Eisenhower High School IKE Choirike-choir.org/uploads/2/8/2/8/2828330/eisenhower_high...Eisenhower...

Eisenhower High School IKE Choir 2014 – 2015 Handbook Mrs. Wood’s Contact Information: Cell Phone – 580-695-6166 Email – [email protected]

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Eisenhower High School

IKE Choir

2014 – 2015 Handbook

Mrs. Wood’s Contact Information: Cell Phone – 580-695-6166

Email – [email protected]

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Eisenhower High School

Director: Debbie Wood


Welcome to Lawton Eisenhower Senior High School and the IKE Choir. By accepting membership in this organization,

you agree to perform to the best of your abilities and work together with the choir director in making this year’s choir

the finest musical organization that our combined efforts can produce. I do not expect every person in the choir to be

a virtuoso musician or performer. I do expect mature, responsible attitudes and actions – and lots of hard work!

Report promptly to all rehearsals, classes, and performances. Practice sufficiently to be able to perform your part

well, and give it your “best shot” – every time, all the time!

The success of any organization is dependent on the spirit, pride, leadership, teamwork, dedication and cooperation

of its members. Certain rules, policies and procedures are necessary to ensure that the overall goals of the group are

met and the welfare of each individual member is best served.

The purpose of this handbook is to familiarize each choir member with: (1) the general operation and procedures of

the Eisenhower Choir, and (2) the standards by which all choir members are expected to conduct themselves. The

handbook is not intended to be all-inclusive, as every possible situation and question cannot be predicted in advance;

however, a thorough knowledge of these materials is essential to the smooth operation and success of the choir this


Mrs. Wood’s 2014-15 Class Schedule: 1st hour – Undetermined 2nd hour – Planning 3rd hour – Women’s Honor Choir 4th hour – Freshmen Honor Choir 5th hour – Concert Choir 6th hour – Gentry Singers (Varsity Mixed Choir)

Other areas of interest & information: Website – www.ikechoir.org Charms Office Assistant – www.charmsoffice.com FaceBook page – Ike Choir

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Program Structure Page 4

Expectations & Behavior Page 5 -6

Grading Page 7

Attendance / Tardies Page 8

Eligibility / ISD Page 9

Choir Code of Conduct Page 10

Care of Facilities Page 11

Formal Uniform Page 12-13

Informal Uniform Page 13

Choir Fees / Payments / Financial Assistance Page 13

Fundraisers Page 14

Off Campus Performance & Travel Page 14-15

Student Leadership Page 15-16

Choir Music Letter & Achievement Award Page 17-18

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EHS Performing Choirs


Choir Placement

Placement in the Eisenhower choirs is based on sight-reading ability, tonal memory, tone quality, attitude, and academic eligibility.

Just as there are different levels in other subject areas, it is also necessary to have different levels within the choir program. All choirs are equally important performing organizations.

Women’s Honor Choir (WO) – 2 semesters 3rd Hour (9:50 – 10:45 am)

(Prerequisite: Audition/Teacher Selection, Uniform Fee - $40.00 per year)

Women’s Honor Choir is an advanced ensemble made up of young women in grades 10 – 12 who have past singing experience,

demonstrate sightsinging skill and have an exemplary academic record. This choir provides a venue for learning a variety of

challenging choral literature at a rigorous pace. In Women’s Honor Choir, students must strive to exhibit at all times appropriate

attitude, professionalism, best effort, leadership, and musical skills. Students are carefully selected on the basis of musicality,

voice quality, and teacher observation and referral. Attendance at all MANDATORY sectionals/rehearsals, all performances, and

contests is required. To remain in this choir, students must maintain academic eligibility throughout the year.

Freshmen Honor Choir (FR) – 2 semesters 4th Hour (11:25 – 12:20 pm)

(Prerequisite: Audition/Teacher Selection, Uniform Fee - $40.00 per year)

Freshmen Honor Choir is an advanced ensemble made up of Freshmen men and women who have past singing experience,

demonstrate sightsinging skill and have an exemplary academic record. This choir provides a venue for learning a variety of

challenging choral literature at a more accelerated pace. In Freshmen Honor Choir, students must strive to exhibit at all times

appropriate attitude, professionalism, best effort, leadership, and musical skills. Students are carefully selected on the basis of

musicality, voice quality, and teacher observation and referral. Attendance at all MANDATORY sectionals/rehearsals, all

performances, and contests is required. To remain in this choir, students must maintain academic eligibility throughout the year.

Concert Choir (CC) – 1 or 2 semesters 5th Hour (12:25 – 1:20 pm)

(Prerequisite: Shirt/Robe Fee - $25.00 per year)

Concert Choir is an open enrollment choir for students with less choral/music experience who are interested in learning more

about the art and practice of singing. This choir sings a variety of choral literature that is appropriate to the voicing of the choir.

Choral style and performance from a variety of musical eras as well as vocal technique and musicianship are stressed throughout

the year. This choir will actively participate in solo/ensemble contest, school concerts, and other events as chosen by the

director. Attendance to all “MANDATORY” rehearsals and performance is REQUIRED FOR A GRADE. Students must be

academically eligible to participate in most competition events.

