Electronic journals and digital preservation

Electronic Journals and Digital Preservation at DMU Aim: Update people on the challenges involved in the digital preservation of electronic journals and the steps DMU Library is taking to meet them.


This presentation will look at some of the threats to continuing access to electronic journal articles and how digital preservation schemes like LOCKSS can help librarians look after the content on which universities rely.

Transcript of Electronic journals and digital preservation

Page 1: Electronic journals and digital preservation

Electronic Journals and Digital Preservation at DMU

Aim: Update people on the challenges involved in the digital preservation of electronic journals and the steps DMU Library is taking to meet them.

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Objectives By the end of the session, participants

should have some idea of:the preservation issues associated with print

and electronic holdings.the requirements that DMU may have for the

digital preservation of electronic journals.the differences between some of the current

Digital Preservation schemes on offer.the advantages and disadvantages of relying

on LOCKSS for electronic journal digital preservation.

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Ah, the good old days..

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Holdings of printed journals.

Once added to stock, never discarded.Catalogue as finding tool, if a little basic.Only ever a small proportion of total

research output.Inter Library Loans an essential, but

slow back-up service.Researchers happy to travel to visit

other libraries.Articles torn out, issues never received,

volumes sent for binding, etc. etc.

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Preservation of print holdings

Redundancy of international holdings across many libraries;

National Library for research and document supply service;

UK Research Reserve to locate the last 3 runs of any journal.

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O brave new world..

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DMU subscriptions to electronic journals19,000 electronic journal

subscriptions;50,000 journals listed in A-Z list;£480,000 spent on e-journals in

2008-9;750,000 articles downloaded in

2008-9;£3,000 spent on digital

preservation initiatives in 2008-9.

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What are the threats?Can we still have access to

subscribed articles if we stop paying the subscription?

What happens if a publisher goes bust?

What happens if a publisher decides not to maintain a journal in their service?

Will we still be able to view current formats in the long-term?

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What does DMU require from a digital preservation service?

Teacher: I want to be able to rely on essential articles being available to support my teaching.

Researcher: I want to be able to look back on the recorded knowledge of the past.

Administrator: I want to ensure that the record of our research achievements is preserved.

Librarian: Where is that stuff we paid for?

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Digital Preservation requirements?Hold a copy or subscribe to an

insurance scheme?Instant access or wait for response to a

‘trigger event’?Rely on co-operative shared effort or

outsource to a provider?Concern mainly for expensive

subscribed journals or vulnerable open-access/small publications?

Preserve everything we can or everything we need?

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Digital Preservation SchemesPortico: An insurance scheme.British Library: A national legal

deposit scheme (legislation not enacted yet).

KB (Koninklijke Bibliotheek): Dutch national scheme, includes Elsevier.

CLOCKSS: publisher-friendly scheme for public benefit.

LOCKSS: Libraries share responsibility for preservation.

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Digital Preservation support services

PEPRS: Piloting An E-Journals Preservation Registry Service. http://edina.ac.uk/projects/peprs/

PECAN: Pilot for Ensuring Continuity of Access via NESLi2 http://edina.ac.uk/projects/pecan/

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More about LOCKSS

‘Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe’.http://lockss.stanford.edu/lockss/Home

UK LOCKSS Alliancehttp://edina.ac.uk/lockss/

Archival Units preserved at DMUhttp://slate.blue.dmu.ac.uk:8080/

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LOCKSSLooking after stuff the library cares about.Open-source software.Library community effort.Development and technical support from

UK helpdesk.UK LOCKSS Alliance membership

cooperative.DMU participated in original pilot project.DMU staff member on UK LOCKSS Alliance

Steering Committee.

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Advantages of LOCKSSArchive held inside DMU.Cooperative verification to ensure

integrity.Collection Development decisions

taken by librarians.Open source software development.Integrates with OpenURL Resolver or

University Proxy.Preserves content direct from


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Example of preserved content in LOCKSS

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Sage JournalsJournal Downloads(2009) LOCKSS

vols.Probation Journal 1187 52-55*Criminology and Criminal Justice 319 5-9 Critical Social Policy 273 25-29 Media, Culture & Society 266 27-31* Urban Studies 232 NoneWork, Employment & Society 208 19, 21-23*Journal of Social Work 187 5-9Youth Justice 179 5-9* Journal of Health Psychology 166 10-14*Child Language Teaching and Therapy 159 23-

25** Still being collected 27/05/2010

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Disadvantages of LOCKSSLimited range of publishers support it.Not every journal or volume can be

archived.Link to OpenURL Resolver still being

developed.Link to University Proxy difficult to

achieve.Library staff time and effort put into

collection development and technical maintenance.

Just the one basket for all our eggs?

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What would have been lost?

LOCKSS Program Preserves the Journal Series "Pain Reviews“ October 2009

Continuing Online Access to Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Available through LOCKSS and CLOCKSS April 2009

Graft and Auto/Biography preserved and made accessible by CLOCKSS