Electronics and Communication Engg_Full Paper_2003 (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Electronics and Communication Engg_Full Paper_2003 (1)



    Electronicsand Communication Engg - 2003Full Paper

    1. The minimum numberof equationsrequired to analyzethecircuitshown in thefigureis

    1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 72. A source of angular frequency 1 rad/sec has a source impedance consisting of 1

    resistance in series with 1 H inductance. The load that will obtain the maximum powertransferis

    1) 1 resistance2) 1 resistancein parallelwith 1 H inductance3) 1 resistancein serieswith 1 F capacitor4) 1 resistancein parallelwith 1 F capacitor

    3. A seriesRLC circuithas a resonance frequency of 1 kHz and a quality factorQ = 100. Ifeach R, L and C isdoubled from itsoriginalvalue,thenew Q of thecircuitis1) 25 2) 50 3) 100 4) 200

    4. The Laplacetransform of i(t) isgiven byI (s) = 2/(s(1 + s))As t , thevalueof i(t) tendsto1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4)

    5. The differentialequation forthecurrenti(t) in thecircuitof Figureis

    1) 2(d2i/dt2) + 2(di/dt) + i(t) = sin t2) (d2i/dt2) + 2(di/dt) + 2i(t) = cos t3) 2(d2i/dt2) + 2(di/dt) + i(t) = cos t

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    4) (d2i/dt2) + 2(di/dt) + 2i(t) = sin t6. n-typesilicon isobtained by dopingsilicon with

    1) Germanium2) Aluminum3) Boron4) Phosphorus

    7. The bandgap of silicon at 300 K is1) 1.36 eV2) 1.10 eV3) 0.80 eV4) 0.67 eV

    8. The intrinsic carrier concentration of silicon sample of 300 K is 1.5 x 1016/m3. If after

    doping,thenumberof majority carriersis5 x 1020/m3, them inority carrierdensity is1) 4.50 x 1011/m32) 3.33 x 104/m33) 5.00 x 1020/m34) 3.00 x 10-5/m3

    9. Choose propersubstitutesforX and Y to make thefollowingstatementcorrectTunneldiodeand Avalanchephotodiodeareoperated in X biasand Y biasrespectively.

    1) X : reverse,Y : reverse2) X : reverse,Y : forward3) X : forward,Y : reverse4) X : forward,Y : forward

    10. For an n-channel enhancement type MOSFET, if the source is connected at a higherpotentialthan that of thebulk (i.e.VSB > 0), thethreshold voltageVT of theMOSFET will

    1) remain unchanged2) decrease3) change polarity4) increase

    11. Choose the correct match for input resistance of various amplifier configurations shownbelow.

    Configuration Inpu t resistanceCB: Common Base LO: LowCC: Common Collector MO: ModerateCE: Common Emitter HI: High

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    1) 8 2) 63 3) 255 4) 25618. The output of the74 seriesof TTL gatesistaken from a BJT in

    1) totem poleand common collectorconfiguration2) eithertotem poleoropen collectorconfiguration3) common base configuration4) common collectorconfiguration

    19. Without any additionalcircuitry,an 8 : 1 MUX can be used to obtain1) some but not all Boolean functionsof 3 variables2) all function of 3 variablesbut none of 4 variables3) all functionsof 3 variablesand some but not all of 4 variables4) all functionsof 4 variables

    20. A 0 to 6 counter consists of 3 flip flops and a combination circuit of 2 input gate(s). Thecombination circuitconsistsof

    1) one AND gate2) one OR gate3) one AND gateand one OR gate4) two AND gates

    21. The Fourier series expansion of a real periodic signal with fundamental frequency f0 is

    given bygp(t) =

    It isgiven that c3 = 3 + j5.Then c-3 is1) 5 + j32) - 3 - j53) - 5 + j34) 3 - j5

    22. Letx(t) be theinput to a linear,time-invariantsystem.The required output is4x (t - 2). Thetransferfunction of thesystem should be

    1) 4 ej4f2) 2 e-j8f3) 4 e-j4f4) 2 ej8f

    23. A sequence x(n) with thez-transform X(z) = z4 + z2 - 2z + 2 - 3z - 4 isapplied as an inputto a linear,time-invariantsystem with theimpulseresponseh(n) = 2(n - 3) where(n) =