Gentry Singers (Mixed Honor Choir) (GS) – 2 semesters 6th Hour (1:25 – 2:30 pm)

(Prerequisite: Audition, Uniform Fee - $60.00 per year)

Mixed Honor Choir is an advanced ensemble made up of young men and women in grades 10 – 12 who have past singing

experience, demonstrate sightsinging skill and have an exemplary academic record. This choir provides a venue for learning a

variety of challenging choral literature at a rigorous pace. This choir performs both as a concert style choir and a show choir.

There is an additional, outside of class, rehearsal each Friday afternoon until 6:00 p.m. There will also be additional rehearsals

scheduled from time to time that students will be expected to attend to the best of their ability. This choir demands a strong

time and attitude commitment. In Mixed Honor Choir, students must strive to exhibit at all times appropriate attitude,

professionalism, best effort, leadership, and musical skills. Students are carefully selected on the basis of musicality, voice

quality, movement, and teacher evaluations. Attendance at all MANDATORY sectionals/rehearsals, all performances, and

contests is required. To remain in this choir, students must maintain academic eligibility throughout the year.

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Eisenhower High School Choral Department Expectations


The rest of your choir is depending on you for the following:

• To come to each rehearsal with a positive attitude about working hard.

• To attend all rehearsals and performances required of your choir.

• To come to class each day on time, wanting to sing and eager to tackle the task at hand

...................................MAKING MUSIC!!

In Choir, our music is our curriculum from which we will learn and improve our musicianship and musical

skills as designated by the Oklahoma State Department of Education and Oklahoma Academic Standards.


1. Identify compositional devices used in choral or instrumental works.

2. Compare characteristics of two or more styles of music.

3. Identify and explain the stylistic features of a given American musical work that serve to define

its aesthetic tradition and its historical or cultural context.

4. Evaluate a given musical work in terms of its aesthetic qualities and explain the musical means

it uses to evoke feelings and emotions.

5. Sing with expression and accuracy, including proper technique, breath control, diction, and a

variety of articulations appropriate for a varied repertoire of vocal literature.

6. Sing music written for a variety of voicings (e.g., 1st soprano, 2nd soprano, alto, tenor,

baritone, & bass) with and without accompaniment (a cappella) at a moderate level to a

professional level of difficulty.

7. Perform in chamber settings and respond appropriately to other ensemble members’ musical


8. Perform in large ensembles and respond appropriately to the conductor’s patterns, gestures, &


9. Discuss how the subject matter learned in other disciplines is interrelated with and/or

connected to music.


1. ALL choir students are provided with a calendar at the beginning of each semester with concerts,

events and dates that you will be required to attend. Resolve conflicts BEFORE they arise. Feel free to

come to Mrs. Wood for help in resolving a conflict. Many times I, as a teacher, can approach / help with

another teacher / coach if I am informed in plenty of time. Communication is the KEY!

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(Form DHAC-E) granting permission, signed and turned in by the given deadline in order to remain a

member of choir.

3. The best time to communicate with your director regarding conflicts, setting up times for extra help,

finding out about make-up work, etc., is before or after school, or right at the end of a rehearsal.

Immediately BEFORE a rehearsal is NOT a good time as we are focused on the rehearsal about to happen

and you should be focused on getting your folder and materials and getting to your seat so you are

ready for warm-up. If and ONLY if there is an EMERGENCY, you may speak with me at the beginning of


4. You are to go to the restroom, get water, and take care of personal matters BETWEEN classes. You

may get a drink from the Culligan machine before and after rehearsals. Do not disrupt rehearsal to ask to

go to the restroom or get a drink of water during class unless it is a true unavoidable emergency. (After

the 1st time per 6 weeks period, subsequent passes will be 5 points deducted from daily participation


5. YOU are only allowed to have bottled water at your seat. You may not have cokes or drinks from

vending or fast food restaurants in class. There should NEVER be a coke/water bottle on the piano.

6. Food, drinks, CANDY, or GUM are not allowed in rehearsals or the classroom unless allowed by

director. Any food/drink items brought in outside of class (with director’s permission) needs to be

disposed of properly. Do not trash our classroom. If you have a spill or mess, CLEAN IT UP!!!

7. MIRRORS ARE NOT FOR PERSONAL GROOMING!!! Do not brush hair, spray perfume or hairspray,

apply scented lotions, apply nail polish, or put on make-up in the choir room. Use the restroom for

personal grooming.

8. Personal items that cannot be placed out of the way under your chair need to be placed in a cubby

storage. Do not place personal items on the tables in the room.

9. Your folder is your textbook in choir. If you lose or destroy your folder you will need to replace it

immediately so that you have materials to use in class each day. Failure to replace your folder in a timely

manner will result in a daily participation grade deduction until the folder is replaced.

10. Music will be assigned to individual students by number. Music that is damaged or lost will be

charged to the student. Replacement costs for music and sight-reading materials varies from class to


11. Cell Phones: as per district policy which forbids cell phone usage: cell phones should not be visible or

audible in any choral rehearsal during or after school. If it comes to the director's attention that a choir

student is texting/has texted during a rehearsal DISCIPLINARY ACTION WILL BE TAKEN!!! DON’T RISK

IT!!! Texting is viewed like talking – it is RUDE to do so while someone is talking and it is impossible to do

so while one is singing IF one intends on singing WELL. Points will be deducted from daily grade.

