EIOPA Stress Test 2014 Webinar Introduction · Frankfurt, May 2014 . 2 Introduction ... PROGRAMME ....

EIOPA Stress Test 2014 Supporting material https://eiopa.europa.eu/activities/financial-stability/insurance-stress-test-2014 Frankfurt, May 2014

Transcript of EIOPA Stress Test 2014 Webinar Introduction · Frankfurt, May 2014 . 2 Introduction ... PROGRAMME ....



• Description of stress test general framework: ‘Core Module + Low Yield Module + Questionnaires’

• Core Module: market scenarios

• Core Module: qualitative questionnaire on market scenario Adverse 2 (CORP)

• Core Module: Insurance specific stresses

• Low yield Module

• Supporting material for generation of risk free rate curves: Baseline, Core and Low Yield Modules

• Stressing ‘basic’ risk free rates term structures / Stressing corporate and government bonds

/ Matching adjustment

• Stress test templates:

• Structure/ Before stress / Common part / Core Module / Low Yield Module



General approach

to carry out a test that focuses on impacts/vulnerabilities rather than pass/fail of individual participants.

Identify potential areas where further supervisory action is needed

Scenarios are tailored to insurance needs, consistent with risks identified by EIOPA and in ESRB risk outlook, seeking a balance between credibility, severity and consistency.

EIOPA stress test comprises two independent main blocks

the core module (focuses in Groups)

the low yield module (only individual information collected)

Both modules

use the standard stress test methodology

apply Solvency II market consistent valuation

assess the immediate impact of instantaneous shocks.

However there is no additive property to the two modules as they are based on different samples of undertakings.



EU-wide stress Test 2014 - background – core module


Assessment of the resilience of EU (re) insurance groups to adverse market developments.

Identification & measurement of systemic risk posed by institutions and its potential to increase in situations of stress.

EIOPA may, where appropriate, address a recommendation to the competent authority to correct issues identified in the stress test;

Development of common methodologies and communication approaches, in cooperation with the ESRB, to support a coherent and coordinated EU-wide systemic risk identification, monitoring and crises management.

Focus on EU-wide consistency and cross border comparability of the outcomes.

Not a substitute to any undertaking specific stress tests carried out under Pillar 2 (i.e. ORSA) when Solvency II is in place.


28 February 2013: EIOPA’s “Opinion on Supervisory Response to a Prolonged Low Interest Rate Environment*”

EIOPA recommended NSAs a coordinated supervisory response to the prolonged

low interest rate environment:

scoping the challenge promoting private sector solutions supervisory action

EIOPA tasked itself:

to develop with NSAs an agreed framework for the quantitative assessment of the scope and scale of the risks posed by a prolonged low interest rate environment

To coordinate the exercise described above under point 1 and collate results for reflection back to NSAs.

Goal: the 2014 EIOPA low yield exercise will provide an assessment of the financial consequences of a persistent low interest rate environment for the European insurance market.

* https://eiopa.europa.eu/fileadmin/tx_dam/files/publications/opinions/EIOPA_Opinion_on_a_prolonged_low_interest_rate_environment.pdf

EU-wide stress Test 2014 - background – low yield module

Overview Process & Timeline



February: Announcement (EIOPA) & Participant selection (NCAs)

March: Consultation on Technical specifications and ST templates

30 April: Launch of stress test


20 May: Meeting with Stakeholders

8 July: End Q&A process (last publication)

11 July: Submission date (participants submit results to NCAs)


31 July: End national validation (NCAs)

22 August: End 1st round of central validation (EIOPA)

5 September: End of consistency checks (NCAs with participants)

19 September: End of Validation process

Report September: Report Drafting

October: Finalization of Report

November: Publication of Report

General Framework

• Extension of scope in order to cover the follow up on EIOPA opinion on supervisory reaction to low-interest rate environment

