ELEMENT 1 Advanced

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Transcript of ELEMENT 1 Advanced

  • 2. B Bloom (verb) Definition: When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces flowers. Example: These flowers will bloom all through the summer. Card 1
  • 3. B Bodyguard (noun) Definition: a person or group of people whose job is to protect someone from attack. Example: Each celebrity is surrounded by a huge bodyguard wearing black clothes. Card 2
  • 4. B Bandit (noun) Definition: a thief with a weapon, especially one belonging to a group that attacks people travelling through the countryside. Example: I used to play bandit and policeman with my classmates ten years ago. Card 3
  • 5. B Brunette (noun) Definition: a white woman or girl with dark hair. Example: After five years as a brunette, Daniele returned to her natural blonde. Card 4
  • 6. B Bonnet (noun) Definition: a type of hat that covers the ears and is tied under the chin, worn by babies or, especially in the past, by women. Example: When she got back to home , she found her mother sitting in the hall with her bonnet on. Card 5
  • 7. B Bricklayer (Noun) Definition: a person who builds walls or buildings using bricks, especially as a job. Example: The only problem is trying to find a bricklayer prepared for this weekend. Card 6
  • 8. B Boiling ( adjecive) Definiiton: ver hot Example: If We reduced the boiling water to a simmer we can add the ingredients. Card 7
  • 9. C Coward ( noun) Definition: a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain. Example: You will be called a coward for not eating the vegetables. Card 8
  • 10. C Chamber (Noun) Definition: a room used for a special or official purpose, or a group of people who form (part of) a parliament. Example: They took me to a small torture chamber where I saw lots of dead bodies. Card 9
  • 11. E Endangered ( adjective) Definition: animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive. Example: It was awesome to see so many children taking an interest in this globally endangered species. Card 10
  • 12. F Funnel (noun) Definition: an object that has a wide round opening at the top, sloping sides, and a narrow tube at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into containers with narrow necks. Example: When you've ground the coffee, use a funnel to pour it into the jar. Card 11
  • 13. F Freakish (adjecive) Definition: very unusual or unexpected, especially in an unpleasant or strange way. Example: I m total freakish about telling you this but I want help. Card 12
  • 14. F Fetch (verb) Definition: to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it or them back. Example: One day I wanted to go into the forest and fetch some free fruits. Card 13
  • 15. F Faint (adjective) Definition: not strong or clear; slight. Example: Nataly gave me a faint smile when I helped her with the homework. Card 14
  • 16. F Forearm (noun) Definition: the lower part of the arm, between the wrist and the elbow (= the middle of the arm where it bends). Example: Fever `symptoms may include pain in the elbow and forearm. Card 15
  • 17. G Gearbox (noun) Definition: a metal box containing the gears in a vehicle. Example: The new Ford Mustang comes with a six-speed manual gearbox. Card 16
  • 18. G Grease (noun) Definition: animal or vegetable fat that is soft after melting, or more generally, any thick oil-like substance. Example: I you eat lots of grease, you will be have a heart attack some day. Card 17
  • 19. G Guilty( adjective) Definition: feeling guilt. Example: I can't sleep thanks to a guilty conscience . Card 18
  • 20. H Harm (noun) Definition: physical or other injury or damage. Example: The traditional will do more harm than good for your health. Card 19
  • 21. H Hull (noun) Definition: the body or frame of a ship, most of which goes under the water. Example: Aluminum hull ships are used for military applications like transportation. Card 20
  • 22. L Limb (noun) Definition: an arm or leg of a person or animal, or a large branch of a tree. Example: Most accident victims had injuries on their lower limbs. Card 21
  • 23. L Lavender (noun) Definition: a plant that has grey-green leaves like needles and small, pale purple flowers; the dried flowers and stems of the plant that are used in soap, etc. because of their strong, pleasant smell. Example: She said that If I don't have fresh lavender I could try add a couple of drops of the essential oil on my clothes. Card 22
  • 24. M Mast (noun) Definition: a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports its sails. Example: The only part of the ship not made of plastic is the mast, isn`t it ? Card 23
  • 25. M Marvellous (adjective) Definition: extremely good. Example: It's marvellous how the moon changes to red. Card 24
