
Egg, sperm and embryo freezing or Cryopreservation is a breakthrough invention in the field of fertility treatments as it allows couple with desire to have child at older age and those with serious health issues like cancer where chemotherapy or radiation may deteriorate the fertility of eggs and sperms. In India, there are not many clinics providing this method to the patients and Mother’s Lap IVF Center is a pioneer to introduce it and successfully producing results from this technique. Under this method, eggs, embryo, and sperms are stored at temperature as low as -196 degree centigrade in liquid nitrogen to save them from any biological effect. This requires highly advanced equipments and qualified staff. We boast of a state of the art laboratory to freeze these semen and embryos for uterus transfer at a later time. We have a team of specialists to supervise the entire procedure and also guide you regarding the number of embryos to be frozen by determining their quality. The quality of embryos play a vital role as poor quality may not survive the freeze and thaw process. Hence, our doctors advise you on these issues and help to take better decision without affecting the chances of pregnancy. Since cryopreservation is a relatively new technique of fertility preservation, it is yet to gain acceptance in our country and Mother’s Lap IVF Center is committed to not only provide but also to nurture it as well so that more people associate with it. Our services are highly affordable to be borne by all desirous.



Transcript of Egg

Egg, sperm and embryo freezing or Cryopreservation is a breakthrough invention in the field of fertility treatments as it allows couple with desire to have child at older age and those with serious health issues like cancer where chemotherapy or radiation may deteriorate the fertility of eggs and sperms. In India, there are not many clinics providing this method to the patients and Mother’s Lap IVF Center is a pioneer to introduce it and successfully producing results from this technique.


Under this method, eggs, embryo, and sperms are stored at temperature as low as -196 degree centigrade in liquid nitrogen to save them from any biological effect. This requires highly advanced equipments and qualified staff. We boast of a state of the art laboratory to freeze these semen and embryos for uterus transfer at a later time.


We have a team of specialists to supervise the entire procedure and also guide you regarding the number of embryos to be frozen by determining their quality. The quality of embryos play a vital role as poor quality may not survive the freeze and thaw process. Hence, our doctors advise you on these issues and help to take better decision without affecting the chances of pregnancy.


Since cryopreservation is a relatively new technique of fertility preservation, it is yet to gain acceptance in our country and Mother’s Lap IVF Center is committed to not only provide but also to nurture it as well so that more people associate with it. Our services are highly affordable to be borne by all desirous.