• Separation of market and insurance stresses o Allow for more severe stresses

o Avoid need of correlation assumptions for aggregation (i.e. stresses outside of scenarios occur independently and inside scenarios in union)

o More flexibility in calibrating stresses

o Combination with insurance stresses post-hoc possible if insurance stresses are measured on single-factor basis

• Two shock levels per insurance stress parameter o To allow for sensitivity analysis

• Assessment of dynamic responses and possible second-round effects


Main features of 2014 Stress test

General Framework

1) Core-module (Groups & Solos) with focus on financial resilience based on

a. Market Stress Scenarios

b. Single-factor Insurance Stresses

2) Low yield–module (Solos only) with a focus on a low interest rate environment

a. Low Yield Scenario 1: Japanese Scenario

b. Low Yield Scenario 2: Inverse Scenario

3) Questionnaires


Market Stress Scenarios

Market Stress Scenarios

• EIOPA developed two hypothetic market stress scenarios jointly with the ESRB, with a view to revealing the possible effects of the main insurance sector vulnerabilities, while assuming an underlying macro environment which is cross-sectoral consistent to the fullest extent possible.

• EIOPA’s order of risk materiality: (1) continued low interest rates (2) credit risk sovereign (3) macro risk (4) credit risk financial institutions (5) equity risk (6) credit risk corporates

• Context: persistently low growth and prolonged period of low short-term interest rates


Market variables included (per scenario):

• Interest rate stresses for maturities of 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20 and 30 years

• Equity stresses, for the EU-aggregate market

• Corporate bond stresses – Financials (spreads up) for the EU-aggregate market for rating classes: AAA-AA-A-BBB-BB-lower B-unrated

• Corporate bond stresses – Financials covered (spreads up) for the EU-aggregate market for rating classes: AAA-AA-A-BBB-BB-lower B-unrated

• Corporate bond stresses – Non-Financials (spreads up) for the EU-aggregate market for rating classes: AAA-AA-A-BBB-BB-lower B-unrated

• Sovereign bond stresses for the EU countries, Japan, Switzerland and US

• Property stresses for commercial and residential property for the EU-aggregate markets


Market Stress Scenarios

Market Stress Scenarios

The set-up of the scenarios:

a) Choose a specific asset class as a shock originating market,

e.g. equity prices, or corporate bond prices or a


b) Set probability of scenario occurrence (e.g. 1 in 100 years)

c) Calibrate all market stresses on a consistent &

simultaneous basis assuming an instantaneous occurence in

reference to the shock originator and set probability


Market Stress Scenarios

Scenario 1 (STOX scenario):

• The EU equity market is the shock originator

• Spill-over to all other market segments: in particular speculative corporate bond and government bond markets (esp. periphery countries)

• risk-free interest rates remain at exceptionally low levels

Scenario 2 (CORP scenario):

• The non-financial corporate bond market is the shock originator

• Spill-over to all other market segments: in particular investment grade rated corporate bond and government bond markets (also non-periphery countries)

• risk-free interest rates show slight inverse structure


Summary scenarios developed in cooperation with ESRB

• CRE stands for commercial real estate • RRE stands for residential real estate


Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Sovereign Shocks

Corp. Bond Shocks

Swap rate shocks










1Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y 20Y 30Y

Scenario 2

Scenario 1

Valuation – Technical Specifications preparatory phase

Technical specificities to the core module:

• Reference date for valuations: 31.12.2013

• Aligned with preparatory SII guidelines

• Pre-/post- stress SII valuation

• Reporting templates based on SII guidelines with some additions (e.g. bond reporting on credit quality)

• Use of SF for reporting mandatory (additional use of IM voluntary)

• No use of USPs allowed

• Use of LTG-measure optional (if used reporting needs to be gross and net)

• Some adjustment of LTG-measures for core-module:

• Post-stress VA (i.e. recalculation of spreads)

• Transitional kept constant post-stress

• No CF projections/reporting for core-module required


Core Module: Qualitative questionnaire on responses to market shocks in (Adverse 2 = CORP scenario)

Qualitative questionnaire aims to identify 2nd round effects of market scenario

• EIOPA stress test comprises instant shocks

• In reality shocks induce behavioural responses

• Qualitative questionnaire designed to identify response of insurers to the stress => ‘second round’ effects.

