ElectreNomics : Annual Electrical & Electronics Department Magazine


Transcript of ElectreNomics : Annual Electrical & Electronics Department Magazine

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Graphic Era is one of the youngest universities. But don’t let our age mislead you. We have 12 years old history of strong academic achievement and excellence in form of Graphic Era

Institute of Technology. We intend to continuously build on this tradition of excellence. Being young is also our foremost advantage and strength. It makes us that much more competitive,

energetic & agile. For our students, the university status means, that they can expect Quality; Quality infrastructure, Quality faculty and Quality courses.

Academic standards have always been high here. Transforming into university has been a well thought out process for us. We now have autonomy to not only design our courses, make

them more responsive to industry needs, but also have the choice to customize academic delivery processes and evaluation standards. As an organization, we are forward thinking,

motivated and aggressive when it comes to achieving our targets.









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“There is hardly an area in modern society not touched by Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Mobile phones, fridges and transcontinental computer networks all results from the talent and imagination of the engineers. The challenges and opportunities are soaring and engineers are

at forefront of concept and design.”

Electrical & Electronics Engineers create systems which sense, transmit & process information and generate & apply electrical power. The department of EEE is offering four years

Electrical & Electronics engineering course which is technologically broad based, so that the graduate engineers deal with all aspects of the core engineering.The mission of the Electrical

and Electronic Engineering department is to Produce B.Tech graduates capable of taking a leadership position in the broad aspects of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Efforts are

focussed to make them accomplished engineers such that they:

Understand the basic subjects that constitute modern Electrical and Electronics Technology

Are able to apply creatively their understanding of Science and Engineering principles to the solution of problems arising in their chosen careers

Are sensitive to the environmental and social situations, and are committed to ethical Engineering practice

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering takes care of not only the state-of-the-art technical skills in the areas of Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering,

Instrumentation, Communication, but also provides expertise in professional aspects of entrepreneurship including economics, project organization & management. The curriculum of the

branch has been designed keeping in mind Industrial Orientation, Inclusion of modern topics of electrical & electronics engineering, Adequate practical training in the form of

projects/model making in various field like robotics, Short-term modular add-ons like embedded systems, VLSI and Short duration capsules on the important software’s like MATLAB,

ORCAD, PSpice, SCADA etc. The structure of program gives you the opportunity for industrial experience and specialization in final year. Students are encouraged to take advantage of

placements options as it increases their confidence and enhances their employability prospects. This program provides you with an integrated approach to Electrical & Electronics

Engineering and combines academic rigour, engineering design applications, marketing and business skills to prepare you for a range of exciting careers.

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Words of Wisdom

One cannot imagine daily life without Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Electricity has become the basic need for survival, globally. From household to industrial plants, communication and

satellite navigation system, electronic equipment, computers etc., all require electricity. Electrical engineering thus deals with study and application of electrical systems for use in these different

environments. It equips you with the knowledge of transmission and generation of electrical power, electrical circuit design, electronics, instrumentation, control system, electrical and electronic


Electrical engineers are responsible for the generation, transfer and conversion of electrical power, while electronic engineers are concerned with the transfer of information using radio waves, the

design of electronic circuits, the design of computer systems and the development of control systems such as aircraft autopilots. Therefore a fusion of Electronics and Electrical has been renamed

as Electrical and Electronics Engineering or simply EEE.

EEE solves several problems in energy supply, transmission, renewable Energy resources, power quality, power systems, Communications, Signal Processing, Control Systems, Bio medical

Instrumentation, Power Electronics, Embedded Systems and Environment related issues. It is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and


Dr. Pradeep Juneja

Professor & HoD

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

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Faculty Speaks

It gives me great pride and satisfaction to write something about my department electrical and electronics engineering. The education scenario in the 21st century is quite different from what it was

a decade before. Today education is a process of imparting knowledge, developing the power of reasoning, judgment, wisdom, special skills and intellectual enrichment for a mature life. Education

poses special challenges in today’s technological advanced and competitive world and I am glad that our students have been zealously proving their mettle not only in all spheres of technical fields

but in all other fields as well. With a deep sense of confidence and true belief in value education of the campus, they have outshined in academics and proved themselves as competent

professionals and leaders managing change and transforming global market taking it to higher levels.