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    The output at n = 4 is1) -6 2) zero 3) 2 4) -4

    24. The figureshows theNyquistplotof theopen-loop transfer function G(s)H(s) of a system.If G(s)H(s) has one right-hand pole,theclosed-loop system is

    1) alwaysstable2) unstablewith one closed loop righthand pole3) unstablewith two closed loop righthand poles4) unstablewith threeclosed loop righthand poles

    25. A PD controller is used to compensate a system. Compared to the uncompensatedsystem,thecompensated system has

    1) a highertypenumber2) reduced damping3) highernoiseamplification4) largertransientovershoot

    26. The input to a coherent detector is DSB-SC signal plus noise. The noise at the detectoroutput is

    1) thein-phasecomponent2) thequadrature-component3) zero4) theenvelope

    27. The noise at the input to an ideal frequency detector is white. The detector is operating

    above threshold.The powerspectraldensity of thenoiseat theoutput is1) raised cosine2) flat3) parabolic4) Gaussian

    28. At a given probability of e




    y coherentFSK i




    to binar

    y coherentPSK by

    1) 6 dB 2) 3 dB 3) 2 dB 4) 0 dB

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    29. The unit of x H is1) Ampere2) Ampere/meter3) Ampere/meter24) Ampere-meter

    30. The depth of penetration of electromagneticwave in a medium havingconductivityat afrequency of 1 MHz is25 cm. The depth of penetration at a frequency of 4 MHz will be

    1) 6.25 cm2) 12.50 cm3) 50.00 cm4) 100.00 cm

    31. Twelve 1 resistances are used as edges to form a cube. The resistance between twodiagonally oppositecornersof thecube is

    1) (5/6) 2) 1 3) (6/5) 4) (3/2)

    32. The current flowing through the resistanceR in thecircuit in figurehas the form P cos 4t,whereP is

    1) (0.18 + j 0.72)2) (0.46 + j 1.90)3) -(0.18 + j 1.90)4) -(0.192 + j 0.144)

    The circuit for next two Questions, are given in the figure. For both are the question,assume that theswitch S isin position 1 fora longtimeand thrown to position 2 at t = 0.

    33. At t = 0 +, thecurrenti1 is

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    1) (-V/2R)2) (-V/R)3) (-V/4R)4) zero

    34. I1(s) and I2(s) are the Laplace transforms of i1(t) and i2(t) respectively. The equations forthe loop currents I1(s) and I2(s) for the circuit shown in the figure after the switch is

    broughtfrom position 1 to position 2 at t = 0, are





    35. An input voltage(t) = 102 cos (t + 10) + 103 cos (2t + 10) V isapplied to a seriescombination of resistance R = and an inductanceL = 1H. The resulting steady-statecurrenti(t) in ampereis

    1) 10 cos (t + 55) + 10 cos (2t + 10 + tan-1 2)2) 10 cos (t + 55) + 10(3/2) cos (2t + 55)3) 10 cos (t - 35) + 10 cos (2t + 10 - tan-1 2)4) 10 cos (t - 35) + 10(3/2) cos (2t - 35)

    36. The driving-point impedance Z(s) of a network has the pole-zero locations as shown infigure.If Z(0) = 3, then Z(s) is

    1) (3(s + 3))/(s2 + 2s + 3)2) (2(s + 3))/(s2 + 2s + 2)3) (3(s - 3))/(s2 - 2s - 2)

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    4) (2(s - 3))/(s2 - 2s - 3)37. The impedanceparametersZ11 and Z12 of thetwo-portnetworkin thefigureare

    1) Z11 = 2.75 and Z12 = 0.252) Z11 = 3and Z12 = 0.53) Z11 = 3and Z12 = 0.254) Z11 = 2.25 and Z12 = 0.5

    38. An n-type silicon bar 0.1 cm long and 100m2

    in cross-sectional area has a majoritycarr ierconcentration of 5 x 1020/m3 and thecarrier mobility is0.13 m0/V-s at 300K. If the

    chargeof an electron is1.6 x 10-19 coulomb,then theresistanceof thebar is1) 106 ohm2) 104 ohm3) 10-1 ohm4) 10-4 ohm

