Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare Wspólna Street 2/4 00-926 Warszawa Poland Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.


Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r. Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare. Wspólna Street 2/4 00-926 Warszawa Poland. Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Page 1: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare

Wspólna Street 2/400-926 Warszawa


Eligibility of costsINTERREG III B CADSES

Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Page 2: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare

EU funds administrated by CBC IA– Pre-accession funds

• Phare CBC and JHA– including investment projects as well as Small Project

Funds- Euroregions

• Phare SSG

Schengen Facility European Refugee Fund

Page 3: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

Implementing Authority for Cross Border Co-operation Programme Phare


• Joint Technical Secretariat for Poland-Slovak Republic

• Joint Technical Secretariat for Poland-Ukraine-Bielarus

– INTERREG III B & C, EPSON, INTERACT • First level Control Unit

Page 4: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004 of 10 March 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 1685/2000 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 as regards the eligibility of expenditure of operations co-financed by the Structural Funds and withdrawing Regulation (EC) No 1145/2003

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INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Rule No 1: Expenditure actually paid- in cashExceptions: depreciation, contributions in kind, overheads

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INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Depreciation of real estate or equipment -direct link with objectives of the project

No national or community grant towards purchase

Calculated according to national accountancy rules

Costs limited to co-financing period

Page 7: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

In kind contribution: land or buildings equipment or materials research or professional activity unpaid voluntary work value can be independently assessed and audited land or buildings, independent qualified valuer unpaid voluntary work- national or local fees

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INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Overheads: eligible expenditure if based on real costs, must relate to the implementation of the project, allocated to the project pro-rata according to a

duly justified, fair and equitable method.

Co-financing from ERDF may no exceed 75% for

Polish Partners, excluding contributions in kind.

Page 9: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Co-financing from ERDF may no exceed 75% for

Polish Partners, excluding contributions in kind

and VAT.

Page 10: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Rule No 2: Accounting Treatment of Receipts

Revenue received is deducted from eligible expenditure

Page 11: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Rule No 3: Financial and other charges and legal expensesIneligible: debit interests, foreign exchange commissions and losses, fines, financial penalties, expenses of litigationBank charges on accounts eligible only if co-financing requires opening a separate accountLegal fees, notary fees, cost of technical or financial expertise, accountancy or audit costs- eligible if they are directly linked to the project or required by MA

There are no audit costs (first-level control) for Polish partners

Page 12: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.

INTERREG III B Eligibility of expenses

Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2004

Rule No 7: VAT and other taxes and chargesVAT is eligible only if it cannot be reclaimed by a final beneficiary

For audit purposes: Partners have to certify that VAT cannot be reclaimed referring to proper law regulations

Co-financing from ERDF may no exceed 75% for

Polish Partners, excluding contributions in kind

and VAT.

Page 13: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.


Budget Lines

1. Project co-ordination: 1. direct administration costs related to the overall

management of the project and not calculated under overhead costs,

2. documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected,

3. e.g. legal fees, fees for bank guarantees, insurance fees, courier services, etc.

Page 14: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.


Personnel (including overhead costs):– fees of the Project Partners’ staff paid in the context

of the project based on the actual cost of employing a person including social contributions and payroll taxes,

– documents: timesheets, payrolls, bank statements or other documents proving that the payment was effected,

– external staff must be budgeted under “External expertise and audit”.

Page 15: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.


Personnel (including overhead costs):– overhead costs based on real costs, which directly

relate to the implementation of the operation, allocated pro rata to a duly justified and equitable method,

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the cost was borne.

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Meetings, conferences, seminars:– e.g. rental of the venue, rental of equipment,

documents, translators and interpreters and meals if not covered by daily allowances,

– fees of trainers, speakers, and facilitators should be mentioned under the “external expertise” header.

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected, minutes form the meetings, presence list, etc.

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Travel and accommodation:

– expenditures related to international or national travel,

– documents: statement of delegation, invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected and costs actually borne,

– allowances accounted in compliance with national rules,

– flight tickets should be economy class.

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Promotion and publications:

– costs related to promotion activities or publications,

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected and costs actually borne.

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External expertise and audit:

– subcontracting of external staff, speakers for workshops, trainers, web designer, studies, services, etc.,

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected and costs actually borne, protocol of receiving goods or services,

– subcontracting must be in compliance with public procurement law,

– there are no 1-level control costs for Polish partners.

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– any other costs, which do not fit under any of the other headings,

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected and costs actually borne.

Page 21: Eligibility of costs INTERREG III B CADSES Katowice, 09.12.2004r.


Small scale investment:

– small-scale infrastructure investments,

– only costs of equipment or works,

– subcontracting must be in compliance with public procurement law,

– documents: invoices or other documents proving that the payment was effected and costs actually borne, certificate of taking over of the investment, photos,

– office equipment (computers, printers, fax machines etc.) cannot be considered “infrastructure” and must be listed under “Other costs.”

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00-926 Warszawa

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