Egov Ict in Education (1)

ICT DIFFUSION IN EDUCATION SECTOR Accessibility, Awareness Level, Capability Level


ICT Education

Transcript of Egov Ict in Education (1)


ICT DIFFUSION IN EDUCATION SECTORAccessibility, Awareness Level, Capability LevelIntroductionAll devices, tools, content, resources, forums, and services, digital and those that can be converted into or delivered through digital forms, which can be deployed for realising the goals of teaching learning, enhancing access to and reach of resources, building of capacities, as well as management of the educational system. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration.

Rationales for Introducing ICT

Using ICT in EducationThere are three ways in which ICT in education is considered in current thinking. These are:ICT educationICT supported educationICT enabled educationICT Education: This is the most common understanding of the field of ICTs in education. Essentially, it refers to the creation of human resource to meet the IT needs of the knowledge economy. In developing countries of Asia, each country is trying to create a pool of manpower to address job opportunities in computershardwareand software, creating and training people in computer engineering. Very often, an ICT in Education policy of a government describes the steps by which computers will be placed in schools, how teachers and students will be provided the basic computer programming skills to cater to the growing job market in computer based technologies.ICT Supported Education: A large number of distance education universities and programmes use ICT to support the print content that they deliver to students. These include broadcast audio and video such as radio and television programmes, audio and video tapes delivered to students as part of a learning kit, and in more recent times, multimedia content such as lessons which are delivered off line, i.e. on CDs. This is also sometimes called multimedia education, where multiple media are used to support learning.ICT Enabled Education: Any educational programme that is purely delivered through ICTs, or with ICT delivered content as the primary backbone of the teaching-learning process, such as on line courses through the web, is ICT enabled education. In simple words, this form of education requires ICT access and requires that the learner use ICTs as a primary or basic medium of instruction.4Government InitiativesEleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-2012) importance of ICT in education has been emphasized.National Curriculum Framework(2005) emphasized the judicious use of technology to increase the reach of educational program, facilitate management of the system as well as address specific learning needs and requirements.Government of India has set up a national task force on information technology and software development to universalize computer literacy.Intel Teach to future program is a world wide effort to integrate technology in classroom.The major scheme started by government is [email protected]@SchoolThe Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Schools was launched in December, 2004 and revised in 2010 to provide opportunities to secondary stage students to mainly build their capacity on ICT skills and make them learn through computer aided learning process.FeaturesCoverageFinancial Assistance And Cost NormsSmart SchoolNational Award For Teachers Using ICT For Innovation In EducationThe scheme has essentially four components:-Partnership with State Government and Union Territories AdministrationsEstablishment of smart schoolsTeacher related interventionsDevelopment of e-content

for providing computer aided education to Secondary and Higher Secondary Government and Government aided schools.which shall be technology demonstrators.such as provision for engagement of an exclusive teacher, capacity enhancement of all teachers in ICT and a scheme for national ICT award as a means of motivation.mainly through Central Institute of Education Technologies (CIET), six State Institutes of Education Technologies (SIETs) and 5 Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs), as also through outsourcing.6ICT Literacy DefinedThe policy defines ICT Literacy in terms of levels of competence. Based on the stage of schooling at which a student or teacher is introduced to ICT, they may progress to different levels.These levels do not correspond to any class level but are overall same for every teacher and student.These levels are:BasicIntermediateAdvancedAs each stage is defined by competencies to be achieved, the pace is dependent on frequency of access to the ICT facilities. Based on the local situation, the time duration needed for each stage will be shortened.Stage 1: Basic Basics of computers and basic use of tools and techniques operate a computer, store, retrieve and manage data, use a computer to achieve basic word and data processing tasks; connect, disconnect and troubleshoot basic storage, input and output devices Connect to the internet, use e-mail and web surfing, use search engines, keep the computer updated and secure, operate and manage content from external devices (sound recorders, digital cameras, scanners etc.); connect, disconnect, operate and troubleshoot digital devices; Stage 2: Intermediate Create and manage content using a variety of software applications and digital devices; using web sites and search engines to locate, retrieve and manage content, tools and resources; install, uninstall and troubleshoot simple software applications etc. Stage 3: Advanced Use different software applications to enhance ones own learning database applications, analysis of data and problem solving, computing, design, graphical and audio-visual communication; undertake research and carry out projects using web resources; use ICT for documentation and presentation; create and participate in web based networks for cooperative and collaborative learning; become aware of issues of cyber security, copyright and safe use of ICT and take necessary steps to protect oneself and ICT resources

