ELA Academic Vocabulary - risd.k12.nm.us Center/ELA 4th Grade...academic concepts effect informal...

academic concepts effect informal accounts conclude emotions information accurately conclusion encyclopedias informational actions conclusions enhance insights affixes conjunction environment integrate alliteration context events Internet allowed context clues evidence internet search analogies contexts example interpret analysis contrast experience interrogative relative pronouns analyze contributes explain investigation animation conventional sentence patterns explanation key details appropriate conventions expression keyboarding aspects conversation fact knowledgeable audience convey figurative language Latin audio recordings coordinating conjunction first person legends author culture firsthand lettersounds author’s purpose decrease fluency level base words definition focus light bibliography definitions font link capitalize describe footnote linking words/phrases cast description formal list categorize descriptions format literal meaning cause/effect descriptive formats literary character detail fragments literature character’s actions details general location charts determine generalizations main idea checking for understanding develop genres major/minor events chronological diagrams glossary math chronology dialogue go together mathematical cite dictionary grammar meaning clarify difference graphics media clear differentiate graphs menu clip art digital Greek message clues digital sources group meter coherent direct speech group work modal combine directions historical multiple meanings comma discourse history multiplemeaning words command discussion ideas multipleparagraph compare display illustrator myth comparison diverse increase mythology complexity domain independent reading narrate compound sentence draft infer narrator comprehend drama inference nonliteral meaning comprehension editing inform notetaking ELA Academic Vocabulary Fourth Grade Quarter 4 ELA 4th Grade Quarter 4 1 of 2 Spring 2017

Transcript of ELA Academic Vocabulary - risd.k12.nm.us Center/ELA 4th Grade...academic concepts effect informal...

Page 1: ELA Academic Vocabulary - risd.k12.nm.us Center/ELA 4th Grade...academic concepts effect informal ... poetry rubric tell ... paragraph illustrator myth increase mythology ELA 4th Grade

academic concepts effect informalaccounts conclude emotions informationaccurately conclusion encyclopedias informationalactions conclusions enhance insightsaffixes conjunction environment integratealliteration context events Internetallowed context clues evidence internet searchanalogies contexts example interpretanalysis contrast experience interrogative relative pronounsanalyze contributes explain investigationanimation conventional sentence patterns explanation key detailsappropriate conventions expression keyboardingaspects conversation fact knowledgeableaudience convey figurative language Latinaudio recordings coordinating conjunction first person legendsauthor culture firsthand letter‐soundsauthor’s purpose decrease fluency levelbase words definition focus lightbibliography definitions font linkcapitalize describe footnote linking words/phrasescast description formal listcategorize descriptions format literal meaningcause/effect descriptive formats literarycharacter detail fragments literaturecharacter’s actions details general locationcharts determine generalizations main ideachecking for understanding develop genres major/minor eventschronological diagrams glossary mathchronology dialogue go together mathematicalcite dictionary grammar meaningclarify difference graphics mediaclear differentiate graphs menuclip art digital Greek messageclues digital sources group metercoherent direct speech group work modalcombine directions historical multiple meaningscomma discourse history multiple‐meaning wordscommand discussion ideas multiple‐paragraphcompare display illustrator mythcomparison diverse increase mythologycomplexity domain independent reading narratecompound sentence draft infer narratorcomprehend drama inference non‐literal meaningcomprehension editing inform note‐taking

ELA Academic Vocabulary

Fourth GradeQuarter 4

ELA 4th Grade Quarter 4 1 of 2 Spring 2017

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ELA Academic Vocabulary

Fourth GradeQuarter 4

on topic reference materials spell checkopinion reflection stage directionsoral relates standard Englishorally relative adverbs storiesorder relative pronouns storyorganization relevant strengthenorganize re‐reading structurepace research subjectparagraph restatement suffixparaphrasing restatements summarizepatterns results summarypeers revise supportpermitted revising syllabication patternperspective rhythm symbolismphrase role taskplanning roots technical textpoetry rubric tellpoint of view run‐ons textpoints save themeportion scan third personPowerPoint science timelinesprecise scientific timesprecision secondhand topicprefix section topicspresentation selections traditionalprimary sources self‐correction transitional wordsproblem self‐monitoring treatmentproblem/solution sentence understandprocedure sentences understandingprogressive verb tense sequence universal themesproject setting unknownproof shades of meaning verseproofread simple sentence versionproofreading situations videosPublisher skills visualpurpose skim visuallyquantitatively social sciences vocabularyquote social studies word processingquoting/quotation sourcesrange speakerreasons specificrecall specific detailsrecollections specific informationrecount speech styles

ELA 4th Grade Quarter 4 2 of 2 Spring 2017

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academic concepts

accounts conclude

accurately conclusion

actions conclusions

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affixes conjunction

alliteration context

allowed context clues

analogies contexts

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analysis contrast

analyze contributes

animation conventional sentence patterns

appropriate conventions

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aspects conversation

audience convey

audio recordings

coordinating conjunction

author culture

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author’s pur‐pose decrease

base words definition

bibliography definitions

capitalize describe

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cast description

categorize descriptions

cause/effect descriptive

character detail

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character’s actions details

checking for understanding develop

charts determine

chronological diagrams

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chronology dialogue

cite dictionary

clarify difference

clear differentiate

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clip art digital

clues digital sources

coherent direct speech

combine directions

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comma discourse

command discussion

compare display

comparison diverse

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complexity domain

compound sentence draft

comprehend drama

comprehension editing

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on topic reference materials

orally relative adverbs

opinion reflection

oral relates

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effect informal

emotions information

encyclopedias informational

enhance insights

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environment integrate

events Internet

evidence internet search

example interpret

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experience interrogative relative pronouns

explain investigation

explanation key details

expression keyboarding

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fact knowledgeable

figurative language Latin

first person legends

firsthand letter‐sounds

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footnote linking words/phrases

fluency level

focus light

font link

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formal list

format literal meaning

formats literary

fragments literature

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general location

generalizations main idea

genres major/minor events

glossary math

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go together mathematical

grammar meaning

graphics media

graphs menu

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historical multiple meanings

Greek message

group meter

group work modal

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history multiple‐meaning words

ideas multiple‐paragraph

illustrator myth

increase mythology

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independent reading narrate

infer narrator

inference non‐literal meaning

inform note‐taking

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order relative pronouns

organization relevant

organize re‐reading

pace research

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paragraph restatement

paraphrasing restatements

patterns results

peers revise

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permitted revising

perspective rhythm

phrase role

planning roots

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poetry rubric

point of view run‐ons

points save

portion scan

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PowerPoint science

precise scientific

precision secondhand

prefix section

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presentation selections

primary sources


problem self‐monitoring

problem/solution sentence

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proof shades of meaning

procedure sentences

progressive verb tense sequence

project setting

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proofread simple sentence

proofreading situations

Publisher skills

purpose skim

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quantitatively social


quote social studies

quoting/quotation sources

range speaker

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recall specific details

recollections specific information

recount speech styles

reasons specific

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spell check story

stage directions strengthen

standard English structure

stories subject

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syllabication pattern suffix

symbolism summarize

task summary

technical text support

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tell timelines

text times

theme topic

third person topics

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traditional understanding

transitional words

universal themes

treatment unknown

understand verse

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vocabulary visual

word processing visually



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