Elate Fashion Limited

Introduction of Garments Industry inBangladesh Since independence, the economy of Bangladesh is dependent on agriculture as most of the people live in rural areas. The goal of the government policy is to reduce poverty by receiving the maximum output from agriculture and attains self-sufficiency in food production. Beside agriculture, the development of export sector is under greater consideration. Exports from Bangladesh have both grown and changed substantially as time goes on. After the birth of Bangladesh, jute and tea were the most export-oriented sectors. But with the constant threat of flooding, declining jute fiber prices and a significant decrease in world demand, the contribution of the jute sector to the country‘s economy has deteriorated (spinanger, 1986). After that attention has turned to the role of manufacturing sector, especially in Garment Industry. The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source of foreign exchange for the last 25 years. At present, the country generates about $5 billion worth of products each year by exporting garment. The industry provides employment to about 3 million workers of whom 90% are women. Two non- market elements have performed a vital function in confirming the garment industry's continual success; these elements are (a) quotas under Multi- Fiber Arrangement (MFA) in the North American market and (b) special market entry to European markets. Development of Garments Industry in Bangladesh In the field of industrialization, role of textile industry is found very prominent in both developed and developing Bangladesh RMG: RMG earning 74% of countries foreign currency through export. USA & Europe are main export region. Using Multi-Fiber arrangement (MFA) restriction. Entered into USA, Canada and EU market Withdrawn MFA restriction by 2005. Depend on INDIA for import fabrics. Textile categories: Public, Handloom Private Elate Fashion Ltd.: Established in 1998 Private company Directed by A.T.M. RezaurRahman Export oriented company. Main buyers; USA Main product focused on woven wears 350 Male workers 700 female workers


Management perspective

Transcript of Elate Fashion Limited

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Introduction of Garments Industry inBangladesh

Since independence, the economy of Bangladesh is

dependent on agriculture as most of the people live in

rural areas. The goal of the government policy is to

reduce poverty by receiving the maximum output from

agriculture and attains self-sufficiency in food

production. Beside agriculture, the development of export

sector is under greater consideration. Exports from

Bangladesh have both grown and changed substantially

as time goes on. After the birth of Bangladesh, jute and

tea were the most export-oriented sectors. But with the

constant threat of flooding, declining jute fiber prices and

a significant decrease in world demand, the contribution

of the jute sector to the country‘s economy has

deteriorated (spinanger, 1986). After that attention has

turned to the role of manufacturing sector, especially in

Garment Industry.

The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key

export division and a main source of foreign exchange for

the last 25 years. At present, the country generates about

$5 billion worth of products each year by exporting

garment. The industry provides employment to about 3

million workers of whom 90% are women. Two non-

market elements have performed a vital function in

confirming the garment industry's continual success;

these elements are (a) quotas under Multi- Fiber

Arrangement (MFA) in the North American market and

(b) special market entry to European markets.

Development of Garments Industry in


In the field of industrialization, role of textile industry is

found very prominent in both developed and developing

Bangladesh RMG:

RMG earning 74% of countries foreign currency through export.

USA & Europe are main export region.

Using Multi-Fiber arrangement (MFA) restriction.

Entered into USA, Canada and EU market

Withdrawn MFA restriction by 2005.

Depend on INDIA for import fabrics.

Textile categories: Public, Handloom


Elate Fashion Ltd.:

Established in 1998

Private company

Directed by A.T.M. RezaurRahman

Export oriented company.

Main buyers; USA Main product focused on

woven wears 350 Male workers

700 female workers

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countries. Economic history of Britain reveals that in the 18th Century the cotton mills of

Lancashire in Britain ushered in the first industrial revolution of the world. Moreover, during the

last 200 years or more many countries of the world have used textile and clothing industry as an

engine for growth and a basis for attaining economic development (Ahmed, 1991). Over the past

few years garment industry is found to have played such an important role in the process of

industrialization and economic growth. This industry is infect trying to put the wheel of her

declining economic back to the track by giving essential life blood to it (Chowdhury, 1991). The

growth of garment industry in Bangladesh is a comparatively recent one. In the British period

there was no garment industry in this part of the Indo-Pak-Sub-Continent. In 1960 the first

garment industry in Bangladesh (Then East Pakistan) was established at Dhaka and till 1971 the

number rose to give (Islam, 1984). But these garments were of different type intended to serve

home market only. From 1976 and 1977 some entrepreneurs came forward to setup 100% export

oriented garment industry. Both domestic and international environment favored the rapid

growth of this industry in Bangladesh. By mid-seventies the established developed suppliers of

garments in the world markets i.e. Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,

Malaysia, Indonesia, Srilanka and India were severely constrained by the quota restrictions

imposed by their major buyers like USA, Canada and European Union. To maintain their

business and competitive edge in the world markets, they followed a strategy of relocation of

garment factories in those countries, which were free from quota restrictions and at least same

time had enough trainable cheap labor. They found Bangladesh as one of the most suitable

countries. Available records show that the first consignment of garments was exported from the

country in 1977 by Reaz and Jewel Garment. Desh Garment was the first biggest factory that

started functioning at Chittagong in 1977. In fact that was the humble beginning of new joint

venture garment factory in Bangladesh. Thereafter many entrepreneurs became interested and

started to setup garment factories following the Desh garment and realizing the future prospects

globally as well. Available records also show that one of the reasons of the growth of garment

industry in Bangladesh is the collaboration of a local private garment industry, Desh garment

with a Korean company, Daewoo. As part of its global strategies, the Daewoo Corporation of

South Korea became interested in Bangladesh when the Chairman, Kim Woo-Choong, proposed

an ambitions joint venture to the Government of Bangladesh which involved the development

and operation of tire, leather goods, cement and garment factories (Rock, 2001). South Korean

Company, Daewoo, a major exporter of garments, was looking for opportunities in countries for

using their quotas subsequent to the signing of MFA in 1974. Because of the quota limitation for

Korea after MFA, the export of Daewoo became restricted. Bangladesh as a LDC got the

opportunity to export without any restriction and for this reason Daewoo interested to use

Bangladesh for their market. The reason behind this desire was that Bangladesh will depend on

Daewoo for importing raw materials and at the same time Daewoo will get the market in

Bangladesh. For this desire Daewoo signed a five years collaboration agreement with Desh

Garment. It included collaboration in the areas of technical training, purchase of machinery and

fabric, plant setup and marketing in return for a specific marketing commission on all exports by

Desh (Rock, 2001). The outcome of the collaboration of Desh-Daewoo was significant. In the

first six years of its operation, Desh export value grew at an annual average rate of 90 percent

reaching more than $ 5 million in 1986-87 (Mahmood, 2002). Rahman (2004) argued that the

Desh-Daewoo collaboration is an important factor to the expansion and success of Bangladesh‘s

entire garments export sector. In such a context, following Table-01 shows the trend of growth

and development of garment industry in Bangladesh.

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Table 1.1: Growth of Garments factories in Bangladesh

Year No. of Factory Compound Growth Rate

in %































Source: Various articles and Annual Report of BGMEA

The Table-01 shows that the growth was very slow till 1977 and got momentum from 1977 to

2005-06 in terms of number of industry. But the compound growth rate was highest till 1981 and

the rate was very good during 1989-90 to 1994-95 and thereafter i.e. 1994-95 to 2004-05, the

industrial growth has been declined though the numbers of industries have been increased. The

capacity as well as number of equipments is very good indicator to examine the actual position

of the garment industry as well as size of the industry. In such a context, the following Table

deals in this regard.

Table 1.2: Garments Industries with number of Machine

Year Garment Industry having No of Machine Total

Upto 100 101 – 200 201 and






2004 2005 2253 (64)

2275 (62)

726 (21)

773 (21)

531 (15)

620 (17)

Source: Annual Report of BGMEA. Figures in parentheses indicate percentage

From the Table 02 it is found that more than half of the total garment industries in Bangladesh

have the number of machines upto 100 or less than 100 and very few industries have the machine

more than 200. It indicates that the small scale industries have been dominated in the garment

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Contribution of Garments Industry to the Economy

Garments Industry occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh economy. It is the largest

exporting industry in Bangladesh, which experienced phenomenal growth during last two

decades. By taking advantage of an insulated market under the provision of Multi Fiber

Agreement (MFA) of GATT, it attained a high profile

in terms of foreign exchange earnings, exports,

industrialization and contribution to GDP within a short

span of time. The industry plays a key role in

employment generation and in the provision of income

to the poor. Nearly two million workers one directly and

more than ten million inhabitants are indirectly

associated with the industry (Ahmed and Hossain, 2006).

The sector has also played a significant role in the socio-

economic development of the country. In such a context,

the trend and growth of garments export and its contribution to total exports and GDP has been

examined the following table shows the position.

Table 1.3: Growth and Trend of Garments Exports, and contribution to GDP (Amounts in Million USD)

Year Garment

Export (Min


Total Export

(Min USD)

Share to Total

Export in %

Share to

GDP in %








624 (40)

2228 (29)

4349 (14)

6418 (8)

7901 (23)


1924 (16)

3473 (13)

5752 (11)

8655 (9)

10526 (22)


32.43 (21)

64.15 (15)

75.61 (3)

74.15 (-1)

75.06 (1)




9.23 (9)

10.63 (3)

12.64 (2)

Source: Economic Review of Bangladesh, BGMEA and Computation made by author. Figures in

parentheses indicate compound growth rates (CGR) for the respective periods.

It is revealed from the Table 03 that the value of garment exports, share of garments export to

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total exports and contribution to GDP have been increased significantly during the period from

1984-85 to 2005-06. The total garments export in 2005-06 is more than 68 times compared to

garments exports in 1984-85 whereas total country‘s export for the same period has increased by

11 times. In terms of GDP, contribution of garments export is significant; it reaches 12.64

percent of GDP in 2005-06 which was only 5.87 percent in 1989-90. It is a clear indication of the

contribution to the overall economy. It also plays a pivotal role to promote the development of

linkage small scale industries. For instance, manufacturing of intermediate product such as

dyeing, printing, zippers, labels has began to take a foothold on limited scale and is expected to

grow significantly. Moreover it has helped the business of basing, insurance, shipping, hotel,

tourism and transportation. The sector also has created jobs for about two million people of

which 70 percent are women who mostly come from rural areas. The sector opened up

employment opportunities for many more individuals through direct and indirect economic

activities, which eventually helps the country‘s social development, woman empowerment and

poverty alleviation. In such a way the economy of Bangladesh is getting favorably contribution

from this industry.

Garments Product Portfolio and its Diversification

The specific character of products and level o f industrial development indeed determines its

variance of product diversification. In such a context, the product mix, product line as well as

product diversification are very important strategies for any industry to develop its market by

meeting the present market requirements. For the garments industry it is also very important

because product diversification will call for developing capability for product development and

product design specially in response to fast changes in fashion. The growth pattern of garments

export can be categorized into two distinct phases. During the initial phase it was the woven

category. Second phase is the emergence of knitwear products. On the other hand, an analysis of

the product mix of the garments industry revealed that so far Bangladesh has been able to export

very limited categories of products. In such a context, an attempt has been made to examine the

growth and trend of product portfolio or categories of products exported from Bangladesh. The

following Tables deal with the value and quantity of different garment products export including

their growth pattern from 1992-93 to 2005-06.

Table 1.4: Pattern of Woven and Knitwear Garments Export (Figures in Million)

Year Export in Million USD Export in Million Dozen

Woven Knit Total Woven Knit Total






CGR (%)

1240 (86)

1835 (82)

3081 (71)

3598 (56)

4084 (52)


205 (14)

393 (18)

1268 (29)

2820 (44)

3817 (48)








36 (77)

47 (75)

67 (60)

92 (43)

109 (40)


11 (23)

16 (25)

45 (40)

120 (57)

165 (60)








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Source: Garments Export Data, BGMEA and Export Promotion Bureau-EPB. Figures in

parentheses indicate the share in percentage. CGR stands for compound Growth Rate.

From the Table 04 it is evident that the compound growth rate of knit garment export is more

than woven garment export both in terms of value and quantity for the period of 1992-93 to

2005-06. The share of knit garments in total export has been increased significantly both in

terms of value and quantity. The share of woven garment in total garments export has been

decreased from 86 percent in 1992-93 to 52 percent in 2005-06. It is observed that the demand

for knit garment is increasing in the export market. It is also observed that the export quantity of

knit garments has been exceeded the export quantity of woven garments in 2005-06. The

position can be better explained if we look into the more details of the product mix in the above

categories of garments. The garment sector has been able to diversify the product base ranging

from ordinary shirts, T-shirts, trousers, shorts, pajama, ladies and children‘s wear to

sophisticated high value items like quality shirts, branded jeans, jackets, sweater, embroidered

wear etc. In such a context, an attempt has been made to classify the garments export into

different products in order to understand product diversification strategy and its relative

importance and performance as well. The following Table shows the picture in this regard.