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Provides students with a perfect combination of conceptual framework and practical insight, which is relevant for tackling real-world

engineering problems. We strongly believe values like honesty, sincerity and smart work in lieu of hard slog are key to a life of fulfillment. We always look forward to those who change their lives

with smart work and courage. I am sincerely thankful to Prof. N.K.Nautiyal sir for his guidance and hope that the department will cultivate the plants which you nourished providing values

amongst the students and inculcating team spirit, scientific temper and above all passion for creativity and knowledge. I wish the department a forward journey towards higher peaks of excellence.

Afzal Sikander

Asst. Prof. Department of EEE

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From the Editor’s Desk…

It feels elated to launch the First Editorial of Electrical & Electronics Department. The First Issue of Yearly Technical cum Cultural Magazine would ameliorate you not only with the achievements made by faculty and students but also future prospects of our branch. The exuberant success made by the students of Department in GATE examination would always be a hallmark for the batches to

come. The venerable and inimitable placements acquired by students spreads plethora of optimism.

Numerous Seminars and Industrial Trips conducted by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering delivered the behemoth exposure. Participation of students in cultural activities

organized in and outside college delivered the essence of college life and the required exposure to the students that is must in corporate world. Now when I look, back this four year journey has been mesmerizing. Professors, friends and college as whole has given memories which I shall cherish lifelong. As they say, we are ready to face the big bad world. By the grace of God and blessings of our

respected teachers, I see students of Electrical and Electronics Department reaching new heights and discovering grand success.

Of course, the enhancement and further development of department would be vapid and insipid without expressing gratitude towards our respected former H.O.D Col. N.K.Nautiyal who has instilled

appropriate articulation amongst us. Also I would like to express thankfulness to our present HOD Manoj Kumar sir who is acting as a mentor and torch bearer to all the faculty members and students.Eventually, I would like to wish our editorial and college “greater heights.



Year, B.TECH (EEE)


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From The Designer’s Desk…

Graphic Era Institute of Technology, Dehradun is the place that has given me 4 delightful years of my life and it feels amazing. The years seem to have gone by so quickly- and while there were many elations and tribulations along the way, I end up smiling and take pride in being a student of this university.

During this course, Graphic Era has provided me with a platform for the all-round development of my personality. I have had technical acquaintance along with industrial exposure that will help me

grow and succeed in my career as an electrical engineer. Our learned faculties have laid a firm foundation of the subjects and concepts that were once like Martian things to me!!! Now I see myself as a transformed person- intellectually stronger, more confident and a responsible citizen of the country.

I’m happy to be a part of the editorial committee of the very first magazine of Electrical & Electronics Department. I hope this magazine will act as a dais for all the students to showcase their innovativeness and ingenuity. Further, I would wish our junior batches to continue with this magazine and take it to greater heights.

I would like to thank our former HOD Col. N.K.Nautiyal who has always guided us & been a wonderful mentor. I would also like to express my gratitude to our present HOD Dr. Manoj Kumar for

being so helpful and motivating us to take new challenges in our lives. I’m fortunate to have the most experienced and well-read faculty members who have been fantastic teachers and have provided

us their invaluable “Guru Mantras". And I cannot miss to talk about my dear friends, seniors & juniors who were always there in this beautiful journey of college life.

In the end, a word from my experience- many a time, you may come across situations that make you feel like it’s the end of the world; at such times remember that your positive attitude, perseverance, self-confidence, and hard work will see you through with your head held high.Here’s looking forward to a wonderful future for all at Graphic Era Institute of Technology.