    39. The electron concentration in a sample of uniformly doped n-typesilicon at 300 K varies

    linearly from 1017/cm3 at x = 0 to 6 x 1016/cm3 at x = 2m. Assume a situation thatelectronsaresupplied to keep thisconcentration gradientconstantwith time. If electronic

    charge is 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb and the diffusion constant Dn = 35 cm2/s, the current

    density in thesilicon,if no electricfield ispresent,is1) zero2) - 1120 A/cm23) +1120 A/cm24) - 1130 A/cm2

    40. Match itemsin Group 1 with itemsin Group 2, mostsuitably.Group 1 Group 2

    P LED 1 Heavy dopingQ Avalanchephotodiode 2 CoherentradiationR Tunneldiode 3 SpontaneousemissionS LASER 4 Currentgain1) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-32) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-43) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

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    4) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-341. At 300 K, for a diode current of 1 mA, a certain germanium diode requires a forward bias

    of 0.1435 V, whereasa certain silicon diode requiresa forward bias of 0.178 V. Under theconditions stated above, the closest approximation of the ratio of reverse saturationcurrentin germanium diodeto that in silicon diodeis

    1) 12) 53) 4 x 1034) 8 x 103

    42. A particular green LED emits light of wavelength 5490 . The energy bandgap of the

    semiconductormaterialused thereis(Planck'sconstant= 6.626 x 10-34 J-s)1) 2.26 eV2) 1.98 eV3) 1.17 eV4) 0.74 eV

    43. When the gate-to-source voltage (VGS) of a MOSFET with threshold voltage of 400 mV,

    working in saturation is 900 mV, the drain current in observed to be 1 mA. Neglecting thechannelwidth modulation effectand assumingthat theMOSFET isoperatingat saturation,thedrain currentforan applied VGS of 1400 mV is

    1) 0.5 mA2) 2.0 mA3) 3.5 mA4) 4.0 mA

    44. If P is Passivation, Q is n-well implant, R is metallization and S is source/drain diffusion,then the order in which they are carr ied out in a standard n-well CMOS fabricationprocess,is

    1) P-Q-R-S2) Q-S-R-P3) R-P-S-Q

    4) S-R-Q-P

    45. An amplifier without feedback has a voltage gain of 50, input resistance of 1anKdoutput resistance of 2.5 K. The input resistance of the current-shunt negative feedbackamplifierusingtheabove amplifierwith a feedbackfactorof 0.2 is

    1) 1/11 K2) 1/5 K3) 5 K4) 11 K

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    46. In the amplifier circuit shown in the figure isthe values of R1 and R2 are such that the

    transistor isoperatingat VCE = 3 V and IC = 1.5 mA when its is 150. Fora transistorwith

    of 200, theoperatingpoint(VCE, IC) is

    1) (2 V, 2 mA)2) (3 V, 2 mA)3) (4 V, 2 mA)4) (4 V, 1 mA)

    47. The oscillatorcircuitshown in the figure ishas an ideal invertingamplifier. Its frequency of

    oscillation (in Hz) is

    1) 1/(2(6) RC)2) 1/(2 RC)3) 1/((6) RC)4) 1/((6)(2 RC))

    48. The output voltageof theregulated powersupply shown in thefigureis

    1) 3 V2) 6 V3) 9 V4) 12 V

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    49. The action of a JFET in itsequivalentcircuit can bastbe represented as a1) CurrentControlled CurrentSource2) CurrentControlled VoltageSource3) VoltageControlled VoltageSource4) VoltageControlled CurrentSource

    50. If theop-amp in thefigureisidea,theoutput voltageVout will be equalto

    1) 1 V2) 6 V3) 14 V4) 17 V

    51. Three identicalamplifierswith each one having a voltagegain of 50, input resistanceof 1Kand output resistance of 250, are cascaded. The open circuit voltage gain of thecombined amplifier is

    1) 49 dB2) 51 dB3) 98 dB4) 102 dB

    52. An idealsawtooth voltagewaveform of frequency 500 Hz and amplitude 3V isgeneratedby charginga capacitorof 2 F in every cycle.The chargingrequires

    1) constantvoltagesourceof 3 V for1 ms2) constantvoltagesourceof 3 V for2 ms3) constantcurrentsourceof 3 mA for1 ms4) constantcurrentsourceof 3 mA for2 ms

