El Turismo Cultural/Cultural Tourism, Alberto S Bustamante, Jr.

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    El Turismo Cultural:

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    Races,Tradiciones,Identidad y Patrimonio

    Nuestro deber en rescatarlo y preservarlo

    En el largo proceso de cuarenta y siete aos, en que tanto la lucha

    como el sufrimiento han sido intensos, nuestra cultura y nuestras tradi-

    ciones han sido daadas profundamente.

    Nuestros hijos y nietos han sido confundidos en su identidad.

    El saqueo del Patrimonio Artstico y Documental que hemos

    observado dentro y fuera de Cuba ha sido motivo serio, para que muchos

    de nosotros, hayamos dedicado nuestra vida a tratar de salvar lo mayor

    posible, comprando a veces, y otras veces denunciando las ventas por

    especuladores que trafican con el gobierno comunista, que como

    sistema lo utiliza para perpetuarse en el poder.Se fue creando en ese proceso una sensacin de urgencia, por crear

    una organizacin seria, para preservar, rescatar y denunciar al mundo ese

    saqueo, y salvar lo nico que no podemos perder nosotros y las futuras

    generaciones como son, las races, la identidad y nuestra riqueza patri-


    En 1993 varios grupos que trabajaban y se preocupaban al igual que

    nosotros, decidimos unirnos y crear un 22 de enero de 1994, Herencia

    Cultural Cubana.

    En aquellos momentos el "sueo de libertad" con el derrumbe de la

    Cortina de Hierro" en Europa Oriental, aument nuestro esfuerzo.Nuestro sueo de libertad en Cuba no se hizo realidad entonces, pero

    hemos madurado mucho en esos aos, no slo en el exilio, sino dentro

    de Cuba, en que el mito revolucionario y caudillista ha sido destruido por

    sus propios lderes. Con el aumento en la centralizacin vuelven a caer

    en el estalinismo, haciendo desaparecer los vestigios de apertura que,

    para sobrevivir, fomentaban con el dilogo. Prueba de ello es la informa-

    cin que nos llega, de que de las 800 inversiones mixtas, slo quedan

    menos de 100, ya que gran parte de ellas se ha retirado de Cuba.

    El petrleo venezolano ha contribuido en gran parte a este nuevo

    enfoque. La experiencia del fracaso comunista no ha sido aceptada por el

    rgimen, y la nueva generacin sin futuro, es llevada a los extremos de

    escapar, o de confrontacin y demanda por un cambio. Cambio con

    libertad y democracia, y no sucesin totalitaria.

    Visin del futuro

    En nuestros viajes por Europa Oriental, pudimos comprobar que el

    cambio y el progreso econmico en esos pases despus de 1989, ha sido

    proporcional a la rapidez de resolver el tema de la propiedad privada, y

    Alberto S.Bustamante

    La Empresa Privadaen Funcin de



    Valle de Viales

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    del retorno, devolucin o compensacin de las

    propiedades robadas que pudieran garantizar el

    sistema de libre empresa y de economa de

    mercado en esos pases. La experiencia de Cuba

    una vez que ocurra el cambio no ser diferente.

    Con el cambio se har frente a interminables

    problemas en la infraestructura destruida: la

    educacin, la crisis energtica, la vivienda, etc.

    Con el progreso econmico y el aumento de

    las inversiones por cubanos y extranjeros,

    Roots, Traditions, Identity and HeritageOur duty to rescue and save cultural tourism

    Through a long process of forty-seven years, during

    which fighting and suffering have been quite intense,

    our culture and traditions have been deeply wounded,

    and our children and grandchildren have fallen into

    confusion regarding their own identity.

    We have been witnesses, within and without Cuba,

    to the plundering of our artistic and documentary

    heritage, and this has moved many of us to devote ourlives to saving as much as possible of this heritage, at

    times buying its pieces of value, some other times

    exposing the business of speculators who engage in

    deals with the Cuban government, ready to take

    advantage of this to perpetuate its holding of power.

    From this same process, a sense of urgency arose.

    It was necessary to establish a serious and responsible

    organization to rescue and preserve our heritage, to let

    the world know about such pillage, and to save the only

    thing that we and the future generations cannot and

    must not lose: our roots, our identity, and the wealth of

    Cultural Tourism: Private

    Enterpriseand its Mission to PreserveAlberto S. Bustamante

    El Yunque, Baracoa

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    our heritage. Back in 1993, several groups were

    engaged in this task, and these groups decided to get

    together and join forces. Thats how Cuban Cultural

    Heritage was born on January 22, 1994.