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Renewable Energy is electric power that is generated from renewable

sources of energy such as: wind power, solar power, geothermal

energy, and hydroelectric energy. Renewable energy is easily replenished by nature and is a cleaner, non-carbon polluting source of

energy like various fossil fuels. Renewable Energy sources are often

referred to as emerging energy technologies.

Recently, the cost of leading renewable energy technologies have

dropped so much that renewable energy technologies are competing with traditional sources of energy. The best advice is to consider your

options. Lots of intelligent information is available from a variety of

leading sources, like renewable energy associations, consultants and wind and solar equipment manufacturers.

Renewable energy electricity production is expected to expand significantly over the coming years in the developed world. This

represents an opportunity for developed countries (large electricity

consumers) to develop and commercialize new and competitive

technologies to the traditional "fossil fuel" based technologies and

thereby manufacture products and offer services in support of a growing industry.

Renewable energy is power that is generated from natural resources such as sunlight (through photovoltaic solar cells), wind (through wind

turbines), water (through dams and hydroelectric power plants), came

from renewable energy sources, In 2006, about 18 per cent of the world's electricity consumption came from renewable energy

technologies, with 13 per cent coming from traditional biomass, such

as wood-burning. Hydroelectricity was the next largest renewable source, providing 3 per cent (15 per cent of global electricity

generation, followed by solar hot water/heating, which contributed 1.3

per cent. Modern technologies, such as geothermal energy, wind power, solar power, and ocean energy together provided some 0.8 per

cent of total electricity generation.

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The term "renewable energy" may not be equal to the term “green” energy. This is because typically the term green energy refers to energy from

renewable Systems that are smaller than conventional, large-scale electric

power generation, including various renewable energy systems. For example, some large-scale hydro-electric projects require large dams and

vast reservoirs that flood huge tracks of wilderness. Conversely, low-

capacity hydroelectric plants use "low head" water as it turns downstream in order to generate electric power. This results in less impact on the


Although renewable energy is quickly replenished, some of these energies

depend greatly on whether the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.

When renewable energy is converted into electric power production, it is

often times transmitted into an electric power grid and joins the electricity

"pool", including non-renewable energy sources of power. Government and electric utilities are working to increase the overall proportion of

renewable energy electricity produced by renewable energy.

Governments and energy experts are taking a new interest in renewable energy for several reasons. Electric power production from various

renewable energy sources produces much fewer global warming,

carbon dioxide and other toxic pollutants, which are having an impact on the world's changing climate.

Also, renewable energy usually adds fewer other gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere, including the following:

sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases that form the largest components of "acid rain"

fossil fuel particulate matter, which combined with ground-level ozone, constitutes "smog" on hot summer days,

Mercury, which is claimed to transformed in the environment into a highly toxic substance and a threat to all living creatures.

When the world uses low-impact renewable energy sources, we help to

protect the environment. When large-scale non-renewable (fossil fuel) energy

projects are developed, they have the potentiality to affect watersheds, migration animal and bird routes, etc.

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SENDAI, JAPAN Nearly a million homes suffered blackouts in Japan‟s northeast after a new earthquake killed three people and piled more misery on a region buried under the rubble of last month‟s devastating tsunami. The northeastern coast was still reeling from the destruction wrought by a jumbo 9.0-magnitude earthquake on March 11, with tens of

thousands of households without power or water. The April 7 7.1-magnitude aftershock threw even more areas into disarray and sent communities that had made some gains back

to square one. Gasoline was scarce again, and long lines formed at stations. Stores that had only recently restocked their shelves sold out of basics immediately and were forced to ration purchases again.

Still, the latest quake did far less damage, generated no tsunami and largely spared the region‟s nuclear plants. Some slightly radioactive water spilled at one plant, but the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi complex reported no new problems. Matsuko Ito, who has been living in a shelter in the small northeastern city of Natori since the tsunami, said

there‟s no getting used to the terror of being awoken by shaking. She said she started screaming when the quake struck around 11:30 p.m.Matsuko Ito, who has been living in a

shelter in the small northeastern city of Natori since the tsunami, said there‟s no getting used to the terror of being awoken by shaking. She said she started screaming when the quake struck around 11:30 p.m. “It‟s enough,” the 64-year-old while smoking a cigarette outside. “Something has changed. The world feels strange now. Even the way the clouds

move isn‟t right”.

