Elements of the short story power point

By Mr. Gross For Senior English



Transcript of Elements of the short story power point

Page 1: Elements of the short story power point


Mr. Gross


Senior English

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If Dads Raised Kids…


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-  is made up of a series of related events that include the conflict, climax, and resolution

Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces or people. Most plots are built on it.

Internal Conflict: occurs within a character who possesses opposing ideas or feelings

External Conflict: occurs between two or more characters or between a character and the forces of nature

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Man versus Self

Man versus Man

Man versus Society

Man versus Nature

Man versus Supernatural

(or PLOT continued…)

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Brock LesnerVS. Travis!

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Plot continued…

Climax is the turning point in the story. It is the point at which the conflict comes to a peak.

Resolution shows how the situation turns out and ties up loose ends

*** Exposition is background information that the author may present at the beginning of the story. It

will set the scene for the conflict.

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Short Story Sequence


Rising Action

Falling Action




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Is that Brett Abbot as a child???

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refers to a character’s personality or the method by which the writer reveals this personality. There are two ways

Direct characterization: the writer tells you directly about the character

      Indirect Characterization: the writer lets the reader learn about the characters through dialogue, actions, their

thoughts, or what other characters think about them.

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Characterization continued:

Character Traits: qualities that make a person unique.

Authors give their characters a number of different traits that together form their personalities

Some may not be very important while others are crucial to the story. All should make the person seem

true to life.

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       consists of first person narration, third person narration, and omniscient narrator

       First person narration: is told by one of the characters in the story who refers to self as ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘me’, and ‘us’.

 This person is called the narrator

 Makes the story seem immediate

 Limited though because the author can only reveal what the narrator would know and observe (story is one-sided)

 Inferences are based on what other characters say and do to get a wider picture

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Point of View continued…Third person narrator: narrator is a voice outside

the story who refers to all the characters as ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘they’.


Sometimes the narrator relates events from the POV of one of the characters in the story.

        This is called Limited Third Person

The reader sees events through the eyes of one character and knows what the character knows


Mr. Hohlbein, Mr. Starks, & Mr. Lau

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POV continued again…

Omniscient Narrator: this is the all-seeing & all-knowing narrator.


This narrator can tell you everything (even things that the characters in the story do not know)

They can also enter the minds of all the characters and

tell you what they think and feel

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Defined as the time & place of a story’s action

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Setting continued…

some stories contain a detailed description of the setting if it is important to the story

it is also the cultural background against which the action takes place

the customs, ideas, values, and beliefs of the society in which the story occurs provide what

might be called the cultural setting

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Mr. Lehmkuhle is a REAL good hunter… NOTHING gets away from Corey…

Yeah, right!

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Setting continued x 2…

Historical Setting: a story takes place in the past.


The time and place of the story are those of a significant event in history

You need to know about the events of that time period to better understand the story

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Setting continued x 3…

Fictional Setting: a story that takes place in a make-believe place.


Setting of a science fiction story is usually the future


Using ideas from science or space travel, science fiction writers may take you to places that do not now exist or that

are currently beyond reach.


When a setting is that, ask how it effects the story

(Fairy Tales…)

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Been there before, eh?

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is the central idea or message that the story is trying to get across

-must be discovered by the reader 

- sometimes it is hidden so well that discussion is needed to find it

- it can also be called the ‘point to the story’

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A character’s reason for behaving a certain way

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Motivation continued…

in a story it is easier to understand a character and his reasons for doing

what he does when one understands the motive

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When I was a senior I looked like this…

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situation where a person must choose between two equal alternatives

- there is no objective way to determine that one alternative is better than the other 

      - mostly the choice depends upon what type of person the character is


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Should I stay?

Should I go?

Would he return for me?

Can I live with the guilt?







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Versimilitude continued…

- means similar to the truth

characters of flesh and blood who make us respond to them as real people


this helps us respond to them as we do toward people we know (because they are true to life)

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…an old man wins the lottery, dies the next day

…it’s like a no smoking sign on your cigarette break

…it’s like 10,000 spoons and all you need is knife

It’s like meeting the man of your dreams, and then meeting his beautiful wife

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Isn’t it ironic?

Don’t cha think?

Alanis Morissette


Jagged Little Pill

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Michigan Temperature Conversion Chart

70 above

Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear.

People in Michigan go swimming in the Lakes.60 above

North Carolinians try to turn on the heat.

People in Michigan plant gardens.

50 above

Californians shiver uncontrollably.

People in Michigan sunbathe.

40 above

Italian & English cars won't start.

People in Michigan drive with the windows down.

32 above

Distilled water freezes.

Lake Superior's water gets thicker.20 above

Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and woolly hats.

People in Michigan throw on a flannel shirt.

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15 above

Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat.

People in Michigan have the last cookout before it gets cold.


People in Miami all die...

Michiganders lick the flagpole.

20 below

Californians fly away to Mexico.

People in Michigan get out their winter coats.

40 below

Hollywood disintegrates.

The Girl Scouts in Michigan are selling cookies door to door.

60 below

Polar bears begin to evacuate the Artic.

Michigan Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.

80 below

Mt. St. Helens freezes.

People in Michigan rent some videos.

100 below

Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.

Michiganders get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.

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297 below

Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products.

Cows in Michigan complain about farmers with cold hands.

460 below

ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale).

People in Michigan start saying, "Cold 'nuff for ya?"

500 below

Hell freezes over.

The Lions win the Super Bowl!