7Research MethodologyPrimary ResearchBy field visits to some of the govt. secondary schoolsThrough Questionnaires filled by 3 stake holders:StudentsTeachersHead of the schoolAs well as through personal interaction with students, teachers & head.Secondary Research By critically analysing MHRD site and the claims of initiatives mentioned on the site.Field Visit to SchoolsSl NoSchools having computer labsSchools having computer labs but not functional Schools not having labs1Kendriya Vidyalaya Sector 5, DwarkaSarvodaya Balika Vidyalaya, Kakrola Mor, New DelhiGovt Girls Senior Secondary Schools, Mandi2Sarvodaya Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Malviya NagarAmar shahid Major Sahrawat Sarvodaya Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Mahipalpur3Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya, Sector 10 , Dwarka4Govt Senior Secondary School, Mahavir Enclave

Kendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Kendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Sl NoInteractive assessment with students1Computer labs in your school32The interaction with computers is from class 6th class3Duration of computer class30 min4Number of computer classes you have in a week2 classes per week5Number of students sits on one computer on an average3 students per computer6The computer operating skills are given byschool teacher7The activities learned on computer by class 7th studentsPlaying games, Paint, Watching interactive lectures 8Students are allowed to operate computers byThemselves9Project made with the help of computer for subjects by class 7th studentsEnglish, MathsKendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Interactive assessment with studentsStudents of Kendriya Vidalaya , Sector 5 Dwarka were comfortable in operating computers and can visit computer labs apart from schedule classes for preparation of assignments. The interactive sessions with class 7thstudents helped us to find that students were comfortable in making PPT, paints, but were not allowed to browse internet unless permission sought. Students have seen interactive videos of subjects like English and Math. The interactive videos helped in clearing the concepts related to topics. The students wish to see more e content related to science topics and want computer classes for longer durations.Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya NagarSl NoInteractive assessment with students1Computer labs in your school12The interaction with computers is from class 7th class3Duration of computer class30 min4Number of computer classes you have in a week2 classes per week5Number of students sits on one computer on an average2 students per computer6The computer operating skills are given byschool teacher7The activities learned on computer by class 8th studentsNot Specified8Students are allowed to operate computers Under the guidance of Teacher9Project made with the help of computer for subjects by class 8th studentsNoneSarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya NagarInteractive assessment with studentsStudents of Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya Nagar were not comfortable in operating computers by themselves. The interactive sessions with class 8th students helped us to find that students were able to make PPT in groups. Students hadn't seen e-content related to any subject and were not aware of the same. S B V Kakrola MorS B V Kakrola MorInteractive assessment with studentsStudents of class 8th , 9th , 10th were interacted with. The school had one computer lab which is non operational. Theft in computer lab 5 years back made it non operational. Though students are not given computer aided learning but maximum students knew how to operate computers. Students had taken private coaching to learn computer and were enthusiastic in learning through computers. Maximum students were browsing net through mobiles. They knew how to type, use Microsoft office, paint etc. They wished to learn science lessons through e content .

Kendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Interactive Session with TeachersSl No Interactive session with teachers on computer aided learning1No of teachers trained with computer aided learning100%2Awareness about ICT related projects initiated by MHRDYes3Awareness about computer aided techniques in teaching Yes4Training received for computer aided techniques used for teaching purposeYes5Agency providing training in computer aided techniques used for teaching purposeKendriya Vidyalaya sangathan6Computer aided techniques used by you in classroom teachingMinimal7Usage of computer aided technologyECTLT(e-COMPREHENSIVE TEACHING LEARNING TOOL) Kendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Interactive Session with TeachersTeachers of Kendriya Vidayalaya sangathan, Sector 5 Dwarka, were given training on in-service computer aided learning for 11 days. All teachers were given demonstration to operate smart board . Teachers were aware of making PPT, excel, and word but made minimal use of computer aided learning for teaching their subjects. Teachers maintained e diary known as Ectlt (e-comprehensive Teaching Learning Tool)to upload their lesson plan on regular basis. KVS Sangathan had loaded sample for making PPTs and other contents to make lessons interactive. Students assignments and holiday homework are uploaded on website for students convenience. E learning material available on net is used by the teachers to aid their lessons. Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya NagarInteractive Session with TeachersSl No Interactive session with teachers on computer aided learning1No of teachers trained with computer aided learning25%2Awareness about ICT related projects initiated by MHRDsome what3Awareness about computer aided techniques in teaching some what4Training received for computer aided techniques used for teaching purposefew teachers have received5Agency providing training in computer aided techniques used for teaching purposeIntel6Computer aided techniques used by you in classroom teachingMinimal7Usage of computer aided technologyNIL Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya NagarInteractive Session with Teachers25% of teachers of Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyala, Malviya Nagar were given inservice computer aided teaching learning training. Few teacher knew how to make PPT presentations. Teachers usage of E content in their subjects is minimal. Though there is one computer lab in the school, teachers hardly visit lab. New teaching methods are least used. S B V Kakrola MorInteractive Session with TeachersTeachers of SBV Kakrola Mor, Evening shift were not aware of ICT initiative and were not given any training for computer aided techniques used in teaching. Teachers were taking least initiative in teaching classes. Basic necessity of light was not taken care of in evening classes and students were studying in dark. Teacher were not aware of e learning content related to their subjects.

Kendriya Vidayalaya School, Sector 5, Dwarka Interactive Session with School HeadSl No Interactive session with School Head on computer aided learning1Computer aided learning was launched in the year20032Scheme under which computer aided learning was introducedKVS Scheme3Supplier of computer equipmentsHeadqurter KVS4Training provider for handling computer hardware and softwareLocal coputer Vendor5Number of computers installed in computer lab110 with 3 labs6Supply of battery backup for computers in case of power failureUPS with 15 mins7Number of students can be accommodated in computer lab30-40 students8Extent of integration of computer aided learning with classroom curriculum 25% with subjects taught9Number of teachers comfortable in using computer software100%10Teachers involvement in computer aided programmesomewhat11Number of computers in working conditions 100%12Annual Maintainance contract for lab is maintainedYes13Maintenance of computers is withLocal vendor15Resource material available for computer aided learning Visulaliser, smart board, projector, Econtent diaryS B V Kakrola MorInteractive Session with School HeadVice Principal of the school showed the computer lab which was non functional. Due to theft 5 years back, all computers were non operational. Though on papers the computers are functional and are receiving regular maintenance. The computer lab was so small the it could accommodate only 15 students. The school had projector, TV and other ICT infrastructure but such equipments were rarely used for students benefits.Conclusion

4 of the 7 schools we visited did not even have a computer lab for the students and one of the school had a computer lab but it was not functional.Findings from responses collected from the remaining 2 schools:1 to 3 computer labsSkills were imparted by school teachersUse of computers is restricted to playing games, paint or making PPTs.

FINDINGSTeacher:Most teachers were aware about ICT@ School Initiative.They were given training in how to use computers and skills acquired were restricted to using MS PowerPoint.No computer aided techniques were used by them in actual class room teaching.Strengths of ICTIndividualization of learningInteractivityLow per unit cost Distance and climate insensitiveCan serve multiple teaching functions and diverse audiencesHigh speed delivery, wide reach at low costUniform quality1st pt: This means that people learn as individuals and not as a homogenous group. ICTs allow each individual to relate to the medium and its content.2nd pt: Interactivity is the way in which a person can relate to the content, go forward and backward in the content, start at any point depending upon prior knowledge instead of always in a sequential way.3rd pt: Per person, ICTs reduce the cost of education from very high to very low.4th pt: It does not matter where you are, or how the weather is, you can still access and learn from ICTs.5th pt: ICTs, especially the computer and Internet based can be useful in drill and practice; to help diagnose and solve problems, for accessing information and knowledge about various related themes.6th pt: There is instant delivery of information.7th pt: If content is well produced and is of good quality, the same quality can be delivered to the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural equally and at the same low cost.36Weaknesses of ICTHigh infrastructure and start up costsTend toward centralized uniform content in economies of scaleAre not ideally location and problem sensitiveProblems of reach, access, remainTend to create new class of knowledge rich/knowledge poorHard to assess impactOfficers, trainers need reorientation and retrainingCall for attitudinal change to understanding of teaching and learning1st pt: It costs money to build ICT systems and to maintain them.2nd pt: The larger the numbers, the lower the cost. This means that sometimes we try to reach large numbers so we make content common, not taking into account individual differences.3rd pt: Address problems in a general way, but cannot, without special effort, solve local and culturally sensitive problems.4th pt: Not everyone has equal access; so not everyone benefits equally from the use of ICTs.5th pt: Those who have access and knowledge through the media become richer and those who do not become poorer, widening the knowledge or digital gap between rich and poor.6th pt: Learning from ICT delivered content is difficult to assess since such learning is of a multidimensional and long term kind, rather than from immediate learning assessment as in a classroom test.7th pt: Just as people learn to use ICTs, trainers and officers also need training - something they sometimes resent.8th pt: These are different media and have a different way of teaching from what we are accustomed to therefore, they need different ways of understanding what teaching and learning is all about.37Benefits of ICT in Education