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1. ALL CHOIR CLASSES HAVE WRITTEN WORK OUTSIDE OF CLASS. In addition to concert and rehearsal grades choir students will have homework assignments which are counted as daily grades. These assignments will consist of marking music, theory and responsibility grades. Many times responsibility grades are a matter of you taking important papers home to your parents that require a signature. A grade is given to you for returning that paperwork with a valid signature by the due date.

2. PARTICIPATION GRADES: As choir is a performance based class, great importance is placed on the efforts and team work necessary to produce a quality choral experience. The participation grade is assigned to each student by the director. The grade is based on the students’ individual performance on a daily basis. Students are expected to: have materials, be positive contributors, be actively engaged in each aspect of the rehearsal, be at school and be in class on time on a daily bases. Remember: TODAY'S PREPARATION DETERMINES TOMORROWS ACHIEVEMENT!!

3. Students will be expected to actively participate individually as well as corporately. This will involve times where students are asked to demonstrate skills individually and/or in small groups. Refusal and/or failure to do so will result in a lowered grade and/or a ZERO for the assignment or activity.

4. Choir students are also graded on singing tests, quizzes, theory and general musical knowledge. Students WILL BE asked to sing individually and in small groups within the class. Refusal and/or failure to do so will result in a ZERO for that assignment or day.

5. LATE WORK: All choir classes are given due dates for each assignment. Work that is turned in late will result in a grade deduction as determined by the director at the time the assignment is given.

DAILY GRADE-SKILL DEMONSTRATION/PARTICIPATION: This grade is earned by daily demonstration of the Oklahoma Standards for Music Education. The grade is not determined by inherent music ability, but rather by the effort put forth in class to become a better musician. I expect each choir member to follow the expectations listed below to increase his/her success in demonstrating his/her skills. Expectations:

Polite – Be respectful of others and their property. Prepared – Have your folder, pencil, and any other supplies Prompt – Be on time and in your seat when the bell ring Positive – Have a good attitude. Be a team player. Contribute musically and vocally. Proud – Show pride in who you are and what you do. Maintain good posture and focus.

Each daily grade is worth a total of 20 points for a weekly (in most cases) total of 100 points. The daily grade is determined by the student’s 1) level of participation during class (on-task behavior, posture, singing, etc.) and following the classroom guidelines. Students are awarded the daily points UP-FRONT at the beginning of class. Deductions from these points are taken as a result of improper participation/behavior during the class period.

Common deductions from the daily grade are (others may be added at the discretion of the director): Restroom Pass or Locker Pass (5pts.) Note: One “free” pass is given each grading period. Excessive Use of Pass (over 5 in a grading period) (7 pts.) Tardy (5 pts) Out of Seat (5 pts) Failure to put up materials properly (5 pts.) Not putting/keeping personal items put up (5 pts.) Out of room for personal business (7 pts.) Gum /Candy/Seeds/Food/Soda, etc. (10 pts.)

Talking (10 pts.) Demonstrating poor posture (10 pts.) Cell Phone – 1st offense (10 pts.) in addition to EHS policy

Cell Phone – 2nd offense (15 pts.) in addition to EHS policy

Cell Phone – 3rd offense (20 pts.) in addition to EHS policy

Not participating (15 pts.) Disruptive behavior (15 pts.) Rude behavior (15 pts.) Time Out (15 pts.) Written up/Sent to office (all daily points – 20 pts) Cutting Class (all daily points – 20 pts)

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1. ALL PERFORMANCES AND EXTRA REHEARSALS ARE A MANDATORY ELEMENT OF THE CURRICULUM! Rehearsal and concert grades are weighted and count as multiple test grades. If you are in choir only for a fine arts credit, please rethink your choice. Every member of a performing ensemble is vital to the ensemble as a whole, never think otherwise.

2. Poor daily classroom attendance affects the participation and performance grade in choir. It is impossible to "make-up" a rehearsal. Therefore, it is imperative that students stay healthy and come to school. Excessive absences may result in removal from the program.

3. As per LPS policy regarding absences, students are responsible for communicating with teachers for make-up work, when applicable, including choir activity absences.

4. Failure to attend a performance is equivalent to receiving a "zero" on a research paper. Just as you spend weeks researching and preparing a paper, you spend weeks rehearsing and preparing for a performance. You receive no credit on your paper if you do not turn it in; you receive no credit (ZERO) for a performance you do not perform.

5. ALL ABSENCES, excused or unexcused, from a major (dress) rehearsal will result in the student NOT being allowed to perform in the accompanying performance. A Make-Up assignment for the performance will be given IF the absence is excused. Leaving a rehearsal early will count as an absence.

In the event of a conflict with another scheduled school activity, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the sponsors for the activities. The sponsors will then determine the student’s obligation.

