Egypt: The Land of Wonder

Egypt: The Land of Wonder Nile River Great Pyramids Camels Quiz Yourself h t t p : / / w w w . p o r t p r o m o t i o n s . c o m / m e d i a / e c o m / p r o d l g / 1 2 1 5 7 9 7 6 7 2 _ E u r o p e % 2 0 - % 2 0 E g y p t % 2 0 - % 2 0 P y r a m i d s . j p g Choua Vang May 1, 2014


Egypt: The Land of Wonder. Nile River Great Pyramids Camels Quiz Yourself. http:// /media/ ecom / prodlg /1215797672_Europe%20-%20Egypt%20-%20Pyramids.jpg. Choua Vang May 1, 2014. Nile River. This river is the life blood of Egypt. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Egypt: The Land of Wonder

Egypt: The Land of Wonder



CamelsWhen you are at the Great Pyramids, take a camel ride. This is how one travels the desert. SlideQuiz YourselfLast Slide

Quick QuizWhat is a traditional form of desert transportation in Egypt?a. busb. trainc. taxid. camel

(Valley of the Kings)

2. What river provides the life blood of Egypt?Blue Danube RiverFox RiverNile RiverAmazon River for exploring Egypt!