• Explicitly linked to the corporate bond adverse market scenario (adverse 2/CORP)

• 4 questions related to

o balance sheet adjustments

o business model adjustment

o impact on financial markets

o policy holder behaviour


Adverse market scenario 2 follows a “double hit” narrative

• Sudden global risk reassessment • Shocks in non-financial corporate bond markets • Propagation to the equity and bank bond market,

exacerbated by an assumed lagging of balance sheet repair

• Sovereign debt crisis aggravates with spread (over swaps) increases

• Tightening credit, unemployment and weak demand cause steep falls in real estate prices

• Expectations of accommodative monetary policy push swap rates/risk free rates down


Corporate bond adverse scenario (adverse 2 / CORP)







0 bp

200 bp

400 bp

600 bp

800 bp



't bo



s no





s fin







minimum EU mean maximum





Right handside scaleLeft handside scale


Core Module: Single Factor Insurance Stresses

Scope and basis are the same as Core Market Stress Scenario.

Insurance stresses will be carried out independently from the market scenarios – using a set of single factor tests split into 3 components.

Two different stress levels have been specified for each stress factor.

Single Factor Insurance Stresses


Insurance Stresses

The non-life insurance stresses cover an Undertaking specific natural catastrophe or man-made event stress, a Market wide defined event stress and a Provisions deficiency stress.

The life insurance stresses cover Longevity, Mortality and Lapse.

The focus is on impact of stresses rather than a pass/fail relative to a particular threshold.


Undertaking Specific Cat Event

Non-Life stress - Component 1

Participating undertakings to calculate their Probable Maximum Losses (PMLs) for their non-life exposures of a single catastrophic event on a:

1 in 100 year basis

1 in 200 year basis

Participants shall describe the event, so that an overall concentration of exposures can be identified as part of the stress test exercise.


Market Wide Defined Event

Non-Life stress - Component 2

Participating undertakings to run a series of defined catastrophe scenarios:

(1) Northern European Windstorm

(2) US Hurricane

(3) Turkey Earthquake (Istanbul)

(4) Central and Eastern European Flood, and

(5) Airport Crash

Participants are expected to assess all scenarios but they need only to report results to those scenarios to which they have an exposure.


Non-Life stress - Component 2 (continued)

For each scenario an estimated aggregated market insured loss has to be provided to:

Assist in understanding magnitude of events.

Aggregately calibrated for severity across 5 events (for an insurer writing global cat exposed business).

ST Technical specifications provide further guidance for assessing defined events.

Reporting templates contain a supplementary questionnaire to be completed by undertakings.

Market Wide Defined Event


Provisions Deficiency Stress

Non-Life stress - Component 3

Participating undertakings to assess their provisions of claims deficiency stress – estimating the potential cost per annum of the accumulative inflation increase, in excess of the best estimate inflation assumptions, of the estimated reported claims reserve on a:

1% year basis

3% year basis


Life Stress - Longevity

Life stress - Component 1

Apply stress to best estimate mortality assumptions that would result in an uplift of best estimate expectations of life of 10% and 18% in stress scenarios.

Adjustments applied should be calibrated so increase in expectation of life is met at ages 65 & 75 and approximately met at other ages.

Explicit allowances for future mortality improvements – make changes to base table only if necessary to achieve calibration.

Implicit allowances for future mortality improvements – make adjustments to reflect stress scenario will need to be made to achieve the calibration.


Life Stress - Mortality

Life stress - Component 2

Calculate impact of pandemic which leads to higher mortality rates.

The two mortality stresses are:

2 additional deaths per thousand lives

0.6 additional deaths per thousand lives.


Life Stress - Lapse

Life stress - Component 3

Two mass lapse stresses to their total book of life insurance policies:

A 20% rate

A 35% rate

Participants should limit this to policies where there is a negative impact resulting in a loss upon a lapse.