    53. The circuitshown in the figurehas 4 boxes each described by inputsP, Q, R and outputsY, Z withY = P Q RZ = RQ + R + Q

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    The circuitactsas a1) 4 bit addergivingP + Q2) 4 bit subtractorgivingP - Q3) 4 bit subtractorgivingQ - P4) 4 bit addergivingP + Q + R

    54. If thefunctionsW, X, Y and Z areas followsW = R + Q + SX = PQ + + P

    Y = RS +Z = R + S +

    Then1) W=Z,X=

    2) W = Z, X = Y3) W = Y4) W=T=

    55. A 4 bit ripple counter and a 4 bit synchronous counter are made using flip flops having apropagation delay of 10 ns each. If the worst case delay in the ripple counter and thesynchronouscounterbe R and S respectively,then

    1) R = 10 ns, S = 40 ns2) R = 40 ns, S = 10 ns3) R = 10 ns, S = 30 ns4) R = 30 ns, S = 10 ns

    56. The DTL, TTL, ECL and CMOS families of digital ICs are compared in the following 4

    columns(P) (Q) (R) (S)

    Fanout isminimum DTL DTL TTL CMOSPowerconsumption isminimum TTL COMS ECL DTLPropagation delay isminimum COMS ECL TTL TTL

    The correctcolumn is1) P 2) Q 3) R 4) S

    57. The circuitshown in thefigureisa 4 bit DAC

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    The input bits 0 and 1 are represented by 0 and 5 V respectively. The OP AMP is ideal,but all the resistances and the 5V inputs have a tolerance of 10%. The specification(rounded to thenearestmu ltipleof 5%) forthetoleranceof theDAC is

    1) 35%2) 20%3) 10%4) 5%

    58. The circuitshown in thefigureconverts

    1) BCD to binary code2) Binary to excess - 3 code3) Excess - 3 to Gray code4) Gray to Binary code

    59. In thecircuitshown in theFigureA isa parallel-in,parallel-out4 bit register,which loadsat

    the rising edge of the clock C. The input lines are connected to a 4 bit bus, W. Itsoutputactsas the input to a 16 x 4 ROM whose output is floatingwhen theenable input E is 0. Apartialtableof thecontentsof theROM isas follows

    Address 0 2 4 6 8 10 11 14Date 0011 1111 0100 1010 1011 1000 0010 1000

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    The clockto theregister isshown, and thedata on theW bus at time t1 is0110. The data

    on thebus at timet2 is1) 1111 2) 1011 3) 1000 4) 0010

    60. In an 8085 microprocessor, the instruction CMP B has been executed while thecontentoftheaccumulatorislessthan that of registerB. As a result

    1) Carry flagwill be setbut Zeroflagwill be reset2) Carry flagwill be resetbut Zeroflagwill be set3) Both Carry flagand Zeroflagwill be reset4) Both Carry flagand Zeroflagwill be set

    61. LetX and Y be two statistically independent random variablesuniformly distributed in theranges (-1, 1) and (-2, 1) respectively.LetZ = X + Y. Then theprobability that [Z - 2] is1) zero 2) 1/6 3) 1/3 4) 1/12

    62. Let P be linearity,Q be time-invariance,R be causality and S be stability.A discrete-timesystem has theinput-outputrelationship,

    wherex(n) istheinput and y(n) istheoutput. The above system has theproperties1) P, S but not Q, R2) P, Q, S but not R3) P, Q, R, S4) Q, R, S but not P

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    The system underconsideration isan RC low-passfilter(RC-LPF) with R = 1.0 kand C =1.0F.

    63. Let H(f) denote the frequency response of the RC-LPF. Let f1 be the highest frequency

    such that0 | f | f

    1, ((|H(f

    1)|)/H(0)) 0.95. Then f

    1(in Hz) is

    1) 327.82) 163.93) 52.24) 104.4

    64. Let tg(f) be thegroup delay function of the given RC-LPF and f2 = 100 Hz. Then tg(f2) in

    ms, is1) 0.7172) 7.173) 71.74) 4.505

    65. LetX be theGaussian random variableobtained by samplingtheprocessat t = ti and let

    The probability that [x 1] is1) 1 - Q(0.5)2) Q(0.5)3) Q(1/(22))4) 1 - Q(1/(22))

