El Rancho Cima Closedown Procedures 1 (1)

El Rancho Cima Closedown Procedures

Transcript of El Rancho Cima Closedown Procedures 1 (1)

Page 1: El Rancho Cima Closedown Procedures 1 (1)

El Rancho Cima



Page 2: El Rancho Cima Closedown Procedures 1 (1)

Paperwork completed and delivered to Brett, all electronic files from CD, BM and PD put on thumb drive

Safe combo taped to top of safe and copy to Brett

Store the weather radio, Camera and safe

Box and store in the Business Office:

o Video and CD players

o Cordless phones

o Projector

o Sound system

o Answering machine

o Copy machine

o American Flag

o Toner and ink in plastic bags

o All electronics in plastic bags (monitors, calculators, etc)

Return to Ranger for check-in:

o Chain saws

o Tools

o Chaps

o Gloves

o Eye protection

o Gas cans

o Lawnmowers

o Weedeaters

o Extra string

o Sprayers – after cleaning with HOT water.– also tag any that

need repairing. Tag should include reason for repair.

o Extra sprayer chemicals

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All paint – other than the small bottles used in Handicrafts –

returned to the paint storage building in the Maintenance Area

All brands gathered and returned to Brett for storage. List any

replacement brands needed

TV’s stored in Staff Lounge

Ranger and Brett must check out all buildings – including Staff

Lounge – prior to the Camp Director and Program Director checking

out of property. Arrange for early ‘drive arounds’ with Ranger to see

what still needs to be completed for shutdown.

All program materials inventoried and stored . Inventory sheets,

including location to Program Director for inclusion in the Program

Notebook. Digital copy to Brett

All Orienteering markers removed and stored in Orienteering

Program Box. A copy of the course should be given to the Program

Director for inclusion in the Program Notebook

Fire Extinguishers moved to maintenance yard

Canvas removed from Dining Fly Frames. Frames remain in

campsites and program areas without canvas

All camp owned CD’s/DVD’s/Videos to Brett

Complete clipping all re-growth Cedar around camp as troop

service projects during last week of camp

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Work with Rangers on what to do with special items located at

the Campfire Bowl and pool/river shutdown

Stored at the Maintenance Area:

o Buckets of brass from Rifle Range

Checked in with the Rangers:

o FM radios as assigned staff leaves – be sure to arrange for

collecting money for lost or damaged equipment

o Fire extinguishers used in private vehicles

o Unused Ranch Award plaques to be recycled – place in milk


o Staff plaques to be recycled – place in milk crates

o GPS units with batteries removed. Units are to be placed in

individual Ziploc baggies – each bag should contain 1 radio, the

batteries for it and the book

o Short range radios purchased at Wal-mart: Units are to be placed

in individual Ziploc baggies – each bag should contain 1 radio,

the batteries for it and the book

o All clippers – Wranglers can get some back after check-in

o All Climbing Tower equipment

o All Guns and ammo

First Aid kits and fire extinguishers placed in private vehicles


First aid kits to health lodge for re-stocking

Business Manager and Trading Post settles up with Melanie

Laptops and Desktops CPU’s cleaned and ready to return to

Houston, all placed in business office with mice, key boards and

monitors (wrapped in plastic bag).

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All garbage cans and lids are cleaned and stored together –

throw away any bad ones. DO NOT leave cans outside where water

can get into them

All fire barrels and good stored – do NOT leave them where

they can get water into them.

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Campsite Shutdown and Winterization

For this week, campsite winterization will be credited as a service

project on the Ranch Award. A campsite host and the commissioner

will guide and assist you in completing this project. Please follow the

steps outlined below to minimize equipment damage and loss.

1. The commissioner will tag all canvas in the campsite by midweek

a. Use duct Tape

i. good tents, roll

ii. Yellow duct tape – need repair (leave in campsite)

iii. White Duct Tape – Throw away, (leave in campsite)

2. The canvas should be rolled neatly in the manner outlined and

illustrated on the ‘Tent Folding Instructions Sheet’

3. Place all picnic tables together under a tree away from the river

outside of grassy areas. Please do not stack them.

4. Place legs of patrol boxes inside the patrol boxes

5. Identify all platforms needing repair and place them by the road.

Stack the remaining platforms no more than 10 high near the

picnic tables. Place 6 rocks under the bottom one so that the

stack is off the ground. There should be a rock under each of the

4 corners, and one under the middle of each long side.