Mass lapses are assumed to last for 1 to 2 months only.


We will also be asking for data collected on reinsurance recoveries.

For all insurance stresses, insurance undertakings should report results both gross and net of reinsurance recoveries.

For each insurance stress participants will be asked to provide the reinsurance recoveries from and identify their top five reinsurer counterparties at a Group level basis.

Single Factor Stress -Reinsurance


Low Yield Module

2 Phases Approach

• 1st Phase: bottom-up

o calculations performed by the undertakings based on two scenarios developed by EIOPA i.e. long lasting low yield + inverted curve (upwards shock short maturities & downward shock middle to long term maturities)

o within timeframe of the EIOPA stress test (Low yield module)

o scenario curves – see next slide (derived for Euro)

o other currencies (EEA + USD + JPY + CHF): “proportional” shifts, all curves provided by EIOPA

o Focus on BS, Value and Cash Flow impacts


2 Phases Approach

• 2nd Phase: top down

o work conducted after finalization & validation of first phase.

o relevant outputs of the first phase (discounted values, undiscounted cash flows)

o quantification/analysis of the risks under a variety of assumptions about interest rate behavior

o conducted at level of EIOPA (no direct involvement industry participants).


(Target) Scenario Curves


Qualitative Questions

• Scoping Questions: size of relevant business, evolution of relevant business e.g. guarantees offered, durations of business, …

• “Dynamic” behavior questions: insurance responses to quantitative scenarios, look for potential 2nd order effects on e.g. strategies pursued, changes within investment mix, …

• More detail: see Templates.



• Scope

o Participation @ Individual (solo) Level

o Market coverage rate: 50% ‘relevant’ technical provisions.

o Relevant business? Principle based approach vs fully prescribed definition in order to capture national/product specific features. General guideline: “vulnerable” to low yield e.g.

- Life insurance products which offer fixed interest rate guarantees and/or which offer some type of (fixed) ‘profit participation’ to the insured.

- All types of annuity-products (life, non-life, health, workmen’s compensation).

- Insurance products which tariff is calculated already taking into account a certain financial income on the outstanding reserves.


Timing, Output

• Timing

o See details of 2-phase approach above.

• Outputs

o Disclosure of effects on the value of the main balance sheet items & own funds

o Projection of cash flows over a period of 60 years for main asset & liability categories

o More detail: see templates


Valuation – Technical Specifications

• Technical specificities to the low yield module

► Shocks on yield curves: no effect on spreads (i.e. no recalculation of the Volatility adjustment)

► Suitable CF projections are required:

► based on valuation & contract boundaries as stipulated within SII,

► purpose of collecting those CF that once discounted with the relevant risk-free curve, provide the best estimate value of the technical provisions when summed.

► Transitionals (discount and TP value): adjustments assumed constant after stress (for stress test purposes – determine effect of changing risk free rates)


EIOPA Stress Test 2014. Risk free rates for discounting

Risk free interest rates term structures

Stressing ‘basic’ risk free rates term structures

Stressing corporate bonds

Stressing government bonds

Matching adjustment


General on LTG adjustments

Volatility adjustment:

Temporary adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rates term structure for the calculation of the best estimate of technical provisions, aimed to avoid exaggeration of market bond spreads (RC 32 OII)

It should be calculated based on the spread of representative portfolios of bonds, loans and securitizations

Matching adjustment

Adjustment to the relevant risk-free interest rates term structure applicable, previous supervisory approval, during the lifetime of a portfolio of insurance or reinsurance obligations, where there is adequate evidence the undertaking is not exposed to the risk of changing spreads of the bonds or other assets with similar cash flow characteristics covering those obligations (RC 31 OII)


SCR down

SCR up

Risk free interest rates term structures

Baseline No VA With VA

SCR down

SCR up

Stress 1 No VA With VA

SCR down

SCR up

Stress 2 No VA With VA

SCR down

SCR up

Low yield1 No VA

With VA

SCR down

SCR up

Low yield2 No VA

With VA


Risk free interest rates term structures


Risk free interest rates term structures

Stressing euro swap curve (scenarios 1 and 2)