6. There are only two allowed excused absences from an after school rehearsal or performance: *** Personal Illness or Family Emergency

a. Personal Illness - If personal illness prevents you from attending an EXTRA REHEARSAL or CONCERT/PERFORMANCE, a parent should call the school/choir room at 580-355-9144 and leave a message with the director, the school secretary, or on the office answering machine. You may also call or text my cell (580-695-6166) or e-mail me ([email protected]). Please call or e-mail EVEN IF YOU MISS SCHOOL THAT DAY! Many times students will miss class for reasons other than illness. Parental contact is required.

b. Family Emergency - if possible, please notify the director as soon as possible. As with personal illness, parental contact is required upon return to the school.


7. WORK IS NEVER CONSIDERED AN EXCUSED ABSENCE FOR A REHEARSAL OR PERFORMANCE. Advance notice is given for all rehearsals and concerts in order to give you time to communicate with your work/supervisor.

8. Lack of transportation will result in an UNEXCUSED absence. Communicate with the director in advance of your need and arrangements will be made to assist you.

9. If your performance absence is excused by the director you will be required to complete an alternate assignment which will replace the concert grade. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Deadlines will be set accordingly and must be adhered to by the student or a grade of a zero will be earned and the student may be removed from the choir program for the following semester.

10. Classroom Tardies: You are to be in your seat with your folder and pencil when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you must have an Admit from the office to enter class. If you are standing around talking, not making an effort to be in your seat you will also be counted tardy on attendance. Tardies will result in a deduction of points for the day.

11. Being tardy to an extra rehearsal or performance will result in a lowered grade. Rehearsal and concert grades are weighted and count as multiple test grades.

12. If your choir is going on a trip, you are expected to go on the trip - we sing as a team.

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ELIGIBILITY and ISD: 1. Choir concerts are designed as an extension of the classroom and are therefore considered CO-CURRICULAR. However, grades still play a crucial role in the student's ability to participate in "extra-curricular" activities. Extra-Curricular includes: All-Region/All-State auditions, All-Region/All-State Choir Festivals, Solo & Ensemble Contest / State Choral contest, school assemblies and all trips. As long as you are sure that your class work in every course is passing, you will not have to worry about "no pass - no perform". It has been found to be true that students who have NO ZEROS – i.e., TURN-IN every assignment and have GOOD attendance, i.e., COME TO SCHOOL - - pass their classes.

2. PASS YOUR CLASSES! Students who pass their classes benefit from the many rewarding opportunities choir presents. Those who fail bring down the group and lose out on these experiences. Repeated ineligibility may result in removal from the program.

3. ISD (In School Detention) - A student who is sent to ISD more than one time and / or is suspended may be removed from the choral department the following semester.

4. A student placed in ISD is not eligible to participate in any choir event, including rehearsals and school concerts unless permission is granted by the assigning Principal.

The following is taken from the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association; Rules Governing Interscholastic Activities in Senior High School. Rule 3 – Scholastic Eligibility.

Section 2. Student Eligibility During a Semester a. Scholastic eligibility for students will be checked after three weeks (during the fourth week) of a semester

and each succeeding week thereafter. Schools may choose to run eligibility checks on any day of the week. The period of probation and ineligibility will always begin the Monday following the day eligibility is checked. Methods should be devised to check weekly grades of Career-Tech students and all concurrently enrolled students.

b. A student must be passing in all subjects he/she is enrolled in during a semester. If a student is not passing all subjects enrolled in on the day of the grade check, he/she will be placed on probation for the next one-week period. If a student is still failing one or more classes during the next week on the grade check day, he/she will be ineligible to participate during the next one-week period. The ineligibility periods will begin on Monday and end on Sunday.

c. A student who has lost eligibility under this provision must be passing all subjects in order to regain eligibility. A student regains eligibility under Rule 3 with the first class of the new one- week period (Monday through Sunday).

d. "Passing grade" means work of such character that credit would be entered on the records were the semester to close at that time.

ABSENCES In addition to GRADE eligibility, students also have to watch their absences in order to be eligible. Students are only allowed TEN ACTIVITY ABSENCES for ALL ACTIVITIES for the YEAR. This includes ALL sports as well as music, academic team, and other activities. We will be watching closely the number of absences each student has in each class. Students who exceed the number of absences allowed will NOT be allowed to participate in future activities. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that students and parents monitor the student’s activity absences.

I follow these policies and procedures very strictly. Failure to comply could place the Choir program, and possibly all other activities at EHS, under sanctions.

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Any organization is judged, in the eyes of others, by the actions of its individual members. Whenever you dress in a choir uniform or wear other choir identification (choir shirt, letter jacket, etc.), your actions reflect on the entire choir. ALWAYS conduct yourself in such ways that bring only CREDIT to yourself and your choir. ALWAYS conduct yourself with pride.

Selected Performances – If, as a member of the Eisenhower Choir, you earn a position in an honor group

(Region Choir, All-State Choir, etc.), all Eisenhower Choir rules, regulations and guidelines will apply to that function.