  • 26. N Nest (noun) Definition: a structure built by birds or insects to leave their eggs in to develop, and by some other animals to give birth or live in. Example: I remember that I used to destroy the nest`s birds with my brother. Card 25
  • 27. N Narrow (adjective) Definition: having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length. Example: I won t drive my car because the little village has very narrow streets. Card 26
  • 28. O Oar (noun) Definition: a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat. Example: I must buy a new oar for the international competition. Card 27
  • 29. P Peak (noun) Definition: the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill. Example: I have been climbing peaks since I was a teenager. Card 28
  • 30. P Paddle (noun) Definition: a short pole with a wide, flat part at one end or both ends, used for moving a small boat or canoe through the water. Example: Katty admitted to selling her paddle in order to buy a cellphone. Card 29
  • 31. P Propeller (noun) Definiton: a device that causes a ship or aircraft to move, consisting of two or more blades that turn round at high speed. Example: When the propellers of the plane broke, I knew that my life was going to end. Card 30
  • 32. R Rub (verb) Definition: to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement. Example: I explained that the branches rubbed against each other to create fire. Card 31
  • 33. R Rudder (noun) Definition: a flat piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat or aircraft, moved from side to side in order to control the direction of travel. Example: The Captain is the only one who use the rudder on the ship. Card 32
  • 34. S stand for sth (phrasal verb) Definition: If you will not stand for something, you will not accept a situation or a particular type of behaviour. Example: if I were you, I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour. Card 33
  • 35. S Smoothly (adverb) Definition: easily and without interruption or difficulty. Example: If all goes smoothly, we should arrive by nine o'clock at the party. Card 34
  • 36. S Shallow (adjective) Definition: having only a short distance from the top to the bottom. Example: She told her children to stay in the shallow end of the beach. Card 35
  • 37. S Sucepan (noun) Definition: a deep, round pan with straight sides, usually with a handle and a lid, used for cooking things over heat. Example: I will need the saucepan to cook the spaghetti. Card 36
  • 38. S Stir (verb) Definition: to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern. Example: I remember she liked to stir some milk into her coffee. Card 37
  • 39. S Spot (noun) Definition: a small amount. Example: I'm having a spot of bother with one of my front teeth. Card 38
  • 40. S Show up (phrasal verb) Definition: to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly. Example: I invited Carlos to the gym for six o'clock, but he didn't show up until 12:30 Card 39
  • 41. S Seldom (adverb) Definition: almost never Example: Celebrities are seldom seen anywhere in public except at the Red Carpet Card 40
  • 42. S Scruffy (adjective) Definition: untidy and dirty. Example: At the end of this travel I`m going to finish with scruffy jeans and T-shirt either. Card 41
  • 43. S Slapstick (noun) Definition: a type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way, such as by throwing things, falling over, etc. Example: There were several slapstick on that film, that made me laugh harder and harder. Card 42
  • 44. S Sauce (noun) Definition: a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour. Example: Once the tomato sauce is cold mix half of it with milk. Card 43
  • 45. S Swing (verb) Definition: to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this. To change Example: His mood swings between anger and happiness. Card 44
  • 46. S Sack (noun) Definition: a large bag made of strong cloth, paper, or plastic, used to store large amounts of something. Example: I enjoy helping to the environment by using biodegradable sacks for the garbage. Card 45
  • 47. S Storey (noun) Definition: a level of a building. Example: The new teacher`s house has five storeys including the attic. Card 46
  • 48. T Terrace (noun) Definition: a flat area of stone or grass outside a house, where people sit and sometimes eat. Example: It could have been a ghost you saw on the terrace. Card 47
  • 49. T Troops (noun) Definition: soldiers on duty in a large group. Example: USA government insisted on moving troops to the border. Card 48
  • 50. U Untie (verb) Definition: to unfasten a knot or something tied. Example: Your mother was in such a hurry that she had n't untied the knots. Card 49
  • 51. W Wrist (noun) Definition: the part of the body between the hand and the arm. Example: I insist on checking my wrist before playing squash. Card 50