Table 1.5: Pattern of Export Performance of Different Garments Products

(Amount in Million USD)

Year Shirts Trousers Jackets T-Shirts Sweaters Others

1994-95 791 (36) 101 (5) 147 (7) 232 (10) N/A N/A

1999-00 1021


484 (11) 440 (10) 564 (13) 325 (8) 1515 (35)

2004-05 1053




430 (7) 1350 (21) 893 (14) 1024 (16)

2005-06 1057




390 (5) 1782 (23) 1044


1463 (19)

CGR(%) 2.67 32.13 9.28 20.36 21.47 -

Source: Garments Export Data, BGMEA and Export Promotion Bureau-EPB. Figures in

parentheses indicate the share in percentage. CGR stands for compound Growth Rate.

From the Table 05, it is evident that the highest compound growth rate has been found in

Trousers 32.13 percent, followed by T-shirts 20.36 percent, Jackets 9.28 percent, and T-Shirt

2.67 percent respectively during the period of 1994-95 to 2005-06. The rate of Sweater is also

significant during the period of 1999-2000 to 2005-06. It is observed that the share of Trousers

and T-Shirt in the total garment export is increasing. On the other hand, the share of shirts and

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Jackets is declining trend. The Figures indicate that Bangladesh has concentrated in the

production and export of Trousers, T-Shirts and Sweater. This mean‘s that there is a scope and

actually need for structural change in product mix.

Garments Market Diversification

The international textile and garment industry has undergone several shifts in production and

marketing since the 1950s. The first shift occurred in the 1950x and early 1960s when production

moved from North America and Western Europe to Japan. The second supply shift was from

Japan to the Asian newly industrialized economics (NIEs)-Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and

Singapore- and this permitted the latter group to dominate global textile and garment exports in

the 1970s and 1980s. Over the past 10 to 15 years, there has been a third shift as production

within Asia has moved from the NIEs to China and South East and South Asian exporters and as

exports from non-Asian countries, in particular control America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe

and North Africa, have increased substantially. These production shifts have been influenced by

a range of factors, including the distortions to international trade arising from MFA quota system

and labour cost differentials. In this scenario, Bangladesh garment industry is well placed to

withstand the increase in competition in its export markets. Our export market for garments

products is spread over a vast space of more than 20 countries with USA, UK, France, Canada,

Germany, Belgium and Middle Eastern countries being the major and notable ones. Initially,

Bangladesh has concentrated only in a few markets. It has concentrated in USA, Canada and

Europe. The competitors of Bangladesh, for example, India has continued to expand its trade,

diversify its markets and change product mix of its exports. As the recent performances indicate,

the production and marketing capabilities of Bangladesh have increased substantially. But still it

lacks the core competence necessary to stay in a highly competitive market which one can

anticipate in present post MFA period. If it wants to increase its world market share and

competitive edge, it needs to diversity its products and markets. In this context, it is imperative to

analyse the major export market for Bangladeshi garments product. The following Table shows

the major share of export market in USA, EU and other countries in this regard.

Table 1.6: Selected Region-wise share of Garment Export in percentage

Year USA European































Source: Bangladesh Bank Quarterly; Publication of Bangladesh Bank

From the Table 06 it is observed that Bangladesh garment export market has concentrated in

USA and EU till 2004-05 which indicates Bangladesh has successfully established a remarkable

presence in the world markets, particularly in the US and EU markets. In the year 2005-06 a

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successful turnaround was observed in exports to third countries which is about 16.57 percent of

total export market and it was only 1.90 percent in 2001-2002. It is expected that the trend of

market diversification will continue and this will help to maintain growth momentum of export


Post MFA Scenario in Bangladesh

The textile and apparel industries have led industrialization n at the early stage of development in

many countries of the world. Most developed countries which have lost competitiveness have

imposed quantitative restrictions on the trade in textiles and clothing since the 1950s, although

there has been progress in trade liberalization as a whole. Over the last thirty years, international

trade and investment in the global textile and garment

(T&G) sectors has been influenced by Multi-Fiber

Agreement (MFA) quantitative restrictions (quotas)

applied by the major developed country importers (the

United States, the European Union, Canada and Norway) on

T&G exports from (predominantly) developing countries. MFA

quotas were negotiated bilaterally and applied on a

discriminatory basis to some exporting countries but not to

others, thus differing from country to country in both

product coverage and the degree of restrictiveness. In such

a context, the Multi-Fiber Arrangement governed the trade

in textiles and clothing from 1974 to 1994. This

arrangement was superseded in 1995 by the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) under

the administration of the World Trade Organization (WTO). From 1 January 2005 all such

quantitative restrictions on the trade in textiles and clothing were phased out, and finally

abolished. Historically speaking that as per requirement of The ATC, all MFA quotas on T&G

products be removed over a ten-year transition period split into three phases and ending on 1

January 2005, thus finally incorporating international T&G trade into general GATT rules that

prohibit discriminatory measures and call for the reduction and elimination of quantitative

restrictions. The quota system under the MFA has distorted international T&G trade and has

resulted in global welfare losses since quota limits on the exports of selective producers have

prevented an allocation of resources to the most efficient T&G producers and prevented prices in

quota protected developed country markets from falling. Competitive exporting countries with

comparative advantages in T&G production have been restrained from expanding under the

MFA quota system, while relatively uncompetitive producers have enjoyed guaranteed market

access (up to the quota limit) to developed country markets (Spinanger, 1999). In such a context,

there was serious concern that low income countries, such as Bangladesh, Cambodia and the

like, which relied heavily on the garment industry, would suffer from the keen competition

expected to be triggered by the complete liberalization of trade in textiles and clothing from the

beginning of 2005. From the many corners it was predicted that China would expand its exports

and India would follow, and that the other relatively small exporters would suffered seriously

from the competition of these two giants. However, it turned out that some garment-exporting

Least Developed Countries (LDCs), such as Bangladesh, Cambodia and Haiti, faired very well

throughout the year 2005. In this context, an attempt has been made to examine the export data

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of selected countries during MFA and post MFA to US and EU markets in order to assess the

indicative impact of post MFA scenario in Bangladesh as well as other largest garments

exporters. The following Tables show the picture in this regard.

Table 1.7: Exports of Knit and Woven Garments to the United States

Rank Origin Amount (Million US$) Rate of Change


2003 2004 2005 2003-04 2004-05 1 China 8,690



































2 Mexico

3 Hong Kong

4 India

5 Indonesia

6 Bangladesh

13 Cambodia

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census cited in Yamagata, 2006

Table 1.8: Exports of Knit and Woven Garments to the EU

Rank Origin Amount (Million US$) Rate of Change


2003 2004 2005 2003-04 2004-05 All Countries 56,918



































1 China

2 Turkey

3 Bangladesh

4 Romania

5 India

19 Cambodia

Source: Eurostat cited in Yamagata, 2006.

Tables 7 and 8 show the trends in garment exports to t heUnited States and EU from the five

largest garment exporters and the two leading exporters among the LDCs, Bangladesh and

Cambodia. It was revealed that China and India expanded garment exports to the US and EU, the

world‘s two largest markets. Along with China and India, Bangladesh and Cambodia have also

increased their exports to the United States during 2005 by more than 20 percent. Though their

garment exports to the EU declined between 2004 and 2005, the drops were not significant; and

the growth in the same figures by more than 30 percent between 2003 and 2004 surpassed the

decline in 2005 (Table 8). As a whole, the sum of garment exports to the two largest markets

grew by 2.54 percent for Bangladesh and by 11.06 percent for Cambodia in 2005. Since the US

and EU are going to be imposing new restrictions on textile and garment imports from China for

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at least a couple of years, exports from that country will slow down, making room for the

remaining garment exporters to increase growth. Thus, the prospects for Bangladesh to continue

expanding its garment exports are encouraging.

Displacement of Production in the Garment Industry

The global economy is now controlled by the transfer of production where firms of developed

countries swing their attention to developing countries. The new representation is centre on a

core-periphery system of production, with a comparatively small centre of permanent employees

dealing with finance, research and development, technological institution and modernization and

a periphery containing dependent elements of production procedure. Reducing costs and

increasing output are the main causes for this disposition. They have discovered that the simplest

way to undercharge is to move production to a country where labor charge and production costs

are lower. Since developing nations provide areas that do not impose costs like environmental

degeneration, this practice protects the developed countries against the issues of environment and

law. The transfer of production to Third World has helped the expansion of economy of these

nations and also speeds up the economy of the developed nations.

Garment industry is controlled by the transfer of production. The globalization of garment

production started earlier and has expanded more than that of any other factory. The companies

have transferred their blue-collar production activities from high-wage areas to low-cost

manufacturing regions in industrializing countries. The enhancement of communication system

and networking has played a key role in this development. Export-oriented manufacturing has

brought some good returns to the industrializing nations of Asia and Latin America since the

1960s. The first relocation of garment manufacturing took place from North America and

Western Europe to Japan in the 1950s and the early 1960s. But during 1965 and 1983, Japan

changed its attention to more lucrative products like

cars, stereos and computers and therefore,

400,000 workers were dismissed by Japanese

textile and clothing industry. In impact, the

second stock transfer of garment manufacturing was

from Japan to the Asian Tigers - South Korea,

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore in 1970s. But the

tendency of transfer of manufacturing did not

remain there. The rise in labor charge and

activeness of trade unions were in proportion to the

enhancement in economies of the Asian Tigers. The industry witnessed a third transfer of

manufacturing from 1980s to 1990s; from the Asian Tigers to other developing countries -

Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China in particular. The 1990s have been led by

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the final group of exporters including Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan and Vietnam. But China

was leader in the current of the relocation as in less than ten years (after 1980s) China emerged

from nowhere to become the world's major manufacturer and exporter of clothing.

Bangladesh Garment Sector and Global Chain

The cause of this transfer can be clarified by the salary structure in the garment industry, all over

the world. Apparel labor charge per hour (wages and fringe benefits, US$) in USA is 10.12 but it

is only 0.30 in Bangladesh. This difference accelerated the world apparel exports from $3 billion

in 1965, with developing nations making up just 14 percent of the total, to $119 billion in 1991,

with developing nations contributing 59 percent. In 1991 the number of workers in the ready-

made garment industry of Bangladesh was 582,000 and it grew up to 1,404,000 in 1998. In USA,

however, 1991-figure showed 1,106.0 thousand workers in the apparel sector and in 1998 it

turned down to 765.8 thousand.

The presented information reveals that the tendency of low labor charges is the key reason for

the transfer of garment manufacturing in Bangladesh. The practice initiated in late 1970s when

the Asian Tiger nations were in quest of tactics to avoid the

export quotas of Western countries. The garment units of

Bangladesh are mainly relying on the 'tiger' nations for raw

materials. Mediators in Asian Tiger nations build an

intermediary between the textile units in their home

countries, where the spinning and weaving go on, and the

Bangladeshi units where the cloth is cut, sewn, ironed and

packed into cartons for export. The same representatives of

tiger nations discover the market for Bangladesh in

several nations of the North. Large retail trading

companies placed in the United States and Western Europe give most orders for Bangladeshi

garment products. Companies like Marks and Spencers (UK) and C&A (the Netherlands) control

capital funds, in proportion to which the capital of Bangladeshi owners is patience. Shirts

manufactured in Bangladesh are sold in developed nations for five to ten times their imported


Collaboration of a native private garment industry, Desh Company, with a Korean company,

Daewoo is an important instance of international garment chain that works as one of the grounds

of the expansion of garment industry in Bangladesh. Daewoo Corporation of South Korea, as

part of its global policies, took interest in Bangladesh when the Chairman, Kim Woo-Choong,

offered an aspiring joint venture to the Government of Bangladesh, which included the growth

and process of tyre, leather goods, and cement and garment factories. The Desh-Daewoo alliance

was decisive in terms of getting into the global apparel markets at significant juncture, when

import reforming was going on in this market following the signing of MFA in 1974. Daewoo, a

South Korean leading exporter of garments, was in search of opportunities in nations, which had

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hardly used their quotas. Due to the quota restriction for Korea after MFA, the export of Daewoo

became limited. Bangladesh as an LDC got the chance to export without any constraint and for

this cause Daewoo was concerned with the use of Bangladesh for their market. The purpose

behind this need was that Bangladesh would rely on Daewoo for importing raw materials and at

the same time Daewoo would get the market in Bangladesh. When the Chairman of Daewoo

displayed interest in Bangladesh, the country's President put him in touch with chairman of Desh

Company, an ex-civil servant who was seeking more entrepreneurial pursuits.To fulfill this wish,

Daewoo signed a collaboration contract with Desh Garment for five years. The contract also

incorporated the fields of technical training, purchase of machinery and fabric, plant

establishment and marketing in return for a specific marketing commission on all exports by

Desh during the contract phase. Daewoo also imparted an exhaustive practical training of Desh

employees in the working atmosphere of a multinational company. Daewoo keenly helped Desh

in buying machinery and fabrics. Some technicians of Daewoo arrived Bangladesh to establish

the plant for Desh. The end result of the association of Desh-Daewoo was important. In the first

six years of its business, i.e. 1980/81-86/87, Desh export value increased at an annual average

rate of 90%, reaching more than $5 million in 1986/87.