Classroom Conduct – Self-discipline is critical to the success of the EHS Choir Department. Choir students

are expected to follow these guidelines: o Respect everyone and everything: keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. o Be ready for class when the tardy bell rings: be in your assigned spot with folder, music, and

pencil. o Raise your hand for permission to speak: talking will not be tolerated during rehearsal. o Listen to & follow directions the first time given. o No objects in your mouth at any time: food, drinks, candy, gum, pen caps, etc. o Water is allowed, but bottles must be clear and must have a closable top. Do not leave water

bottle in room when you leave. o Choir room equipment is not to be touched unless given permission by the directors. o Students who come to school ill are expected to follow along and participate with others for the

entire rehearsal.

Electronic Media – Any member of this organization representing themselves, or the group, in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner through electric media (i.e. websites, personal home pages, blogs, social media sites, text messages, or similar websites/files accessible through a server or internet) or using telecommunication devices in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace on their organization or members of any other school organization including themselves (i.e. camera phones, digital photos, electronic descriptions) will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or the directors, including probation or dismissal from the organization.

Telecommunication Devices- Cell phones and other devices are to be on silent/vibrate mode upon

entering the classroom. The usage of all devices is prohibited during class time unless approved or requested by the teacher. If a student is found using their device without proper permission then the item will be taken up by the teacher and will be returned at the end of class. Daily participation grade points will be deducted for each incident. A discipline referral may also be issued. Telecommunication devices should never be used during a concert by performers or audience members.

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CARE OF FACILITIES Refreshments – No gum, food or drinks (with the exception of bottled water) are allowed in the choir

room except when authorized by the director.

Litter – All trash is to be deposited in the waste baskets provided. Gum is to go in trash can outside door in entry way.

Vandalism – Acts of vandalism or the willful misuse of school property will be dealt with severely and

appropriately. Every choir member is responsible to help the director monitor and control vandalism. This includes writing or carving on walls, destroying music, damaging materials used by our voice teachers, or the damaging and/or breakage of school property.

Practice Rooms – (Such as they are) Are for practicing, not social gatherings. Anyone caught misusing

these rehearsal spaces may be barred from using them in the future.

Office – My office is my home away from home. Although I have an open door policy, PLEASE ASK OR KNOCK. Most often, you will be invited in. If you do not receive a reply, it is most likely that I am in the midst of a conference. Do not continue to knock and do not enter without being invited.

Class/Office Phones – If the phone is not in use and it does not interrupt our class/instruction time, you

may use the phone with the director’s permission.

Stage/Auditorium – You are not to be on the stage or in the auditorium unless you are accompanied by the director or accompanist.

Audio Equipment – Audio equipment belonging to the EHS Choir can be used by students with these

guidelines: You must use it for rehearsal purposes or for specific listening work once you have obtained the director’s permission. Groups of students are encouraged to rehearse All-State music in the choir room with the audio equipment. Only serious practice will be allowed.

Pianos – Never set your personal belongings, OR BEVERAGES on the piano. Students may play the piano

only before and after school and only with the director’s permission.

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PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE Choir uniforms create a professional look for concerts. The Choral Department provides uniforms for our high school

choir program. Students will be provided a clean formal uniform and/or robe for formal performances with the choir department. Students are responsible for keeping their uniforms properly cleaned throughout the year.

Students are responsible for returning the complete uniform intact at the end of the year. All students will pay a usage fee at the beginning of the year. Hemming and alterations will be performed by Mrs. Wood to ensure uniformity across all groups. When possible, the same uniform will be issued each year, so alterations may only be needed one time.

During the year, students are expected to maintain the uniform on their own. UNIFORMS HAVE SPECIFIC CLEANING PROCEDURES. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THEM COULD RESULT IN DAMAGAE TO THE UNIFORM ITEM.

Students who lose or damage the uniform or uniform item(s) will pay the replacement cost of the uniform/item(s). Formal uniforms are the property of EHS/LPS. They are considered equipment and are only to be worn in performances.

FORMAL UNIFORM The formal choir uniform consists of several parts, some issued by the choir and others that must be provided

by choir members. It is important that all parts be standardized or “uniform” within the choir. The condition of one’s uniform reflects the pride one has in our program.

You are responsible for your uniform and its appearance at all times. If you lose or damage any part of it, you must pay to have it replaced or repaired.

Uniforms must be kept neat and clean while in student’s possession.

When not in use, the uniform is to be kept neatly hanging.

When wearing the uniform, female students may wear small stud earrings. No necklaces, watches or bracelets will be permitted.

Hair shall be clean, well groomed, and out of the eyes. Hair must be pulled back out of face and secured. No bows or ornaments shall be worn in hair during performances, unless designated by director.

Students may not wear cologne or perfume of any kind. Hair spray, nail polish, etc., should not be applied around other people. This is a courtesy to the many people who have allergies.

Violations of the above standards of grooming will result in a deduction of points for performance and may result in loss of performance privileges or removal from a competition choir.

FR WOMEN: BLUE BLOUSE with BLACK SLACKS; BLACK CLOSED-TOE FLAT SHOES. BLOUSE will be provided. Slacks and shoes will be purchased by student.

FR MEN: BLACK SHIRT with SPECIALIZED BLUE TIE and BLACK SLACKS. Shirt and tie will be provided. BLACK DRESS SHOES and SOCKS. Slacks and shoes will be purchased by student.