The latest tremor — the strongest since the day of the tsunami — cut power to more homes, though it was quickly restored to many. About 950,000 households were still without

electricity, said Souta Nozu, a spokesman for Tohoku Electric Power Co., which serves northern Japan. That includes homes in prefectures in Japan‟s northwest that had been

spared in the first quake. Six conventional plants in the area were knocked out, though three have since come back online and the others should be up again within hours, Nozu said. But with power lines throughout the area damaged, it was not clear whether normal operations would be restored, he said. In Ichinoseki, lines formed outside a supermarket

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when it opened. An employee with a flashlight escorted each customer around the store and jotted the price of each selected item in a pad. Most businesses were closed in the city,

390 km northeast of Tokyo. One restaurant owner, Suzuki Koya, bought a small gas stove and made free meals in big boiling pot. “I saw the meat at the supermarket and I thought, „We should do a hot pot,‟” the 47-year-old said. “It‟s good to keep warm in times like these.”

Several nuclear power plants briefly switched to diesel generators but were reconnected to the grid. One plant north of Sendai briefly lost the ability to cool its spent fuel pools, but quickly got it back. At a plant in Onagawa, some radioactive water splashed out of the pools but did not leave a containment building, Tohoku Electric said. Such splash out is “not

unusual, although it is preferable that it doesn‟t happen,” according to Japanese nuclear safety agency official Tomoho Yamada. “Closer inspection could find more problems,”

said agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama, but no radiation was released into the environment at Onagawa. The plant began leaking oil into the ocean in the first earthquake, and the flow escaped a containment boom in the tremor but was contained again within a day, coast guard spokesman Hideaki Takase said. The quake prompted a tsunami warning of

its own, but it was later cancelled. Three people were killed. A 79-year-old man died of shock and a woman in her 60s was killed when power was cut to her oxygen tank, national

fire and disaster agency spokesman Junichi Sawada reported. The third death was an 85-year-old man, according to a doctor at the Ishinomaki Red Cross Hospital. He declined to give his name because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

That pales in comparison to the original quake and tsunami, in which more than 25,000 people are believed to have died. Many of those bodies have still not been found: A significant portion were likely washed out to sea and never will be, but some are buried in areas that have been largely off-limits to search teams. As radiation spilling from the

troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi plant has fallen in recent days, however, police have fanned out inside a no-go zone near the complex to dig for the dead. Hundreds of police, many

mobilized from Tokyo, used their hands or small shovels, pulling four bodies in an hour from one small area in the city of Minami Soma. They had found only five bodies the previous day. The searchers, wearing white radiation gear and blue gloves, struggled to bring the remains across the rubble to vans and minibuses that would take them to the

nearest morgue. Each body was carefully hosed off to rid it of radiation before being placed in the vehicles.

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“The area is literally a mountain of debris. It is an extremely difficult task,” said an official with police in Fukushima prefecture who declined to be named because he was not

authorized to talk to the media. The epicenter of the temblor was in about the same location as the original 9.0-magnitude tremor, off the eastern coast and about 65 km from Sendai, an industrial city on the eastern coast, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was strong enough to shake buildings for about a minute as far away as Tokyo, about 330

km away. At a Toyota dealership in Sendai, most of a two-story show window was shattered, and thick shards of glass were heaped in front of the building. Police directed cars

through intersections throughout the city because traffic lights were out. Small electrical fires were reported. At the Fukushima Daiichi plant, where nuclear workers have been toiling to plug radiation leaks and restore cooling systems ruined in the March 11 quake and tsunami, workers briefly retreated to a shelter and suffered no injuries. The plant

operator said the tremor caused no new problems there. Despite the new aftershock, automakers announced that they were beginning to bounce back from the March monster.

