Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney www.secgroup.com.au Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances Over the Internet, I have come across a quote which says something like, “Take care of your appliances, and your appliances will also take care of you.” This sounds true. Don’t you know that certain appliances can last up to 5 to 15 years of use if they are taken care of frugally? Among the electrical items that can last for more than 10 years are refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, washers and dryers and air conditioning units.


Over the Internet, I have come across a quote which says something like, “Take care of your appliances, and your appliances will also take care of you.” This sounds true. Don’t you know that certain appliances can last up to 5 to 15 years of use if they are taken care of frugally? Among the electrical items that can last for more than 10 years are refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, washers and dryers and air conditioning units.

Transcript of Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

Page 1: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

Over the Internet, I have come across a quote which says something like, “Take care of your appliances, and your appliances will also take care of you.” This sounds true. Don’t you know that certain appliances can last up to 5 to 15 years of use if they are taken care of frugally? Among the electrical items that can last for more than 10 years are refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, washers and dryers and air conditioning units.

Page 2: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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What household electrical devices do you have?

What household electrical devices do you have? How do you take care of them? Because these items use up electricity, we must be concerned about safety and savings. As much as we want to save up on our electric bills, we should also guard ourselves against electrical hazards.

Page 3: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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To Repair or To Replace?

Should we have certain devices repaired by a repairman or replaced with a new unit? We sometimes face this dilemma. Some electrical items are expensive and when broken or damaged, they can either be repaired by a competent repairman or be tossed at the junkyard.

Page 4: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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Some broken or damaged devices can still perform well after repairs

Some broken or damaged devices can still perform well after repairs, while some don’t. Cost or repairs can either be cheap or costly. Some home-owners save from repairs while others believe they can save much from purchasing a new appliance rather than having the damaged unit sent for repairs.

Page 5: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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When to have an appliance repaired or replaced?

- Is the device really broken? The issue may lie in a tripped circuit breaker, a short in the plug or a bad surge protector outlet. Check out the unit’s instruction manual for troubleshooting.

- Do you have trouble with the device before? If it has performed well, it might be worth fixing it.

- How much does it costs to repair the device?

- How much does a similar device costs?

- How much would I save from the use of the new device?

Page 6: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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Refrigerators and Freezers

Here are a few tips to maintain your refrigerators and freezers in good working condition:

- Don’t place the units in direct sunlight or next to stoves, heaters or radiators.

- Ensure the air vents are not covered up. Wipe the dust off the units once or twice a year.

- Set the right temperatures in your refrigerator or freezer to avoid spoiling the food.

- Avoid storing hot food items in the refrigerator. Cool them for a while before placing them inside.

Page 7: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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Electric or Gas Stoves

- Keep pots and pans on the stove until their bases have cooled down.

- Don’t store paints, solvents and other flammable substances near the stove.

- If something is wrong with your stove, have it checked.

Page 8: Electrician Sydney Tip: How to Take Care of Your Household Appliances

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Washing machines

- Don’t overload the washing machine.

- Start a new cycle only when the machine is full. This helps avoid wasting water and energy.

- Don’t put too much detergent. If better, pre-treat stains on clothes

- If your hoses are old, replace them with steel braided ones.

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Electricity and Appliance Usage

Do not plug in larger appliances on extension cords. If this cannot be avoided, make sure the extension cord is the appropriate size for your needs and that connections are secure. When operating a generator, make sure it has enough wattage to power your essential appliances. If ever you experience electrical system problems from appliance use, contact a qualified electrician Sydney immediately.