WO & GS WOMEN: Formal Dress, black character shoes (provided by department) with TAN hose. (Ladies have option to purchase personal shoes – Cost is $30.00.)

GS MEN: Tuxedo - pants, coat, white tux shirt, bowtie, cummerbund, suspenders; Show Choir – black shirt, long tie, vest. (White tux shirt will be purchased by student. – Cost $15.00 – will be ordered.)

ROBE ATTIRE: Basic rule – BLACK from the waist down. NO collar or sleeves should show from under robe. It is acceptable to wear a t-shirt under the robe.

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Female Students should have black hose or black slacks and socks and appropriate, comfortable CLOSED TOE BLACK SHOES for performing. Flip-flops, sandals, strappy shoes, and excessive high heels/platforms are not appropriate or allowed on stage. Shoes need to be conservative in design. Heels no higher than 2 inches.

Male students should have appropriate BLACK dress shoes and BLACK dress socks to wear with black slacks.


Dark Blue Jeans (without holes)

Closed toed shoes


Each member of each choir will receive a Choir t-shirt. The cost for the t-shirt is covered by the choir department fee. Choir shirts will be worn throughout the year to show department unity/spirit, on trips, and for informal performances. Parents may also purchase a shirt. Information will be sent home giving students and parents the opportunity to make these purchases. Student shirts will include a personalized name on the back of the shirt.


3rd hour – Women’s Honor Choir - $40.00

4th hour – Freshmen Honor Choir - $40.00

5th hour –Concert Choir - $25.00

6th Hour – Gentry Singers - $60.00


PAYMENTS may be in the form of cash, checks made out to EHS Choir, with a credit/debit card, or online at

ikechoir.org thru PayPal (Personal PayPal account not required. Small service added for credit/debit/PayPal).


Fundraising opportunities are provided to not only raise funds for the department, but to also help students raise

funds for use for individual fees incurred throughout the year as a member of Choir. Students/families who are

experiencing financial situations that make paying the above mentioned Choir fee difficult, may also make

arrangements with Mrs. Wood for a payment structure to pay the fee out. In the event of extreme financial

difficulties, a FEE WAIVER REQUEST FORM may be requested and turned into Mrs. Wood. When approved, this

will waive the required choir fee. However, this will not waive other fees for elective activities, such as solo &

ensemble performances, All-State auditions, etc., that the student chooses to participate in.


Each student/parent is requested to join the EHS Choir Booster Club. Membership cost is $5.00 per person. Honor Choir members are expected to join Booster Club as part of their membership in the selected choir. Booster Club gives assistance to the choir and choir members by allowing us to have additional fund raising opportunities. It also provides money assistance to students in need for meals when traveling as well as helps to reduce student costs for All-State Choir travel. In order for a student to benefit directly from Booster Club Assistance, the student and/or parent must be a member. Meetings are held each month as scheduled by the membership at the first meeting following EHS Open House in August.

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Due to the financial and budget situation of Lawton Public Schools, Choir no longer receives any funding for our Choral program. Fundraising has become an integral part of our choir’s existence to provide the funds needed to be able to do the many different activities we do each year.

Please Note: Fundraising involvement by students is voluntary. However:

If a student/parent chooses to NOT participate in our choir fundraisers, throughout the year he/she WILL be asked to pay for activities and supplies that are being provided for choir members as a result of the fundraising. Failure to pay these fees will result in the fees being charged against the student in the Main Office.

Our major Fall fund raiser for this year is a donation mail-out letter campaign. If we ALL support this effort we can obtain a majority of the funds we will need for this school year. Our goal for this year is $5000.00+. Funds raised by all of our fund raising are used to purchase music, pay contest registration fees, purchase water for the classroom, purchase materials and supplies for the classroom and for the stage for productions, equipment for the classroom and for the stage, supplement uniform purchases, assist students when needed, help offset All-State expenses, pay bus and transportation expenses for travel and more.

Students who participate in this fund raiser, as well as others throughout the year, will earn Choir Cash Credit of $1.00 for each $10.00 in donations made in their name or $1.00 for each item or unit sold on selected fund raisers. This Choir Cash Credit (CCC) may be used by the student to help pay any of the class fees he/she may have in choir this year, such as the Class Uniform Fee, All-Region/All-State Fees, Solo fee for Solo & Ensemble, trip fees for special trips, etc.


Throughout the year, many Choir students will have opportunity to travel out of town and some will even stay overnight for contests, festivals, and such. In order to ensure that everyone traveling with the group is able to enjoy the trip and be safe, rules and regulations must be established and observed.

1. In order for ANY student to travel on a choral trip ANYWHERE, the 2014-15 Permission to Travel Form signed by a parent or guardian must be on file. If there are any specific health concerns or circumstances that affect the student, please make sure the director is aware of this and has the information in writing, as well as what to do if an incident should occur.

2. If a student is on medication, please indicate this in writing. The school requires a medication form to be on file in the counselor’s office for a student to take most medications, including ALL prescription medications. Most of the time, the director is expected to carry and administer the medication.