Toyota will resume car production at all its plants in Japan at half capacity for the second half of April. The world‟s No. 1 automaker said it remained unclear when it would return to full production in Japan. Nissan also said it would start up domestic production at half capacity from April 11. Operations had been halted at both companies because of part


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On World Environment day, Seminar was organized the electrical and electronics dept. of Graphic Era University on “Environment Quality

Assessment and monitoring“ on 5th June 2010.This Seminar was sponsored by Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution control

Board (UEPPCB).The Chief Guest seminar was Dr, Rajendra Dobhal, Director UCOST. Shri. Pankaj Gupta, President industrial association

Dehradun, Shri Ramesh Ghanshala, Patron GEU, Dr. D.P.Giridhar V.C., Dr. S.R.Khanduja, Mr. Chandan Singh Chief Environment officer

of UEPPCB other dean, HOD and faculties of Graphic Era University, officers of UEPPCB were present on this occasion. Dr.Rajendra Dobhal in his inaugural address, emphasis on need of such seminar on regular basis for more public awareness and monitoring of

Environmental pollution.

This Seminar specially organized to celebrate World Environment Day. The theme of world environment day 2010 was “Biodiversity —

Ecosystems Management and the Green Economy”.

The seminar focused on prevention, controlling, reducing the inputs of hazardous substances, water and air pollutants into aquatic ecosystem and atmosphere. The most cost effective and most efficient device for control of particular operation of pollution is intended.

After selecting control device, it is necessary to monitor the emission levels and to ensure that it meets standards laid down by authority.

The attraction of the seminar was display of various air and water quality assessment and monitoring instruments. The highlight of seminar

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was the presentation of online analyzers for water pollution parameters, Gas chlorination & online SCADA System, use of flue gas analyzer, Mobile Van Set up and water purification System. The

participation of renowned company of environment equipments like Toschon Toshiniwal group, Testo India limited, Millipore India limited is highly beneficial to the participants of seminar. The program was anchored by Dr. M.P. Singh, presentation on theme of seminar and vote of thanks was given by Prof. Mukesh Saxena., Graphic Era University.

OOtthheerr sseemmiinnaarrss ccoonndduucctteedd bbyy EEEEEE DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt::

A seminar was conducted by department on the topic Renewable Energy & Power System and Experimentation through Virtual Laboratory in college campus by Dr. RAMESH C. BANSAL, Professor, and University of Queensland St. Lucia Campus Australia on 27 Jan, 2011.

A seminar was conducted by department on the topic FPGA Control of Drives in college campus by Mr. J.Surajan, Engineer, M/s VI

Microsystems, and Chennai on 20-21 January 2011.

A seminar was conducted by department on the topic DSP Control of Induction Motor/ Drives by Mr. J.Surajan, Engineer, M/s VI

Microsystems, and Chennai On 29-30th December 2010.

RReesseeaarrcchh PPrroojjeecctt PPrrooppoossaallss SSuubbmmiitttteedd TToo VVaarriioouuss FFuunnddiinngg AAggeenncciieess

“Solar Energy Mapping of Uttarakhand using GIS and Allied tools to identify suitable locations & subsequent verify through field work the potent solar

Energy resources for its active utilization.” Prof. N.K.Nautiyal, Prof. Mukesh Saxena, Prof. Govil, Rs.6177600/-(Aprox.),DST New Delhi, Under Process.

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Sanidhya Rastogi, Sanjeev Rawat, Km Ratika Chauhan, Sandeep Rawat,

Ramashish Yadav, Km Rashmi Fulara, Prathama Takshak, Prashant

Nautiyal, Saurabh Semwal, Shikha Bahuguna, Swapnil Joshi, Vipin Gupta,

Devendra Singh, Sunny Chugh, Someya Sharma, Shradha Uniyal, Amita

Sharma, Niraj Kumar, Vikas Nautiyal, Anupama Gairola, Swati Tandon,

Atul Rawat, Deepak Singh Chaudhary, Kriti Setiya, Nishith Jain, Ankit

Gupta, Ankita Tariyal, Anurag Mittal, Arvind Singh Rawat, Paritosh

Kumar, Parshant Tyagi, Parbha Rawat Aishwarya Bansal.

