wife Jezebelcontinually stirred him up to do evil anddisobey God. Occasionally, though,Ahab did acknowledge God, but thesetimes were few and lasted only for ashort time.


One day Ahab decided he wanted anherb garden near his palace. A mannamed N aboth owned a vineyard next toAhab's palace. Ahab thought it wouldbe the perfect place for his garden.

The king offered Naboth a generousamount of money for the land, butNaboth refused the offer. Ahab contin­ued to bargain. "Would you consider atrade? I can give you an even better areafor your vineyard."

Naboth refused both offers. He toldAhab, "God forbid that I should giveyou the inheritance of my fathers" (IKings 21:2-3).

Ahab knew exactly what he meant. Aperson could not be compelled, orforced, to sell land that he had receivedas an inheritance.

Ahab returned home, laid down on hisbed and refused to eat. He was covetingNaboth's land - a direct violation ofthe Tenth Commandment which says,"Thou shalt not covet ..." (Exodus20:17).

When Jezebel saw how sad Ahab was,she asked him what was wrong. Ahabtold her the story.

"What!" she exclaimed. "You are theking! Get up, eat, and be happy. You


Naboth was unjustly accused of blasphemyagainst God and the king.

shall soon have N aboth's vineyard!"Jezebel wrote letters to the leaders of

the city where N aboth lived, usingAhab's name and royal seal. Sheordered them to proclaim a fast andbring Naboth before the people of thecity.

Jezebel directed the city officials tofind two witnesses of low moral charac­ter who would lie against Naboth. Thewitnesses accused Naboth in front of allthe people. They said N aboth hadblasphemed God and the king.

According to the law, blasphemerswere to be stoned to death. TheIsraelites, having heard the testimonyagainst Naboth, took him out of the cityand stoned him to death (I Kings21:13).

Jezebel showed no sorrow as sheannounced her victory to Ahab. "Na-

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both is dead. Go take his vineyard!"Ahab went to Naboth's vineyard to

take possession of the property. But Godwas very angry at him for allowing hiswife to plan the death of an innocentman. God sent the prophet Elijah tomeet Ahab in the vineyard.

Elijah had a message from God forAhab. "Behold, I will bring evil uponyou, and will take away your posterity,because you have provoked me to angerand made Israel to sin."

Elijah also told Ahab that because ofhis wickedness, when he died the dogswould lap up his blood just as they hadNaboth's.

"Your wife, Jezebel, shall die also,and dogs shall eat her by the wall ofJezreel," Elijah continued.

Upon hearing Elijah's frighteningwords, Ahab tore his clothes and fasted.He regretted the terrible things he haddone, but not enough to really changehis ways. Because Ahab humbledhimself, God did not allow the death ofhis children until after he had died.

True or False?

Write the letter T on the line to theleft if the statement is true, or an F ifthe statement is false.__ 1. Benhadad was the king of Israel,

and Ahab was the king ofSyria.

_ 2. God helped the Israelites totwice defeat Benhadad and theSyrian army.

_ 3. Ahab was very grateful to Godfor helping the Israelites win thebattles against the Syrians.

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__ 4. Benhadad was married to astrong-willed, idolatrous womannamed Jezebel.

__ 5. Jezebel caused N aboth, an inno­cent man, to be stoned to deathbecause Ahab coveted his vine­yard.


While Ahab ruled in Israel, KingJehoshaphat was ruling in Judah. Thenation of Judah had not drifted as farfrom God as had the nation of Israel.This was largely because Jehoshaphatwas a righteous man who trusted andobeyed God.

Ahab invited Jehoshaphat to visit hiscourt, where he was royally entertained.Ahab convinced Jehoshaphat that itwould be advantageous for both Israeland Judah to form an alliance againstthe nation of Syria, their commonenemy.

Ahab wanted to take the city ofRamoth-gilead from the Syrians. Withthe help of Jehoshaphat's forces, Ahabfelt he could succeed.

Before going out to battle, Ahabinquired of Jezebel's prophets to learn ifthis military action would be successful.The false prophets unanimously toldAhab that he would certainly win thebattle.