It is claimed that the Desh-Daewoo alliance is a significant element for the growth and

achievement of Bangladesh's entire garment export industry. After

getting linked with Daewoo's brand names and marketing

network, overseas buyers went on with buying garments from the

corporation heedless of their origin. Out of the opening

trainees most left Desh Company at several times to erect their

own competing garment companies, worked as a way of

moving knowledge all through the whole garment sector.It is

essential to identify the outcomes of the process of moving production from high pay to low pay

nations for both developing and developed nations. It is a bare fact that most of the Third World

nations are now on the way to industrialization. In this procedure, workers are working under

unfavorable working environment - minimal wages, unhealthy place of work, lack of security, no

job guarantee, forced labor etc.

The route of globalization is full of ups and downs for the developing nations. Relocations of

comparatively mobile, blue-collar production from industrialized to developing nations, in some

circumstances, can have troublesome effects on social life if - in the absence of efficient planning

and talks between international organizations and the government and/or organizations of the

host nation - the transferred action encourages urban-bound relocation and its span of stay is

short. Another negative result is that the rise in employment and/or income is not expected to be

satisfactorily large and extensive to lessen inequality. In connection with the negative results of

relocation of manufacturing on employment in developed countries, we realize that in

comparatively blue-collar industries, the growing imports from developing nations lead to

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unavoidable losses in employment. It is held that development of trade with the South was a

significant reason of the deindustrialization of employment in the North over past few decades.

After all employees who are constantly working under unfavorable circumstances have to bear

the brunt. Work is under-control across the Bangladesh garment sector. Appalling working

atmosphere has been brought to light in the Bangladesh garment industry. A research reveals that

90 percent of the garment employees went through illness or disease during the month before the

interviews. Headache, anemia, fever, chest, stomach, eye and ear pain, cough and cold, diarrhea,

dysentery, urinary tract infection and reproductive health problems were more common diseases.

The garment factories gave bonus of different diseases to the employees for working. With a

view to finding out a link between these diseases and industrial threats, health status of

employees has been examined before and after coming in the garment work. At the end of

examination, it was come out that about 75 percent of the garment workforce had sound health

before they entered the garment factory.

The garment sector is disreputable for fires, which are said to have claimed over 200 lives in the

past two years, though exact figures are tough to find. A shocking instance of absence of

workplace safety was the fire in November 2000, in which almost 50 workers lost their lives in

Narsingdi as exist doors were closed. From the above analysis of working atmosphere of

garment sector, we can state that the working environment of most of the Third World nations,

particularly Bangladesh remind us of earlier development of garment industries in the First

World nations. The state of employment in many (not necessarily) textiles and clothing units in

the developing nations take us back to those set up in the nineteenth century in Europe and North

America. In a way, the Western companies are guilty of pitiable working atmosphere in the

garment sector. The developed nations want to make more profit and therefore, force the

developing nations to cut down the manufacturing cost. In order to survive in the competition,

most of the developing nations select immoral practices. By introducing inflexible terms and

conditions in the business, the global economy has left few alternatives for the developing


Labor Unrest in Garments Sector

Labor is an important input in industrial

production. This is truer in garment industry of

Bangladesh. Mechanization and automation have not

diminished the role of human element in industrial

Page 14: Elate Fashion Limited

establishments. In fact the role of the workforce has become highly critical in garment industry.

Nor have the economic reforms belittled the significance of labor. Liberalization of economy has

brought labor to centre stage. Human resource is taken to be an important factor to increase

productivity, improve quality and reduce costs all necessary to survive in the competitive world.

There are several issue related to labor. They are trade union movement, wage policy and

industrial relation. Industrial labor in the garment sector has undergone important changes over

the two decades. Most important changes are commitment to industry, protective legislation,

status of the worker, employment pattern, growth of trade unionism, industrial disputes, and

political interference and in some cases unfair labor practices. Despite the prevailing positive

labor management relationship, the spiraling labor unrest in the Bangladesh RMG industry

started on May 2005 after a knitwear factory owner rejected an 11-point charter of demands. The

factory was completely gutted in the blaze. Protesting workers forced their way into an exclusive

industrial zone for foreign investors and damaged machinery. These workers demanding unpaid

wages and a weekly holiday smashed scores of vehicles and burn down factories in Savar, an

industrial town near Dhaka. Among the 250 damaged units, at least 30 were owned by foreign

investors in the Savar Export Processing Zone. According to Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers

and Exporters‘ Association (BGMEA) nearly 300 factories, including 21 factories in the Savar

Export Processing Zone (EPZ), were damaged during the three-day crisis. The total loss of the

garment industry is around four billion taka (nearly $70 million). Many vehicles were also set on

fire during the unrest, which left three workers dead and hundreds others wounded. This is

reportedly the worst industrial rioting in Bangladesh in the ready-made garment industry which

is the country‘s biggest export earner. The violence also dealt a serious blow to the industry‘s

image apart from causing huge losses. Some trade union leaders blamed the outbreak on

accumulated anger of workers, who even do not have any weekend. They alleged that some

garment owners do not pay the worker their salaries in time and overtime regularly. The violent

outburst of the workers crippled the industry for many days. Several quarters seen it interruption

behind this development. On the other hand, another quarters seen it is an explosion of anger that

remains unresolved for long. Protests over low wages and other exploitative conditions

continued in the month of June 2005 too. The garment workers continued to hold rallies and

clashed with law enforcers, leaving many people injured and few dead. Defying a ‗red alert‘

imposed by law enforcers at the Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) and its adjoining

industrial areas, workers were involved in clashes in the Savar, Ashulia and Gazipur areas. The

deepening unrest in the garment industry forced the foreign investors to announce on June 2005

that they have shut their units as fresh violence flared up in the Export Processing Zone (EPZ).

Investors of 92 units in the EPZ said that they will not reopen the units until the government

gives guarantee of law and order in the area. They also requested the EPZ authority to declare the

EPZ closed indefinitely to cool off the situation. Leaders of the garment factory owners‘ also

urged the government to form an industrial police force to ensure a secure working environment

for the apparel industry. They felt that the overall security situations in different industrial hubs

were not risk free despite the government‘s deployment of huge security forces. It was true that

in the year 2005 the political instability has been made worse by the simultaneous labor unrest in

the economic lifeline of Bangladesh that is its garment industry. Initially the government and the

Page 15: Elate Fashion Limited

industry leaders underestimated the magnitude of the problem and tried to brush it aside by

floating various conspiracy theories.

The garment industry in Bangladesh has been subject to several tests of resilience in recent

years—global recession, energy

shortage, input price increases, and labor

unrest. Of late, the labor unrest has

escalated apparently triggered by

disagreement over re-fixation of

minimum wage. The workers, for quite

some time now, have been pressing for

adjustment in minimum wage that was last

increased in 2006, after 12 years, from Tk.

930* (about $60 in PPP) per month to Tk.

1,662 (about $108 in PPP) per month. The

government in April 2010 committed that a

new pay-scale for the RMG workers will be

announced before Ramadan, and

formed a Wage Board for making the wage

recommendations. For reasons not yet fully

understood, the labor unrest was

reignited recently without waiting to hear

what the Wage Board‘s

recommendations are. However, it is

abundantly clear that dissatisfaction with the nominal level of the minimum wage is at the center

of the discord between garment owners and workers.When viewed from the poverty perspective,

the upper poverty line measured in 2005 for Dhaka urban areas was Tk. 890 per capita per

month. Considering a household size of 2.2 as assumed by the employers, the minimum wage

(per month) should have been Tk. 1958 in 2005, Tk. 2249 in 2006 and Tk. 2809 in 2010 after

adjusting for inflation. In addition, workers also should be allowed to share in the industry‘s

economic prosperity along with the owners. Taking this into consideration, the reported

government recommendation of Tk 3000 as minimum entry level wage appears reasonable.

Owners worry about loss of competitiveness as production cost is likely to increase with increase

in wages. But this is not the only effect. Higher wages may allow workers to eat better to avoid

illness and to be able to work harder and more productively. This is known as the efficiency

wage theory which may be operative at such low level of wages. Owners must also be aware that

agitation to press demand for higher wages in garments is now a regional phenomena. As

competing countries concede to these demands, the loss of our competitiveness due to wage

increase will be far less than may appear on the surface.

Elate Fashion Limited

Page 16: Elate Fashion Limited

Elate Fashion Ltd is a 100% export oriented garment industry with woven production facilities of

ready-made garments, such as Jog Sets, Padded Jackets, Shorts, Vests, Ski Dresses etc. The

management of the company is well experienced in this sector. They have been in this trade for

more than 19 years. Considering the experience, customer base and for the sake of business

expansion, the management has set up this factory with modern equipment and facilities. The

EFL Management is also keen to expand its production capacity with bigger floor for minimizing

its per unit production cost, improvement of products quality as well as to face competitive

international market along with the existing customers with a view to offer a lucrative and

moderate price to grab orders from the international customers. The factory has been equipped

with most modern and sophisticated machineries of renowned international brand to be imported

from abroad at competitive price which has run by highly trained and skilled manpower. The

factory is self-sufficient, production is continuous and of trouble-free operation ensuring timely

delivery and shipment. This factory has rented industrial building in khilgoan which is

approximately 33,000 SFT in 9 Floor.

History of Elate Fashion Ltd

Mr. A T M RezaurRahman Managing director of the company, having 26 years of business

experience in trading and garments industry. He is directly involved with garments industry since

1991 as one of the directors of Excel Industries Limited (EIL). Later, together his partner formed

another industry namely Elate Fashion Ltd (EFL) in 1998.Established in 1998, by Mr. A T M

RezaurRahman, the Managing Director of the company –

Elate Fashion Limited started with 450 employees. The

initial investment was almost 2 crore taka.Mr.

RezaurRahman and A K M MahbubulAlam chose the

location Khilgoa in center of Dhaka city and as it had the

advantages of being placed between the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (the place from where the

raw materials come) and the Dhaka Road (the market). A rented industrial building in khilgoan is

approximately 33,000 SFT in 9 Floor. In which Cutting department consist of 6,400 SFT, sewing

department consist of 12,400 SFT, finishing department consist of 6,200 SFT, store is consist of

6,000 SFT and main office is 2,000 SFT. By 2010, EFL is planning to open up a new factory

under BMRE concept at Peyarabagan, Vogra, Gazipur. The Proposed Project will be set in a four-

storied building having 54,000 Sft. in initial phase.This is a private limited company with two

partners. While the managing director Mr. A T M RezaurRahman owns 60% of the share and

controls most of the administrative works, and the General Manager Mrs. TaifunNahar who is a

salaried employee controls all the production activities.To mention about the other partners, the

chairman of the company Mr. MahbubulAlam with rest of 40% of the share.


The Factory runs 300 days in a year on a single shift 8 hour basis and in addition require overtime

as per legal Law of the Country. Approximately 80,000 Sets Jog Suits per Month.

Page 17: Elate Fashion Limited


The major products of Elate Fashion Limited are focused mostly on Woven wears. At this point

it must be referred that earlier it was discussed that woven wears bring about the most export

earnings in the RMG and Textile industry.

Therefore, it must also be mentioned that

competition in the woven wear section is the

highest and is almost twice as much as

knitwear or others. Nevertheless, the

products that Elate Fashion concentrates on

are:Pant (Short & Long), Trousers, Shorts, Jog

Suits, Heavy Jacket, Light Weight Jacket, Fleece

Jacket, all sorts of outerwear etc.All of these

products have their own variations in terms

of sizes, colors, patterns and design.

Separate product lines for different sexes are

also maintained within each of the products. This therefore indicates that jackets, jogging suits or

other products have male, female and children divisions with separate design pattern, color, sizes

and patterns.

Background of the Managing Director

The Managing Director Mr. A T M RezaurRahman the founder of Elate Fashion Ltd is

completely a self-made man. He was born in 15th September 1954. Mr. A T M RezaurRahman

finished his M.com in management from Dhaka University in 1977. He has 26 year of business

experience, out of which 19 years in Garments trade. He decided to become independent and to

open his own garments factory. It is his own dedication and effort that made him initiate and be

successful in his ventures and thereby become the successful owner of a competitive and

growing garments factory.

