EHBs 101: Overview of New Components; How to Register and Navigate in EHBs

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EHBs 101: Overview of New Components; How to Register and Navigate in EHBs. Agenda. Objectives EHBs Overview Registration EHBs Roles Navigating the EHBs Resources Questions. Objectives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of EHBs 101: Overview of New Components; How to Register and Navigate in EHBs

  • EHBs 101: Overview of New Components; How to Register and Navigate in EHBs

  • AgendaObjectivesEHBs OverviewRegistrationEHBs RolesNavigating the EHBsResourcesQuestions

  • ObjectivesLearning Objective 1: Participants will be able to understand the EHB and the information contained within.Learning Objective 2: Participants will be able to use EHB to easily update Agency and contact information. Learning Objective 3: Participants will be able to understand the various roles within EHB, including those of their agency leads.

  • What are the EHBs?The HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) is the grants and program management system used by HRSA and its granteesAvailable on the internet authorized individuals within an organization to view, edit, or submit grant-related information electronicallyFacilitate HRSA monitoring and oversight of programs

  • Grantee Tasks and Activities Available in EHBsSubmission of grant-related requirementsConditions of AwardReporting RequirementsNoncompeting Continuation Progress ReportsGrant Change Requests (Prior Approvals)Management of contact information and authorized users

  • Grantee Tasks and Activities NOT Available in the EHBs

    ActivityLocationCompeting Application Submission **Grants.govDraw down of federal fundswww.dpm.psc.govSubmission of Quarterly FFR to PMSwww.dpm.psc.govChanges to Organization

  • EHBs System RequirementsBrowser RequirementsInternet Explorer v. 8.0 and higher Mozilla Firefox v. 3.6 or higherHRSA EHBs use pop-up windows ensure that your browser settings allow pop-upsIn order to completely experience the usability features, ensure that Javascript is enabled on your browser

  • EHBs System Requirements Test Your Settings

  • EHBs RegistrationAll members of the grantee organization who are responsible for viewing, editing or submitting grant-related information must register in the HRSA EHBsGo to you have registered before, you do not have to register again. Click Create an Account tab if you are not sure

  • New User Registration ScreenOptions are available to guide you through the registration process or locating your username

  • EHBs Registration OverviewStep 1: Create an AccountCreate your own username and passwordProvide contact informationStep 2: Associate Account to OrganizationSearch for Organization Strongly encourage searching using DUNS or Grant NumberStep 3: Select Your RoleChoose your role within the organization

  • Step 1: Create an AccountComplete registration form with your information

  • Step 2: Associate Account to OrganizationSearch using Grant Number to ensure you add your account to the correct instance of the organization

  • Step 2: Organizations ListSearching using Organization Name may result in multiple results. Click side arrow to view more information.

  • Step 2: Organization List Detailed ViewClick Register to add the organization to your account. You can add additional organizations to your account later, if necessary.

  • Step 3: Choose your RoleThe organization role can be changed later, if necessary.

  • EHBs Roles Organization LevelAuthorizing OfficialSubmit two-tiered applicationsAppear as AO throughout the EHBs May have ability to manage organization usersMay gain privilege to submit FFRBusiness OfficialAppear as BO throughout the EHBs May gain privilege to submit FFROther EmployeeAnyone at the organization who is not a business official

  • EHBs Home PageUser will not have access to organization information until account is validated by Adding Grant to Portfolio

  • Grants Tab Grants tab will display all grants a user has been given privileges to access.

  • Add Grant to PortfolioSelect your role for the grant

  • EHBs Roles Grant LevelProject DirectorName must match name listed on Notice of Award (NoA)Need CRSEIN and Award Issue Date to RegisterWill have be granted all Non-Financial privileges once validatedManage non-financial privileges for other usersFinancial Reporting AdministratorNeed Account ID and PIN from PMSWill have access to all Financial Reports once validatedManage financial privileges for other usersOtherAny other members of the organization who will need to view, edit or submit information to HRSA

  • Grant Level PrivilegesView, Create/Edit, Submit, and Administer Privileges are available for each of the types of submissions in the EHBs

  • EHBs Home Page with TasksEasy access to tasks upcoming tasks Recently accessed section for easy navigation

  • Tasks Tab OverviewPending tasks will appear in the tasks tab based on your privilegesReports/requirements that have not been submittedPrior approval requests that have been started, but not submittedChange RequestsRequests for access (if applicable)Use the left side menu to access additional features

  • Pending TasksUse search and filter options at the top of the page to facilitate navigation

  • Submissions SectionNavigating to the Submissions section provides additional features

  • Submissions Option MenuOptions menu provides additional features like Request Extension, ability to view authorized users, and other grant related information.

  • Submissions Option Menu Submission LinkUse the Submissions link to print out a copy of the submission. If you have not entered any data in the submission form, this is one way of printing out a blank form to aid in data collection offline.

  • Organizations Tab OverviewThe Organizations Tab will list all organizations you are associatedProvides access to organization informationAssociated UsersOrganization ProfileAwarded Grants

  • Organizations TabDisplays organizations associated with your account

  • Organization Folder Home Home page displays summary information about the organization

  • Organization Folder ProfileOrganization information will be displayed, but cannot be changed in the EHBs. Changes can be made in SAM and will then be reflected in the EHBs

  • Organization Folder Users Users with the Primary Authorizing Official role at the organization level can manage users associated with the organization.

  • Updating Contact InformationIf any of your contact information changes, you must update your profileClick the View/Update Profile link

  • View/Update Profile PageChanges made to your profile will be reflected throughout the EHBs

  • Resources

    ResourceEHBs Help and Knowledge Base Tube EHBs Videos Contact [email protected]