Jehoshaphat wanted to hear the truth.So he asked Ahab to send for a prophetof God. Ahab reluctantly sent forMicaiah, one of the few prophets of Godthat were still alive. Micaiah was soon


brought before the kings. He prophesiedthat Ahab would die in the upcomingbattle.

Ahab was angered by these words andhad the true prophet thrown into prisonand fed a sparse ration of bread andwater (I Kings 22:26-28).

Ahab decided to battle the Syriansdespite the warning from the prophet ofGod. He disguised himself as a commonsoldier, hoping the enemy would notrecognize him. Ahab then drove hischariot into battle.

Benhadad commanded thirty-two ofhis chief chariot officers to find and killAhab. "Look only for Ahab, and gethim at all costs," ordered the king. TheSyrians, however, failed to locate Ahab.A Syrian soldier drew back his bow andrandomly sent an arrow flying into theair. The arrow struck between the armorjoints of Ahab's breastplate, causing adeep wound in his chest. Ahab died fromthe wound at sunset that day.

God's prophet Micaiah was imprisoned forprophesying that Ahab would die in battle.


The Israelite army took Ahab and hischariot back to Samaria. Beside a poolof water, near the place where Nabothwas stoned, servants washed the bloodfrom Ahab's chariot and armor. Dogscame around and licked up the blood,thus fulfilling the prophecy made byElijah that dogs would one day lapAhab's blood because of his disobedi­ence to God. God fulfilled His word,even down to the smallest detail!


After the death of Ahab, his sonAhaziah ruled on the throne of Israel.He reigned for only two years. Ahaziahfollowed in the wicked ways of his fatherand mother, serving Baal and angeringthe Eternal.

While walking in his upstairs bed­room, Ahaziah accidentally fell to thefloor below. He was seriously injuredand wondered if he would recover. So hedecided to ask a prophet for the answer.Instead of sending for a prophet of God,Ahaziah sent messengers to inquire ofBaalzebub, his pagan god, to see if hewould get well.

God told Elijah what Ahaziah haddone. Elijah went to meet the messen­gers. Notice Elijah's words in II Kings1:3: "Is it not because there is not a______ III , that ye goto inquire of the god ofEkron?" Elijah then told the messengersto return and tell the king he would die.

The king's messengers returnedquickly with God's message. "A mantold us you would die," they said to theking.

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Ahaziah inquired about the man."What did this man look like?" heasked.

The messengers described a hairyman whose robe was held at the waistby a broad leather belt. After hearinghis description, Ahaziah realized themessage had come from Elijah theprophet.

"Go get Elijah and bring him to thepalace," the king ordered. A little whilelater, a band of fifty soldiers and theircaptain found Elijah. The captainordered Elijah to come with them.

At this point, God dramaticallyemphasized that Elijah was His servant.Fire from heaven instantly killed thefifty-one soldiers! The next day, Aha­ziah sent another band of fifty-one tobring Elijah to him. They also werekilled by fire from God (II Kings1:9-12).

When a third band of men came forElijah, an angel of God told him to gowith them back to the palace. Elijahthen told Ahaziah that he would diefrom his injuries. Ahaziah never againrose from his bed.


Match the names on the left withtheir descriptions on the right by placingthe correct letter in each of thenumbered blanks._ 1. Jehoshaphat A. The prophet who

was to replaceElijah.

_ 2. Elijah B. The king of Israelwhose blood waslapped up by

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dogs, and easilyincited to do evil.

_ 3. Naboth C. The prophet whowas imprisonedby Ahab for tell­ing the truth.

_ 4. Ahaziah D. The innocentman who wasstoned to deathfor not sellinghis vineyard toAhab.

_ 5. Micaiah E. The idolatrousqueen of Israeland wife of KingAhab.

_ 6. Elisha F. A son of Ahabwho died from awound caused bya fall.

_7. Jezebel G. A king of Judahwho formed analliance withAhab.

_ 8. Ahab H. The king of Syriawho invaded theland of Israel.

_ 9. Benhadad I. God's powerfulprophet and wit­ness to the nationof Israel.


One day Elijah and Elisha werewalking from the city of Jerichotoward the Jordan River. As they stoodby the river, Elijah took the mantlefrom his shoulders and struck thewaters. Suddenly the waters separated,allowing the two men to walk across


the riverbed to the other side.Elisha knew that Elijah would soon be

taken by God to another place on earth.When that occurred, he would assumethe responsibilities that had been Eli­jah's.