Background of the Chairmen

The chairmen of Elate Fashion Ltd Mr. A K M MahbubulAlam born in 1st January in 1955. He

issocial science graduate (Sociology) from Dhaka University. During in 1990s both of them Mr.

Page 18: Elate Fashion Limited

RezaurRahman and Mr. MahbubulAlam have extensively visited the buyers and maintained the

quality of the products which ultimately helped to cope with recent recession round the world.

Account Relationship with AB Bank Limited

Mr. RezaurRahman, Managing Director and Mr. A K M

MahbubulAlam, Chairman has been maintaining

banking relationship with AB Bank Limited,

Motijheel Branch since 1991 as director of Excel

Industries Limited. Initially, EIL had stated

banking with Motijheel Branch, AB Bank Limited since

1991. During these times the company dealt with some

renowned customers like Rousso Apparels Group, Inc.,

USA, Outerstuff Ltd., USA, Athco Inc., USA, Castlewood Apparel Corp., USA, Paramount

Apparel Group, USA. Based on the experience of EIL, the management has decided open

another factory and it started its operation in 1997 in the name of Elate Fashions Limited (EFL).

EFL also established relationship AB Bank Motijheel Branch.

A brief of the relations with AB Bank Limited are detailed below:

Amount in BDT. Lac

Sl. No.

Particulars Excel Industries

Limited (EIL)

Elate Fashions Limited (EFL)

a. Commencement of Business

: 1991 1997

b. Product : Jacket, Jogging suit

Jacket, Jogging suite

c. Account Relationship with AB

Bank Motijheel

: 1991 1997

Page 19: Elate Fashion Limited

Branch Since

d. Present Credit Line and

Outstanding (As of June 08, 2010)

: - Facility Limit Outstanding

Back to Back LC 800.00 492.73

OD 100.00 111.89

Rev. TL 217.00 217.00

Auto Loan 6.90 6.59

Total 1123.90 828.21

e. Business Performance

: Year US$ in Lac

Year US$ in Lac


921.26 2003-04 1983.32


134.81 2004-05 1944.74


370.75 2005-06 1891.56


3.90 2006-07 2426.28


- 2007-08 2116.58


- 2008-09 2799.76

Page 20: Elate Fashion Limited

f. Main Importer : - I. Rousso Apparels Group, Inc., USA

II. Outerstuff Ltd., USA

III. Athco Inc., USA

IV. Castlewood Apparel Corp., USA

V. Paramount Apparel Group, USA


All machines are Electro-mechanical latest model from world famous brand giving below








06 KANSAI (PMD) 05








2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Performance of EFL

Page 21: Elate Fashion Limited















Employment Provided by EFL:

Elate Fashion Limited started with only 450 employees in 1998, it quickly expanded and had 650

employees by 2002. The plant expanded with the employees and took all of the Nine-storied

building, which it leased previously. There were around 315 machineries in total for the 650

workers to run. As of 2007, Elate fashion Ltd has 1295

employees among 1050 are labor class workers and

operates with 555 machineries. In Elate Fashion LTD it

has mentioned that almost 95% of the labors are female

workers. Among 1050 workers, 300 are male and 750 are

female workers and there is no child labor or forced

labor in this garments factory.It is for this reason that no

concepts of unionization are present. Securities for the

employees are at its maximum level within the factory as

these are prerequisites that must be met for

international exportation.

Page 22: Elate Fashion Limited

The working environment of EFL is under hygienic condition. To mention about the

compensation strategies undertaken by the company, it must be mentioned that monthly

incentives are given for regular attendance of the employees. They are adding two days salary

along with the monthly salary of the employees when employees are attending all of the working

day in a month. This is called attendance bonus of employees or labors.As EFL‘s turnover rate is

high, they are providing less training towards the industrial workers, supervisors and the

managers. Besides, giving training to these employees would be both expensive and inefficient

in terms of times. During overtimes, foods and lunches are also provided to the employees as a

mean of compensation.

Man Power

This company hires best quality staff and worker with attractive remuneration packages. Please

find below the staff structure (administrative and technical) and the remuneration packages:

A. Administrative Staff:

BDT. Lac

Name of the








per Month



Per Month Salary Expenditure

General Manager 1 80,000.00 9.60 0.80



6 65,000.00 46.80 3.90



4 35,000.00 16.80 1.40



1 50,000.00 6.00 0.50



3 20,000.00 7.20 0.60

Doctor 1 30,000.00 3.60 0.30

Page 23: Elate Fashion Limited

Nurse 2 15,000.00 3.60 0.30



1 40,000.00 4.80 0.40



3 20,000.00 7.20 0.60

Sales / purchase


2 15,000.00 3.60 0.30

Store In charge 1 20,000.00 2.40 0.20

Store Keeper 5 8,000.00 4.80 0.40



2 10,000.00 2.40 0.20

Driver 4 7,000.00 3.36 0.28

Guard 8 3,500.00 3.36 0.28

Sweeper 6 3,000.00 2.16 0.18

Peon 2 3,000.00 0.72 0.06

Total 52 128.40 10.70

B. Technical Staff:

BDT. Lac

Staff No.




salary per


Yearly Salary

Per Month Salary Expenditure



1 70,000.00 8.40 0.70

Page 24: Elate Fashion Limited

Technical Manager 1 50,000.00 6.00 0.50

Line Chief 6 25,000.00 18.00 1.50

Supervisors 18 20,000.00 43.20 3.60

Quality Manager 1 50,000.00 6.00 0.50

Quality Controller 8 25,000.00 24.00 2.00

Quality Inspector 50 12,000.00 72.00 6.00

Cutting In-charge 1 30,000.00 3.60 0.30

Cutting Supervisor 3 20,000.00 7.20 0.60

Cutting Assistant 50 7,500.00 45.00 3.75

Finishing In charge 1 30,000.00 3.60 0.30



3 20,000.00 7.20 0.60

Finishing Assistant 50 7,500.00 45.00 3.75

Skilled labour 550 6,500.00 346.32 28.86



500 4,500.00 239.76 19.98

Total 1243 875.28 72.94

Grand Total (A+B) 1295 1003.68 83.64

Major Buyers

Elate Fashion Ltd is an export-oriented company and has a turnover of about US$.55, 00,000.00

(Approximately) per year.It has a main client from the United States called Rousso Apparel

Group, Outer staff company, Athco Import Inc and Castlewood Apparel Corporation that acts as

a middle man between Elate Fashion LTD and others with major RMG buyers like Sears, Jessie

Penny, Wal-Mart, Bob‘s, Army, Burlington etc.The management of this industry has a quite

Page 25: Elate Fashion Limited

long-term order handling experience with some of the leading Buyers/Customers like as under

with their satisfaction. Year of 2009 manufacturing breakdown as follows:

Rousso Apparel Group, (USA) 50%

Outerstuff Ltd. (USA) 27%

Athco Import Inc. (USA) 20%

Castlewood Apparel Corp. (USA) 03%

Raw-material source

Elate Fashion LTD imported their raw materials from different countries. They import their fabrics

which has used in producing their products are mainly from Taiwan, Korea, China and Hong Kong.

They also purchased Local Bangladeshi Fabrics which meets customer requirements.In their

production level accessories are needed. So they import this Accessories are from Hong Kong,

China & Taiwan. Elate fashion LTD import all kinds of accessories but expect those items which

can be arranged from local market‘s as per their customer‘s approval.

Company in & out :

Employee Safety and Environment

According to the law of protecting the employees of the garment factories, all apparel industry

has to follow some safety rules in the factory plants. From the very beginning, there is always a

risk of short circuit in any garment factory. The environment always stays dry and there are fine

particles of fabrics in the air of any garment and fabric related company. So fire can spread very

easily in that favorable environment. This garment factory has enough fire extinguishers and

spare emergency exit rout in the backside of the factory as the factory is nine stored building.

Though it is the requirement of the related law, this company maintains these protections very

carefully. Moreover employees get some kind of benefits if they are injured while working in the

company, though there is no such written contract in the job description or in job agreement.

This company also provides the clean and hygienic working arrangement, as it is strongly

required by the main buyer of the company. There are separate clean toilets in every floor and

department, and there are places where employees can have their own lunch (taken with them in

the morning) in the factory ground.

Women based workforce

As most of the workers in the manufacturing and the factories are

women in Bangladesh, Elate Fashion Limited also has more female

employees than male. Almost 95% workforces are female in Elate

Fashion Ltd. They think that women are more responsible towards

Page 26: Elate Fashion Limited

their work and for taking care of the family in this country. So, like other garment factories, this

company has to consider thousands of the family problems each months and every day. As

earlier days government has been decided that women should get seven months of maternal

leave. That‘s why Elate Fashion also have decided to give seven months of maternal leave to

each of female workers as it was only three months for female workers.

No Child Labor or forced labor

In Bangladesh one of the major problems is corruption and enforcement of the weak law. The

corruption and the crime undermine domestic security and discourage foreign investment. There

are several laws to protect the child labor use in any kind of industries.

Still there are some garment manufacturer companies in the sub urban

areas where the child labor is common.

In Elate Fashion Ltd there are no child labor is used and no

forced labor is used as well. But very often there are some

female employees who seek works that are married and have

children of their own. Though by the age requirements of the

related law, they are considered as child, they are getting the job as

they can hide their age by showing their children and others. That is

why it is difficult to know the real age of the applicant, and

sometimes mistakenly child labor is hired in this company. Otherwise there is no child in the

labor force of Elate Fashion Limited.

No Unionization

In Elate Fashion Ltd they have no union. This has been the strongest side of Elate Fashion Ltd

till now. As the employees never felt to have a trade union in Elate Fashion Ltd that‘s why EFL

does not have to face any problem regarding this unionization. In other hand most of the

employees in the Elate Fashion Ltd are female who are illiterate and do not aware of their rights.

Unauthorized leave

Elate Fashion Ltd faces the problem regarding the unauthorized leave of the workers. Sometimes

workers or labors do not come to their work for 3 or 4 days without informing the management.

This affects the productively level of the factory.

High Turnover Rate & low profit margin

The wage rate is not set nationally or by the national pay scale of Bangladesh. That is why the

minimum rate cannot be determined in this industry and workers depend on the desire of the

employers of the garment companies. Sometimes they feel that if they switch the job in different

Page 27: Elate Fashion Limited

company, thought the workload is same, they will get more money. So the turnover rate is very

high in any garment factory in Bangladesh as well as in Elate Fashion Limited.

Elate Fashion also shares their profit with the employees which force them to maintain low profit

margin in a year. As the turnover rate is high in Elate Fashion they are facing some financial

problem in recent days.

Lack of marketing tactics

Elate Fashion Ltd has a marketing department which is not that much affective. They are lacking

to build a strong marketing procedure.

Training and development

Elate Fashion Ltd does not apply standardized training, development opportunities rather

generalize training, and development processes to their employees. Moreover, the training

processes for both the managers and workers are same.In terms of manager‘s means managerial

posts including supervisor also, the training process is not uniformed. If any manager is newly

recruited, then he/she will be placed in his/her require job along with another manager who is

experienced. The task of experienced manager is to provide guideline and adequate information

of this job and the companies, make him/her familiar with this job, and identify the problem

he/she would face. There is time period of this total task and that is three months which is termed

as probation period.In term of newly recruited workers, the basic processes are same, as he/she

will be placed in his/her job along with another experienced workers whose job is to provide

adequate information concerning the job and the company. More importantly, there is a time that

is three months for the workers also.

Workers protecting and clashing to establish their rights are common scenery in Bangladeshi

garments industries. But EFL has not faced violent strikes by its labors because of motivating

compensation package & caring approach. Unauthorized leave by labors, hidden tension,

increase of production cost need to be taken care of. Management is proud of its

experienced management entity, satisfied labors, international branded buyers, quality products.

EFL needs to rectify the small mistakes and has to take initiatives to counter the challenge

presented before the whole RMG as well as EFL because of the wage fixation problem and labor


Page 28: Elate Fashion Limited
Page 29: Elate Fashion Limited

What strategies should Elate Fashion Limited undertake to ensure strong and competitive

human resource aspects besides other factors of productions and thereby sustain after the

ongoing disputes regarding minimum wage fixation in the struggling RMG industry of

Bangladesh and also remain competitive in the global market?