6. Place stoves, poles, stakes, patrol boxes and anything else by

the road Saturday morning or as you don’t need it. Please leave

canvas by the road only on Saturday mornings.

7. Please direct any questions to your commissioner.

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Camp General:


Tag (Duct Tape)all canvas – fly’s, tents, tepees, etc. It is best

if ONE knowledgeable person, who should be back next summer,

tags all the canvas. Return extra tags to CRC

Tags (duct tape) go in the same place for each type of canvas.

This makes it easier to find the tags when the are rolled and

transported/stored. Don’t forget the staff tents and fly’s. Do NOT

place tag on the ties – place it on the canvas!

Staff – not OA – can take down any spare canvas the last

week, fold and return to the QM. Don’t leave it and the poles in the


Staff – not OA – can stack un-used platforms. They must be

out of the main campsite areas as HB is used in the fall and spring

for troop camping in the sites. Be sure to support stacks with 6 large

rocks and do not stack more than 10 high. Don’t stack close to

where water flows. Leave all tent frames up in campsites

Platforms that are broken or need repair need to be stacked

separately and near the road so you can deliver to the area

designated by the ranger for repairs.

Ranch Award project for the last week can be for a troop to

stack platforms and take down and fold canvas. However, canvas

must be dry and folding must be done under the direct supervision

of a QUALIFIED staff person. Canvas must then be marked with duct

tape be placed in appropriate place for staff pick up.

All tent poles need to be color coded BEFORE they are put

away. Repair any that you can. Get extra tent pegs, caulk and

caulking gun from Ranger. Set aside any others for off-season

repairs by the rangers – this includes odd sized or broken ones.

Excess tent poles should be returned to Maintenance

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All tools and equipment needing repair gathered in one place

for movement to the Maintenance Area when the Ranger approves

the move. This includes QM items and tools as well as program

equipment, garden hoses, etc.

Program boxes needing repair are emptied, clean and put

with the patrol boxes needing repair for transport.

Staff tents, fly’s, mats and poles are stored in appropriate

place. Do not place canvas on the floor. Repair any mats before

closing camp. Be sure bunks can be reached easily for repair crew.

Tape the bunk stackers together in 4’s. Return extra mat covers to


Tent Pins and Pegs:

o Loose tent pins to Carpenter Shop

o Check all program areas for tent pegs left in the ground.

Remove and take to QM

o All tent pegs are painted BEFORE storage – see Ranger for

paint and racks (be sure to put scrap canvas under the racks

to catch paint drippings)

o Store the pegs in mail crates filled about ½ full. Then stack

another crate inside and repeat.

o All bent tent pegs and tent pins are sorted and sent to

maintenance for off –season straightening


o Remove all laminated signs and return to Service

Manager for use next year

o Clean all lavatories and showers

o Remove all TP

o Cleaning supplies moved to QM

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Sweep and pick up the brass .22 shells at the Rifle Range and

take to Maintenance Area

Pick up used shotgun shells at the shotgun range, bag and

throw away

Destroy all rock-lined trails around camp and try not build any

in the future

LEAVE NO #10 CANS OUT IN CAMP!! A horse can get his foot

caught in it and be injured

Pick up ALL garbage around roads (used and unused),

program areas, trails (including trails to Sentinel Peak), OA rings,

Campfire Bowl, dining hall, etc.

Camp Director/Program Director needs to check out the

overnight program areas and OA areas before all allowing all staff

involved to go home

Climbing Tower: Work with program director for close down,

cleaning and storage of equipment. Equipment will be stored in

Maintenance Area.

Program storage area cleaned before any items NEATLY

stored there. Be sure to store items of the floor

Stow equipment neatly in pool storage room/Aquatics shed.