    66. Let Y and Z be the random variables obtained by sampling X(t) at t = 2 and t = 4respectively.LetW = Y - Z. The varianceof W is

    1) 13.362) 9.363) 2.644) 8.00

    67. Let x(t) = 2 cos (800t) + cos (1400t). x(t) issampled with the rectangular pulse trainshown in the figure.The only spectralcomponents (in kHz) present in thesampled signalin thefrequency range2.5 kHz to 3.5 kHz are

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    1) 2.7, 3.42) 3.3, 3.63) 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.64) 2.7, 3.3

    68. The signal flow graph of a system isshown in the figure.The transfer function (C(s)/R(s))of thesystem is

    1) 6/(s2 + 29s + 6)2) 6s/(s2 + 29s + 6)3) (s(s + 2))/(s2 + 29s + 6)4) (s(s + 27))/(s2 + 29s + 6)

    69. The root locus of the system G(s) H(s) = K/(s(s + 2)(s + 3)) has the break-away pointlocated at

    1) (-0.5, 0)2) (-2.548, 0)3) (-4, 0)4) (-0.784, 0)

    70. The approximateBode magnitudeplotof a minimum-phasesystem isshown in the figure.The transferfunction of thesystem is

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    71. A second-ordersystem has thetransferfunction (C(s)/R(s)) = 4/(s2 + 4s + 4)With r(t) as theun it-step function,theresponsec(t) of thesystem isrepresented by



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    72. The gain margin and thephase margin of a feedbacksystem with G(s)H(s) = s/(s + 100)3are

    1) 0 dB, 02) , 3) , 04) 88.5 dB,

    73. The zero-inputresponseof a system given by thestate-spaceequation





    74. A DSB-SC signalis to be generated with a carr ier frequency fe = 1MHz usinga non-linear

    devicewith theinput-outputcharacteristic0 = a0i+ a1 i3

    wherea0 and a1 are constants.The output of the non-linear device can be filtered by an

    appropriateband-pass filter.Leti = At cos (2 fett) + m(t) wherem(t) is themessage signal.Then the value fet (inMHz) is1) 1.0 2) 0.333 3) 0.5 4) 3.0

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    Letm(t) = cos [(4x 103)t] be themessage signaland c(t) = 5 cos[2x 106)t] be thecarrier

    75. c(t) and m(t) areused to generate an AM signal. The modulation index of the generatedAMsignalis0.5. Then thequantity (Totalsideband power)/(Carr ierpower) is1) 1/2 2) 1/4 3) 1/3 4) 1/8

    76. c(t) and m(t) are used to generate an FM signal. If the peak frequency deviation of thegenerated FM signal is three times the transmission bandwidth of the AM singal, then the

    coefficient of the term cos [2 (1008 x 10 3 t)]in the FM signal (in terms of the Besselcoefficients) is

    1) 5 J4(3)2) (5/2) J8(3)3) (5/2) J8(4)4) 5 J4(6)

    77. Choose the correct one from among the alternative A, B, C, D after matching an item inGroup 1 with themostappropriateitem in Group 2.

    Group 1 Group 2P Ringmodulator 1 ClockrecoveryQ VCO 2 Demodulation of FMR Foster-Seely

    discriminator 3 Frequency conversionS Mixer 4 Summingthetwo inputs

    5 Generation of FM6 Generation of DSB-Sc

    1) P-1 Q-3 R-2 S-42) P-6 Q-5 R-2 S-33) P-6 Q-1 R-3 S-24) P-5 Q-6 R-1 S-3

    78. A superheterodyne receiver is to operate in the frequency range550 kHz - 1650 kHz, withthe intermediate frequency of 450 kHz. Let R = (Cmax)/(Cmin) denote the required

    capacitance ratio of the local oscillator and I denote the image frequency (in kHz) of theincomingsignal.If thereceiver istuned to 700 kHz, then

    1) R = 4.41, I = 16002) R = 2.10, I = 11503) R = 3.0, I = 16004) R = 9.0, I = 1150

    79. A sinusoidal signal with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.536 V is quantized into 128 levels

    usinga mid-riseuniform quantizer.The quantization-noisepoweris

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    1) 0.768 V2) 48 x 10-6 V23) 12 x 10-6 V24) 3.072 V