Page 30: Elate Fashion Limited

SWOT analysis is a strategic balance sheet of an organization; that is the strengths and

weaknesses of the organization, the opportunities and the threatsfacing the organization. It is one

of the cornerstone analytical tools to help an organization develop a preferred future. Evaluation

of internal and external factors helps to analysis Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and

Threats. The benefits of a SWOT analysis are that it provides learning and knowledge vital to the

organization‘s survival and prosperity. Good performances in business occur because of the

people directing the affairs of the business, and their interaction with the environment in

emphasizing on the company‘s strengths and eliminating any underlying weaknesses. In other

words, in order to operate successfully in a continuously changing environment, the business

firms should plan its future goals and strategies around its strengths and also try to overcome the

weaknesses. Thus, the assessment of strengths, weakness, as well as opportunities, and threats

become an essential task for management.

Strengths: A company should be aware of its core capabilities and sources of competitive

advantages. Core capabilities are the critical skills and processes that an organization executes so

well that its reputation builds around it.Strengthsrefer to the competitive advantages and other

distinctive competencies that a company can exert in the market place.

Weaknesses:In addition to knowing its strengths, an organization must recognize its limitations.

Whether limited by a poorly equipped production facility or a sales force that merely quotes

prices and delivery dates, a business that acknowledge its weaknesses forces mangers to assess

their processes and systems.Weaknesses are constraints that hinder movements in certain


Opportunities: External and internal environments present both driving and restraining forces.

Opportunities may occur suddenly. With the past pace of globalization and technology changes,

what may initially present itself as an opportunity may become a threat if organizational

responsiveness is too slow or not well planned.Opportunities primarily arise from the external

environment, and refer to the chances of gaining competitive advantages.

Threats:Threats are negative external environmental factors which influences an organization‘s

decision. External factors are not controlled by the organization and to survive every

organization needs to be very alert about its threats and how they can overcome this problem.

Organizations should be proactive rather than reactive and should be aware of what are the

competitors‘ moves and should take necessary action in advance to face those moves.

Established structured HRM division

Elate fashion ltd. has structured HRM (Human Resource Department) division. Their HR

department consists of 6 people. Among them the Head of the department has studied from a


Page 31: Elate Fashion Limited

reputed university and he has experience from his previous jobs so he is maintaining the factory

so well that employees are so happy and they are productive as well. Other people of this

department is also handling the compensation and decision making process so well there is no

conflict among other departments and no conflict among the workers.

Management with 19 years of experience

The management of Elate Fashion Ltd. is a very organized and capable one. They established

this company in 1992 and since then they are operating in very handsome way. The management

has strict monitoring system and they maintain the rules and regulation strictly. Elate has

efficient mangers who are doing their job efficiently and the supervisors are taking good care of

the workers so the management is performing a good job and that‘s why Elate is having

advantage for this.

Experience with some of the leading buyers

Bangladesh has made a spectacular achievement in export of readymade garments during the last

two decades. It ranks fifth in the buyers‘‘ list. Buyers from US and Europe prefer the quality of

fabrics for apparels coming from Bangladesh. Elate Fashion Ltd, supplies products to mainly

USA and they had a good reputation of giving the supply on time.

No unionization

Practicing no union in the Elate fashion ltd. premise is a positive side because their employees

never felt of having any union. Elate provides its workers flexible time and workers gets their

pay in due time. Elate does not have a union as it thrives to establish itself as a company of

international standard not being in two teams but in one unique team. Thus it doesn‘t have the

system of unionization in the organization as it is already fulfilling the needs of the workers and

employees altogether efficiently.

No child labor or forced labor

In Elate fashions ltd there is no child labor. However sometimes there are some female

employees who seek works that are married and have children of their own. It is difficult to

know the real age of the applicant, and sometimes mistakenly child labor is hired. Otherwise

there is no child in the labor force of Elate fashions Limited. As Elate is planning to have proper

recruitment process they can overcome this problem very soon. As there is no child labor there is

no question of forcing the labors to work. Elate fashions don‘t believe in this type of policy.

Electro-mechanical latest model

machines from world famous brand

Elate Fashion ltd. uses electro-mechanical

machines in their production process. All the

Page 32: Elate Fashion Limited

machines are well- handled by the workers and machines are from famous brand like Siemens

co. They are using these machines and as well giving the workers chance to learn the operation

of these machines.

Reasonable price

Bangladesh is a developing country of the south Asia which is densely populated. Most of the

people of this population is illiterate and has no technical knowledge. They are just burden for

the country but they have an important asset which is their unused labor. This labor can be used

in many productive ways like; as our RMG industry is booming and we need more cheap labors.

Bangladesh has the competitive advantage that they have very cheap labors which their

competitors lack. So they can use this cheap labor and do more business. For this cheap labor

Elate fashion has the advantage against the competitors and Elate is using this advantage and

giving products to the buyers at a reasonable price.

Quality assured and on time delivery

The way RMG brought its success it became the backbone of the

economy and 74% of country‘s foreign currency earnings comes

from this sector. The quality of Bangladesh‘s RMG products is

very good and the buyers are really happy with the quality of

product. Elate Fashion Ltd. also provides quality product to their

buyers and they always gives on time delivery which works as an

advantage for them. As our RMG products are always in need so we should maintain this quality

and on time delivery reputation.

Hygienic Working environment

As per law of protecting the employees of the garment factories, all apparel industry has to

follow some safety rules in the factory. From the very beginning, there is always a risk of short

circuit in any garment factory. The environment always

stays dry and there are fine particles of fabrics in the air

of any garment industry. So fire can spread very easily

in that favorable environment. Elate fashion ltd. has

enough fire extinguishers and spare emergency exit

rout in the backside of the company. Though it is the

requirement of law, this company maintains these

protections very carefully.

Location: Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Access

Elate fashion is situated in the khilgaon area of Dhaka. The place is just beside the Dhaka-

Chittagong highway so the Elate fashion can have the easy access of the road while they supply

their products. They can avoid the traffic jam of Dhaka city and can deliver their goods on time.

So they had the location advantage for their factory.

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International demand

Bangladesh‘s RMG products are highly demanded by the developed countries due to the cheap

labor benefits. Demand of RMG (Ready Made Garments) product is high in the Europe and US

market for maintaining the standard of quality required by them. This is a positive signal for

keeping the existing labor in workforce rather than lay off.

Lack of backward linkages

Backward linkage means garment industry need to have fabrics to make the finished products.

Due to inadequate backward linkage facilities, Bangladesh is still heavily dependent on imported

fabrics to meet the demand for domestic as well as export-oriented RMG industry. ―The present

demand-gap of fabric for domestic and export through Ready-made Garments is 2,000 million


Lack of product development and design Bangladesh makes readymade garments and they are only specialized on limited products which

are creating problems to sustain in competitive edge. To sustain in this global competitive market

Bangladesh garment industry need to develop new product & design.

Loss of global market share: No quota after phase out of MFA

As the quota system is going out Bangladesh is going to lose its market share of readymade

garments in the global market due to the competition. The benefits they are enjoying due to the

system of quota they are not going to avail it anymore. Other countries like China, Thailandand

India will take the market share.

Lack of marketing tactics


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Very limited educated work force is coming in the RMG industry of Bangladesh. Most of the

garment factories are run by the employees with a normal degree. These work forces are cheap to

hire and easy to control, employers prefer them. These workers also monitor the lower class

workers, which are mainly the uneducated segment of the country. Companies are lacking proper

technical knowledge by hiring strategies like these. As a result, there are so many losses due to

not properly handled issues of exports. As there is no qualified people the marketing side of this

is also affected. We don‘t know how to brand our products that‘s why we face problems in doing

business. If we improve our marketing tactics we can achieve more growth in this RMG sector.

A small number of manufacturing methods

Since Elate Fashions Ltd. maintains a system of individual work process at the production level

it lacks team effort as well. The sense of being part of the total process is absent and thus the

workers are less aware of what responsibilities are there beyond their defined ones. The

knowledge of the total process of production is thus not established or conveyed due to the

absence of the team effort. As they practice this type of working process the manufacturing

process is simple and they don‘t go for team based work

Sluggish backward or forward blending procedure

In Bangladesh RMG industry faces problems in the backward linkage and they also falls in the

forward procedure as well. We face backward linkage which is not new but now the forward

blending is also creating problem due to the loss of power supply, lack of gas and most probably

for the political and garments unrest.

Dependency on selected markets: USA

Bangladesh readymade garments industry in solely dependent to the markets of USA & EU.

Most of the orders come from these two countries and if they lose little bit of market this will

have an impact on the overall economy. Bangladesh‘s dependency to these two markets is

making the sector to much vulnerable. Elate Fashions Ltd. is only dependent on USA which is

hampering its growth. Elate should go for other ventures because they can get more orders which

will be good for the business.

Lack of training organizations for industrial workers, supervisors and managers

Very limited educated work force is coming in the RMG industry of Bangladesh. Most of the

garment factories are run by the employees with a normal degree. These work forces are cheap to

hire and easy to control, employers prefer them. These workers also monitor the lower class

workers, which are mainly the uneducated segment of the country. Companies are lacking proper

technical knowledge by hiring strategies like these. As a result, there are so many losses due to

not properly handled issues of exports.

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Time-consuming custom clearance

In Bangladesh there is always problem with the government works. As the RMG products need

to have the custom clearance the custom department always woks so slow that the products leads

to slow process. Thus the product gets late in to the factory, then the production process also

becomes slow which creates the situation of late delivery. As the products are delivered late the

buyers get disturbed which is a negative aspect for the industry.

Absence of easily on-hand middle management

Although Elate Fashion ltd. provides training for all its employees and workers but they do not

have specified training and development program designed with respect to positions and

responsibilities of the employees and workers. The system is very much the same where the

newly recruited ones have to be under someone already with experience and then they learn the

job at the work place. With an aim of earning international reputation this process of training can

turn out to be a big setback.In case of promotions and increments of the employees Elate Fashion

Limited puts more emphasis on performance irrespective of how long that employee has worked

in the organization. So in a word the company is not putting the seniors or experienced workers

under preference when it comes to promotions and increment. These are the factors which create

conflict among the employees and the employees are busy with their stuff so if situat ion arise to

control the management doesn‘t play its role fully.

EFL’s owned land near Gazipur to set up additional units

EFL is earning a handsome amount of profit and they have enough investment for which they are

opening up a new business unit in Gazipur with more space. They are trying to recruit more

people and in this way they are also focusing on the improvement of country‘s economy through

employment. They are also trying to prove themselves as a aware business people of the country.

Assurance from Government as supportive role During this current wage fixation time the government of Bangladesh assured that they will

ensure supportive role to the garments industry. They will help in decreasing the interest rate on

the garments loans and they will also help in other financial issues if it is required.


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Large pool of cheap labor to be utilized

Our country has a huge number of potential manpower who is unemployed and they need to

work for meeting their livelihoods. Since the economic condition of our country is deplorable so

it makes the poorer class of our society to work for the garments sector. Moreover, they are not

educated enough to claim for higher wages and they are not skilled as well. So, the management

can explore the labor market and select the suitable workers required for the factories.

Large and growing potential foreign market

Initially, we, the garments sector of Bangladesh were focusing mainly on the USA and European

market. But, after MFA is abolished other foreign investors are also expanding their business and

they are trying to explore in this segment. So, we can say that we have the opportunity to work

with other foreign investors besides the USA and Europe and they can also help us to maintain a

win- win situation in the long run.

Safe guards against China

Previously China had advantage as because they had cheaper labor market. But now a days, their

living standard is increasing and they are demanding more for the orders from the buyers. For

increasing this labor rate, we will get the benefit to grab more orders from the prospective

foreign companies.

The growth in the RMG units in Bangladesh

The business people of Bangladesh are investing at a large number in the garments sector and

this also a positive thing for this industry. They are not only contributing in the country‘s

economy but also introducing the quality product in the humongous market. So the investors are

being aware of this country and they also feel confidence to invest here.

Elate Fashion Ltd.’s well reputation

EFL got recognition from by the international community. They try to follow the lead time for

product delivery and they ensures proper safety measures in the work premise for their

employees. So, their employee oriented management style is a plus point for them.

Labor unrest in Bangladesh due to minimum wage fixation mightinfluence EFL


The employees of EFL are very obliged with the rules of

their management. But the current labor unrest in

Bangladesh labor market for minimum wage fixation may

influence them to become a part of the rebel. It will not only

hamper the production level of the company but also hurt


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EFL‘s well reputation as a good employer. It might also cause huge damage to the property of

the owner as well.

International pressure group to compel the local producers and the government to

implement social acquiescence

There is always a pressure from the international body to accept the local consent of the labors. It

will increase the bargaining power of both the employee and the buyer. They will force the

management to practice labor union at their organization and at the same time they will demand

cheap labor. Then the management will be in a dilemma to control whom and how.