Keep tepee poles separate from pioneering poles. Be sure we

get any pole needs on a want/needs list. Store ALL off the ground -

in HB dining hall

OA supplies – sashes, books, supplies, etc. need to be

inventories and transferred to Cima OA coordinator – work with


All cut Cedar around camp needs to be moved to approved

brush piles as designated by Ranger team

All assigned camp vehicles need to be returned clean and

washed and with fire extinguisher and First Aid kit - or proof that it

was turned in to the health lodge

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Check and clean all areas used by any out of camp program

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Business Manager

o Week 6 Check in and TP money give to Melanie

o Week 6 folders give to Melanie

o Extra Cima camper and staff patches returned

o Extra leader mugs returned

o Field Receipt Books Returned

o Cash Boxes stored in BO with combination taped to lib

o Coke machine key

o Store money bags in the safe

Furniture and file cabinets cleaned and organized

Store in Business Office:

o Camp printers with installation CD (in plastic bag)

o Boxed office supplies

o Megaphone

o Safe

o All computer hardware and software – boxed and


Fax machine, answering machine and phone hooked up and

on table

Locks & keys organized and given to ranger

Return digital camera, bag, etc to Brett

Furniture wants/needs for next year

DO NOT leave any paper towels, toilet paper, etc in desks or

drawers – mice will get into them

Throw away any old forms

Inventory of forms, etc with ‘HAVE’ and ‘NEED’ numbers as

well as corrections and NEW forms. Place in Program Notebook

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o All water coolers and spare lids gathered, cleaned and stored

at QM. Do NOT SEAL the tops so they can dry

o Dutch ovens clean and rust free and prepared for storage,


o Ice cream machines cleaned and stored. Prepare a list of

replacement/repair parts to order. Cans should be removed

from the machines, cleaned and stored. Take any that need

repairs to the ranger. Work with the ranger to shut down the


o Sort garden hoses into 3 groups – ‘GOOD’; ‘NEEDS REPAIR’:

take to maintenance to store; and ‘THROW AWAY’ – and throw

them away.

o Walk in freezer must be cleaned and the walls scrubbed after

it’s been turned off

o Ice machine and holding box are clean

o NO food left in the building

o All tools used in program area returned to QM for inventory

and storage

o All dining fly’s are stored in the commissary area of the QM.

Do not mix with the tents – keep separate

o All tepees are stored in the commissary side of the QM – do

not mix with tents or fly’s – keep separate

o All stored tents have signs above them stating the type of

canvas stored in that location

o Area inside the garage overhead door is clear and available

for vehicle storage if needed

o All tents, fly’s and tepees requiring repair are taken to the

designated area at the maintenance area..

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o All Borden milk crates returned to the CRC dining hall, others

stored at the QM

o Gather all mail crate, clean and store – throw away any bad


o Clean around the outside of the building

o Coffee Pots: clean the ‘pour through’ systems making sure all

the water is out, and camp coffee pots. and return to CRC


o All fire equipment stored together. The replacement parts for

any Indian Fire Pumps listed and turned in for off-season

ordering. Additional fire equipment needs for the camp fire

stands added to your inventory list

o Repair all repairable cots (perhaps a troop service project).

Store all ‘GOOD’ cots together in QM. Any that ‘NEED REPAIR’

stack together and label in the QM. Left over cot pieces need

to be stacked outside for the ranger to look at and arrange for

disposal of any/all.

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Staff Area:

o Clean around all staff parking areas – be sure to get trash

from under Cedar trees

o Store staff furniture in staff lounge, dispose of leftover ‘junk’

furniture after most of the regular staff has left

o Work with the ranger staff to get every thing turned off and


o Work with the ranger staff on approved storage locations for

staff equipment

o Staff tents, flys, mats & poles stored off the floor

o Return the extra mat covers to the rangers after ALL mats

have been repaired

o Be sure to have a good inventory of staff tents, poles and staff

flys and the needs for next summer.

o Need a sketch of the staff area with platform locations and

trails – be sure to indicate future needs…

Staff Lounge:

o Floor cleaned and mopped before bringing storage items into

the building

o Staff & program supplies boxed, labeled and stored off the

floor. Be sure to leave room around the walls for Ranger staff

to move around

o Clean and dry refrigerators. Leave doors open to air out and

put a box of baking soda in each

o All bathrooms clean and secure

o Windows locked – or rangers notified of any that don’t so they

can secure

o Microwaves cleaned and stored

o Kitchen/storeroom clean and secure

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o Throw any BROKEN furniture away. Be sure needs are listed in

the program notebook

o Box and return any camp owned videos/CD’s/DVD’s, books,

etc. to Brett

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Trading Post:

o Return all Coke products to CRC. Empty the machines of

products and money

o Complete the inventory and work with Reservation Business

Manager and TP staff to move all inventory for winter camp

o Clean the building, do NOT store anything on the floor

o Work with Business manager for cash register shut down


o Clean around the building

o Clean refrigerator, dry and leave doors open to air out. Put a

box of baking soda in refrigerator

o Windows and doors secure

o Inventory completed and given to Reservation Business


o List of items asked for but not carried and do not carry and

other suggestions for future TP operations

o Pack remaining inventory neatly into smaller boxes to pack

inventory in for Transport. Try to pack like items together –

not scattered through several boxes. Tape an inventory of

items in the each box

o At HB leave items on shelves in boxes

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Dining Hall:

o Salad bars cleaned and ready for storage at DH

o Serving lines cleaned and ready for storage at DH

o Clean the reach in and ice machines and work with the

rangers for shutdown

o Clean the milk storage box and ready for storage at DH

o No food or paper left inside the rooms

o Clean around the building – including back into the woods

o Coil and store all hoses

o Tables and benches CLEANED and stacked for storage at the

DH – work with the ranger for location and how to stack

o Tables and benches that need repair – set aside and mark

o Clean and drink, liquid and trash barrels and lids – store in one

of the rooms

o Coffee pots cleaned with all parts and returned to CRC DH for

winter storage

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Health Lodge

o Clean and store all linen

o Log books to Camp Director to give to Brett

o All First Aid Kits (from vehicles, buildings and program areas)

to be returned to health lodge to be restocked and stored

together at Health Lodge.

o Return all staff medical forms

o All paperwork (First Report of Injury and Workman’s Comp

forms) are completed and turned in to Brett.

o Inventory supplies and make lists of wants and needs for next

year. Give to Camp Director and Program Director

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Shooting Sports:

o Sweep & pick up all the brass .22 shells and take to

Maintenance Area

o Pick up used shotgun shells at the range, bag and dispose

o Pick up any trash or old wood around area and building and

on trails to the area

o Store archery target feet and stands (be careful with the

stand connectors – do not lose them or their screws), in the

Range Building – off of the floor

o Store ropes, orange netting, etc in Range Building

o Store all archery equipment – bows, arrows, targets,

bowstrings at the Program Room

o New bows can be stored with Archery Equipment, in Program

Room or at Secure Storage

o Clean all guns, tag any needing repair and indicate the repairs


o Mark all guns and return to security storage

o Work with ranger to set a time to return guns cleaning

supplies, unused ammunition, birds, tomahawk heads and

handles and BP supplies returned to secure storage. Mark all

supplies with camp name.

o Store throwers unless they need repair. Let Rangers know

what repairs are needed and the parts that need to be


o Trash cans cleaned and stored in building

o Detailed want/need list; repair and construction list and off

season service project list

o Take down red flagging and store with shooting sports


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o .22 target racks stored in Range Building unless they need

repairs. If repairs are needed please tag with list of repairs

needed and work with ranger staff to move to Maintenance


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Order of the Arrow:

o Forms, etc that need to be changed or ordered for next year

o OA sashes, books and flaps inventoried and given to Business

Manager for Stock Transfer back to TP

o Costumes inventoried and boxed. Give inventory to Camp

Director with a copy in the box

o Costume wants/needs list to Camp Director and Lodge Staff


o Drum purchased (small with beater) returned to Lodge Staff


o Large drum returned to owner

o Damaged and dirty sashes boxed and turned in so we can get

credit on them

o List with name/address and T-shirt size for anyone that we

owe Elangomat shirt to so the OA office can mail it

o Arrangements made for return of OA ‘stuff’ to Houston/Strake

o Elangomat T-shirts boxed and sent to CRC TP with inventory

given to Business Manager

o All OA reports completed and copies given to Business

Manager and Brett

o OA Coordinator Notebooks returned to Brett

o OA Coordinator evaluations and inventories completed and

returned in the notebook

o OA laptop computers returned to Brett

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Camp Director’s Residence:

o Clean

o CD supplies, etc. boxed and stored in closet

o Refrigerator/freezer emptied, cleaned and box of baking soda

placed inside. DO NOT TURN OFF

o Any linen boxed and stored in closet

o Be sure that any building needs and repairs get on the lists for

purchase for next year or repair by ranger team

o Have the building checked by ranger before you leave

o Items borrowed from the DH or kitchen cleaned and returned,

please do not leave in the cabinets/closet