Step 1.- Par swap curve for the euro, credit risk adjusted

Step 2.- Applying the calibrated stresses to the euro par swap curve

Step 3.- Euro zero-coupon curve and extrapolation

Stressing swap curves for currencies other than euro

For each maturity, calculation of the relative change of the actual value of a cash flow expressed in euros - comparing with and without stress

(e.g. for a 5y cash flow in euros, its current value increases 8 % in stressed scenario 1 compared to the baseline)

Zero coupon stress curve for other currencies should produce the same relative change of current value as for the euro (calculation and equality achieved for each maturity)

(current value of 5y cash flow expressed in any currency, should increase 8% in stressed scenario 1)

1 + irfr_stresseuro −𝑡

1 + irfr_baselineeuro −𝑡 =

1 + irfr_stresscurncy −𝑡

1 + irfr_baselinecurncy −𝑡


Risk free interest rates term structures

Risk-free rates curves. Selecting country and scenario


Risk free interest rates term structures

VA recalculated

Risk-free rates curves. Selecting country and scenario


Risk free interest rates term structures

Risk-free rates curves. Selecting country and scenario


No VA recalculation

for low yield scenarios

Risk free interest rates term structures

Only EEA currencies + CHF + JPY + USD stressed


Risk free interest rates term structures

Stressing ‘basic’ risk free rates term structures

Stressing corporate bonds

Stressing government bonds

Matching adjustment


Risk free interest rates term structures

Stressing corporate bonds. Selecting currency and credit quality


Risk free interest rates term structures

Stressing ‘basic’ risk free rates term structures

Stressing corporate bonds

Stressing government bonds

Matching adjustment


Risk free interest rates term structures

Matching adjustment. Fundamental spread = Fundamental PD + Cost of Downgrade

FPD = Fundamental Probability of default

de-risked cash flows = nominal cash flow * (1 – PD)

CD = Cost of downgrade (reducing the adjustment)(*)

In Stress Test exercise, it is assumed CD = 0 bp for sovereign bonds 57

Risk free interest rates term structures

Matching adjustment

Baseline scenario. SCR spread risk sub-module

The instantaneous shock in form of increase of the market spreads of the assets, leads at the same time to the same increase (in bp) of the fundamental spread (FPD+CD), although with the relevant reduction factor according to CQS of the asset

Stressed scenarios

Stressed balance sheet. The fundamental spreads remain unchanged (same value as in the baseline scenario).

Voluntary SCR after stressed (SCR spread risk sub-module). Same increase of the fundamental spread as for the baseline scenario


Risk free interest rates term structures

Matching adjustment

De-risking of cash flows from

government bonds

Market value stressed balance


Risk free interest rates term structures

Matching adjustment. Sub investment grade assets (below credit quality step 3)

Undertakings need to adjust inputs in order to respect Article 77c(1c) OII Directive


Stress test templates: 1. Structure/2. Before stress /

3. Common part / 4. Core Module / 5. Low Yield Module

1 – Stress test structure

• 3 sets of information


•Participant information

•Before stress situation

•Overview of results

Common part

•Adverse scenario 1 (equity originated)

•Adverse scenario 2 (non-corporate bond originated)

•Single factor insurance stresses

•Qualitative questionnaires

Core module

•Additional information on the before stress situation (cash flows)

•Long lasting low rates for all maturities

•Atypical reverse shocked interest rate curve

•Qualitative questions

Low yield module

1 – Spreadsheet implementation


2 – The before stress situation

• Based on the latest available technical specifications for the Solvency II preparatory phase

• https://eiopa.europa.eu/publications/technical-specifications/index.html

• With some additional information needed for stress test purposes

• https://eiopa.europa.eu/activities/financial-stability/insurance-stress-test-2014/stress-test-specifications/index.html