Disadvantages of ICTIt may create a digital divide within class as students who are more familiar with ICT will reap more benefits and learn faster than those who are not as technology savvy.It may shift the attention from the primary goal of the learning process to developing ICT skills, which is the secondary goal. It can affect the bonding process between the teacher and the student as ICT becomes a communication tool rather than face to face conversation and thus the transactional distance is increased.Also since not all teachers are experts with ICT they may be lax in updating the course content online which can slow down the learning among students.The potential of plagiarism is high as student can copy information rather than learning and developing their own skills.There is a need for training all stakeholders in ICT.The cost of hardware and software can be very high.

Future Scope:E-LEARNING AND ROLE OF SMART CLASS ROOMS IN EDUCATION IN NEW ERA OF TECHNOLOGYE-learning refers to the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in educationThe extent to which e-learning assists or replaces other learning and teaching approaches is variable, ranging on a continuum from none to fully online distance learning.hybrid learning or blended learning may refer to classroom aids and laptops, or may refer to approaches in which traditional classroom time is reduced but not eliminated, and is replaced with some online learning.It is broadly synonymous with multimedia learning, technology-enhanced learning (TEL), computer-based training (CBT), computer-assisted instruction (CAI), internet-based training (IBT), web-based training (WBT), online education, virtual education, virtual learning environments (VLE) (which are also called learning platforms), m-learning, and digital educational collaboration.Forms of e-LearningThere are different forms of e-learning which are discussed as follows:Synchronous and Asynchronous: Synchronous learning occurs in real-time, with all participants interacting at that point, while asynchronous learning is self-paced and allows participants to engage in the exchange of ideas or information without the dependency of other participants involvement at the same time.

In e-learning environments, examples of synchronous communications include online real-time live teacher instruction and feedback, Skype conversations, or chat rooms or virtual classrooms where everyone is online and working collaboratively at the same time.Asynchronous learning may use technologies such as email, blogs, wikis, and discussion boards, as well as web-supported textbooks hypertext documents, audio video courses, and social networking using web 2.0. At the professional educational level, training may include virtual operating rooms.

What is a SmartclassSmartclass is a digital initiative of Educomp, Xseed, Edusys which are rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools with innovative and meaningful use of technology.Powered by the worlds largest repository of digital content mapped to Indian School Curriculum, smartclass brings in technology right next to the blackboard for teachers in the classrooms. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performance in schoolEquipments needed to implement Smart ClassThe following equipments are usually used in classrooms for providing smart education ( Computer Overhead Projector Wireless Internet Access DVD Player Smart Board

Advantages for Smart boardAppeal to audio-visual sensesVirtual field trips: Students are taken virtually to field trips while teaching, say, a teacher is covering a lesson on desert animals, using smart-board, we could give a tour of desert like Sahara or Kalahari to teach this topic.No wastage of time: In traditional type of classroom, a lot of time was wasted in drawing diagrams on the black/white boards, whereas in Smart-boards, diagrams are in memory and thus time is utilized more for the active learning part.Inbuilt library, Marker Feature, No chalk dustReferences on 23/10/2012. E-Learning: E For Education, E For Enlightenment. Retrieved from

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