3. If a student is to be allowed to do something different from the rest of the group (for example - go to a contest with us on the bus, but ride home with another student and parents) permission from the student’s parent/guardian must be given to the director IN WRITING BEFORE we leave school.

4. The student will abide by ALL of the conditions of the LPS Student Travel Agreement listed below.

I shall:

Obey the student code of conduct in addition to any campus rules of discipline. Not possess or use tobacco, illegal drugs or alcohol. Remain at all times with sponsor or assigned chaperone. Not change buses without permission of the sponsor. Secure transportation home upon my return. Not use swimming pools or water parks or be involved in any type of recreational water activity unless

prior approval has been granted by the principal.

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If trip is overnight, I shall also:

Not leave the lodging area unless accompanied by the sponsor or assigned chaperone. Keep 11:00 p.m. curfew or as set by sponsor or organization. Be allowed to socialize in rooms provided the following guidelines are observed and permission is granted

by sponsor. Doors will remain open. Noise level will remain low so that other guests are not disturbed. Students will return to their designated rooms at curfew. Students will NOT have guests of the opposite sex in their rooms at any time unless the sponsor is

present. 5. Students and parents are responsible for ALL expenses related to traveling (food and lodging) unless told

otherwise by Mrs. Wood. Explicit details for each trip will be given before each trip.

6. When we are out, students will not go ANYWHERE in groups smaller than 3. When we stop somewhere to eat, we will generally try to find a central location to several eating establishments in order to give students a choice. A student WILL NOT go off by him or herself, but will stay with a group of 3 or larger.

7. Students will adhere to ALL time schedules given.

8. Students will be appropriately dressed and will conform to the LPS Dress Code Policy at all times.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about this during the year, please call me so that we can discuss them and come up with a plan of action. I’m a mother, also, and I understand how important your children are to you. Please help me take care of them for you

STUDENT LEADERSHIP The Choir Council is comprised of officers selected by the choir. Students selected for this council need to be students of high moral standards and integrity. Students need to be able and willing to meet for after school meetings on a regular basis, when meetings are called. Students need to be able and available to attend Choir Booster Club meetings as representatives of the Choir membership. Students need to be able to work with other choir members, students, and adults in a positive manner. The offices and responsibilities are: President – Must be a Gentry Singer of 2 or more years.

In charge of all student officers (supervisory capacity) Create agenda for monthly Choir Council meetings (meet with Mrs. Wood on a regular basis) Run all the Choir Council meetings and any full choir meetings Insure that all officers are fulfilling their jobs Delegate jobs to other officers and students Plan social activities and service projects Attend all Booster Club Meetings

Administrative Vice-President – One per choir

Ensure that all students and parents have accurate email, phone, and address information entered in the Charms Database.

Assist Mrs. Wood in keeping up with students’ Music Points in the Charms Database.

(GS) Ensure that all choir council planned activities have the proper facilities reservation paperwork completed, if applicable.

Assist director to ensure uniforms are properly checked in, checked out and maintained. Assist with classroom substitutes. Represent respective choir in Choir Council and Booster Club Meetings.

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Logistical Vice-President – Gentry Singer Only

Assist director with solo and ensemble activities.

Chair the Setup committee and coordinate Choir Representatives and volunteers to set up and tear down before and after events and concerts.

Assist director with bus lists for each event and make sure each bus is supplied with all necessary non-medical supplies and needed equipment.

Make sure bus is cleaned upon return from a trip. Assist with classroom equipment, especially when a substitute is present.

Library Vice-President – Gentry Singer Only – will involve some after school time Maintain choir library.

Train and coordinate Choir Representatives to ensure library items are properly checked in, checked out and maintained.

Create master folders of music for each choir.

Secretary – Gentry Singer Only Keep minutes from Choir Council and Choir meetings. Write thank you notes to those who assist the choir. Assist with other officers as needed.

Dance Captains – Gentry Singers Only – 2 Will oversee and make sure all members are learning choreography – correctly Will conduct rehearsals when asked or needed by Mrs. Wood.

Section Leaders – Each choir – number varies per choir Responsible for conducting sectional rehearsals and keeping everyone on task. Is the “go-to” person for questions about choir business.

Treasurer – One per choir Follow proper procedure for collecting money and writing receipts.

Historians – Two per choir Keep a record of individual choir activities for the year through photos, articles, journals. Work with the other Choir Historians to prepare a cd/dvd scrapbook that reflects the work of all the choirs during

the year. Provide photos for FaceBook and/or the Choir webpage. Maintain the choir display case in hallway outside of Choir Room.

Representatives at Large from each choir class – 1 – 2 per class, depending on size Serve as members of the Uniform, Set-Up and Library Committees and as such:

o Help maintain uniforms for their choir and assign/collect replacement parts if a student is missing pieces. Keep in close contact with Administrative Vice President for this duty.

o Assist in the set-up of concerts, coffee houses and all other events. Keep in close contact with Logistical Vice President for this duty.

o Maintain and oversee music distribution for their choir. Keep in close contact with Library Vice President for this task.

o Assist in making sure bus is cleaned upon return, when traveling.

Put posters up in the school to advertise choir concerts and other choir sponsored events.