    At that time, our dreams of freedom, driven bythe downfall of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe,

    served to intensify our efforts. Our dream of liberty for

    Cuba did not come then to reality, but at least we have

    learned much from then on, in our exile and also inside

    Cuba, where the revolutionary myth and the image of

    caciquismo [chieftainship] have been torn to pieces by

    their own leaders. These leaders, however, due to the

    increase of centralized power, are falling back again

    into Stalinism, closing the openings that they, in order to

    survive, were trying to put to a test through the possibi-

    lities of dialogue. As evidence of this change of

    aumentar tambin otro peligro sobre el

    Patrimonio Cubano.

    ste fue el motivo por el cual la experiencia

    espaola con los Paradores de Turismo al

    terminar la guerra civil, sirvi como vehculo

    idneo, para crear fuentes culturales de

    turismo y de proteccin patrimonial,

    utilizando fuentes corporativas de inversin

    privada, coordinadas con el gobierno con

    medidas legales para la proteccin patrimonial

    que se utilizaran con ese objeto.

    Espaa cuenta hoy en da con una cadena de

    86 paradores que son un orgullo de la Herencia


    Herencia Cultural Cubna ha estudiado en

    detalle este proyecto, y lo tiene estructurado para

    patrocinarlo y hacerlo realidad en Cuba. Para ms

    detalles sobre este proyecto, se puede consultar

    nuestra publicacin de Herencia de octubre de

    1995, que est accesible tambin en elweb- site

    Ro Yumur, Baracoa

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    de la Internet.

    Muchas industrias secundarias surgirn con el

    fomento del turismo cultural y, con el tiempo se

    lograr eliminar la cultura de miseria, de depen-

    dencia, que lleva a la prostitucin y al jineterismo


    Cuando un pueblo est dividido como el

    nuestro, es la cultura comn, la nica manera de

    unirlo. En nuestra experiencia de estos aos,

    hemos coincidido siempre con nuestros

    hermanos cubanos hablando de estos temas.

    Exceptuando los individuos incondicionales

    del rgimen, la infraestructura de la preservacin

    en Cuba, en grandes proporciones es muy profe-

    sional, y muchos que hemos conocido se han

    mantenido, en lo posible, fuera de la beligerancia

    poltica del sistema y suean en muchos sentidos

    como nosotros en el exilio. Se sienten prisioneros

    del totalitarismo presente, pero en un sistema de

    libertad y democracia podran florecer y salir de

    las limitaciones presentes y juntos, ellos y

    nosotros, realizar milagros en el futuro de Cuba.

    Objetivos, Proyecciones y

    Recomendaciones para el Futuro

    Democrtico que se avecina

    1.- La proteccin del patrimonio debe ser un

    elemento esencial y estratgico en el mbito del

    turismo cultural.

    2.- El turismo cultural debidamente manejado

    debe constituir un factor econmico y social que

    contribuya a la conservacin del patrimonio.

    3.- En la planificacin futura de la promocin

    turstica, desarrollo urbano, desarrollo

    econmico y social, es necesario que el

    patrimonio cultural se incluya en la planificacin

    direction, we are receiving news from Cuba; forinstance, out of 800 joint ventures over there [created

    by and between foreign investors and the Communist

    government], less than one hundred currently remain in

    Cuba, because plenty of such investors are opting out of

    the island.

    Venezuelan oil has largely contributed to this new

    approach. Failure of the Communist system has never

    been accepted by the current Cuban regime, and the

    new generations, devoid of hope about their future, are

    being pushed to extremes: they have no other choice

    but to escape or confront the government and ask firmly

    Parador Los Jazmines, Valle de Viales, Pinar del RoParque de la


    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    general y que se fortalezca con un enfoque de


    4.- Es una necesidad la creacin de un marco

    legal que regule el manejo del patrimonio

    cultural en el mbito turstico.

    5.- En el mbito gubernamental en la nueva

    Repblica, se debe adoptar la poltica de una

    educacin bsica, respecto al patrimonio

    cultural. Deben ser tambin incluidos los

    residentes de los centros histricos, y habitantes

    de toda la ciudad con prioridad a los profesio-

    nales de la construccin, prestadores de servicios

    y los visitantes de los centros patrimoniales.

    6.- El Patrimonio debe constituir una

    prioridad frente a una visin econmica del


    7.- La organizacin comunitaria y el fortaleci-

    miento de la sociedad civil constituyen una

    fuente generadora de los proyectos de conserva-


    8.- La creacin de organismos financieros

    privados, coordinados con los gubernamentales,

    son de gran utilidad en la proteccin, conserva-

    cin y restauracin del patrimonio cultural.

    9.- Fomentar la participacin de la sociedad

    civil con un proceso de informacin, capacitacin

    y comunicacin para la proteccin del


    10.- Patrocinar la creacin de una corporacin

    de los "Paradores Nacionales de Cuba" que

    coordine su funcionamiento con un Instituto de

    Preservacin Histrica y Patrimonial (National

    Trust) y con el Instituto del Turismo.