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“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong,

because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move

forward with your life.”

JOY of success is the only achieved by person who strives for it & to enjoy it one need to be

passionate. Nothing great in this world has been accomplished without passion. Fervor makes the

world go round making man crazy to achieve the target set by him. It is rightly said a man

without an aim is like a body without soul. The joy of success can only be achieved by

dedication hard work ardor and commitment. Some of the electrifying achievements have been

made by students of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Graphic Era

University, Dehradun By cracking GATE exam. The initial feeling of clearing GATE has

instilled plethora of motivation and excitement to per sue their dreams with full fervor and vigor.



Vipin Gupta 22 99.96 Ramashish Yadav 22 99.96 Satish Kumar 712(2010) 98.76 Ravinath Tripathi 2972 97.80 Swati Tandon 1856 97.40

Prathana Takshak 2114 97.10 Paritosh 1657(2010) 94.30 Sunny 5316 93 Prabha Rawat 3154 94.70



Shobhit Garg 5117 92.95 Nidhi Tiwari 5568 92.34 Sneha Rawat 6828 90.60 Ashutosh Dixit 9840 86.46 Pradeep Singh 10690 85.29

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Apart from Education, College life is a time to enhance the overall personality and to add up to ones skills. And to improve personality one need not only excel in studies but overall growth is a must. In today’s competitive world merely edification will not help. One need to be extra smart extra intelligent and should be jack of all traits.

The role of additional and extramural activities in college is very significant, not only it help one to hone their existing skills but also boosts up the self-confidence, self

belief & self reliance on oneself. There are numerous extracurricular activities from technical fields to cultural one that are organized by the college. Opportunities are

given to students to showcase their enormous talent not only in college but also in other universities across the country where students presented their versatility.

Few of them are:

Technical Seminars

Model Making

Robotic Group

Research Paper Presentation

Industrial Training

Industrial Trips

Dancing And Singing Competition

Skits And Dramas

Debate And Extempore Competitions

Mock Press


Group Discussions


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Few of the achievements by students of department of electrical and electronics engineering in various fields are:

A group of students of 4th

year also participated in cultural fest and performed Marathi Folk Dance in Grafest 2009 taking audience to real Fish Market of Maharashtra

A group of students of 3rd

year also participated in folk dance competition and performed on Garhwali hits in Grafest showing the real Uttarakhand culture.

A group of 4th

year participated in Dance competition under Free Style Category making audience feel scared as they danced on” Bhoot Hun Mai…..”

Anurag Mittal, student of 4th

year, won First Prize in UTU Youth Fest for group song; won 2nd prize in western solo song category in college fest Anunand 2008.

Someya Sharma, student of 4th

year hosted Ocarina Band Wars in Grafest 2011.

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Kamal Bhatt won 1st Prize in line follower (ROBOMANIA) at IIT-Delhi in 2011, won 2nd prize in Mechwar (ROBOMANIA) held at Shivalik College of Engineering in 2010.

Nishith Jain, student of 4th year won Second Prize in LIASE (Debate Competition) organized by department of management studies in Grafest 2010

Sunny Chugh & Nishith Jain, students of 4th year won second prize in Paparazzi-The Paper Presentation Competition organized by Electronics & Communication and Electrical & Electronics

Department in Grafest 2010.

Anurag Mittal student of 4th year, with his team won Aspired India, the All India Clan Wars receiving cash prize of 1 Lakh in Feb. 2011, also awarded Best Counter Strike Player of Graphic Era

University in 2010.

Paritosh Sinha, student of 4th year won First Prize in Essay Writing Competition on National Education Day 2009.