The US GSP may be cancelled

There was a contract with USA that they will take more garment products from our country

under the US GSP contract. But this may be cancelled and then we will have to compete in the

global market for receiving more orders and the business practice will get changed significantly

and we will have to fight with both the local and global competitor.

Purchasing from US may decrease significantly

Since the US GSP may get cancelled so we will lose the US market to a lot extent. We will need

to look for other purchaser to buy our products. All the foreign buyers will look for a cheap

market and it will be very hard for us to maintain both quality product and service at a lower

price as well as maintaining the agitating work force.

High charges for utility and port services

We have to face higher charges for utility and port services. We have to spend a huge amount

due to the unethical practices and unwanted demands of the government officers. This does not

only hamper our time and money but also makes our dealing process lengthy. Due to this type of

legislation problem we sometimes fail our potential customers.

Higher bank interest rates

The local banks in our country charges higher interest rates for

establishing a garments factory or to run it( in some cases). This may

discourage many potential business people who are willingly to come

in to this industry and also those, who are already involved in it and

they just shut off their business due to the lack of proper financial

support from the financial institutions.

Maintaining little profit margin

After bearing all the operational expenses of the garments, increasing labor demand and constant

pressure from the buyers to provide some discounts to them, it becomes really very difficult for a

garment to sustain the competition. They can hardly maintain a little profit margin. Without

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ensuring a handsome amount of profit a garment cannot run and they eventually close down their


Political instability of the country

The political environment of this country remains very shaky very frequently. That is why

foreign investors get scared to invest here and here is also some legislative problem for which we

get hung in the middle of the road of our economic development.

Phase out of MFA (Multi Fiber Agreement)

The MFA was introduced in 1974 to work as a short-term protection measure

for the textile and clothing industries in developed countries against the

competitions and trade imbalances created by the low-priced apparel

manufactured in developing countries. But since it has phased out, now we

are in a highly competitive market and we can neither compromise with our

quality and service nor, can expect reasonable price from the buyers.

Strong competitors in local & global market

Since all the quota system and trade deal have expired now we are facing strong competition

sustain in this business. Not only the global market is our competitor but also the local market.

We have to ensure better service, on time product delivery and good communication with the

customers to get orders from them.

EFL might face financial crisis

Currently EFL can save less amount of money as they are opening up a new unit in Gazipur.

This is a risky venture for them as the current labor market in Bangladesh is very aggressive and

they need better pay scale. Though EFL is not facing any labor dispute at present but they might

get influenced with the current situation of the industry and they may cause harm to the

management by demanding new benefits and facilities. This will turn the management of EFL in

a very hard time to ensure productivity and skilled labor force.

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RMG sector is the backbone of the nation’s economy

Readymade garments is the backbone of the economy. It has significantly boosted up the

country‘s economy and provided ample employment opportunity for the people of this country. .

It has generated employment for about 1.8 million woman workers, who mostly came from the

rural areas. Above 90 per cent of the total workers in this industry are women. The phenomenal

growth in RMG was experienced in the last decade. With about 2,600 factories and a workforce

of 1.4 million, RMG jointly with knitwear accounted for more than 70% of total investments in

the manufacturing sector during the first half of the 1990's. The growing trend in textile sector

presents itself particularly appealing to the foreign investors.

Practicing no union, which consequences in a probability of less conflict

Practicing no union in the Elate Fashion‘s premise is a positive side that the garment workers

cannot unite to make protest against any management decision. But if we look deep into this

garments than we can see that this garments have a very caring attitude for its employee and this

type of feeling has never made the workers ever felt to come up with a union in the last 18 years.

Both the management and workers work together for mutual benefit and that is why they are

more productive and they are always being motivated with some sort of small incentives for

doing over works and on special days, by organizing programs for the workers which is

participated by them.

Availability of a bargaining team, results into an easier problem solution tool

Elate Fashion has a bargaining team which works basically individually to resolve the problem

which arises among employee and employer. This team works neutrally. Both the party can

present their opinion to them and they can negotiate on the basis of this. It helps them to come to

a decision promptly without going for any fight and damaging the resources.

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Ensuring proper employee safety measures and healthy environment in the


Elate Fashion Ltd. provides wonderful work environment to its employees and this is why, their

workers are very happy to be a part of this organization. They are aware about their health issues

and they do know that the employer themselves are alert regarding this sensitive issue. As

because they have ensured protection for the workers, so they have many people who are willing

to work there.

Female employment, a competitive advantage for Elate Fashion Ltd

Among the 1050 employees 700 of them are female. Female are less prone to get join in clash

with the employer and they have the tendency to remain happy with their existing work

conditions and pay structure. That is why the management feels interested to employ more

female and also to encourage women in the work force.

Attendance bonus, to keep the employees regular at work place

EFL provides attendance bonus to the work force to encourage them to be regular on their job.

The employees who remain present at their work for the whole month, they get extra two days

wage with their monthly wage. In this way, the employer and employee relation remain strong

and healthy and they can rely on each other for mutual benefit.

Caring attitude of the management makes the employees satisfied

The management of EFL is very much concern about their employees. Their concern resembles

in the way that they employ more female workers and they are also aware about the leave which

is required by their workers ( i.e. maternal leave, paternal leave). They also ensures on time

disbursement of the monthly wage of the workers.

Standardized wage structure than other competitors

When the garments industry is also facing problem with the wage fixation issue EFL is in a free

zone from that problem. They are already providing standardized wage to their workers and this

is the reason both the management and the employees are in good terms to keep each other‘s


Expanding the business unit in Gazipur

EFL is earning a handsome amount of profit and they have enough investment for which they are

opening up a new business unit in Gazipur with more space. They are trying to recruit more

people and in this way they are also focusing on the improvement of country‘s economy through

employment. They are also trying to prove themselves as an aware business people of the


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In spite of being directly affected due to the violent strike by labors in the country as

minimum wage fixation has not been implemented yet, there is tension among management

& labors in EFL.


EFL needs to maintain good relationship with labors. Ensure harmony & solve problems

by collective bargaining, arbitration and negotiation. HR managers must work to increase

strategic thinking process to take necessary steps in order to avoid violence.


Bangladesh earns the largest portion of its export income from readymade garments and

knitwear. At first, Bangladesh exported the readymade cloths and knitwear worth $1 million to

the USA through Riaz Garments in 1978. After that, the garments industry took over the position

of a leading industry for our export income by whipping the traditional jute industry.But, it is

frightening news for our country that this leading industry is now passing through crucial

moments. Recent continuing unrest situation in different garment factories creates the threats to

it existence. Since one year, the workers of RMG in different industries have been creating

violence in the form of processions, vandalism, blockading the road to hike their minimum wage,

attendance bonus and to ensure other facilities. These are the common scenario of the garments

factories of Savar, Mirpur, Rupganj, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Kaspur, Ashulia, Nishchintapur,

Norashinghpur, Zamgara and in other garment factories.

In the last year, about 140 garments factories were closed due to unrest accompanied by the

crisis of power and gas, price hike of yarn, poor infrastructure, and low price offers from

international buyers amid increased production cost. These are the main reasons for the shudown

in the production of a factory.The minimum salary at the entry level has been fixed at Tk 3,000:

Tk 2,000 in basic pay, Tk 800 in house rent and Tk 200 in medical allowance. The apprentice

level wage is fixed at Tk 2,500, up from Tk 1,200 now.The new wage structure will come to

effect from November 1, 2010.


Elate Fashion Limited has to face problems due to unauthorized leave by labors.

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Elate Fashion Limited has to undertake strict actions for the alleged labors and reinforces,

motivates the regular labors through monetary and non-monetary rewards.


Bangladesh earns the largest portion of its export income from readymade garments and

knitwear. At first, Bangladesh exported the readymade cloths and knitwear worth $1 million to

the USA through Riaz Garments in 1978. After that, the garments industry took over the position

of a leading industry for our export income by whipping the traditional jute industry. In garment

industries it is a common problem for all the garment industries to face unauthorized leave by

labors. It is often seen that after getting the monthly payment labors usually do not show up for

work for the next 2/3 days. That hampers the production for the factories. Unauthorized leave by

labors make it very difficult for the factories to meet the required production level as the

production process needs manual effort from the labors.

Elate Fashion Limited (EFL) also is going through this problem. Mr. RezaurRahman, Managing

Director EFL complained that labors make it difficult for EFL to reach its required production as

unauthorized leave by labors are common scenario for EFL.

To cope up with this problem one way is to undertake strict actions for the alleged labors and

reinforces, motivates the regular labors through monetary and non-monetary rewards. Whenever

there is punishment for offence and reward for performance that eventually makes employees

motivated and concerned about their job responsibilities. So, EFL needs to focus on this issue

carefully in order to meet production requirement.


Elate Fashion Limited lacks backward linkage to ensure the availability of its raw



Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish backward linkage to ensure availability and

adequate supply of inputs, and consequently lower production cost through strong supply

chain management.

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Backward linkage means garment industry

need to have fabrics to make the finished

products. Due to inadequate backward

linkage facilities, Bangladesh is still heavily

dependent on imported fabrics to meet the

demand for domestic as well as export-

oriented RMG industry. ―The present

demand-gap of fabric for domestic and

export through Ready-made Garments is 2,000 million meter.Company should establish

backward linkage because it is necessary for the sustainable growth of the company. The major

problem of Bangladesh garments is lack of backward linkages, and this creates problems like

unavailability and inadequate supply of inputs, and consequently higher production cost. A 1996

Ministry of Textiles study feared that after 2005, there might be shortages of fabrics, as

countries, which currently export fabrics will instead use their fabrics to produce and export

clothing to North America and Europe.

EFL needs to establish a strong backward linkage with foreign suppliers for raw materials. 50% of

its raw materials are mainly imported. Fabrics sources are from mainly Taiwan, Korea, China,

Hong Kong, local Bangladeshi Fabrics, which meets customer requirements, are also purchased.

Accessories are imported from Hong Kong, China & Taiwan except those items which can be

arranged from local makers as per customer‘s approval. So Elate Fashion Limited should try to

keep in good touch with the raw materials suppliers always because EFL has to depend on them for

raw materials for production. EFL also needs to emphasis on increasing the number of suppliers in

Bangladesh quality raw material producer. That will help Bangladeshi suppliers as well as it would

be a good option for EFL to collect raw materials when there is urgent need of materials.


Elate Fashion Limited has less productivity compared to other factories with the same

number of similar sort of machineries and labors.


Elate Fashion Limited has to increase the productivity through TQM.


The global economy is now controlled by the transfer of production where firms of developed

countries swing their attention to developing countries. The new representation is centered on a

core-periphery system of production, with a comparatively small center of permanent employees

dealing with finance, research and development, technological institution and modernization and

Page 44: Elate Fashion Limited

a periphery containing dependent elements of production procedure. Reducing costs and

increasing output are the main causes for this disposition. They have discovered that the simplest

way to undercharge is to move production to a country where labor charge and production costs

are lower. Since developing nations provide areas that do not impose costs like environmental

degeneration, this practice protects the developed countries against the issues of environment and

law. The transfer of production to Third World has helped the expansion of economy of these

nations and also speed up the economy of the developed nations.

Elate fashion Limited has less productivity compared to other garments industries with the same

number of similar sort of machineries and labors. One of the reasons behind is the labors are not

provided with proper processing. For example, if one labor delays in delivering the shirt to the

next one, the next labor can not finish the processing of button placing. That is how the

production process talks more time than it should have been, Total quality management would

the perfect way to cope up with such problem. Workers will be specialized in what they do

regularly. That will reduce the time and as they will be skilled workers products are supposed to

have high quality with minimum defect.


International pressure groups try to compel the local producers and the government to

implement social acquiescence.


Maintaining good relationship with govt. and rather than always reducing or keeping the

wage low they need to re-negotiate higher product price from the international



The garment industry in Bangladesh has been subject to several tests of resilience in recent

years—global recession, energy shortage, input price increases, and labor unrest. Of late, the

labor unrest has escalated apparently triggered by disagreement over re-fixation of minimum

wage. The workers, for quite some time now, have been pressing for adjustment in minimum


Bangladeshi garment industries face international pressure. Local producers and the government

also try to implement social acquiescence. International pressure groups often ask for discounts

like Walmart demanded 5% rebate on Bangladeshi garment products. At the end the ultimate

effect is the poor labors mainly suffer due to poor price of quality products. Large retail trading

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companies placed in the United States and Western Europe give most orders for Bangladeshi

garment products. Companies like Marks and Spencer (UK) and C&A (the Netherlands) control

capital funds, in proportion to which the capital of Bangladeshi owners is patience. Shirts

manufactured in Bangladesh are sold in developed nations for five to ten times their imported


Despite continuing unrest on the streets of Dhaka by garment workers unhappy with the new pay

deal agreed last week, it seems the compromise wage hike will go some way towards placating

calls by retailers in Europe and North America for better pay in the country's clothing

industry.Many apparel buyers from retailers including Wal-Mart, Tesco, H&M, Zara, Carrefour,

Gap, Metro, JCPenney, Marks & Spencer, Kohl's, Levi Strauss and Tommy Hilfiger, agreed in

principle to support the wage hike. So EFL as well as other garment industries have to maintain

good relationship with govt. and rather than always reducing or keeping the wage low they need

to re-negotiate higher product price from the international buyers/brands.