2 – Spreadsheet implementation

• Information defined in the guideline on submission of information

o Consolidated in a single sheet : “BS”

o With a few differences: - Detail of investment funds

In public disclosure but not in the supervisory reporting

to supervisors

• Group and individual views merged

With distinct colours for group specific information

• Duplication of the SCR information

Standard formula used as the baseline


2 – BS: Content definition already published

• Spreadsheet view:

• Right side of the spreadsheet

• https://eiopa.europa.eu/publications/eiopa-guidelines-new/guidelines-on-submission-of-information-to-national-competent-authorities/index.html

(annex II)


2 – BS+: Additional information

• On the split of life TP between with profit and others o Needed for the stress test results analysis but not available in the

Solvency II balance sheet.

• On the assets modelled in the Core stress test scenarios o Sovereign exposures

o Corporate bonds per credit quality steps and type of counterparty (financial covered, financial others, non-financial)

o Same information post stress required

• Some information to back check the volatility adjustment computations o Modified duration of corporate bond portfolio

• Some information on the comparability of returns o More explanations later in the presentation


2- BS+.{Assets|Liabilities}(CF)

• Cash flows pattern under the Low Yield module are required.

• For comparability purposes, the same cash flows patterns are required for the before stress situation

• The discounted value is first asked

• Followed by the set of associated undiscounted cash flows

• Liabilities breakdown uses the split of life between with profit and others


3 – The common part – Participant information

• This include 3 categories of information

o General information:

- name, legal form, country, currency and unit used (only one currency and one unit allowed per report !)

o Scope and basis of reporting

- Core and/or low yield modules

- List of reinsurance entities included for group reporting to allow EEA coverage calculation for the core module

o Reporting possibilities with a potential effect on the comparability of returns

- due care will be needed during the analysis of results phase


3.1 – Information on the comparability of results

• Ring fenced funds have an effect on diversification (SCR) and capital (restrictions)

• The standard formula is used as baseline for comparability purposes.

• Long term guarantee measures can be used

• Capital requirement may be reassessed in the post stress situation


3.2 – Comparability of results – Ring fenced funds

• Specific information (before stress)


3.3 – Comparability of results – IM information

• Risk margin is linked to the projected SCRs

• Effect of using IM to assess SCR on risk margin asked


3.3 – Comparability of results – Long term guarantees

• Specific information (before stress)

• The impact on SCR and own funds is in general not additive


3.4 – Transitional – SCR approach


3.5 – Transitional – Consistent Stress Test approach

• Transitional (discount and TP value): adjustments assumed constant after stress


3.6 – re-assessment of SCR post stress

• not required but possible • E.g.: market stresses may decrease the volume measures for

capital requirements


• The overview sheet is automatically filled based on the template content

• It starts with the before stress situation

• Followed by a comparison between the before and post stress situations (both on a monetary basis - impact on surplus -, and on a % of SCR coverage basis)

4 – The common part – overview


5 – The Core module part

• Includes two identical sheets for the two adverse market scenarios

• An implementation of the associated qualitative questionnaire

• The set of single factor insurance stresses

• The associated qualitative questionnaire for predefined events


5.1 – the adverse market scenarios

• A summarised balance sheet

Inputs: items stressed under the scenario

Other: propagated from the BS sheet

+ post stress values for assets modelled

in the stress scenarios

+ Details on the stress effect per item modelled

And global effect of the use of LTG measures


5.3 – Single factor insurance stresses

• A common way to report results

• With specific additional information depending on the stress o E.g. Top 5 reinsurers (group basis) or evolution of underlying TP


6 – The Low yield module

• Includes two identical sheets for the two low yield scenarios o Same structure as the Core module sheets

o Without the information on assets modelled in the Core scenarios

o + information on cash flows pattern of assets and liabilities under the Low yield scenario assumptions (Sheets identical to the before stress ones)

• An implementation of the associated qualitative questionnaire o Extract of replies propagated to the Overview sheet