Students of Electrical & Electronics Dept. have also represented college in various sports: Aamir Rashid Khan, a member of football team of college and has showcased his talent and sportsman ship at IIT Roorkee and G.B.Pant Nagar University winning First Position in both

competitions. Prathma Takshak, student of 4

th year has also represented college in Basket Ball Tournament at IIT Roorkee.

Sneha Sharma, student of 2nd year have shown Athletic Skills winning second position in 400m Relay Races at IIT Roorkee.

Nisha Sharma, student of 2nd

year was awarded Silver Medal in Long Jump, 100 Meter & 400 Meter Relay Race respectively at Sangram Fest held in IIT Roorkee. Rahul Mehrotra, student of 2nd year participated in athletics held at IIT Roorkee (Sangram) winning Silver Medal and Bronze Medal in Javelin in 2010 & 2011 respectively.

Narendra Bhisht with his team won first prize in football tournament held at IIT Roorkee in year 2011 and in annual sports fest at College Of Technology, Pantnagar in year 2010. Ashish Bora, student of 2

nd year, won Basketball Competition SPARBHA held at College Of Technology, Pantnagar in year 2010.

Vibhor Allahabadi was the winner of badminton tournament held in college in the year 2009 and 2010 respectively.

Many Students have also participated in blood donation camp and are active member of national service scheme and national credit corps.

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We met, shared a smile

Raveled a mile….

And our life became

Enriched and more beautiful

Because of your presence….

20 August 2008,i joined Graphic Era University, taking a giant step to shape my career as college plays an important role in molding not only personality but also providing us

with knowledge that will determine our future. Being in college is completely different from what I used to think, I have to leave behind my childhood friends and need to adjust

myself in a completely new world where every single person was unknown to me at first look. I felt like a small fish being transferred from a pond to a sea where it has to fight on its own for its survival as well as identity.

Life seem to have changed from the time I first entered college, I observed people from different parts of country sharing different traditions and different beliefs but still we shared a common bonding of being together. We were like different colors brought together to form a big rainbow named Graphic Era University. In the beginning, we all had our

own share of problems as the environment was new to us but the help and support, we received from college faculty members and our seniors definitely took us to a new era,

bonding us with themselves making us an indivisible part of their family.

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The process of interaction between students and an institution is a two way process. While institution influences the growth and development of a child, the student too influences

the culture environment and standard of an institution. So each student must enjoy their college life and simultaneously providing towards development of themselves, their college and taking country to greater heights. I am sure our university will continue to build and promote an environment that ignites the spirit of youngsters.

“Life is not a matter of milestones but of moments”. Being in the 6th semester, I have come a long way and has created infinity number of memories which will remain locked in

my heart wherever I will go...

At some point of time,

We are blessed with meeting people. Who touch our lives in a way?

That no one else has before…

In a way that is inexpressible, As it is a mutual linking of hearts

Bonding like no other for we know

It is something special right from The beginning, no matter even if

You have known the person for a short time..

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World’s fastest Motor

A new motor developed by researchers at ETH Zurich's Department of Power Electronics and marketed by the Swiss Company, CELEROTON can spin in excess of 1 million revolutions per minute in comparison, COLLAPSED STAR spin at 60,000 rpms, a blender at about 30,000 and high performance engines at around 10,000 rpms. The matchbook-sized motor has a titanium shell, ultra-thin

wiring and a trade secret iron formulated cylinder. The need for smaller electronic devices requires smaller holes, which means smaller, faster, more efficient drills.

Soccer Ball This is one of those green inventions that capture energy. Invented by Four Engineers from Harvard University, the soccer ball harvests energy created from impacts. The ball has a built-in inductive

coil that collects Kinetic Energy. After about 15 minutes of kicking the ball produce enough electricity to light an LED flashlight for 3 hours. There is a need for inexpensive green inventions that

provide off-grid energy solutions for developing regions such as Africa.