EFL faces major problems due to late arrival of orders from buyers.


EFL must practice time management technique and always be ready to deliver order in

short notice. Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective

communication with buyers to receive order on time.


Bangladesh garment industries face a common problem which is late order placement by foreign

buyers. It becomes very difficult for the garment products manufacturer to meet the date line if

the order is not received by them on time. Many a times

garment industries have to bear the burden of bad stock

as the orders are not taken timely. Late orders also put

factories in trouble. That is the time management has no

other option rather than engaging its workers for long

working hours. Because of rush there might not be proper

control for quality which eventually might

demotivate the buyers to go for those particular

garment industries.

The Western companies are guilty of pitiable

working atmosphere in the garment sector. The developed nations want to make more profit and

therefore, force the developing nations to cut down the manufacturing cost. In order to survive in

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the competition, most of the developing nations select immoral practices. By introducing

inflexible terms and conditions in the business, the global economy has left few alternatives for

the developing nations

EFL needs to practice time management technique and always be ready to deliver order in short

notice. Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective communication with

buyers to receive order on time. There will have to continuous communication with foreign

potential buyers regarding orders. There is big role for third parties to play. Many a times just

because of not having good link with the buyers the garments industries from Bangladesh do not

get the orders. Third parties would play a role as hyphen between EFL and foreign buyers. Thus

time management can be practiced effectively.


Elate Fashion Limited only exports to US buyers.


Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish new markets for the manufactured products in

other countries such as Canada & EU markets.


The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source of

foreign exchange for the last 25 years. At present, the country generates about $5 billion worth of

products each year by exporting garment. The industry provides employment to about 3 million

workers of whom 90% are women.Despite continuing unrest on the streets of Dhaka by garment

workers unhappy with the new pay deal agreed last week, it seems the compromise wage hike

will go some way towards placating calls by retailers in Europe and North America for better pay

in the country's clothing industry.

The global economy is now controlled by the transfer of production where firms of developed

countries swing their attention to developing countries. The new representation is centered on a

core-periphery system of production, with a comparatively small center of permanent employees

dealing with finance, research and development, technological institution and modernization and

a periphery containing dependent elements of production procedure. Reducing costs and

increasing output are the main causes for this disposition.

Elate fashion limited needs to find more markets like Canada and European Union (EU). As

Bangladesh has partnership with EU, EFL can exploit the markets in global markets.

Dependency on US market might cause problems. US generalized system of preference (GSP)

has been cancelled. As a result the purchase from US might decrease significantly. So EFL needs

to find out more potential markets for cannibalization.

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In spite of being directly affected due to the violent strike by labors in the country as

minimum wage fixation has not been implemented yet, there is tension among management

& labors in EFL.


EFL needs to maintain good relationship with labors. Ensure harmony & solve problems

by collective bargaining, arbitration and negotiation. HR managers must work to increase

strategic thinking process to take necessary steps in order to avoid violence.


EFL needs to maintain good relationship with labors. Ensure harmony & solve problems

by collective bargaining, arbitration and negotiation. HR managers must work to increase

strategic thinking process to take necessary steps in order to avoid violence.

Recent continuing unrest situation in different garment factories creates the threats to it

existence. Since one year, the workers in different industries have been creating violence in the

form of processions, vandalism, blockading the road to hike their minimum wage, attendance

bonus and to ensure other facilities. These are the common scenario of the garments factories of

Savar, Mirpur, Rupganj, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Kaspur, Ashulia, Nishchintapur, Norashinghpur,

Zamgara and in other garment factories. Though EFL has not face any direct protest from its

labors, but there is a hidden tension between workers and management.

Who will implement it?

The RMG authority: It will be really impossible for the individual companies to

increase the wage salary dramatically. So, the authoritative bodies of the RMG sector

must unite to find the best ways to implement the salary increase and also to what extent

it can be and should be increased. The body must also decide that whether the employees

should be involved in the process and which other parties shall be, can be and should be

involved. They should also find a common source of funds for all the companies when

the need may arise. Thus the labor unrest in garment industries can be resolved.

Top management:The management will decide to resolve such problems in the factory.

They will have to adopt workers friendly decision which will not indulge any dispute

among workers. Otherwise external influence might make the scene worse in EFL also.

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HR experts:As the process of paying the right level of salary is very vital, it must be

planned and designed by HR experts, so, that the payment process encompasses all the

aspects of how a person should be paid based on job type and position. Also, the HR

experts will be able to tell the kind of employees who will be eager or interested to stay

with the company for a long period of time.

Collective bargain agents:At EFL there are two

collective bargaining teams both from labors and

management. They will have to play a crucial role in order

to solve any disputes at initial stage so that it does not

hamper production process to EFL at all.

Arbitrator: Many a times on the agreement of both

parties‘ arbitrators are there to help in reaching a decision. So arbitrator can play an

important role in making things easier for EFL management. So arbitrator has to make

him/herself trustworthy for both parties. Thus there will be reduction of sense of lack of


Employees:As the process is intended towards the workers and employees, so, their

voluntary participation is a matter of absolute necessity, because any process is

successful if the participants participate whole heatedly.

How it will be implemented?

Negotiation and Collective bargaining: Negotiation and collective bargaining are very

effective tools to solve problems. EFL also should use this tool. There will be negotiation

and Collective bargaining teams from both management & labors about working terms

and condition. Thus there is minimum chance of conflict between labors and

management as they reach to decision after discussing together. Both parties have to have

the mentality to make the organization benefitted at the end of the day.

Arbitration: Arbitration can be used when there is need of such action. But arbitrator has

to be accepted by both of the parties. Both of the parties also have to give consent that the

decision taken by arbitrators will be accepted by the parties. Arbitration reduces the

sense of lack of trust.

Effective communication: There has to be effective communication from the side of

management to labors. Because sometimes based on a very small issue, labors might end

into being demotivated and dissatisfied. So it is better to communicate with the frequently

to know what they expect, what are their problems, how they can be more productive,

what are the actions that need to be taken in order to increase productivity. Management

has to listen to them. Then it is a question to what extent they will implement it.

Page 49: Elate Fashion Limited

Labor relationship officer (LRO): EFL can assign an employee as ―Labor Relationship

Officer‖ (LRO) whose primary job would be to keep in good touch with labors. He /she

will try to motivate the labors. LRO can let management know about the labors‘ thoughts

which would help management to be pro-active.

Where to implement it?

The process should be implemented in the whole organization. The good relationship among

labors and management would not only help the organization but also make all the employees of

organization feel the taste of a family which is very essential. The sense of belonging under one

roof actually brings unity which is the pre-requisite for success.

When will it be implemented?

The process has started implementation from the very beginning of the company. So

harmonization among employees should go on and on. Bargaining should be attempted

according to the changing environment. Arbitration may be practiced when needed. HR needs to

play active role in communicating with workers time to time to know the then situation.


Elate Fashion Limited has to face problems due to unauthorized leave by labors.


Elate Fashion Limited has to undertake strict actions for the alleged labors and reinforces,

motivates the regular labors through monetary and non-monetary rewards.


Elate Fashion Limited has to undertake strict actions for the alleged labors and reinforces,

motivates the regular labors through monetary and non-monetary rewards.

Mr. RezaurRahman, Managing Director EFL complained that labors make it difficult for EFL to

reach its required production as unauthorized leave by labors are common scenario for EFL. To

cope up with this problem one way is to undertake strict actions for the alleged labors and

reinforces, motivates the regular labors through monetary and non-monetary rewards.

Who will implement it?

Page 50: Elate Fashion Limited

Top management:Top management has to be strict in setting the examples of giving

punishment and giving rewards for performance. Top management has be make the

labors understand that their performance would be evaluated properly and good

performance would surely bring fortune for them.

HRM department:HRM department has to play the vital role in maintaining schedule

process. They will have to monitor strictly on the labors as well as the supervisor, floor

manager whether they are performing their duties properly.

Floor managers:Floor manager needs to communicate with the labors to make them

regular on the floor. Floor manager needs to deliver the message from top to bottom to

labors what actions are going to be taken for what performances. Thus labors would get

to know and they will try to focus more on job.

Supervisors:Supervisors can play a big role here. Supervisors are the ones who directly

deals with the labors most of the time while working on floor. Supervisor should

identify the problematic labors and report to higher authority for taking necessary


How it will be implemented?

Wage penalty for late / absence: There will be penalty for the labors who would be late

for three (03) days in a month. Any unauthorized leave will end in to penalty for one

whole day of eight (08) hours.

Attendance bonus for regular labors:There will be attendance bonus for the labors who

will attend all the working days of month. They will be given two (02) days extra

payment that calculating eight working hours a day.

Evaluating past performance while considering promotion to upper grade:The

schedule sheets will be preserved for the performance evaluation while considering to

giving promotion to upper grades. The labors who will have good performance appraisal

would get promotion without any hassle.

“PoshakShilpi” award:EFL would give ―PoshakShilpi‖ award to its top three (03)

performers of the month. It will be evaluated based on attendance, productivity,

discipline. They will be awarded two thousand taka (BDT 2000). They will be given

preference for promotion.

Where to implement it?

Page 51: Elate Fashion Limited

The introduction of the process must be implemented at the working places of the workers. That

means the workers must be paid at their respective factories. The wages if possible should be

handed over to the employees by the employers in the factory premise.

When will it be implemented?

The process should implementation as soon as possible. PoshakShilpi award will be given at the

beginning of the next month of getting the reward. Thus the labors would be waiting for the day

to come and they will be motivated to give their best for the rest of the months.


Elate Fashion Limited lacks backward linkage to ensure the availability of its raw



Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish backward linkage to ensure availability and

adequate supply of inputs, and consequently lower production cost through strong supply

chain management.


Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish backward linkage to ensure availability and

adequate supply of inputs, and consequently lower production cost through strong supply

chain management.

Instead of depending on random suppliers it is wise for Elate Fashion Limited Garments to

establish their own supply department which will collect raw materials directly from market

national as well as international markets like Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, and China.

The raw material supply department of EFL will receive a list of raw materials and services

required by the production department to complete the customer‘s orders. Then the department

will collect information in order to select most cost-efficient sources for collecting raw materials

and collect leather and finally deliver the necessary raw materials to the manufacturing site on

the required date.

Who will implement it?

Top management: Top management of EFL has to make sure it is keeping good

relationship with its existing local and foreign suppliers. They should be careful about

payment and other procedure so that there is no chance of dispute among suppliers. As

EFL has to depend on suppliers for raw materials they have be conscious.

Resource supply department: Resource supply management should have necessary

information regarding stock of raw materials. They have to inform and monitor about raw

materials. Resource supply department needs to deliver the raw materials timely for the

production. Uninterrupted supply from them would ensure smooth production.

Page 52: Elate Fashion Limited

Strategic partners: Strategic partners would also take part in implementation of this

process. They will work to help in communicating with suppliers for raw materials at

reasonable price and at the right time.

Operations managers: Operation manager would be responsible for allocating necessary

amount of raw materials for production. Operations manager would deal with labors and

supervisors to ensure adequate supply of raw materials.

Supervisors: Supervisors have to make sure that no raw material is wasted due to the

inefficient work process by labors. Supervisors have to monitor the production process.

He also has to make sure raw materials are converted into quality products.

How it will be implemented?

Collaborating well with the foreign suppliers: Elate Fashion Limited will have to

collaborate with foreign suppliers like Taiwan, Korea, China, Hong Kong. As 50% of its

raw materials are imported EFL has to maintain good relationship with them.

Supply chain management:Instead of depending on random suppliers it is wise for Elate

Fashion Limited Garments to establish their own supply department which will collect

raw materials directly from market national as well as international markets like Taiwan,

Hong Kong. The raw material supply department of EFL will receive a list of raw

materials and services required by the production department to complete the customer‘s

orders. Then the department will collect information in order to select most cost-efficient

sources for collecting raw materials and collect leather and finally deliver the necessary

raw materials to the manufacturing site on the required date.

Stock of raw materials for unwanted situations: EFL has to be proactive in stocking

raw materials in order to avoid any unwanted situation which might happen due to

problems like transportation problem, strike, political crisis etc.