    11.- Patrocinar la organizacin de una" Ruta

    Histrica de San Antonio a Mais "con el uso del

    ferrocarril al estilo del "Romantic Road" de

    for a change a change to bring forth freedom and

    democracy, not only a cosmetic change entailing a

    totalitarian succession.

    A View to the Future

    In our travels through Eastern Europe, we were able

    to ascertain that economic change and progress in

    those countries was directly proportional to the speed in

    solving the private property question, including the

    devolution of, or compensation for, stolen properties

    which could ensure the free enterprise system and the

    open market economy. The Cuban experience,

    following the change of regime, shall not be different.

    The change in Cuba will have to deal with the

    endless problems posed by an infrastructure in ruins:

    education, the energy crisis, and housing, among many

    others. Besides, along with economic progress and the

    increase of Cuban and foreign investments, the threat to

    our Cuban Heritage will grow more menacing. This

    explains why in Spain, after the Civil War, the

    experience with the Paradores de Turismo (Hostels forTourists) served as an effective source to create and

    encourage cultural tourism and to protect the national

    cultural heritage. Coordination was reached between

    corporate sources of private investment and the

    government, under legal measures geared towards

    protecting that heritage.

    Spain can boast today of 86 of these hostels, a real

    cause of pride for the Spanish Cultural Heritage. On the

    other hand, our institution, Cuban Cultural Heritage,

    has studied in depth that project, and has it already

    structured to be sponsored in Cuba and make it real.

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    Alemania y la "Ruta de los Castillos del Loire" en

    Francia, y desarrollar ms adelante una estructu-

    racin de una "Ruta de la Libertad".

    Estas rutas pueden ser coordinadas en el

    futuro con los Paradores de Turismo.

    12.- Respecto al Patrimonio Artstico, una vez

    que entre en funciones un gobierno libre y

    democrtico, deben comenzarse los procesos de

    reclamacin de las obras de arte desaparecidas yrobadas de los diferentes museos, as como

    archivos, documentos, libros raros, y otros

    objetos que pertenecen al Patrimonio de la

    Nacin Cubana.

    13.- En el mbito nacional e internacional,

    fomentar la divulgacin de la verdad de lo

    ocurrido en Cuba, durante cerca de medio siglo,

    de manera profesional, as como demandar que

    se aplique la justicia por las autoridades perti-

    nentes a los criminales y a los responsables de los

    abusos del poder.

    El camino ser lento para lograr los sueos del

    pueblo cubano, pero una vez ms, se lograr el

    respeto del mundo civilizado como nacin libre y


    Slo entonces los nios cubanos no soarncon ser extranjeros, y podrn contar con un

    futuro feliz en su propia tierra.I

    Algunas de las imgenes que aparecen

    en este artculo, forman parte del proyecto

    de los Paradores Nacionales de Cuba.

    Hotel Inglaterra, La Habana Hotel Sevilla Biltmore, La Habana

    For further details, we invite readers to refer to our

    publication Herencia (October, 1995). Information is

    also available in our Internet Website.

    Many ancillary industries will come to life as a by-

    product of cultural tourism. The culture of misery and

    dependency, which leads to prostitution and porno-

    graphic tourism, will finally be eradicated. When a

    nation is divided, such as ours, the only way to reunite

    it is the common cultural heritage that all the people

    share. We have always coincided with our Cuban

    brothers and sisters when dealing with this subject.

    Except for those who are unconditional partisans of

    the current regime in Cuba, the infrastructure for the

    preservation of values in our homeland is, to a large

    extent, highly professional, and many people known to

    us have managed to keep themselves, as far as

    possible, alien to the belligerent policies of the

    government. They find themselves prisoners of the

    totalitarian regime but, within a system of democracy

    and freedom, they will come forward and free

    themselves from the current restrictions they have to

    endure. In many ways, they share our dreams, and

    they and we, acting together, would be able to achieve

    miracles in a free Cuba.

    Goals, projections and recommendations for a

    democratic future that is getting closer and closer

    1. Protection of our cultural legacy must be an

    essential and strategic factor in the field of culturaltourism.

    2. Cultural tourism, if properly managed, must be a

    socioeconomic factor that will contribute to preserve our


    3. When planning for the future such things as

    tourism promotion, urban development, and socioeco-

    nomic growth, our cultural heritage must be included in

    such plans and be strengthened with a conservationist


    4. It is necessary to establish the legal bases to

    regulate the management of our cultural legacy within Rancho Luna, Cienfuegos

    Alberto S. Bustamante is a retired gynecologist in

    Orlando,Florida, and Founder of Herencia Cultural


    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    Fuerte de Matachn, Baracoa

    Castillo de Jagua, Cienfuegos

    Convento de Santa Clara, La Habana

    the realm of tourism.