    80. If Eb, theenergy perbit of a binary digital signal, is10-6 watt-secand theone-sided power

    spectral density of the white noise, N0 = 10-5 W/Hz, then the output SNR of the matched

    filteris1) 26 dB2) 10 dB3) 20 dB4) 13 dB

    81. The input to a linear delta modulator having a step-size = 0.628 is a sine wave withfrequency fm and peak amplitude Em. 1f the sampling frequency fs = 40 kHz, the

    combination of thesine-wave frequency and thepeak amplitude,whereslopeoverload willtakeplaceis

    1) Em 0.3 V, fm 8 kHz2) Em 1.5 V, fm 4 kHz3) Em 1.5 V, fm 2 kHz4) Em 3.0 V, fm 1 kHz

    82. If S represents the carr iersynchronization at the receiver and represents the bandwidthefficiency,then thecorrectstatementforthecoherentbinary PSK is

    1) = 0.5, S isrequired2) = 1.0, S isrequired3) = 0.5, S isnot required4) = 1.0, S isnot required

    83. A signal is sampled at 8 kHz and is quantized using 8-bit uniform quantizer. AssumingSNRq fora sinusoidalsignal,thecorrectstatementforPCM signalwith a bit rateof R is1) R = 32 kbps, SNRq = 25.8 dB2) R = 64 kbps, SNRq = 49.8 dB3) R = 64 kbps, SNRq = 55.8 dB4) R = 32 kbps, SNRq = 49.8 dB

    84. Medium 1 has theelectricalpermittivity1 = 1.50 farad/m and occupies the region to theleft of x = 0 plane. Medium 2 has the electrical permittivity 2 = 2.5 0 farad/m andoccupies the region to the rightof x = 0 plane. If E1 in medium 1 isE1 = (2ux - 3uy + 1uz)volt/m,then E

    2in medium 2 is

    1) (2.0ux - 7.5uy + 2.5uz) volt/m

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    2) (2.0ux - 2.0uy + 0.6uz) volt/m3) (1.2ux - 3.0uy + 1.0uz) volt/m4) (1.2ux - 2.0uy + 0.6uz) volt/m

    85. If theelectricfield intensity isgiven byE = (xux + yuy + zuz) volt/m,thepotentialdifferencebetween X (2, 0, 0) and Y (1, 2, 3) is

    1) +1 volt2) -1 volt3) +5 volt4) +6 volt

    86. A uniform plane wave traveling in air is incident on the plane boundary between air andanotherd ielectricmedium with r= 4. The reflection coefficientforthenormalincidence,is

    1) zero2) 0.5 1803) 0.333 04) 0.333 180

    87. If theelectricfield intensity associated with a uniform p laneelectromagneticwavetravellingin a perfectdielectricmedium isgivebyE (z, t) = 10 cos (2 x 107 t = 0.1 z) volt/m,then thevelocity of thetravellingwave is

    1) 3.00 x 108 m/sec2) 2.00 x 108 m/sec3) 6.28 x 107 m/sec4) 2.00 x 107 m/sec

    88. A short-circuited stub isshuntconnected to a transmission lineas shown in the figure is.IfZ0 = 50 ohm, theadmittanceY seen at thejunction of thestub and thetransmission lineis

    1) (0.01 - j0.02) mho2) (0.02 - j0.01) mho

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    3) (0.04 - j0.02) mho4) (0.02 + j0) mho

    89. A rectangularmetalwave guide filled with a dielectricmaterialof relativepermittivity r = 4has the inside dimensions 3.0 cm x 1.2 cm. The cut-off frequency for the dominant mode

    is1) 2.5 GHz2) 5.0 GHz3) 10.0 GHz4) 12.5 GHz

    90. Two identical antennas are placed in the= ( /2) plane as shown in the figure. Theelements have equal amplitude excitation with 180 polarity difference, operating atwavelength . The correct value of the magnitude of the far-zone resultant electric fieldstrength normalized with that of a singleelement,both computed for= 0, is

    1) 2 cos (2s/)2) 2 sin (2s/)3) 2 cos (s/)4) 2 sin (s/)

  • 8/13/2019 Electronics and Communication Engg_Full Paper_2003 (1)



    AnswerKey1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 3 5) 3 6) 4 7) 2 8) 1 9) 3 10) 1

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