Ensuring proper utilization: EFL must ensure proper utilization of raw materials. There

should not be any wastage of raw materials. Labors should be monitored and supervisors,

floor manager need to ensure it.

Page 53: Elate Fashion Limited

For EFL to ensure that the supply chain is operating as efficient as possible and generating the

highest level of customer satisfaction at the lowest cost, companies have adopted well designed

Supply Chain Management processes and associated technology. In general Supply Chain

Management has three levels of activities strategic; tactical; and operational and for EFL it is

must to focus on all of them.

Where to implement it?

The introduction of the process must be implemented within short span of time. Though channels

EFL needs to establish and maintain good relationship not only with local suppliers from

Bangladesh but also with those from foreign markets like Taiwan, China, Hong Kong etc. It

should be done whenever the opportunity arises. The stock house keeper should maintain stock

summary up to date. Production floor also has to implement it successfully.

When will it be implemented?

This step should be implemented at the earliest possible time. But, the decision of implementing

the process must be taken at an earlier date to facilitate the availability of the money when it will

be needed to stock raw materials. If the company is suffering from financial crisis than during

that time only the most important raw materials should be considered for priority. Supply chain

management is necessary for every sort of production oriented firms. For Sicily garments to

ensure that the supply chain is operating as efficient as possible and generating the highest level

of customer satisfaction at the lowest cost, companies have adopted well designed Supply Chain

Management processes and associated technology.


Elate Fashion Limited has less productivity compared to other factories with the same

number of similar sort of machineries and labors.


Elate Fashion Limited has to increase the productivity through TQM.


Page 54: Elate Fashion Limited

Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish Total Quality Management process and EFL also

needs to increase the productivity of the workers through training and high end technology


Only effectiveness of EFLgarment‘s employees may ensure to produce large quantity of product

at a lower cost. It would give power to the company to compete with other manufacturers as they

easily implement the economics of scale concept in production floor. Moreover, TQM or Total

Quality Management itself has to work as a part of the organizational culture to be effective.

Who will implement it?

Trainers: There must be both foreign and local trainers. The foreign trainers will teach

the employees about the levels of expectations and standards of international customers.

On the other hand, the local trainers will teach the employees how to produce the

products in the local ways which will suit the workers better. It will be best if the

trainers can work together to give employees the training to better and more efficient

production by influencing them to work for global standard while being a local worker.

HR experts: As the training process is very vital, it must be planned and designed by

HR experts, so, that the training process encompasses all the aspects of how a person

should be trained based on job type and position.

Employees: As the training process is intended towards the workers and employees, so,

their voluntary participation is a matter of absolute necessity, because any training

process is successful if the participants participate whole heatedly.

How it will be implemented?

Careful selection of employees: The authority should choose employees very carefully

because the more experienced the employees will be the better and more efficient they

will be. That will increase the output of the organization. The company will be produce

more with less number of workers if they are skilled enough. Thus the profit margin will

increase and employees will be paid more.

High tech production facilities: To reduce the number of employees, thus enabling the

top management to provide the remaining employees higher salary, the production

facility must be of better technology based, it will lessen the dependence on human labor.

Also, the quality of product will also rise.

Page 55: Elate Fashion Limited

Train the employees: As, the employees need to be motivated, first they must be showed

a clear way and objectives of working procedure. They must be well aware about the kind

of product they are going to produce and their possible needs. So, the employees must go

through a proper training procedure to make them feel capable of handling the jobs which

will be given to them. The employees must be trained

through a precisely planned training process and should be

given right kind of training. It is especially true for lower

level of employees, because they lack education. The

training process should include the ways and standards

of international customers, so that the employees can serve

international orders the way they expect.

Finding the weaknesses of the employees: All the employees may not need the same

type and level of training .It is extremely crucial to find the exact needs of the employees

and their weak points.

Page 56: Elate Fashion Limited

Where to implement it?

TQM is a kind of culture in which the total organization is included. So, TQM culture has to be

implemented in total organizational context in order to get maximum befit out of it. As

mentioned earlier implementing TQM is impossible without collaboration with employees.

Moreover, TQM it must be accomplished step by step such as starting from production level and

then slowly.

When will it be implemented?

It is true, that cultures do not develop overnight. Especially as TQM implementation calls for a

total alter in existing context so it will require time. So, the company should make a long term

plan and implement it slowly.


Page 57: Elate Fashion Limited

International pressure groups try to compel the local producers and the government to

implement social acquiescence.


Maintaining good relationship with govt. and rather than always reducing or keeping the

wage low they need to re-negotiate higher product price from the international



Maintaining good relationship with govt. and rather than always reducing or keeping the

wage low they need to re-negotiate higher product price from the international


Bangladeshi garment industries face international pressure. Local producers and the government

also try to implement social acquiescence. International pressure groups often ask for discounts

like Walmart demanded 5% rebate on Bangladeshi garment products. At the end the ultimate

effect is the poor labors mainly suffer due to poor price of quality products. Large retail trading

companies placed in the United States and Western Europe give most orders for Bangladeshi

garment products. Companies like Marks and Spencer (UK) and C&A (the Netherlands) control

capital funds, in proportion to which the capital of Bangladeshi owners is patience. Shirts

manufactured in Bangladesh are sold in developed nations for five to ten times their imported


Who will implement it?

The RMG authority: The Respective authorities will have to take imitative to

communicate and negotiate with govt. and foreign buyers regarding price increment.

BGMEA, BKMEA and other such organizations can big role to implement this process.

The Government: The government needs to give support to the Bangladeshi garment

industries. Govt. must ensure all the necessary doors open for the industries so that

Bangladeshi garment manufacturers can think of serving the nation through earning

foreign remittance.

Page 58: Elate Fashion Limited

Top management: Top management has to keep liaison with govt., political parties,

other garment manufacturing industries and the foreign buyers. Top management has to

make sure that the labor right is not hampered at any stage because of the demand from

international pressure groups.

HRM department: HRM department needs to focus on building good relationship and

maintaining it. HR experts will play the role in communicating and try to reflect the good

image of the company.

Marketing department: Marketing department needs to understand that is there is brand

image for Bangladeshi garments products, manufacturers can earn more revenue. The

quality products deserve price increase. For this marketing is essential. Trade expo,

fashion show in Bangladesh and foreign countries can be a good way of making it

familiar in front of the world.

Product design & development teams: Designers will come up with innovative,

attractive design which will attract the foreign customers. As fashionable products change

over time, they will have to work continuously to design new products.

How it will be implemented?

Negotiation with Govt. and international buyers: EFL will have to negotiate with

govt. and international buyers effectively. EFL has to have a negotiation team who would

be able to get the things done properly.

Creating brand image: EFL needs to understand the value of creating brand image.

Companies like Marks and Spencers (UK) and C&A (the Netherlands) control capital

funds, in proportion to which the capital of Bangladeshi owners is patience. Shirts

manufactured in Bangladesh are sold in developed nations for five to ten times their

imported price.

Effective marketing tactics:The quality products deserve price increase. For this

marketing is essential. Trade expo, fashion show in Bangladesh and foreign countries can

be a good way of making it familiar in front of the world. Discounted offers can attract

international buyers.

Page 59: Elate Fashion Limited

Improved quality, attractive offers, innovative design, and customer care: EFL has

to have improved quality, attractive offers, and innovative design to make international

buyers interested. Customer care is another important part that needs to be ensured.

Where to implement it?

This process should be implemented at top level mainly with the support from the marketing and

product development side. Workers at production floor also should participate in producing

quality products which will ensure company good image to the other buyers.

When will it be implemented?

As global competition has started because of the phase out of multi fiber agreement (MFA) EFL

needs to implement the process without making any delay. International & local trade fairs can

be good time to do marketing & promotional activities. After ensuring improved quality,

flexibility, innovation and customer care EFL needs to make a strong stand.


EFL faces major problems due to late arrival of orders from buyers.


EFL must practice time management technique and always be ready to deliver order in

short notice. Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective

communication with buyers to receive order on time.


Page 60: Elate Fashion Limited

EFL must practice time management technique and always be ready to deliver order in

short notice. Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective

communication with buyers to receive order on time.

EFL needs to practice time management technique and always be ready to deliver order in short

notice. Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective communication with

buyers to receive order on time. There will have to continuous communication with foreign

potential buyers regarding orders. There is big role for third parties to play. Many a times just

because of not having good link with the buyers the garments industries from Bangladesh do not

get the orders.

Who will implement it?

Top management: Top management has to keep the way clear for good communication

with potential buyers and orders. They will have to adapt to decision that would help to

get benefit for EFL.

HRM department:Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective

communication with buyers to receive order on time. There will have to continuous

communication with foreign potential buyers regarding orders. There is big role for third

parties to play. Many a times just because of not having good link with the buyers the

garments industries from Bangladesh do not get the orders.

Existing buyers:EFL needs to influence the existing buyers to get new orders. Word of

mouth is very important for any business. If existing buyers are satisfied they might bring

new customers also for EFL.

Third parties:There is big role for third parties to play. Many a times just because of not

having good link with the buyers the garments industries from Bangladesh do not get the


How it will be implemented?

Time management systems:Time management is the most cost- effective solution that

EFL may use to ensure timely delivery of product in short term notice. Time management

starts with the commitment to change as well as creating a time-frame for each and every

single activity. Time management also demands for training employees properly to

comply with these.

Page 61: Elate Fashion Limited

Effective communication with potential buyers:EFL needs to communicate with

buyers who can a good scope for EFL to do business with. EFL has to have a negotiation

team who would be able to get the things done properly. EFL will send product portfolio,

price quotation to them to show their interest, capacity and capability.

Consult with on-hand third parties:Human resource department & third parties must

ensure effective communication with buyers to receive order on time. There will have to

continuous communication with foreign potential buyers regarding orders. There is big

role for third parties to play. Many a times just because of not having good link with the

buyers the garments industries from Bangladesh do not get the orders.

Use existing buyers to obtain new buyers:EFL needs to influence the existing buyers to

get new orders. Word of mouth is very important for any business. If existing buyers are

satisfied they might bring new customers also for EFL.

Creating good reputation:There is no other option rather than having a good reputation

among buyers in markets. Because reputation not only brings respect but also brings

respected buyers.

Where to implement it?

This process should be implemented at top level mainly with the support from the marketing and

product development side. Workers at production floor also should participate in producing

quality products which will ensure company good image to the other buyers.

When will it be implemented?

Taking order is a on-going process. When EFL increases productivity in existing factories and

setting up new units later EFL should go for new markets. As global competition has started

because of the phase out of multi fiber agreement (MFA) EFL needs to implement the process

without making any delay. International & local trade fairs can be good time to do marketing &

promotional activities. After ensuring improved quality, flexibility, innovation and customer care

EFL needs to make a strong stand.





Page 62: Elate Fashion Limited

Elate Fashion Limited only exports to US buyers.


Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish new markets for the manufactured products in

other countries such as Canada & EU markets.


Elate Fashion Limited needs to establish new markets for the manufactured products in

other countries such as Canada & EU markets.

Elate fashion limited needs to find more markets like Canada and European Union (EU). As

Bangladesh has partnership with EU, EFL can exploit the markets in global markets.

Dependency on US market might cause problems. US generalized system of preference (GSP)

has been cancelled. As a result the purchase from US might decrease significantly. So EFL needs

to find out more potential markets for cannibalization.

Who will implement it?

Top management: Top management has to keep the way clear for good communication

with potential buyers and orders. They will have to adapt to decision that would help to

get benefit for EFL.

HRM department:Human resource department & third parties must ensure effective

communication with buyers to receive order on time. There will have to continuous

communication with foreign potential buyers regarding orders. There is big role for third

parties to play. Many a times just because of not having good link with the buyers the

garments industries from Bangladesh do not get the orders.

Market analysis teams:Market analysis teams will conduct market research about the

demand of EFL products. They will try to select the attractive markets in EU and Canada.

How it will be implemented?

To implement this process EFL needs to conduct international potentials market research by its

market analysis teams. EFL also needs to do feasibility test & cost effectiveness to see the

prospect in those markets. Then EFL needs to select and send representatives to do result

oriented negotiation with the international buyers from EU and Canadian markets. EFL must

ensure smooth trade between countries after their agreement. EFL has to go for cannibalization

Page 63: Elate Fashion Limited

with full potential with the international players in international players. So the below chart

would make it a simplified form:

Where to implement it?

This process should be implemented at top level mainly with the support from the marketing and

product development side. Workers at production floor also should participate in producing

quality products which will ensure company good image to the other buyers.

When will it be implemented?

Whenever other global markets are attractive enough to enter, EFL would take the opportunity to

exploit the markets. EFL will have to reach full potential to serve the markets. That would be the

suitable time to go for more markets.