Vulture-Unmanned Aircraft Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of United States is working to develop an unmanned aircraft that is able to stay in air for a period of 5 years at a time. This aircraft will be

known as VULTURE due to its Persistent Pseudo-Satellite Capability. This aircraft will be able to fly over a single area, communicating or performing analysis for years at a time.

Basically Aircrafts operates just like satellites, but the major difference is that these are not regulated by orbital mechanics. One can understand Vulture as a Pseudo-Satellite; the Vulture will have a 152.4 meters wingspan, will be able to lift itself to heights of 27,432 meters above ground and should stay into the Earth's atmosphere up to five years without requiring any maintenance or fueling.

Additionally, the Vulture must carry a 454.5 kilograms payload and generate at least 5 kilowatts of electric power in order to remain operational at all time stratosphere and not in the low Earth orbit. This would provide a 65 dB upgrading in communications capability and will increase onboard sensor resolution.

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SAVING YOUR BILLS Saving electricity becomes an increasingly important issue the more the cost of power increases. There is no such thing as cheap electricity. That is a basic fact in today's world

of increasing costs for all forms of energy. It's a common fact that vast amounts of electric power are wasted every year in the world, mostly in areas where power is cheap and abundant. However, in recent years, as the supply of electricity generation has remained static and at the same time demand for power continues to increase, the power prices have increased dramatically.

One of the leading cost inputs of electric energy is the cost of generation energy inputs. For instance, if all power generat ion came from oil, you can imagine what the cost of power would be. Since most power is generated from burning coal and natural gas, as the cost of these commodities increases, so does the cost of electric generation.

Saving electricity, on the other hand, is one of the least expensive ways to generate large amounts of power is from the use of water in hydroelectric generation stations.

The other least expensive way to generate power is from the use of uranium in nuclear power stations. Yes, nuclear power stations are very expensive to build but given the amount of power they generate, plus the fact that they operate 24 hours a day, makes them a very cost-effective way to generate electric power.

Using Less, Quickly

Energy conservation can be accomplished quickly. First, power saver improvements can be made to the electrical equipment such that consumers receive the same services but with less power consumed. (These are sometimes called “efficiency improvements”). In the second case, the energy consumer takes deliberate measures to reduce energy use through changes in operations or procedure which may also cause inconvenience and result in a loss of service. These are typically called “behavioral” changes.

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Technical Efficiency Improvements

The technical measures to save consumption quickly are similar to those used to save power slowly except that they may be implemented with greater intensity by combining them with special subsidies or delivery schemes. Three examples are described below.

Retrofits—especially retrofits of large, energy-using facilities—are attractive targets during an energy crisis. About 8% of industrial power consumption is used to make compressed air, much of which is lost through system leaks.

Lighting replacements have been the most frequently used retrofit strategy. Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) was used in Brazil, California, and New Zealand. California consumers installed nearly eight million CFLs during the crisis period, resulting in almost 500 MW of demand reduction (Pang 2003). California cities replaced millions of traffic lights with LED lamps, each saving about 80 watts. California aggressively encouraged consumers to replace older appliances with new units qualifying for the Energy Star endorsement of high efficiency.

When it comes to saving electricity, there are many techniques one can easily apply. Conservation (or using less) is the best and most extreme way. But when using less is not possible, the next best thing for energy conservation is the use of more energy efficient electrical equipment, such as:

Energy efficient electric Motors. Electric motors consumer 75 per cent of all power consumed by industry and any large consumer of power will save money by installing more energy efficient electric motors.

Variable frequency drives that operate and control electric motors and are good at saving electricity. These devices control the speed and torque and starting characteristics of large horsepower motors and one of the best ways for using less and earning more.

Energy efficient electric lighting is also good at saving electricity. There are lots of more efficient electric lighting technologies and control systems on the market today. Energy efficient home appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers and clothes washers and dryers can make a large impact on your power bill. Off-peak electric utility rates from electric utilities reward customers for saving electricity because they can provide consumers with an incentive to shift their power consumption

into periods of the day when the electric utility is not at or near full generating capacity like late at night.

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