    5. At the government level in the new republic, it

    must be adopted a policy to foster basic education

    regarding our cultural heritage. Residents of historic

    places, as well as urban residents in general, must be

    included in these efforts, granting them priority over the

    construction professionals, the suppliers of services and

    the visitors of cultural sites.

    6. Our cultural heritage must prevail over aneconomic vision of the future.

    7. Community organizations and the strengthening

    of civil society represent a source to give birth to conser-

    vation projects.

    8. Private financial entities, working in coordination

    with government agencies, will be extremely valuable

    in the process of protection, conservation and restora-


    9. Active participation of the civil society can be

    achieved and encouraged through a process of infor-

    mation, learning and communication, with a view to the

    protection of our cultural heritage.

    10. It will be advisable to sponsor the establishment

    of a Cuban National Hostels corporation (ParadoresNacionales de Cuba) in order to coordinate the upkeep and

    operation of such hostels, along with an Institute for

    Historical and Heritage Preservation (National Trust)

    and also with the Tourism Institute.

    11. Promotion and organization of a San Antonio-

    Mais Historical Route, using the railroad network,

    similar to the Romantic Road of Germany and the

    Loire Castles Route in France. Later on, a Freedom

    Route may also be established. These routes could be

    coordinated in the future with Paradores de Turismo.

    12. Regarding the Artistic Heritage, after estab-

    lishing a free and democratic government, it will be

    necessary to begin submitting claims to recover

    artworks that have disappeared or have been stolen

    from museums. These efforts should include the

    recovery of archives, documents and rare book

    editions, as well as other items that belong to the assets

    of the Cuban Heritage.

    13. To sponsor, at the national and international

    levels, a full disclosure of the truth about what has

    happened in Cuba during almost fifty years. This must

    be done in a professional manner, as well as requesting

    that criminals and those responsible of abusing and

    misusing their authority be brought to justice before

    the competent courts.

    The journey to making true the dreams of the

    Cuban people will be a slow one, but once again Cuba

    will regain the respect of the civilized world as a free

    and democratic country. Then, and only then, Cubanchildren will not dream any longer of becoming

    foreigners, because they will be able to rely upon the

    hope of a happy future in their own homeland. I

    Alberto S. Bustamante es mdico gineclogo retirado

    en Orlando, Florida, y fundador de Herencia Cultural


    Some of the images that appear in thisarticle are part of the project, ParadoresNacionales de Cuba.

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

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    Pinar del Ro:

    GuanahacabibesLos rganosValle de VialesLa GiraSoroa

    La Habana:Escaleras de JarucoValle Yumur


    Valle YumurGuamZapataEl BalcnLa ArboledaBellamarCuevas de AmbrosioPlaya de Varadero

    Cienfuegos:Topes de Collantes

    Montaas delEscambrayLa BijaValle de YaguanaboCuevas de Cienfuegos

    Villa Clara:Lago de Hanabanilla

    Sancti Spritus:Torre de Iznaga

    Salto de Vega GrandeSalto de CaburnSalto de JaviraMirador de Topes deCollantesValle de San LuisValle de AlunadaSumidero del RoJatibonico del Norte

    Isla de la Juventud:Costa de los Piratas

    Cuevas Indias

    Ciego de vila:Laguna de LecheLoma de CunaguaPlayita de MajaguaLaguna Redonda

    Camagey:Sierra de CubitasPlaya Santa Luca

    Cueva IndiaHoya de BonetLos ParedonesCuevas de losGeneralesLos CanjilonesSierra de NajasaSierra de ChorrilloLoma la Deseada

    Holgun:Silla de Gibara

    Valle de MayabeLoma de la CruzSierra de NipeSierra de CristalCuchillas de MoaParque Jos MartPuente Natural delRo Bitir

    Granma:Valle de Yara

    Sierra MaestraVirama

    Santiago de Cuba:Pico Turquino

    Pico CubaPico SueciaValle de TayabaEl CobreGran PiedraLaguna Baconao

    Guantnamo:Sierra CristalRo ToaEl Yunque

    CUBA, Parques Nacionales y Sitios de Inters

    Parque Mart, Cienfuegos

    Herencia Magazine, Volume 12 No. 2, 2006. Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage, all rights reserved. http://www.cubanculturalheritage.org

  • 8/3/2019 El Turismo Cultural/Cultural Tourism, Alberto S Bustamante, Jr.








    Herencia Magazine Volume 12 No 2 2006 Copyright Cuban Cultural Heritage all rights reserved http://www cubanculturalheritage org