These student leaders are to help in the day-to-day operations of the choir program. Although there certainly are other

strong leaders in choir, a strong leadership hierarchy is important to our success. If a choir member has a complaint about a

council member, he/she should contact the choir director, who will consider the complaint and outline a course of action.

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Music Letter

Seniors who are enrolled and active participants in Vocal Music for 3 – 4 years will earn a Music Letter.

Letters may also be earned by any student who earns 20 or more points on designated activities and

achievements throughout the school year. Points may be carried over from year to year. Pins are earned each

succeeding year with 10 or more additional points earned.

Item Point Value


3 District Solo

2/Each District Duet, Trio, Quartet, Madrigal

1/Entry Accompanist

1/Entry State Solo & Ensemble

3 Musical - Lead Character

2 Musical - Supporting Character / Crew

1 EHS Honor Choir Member

2 All-Region Audition

3 All-Region Choir Member

1 All-State Audition - 1st Round

2 All-State Audition - 2nd Round

5 All-State Choir Member

3 Earned Music Achievement Award

2 Perfect Attendance at ALL Concerts

1 Straight A's - Choir - 1st 3 - 9 weeks

2 Private Voice/Piano Lessons throughout year (1 Semester = 1 Pt.)

2 Summer Choral Camp (After 9th Gr. Year)

1 Community or Church Choir (Includes Messiah)

2 Community Musical

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Choir Achievement Award Criteria

Students in Choir may earn points throughout the year in order to receive a Choir Achievement Award. Because the Honor choirs have a greater opportunity to “rack up” points, the total points needed is higher than for the Concert choir. All claims for points must be made in the semester that they occur to get credit. Tally sheets are to be kept in your folders. Students are responsible for keeping up with how many points you have earned. This award is in addition to a Music Letter.

Gentry Singers Total Points Required 350 Women’s Choir Total Points Required 230 Freshman Choir Total Points Required 175 Concert Choir Total Points Required 120

Each 100 points thereafter will raise student to next award level.

POINTS EARNED Parent and Student attend Open House & Booster Club

Meeting, August 27, 2012 ALL Forms signed and turned in by Aug. 29,2012 ALL Basic Supplies turned in by Sept. 7, 2012 Parent/Student attends monthly Booster Club Mtg.

10 pts

5 pts 5 pts 5 pts each

District/State Ensemble Contest

20 pts. Superior (1) Rating 15 pts. Excellent (2) Rating 10 pts. Good (3) Rating

District/State Solo Contest

20 pts. Superior (1) Rating 15 pts. Excellent (2) Rating 10 pts. Good (3) Rating All-Region Honor Choir Audition

All-Region Honor Choir Selection & Participant All-State Honor Choir Audition 1st Rnd All-State Honor Choir Audition 2nd Rnd All-State Honor Choir Selection & Participant Student Worker at designated activities Half day Full day Extra duty

15 pts. 25 pts. 15 pts. 20 pts. 30 pts. 5 pts. 10 pts. 5 pts.

State Choir Contest 20 pts. Superior (1) Rating 15 pts. Excellent (2) Rating 10 pts. Good (3) Rating

Tri-State Contest 20 pts. Superior (1) Rating 15 pts. Excellent (2) Rating 10 pts. Good (3) Rating

Help Decorate Stage for Choir Concerts Private Music Lesson (Voice, Piano)

(Must have a note from your teacher to verify) Other lessons i.e. instrument or dance (check with Mrs. Wood)

5 pts. 15 pts. per Sem. 10 pts. per Sem

Show Choir Contests 20 pts. “Best of Show” 15 pts. “Best __??__” 10 pts. “Best in Class”

Performances Outside of School LCT, Church Solo, etc.

(Must be approved prior to performing) Church Choir Participation

(Must have a note from your director to verify) Musical Performances that are NOT vocal.

(Such as a Dance Recital) Messiah Concert in December

(See Mrs. Wood for more info & verification criteria)

7 pts. 5 pts. per Sem. 5 pts. 20 pts.

EHS Musical Participant – Cast Member EHS Musical Participant – Crew Member

Other items at teacher discretion

40 pts. 25 pts. To be determined by Teacher

Concert Attendance (Must have a ticket stub, program, and/or note from parent) (Must be signed by parent confirming attendance) (Must be turned in within current grading period ) Concert in Sept. that is claimed in April will not count

5 pts.

Each School Performance (Morning Assemblies count as One Concert) Each Nine Weeks “A” Serving as a choir class officer Student Worker at Activities (i.e. Robes for Solo/Ensemble)

5 pts. 5 pts. 5 pts. 10 pts.

Singing the National Anthem at EHS events (maximum 25 pts.) (Must have sponsor verification) Fund-Raising - for EACH item sold and money collected/turned in Cash Donations - for EACH $10.00 collected/turned in Qualified Empty Ink Cartridges

5 pts. 1 pt. Per item 1 pt 1 pt each

Award Levels 1st level Small Medal 2nd level Med. Medal 3rd level Large Medal The student with the highest overall total will receive a recognition trophy.

1st year Choir Award - Bronze 2nd year Choir Award - Silver 3rd year Choir Award - Gold