While the two men continued walk­ing, Elisha requested that a doubleportion of God's Spirit be given to him.

Elijah responded by saying, "Thouhast asked a _nevertheless, if thouwhen I am from thee, itshall be so unto thee; but if not, it shallnot be so" (II Kings 2:10).

Elijah and Elisha continued walkingtogether. Suddenly, a chariot of firedrawn by horses of fire appeared beforethem. The chariot and horses drovestraight toward them, separating Elijahand Elisha. In an instant the fierychariot and horses took Elijah up in awhirlwind (II Kings 2:11-12).

When the dust settled, Elisha pickedup the mantle which had fallen fromElijah's shoulders. The mantle hadsymbolized Elijah's office and authority.Now, Elisha would occupy that officeand represent God to the nation ofIsrael.

Elisha returned to the east bank of theJordan River. He struck the water withElijah's mantle. As it hit the river, thewaters parted. Elisha then walked backacross the riverbed (verse 14).

Some of the sons of the prophets(young men who were being taughtGod's way of life) who were fromJericho had seen the miracle that Godperformed through His servant Elisha.


They realized that Elisha was now theprophet God would use to head Hiswork. Summarize II Kings 2:15 on thelines below. _

"Where is Elijah?" they inquired.Elisha explained the marvelous way Godhad transported Elijah from the area.

"Maybe we should go search forhim," one of the men suggested. "Hemay be alone and hurt on some

Elijah is taken up in a whirlwind by a fierychariot and horses.

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mountain top or in some valley - oreven dead!"

Elisha told the young men thatlooking for Elijah would be useless. Heknew that God was taking care ofElijah. But they were anxious andinsisted. So Elisha allowed them to go.

After three days of searching, themen were unable to find Elijah. So theyreturned to Jericho.

To learn more about where God tookElijah, be sure to read the booklet,Where are Enoch and Elijah?, publishedby the Worldwide Church of God.


Elijah was a servant and prophet ofGod with a special work to do inIsrael.

God used him as a powerful witness toIsrael - a nation that had forsaken Godand turned to idolatry.

In the New Testament, we learn thathundreds of years later another prophetof God named John the Baptist came inthe spirit and power of Elijah to preparethe way for Christ's first coming (Luke1:17).

After John was put in prison andChrist had begun His ministry, Jesusprophesied that another "Elijah" wasyet to come (Matthew 17:10-11). Let'snotice the prophecy in Malachi 4:5,which tells us when this "Elijah" was tocome.

"Behold, I will send you _the prophet the--__ of the great and dreadful


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John was a type of the future "Elijah"- one who would also be sent by God tothe world in the spirit and power ofElijah the prophet, this time just beforeChrist's Second Coming to rule theearth.

As John prepared the way for Christ'sfirst coming, so the prophesied Elijah tocome would prepare the way for Christ'sSecond Coming to earth. Jesus said thatthis man would "restore all things,"referring to God's Government in HisChurch and Christ's Gospel of theKingdom of God. This has been donetoday by God's end-time apostle, Mr.Herbert W. Armstrong. The work ofproclaiming the Gospel message JesusChrist brought is today being done byMr. Armstrong with the active supportof the membership of the WorldwideChurch of God.

Using the latest technology, Mr.Armstrong announces the good news ofthe coming Kingdom of God to worldleaders in private visits, and to the restof the world through the mass mediaof television, radio and the printedword.

As part of this end-time Work of God,supportive literature such as The PLAINTRUTH, GOOD NEWS and YOUTHmagazines, THE AMBASSADOR COLLEGEBIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE, doz­ens of booklets, as well as these YOUTHBIBLE LESSONS, are being published.These publications are an importantpart in preaching Christ's Gospel to theworld. They teach both young and oldabout God's way of life and thesoon-coming Kingdom of God!


CODE BOOK LESSONSUnscramble the groups of letters in the code book below to form words. Then arrange thesewords to form sentences that give specific principles you learned from this lesson. As areview, write a few paragraphs about how these principles were brought out in thislesson.